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Question For Everyone (20)

1 Name: CobaltDreamer : 2012-06-02 16:06 ID:d9EGWWlz [Del]

Hi everyone! This is probably a weird question and all, but it's been on my mind ever since I heard this from a friend a few months back. It was like they were challenging me to do it. The question was: If you believed you could change the world, how would you do it? What would you turn our world into? And are you truly willing to do it? What can you do right this moment to get closer to your "ideal world"? (-_- that was more than one question, but trust me, I got the gist of what they were saying in there)

2 Name: Shay : 2012-06-02 16:12 ID:Xr5CBgkX [Del]

....deathnote....i am KIRA!!!!!!!!!

3 Name: ShiroNeko : 2012-06-02 23:31 ID:jjyoRuNF [Del]

I don't think this belongs on the Main...

4 Name: 10reapaer01 : 2012-06-03 00:00 ID:ZvWRgQ+G [Del]

>>3 Topic of discussion.

5 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-06-03 17:33 ID:5XPSIKu8 [Del]

+If I could change the world, would I? I most certainly would change the world. That's on my bucket list. There's a thread that has it somewhere.

+What would I change the world into? Everyone is treated equally. Not like "Harrison Bergeron". I mean like you can marry who you want despite race, religion, gender, etc. People with any disability (physical or mental) wouldn't get discriminated. If you're stronger than me, then I don't give a fuck if you're a Pro Wrestler and I can't because I'm weaker, but if you're gay and I'm straight, then we should be treated fair. I guess the "correct" way to state this is. People shold be able to do as they wish, aside from common morals such as killing, rape, stealing, cheating, etc.

+How would I do it? I'm don't care how the arrow was shot to kill horse. All I care about is that the horse is dead. (Think about the saying "kicking a dead horse" to understand this.)

+What can I do right now to get my ideal world? I can reply to this thread so that you can all read the answer to the second question and go, "Yea, that does sound kind of nice." Then I can go out into this world and tell everyone else. That's what I do on a daily basis.

+Am I truly willing to do it? Hell yea. I do it everyday.

Sorry, this post isn't as well written as my other ones. I think that's mostly because I've said many of these things before repeatedly. I also didn't read the questions in order, so they're answered out of order. Basically, people need to chill down and stop freaking over every single thing. Who gives a fuck if the guy next to you is gay? He's not forcing you to be gay or raping you, so it's none of your business. Who cares about the race of the girl across from you? She's not doing anything bad to you, so stop being racist. Just chill people.

I know my belief on this sounds like a hippie, but people would live longer and be health if they'd stop stressing over things that don't matter. They'd get more done if they stressed over things that did matter. Get your priorities straight and chill the fuck out.

6 Name: Kon : 2012-06-03 23:05 ID:JQpEDY3A [Del]

>>5 All good points and I doubt that you'd be seen as a hippie, since your views are slowly but steadily coming into play.

My personal response would be a bit out of order with regards to your questions: We all change the world, through our actions or inactions; the way I'd go about it, is break down what my overall view of a better world is, look at the minimal yet needed things, and I'd get started. Accept the fact that you may not accomplish it within your lifetime, so try to keep the ball rolling even after your out of the picture, and that would be it.

As for what my view of a perfect world would be... well, we'll see

7 Name: snow : 2012-06-03 23:17 ID:NsuD6Wy+ [Del]

every one as equill i totaly agree with leigha Moscove

8 Name: koruton : 2012-06-04 00:44 ID:7hg0Gwdn [Del]

key 2 ruling the world= Destruction. i would love it if the world was a kinder and gentler place....

9 Name: Palmtop Kitten : 2012-06-04 12:38 ID:axRxRNna [Del]

I believe that it takes more than one person to change the world but it takes only one person to start that change and I believe that anyone could do it but, its definitely not an easy task. Every individual is different and some people you can't change for the better due to their experiences in life.

If I could change the world, would I?
Yes I would
What would I change the world into?
A place of equality for everyone were political people behind desks don't rule us and make piss poor decisions that take lives and only benefit themselves.
How would I do it?
Like I said before it takes more than one person to change the world but it only takes one person to start it therefore, I would starts with Africa and modernizing it, yes we have people down there doing A LOT but its not enough. Also I would work on the pollution problem.
What can I do right now to get my ideal world?
I can't do much for the majority right now cause I'm only in high school but I can still contribute by helping people around, just listening and donating money to charities along with volunteering.
Am I truly willing to do it?
Yes, I am very willing to work for a better world.

