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Identification Among The Dollars? (1212)

1 Name: Wulfie : 2012-04-26 12:07 ID:4k+AE9ai [Del]

So, I was reading this other Thread, about Dollar's Day, and I saw some comments that briefly touched on something that I, personally, think is a good idea.

Okay, so, how would you know if someone is a Dollar? We need a way to identify ourselves, but still stay INVISIBLE! Wearing jewlery or a color (Definite no-no :<) would void almost half of our cause. So, what about something simple, something that other people wouldn't look at twice, but, if you know what you're looking for, could help identify you ONLY to other Dollars. Now, I know that we are a colorless, flagless organization, but this is a method that is uniquely subtle. Just write a D on your hand with a pen or something! A little "D" for Dollars. :)

So.. I just want your guys' oppinions on this. Tell me, fellow Dollars, do you think this is a good idea?

2 Name: Jang Gwang !xogHELYiPQ : 2012-04-26 12:10 ID:0eeF5HBG [Del]

I think Dollars should swear a lot to stand out from the crowd. Using words like fucktard would confirm we're dollars and proud.

3 Name: Lex14 : 2012-04-26 12:12 ID:NN9uu8lo [Del]

i'm in! we shoud get all the members to do it!

4 Name: Wulfie : 2012-04-26 12:12 ID:4k+AE9ai [Del]

Jang, swearing doesn't make you cool :/ it's not unique, and just makes you look stupid and not confirm anything at all. That's not what the Dollars is about

5 Name: Jang Gwang !xogHELYiPQ : 2012-04-26 12:15 ID:U1laZ1Nu [Del]

Bumping above secret topic (´・ω・`)

6 Name: Kay : 2012-04-26 12:16 ID:qGOOy+gk [Del]

I vote nay. Word is bound to spread.

It's like our password. There's thousands of places to find it on Google. (That's not necessarily a bad thing, but demonstrates the spread of information)

The D will not remain secret. It goes against our ideals. We're an invisible organization, a single benevolent entity. I don't think we should utilize any form of 'flag'.

It is a decent idea, but not one I can endorse. I look forward to hearing your opinions, Dollars.

Also, Jang Gwang, I'm beginning to wonder if you're really a troll, or if you're actually just stupid.

7 Name: !ixst/7hh6s : 2012-04-26 12:17 ID:2mFCIbIX [Del]

>>6 Both perhaps?

8 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-04-26 13:46 ID:313yp4/N [Del]


9 Name: Wrath : 2012-04-26 14:03 ID:/RUAwe8j [Del]

As far as dollars' day goes, I think if your going to identify others people should use some kind of action like standing/sitting a certain way or starring at the cell phone for abnormally long times.
I feel writing D on the hand is still standing out like a color would, just not as noticeably. If people saw the D they would probably just think wtf? but we should have anything standing out from the public.
That's just my opinion/suggestion.

10 Name: Neowu !z.S9KJmHTI : 2012-04-26 14:08 ID:Yjgc3jNr [Del]

You can follow the spirit of the show and have something related to looking at your phone. You would probably need to have more than just that as it would probably lead to a lot of misunderstanding if not but it could be something as simple as holding it in a certain way.

Maybe holding you phone with 3 fingers and looking down on it.

11 Name: redstring : 2012-04-26 14:12 ID:qgiTMVGY [Del]


12 Name: Wulfie : 2012-04-26 14:17 ID:4k+AE9ai [Del]

ooOoooOo I like that one, Neowu :D

13 Name: Maru-Kai !FzZsxghPjA : 2012-04-26 14:27 ID:Rt0BX5JI [Del]

Beowu makes a bit of a point. Something related to the cell phones. They do sort of have a symbolic meaning.....

14 Name: Wulfie : 2012-04-26 14:31 ID:4k+AE9ai [Del]

Yeah, true. The first meeting of the Dollars in the show they used their phones

15 Name: Wulfie : 2012-04-26 14:35 ID:4k+AE9ai [Del]

We could come up with some sort of non-cliche greeting that we can use to greet fellow Dollars :o

16 Name: Oh_Yeah!!XI8GEi6V : 2012-04-26 15:06 ID:vwrVPbKd [Del]

How about we have ppl hold their cellphones between their middle and ring would only be noticeable if you were looking for it...

just an idea :)

17 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-04-26 15:15 ID:nLGO4OQu [Del]

How about you all just start a texting group, and just send a text when you're at the meeting spot. Seems pretty simple, and a good way of identifying people.

18 Name: Wulfie : 2012-04-26 15:19 ID:4k+AE9ai [Del]

Well, that's not as fun :D

19 Name: Wulfie : 2012-04-26 15:19 ID:4k+AE9ai [Del]

Well, that's not as fun :D

20 Name: Nikku : 2012-04-26 15:28 ID:lgtvUfEt [Del]

>>10 >>17 these whold work great combined if ppl in the same town are told to go somewere and we use a txt or something and hold our phones a certain way thats not obvious unless your looking for it whould be a good bad this txting thing nvr seems to work i mean i applied for it like 4 months ago and havent goten an e-mail back yet....... but otherwise ya this whould be great

21 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-04-26 15:40 ID:nLGO4OQu [Del]

>>20 Are you sure? I joined up a week or so ago...

22 Name: Neowu !z.S9KJmHTI : 2012-04-26 16:09 ID:Yjgc3jNr [Del]

Doing it through a texting group would be pretty temperamental and unnecessarily complicated. Just having a certain way of holding the phone would do. A bit like a secret handshake but Dollars style.

23 Name: Blizzaga : 2012-04-26 16:41 ID:7FBNF+mT [Del]

I like the idea of this. Something anyone can remember, maybe we could flash a "D" in sign language to signify that one is part of The Dollars. Just a suggestion.

24 Name: Zero : 2012-04-26 22:03 ID:iuXzgy+o [Del]

I think maybe something like the BBS logo, the one where you put the password in to log into the BBS on things like cellphone backgrounds and maybe wrist bands. Or some sign to show like secret signs, you know the way the Freemasons did

25 Post deleted by user.

26 Name: Wulfie : 2012-04-26 22:11 ID:4k+AE9ai [Del]

That'd be like having a color, Zero :( We need something totally incospicuous(sp)

27 Name: Zero : 2012-04-26 22:12 ID:iuXzgy+o [Del]

I meant something like the Freemasons did. they had secret signs that if you weren't a Freemason you didn't understand the gesture.

Get what i'm saying?

28 Name: Wulfie : 2012-04-26 22:12 ID:4k+AE9ai [Del]

That's why it looked wrong.. forgot the "n" lol "inconspicuous" I think D":

29 Name: Wulfie : 2012-04-26 22:15 ID:4k+AE9ai [Del]

I would, probably... if I had any idea what the Freemasons were u.u

30 Name: Zero : 2012-04-26 22:20 ID:iuXzgy+o [Del]

Google them

31 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-04-26 22:24 ID:313yp4/N [Del]

Freemasons, like one of the biggest and oldest secret societies in the world.

32 Name: Zero : 2012-04-26 22:26 ID:iuXzgy+o [Del]

What Thiamor said.

The Dollars is sort of like a secret society, since we have no color and prefer to stay hidden instead of showing ourselves to the world,.

