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What Does it Mean to be Human? (46)

1 Name: curiosity : 2012-09-22 16:43 ID:ZJeicUmN [Del]

We were doing an exorcise in Psychology class and our teacher asked us this question. In groups we were supposed to answer it, but i have no clue. I want to know your opinions on what it means to be human, why are we here, what is out purpose? things like that :)

2 Name: RainyDevil !niZA0bIz7k : 2012-09-22 16:50 ID:lAp0LF4f [Del]

I like this one.
For me, a human being is anything that can rationally process thought and use subjective formulas to analyze reality. That comes to mean: human is anything that can feel emotions and judge it's surroundings based on own opinion.
Now, hater time: remind me what I didn't include.

3 Name: curiosity : 2012-09-22 17:19 ID:ZJeicUmN [Del]

:O thats a good one, i never thought of that
lol hater time? xD

4 Name: Ehrlich : 2012-09-22 17:32 ID:kCG6vjJF [Del]

I'd say that you forgot to include "being a member of the same Genus and species as Homo sapiens." I mean, otherwise, this opens up to things that are, subjectively, not human. For instance, if you've ever had a pet, you can certainly say that they act human, you may even consider them part of your family (I know I do), but, would you say they ARE human?

...Sorry, taking a break from studying for my bio stuff :P

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6 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-09-22 17:51 ID:aZrvfA1E [Del]

I don't think humans have a purpose. Humans are just animals who walk on two legs. We can utilize technology and think in-depth, but we aren't physically strong compared to most animals and tend to override our natural instincts (rarely for good reason). We have opposable thumbs and have both land-based and aquatic features. We also have a strange obsession with claiming land and privately owning things we don't need.

That's about it. Add a bunch of biological bullshit and you have the description of a humam.

We're here to live, fuck shit up, and die. If God exists, then apparently, his purpose of making us was to kill of other creatures and destroy the earth while we plunge ourselves in social delicacies and sin until we die. (Psst. If God exists, then he must be pretty sadomasochist. He likes to watch us kill each other and destroy everything he has created.)

Well, hopefully I haven't offended anyone with that, but that's my raw opinion on the matter.

7 Name: HeartbeatKnight : 2012-09-22 21:20 ID:LNgqqV4K [Del]

In short I think our race is destined for greatness. We weren't born to just follow our primal instincts. Through dispair some of us find our innermost stength.... I know that this strength is enough to get us through the edeavors that are to come. In the spirit of the eleventh hour, miracles come and problems shatter.


8 Name: GodHatesFags!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2012-09-22 22:22 ID:t+gp5YCs [Del]


9 Name: dxb!!1iXgfdW/ : 2012-09-22 22:34 ID:ZQcxFpkC [Del]

"What it means to be human": It means that we strive to break the bonds that restrict us from doing something. In other words we find ways to make the "impossible" possible. People are always looking to improve their lives or life in general. Animals run from or don't do the things that will most likely kill them where as (most)humans look at the problem, think it through and find a way around it (examples: guns for fighting, air tanks for under water diving, or phones for communication).

"Why we here/what are is out purpose": That is up to the person living to decide. Some people would say "I'm here to preach the word of god", "I'm here to make life better", or "I'm here to cure (insert random medical problem here)"; where as other(more insane) people would say "I'm here to create a pure world", "I'm here to take revenge", or "I'm here to warn people of the upcoming zombie apocalypse next year".

10 Name: dxb!!1iXgfdW/ : 2012-09-22 22:36 ID:ZQcxFpkC [Del]

>>9 those are my views anyways.

11 Name: cedaeillo : 2012-09-22 23:28 ID:nVqNBWGN [Del]

what does it mean to be human?

to live through hell (and by hell i simply mean life). we never make it out alive, so what's the point?

technically speaking.

12 Name: Shokua : 2012-09-23 06:35 ID:nKevzKSk [Del]

I believe it is to live to help other human beings. Offer your assistance wherever it may be needed and good people will graciously accept it. Those who would squander your offer and attempt to deride you, well, I don't believe they deserve the title "human being".

13 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-09-23 06:45 ID:aZrvfA1E [Del]

>>8 No.

14 Name: Elunore!HIwambGeWE : 2012-09-23 07:14 ID:xS6Tlrzo [Del]


15 Name: Jormungand : 2012-09-23 11:41 ID:XIfxmaVo [Del]

Not really twelve. We are here because uncountable chemical processes in random order resulted in us. We have no purpose, the closest we have are biological drives which are processes that make us do things to continue.