10 Name: PPOBITCH : 2012-06-04 21:00 ID:47kScZeh [Del]

slap that choochy

11 Name: EuChanDesu : 2012-06-04 21:41 ID:+TXQWT7s [Del]

I agree, it takes more than one people to change the world and yes one to start and then followed by the others.. I believe that we, us the many people who enter this site, the so called Dollars can do it.

*If I could change the world, Would I?* I would like to and I will try to change it.

*What would I change the world into?* A place where everyone can be happy with different people around them and with others. A world that is peaceful enough for everyone to live in and where people are all equal and happy.

*How would I do it?* I will be making my move and tell the others, maybe my cousins, family, friends until it reach other ears and travel through others as well.

*what can I do right now to get my Ideal world?* I would be stopping someone from bullying someone ( kind of childish but why not? ) or even help others, and help community to be clean.

*Am I truly willing to do it? Yes, I will be happy to be a part of that change!

~~ Some of my answers are a bit childish.. ^ ^ and I like and agree with everyone answers..

12 Name: Lapizlazuilwolf : 2012-06-05 08:08 ID:Z4HiVs8w [Del]

As the dollars we are a preety large group but in realizty we make up a small fraction of people. we could do something i dont deny you that but we cant do much do to are size. I dont honestly think this world will ever change, people would still be bad and more so would show general disdane and not help. so long as theres bad people in this world the world will be bad and so long as theres good people like the dollars in the world we will strive for greatness, but just that, strive..

13 Name: Hachi : 2012-06-05 09:19 ID:YBgi39G7 [Del]

Be a role model to others

14 Name: Telji : 2012-06-05 12:32 ID:tnWriNOy [Del]

1. First of all, I don't believe I can change the world, I KNOW I can change the world. Second of all I would do it slowly because the world is huge and all so it's not like in a few months I can create a way to make everyone love each other. I would first help out in my area and spread word of peace and knowing the right thing. I would first try and go all over the world to spread the message. And hopefully some would follow.

2. I would turn it into a place where freedom is everywhere, no one fears anyone, there are smiles almost everywhere, there are probably no wars, and everyone cheers for each other.

3. Yes, I would truly be willing to do this. If I had some help at least. I would get as many people as possible to help me because just one person can change a group of people but the whole world is a different story. But yes, I am willing to do it.

4. What can you do right this moment to get closer to your "ideal world"? I can try and help around as much as I can. If it's helping out at school, at home, or anywhere else, I can try to set an example for everyone.

I know those might not be the best answers that a person can give bit that's what I can do. :D

15 Name: Logic : 2015-10-02 11:01 ID:PwD/ta5d [Del]

Bump (:

16 Name: Addrian !giXLO6kR.E : 2016-04-23 18:27 ID:JX32IYc4 [Del]

Oh joy questions that prod at the human psyche.

1: If you believed you could change the world, how would you do it?
I'm not quite sure to be honest... I guess it would be to improve education around the world. I find education to be incredibly underrated in some occasions. Knowledge is power, is it not?

2: What would you turn our world into?
Simply a place where people are more open-minded.

3: And are you truly willing to do it?
Frankly, I wouldn't want to be the one leading the cause. I'm an observer after all. I would of course support it.

4: What can you do right this moment to get closer to your "ideal world"?
Learn myself. It would be hypocritical not to ^^ And to also spread my thoughts to anyone. Just as the great red woods all started out as tiny seeds, one singular thought has the potential to spread all over the globe.

I wouldn't change the world though. I believe that if one were to "improve" the world, they'd end up tainting it. As one song title puts it, it is a "Fucked-Up Wonderful World".

17 Name: Soratsuki : 2016-04-24 00:49 ID:t7QW8MnB [Del]

I agree with all of you, and I'd like to put my thoughts out there too.

1). If you believe you could change the world, how would you do it?

I honestly don't know what I can do, or what I would do. I am as capable as everybody else, and we all have our limits. The thing is, I don't know my own limitations. What I can do right now is to gather more informations, and act on instinct, since it is my strong point. I can help out others, as much as I can. That's all I could say on the subject

2). What would you turn our world into?