33 Name: Mocha : 2012-04-26 23:22 ID:gTYbNI8+ [Del]

>>32 I rather agree with Zero.

34 Name: Wulfie !pVlbATSdwE : 2012-04-28 14:18 ID:4k+AE9ai [Del]

I see, I see. Well, I think that that would be a good idea, as long as it wasn't too noticable.

35 Name: Grell : 2012-04-28 14:20 ID:ORb0y2vn [Del]

i like the idea but all my friends were asking what it is and i say "d for... my name" (i dnt wanna put my name on here)

36 Name: Wulfie !pVlbATSdwE : 2012-04-28 14:22 ID:4k+AE9ai [Del]

Yeah yeah, just come up with something un-exciting, if you're doing the writing the D on your hand.

37 Name: xobybr : 2012-04-28 14:29 ID:s6/S3ycC [Del]

Isnt the point of a colorless group that we dont know who is or isnt in the group. Putting an indicator on us is basically the same as a colored bandana or something.

38 Name: Wulfie !pVlbATSdwE : 2012-04-28 14:37 ID:4k+AE9ai [Del]

The point, xobybr, is that we help people. The things we're wanting are things that no one but us and our fellow Dollars would know, so it wouldn't be the same as color.

39 Post deleted by user.

40 Name: Crim : 2012-04-28 14:51 ID:N00uqyC5 [Del]

Although it would be nice to be able to identify other Dollars i'm going to have to agree with xobybr on this. Only because the idea is that we are invisible. Often times to each other. And that's kind of fun. Not knowing if the person on who just walked passed you could be a member is kinda interesting. But maybe we could identify groups on here. Such as the New York division of Dollars or the San Fransico Dollars. etc... online. That way we can have some idea who is around us.

41 Name: Jacky : 2012-04-28 15:34 ID:HFCKUhXS [Del]

.....I kinda like the idea of the D written in our hands

42 Name: neko : 2012-04-28 16:59 ID:MMY0BC7y [Del]

ill do it

43 Name: kimimaro!oBOTQMIm2o : 2012-04-28 17:30 ID:8Ll6dr30 [Del]

>>40 The point of having a symbol or other way of recognizing fellow dollars is to allow real life meetings. These need not be permanent, for example just doing the symbol during an offline meeting to confirm that you are indeed a dollar would be enough. The last thing any of us want to do, at least I believe, is to broadcast to the world that we are dollars, as that would defeat the purpose of our existence.

44 Name: Aktherion : 2012-04-28 18:40 ID:Vf8ezoA6 [Del]

Perhaps something a tad more subtle than a symbol.

45 Name: Lina : 2012-04-28 18:47 ID:EwOcws4a [Del]

I really wouldn't be able to do the cell phone thing. Meh has not got one. :_(

46 Post deleted by user.

47 Name: Rachel : 2012-04-28 19:25 ID:42q5GkjF [Del]

The whole point of Dollars is not having a symbol. Stay hidden and subtle. If we did that it would be like having a color gang.

48 Post deleted by user.

49 Name: OMGACookie !uj0IRKz32I : 2012-04-28 19:50 ID:tLuhGDli [Del]

I agree with Rachel. I believe that the Dollars is a colorless, unidentifiable gang. The idea of identification amongst other members is tempting, but Tanaka Taro-san might not approve of such notion.

50 Name: kortney : 2012-04-28 19:57 ID:2GK9Ex+0 [Del]

I agree that the Dollars should remain colorless and hidden..
I dont think he would approve, the point of starting this gang was to be different, not the same...

51 Name: Aktherion : 2012-04-28 20:00 ID:Vf8ezoA6 [Del]

How about an app? I realize that not everyone has a smartphone, but even just a Mobile version of this website could help us get into contact with one another without having to outwardly Identify ourselves.

52 Name: shiro : 2012-04-28 20:03 ID:i45yxoH8 [Del]

>>51 i agree about the app. that's a great idea.

53 Name: Nanami Rai !wVoPX6Dk6M : 2012-04-28 21:16 ID:bKM1XZGA [Del]

There's no reason for us to stand out because it would defeat our purpose comepletely. Besides, in some areas, it would attract trouble and attention to us.

54 Name: Aktherion : 2012-04-28 21:27 ID:Vf8ezoA6 [Del]

that's the beauty of an app. it would literally be a direct link only to other Dollars.

55 Name: LoixaZeph !8nJZrHWOZA : 2012-04-28 21:30 ID:bKM1XZGA [Del]

I think we should continue to stay hidden. I agree with Crim up there saying that having another member walk by and you not know it is interesting.

56 Name: rinthoine !0UZD1OR/j. : 2012-04-28 21:32 ID:00hqcKI3 [Del]

>>53 agreed! and honestly cussing is terrible that's like degrading oneself.. and as far as the D goes I guess that's fine but it'd raise a lot of questions/ attention. I think i'd like to go with a certain action or something along those lines(:

57 Name: xobybr : 2012-04-29 00:57 ID:s6/S3ycC [Del]

I dont think there should be any indication or special thing for Dollars members. We are supposed to be invisible and colourless. No matter what special thing we do, people will catch on eventually and then everyone will know who is in the dollars and who isnt. We should just stay invisible.

58 Name: LawLiet Dubstep : 2012-04-29 01:23 ID:azPZlHcA [Del]

I think that a little something to identify would be a good thing. Something small though

59 Name: Crow : 2012-04-29 01:58 ID:pDkw5bU5 [Del]

I dont think its necesary to try and put a identifiable mark to show whos in the dollars, bc then we wouldn't be invisable anymore. half the fun is finding out who else is part of this, thats what this website is for finding other members and connecting, you should just try and find out who else is in your area and hook up then you won't need a identifiable mark.

60 Name: Bridge Burner : 2012-04-29 02:23 ID:u42J15v+ [Del]

A way for one dollar to identify another at a convention or meeting would be a great idea. It would have to be somthing that would be subtle, but noticeable. We can't look like we're flaunting our numbers. Maybe a special marking on a cell phone or a patch on a jacket.

61 Name: Crow : 2012-04-29 02:45 ID:pDkw5bU5 [Del]

well you can buy a dollars patch from any anime shop online

62 Name: totoro : 2012-04-29 04:04 ID:P8nGEl+r [Del]

hmmm for meeting up in conventions.

etto, save the dollars symbol on your phone and just flash it to fellow dollars?
.. just an idea

63 Name: Dotachín : 2012-04-29 04:47 ID:+ftynvf7 [Del]

Umm... I don't know >//<. We are invisibles ^^

64 Name: Ryoko : 2012-06-25 06:53 ID:0DVlyNTx [Del]

... Well, I have only 2 fellow unknown Dollar members (as shown on the map), so the chance of meeting them is below 0, or 0.000000000000000675%, but I don't mind the phone holding idea. But the "D" would be pretty obvious so i'd say a no to that... (I'm a member who joined today....)

65 Name: Nana : 2012-06-25 09:41 ID:0ZzLZCZC [Del]

Umm, how about we all write baccano on our hands, because then nobody else could figure out what it meant, but Dollars members would recognize it? I think saving the Dollars sign on our phones is the best plan.

