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What is Life About (60)

1 Name: Nemesis Q : 2012-09-23 01:12 ID:3wnbin0s [Del]

I have a lot of time on my hand a lot but don't know what to do so I ask my self a lot of questions this is one of the What is Life About here is what I think its about
"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain."
what do you think it's about

2 Name: Kraskia : 2012-09-23 02:05 ID:JJ0+3bTP [Del]

I think you basically have the right idea. If you look at life as a whole then you only get overwhelmed with the possibility of everything that could happen. You have to look at always fixing your current situation and eventually your life will get better as a whole. I think the main purpose of life is to be happy, so I would never do something that I wasn't comfortable enough with. "If you don't like where you are then move, you are not a tree."

3 Name: 0013Starri : 2012-09-23 02:09 ID:MAKLCbrE [Del]

Life is art in itself. When I think about life, I picture boundless imagination, endless oppurtunity, and limitless possibilities. Life is so much more than torment and sorrow. Life is important, and will never cease to amaze me. Most think they have it bad in life, but what they don't get is, you have to enjoy the little things. It's the little things in life that matter the most. Life is not only about being grateful for what you have, but also noticing the little things that make your life wonderful. People seem to take life for granted, but that's because they don't see what they truly have that makes it great.
So when I picture life, I see art.

The only thing is, you have to make it that way. You must open your mind and heart. Only then will you be truly happy in life.

4 Name: Taiyō : 2012-09-23 02:10 ID:idTwxNca [Del]

I believe people without a purpose will always be unhappy. Spend your time trying to find a purpose. My purpose is to protect two people who are very special to me. I will do anything for them, and it makes me happy to do so. But, happy isn't the only good feeling. You should want to feel extremely sad, because with that, you'll be able to feel extremely happy. If one doesn't exist, it's opposite won't, either.

5 Name: Daisy : 2012-09-23 02:16 ID:5PPfr+84 [Del]

I think life is like a complex storm. It's saddening and depressing as well as frustruating and annoying. But life is also fun and enjoyable, with small memorable moments. Life isn't about controling the storm, it's about playing with it, and being it's companion.

6 Name: Chauallday : 2012-09-23 02:38 ID:4ZW1Z8P+ [Del]

Life is about appreciating the little things in life that really makes it memorable. Sometimes people fail to realize that even the simplest things in life make a huge difference and impact. Just becoming more aware of your environment makes life more exciting. Sadly, people don't appreciate life for how beautiful it truly is. They slip into depression because they don't immerse themselves with the people and environment around them. People become depressed because they don't involve themselves in events that make life truly amazing. It's these memories and events that really makes life incredible.

7 Name: Whisper : 2012-09-23 02:53 ID:3nvAK0Ti [Del]

I think everyone just about covered what life is for yourself. But here's what I think it is for others. Life will give you lemons when you asked for a soda. But life is about learning that, even if you dont like lemon aid, you could always make it for someone else. Use those lemons as experience so you can reach out to others. Gain friends that, when life gives them soda, will be willing to share it with you. Kinda lame, i know. But I think including others is a big part of life as well.

8 Name: Alice : 2012-09-23 06:00 ID:udGiwcmZ [Del]

life is a game where everyone is a WINNER and a LOSER.

9 Name: Shokua : 2012-09-23 06:31 ID:nKevzKSk [Del]

I think that life is about learning who you truly are. Becoming one with your innermost self so that no negative thing anyone ever says about you can hurt you.

10 Name: Elunore!HIwambGeWE : 2012-09-23 07:14 ID:xS6Tlrzo [Del]


11 Name: Nobody : 2012-09-23 09:45 ID:B6mScvb0 [Del]

Life has no meaning. You are the only one who can create the meaning it needs.

12 Name: Emo Ulquiorra : 2012-09-23 11:07 ID:debfhqfZ [Del]

Life is a pointless existence.We are puppets for god's twisted sense of humor.He watches us suffer and never does a thing.People pray for help,but the only words they hear are their own demise.This is humanities punishment of sin to themselves.Humans walk around day to day with their gadgets just to get away from the miserable lives their in.Man try to get deeper and deeper into a technological world to cover its hellish mistakes of existence,knowing now its already too late but never say a word to anyone about it.Life is very sickining.

13 Name: Raziel : 2012-09-23 12:58 ID:4b43szH3 [Del]

Life is a struggle; a nuisance to some, pointless to others, and a reward for few. We are born, we live through heartbreak, doubt, mistrust, sadness, happy times, and then we die, all the while wondering if we could've done something better, maybe changed the world in even one little way. Life is not easy, we lose those we care about and wonder if the world is what it seems. We may lose everything because of one little mess up. Life is a challenge, but it is up to you if you rise to meet it or cower and run.