16 Name: Tron : 2012-09-23 11:51 ID:2i0DEkV8 [Del]

I think the simple answer for me is this: We are human because we are searching for meaning. We are trying to make meaning out of something, anything, everything.

17 Name: Rayne : 2012-09-23 12:13 ID:cgjQdjWj [Del]

To be human is to just live. To worry about the future, dwell in the past, or just to live as life goes on! Being human is what you make of it! Its your soul oppinion on how you want your life to be, and even if you dont get what you want, you make the best of what you get! Being hmuan is what you are, who you are, what you think, what you believe in, what you hate, what you like, what your personality is, the way you believe in, how you choose to live, how you choose to act, what you make of the situations youre in, wether it be good or bad. We are here for the soul purpose to just to live, so others can reflect off of others, so other and ourselfs to make bad and good decisions. We need no other motive other than to just see how everything turns out! Then agian. What we call reality is based off of what we think is true and what is wrong. What we choose to belive is real and not real. Basicly life is based off of what you choose to be real. The world you choose to live in could just be a safe haven from the truth. (HOPE THIS HELPED :D)

18 Name: Rayne : 2012-09-23 12:31 ID:cgjQdjWj [Del]

Then agian. "Water; 35 litres. Carbon; 20kg. Ammonia; 4 litres. Lime; 1.5kg. Phosperus; 800g. Salt; 250 g. Niter; 100g. Sulphur; 80g. Fluorine; 7.5g. Iron; 5g. Silicon; 3g. And fifteen other elements in small quantities. Those are the elements to make an average adult human body. You can buy these elemental ingredients at the market with the pocket money of a child. Humans are made so cheaply." ~ Edward Elric.

19 Name: Raziel : 2012-09-23 12:50 ID:4b43szH3 [Del]

To me, part of being human is the struggles you face, whether you make it through or not because of your amount of determination. But I also think that we go through many pointless struggles because some rich or powerful bastard wants to make us dance like puppets to entertain himself. We struggle to find purpose in what we do, we may even think about this our whole lives and die without an answer. Or maybe the answer is revealed in the shadow of death. We humans are creatures that are unsure of almost everything, even of the intentions of those around us. We can be the most deceitful and cold hearted person you've ever met, and then we can turn around and be an angel that loves truth and honesty in the next second. We expect things that we do not give or have to be given to us, in both material things and things like honesty.
That is my view on humans.

20 Name: GayGod72 : 2014-03-26 21:08 ID:AhAKJNI0 [Del]

To be slaves. Human beings were created (that is, invented)
via genetic experiments that were conducted by
reptilian aliens. These reptilian aliens, also known
as the "Anunnaki" or the "Reptilians," still rule the
Earth to this day.

In fact, the Reptilians have indoctrinated you so
thoroughly that you are probably too weak-minded to
even fathom that they exist. Via religion, science, and
other forms of indoctrination (i.e., brainwashing), the
Reptilians have steered you (and the rest of humanity)
in the exact opposite direction of the truth, to the point
where the concept of an alien master/creator is
considered to be the ultimate crazy fantasy.

"Many can accept the concept of 'God' or a Supreme Intelligence, but they are stifled when they try to comprehend alien beings. This is partially because of religious and other forms of programming and indoctrination. Many think so narrowly that they believe that the human race is the only intelligence in all Creation" (Amitakh Stanford, "Anunnaki Sewage Plants").

As with humanity, the truth is also an enemy of the Reptilians.

21 Name: Baron : 2014-03-26 21:43 ID:WGLcbRE4 [Del]

...Ok then...

Well what it means to be human? There will be a variety of answers, and I might not even have it right, but I'll give it a try from the top of my head.

Honestly, I've never approached a subject like this. "What it means to be human?" In religion, it would be to worship and bring glory to their God. In science it would be opposable thumbs, being able to walk upright, and the high intelligence we have, ect. In society, it would be being beautiful and famous. Everyone has their own views and options.
Although, in my own mind and views, I think it would be to find your destiny and bring fulfillment into your existence. I am a religious person as well, so I think that bringing glory to my God is also a part of why life was created. Wait, this is more like why are we here stuff, so let me try this again.

But being human itself, I think it would be our 'almost free will ', since the universe and God has already set our path for us. Just check out the, "Is free will real?" thread, posted there already.
So yeah, the ability to make our own choices without having animal instinct and stuff like that. We aren't held back by human nature. Well yes, human nature is to sin, just look at the thread,"Are humans good or bad?" thread. (Honestly I'm posting everywhere...)