66 Name: Mizutoki : 2012-06-25 11:33 ID:GJTBIDAr [Del]

We could write either Baccano or a big D on our phones and hold it to where people can either partially see it or fully see it.

67 Name: Allientis : 2012-06-25 11:49 ID:+h7oIXVc [Del]

I think the D is a good idea. it may be noticiable, but strangers still won't know what it means, but other dollars will! besides, we do need somethiing noticiable otherwise fellow Dollars won't be able to tell.

68 Name: hayato dtb : 2012-06-25 12:31 ID:FD6bFkJ2 [Del]

i actually like this "D" idea [=

69 Name: FakeTails : 2012-06-25 12:34 ID:v8bxIcIz [Del]

Actually yeah, This "D" Idea is really good, its not hard to notice and it doesn't seem too bad either, "Baccano" is a bit bulky though.

70 Name: Armordcrab : 2012-06-25 12:56 ID:QCclkRG/ [Del]

>9 >10 we could stomp on our cell phones like in the show, it would definitely stand out and we don't need to go as far as breaking it.(our you we could get a phone at a thrift store and do it for real)

71 Name: hayato dtb : 2012-06-25 13:13 ID:FD6bFkJ2 [Del]

if the purpose for us "dollars" is to not stand out and stay hidden , then why was merch such a good idea? like the wristband?

72 Name: TheDollarJr. : 2012-06-25 18:44 ID:hIh0zOxw [Del]

The idea of a D.. i love it, but hayato, the whole point is not to be merchy or something, is just a way to say "yes bitches, im part of something important in the world, and you have no fucking idea what it is", and then if someone recognizes it, you know someone else is like you.

73 Name: hayato dybbuk : 2012-06-25 19:06 ID:WR7exh4W [Del]

ohhh I see .. I understand now. I'm actually proud to be a dollar now.

74 Name: TheDollarJr. : 2012-06-25 19:39 ID:hIh0zOxw [Del]

>>73 i know right? we should all do that!!

75 Name: rolling girl : 2012-06-25 22:40 ID:HtXewXSR [Del]


76 Name: Sindri : 2012-06-26 00:21 ID:OWANY7xe [Del]

I'm liking the idea of holding a phone a certain way, one that doesn't look particularly strange but announces who you are to someone specifically looking. It doesn't have the normal problems of a colored bandana or a patch because it disappears as soon as you move your finger. It isn't an obvious thing like making a sign or gesture on its own, that would announce something to anyone who looked (I may not know what gang signs or freemason symbols mean specifically, but it's pretty obvious that they're there). You can become completely invisible when you wish, and only another member who was specifically looking would know what you're doing.

77 Name: Sindri : 2012-06-26 00:23 ID:OWANY7xe [Del]

Failing that, either a small D or $ sticker on your phone would mean nothing to most people, be easily hidden, and not be much trouble to explain away. Better than drawing it on your hand at any rate.

78 Name: Taiga : 2012-06-26 01:34 ID:Pum9fT9/ [Del]

We could wear Dollars patches

79 Name: Malina : 2012-06-26 01:37 ID:YuTqTupk [Del]

I agree with Sindri on both counts. This is a subtle, yet effective, way to show ourselves. Writing a D constantly over and over is less lasting than holding a phone or marking your phone in some way, anyhow.

80 Name: hayato dtb !!GOhouy4r : 2012-06-26 03:00 ID:FD6bFkJ2 [Del]

cant wait for those wrist bands..

81 Name: Wulfie !pVlbATSdwE : 2012-06-26 03:09 ID:bvtIpSpW [Del]

I see that this is coming along nicely. The flashing with the phones is an idea, but you would have to know who is Dollar first to be able to flash it to them, which defeats the whole purpose. The merch is totally not what we're looking for, because anyone who saw it would assosiate it with the Dollars and that's not what we're trying to do. We're trying to find a way to have identification only to each other, and not to people that aren't Dollars.

82 Name: Sindri : 2012-06-26 03:29 ID:2vexeGr5 [Del]

>>80 The wristbands are a nice idea for meetups or anime cons or whatever, but if we want to stay invisible we need something that can disappear when you need it to or which could mean anything. And I at least would be very unlikely to wear it a significant fraction of the time; sleeping with one of those is uncomfortable and I'd never remember to put it on in the morning. With the phone you announce yourself whenever you want to, and nobody but other members will notice.

Now, what should the signal be? There have been a few suggestions for holding cell phones, of varying practicality (how do you use your phone while holding it between the middle and ring fingers?)... maybe hold it with the middle through pinkie behind, and the pointer finger in front between the buttons and screen? That'd be inconvenient for touch-screens but work for most others...
A sticker would be easier to spot, and not require the holder of the phone to do anything but make sure that it's visible, but it'd probably be common enough among non-members that we'd need a countersign. Maybe ask if they've seen the black rider? Or ask who the leader is (to which the response would be "nobody knows" or "there isn't one")? Or you could just flat-out ask if they're a member of the Dollars, but that seems like it'd blow our invisibility quick...

83 Name: Wulfie !pVlbATSdwE : 2012-06-26 03:35 ID:bvtIpSpW [Del]

>>82 I really like the asking if they'd seen the black rider. But what would the response be? You could ask someone on the street that and they could say "yes" just to mess with you, or whatever. I really do love that idea, though. :D

84 Name: Sindri : 2012-06-26 04:41 ID:OF+NuRh5 [Del]

>>83 Dunno. "Have you seen her head?" perhaps, or "The one with the cat ears?"

85 Name: Wulfie !pVlbATSdwE : 2012-06-26 04:46 ID:bvtIpSpW [Del]

OooooOoo, "Have you seen her head?" is a really good one. A question for a question. It seems perfect to me. :o

86 Name: Ookami : 2012-06-26 06:09 ID:bVCNvBGT [Del]

I agree with the previous comment.
"Have you seen her head?" is a very good way to identify a Dollars member from a crowd, but it is most likely going to get a question of confusion in return.
And another difficulty would be to get all of the Dollars members to understand that that question was used to differentiate them from the general public.
If SOME members understood it, we would go around unknowing the greater percentage of the Dollars are still out there. I understand, though, that the percentage actually dedicated to making a change would be aware of the use of such a phrase, and will understand it if presented with said question. So, as stated before, yes, the 'Have you seen her head?' question will be possibly the best way to identify a member without really breaking the code of no defining colours or items.
Maybe, if there was a set ANSWER as well, we could trust the sorting process much more. Such as:
"Have you seen her head?" could be replied with something like:
"It saved me from the fall"
I don't know, this is all off the top of my head just then.

Sorry if I confused anyone.

87 Name: virru : 2012-06-26 06:51 ID:XBBY/2B6 [Del]

I agree with the "Have you seen her head?" and "the one with the cat ears."....

88 Name: Ryoko : 2012-06-26 06:57 ID:uSyTTpC2 [Del]

There's an anime festival in Singapore in November, we can use one of those ways of identification to meet then.