14 Name: KowaiNeko : 2012-09-23 13:06 ID:S1Fsgj8f [Del]

As my teacher says, "life is hard and then you die."
There's truth to that. But life us much more meaningful than just that. Everyone has a purposeful life, you just have to find it!
About a year ago I was incredibly depressed, I needed a purpose in life. In The end I'm still not sure what my purpose is, but u have a goal. And reaching this goal is what keeps me going.
Make a goal for yourself, something that will take hard work and dedication to reach, and something that makes you happy.
Go out and find your own meaning and purpose in life. That's how things work. It's your decision.

15 Post deleted by user.

16 Name: Shiki : 2012-09-23 14:51 ID:nmwOusl8 [Del]

Well life as a whole I don’t think any human really knows, but everyone has a reason for being.

In a destiny sense even if Person A has no real major purpose he could say or do something that affects Person X who does do something because that thing that Person A did. Another similar one would be Person A has a child who has a child, and so on till Person Z is born who has some affect.

On a personal reason everyone has a reason for living; to survive one more day, to fall in love, to change the world, to take revenge on someone. The reasons are infinite, but in short terms people goals or are afraid to die!

17 Post deleted by user.

18 Name: Black!BLACKFJv1Q : 2012-09-26 19:10 ID:J/gR8Cx/ [Del]


19 Name: Not Chesty : 2012-09-26 19:14 ID:pqdAUyGV [Del]

Pretty interesting and a great question

I myself have been wondering the same thing

I guess it varies from person to person

20 Name: Black!BLACKFJv1Q : 2012-09-26 19:18 ID:J/gR8Cx/ [Del]


21 Name: Black!BLACKFJv1Q : 2012-09-26 19:19 ID:J/gR8Cx/ [Del]

Bump with the tears of a burnt FAQ.

22 Name: Black!BLACKFJv1Q : 2012-09-26 19:21 ID:J/gR8Cx/ [Del]


23 Name: Black!BLACKFJv1Q : 2012-09-26 19:22 ID:J/gR8Cx/ [Del]


24 Name: Black!BLACKFJv1Q : 2012-09-26 19:25 ID:J/gR8Cx/ [Del]


25 Name: Black!BLACKFJv1Q : 2012-09-26 19:29 ID:J/gR8Cx/ [Del]


26 Name: Elunore!HIwambGeWE : 2012-09-26 19:33 ID:h9OEMbX4 [Del]


27 Name: Elunore!HIwambGeWE : 2012-09-26 19:36 ID:h9OEMbX4 [Del]


28 Name: Elunore's Mobile : 2012-09-26 19:39 ID:h9OEMbX4 [Del]

Bump over idiocy

29 Name: Black!BLACKFJv1Q : 2012-09-26 19:40 ID:J/gR8Cx/ [Del]


30 Name: Hatash !22a9AUn3RU : 2012-09-26 19:40 ID:eRssE9Tl [Del]


31 Name: Elunore's Mobile : 2012-09-26 19:41 ID:h9OEMbX4 [Del]

Bump over same stuff that's been going on for an hour.

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33 Post deleted by user.

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35 Name: executionerzz : 2012-11-10 23:53 ID:q6PRHf/b [Del]

I am here to help others, what the others are here for I have no idea.

36 Post deleted by user.

37 Name: Cabe : 2012-11-12 13:23 ID:2KSruyzP [Del]

It's what you want it to mean. But another beings want you to be a slave.

38 Name: zolraK : 2012-11-12 14:03 ID:CSjgMytZ [Del]

I'm here to laugh my ass off at dumbasses.

39 Name: Forte_Sigma!ljEVVXEJNE : 2012-11-12 14:19 ID:cjRZ0caJ [Del]

>>38 bet that's fulfilling.
Finding the key to happiness..and reaching self-actualization...
only when you reach you realize what true happiness is.

Anyone that says the meaning of life is centered around love is a hopeless romantic.
Some people never find love and consider themselves to have found happiness or to have led a fulfilling life.
As long as you lay on your deathbed with no have found it.

40 Post deleted by user.

41 Name: Idk : 2012-11-12 16:35 ID:cc1o49uw [Del]


42 Name: ChocolateSquirrel : 2014-11-20 13:55 ID:HIGptO8D [Del]

I think life is just a road we're on until we reach our destination (metaphors!) That destination would be death. Life definitly seems really pointless. So unless there's a reason for living we haven't figured out yet, life is meaningless and we have no choice in dying at some point, whatever happens after death must be pretty important. Sure, we don't know if anything happens after we die, but if no one can come back from the dead, how would we know? If death is nessesary, there must be some reason we have to die, even if we have no idea what that reason is.

43 Name: Himeboshi : 2014-11-20 14:05 ID:ZZUWSYno [Del]

Well I think that it would be necessary not to be afraid of " getting wet " if, "dance" in the rain mean it. Then, I think that you should not be afraid of experiencing...