The ability to reason and the inner soul inside of us are what makes us human. "Free will" and the ability to recognize what is right or wrong too. I have many other points that makes us human, but most of them are based off religion, so I'll hold that off so I won't offend anyone. By the way, good luck trying to find an answer, Curiosity. Looks like a lot to scroll through...


22 Name: Daownlyone : 2014-03-26 21:58 ID:sm38Oy3Y [Del]

To be human, eh?

That's a harsh question.

We humans have a "scientific" purpose, which is to really, well, reproduce and continue surviving. Scientifically, we really are just made to survive.

However, in a way, humans are unique. We can make our own purposes. Even if, scientifically, we are made to only reproduce, we have made many purposes for ourselves. Your dreams. Your goals. Everything or anything that we want.

In other words, to be human is really just to be whoever you want. To do whatever you want.

23 Name: Daownlyone : 2014-03-26 21:58 ID:sm38Oy3Y [Del]

To be human, eh?

That's a harsh question.

We humans have a "scientific" purpose, which is to really, well, reproduce and continue surviving. Scientifically, we really are just made to survive.

However, in a way, humans are unique. We can make our own purposes. Even if, scientifically, we are made to only reproduce, we have made many purposes for ourselves. Your dreams. Your goals. Everything or anything that we want.

In other words, to be human is really just to be whoever you want. To do whatever you want.

24 Name: Daownlyone : 2014-03-26 21:58 ID:sm38Oy3Y [Del]

To be human, eh?

That's a harsh question.

We humans have a "scientific" purpose, which is to really, well, reproduce and continue surviving. Scientifically, we really are just made to survive.

However, in a way, humans are unique. We can make our own purposes. Even if, scientifically, we are made to only reproduce, we have made many purposes for ourselves. Your dreams. Your goals. Everything or anything that we want.

In other words, to be human is really just to be whoever you want. To do whatever you want.

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29 Name: foreversigh!wQfr6KA0vQ : 2014-03-26 22:49 ID:Q5HnR9GG [Del]

In my opinion what it means to be human is to question life and our existence. We have the ability to think so if we don't use it to ponder about things then we aren't much different to animals. People don't think nearly enough about things like our purpose and life after death and just live life only caring about the everyday life things. In the long run what happens after our death will probably be way more important than anything from this life. If we just live a normal life only caring about this world and not the next then we just become purposeless robots. I'm not sure if that answered your question but I do think that people are losing there humanity and turning into robots. Or maybe it's the opposite and humans are like robots but now we are starting to evolve. If that was any help to you then I'm glad to help :D

30 Name: kamura : 2014-03-27 08:22 ID:bCwFdGUi [Del]

animals do think, they are not only functioning on instinct, they too can think, and they also make choices.

and i agree with you n the whole pondering on life after death, i have always not much cared for my everday life, and hav always wondering about dying, i love death infact, and i want to see where people really go when they die.

31 Name: kamura : 2014-03-27 08:22 ID:bCwFdGUi [Del]

animals do think, they are not only functioning on instinct, they too can think, and they also make choices.

and i agree with you n the whole pondering on life after death, i have always not much cared for my everday life, and hav always wondering about dying, i love death infact, and i want to see where people really go when they die.

32 Name: CagedBird : 2014-03-27 21:41 ID:WPVmD4tV [Del]

being human means your constantly fighting with yourself, your constantly conflicted. you're always thinking about what's right vs. wrong, and which you side under.
You're constantly considering things that animals may not even fathom to ponder. Things like death, or Mainly - what happens to us after that.

"Why are we here"
This question is especially difficult to answer...

But I mean, does one need a reason to "be here"?
The fact that mankind is such a rarity could mean perhaps we're a sort of prototype.
Which would also answer the "what's our purpose" question as well.

33 Name: g00dnight : 2014-03-28 01:27 ID:UoVGphRM [Del]

To survive.

34 Name: Sejin !PKt//nzxc2 : 2014-03-28 04:51 ID:ne4vWOnn [Del]

What does it mean to be human? Well, in one sense we're animals, but we have higher cognitive functions than other animals (at least, as far as we know). In another sense, we can be very logical, like computers. However, the logical ability of computers far exceeds that of humans. So, what, then, is the domain of humans?

Well, I'm sure I don't know the whole answer, but this may be part of it: we are neither excessively instinctual nor excessively logical. This middle ground gives us the ability to blend logic and emotion, and harmonize them with each other, finding the right balance for each particular context as we encounter it.