89 Name: Hitachi : 2012-06-26 06:59 ID:QdSQ5fUW [Del]

I agree too, that kind of question is good and only Dollars will get it :D

90 Name: Raksha : 2012-06-26 07:10 ID:8D2nA7kS [Del]

cool im gonna do that for AWA

91 Name: ヨルク : 2012-06-26 07:39 ID:rk0rD/A7 [Del]

>>88 There's also Cosfest next Sat-Sun in Singapore! :D

92 Name: Ryoko : 2012-06-26 07:49 ID:KkuFMRyJ [Del]

>>91 true, true. Are you from Singapore? Well I'm just suggesting the AFA because its a pretty huge event....

93 Name: Malina : 2012-06-26 10:06 ID:YuTqTupk [Del]

>>86 I agree, I like that. :0
What does everyone else think?

94 Name: Yukihira Nigata : 2012-06-26 11:21 ID:dgoJ8lB8 [Del]

Just my Opinion but how bout using the dollars sign as your wallpaper and start looking at your phone while showing it to others in a subtle manner... if you are a stranger or not in the dollars you wont get it but if you are then youll get it right away....

95 Name: Erika !IMCadVsMqg : 2012-06-26 12:04 ID:+jxjTUar [Del]

>>94 This

96 Name: Topher !UOwwv5P8JI : 2012-06-26 12:12 ID:2o3JZ+lG [Del]


Can someone make phone backgrounds for the dollars? Knowing me, mine would end up looking like an oval ^^;;;;;;

97 Name: Anju Sururuki : 2012-06-26 12:15 ID:8mMCKAgd [Del]

great idea BUT, not everyone owns a phone. and writing a "D" on yourself is a flag. why don't we do it like in the Manga and Anime? if you think someone could possibly be in the Dollars, just ask.

98 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-06-26 12:20 ID:MkLUHZg9 [Del]

>>97 Then you'd have people saying, "WTF is the Dollars?" or "You mean that gang from that anime?" or even "You talking about Durarara?"

People in my life just don't understand.

99 Name: Anju Sururuki : 2012-06-26 12:35 ID:8mMCKAgd [Del]

if they don't understand then tell them to never mind, and if they know the show, invite them to join. or just ignore me and come up with a different idea to tell everyone cause that's what we're doing here.

100 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2012-06-26 12:37 ID:UnGlJtIV [Del]

>>99 Why would we invite people that know the show? So that we can have double the fanfags in this site, AGAIN? because the fan population literally tripled in one night and all chaos ensued when the American airing of the show showed up. Thankfully, as shown in the past, these guys do not stay here for long.

101 Name: Ishinza : 2012-06-26 12:52 ID:ToSxYgS/ [Del]

Im all for the "D" and the phone thing.

102 Name: blauherz : 2012-06-26 12:57 ID:q3FnIF71 [Del]

well, i didnt read all posts.
but how about cellphone straps.
(as in rabbit doubt)
if anyone asked: you liked it
if anyone wanted it too: found it somewhere on ebay
but basically, im against identification
but thats up to everyone individually i believe.

103 Name: Malina : 2012-06-26 13:03 ID:YuTqTupk [Del]

Would it be DRRR!!! themed, or could it be anything? Because I definitely know there are some DRRR!!! themed cell phone straps out there.

104 Name: Sindri : 2012-06-26 13:20 ID:yyICAZqZ [Del]

>>86 "Have you seen her head?" wouldn't be the initial question, it'd be the response to "Have you seen the black rider?" which in turn is only asked if you suspect somebody might be in the Dollars.

Asking if they're in the Dollars directly would get too many people who don't actually know anything (either they misheard you or they saw the anime but never joined or whatever). A cellphone strap or something would catch more fans than Dollars, and become a flag if it actually became widespread. Once again, we need something that's only identifiable to other members, and something that either disappears when you want it to or is easily explained away to avoid becoming visible. That's why I like the idea of a peculiar way of holding a phone, or a generic sticker, followed by a standard call-and-response confirmation before introducing yourself.

105 Name: Shiro : 2012-06-26 13:23 ID:iab5oQio [Del]

I don't think the D would be a good idea, a way to "ask" if someone is in the Dollars would be good but something that you don't do all the time. Like a short sign if you suspect someone is in the Dollars instead of holding your phone in a slightly odd way, because with that someone out there might actually be doing it because it is more comfortable to him, but like flashing your phone at someone 3 times with your arms at your sides, that might be a good way to ask.

106 Name: Shiro : 2012-06-26 13:25 ID:iab5oQio [Del]

Then say an answer being they also flash the front of their phone at you or a nod or something.

107 Name: Malina : 2012-06-26 13:30 ID:YuTqTupk [Del]

>>104 If we do end up using a peculiar way to hold a phone, it shouldn't be too complicated, I would think. I for one am very bad at visualizing things, and one of the suggestions up there on a way to hold a phone a certain way confused me. ;;;

108 Name: Sindri : 2012-06-26 14:05 ID:ZJk+/HMR [Del]

>>105 A sign like that makes it obvious that you're up to something; we need to not draw attention from people who don't know what it means. And it would be something you can only do when you already suspect someone, instead of a passive means of announcing yourself to other members.

And yes, someone could just hold their phone the same way as the signal for other reasons; that's where the call-and-response confirmation comes in. If they aren't a member, they'll just be confused when you ask them about the black rider, or at the very least not know the proper response even if they feel like screwing with you or they've seen the show but not joined.

109 Name: Wulfie !pVlbATSdwE : 2012-06-26 14:30 ID:bvtIpSpW [Del]

>>104 Yeah, the "Have you seen her head?" would be the answer to, "Have you seen the black rider?" Personally, I'm liking this idea best. It would allow us to remain colorless and un-identifiable, and there's next to no risk of people assosiating it with us, because honestly, who cares if a stranger asks you a weird question? But, if you're a Dollar, then it's a way to identifiy yourself. The whole thing about using merch, it's like I said before, people who are just fans could be wearing it and not know anything about the actual Dollars.

110 Name: purple dot : 2012-06-26 14:43 ID:FD6bFkJ2 [Del]

i like the "have you seen her head" and " have u seen the black rider" idea

111 Name: Malina : 2012-06-26 15:19 ID:H3DyDjEp [Del]

>>110 Me too. It's looking like the best idea so far. Not too complicated, and not too noticeable to anyone who isn't a member.

112 Name: Rin : 2012-06-26 15:37 ID:aUsnX3Yy [Del]

I really like the question idea, but I think that the holding your phone with your middle and ring finger would be another good idea, plus the writing a D on your phone or some other place. I think it's good because it's so subtle no one will pick you out, but if someone was looking they could easily tell

113 Name: MidnightDreamer87 : 2012-06-26 15:49 ID:J53+o1Ql [Del]

I like the writng the D thing AND the question. We could do both, depending on if you are in an area where you can talk or not.

114 Name: Muffin : 2012-06-26 15:53 ID:eXwklphs [Del]

>>>113 i like that idea. i like writing the D and the question because then it gives more confirmation that, that person is a Dollar. and the question is good because not just anyone can yes they have to answer it in a certain way, so we know that person isnt just jacking us around.

115 Name: CT-Shepherd : 2012-06-26 15:58 ID:4LAD+W8D [Del]

When can we start? ^.^

I'm serious though, when will this be put to use, cause I'm ready to spread the word to some of the Dollars around me.

