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First Jobs (40)

1 Name: Boomer : 2012-06-11 22:23 ID:4B+QytOq [Del]

Finally trying to get a job, but am a tad picky about it, so I thought I'd ask what everyone else did for a first job, and whether or not they actually liked it.

2 Name: Link : 2012-06-11 22:32 ID:GCWGJLUH [Del]

Lol im working at taco bell, its not bad. there really nice, and im a shy person, and now im friends with all of em.

3 Name: BlackStar !El1EdVQldQ : 2012-06-11 22:36 ID:FvWk5rqz [Del]

i worked at a super market dont work at a super market.

4 Name: ThisRandomKid : 2012-06-11 22:37 ID:YrpSMkGF [Del]

I'm looking for a job hopefully, that I call back back for an interview.

5 Name: RK !kY4i.AMUI2 : 2012-06-11 22:39 ID:4uWrVdzu [Del]

I am considering applying for a job at some movie theaters in my area (there are a ton).

6 Name: anubis !uSezxvwowc : 2012-06-11 22:41 ID:dvip7ftD [Del]

>>4 Try calling them and asking for an interview, they like that.

I can't tell you much, considering I don't start work until Saturday, but I've landed a job as a kitchen assistant at a summer camp. We get to live at the camp and run some of the activities for the campers.

7 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-06-11 23:04 ID:9xpZhoHG [Del]

Is this really Main worthy? Wouldn't it be for Random, or Personal?

8 Name: RK !kY4i.AMUI2 : 2012-06-11 23:07 ID:4uWrVdzu [Del]

This is highly possible.

9 Name: anubis !uSezxvwowc : 2012-06-11 23:10 ID:dvip7ftD [Del]

>>7 Huh, you do have a point. Then again, didn't we get a "what do you want to be" thread on here? Don't quote me on that, I could be wrong.

10 Name: Bob : 2012-06-11 23:23 ID:+cZj1JU3 [Del]

Wrong board. This is better suited for personal.

11 Name: Shokua : 2012-06-12 02:25 ID:gyh+goKq [Del]

I worked as a maintenance guy at a campground for my first job; it wasn't too bad.

12 Name: Ren : 2012-06-12 02:57 ID:RbouuuqX [Del]

I have yet to get a job but I hopefully will get one soon since I'm in college now.

13 Name: Snevetssirhc : 2012-06-12 03:30 ID:rUGpAvfi [Del]

My first job was fast food. Eugh, was the worst.

14 Name: Seathes : 2012-06-12 14:11 ID:UaEaw5um [Del]

First job was selling web pages. I loved it. Made good money, worked on my own time, and got to work from home.

15 Name: FLZero : 2012-06-12 14:38 ID:0/dU+6f1 [Del]

Lol I put up gutters, the work was hard but I was making $100-$150 a day so I couldn't complain.

16 Name: Black!5L7V/xvR76 : 2012-06-12 14:46 ID:J/gR8Cx/ [Del]

"$100-$150 a day"
Why would anyone ever leave????

17 Name: Sawducum : 2012-06-12 15:36 ID:26LjrfkY [Del]

>>16 You have to learn a second language or your co-workers complain.

>>1 As soon as I finish my school work this year, I'll be applying for a job at Best Buy since I already know my shit and I could get some sweet discounts with Intel's Retail Edge.

18 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-06-12 20:43 ID:2eAZtMfs [Del]

There is a very dangerous job called 'Underwater Wielding' that gave you 50 dollars an hour just for getting wet. No lie. But eventually you had to do work. Now, this was years ago, and so you probably get a lot more per hour.

19 Name: anubis !uSezxvwowc : 2012-06-12 21:13 ID:dvip7ftD [Del]

>>18 I so want to do this now. Knowing my luck, though, I'd probably get electrocuted.

20 Name: SlapBoxKid !!K5s9zxzV : 2012-06-12 22:26 ID:OZiXJLr6 [Del]

Tis a forum to help others, so regardless of if the thread is located in the proper place I will provide an answer. (Though I cannot promise it will be helpful.)

Depends on your age bracket. I know the first thing I did when I graduated from HS was join the Military for five years. Steady pay and free benefits. But, to those who become dismal at the though of possible war-time service/duty, there is always food service. Also, try a temp agency; they are always hiring: tech services, manual labor, etc. If you are looking in the long run, I suggest education first.

21 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-06-12 22:27 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]

Does this really belong here?

22 Name: *Yoko* : 2012-06-12 22:39 ID:Q58tjbh4 [Del]

My first job was in a factory putting bottle caps on water bottles and my boss hit on me like a creep now I work in retail which still sucks cause I like my job and some of my coworkers but I get really rude and arrogant customers that just piss me of

23 Name: RinRin : 2012-06-13 00:00 ID:anoXsDbA [Del]

My first ever job was working for my grandparents who did souvenir photography for figure skaters. My first "retail" job was at an ice cream place during my first summer as a sophomore in college. For the most part it was okay but my boss used to watch us on his security cameras every minute of every day. Now, after a few interesting jobs, I work full time in an arts and crafts store. There is always corporate drama but I enjoy it. Just find something that relates to what you are interested in. Sometimes that makes it easier :)

24 Name: MareMare : 2012-06-13 09:25 ID:6G8sWenE [Del]

My first job was as a newspaper boy. I had to get out with papers everyday after school and even get up early on saturdays, but it wasn't all that bad. The people on my route were generally really nice and it was nice driving on my bike everyday. Besides, half the time one of my friends helped me, so i cant complain at all.
The money was pretty good too, i might not have been said that much, but it was nice to have at the moment.