44 Name: Rukimii : 2014-11-20 15:52 ID:9pwJf3X6 [Del]

I've read a quote before about how one is pondering about the meaning of life. If you are that one, you will find nothing.
I agree to that quote somewhat. I mean, I'm the type of person to also think about life

In other words, I think that something, at least something, whatever it could be that relates to your question, will be found when you experience this so-called variety of 'life'

45 Name: Aia : 2014-11-20 19:30 ID:TknOD/w5 [Del]

Life is about making choices. It's like a maze full of tricks and turns there is no dead end every path you choose is right but some path is short or long without meaning or with meaning but each path would lead to one and final destination. DEATH. Life is about the journey.

46 Name: the actor : 2014-11-20 20:40 ID:9ySZw+qX [Del]

LIfe itself is a bit pointless. if humans didn't exist, then what impact would it have on this universe? we are but a small part in the fabric of time and space.
The "point" of human life is to find one on your own. You don't have a set "destiny", written in stone. Or maybe if you're religious your life would be dedicated to becoming more like "god" or something. Really it's all you choice on how you react to the things life throws at you. Every action that you make will lead to a consequence that might be good or bad. One thing I will say is, don't bind your whole life to that quote, it's good to remember quotes like that. Heck, I have a mural of different quotes on my wall, life's about making YOU'RE OWN purpose, the way you see the world, how you think, Life is about creating the one and final you. And remember, life's a Bi** so if its easy, you might be doing it wrong. And I'll just put this in, death is the final stage when you realize who you are exactly.

47 Name: Anonymous : 2014-11-20 20:55 ID:y0iDZi8g [Del]

Life is life, infinite and expanding, succeeding and failing.
I can only say this, nothing more, because life is defined differently by everyone, instead of asking others, why not ask your self what life is to yourself and see what answer you come up with, I do this a lot and every time I do the answer seems to evolve.

48 Name: Lovely !YLCyt3kDBA : 2014-11-20 22:18 ID:2vVIlM2s [Del]

Life is history, it is miracles, it is happy, it is normal. Life can mean so many things depending on the person in question. I really think life is just leading to death. The moment you are born you are dying. Do you get me? It is something that we must all experience, just as death. Life and death go hand in hand. Each is a present, being brought into the world and finally being brought out. Either you make it or you don't. You can stay a simple person or not, either way you're breathing and one day you won't. Life is what you want to make it to be until the day you die and the day you die you should be satisfied with the results of your life, because it was yours. No matter how absolutely horrible it was, it was yours and only yours. No one else will share the same experience as you so basically, I guess we can dwindle that down to the ever so cliche "You Only Live Once".

49 Name: rere : 2014-11-20 22:48 ID:bU8B7DRu [Del]

Maybe life is just the waiting room for death, and when you die the real adventure begins...

50 Name: phant0m : 2014-11-21 08:42 ID:CPcEp52P [Del]

when we keep doing the same thing over and over again everyday we see life being a pointless thing that we have to go through before we are dead.
but yeah, there is surely something more than this right? like, why do humans exist? doesn't it bother you? why are we here today?

51 Name: Miko : 2014-11-22 23:55 ID:qmCCK+F5 [Del]

What I want to know is what happens when we die?

52 Name: Emily19 : 2014-11-23 00:07 ID:vXclSOO7 [Del]

Life is just a game.It is being controlled by a flaky god who gambles every life.He is dancing a string around us making all this silly rules and our lives depends on a dice.

53 Name: LeighaMoscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2014-11-23 11:24 ID:5XPSIKu8 [Del]

This seems like a deep discussion that could go on the front page

54 Name: HeartbeaKnight : 2015-01-17 09:32 ID:qKou1H/S [Del]


55 Name: Yondaime : 2015-01-17 12:51 ID:n1VE8g6P [Del]

Life is meaningless my friend. We do not exist for any particular purpose, and it is in this that the beauty of life lies. If your life is not tied down by any higher purpose, if we do not move forward to any grander fate, then we are free to give life our own meaning, to do what we wish with our time on earth. Who you are, who you become and where the road takes you all depends on you. Because in a meaningless existence there are no walls or ceilings to hold you in place.

56 Name: Observer : 2015-01-17 14:52 ID:gPidRkle [Del]

life in itself has no meaning, save for the meaning or purpose we give it.

57 Name: asy : 2015-01-17 17:51 ID:fvGnl+wV [Del]

I really don't think about. I just... keep living. Keep waking up in the morning and live.

58 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-07-31 14:01 ID:bKUmbSeX [Del]


59 Name: Anonymous : 2015-07-31 14:07 ID:QyEkFH/E [Del]


60 Name: Mudial : 2015-08-01 03:37 ID:5rhSIHjf [Del]

Life in my opinion is something finite and easily end at any time possible, but at the same time i do think that life is something that infinite. The potential of a life is infinty, will the potential grow or decreased it's all up to the bearer of it, i say life is just like that. Forgive me if i am not particulary clear about this.