116 Name: Pendragon : 2012-06-26 16:02 ID:4CgViK0H [Del]

That sounds like a good idea but what if people do it just because of a new "trend" they think is going around?

117 Name: MidnightDreamer87 : 2012-06-26 16:05 ID:J53+o1Ql [Del]

>>116 Well we can as them about the anime then and quiz them.

118 Name: MidnightDreamer87 : 2012-06-26 16:05 ID:J53+o1Ql [Del]

>>117 ask*

119 Name: lily-chan : 2012-06-26 16:11 ID:J9438+8h [Del]

idk if writing a D would work. Tons of people write one their hands, also the question may be kinda dificult since you probably won't be alone. I can see how two of the ideas together would work though. I understand we're colorless and stuff but here's an idea. I'm not a 100% sure if it goes against what we stand for...but what about if all have a certain charm on our phone. then it will be fairly easy to see <----which may contradict who we are, but I'm just gonna but that idea out there.

120 Name: MidnightDreamer87 : 2012-06-26 16:12 ID:J53+o1Ql [Del]

>>119 But not everyone has a phone. And what if you don't have it with you?

121 Name: MidnightDreamer87 : 2012-06-26 16:13 ID:J53+o1Ql [Del]

I don't think it should be an object, to be honest.

122 Name: MidnightDreamer87 : 2012-06-26 16:17 ID:J53+o1Ql [Del]

>>119 But that's be really cool lol

123 Name: Pendragon : 2012-06-26 16:38 ID:4CgViK0H [Del]

>>117 that may work but that wont stop them is the issue if it does happen

124 Name: Tegan-chan : 2012-06-26 17:01 ID:J9438+8h [Del]

I kinda agree with lily-chan. I understand the whole no object thing, but at the same time we're not the same dollars as in the anime. I mean we're not going to do some of the amazing things they do, so why try to copy them to the dot. That being said, not everyone has a cell phone, good point.

125 Name: Mashito : 2012-06-26 17:30 ID:4DJpwMI5 [Del]

I agree with the three finger phone idea its different and nobody else does it! and if you dont have a cell phone how about you could make a bracelet out of tape and put a "D" on it or a "$" on it!

126 Name: Mirai : 2012-06-26 17:35 ID:J53+o1Ql [Del]

>>125 Wait, what's the three finger phone idea?

127 Name: Mashito : 2012-06-26 18:13 ID:4DJpwMI5 [Del]

That we would hold are phones with three fingers.

128 Name: Mirai !nUVTjrRSpw : 2012-06-26 18:26 ID:J53+o1Ql [Del]

>>127 Oh, okay. I still like the question and/or D idea, though.

129 Name: Mashito : 2012-06-26 18:37 ID:4DJpwMI5 [Del]

D idea? And what question

130 Name: purple dot : 2012-06-26 18:40 ID:FD6bFkJ2 [Del]

how bout we try something physical? like, claping 3 times? or maybe 3 tap to the forehead? maybe even jump 2 times.. i dunno

131 Name: lienay : 2012-06-26 18:48 ID:4DJpwMI5 [Del]

What about a ceartain braclet????

132 Name: Mirai !nUVTjrRSpw : 2012-06-26 18:50 ID:J53+o1Ql [Del]

>>129 THe D idea is that if you can't speak but what to know if the person is in the Dollars, you write a D on your wrist or trace it in the air or something. And the question is "Have you seen the black rider?" and then the person would answer "Have you seen her head?"

133 Name: Mirai !nUVTjrRSpw : 2012-06-26 18:51 ID:J53+o1Ql [Del]

>>131 On another thread it talks about a wristband for the Dollars. But we don't know how we can distribute them online while not defeating the purpose of the group which is to be invisible. So we can't just put it up on ebay or something.

134 Name: lienay : 2012-06-26 18:52 ID:4DJpwMI5 [Del]

i like the question idea!!!!

135 Name: mashito : 2012-06-26 18:53 ID:4DJpwMI5 [Del]

ya i agree with lienay

136 Name: Mirai !nUVTjrRSpw : 2012-06-26 18:53 ID:J53+o1Ql [Del]

>>134 Me too :D

137 Name: lienay : 2012-06-26 18:53 ID:4DJpwMI5 [Del]

thx mashito

138 Name: Wulfie !pVlbATSdwE : 2012-06-26 19:02 ID:bvtIpSpW [Del]

I think that the question idea is the best way to go too. It's nothing physical and nothing that can be traced back to us, thus we keep our colorless-ness. :)

139 Name: Mirai !nUVTjrRSpw : 2012-06-26 19:03 ID:J53+o1Ql [Del]

>>138 Agreed.

140 Name: Pilgrim : 2012-06-26 19:10 ID:Kg9BlGxe [Del]

Check the wristband thread

141 Name: lienay : 2012-06-26 19:13 ID:4DJpwMI5 [Del]


142 Name: lienay : 2012-06-26 19:18 ID:4DJpwMI5 [Del]

so is it agreed that we use the question?

143 Name: Malina : 2012-06-26 19:20 ID:YuTqTupk [Del]

I believe so. That was what most people at least expressed interest in, without too much conflict.

144 Name: Takumi : 2012-06-26 19:24 ID:8DBycQxA [Del]

Honestly I think the whole wristband thing is impractical. I'm not handing my address out to anybody lol. Even if it were, it's not a good way for us to identify ourselves.

The problem with the questions like "Have you seen the Black Rider?" and "Have you seen her head?" is that...what if you ask the wrong person? They'll look at you like you're a retard and pepper spray you or something.

Honestly, I think the best idea presented is the D on the hand. But, I'd like to amend it. How about, if we plan to meet other Dollars in person, we write a D on one hand and a $ on the other. Nobody would bat an eyelash at it unless you're looking for it.

145 Name: Mirai !nUVTjrRSpw : 2012-06-26 19:26 ID:J53+o1Ql [Del]

But even if the person you ask the question to doesn't know the answer, it's not like it would be hard to change the subject and shrug it off. I'm pretty sure they wouldn't pepper spray you lol

146 Name: Malina : 2012-06-26 19:26 ID:YuTqTupk [Del]

That is a good amend. Hmm...
I don't really want to get pepper sprayed or tazed, but... What if someone writes those symbols, and we miss it? I guess we'd have to keep our eyes peeled if we suspect other members are around.

147 Name: Mirai !nUVTjrRSpw : 2012-06-26 19:27 ID:J53+o1Ql [Del]

>>146 Yeah, see the question can work too. But the D thing works too. Plus, didn't we already agree on doing both? Whatever works in the situation?

148 Name: Wulfie !pVlbATSdwE : 2012-06-26 19:31 ID:bvtIpSpW [Del]

How about, you do the symbol, and then, if another Dollar sees it, they go up and ask them the question? That way you wouldn't be outright asking if they're a Dollar, and, it would be a confirmation.

149 Name: Malina : 2012-06-26 19:32 ID:YuTqTupk [Del]

That makes sense. I suppose if we were REALLY sure we'd approach and ask the question, but if we were in a situation where we either really didn't want to risk it, or it was just easier to draw the symbols, we'd resort to that method. :)

150 Name: Mirai !nUVTjrRSpw : 2012-06-26 19:32 ID:J53+o1Ql [Del]

>>148 That sounds good. But what do you mean by "do the symbol"? You mean, if someone purposefully shows you the "D" or "$"?