25 Name: wasabi : 2012-06-13 11:00 ID:RWSYalYk [Del]

My first job was at a modeling agency. I was an editor there. I thought at first, it was going to be fun since I wanted to become a talent manager one day. But after a week or so, I didn't like how my boss treats her employee. So after 3 weeks, I resigned. But it was a nice experience and I learned something from that. Work environment is also important for a job. ^^ good luck with you job hunting!

26 Name: anubis !uSezxvwowc : 2012-06-22 20:46 ID:Yz1EN8fr [Del]

I started my first job on Sunday. Every week I make meals for 70-100ish people at a resident camp. We have to clean the kitchen and dinning room in addition to making the food. I love this job. What I hate is my bitch coworker. We are completely equal in pay and position. She thinks she can boss everyone around. Plus, she can't do the simplest thing like follow a recipe or wash dishes or even sweep and mop without me having to go behind her and fix things. Please, people, make sure you are working at a job that you will be able to work at, not slack at. Also, never cover up for your coworkers faults unless they can do the same for you. If your coworker is a lazy SOB then make sure your boss knows. You do NOT want to be working with them for any extended period of time.

27 Name: NarutoLLN : 2012-06-22 21:12 ID:Q/524nm/ [Del]

I just started working my 1st job. I work at a library and its really easy. The people are nice, and the money is good. The only hard part is transferring books from other libraries so someone can read a specific book.

28 Name: Eien : 2012-06-22 22:33 ID:DB9dnGVE [Del]

i just got my job at a frameshop. i have nver worked before this so i believe this will be a great experience!

29 Name: Dstar89 : 2012-06-22 23:06 ID:IrcnNaDN [Del]

My first job is coming soon, at the only places I CAN get a job in my area-McDonalds or Taco Bell. But I'm just doing it for money to get my social network popular, and then be my own boss!! :D

30 Name: Hououin Kyouma : 2012-06-22 23:41 ID:bTzYKctW [Del]

I am mad scientist. It's so cool!

31 Name: Reaper : 2012-12-29 15:51 ID:hI5kYvSp [Del]

I work in a plastisol factory, have for 3 years now ever since high school. It's ok but they keep making more and more rules and at $10 an hour i don't have much money left after bills. I should've enlisted in the military earlier, trying to now.

32 Name: Ichigo : 2012-12-29 16:42 ID:OX9M16OD [Del]

I'm gonna try to get a job at my local Theater.

33 Name: Ranguna : 2012-12-29 19:31 ID:rSRwa7hV [Del]

My first job was head of IT on,my dad's company, anyways I think this belongs in then personal section.

Good luck on picking a job ;)

34 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-12-29 21:41 ID:Mh3z1xB6 [Del]

Pro tip: If it's your first job, you can't afford to be picky. The job market is tough right now, and since it's a first job, you have absolutely no previous experience. This makes you the bottom of the bucket for employers. Until you have work experience, take what you can get.

35 Name: j-taxton !WABCAFs6Hg : 2012-12-29 21:54 ID:hy5g85k0 [Del]

you should've asked this question in the Information Brokering section its to late now but don't forget next time

36 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2012-12-30 14:05 ID:+KUBrgt3 [Del]

bump over shit

37 Name: Ryuji !m.SZHQIisg : 2013-01-31 21:10 ID:/L4b3EIh [Del]

Well my first job was barkeeper (yeah I know) and I actually liked it a lot

38 Name: Kai : 2013-01-31 21:38 ID:AVRyOjTy [Del]

My first job was at an amusement park. I worked in the costume department where we issued the rental employee uniforms at the beginning of each day and washed the dirty ones at the end of the day, which was disgusting. We also sewed and created all of the costumes for the stage shows that went on in the park, and that was really fun. My second job was at a toy store, and that was fun for a long time. Now I'm a full-time department manager at a major retail store, managing kids' and infants' clothing. I also have a part-time job at a record store. The record store = tons of easy, fun work with great people. The retail store = pretty much awful, hard physical labor, but the sense of accomplishment at the end of each day keeps me going.

39 Name: VivaLaPanda !ziER5e3k1o : 2013-01-31 23:32 ID:J46YMVNI [Del]

My first job was at a local grocery store, good pay and decently nice. I wouldn't want it as a career but if you aren't going to work there as a career job I wouldn't be too picky. Also, check for salaries and reviews of different jobs!

40 Name: Amber Dixon : 2019-01-03 17:58 ID:DEBDnMOi [Del]

worked on a farm