Personally, I don't like the way this question is being stated...I don't like this question or anything that resemble this at all actually. I've always have hard time actually fitting in with any regular groups, the kind I want to be with. Not the one who I know that is only going to be using me and throw me out after I've done my part. I despise the society for that. People always tell me to be myself, but once I acted as 'myself' people rejected me and some even ridicule me. People usually ask me the same question or somewhere along the line of "Don't you think it's the way you're thinking, and not the world?" Well I say. You're being a hypocrite. If I have to change my way of thinking in order to fit into this group of yours, then a contradictory in itself. And as my answer for the question. I wouldn't try to change the world, other wise it would look bad on myself. But that doesn't mean I won't try to help out, and look out for others and not try to do anything to be of assistance. I'm still a human, and I take pride in that.

3). Are you truly willing to do it?

Yes. I don't need to say anything more in order to point out how devoted I am to the cause.

4). What can you do right this moment to get closer to your ideal world?

Right now, as a high school student, I can only wake up, go to school, return home and do whatever I have to work on. But as days goes by, if there's an issue or any sort that I am the witness of, I can act on it and assist in whichever way the situation calls for. I'm actually quite a selfless person, even to a fault. Many people would say that about themself, but I can assure you that 96% of those people are just talk. Those of the people who actually know me, they know what I'd do in order to achieve something. It goes without saying that I am willing to contribute.

18 Name: BloodyRed : 2016-04-24 03:59 ID:+DMRP1Y8 [Del]

i really like this kind of questions so i will put out my thoughts to :3

1) If you believe you could change the world, how would you do it?

i really don't know how i would do it... It's a really hard question to ask anyone i think...

2) What would you turn our world into?

well... It would be a world that everyone would like to be in of course! A world where everyone can be happy and no one would be sad, i would turn it to something that if you would feel left out you could still have friends and be loved. But at the same time i don't really want that world to only be happines in it because then the world would be unstable fast. I mean evil and good, or happines and sadness has to have a good balance or everything will go down. I mean look at the world right now, It's chaotic because the balance between good and evil is bad. So i think that the balance is the key, So i would want a good world but it has to have as much evil in it as good

3) are you truly willing to do it?

Well... to be honset... no... i am not willing to do it because i simply can't, I know that every celebrity, president or someone famous was a nobody at first but i don't really think i can do it because i'm not that brave to do it. To change something that is.

4) What can you do right this moment to get closer to your "ideal world"?

hmmm... i don't know... Just be a happy person i guess ^_^

19 Name: Crazed Architect : 2016-04-24 04:00 ID:tlB2N9xc [Del]

first off

Do I believed I could change the world?

Well I already am. Every action I take results in another action whether I WANT to change the world is irrelevant. But truly we're talk about change on a global scale and to that I have no clue. I meant all you need is an idea, but how far that idea goes is almost impossible to determine.

How would I do it?

Personally I'd start a country, a city state to be exact. I would try to create a place there would be safeguards in place no one had more power than was safe to have and for the most part the people would be their own government. Every citizen could have a say in what laws would pass, a true democracy. After that it would be a combination of convincing the rest of the world to either hold their counties to higher standers or leave their country and join us. Not to say that it would be possible but that's how I would try to do it.

What would I turn our world into?

Well the simplest way of putting it is I want to make a world where almost everyone wins. I don't mean that everyone has gets everything they want, but that through the combination of proper human rights and influencing the world's view of success most everybody in the world could feel they won in life.

Am I truly willing to do it?

I don't know yet. I first have to finish my schooling and then become a licensed architect(that the role I've decided i want to play). From there I'd need to find like minded souls in a variety of different fields and acquire the capital to make these plans happened.

What can I do right this moment to get closer to your "ideal world"?

Stay on the path I'm going down now. at some point I'll come to a crossroad where I'll have to choose if I want to try to Change the world of not. Olds are I'll get a bit older and give up on this idea, but if i ever do go through will this idea I'll remember to put the dollars in my autobiography :P

20 Name: firelily : 2016-04-24 14:57 ID:r67b+w+Z [Del]

how would i do it?
just keep doing what i do every day i guess XP

what would i turn the world into?
a world where people actually think things through before they do them. where people are ashamed of being ignorant, and attempt to educate themselves before spewing the ignorant venom that is slowly killing society...
(or maybe a world without humans in general, KILL THEM ALL >:D)

am i willing to do it?
HELL FUQING YES!! why the hell else would i (or any Dollar for that matter) have stayed as long as i have

what can i do to get closer to my goal?


educate people on things they are ignorant towards, help people see things differently, and get people to stop and think before doing stupid shyt

btw LOVE THIS THREAD it has been soooo long since something good like this has appeared on main