151 Name: Wulfie !pVlbATSdwE : 2012-06-26 19:35 ID:bvtIpSpW [Del]

>>150 Nah, I mean if you _see_ someone with the "D" or "$". Then, you'd go and ask them them the question. That way, you'd know for sure if they were a Dollar, and then they'd know that you were a Dollar too.

152 Name: Mirai !nUVTjrRSpw : 2012-06-26 19:36 ID:J53+o1Ql [Del]

>>151 Ah, okay, got it.

153 Name: lienay : 2012-06-26 19:47 ID:4DJpwMI5 [Del]

i agree with you wulfie

154 Name: lienay : 2012-06-26 20:17 ID:4DJpwMI5 [Del]

So we're all agreed????

155 Name: Takumi : 2012-06-26 20:30 ID:8DBycQxA [Del]

Agreed. Good job Wulfie :)

156 Name: Hasting : 2012-06-26 20:32 ID:9u5IvYks [Del]


157 Name: Wulfie !pVlbATSdwE : 2012-06-26 20:41 ID:bvtIpSpW [Del]

:) Yay!

158 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2012-06-26 20:45 ID:UnGlJtIV [Del]

I have no idea what happened, but I can somewhat assume, so if I assumed wrong, my bad yo.

If we are to use the question, "Have you seen her head" or of variations, how do you know the person in question might be a Dollars members, but they haven't seen the anime. Seeing the anime is not a prerequisite to joining the site, it's a majority that do watch it, but then there's always the minority that haven't seen it.

159 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2012-06-26 20:45 ID:UnGlJtIV [Del]

Oh, and a question to find out if someone's from the Dollars, that includes something from the anime? Totally not helping out "We aren't a fansite" credibility.

160 Name: Wulfie !pVlbATSdwE : 2012-06-26 20:48 ID:bvtIpSpW [Del]

We can use a question that has to do with the anime without being a fansite... It's just a question. If you have a better idea, then let's hear it.

161 Name: lienay : 2012-06-26 20:50 ID:4DJpwMI5 [Del]

the question is "have you seen the black rider" and the anser is "have you seen her head"

162 Name: lienay : 2012-06-26 20:53 ID:4DJpwMI5 [Del]

none of us are saying its a fansite!

163 Name: purple dot : 2012-06-26 20:53 ID:FD6bFkJ2 [Del]

you have to see if they have the symbols "D" or "$" on their hand first and if they do , then u ask the question. do just assume that someones a dollar

164 Name: Wulfie !pVlbATSdwE : 2012-06-26 20:55 ID:bvtIpSpW [Del]

>>163 Exactly. (although I'm assuming that you meant to say _don't_ assume that someones a dollar.)

165 Name: mashito : 2012-06-26 20:56 ID:4DJpwMI5 [Del]


166 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2012-06-26 20:57 ID:UnGlJtIV [Del]

>>160 That's BS, and I really don't have any ideas, as I don't have the ability to be creative.

>>161 Not the point of my post.

>>162 The questions would give a sense of it being a fansite, I wasn't saying you were saying it's a fansite.

>>163 If they see the symbols on their hands, why can't they just straight up ask if they were in the Dollars? Why all the mist and fanciful questions that relate back to the anime? If the questions are used as a confirmation, asking them straight up also is another way of confirming.

167 Name: purple dot : 2012-06-26 21:09 ID:FD6bFkJ2 [Del]

you can? once u see the symbols then u ask the question.

168 Name: Kange : 2012-06-26 21:11 ID:SeWjzd1E [Del]

I think that was a good idea,but not so many Dollars members on Indonesia I think :(

169 Name: Kurosugo : 2012-06-26 21:15 ID:XMYo2W++ [Del]

So let's write a "D" in the hand ... and if someone see, he comes and asks the question.
But I still think the "D" on hand would be weird, especially if it was too big. I think it would be nice if we wrote the letter in some part of the hand that was easy to hide ... as in the palm of your hand, or on the "inside the finger."
I think really interesting the question, because it would be made ​​only if you suspect you are a dollar.
(Sorry, i dont speak inglish well)

170 Name: Kurosugo : 2012-06-26 21:20 ID:XMYo2W++ [Del]

And I want know when we can put into practice this way of identifying ourselves, because I know a few dollars and wanted to pass this on to them because they do not read very few posts here.

171 Name: Mizutoki : 2012-06-26 21:22 ID:GJTBIDAr [Del]

>>130 That is a great idea! I like the three taps to the forehead because you can be at a table, elbows on the table and when somebody looks at you, tap your head three times with your finger

172 Name: Takumi : 2012-06-26 21:30 ID:8DBycQxA [Del]

>>169 - If it's too small, then other Dollars can't see it to ask the question. Kinda defeats the purpose lol.

>>130 - I don't think it's a bad idea, but I think the idea of the D and $ on the hands is much easier. I use the KISS method - Keep It Simple Stupid. :P

>>166 - I know what you're trying to do, but you're kind of coming off as a jerk. But I will agree with you, that now that I think about it, the question thing is really null and void once you see the symbols on the hands. If we've been trying to separate ourselves from Durarara!!, then mentioning the Black Rider is counter-productive. I say we be rid of the questions altogether and just stick with the hand symbols.

173 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2012-06-26 21:38 ID:UnGlJtIV [Del]

>>172 Sir, I AM a jerk, an ass, a rude person, a bastard, whatever you wanna call me, and I am proud of that fact. But it's good you see past that and see my point.

174 Name: Kange : 2012-06-26 21:42 ID:Di1o4IxW [Del]

Okay I'm agreed with "D" and question idea.

175 Name: H.o.F_CN : 2012-06-26 21:47 ID:6vsZbyXt [Del]

a very nice idea, but here in Brazil there are so many dollars, I think .... (uma otima ideia, porém aqui no Brasil não existem tantos dollars, creio eu....)

176 Name: purple dot : 2012-06-26 21:52 ID:FD6bFkJ2 [Del]

if ur gunna be a jerk then please leave ...

177 Name: Maomin : 2012-06-26 21:53 ID:D07Pcmha [Del]

I like the "D" idea, but about the cellphones.
On there is a Dollars wallpaper for your cellphone. The whole website is free and safe. I just searched under photos, "Durarara Dollars" and got some decent results. This is just an idea for the people who said a certain wallpaper or sticker on your phone would work. Or you could just get the wallpaper for fun! :3

178 Name: Kange : 2012-06-26 21:53 ID:Di1o4IxW [Del]

Not so many dollars on Indonesia I think,but I still wrote "D" on my hand :D

179 Name: Takumi : 2012-06-26 21:56 ID:8DBycQxA [Del]

Lol, I don't like the Cell Phone idea but I'm getting a wallpaper anyway XD

180 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-06-26 22:25 ID:MkLUHZg9 [Del]

No,no,no,no... NO!!

I left this thread alone and didn't look at it because I figured whatever you guys came up with would be kind of cool. Let me get this straight right now. We are NOT a fansite, and a Q&A related to an anime will NOT be our identification system. How the fuck are we supposed to prove that we're not a fansite when are identification system was based off of the fucking anime? Before any of this is decide and play along with this "Have you seen the black rider?" and "Have you seen her head?" bullshit. By the way. That's not even original. It sounds fucking retarded because they both begin with "Have you seen..."

