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Does the egg or the sperm contain "our soul"? (17)

1 Name: archadmiral!ISvQ2vSsZc : 2012-10-04 18:15 ID:pTw0fgHr [Del]

We for the most part claim to have a soul or well at least we all understand we can control our own body, but lets assume that the same egg and sperm if they met with different egg and sperm, and they created two different humans, where would our souls reside?

just an interesting question i been pondering, and a little hey im back been so busy with life but whats up guys.. help me answer this with some theories..

2 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-10-04 18:25 ID:yDzZwZWU [Del]

There is a theory that the soul doesn't actually enter a body until it is capable of surviving on it's own - This assumes there is a kind of "pool" or "reservoir" of souls that only enter the mortal plane when their particular chosen vessel is ready to support them.

If you followed this theory, then your question would be moot - As the sperm and egg wouldn't affect the soul at all, it would just be the tools to create a living organism capable of holding one.

The orient has the idea of "yin" and "yang", where our soul is a composite of the two - So one egg is one yin, and one sperm is one yang. Following this, our souls reside in all eggs and sperm, and only come into a complete form once mixed.

So there are no 'individual' souls, so much as a huge range of 'possible' souls.

I don't actually have a personal theory on this - because honestly, I don't care. But these are some possible avenues that you may not have known about or considered regarding the question.

3 Name: King Dude !zXqFpoplY6 : 2012-10-04 20:21 ID:MOniiH6c [Del]

You're playing with fire here.

I believe it takes both for a person to be made.

4 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-10-04 21:00 ID:ukKh6JNL [Del]

I usually answer most of the topics of discussion here, but I have no opinion on this matter. I don't really care.

5 Name: Black!BLACKFJv1Q : 2012-10-04 21:56 ID:J/gR8Cx/ [Del]

Then don't bother posting.
A thread's built for discussion and opinions on a subject.
Someone saying that they don't care about a topic contributes nothing, and only lets people in the thread know just what they can see:
A poster who cares about a topic enough to post just how much they don't care about it.
If that's not ironic, I'm not sure what is.
If any one poster managed to go through all the threads and posted: "I don't really care about this" on every thread they saw, imagine how little conversation would actually happen.
(Yes, that's an exaggeration)

Simply skip over it and look for more interesting topics to discuss.

6 Name: kurochaos : 2012-10-04 22:48 ID:FYkvofAs [Del]

I think they only contain half the soul each, or at least the material to make the soul. COnsidering both a sperm and egg only contain half the genetic material that makes us a person it would make sense the each contains half of our soul.

7 Name: Kraskia : 2012-10-05 10:31 ID:B+hyLeTC [Del]

I think that if the same egg and sperm used to create YOU met with a different egg and sperm and created two different humans then those two humans would NOT have half of you in them. Two completely separate new souls would be made and YOU would never have existed.

UNLESS "that time travel theory" is correct where if you change the past drastically then the same people will still know each other. If this theory is correct then ONE of the new people made from your two halves will be you.

You also have to take into account the upbringing of the two new people. If they both have a completely different upbringing to you then neither of them will end up having a personality like you do REGARDLESS of the soul that they posses. Therefore you would have no way to tell whether one or both of them have your soul or not. You would have to have them both raised by your parents, and if you are an only child this would not work because having siblings drastically changes your personality as well.

Either way, if you ever actually tried this(which requires a time machine and is therefore impossible) you will never have been born.

8 Name: Derpy Hooves : 2012-10-05 10:32 ID:GMap1LR1 [Del]

A soul is simply sentient thought. Anything can have when it thinks for itself for the first time.

9 Name: Anime : 2012-10-05 12:47 ID:ZE/k3O7B [Del]

to be honest i think the sperm does, or that our soul is just floating around and then when we are conceved our soul is attatched to the embryo.

10 Name: o mighty zohan : 2012-10-05 13:49 ID:IEjjVTE5 [Del]

that is a buch of bullshit.

11 Name: Mi-chan : 2012-10-05 15:17 ID:XjHTf6qZ [Del]

Maybe when being birthed the squeezing causes to soul to enter the body.

12 Name: insert4528 : 2012-10-05 23:21 ID:TZ+dNA8q [Del]

Anong klaseng tanong yan?

13 Name: insert4528 : 2012-10-05 23:21 ID:TZ+dNA8q [Del]

Anong klaseng tanong yan?

14 Name: ANONYMOUS : 2012-10-06 02:15 ID:DMNzA5q2 [Del]

what the hell ??
is there anything else you can ask ?
with SENSE ... -______-

15 Name: viper : 2012-10-06 07:19 ID:3QG2cIzb [Del]


16 Name: Shiro : 2012-10-06 15:26 ID:yZY/nWNS [Del]

I would say that neither the egg nor sperm contain our souls. I think that a soul has nothing to do with our personality or anything. I think that a soul is just the separate life in this world, and that when a body is created that can contain a soul that a free soul enters it. By separate I mean when you are born, your body can live on it's own outside the mother without need of the mothers body circulating blood for you or for supplying food directly through the blood etc. I believe that spirits are what gives us consciousness and that we are born with the very basis of a spirit, like just the framework for one. While we age it changes and fills out and becomes full body through life experience and feelings.

17 Name: Mag : 2015-05-17 09:05 ID:bKUmbSeX [Del]

This is the only thing close to it.