35 Name: HeartbeatKnight : 2015-03-29 00:16 ID:xMnj2ks0 [Del]

To survive.
To express.
To do alchemy.
To create.

36 Name: doomthinker51 : 2015-03-29 01:43 ID:ryBOAoTA [Del]

To be human is to live, grow, learn, love, and die. Humans are just humans we live to love, grow, learn, and suffer. Humans grow to become something in the world they grow to learn, live and suffer. Humans learn because of the urge inside to we learn to become new things, love new things, and learn how to be unique. Humans love because it's needed humans crave love they love to hate things, like things, and idolize things. Humans suffer to grow, learn , live and love suffering is how we learn alot of things weather it be physical, mental or emotionally. This is what I believe humans are thanks for reading and I hope I helped

37 Name: jill : 2015-03-29 01:47 ID:f12yHty9 [Del]

TO make mistakes.

38 Name: Shizuo : 2015-03-29 02:39 ID:2Md67CeZ [Del]

It is a very hard question, well I think to be human is to live, to express our emotion, to grow, to learn, to create, and to die, we can do many things in our lives, if we can't do these what is our purpose of living, we experience many things that we can use in our lives, we live and we die, but we can never forget these experience in our lives, well that's my answer

39 Name: Baka Neko~ : 2015-03-29 03:07 ID:Q+Ge43XX [Del]

To be human ughhhh~.....The church says to protect and care the god gave us and its the earth and living things, while my science teacher says to produce another generation to continue the life or whatever...but for me its to live and afterwards die.

40 Name: Yuri !0UZD1OR/j. : 2015-03-29 05:35 ID:gQS4OW8U [Del]

To live of course -_-
Actually, we humans don't know the truth.
We are just here. that's all.
Even experts can't answer how or why should we be human? or why do we half to live.
But CONTENTMENT exist to make us understand this beautiful chance that has given to us- To live in the world.

41 Name: Kanra : 2015-03-29 05:44 ID:CMzms6dP [Del]

>>40 that's a good answer but isn't not knowing the truth a main factor on our purpose of living.. To be put on a simple statement isn't finding what our purpose on this planet our purpose of living..

wait that just makes it a little harder let me rephrase it.. Isn't finding our meaning/happiness in life our purpose from the very beginning .. you know like in a game where you start not knowing anything and then you figured there is something you can do and ended up saving the world that kind of thing.. -sigh- looks like even I'm getting lost now

42 Name: Anonymous : 2015-03-29 10:02 ID:ltqdEUMz [Del]

To leave an imprint on this world, good or bad is the reason (many claim) for our existence.Some exist to good things and let it pay off in the next life.Some do good things so that people will recognize them. Some people want to set the world on fire just to watch it burn.

43 Name: SIlbeo Cheonsa : 2015-03-29 10:15 ID:MdQ63EzE [Del]

To be human is to be what we are; somehow, sometime, we worked our way up to be the most intelligent, most innovative species [of this world]. We have a mindset, also, that allows us to travel, and to discover new things, and actually DO THINGS with those discoveries.

Though we don't really know our goal in life- many people claim to know it -we still reach for some unidentifiable ambition. We strive to build, to learn, to love, and to explore. We, as humans, are merely animals, and human is a name we gave ourselves.

So, in conclusion, to be human is to be us, as I said before. It's a title we put upon this species, just as we have other species. We reached the top of the food chain because we strove for something new, something exciting; and that, my friends is what being human is.

44 Name: Yuurei !l6b21W13yM : 2015-03-29 15:39 ID:M59I9dgr [Del]

In my own opinion, what makes us human is the fact that we all act human. THats about it, honestly

45 Name: Ethan : 2015-03-29 15:54 ID:UQ2KPMxh [Del]

I think it's more the posesion of a human body that makes us human. I don't hate anyone for thinking different but when all is said and done, it's all we really are.

46 Name: Nia-San : 2015-03-29 20:17 ID:vpwxA5RH [Del]

This post gets me every time to be honest. At first, I thought: "Well, it's about human emotions and the ability to convey and comprehend emotions." But now that I think of it there's people out there who can't do that. Then I thought: "What about the ability of evolution and self teachings?" But that wouldn't work either, because humans have ranging intellects and understandings. Personally, there are human beings calling other human beings "Inhuman". What does this mean and will this solve this hard deduction? What makes them say that and if this "inhuman" person do the opposite of what they're doing will it make them "human"? Well there's uncivilized people, corrupt, "fucked up" and many other synonyms to this opposite aspect of "being human". So I suppose, the real 100$ question to solve this is: What makes us inhuman?