I'd rather carry a big sign that says, "I'M PART OF THE DOLLARS!" than do that Q&A bullshit that you guys have decided to start using (without a proper vote, I might add).

181 Name: Tohru : 2012-06-26 22:46 ID:3xgak8jv [Del]

Leigha has a point. Well what about holding something like hmm, any kind of currency in our hand in a unique fashion way? or any kind of piece of paper when we want to meet each other. Sorry if this was already mentioned. Threads too long, I'm a slacker so I didn't read all.

182 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-06-26 22:59 ID:MkLUHZg9 [Del]

You've got my fuckin' attention now. I guess I can't oppose an idea so strongly without giving my own. Here's what I think.

The Q&A idea will work, but we need to use different phrases. This is what I think.

Q: What's a Dollar?

I think it'd be funny if the answer was yelled, but I doubt people will yell that. I think that's more about us and less about the anime, so I like it. Since people are always going on here about how we're not a "gang" and that we're an "organization". I also think this is good because many places use a "dollar" as currency, so they'll get some kind of answer about currency. They might get a dumbfounded look too.

183 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2012-06-26 23:10 ID:UnGlJtIV [Del]

>>182 I am in support of this idea. +1

184 Name: Malina : 2012-06-26 23:13 ID:YuTqTupk [Del]

I think it'd be hilarious. +1 as well. :)

185 Name: Wulfie !pVlbATSdwE : 2012-06-26 23:15 ID:bvtIpSpW [Del]

>>182 I'm good with that. It's a really good idea because of the whole dollar being a currency thing. But, ehh, I don't think that it has to be yelled o.O that's kinda... pointless. Heh. But yeah, other than that, that idea is pretty awesome.

186 Name: Kaira : 2012-06-26 23:19 ID:DjNoBbKs [Del]

I agree. It's a great idea!

187 Name: ヨルク : 2012-06-26 23:24 ID:rk0rD/A7 [Del]

>>92 yup haha! :D true, AFA is on a bigger scale, but Cosfest is upcoming so I might be doing this for Cosfest too heheh

188 Name: lienay : 2012-06-26 23:26 ID:4DJpwMI5 [Del]

ok so wat are we doing for identifacation????

189 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2012-06-26 23:27 ID:UnGlJtIV [Del]

>>188 Read post 182.

190 Name: lienay : 2012-06-26 23:28 ID:4DJpwMI5 [Del]

ok thx

191 Name: lienay : 2012-06-26 23:29 ID:4DJpwMI5 [Del]

im good with this one!!!!

192 Name: Forte_Sigma!ljEVVXEJNE : 2012-06-26 23:30 ID:dieqRAOj [Del]

I feel like this is pretty redundant with the bracelet thread?


193 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2012-06-26 23:32 ID:UnGlJtIV [Del]

>>192 Iunno. Different types of topics I suppose, the wristband's probably just an accessory making with a secondary purpose of identification, this thread is mainly just identification.

194 Name: lienay : 2012-06-26 23:34 ID:4DJpwMI5 [Del]


195 Name: mashito : 2012-06-26 23:39 ID:4DJpwMI5 [Del]


196 Name: Kaoru : 2012-06-27 00:16 ID:mNMCV/F9 [Del]

Great idea! No one outside the dollars will know what it means. It's perfect.

197 Name: Maaku : 2012-06-27 00:21 ID:hmTaAe4R [Del]

wat about the dollars logo on some sweaters or shirts

198 Name: Kange : 2012-06-27 00:34 ID:9f1mQnDe [Del]

I'm agree with the shirts,but we from different country,we'll make it self or order it from someone? (sorry my english bad)

199 Name: ushio : 2012-06-27 01:18 ID:H18vJXpe [Del]

i like the idea about writing a "D" but if you write baccano wont you just be giving out the password?

200 Name: Takumi : 2012-06-27 01:43 ID:8DBycQxA [Del]

A logo on shirts would be the same as being a color gang. Seriously people, do you even get what the Dollars are about?

201 Name: Takumi : 2012-06-27 01:47 ID:8DBycQxA [Del]

Also, as nice as the Q&A thing sounds, I don't think it's necessary if we do the D and $ thing discussed before. We need to decide on one or the other.

202 Post deleted by user.

203 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2012-06-27 01:50 ID:UnGlJtIV [Del]

>color gang

I just lol'd.

204 Name: Unknown : 2012-06-27 02:56 ID:irqqmWNA [Del]

i think being able to see who isn't or is in the dollar would be cool but also a hassle. If were are supposed to be colorless then doesn't having something that only the dollars do defeat the purpose?

205 Name: Ryoko : 2012-06-27 03:32 ID:4659uKbv [Del]

>>187 Finally another Singaporean found.

I'm in favor of the "What's a Dollar" (>>182) Its easier than the D, i guess.

206 Name: Sindri : 2012-06-27 03:54 ID:kn5q8oB/ [Del]

Okay, writing on our hands just isn't practical in any sense. Nobody's going to put a symbol on both hands every morning, so it's not a long-term identification system. It marks every member that participates as a member, destroying any hope of invisibility. And it's strange enough that nobody on the outside would ignore it; you'd draw attention to yourself, be constantly questioned about it... It's the easy answer, but it won't serve any purpose for most members most of the time and if it was used it would just cause bigger problems.

A call-and-response is great for confirmation (it doesn't have to have anything to do with the anime, but just mentioning the black rider doesn't change the purpose of the site, and if you wanted to be completely disconnected from DRRR!! you shouldn't have joined a group called "dollars"). But the question needs to be something innocuous enough that somebody who isn't a member would just be mildly confused or think you got the wrong person, the response needs to be specific enough and enough of a non-sequitor that you know it wasn't made up by somebody who didn't know about it beforehand, and both need to not draw unwanted attention from bystanders (so no yelling). Finally, this only works for confirmation when you already suspect somebody of being a member, unless you want to ask everybody in your town the same stupid question just in case one of them knows the right response.

Gestures or signs are just a different kind of call and response, with the same limitations and requirements for subtlety and specificity. You can't just wave three times and jump twice at everyone you meet for no reason.

And thus we return to the cell phones. They aren't a perfect solution, but they seem to be better than the others we've seen. Lots of people hold their phones strangely, or decorate them with little innocuous stickers or keychains or whatever. A mark on the phone doesn't need reapplication, it's something you already take with you most places, it's easy to hide or explain...

I propose that we have a variety of ways to make yourself visible to other members: a $ of D sticker on the phone, the wristbands mentioned elsewhere, or (when invisibility is less of a concern or you've misplaced your other identification) writing on your hand or wrist. This list can be added to later if necessary, if we decide on a specific way of holding the phone or whatever. Once you think you've spotted another member, you can check their identity with a standardized call-and-response, whether verbal or gestured. There should be few of these, they should be standardized here, and every member interested in finding others should memorize them all if possible.

tl;dr? there should be several ways to make yourself visible to other members, when you think you've found one there should be one or a few ways to check for sure. Many of the suggestions so far are impractical, or useful only when combined.

207 Name: Sindri : 2012-06-27 04:17 ID:jMYMHBG+ [Del]

Apologies; I do tend toward excessively long posts.
To clarify/summarize: first we need something passive and subtle to make ourselves visible to other members without drawing attention from the outside (preferably something that can be easily hidden or explained if questioned by outsiders). Then we need an active way to check if someone you think you spotted is actually a member, like the questions or whatever is decided on.

208 Name: Kange : 2012-06-27 05:01 ID:7Em6VG1s [Del]

im okay with the new Q&A

209 Name: killme : 2012-06-27 05:01 ID:K/oreA56 [Del]

gonna do it. all of it.

210 Name: killme : 2012-06-27 05:01 ID:K/oreA56 [Del]

i like the phone thingy.

211 Name: Anonymous : 2012-06-27 05:22 ID:DrCYCgPr [Del]

The meaning of The Dollars is to BE INVISIBLE! that means like you said no jewerly or color, but that also means no Ds written on youre hand. The Dollars are suppose to be as invisible as the definition itslef and doing something like that is like putting a giant sign that saids EVERYONE WITH A D ON HIS HAND IS FROM THE DOLLARS!!! Im not trying to be mean or trolling but I dont think thats a good idea. Plus The Dollars arent a gang. Their purpose is to be a helpfull hand to someone who needs help without making a big of it. You can call that being a good human being.

212 Name: ヨルク : 2012-06-27 05:46 ID:rk0rD/A7 [Del]

>>205 ehhh! are you going for cosfest next week? :D

213 Name: Ryoko : 2012-06-27 08:29 ID:XgI8k23I [Del]

>>212 Nope... I'll be stuck practicing for the national day celebration. I'm only allowed to go for the AFA anyway.
>>211 True, but sometimes, one job is too big for one person to handle. That's what makes it useful if we know any fellow Dollars.

I have nothing against connecting Q&A towards DRRR, but there's a chance that Non-Dollars who watch DRRR would answer correctly, if you get what i mean...

214 Name: who knows? : 2012-06-27 10:05 ID:4DJpwMI5 [Del]

some of the people dont treat this like an organization their wishing people dead saying they should be shot on my opinion they shouldn't be here!

215 Name: BloodyPi : 2012-06-27 10:15 ID:okRYy67t [Del]

Pfft, isn't it simple? The best identification would not be to make a reference to DRRR but to Baccano! In other words,

Disco dance!
Thank you! Fuck you! The star is here!

216 Name: ヨルク : 2012-06-27 10:39 ID:rk0rD/A7 [Del]

>>213 ehh I won't be around for AFA >: but I'll definitely notify my friends who are going to look out for you or something heheh www!

217 Name: Takumi : 2012-06-27 13:07 ID:8DBycQxA [Del]

Okay, all things now taken into account, I do see Sindri's point (>>206) about the D on the hand being essentially the same as a color. The Q&A thing in combination with some sort of cell phone identification seems to be about as cryptic as we can get without it being overly confusing. I'm already on the lookout for $ cellphone stickers xD

218 Name: Nova : 2012-06-27 14:05 ID:WSU1ZSf5 [Del]

In all truth I think it would be better not to identify ourselves by what we wear,but by what we do. I'm not trying to dis your idea or anything, its just that being part of the dollars is to help people not to make ourselves known.So if you want some way to show that you are a dollar ACT like one.

But if you want to remind yourself of what we stand for I'd write the word "justice" on your hand or something...but what do I know? Just ignore this comment,I'm going on about nothing.

219 Name: Kaira : 2012-06-27 17:16 ID:wNwy93sy [Del]

The first part is a great idea Nova but writing the word "justice" on our hand we wouldn't be colorless anymore. We're trying to stay invisible.

220 Name: Ryoko : 2012-06-29 03:24 ID:0OMAo0LL [Del]

True... But do we want to make ourselves known to everyone or just the people we want to find...? If just a small group, a texting system and a way of holding your phone would be sufficient, well that's in my opinion anyway =w=

221 Post deleted by user.

222 Name: TheInvisibleWall : 2012-06-29 09:16 ID:vvOrgbIv [Del]

I agree with Ryoko...we could all just hold up our phones or something for a few minutes.

223 Name: gammit : 2012-06-29 09:28 ID:6v2FJ97Q [Del]

what if we like design something on like a shirt or pants not just like the word dollars but like some type of signature no one would know what it means but us and i think it would work out pretty good.......

224 Name: totoro : 2012-06-29 09:56 ID:t3tL+06k [Del]

i flashed the dollars logo to fellow dollars in a con lol to confirm our identities

225 Name: Black!5L7V/xvR76 : 2012-06-29 11:14 ID:2JDKRnf0 [Del]


226 Name: Takumi : 2012-06-29 12:55 ID:8DBycQxA [Del]


227 Name: Artifex : 2012-06-29 13:13 ID:iJgzp8Fn [Del]

I have mixed feelings about having a little D because it goes against the idea. But at the same time I'm curious to see how many Dollars are around me.

228 Name: Alice : 2012-06-29 16:32 ID:tsveVzbW [Del]

I don't see anything wrong with the D on your Hand , I know the Dollars are colorless but we at least need something to kinda show that were part of the dollars. But we still need ppl to not become suspicious about us

229 Post deleted by user.

230 Name: NightCat97 : 2012-06-29 18:40 ID:71t26rSo [Del]

Ok. After reading some of the posts.....i have to say that i agree that holding your phone in a special way or an initial greeting would be something quick, easy and understandable for identifying who is a Dollar and who is not. It's not like we are using a flag or a color, and we remain invisible.

231 Name: twist : 2012-06-29 20:02 ID:22AY1+FM [Del]

it's a good idea! I say yes... or maybe another letter, I dont know something like BBS

232 Name: Josh : 2012-06-29 23:41 ID:Q5e2Qh1c [Del]

i say nay

233 Name: Red Angel : 2012-06-29 23:45 ID:aYojoi3x [Del]

i agree count me in

234 Name: ToToshira : 2012-06-30 11:29 ID:JFHa3V+R [Del]

YO! I was wondering, when is 'dollars day'?
I was trying to find the thread for dollars day but couldn't really find it....(there were so many other threads!)
Thank You!

235 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-06-30 11:35 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]

>>234 it already passed.

236 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2012-06-30 11:45 ID:UnGlJtIV [Del]

>>234 The day this site was created, on June 19th.

237 Name: LeFlushKid : 2012-06-30 12:51 ID:r13zMFp8 [Del]

Are there any other events related to the Dollars?

238 Name: @ETCM : 2012-06-30 12:57 ID:kMOD/Xk2 [Del]

Or maybe we can all draw a penis on our foreheads, and we could know who is in the dollars, because we said to draw penises on the forehead, so if we see it we will know who is in the dollars......

239 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-06-30 13:39 ID:bvWmFuC8 [Del]

>>238 If you wanted a penis on face you could just use the one in your ass.

240 Name: mio : 2012-06-30 15:21 ID:vQX3aqhg [Del]

I think this is a really great idea. I'll be looking for updates but for now I'll just keep a little 'D' on my hand~ ^^

241 Name: Liu-kun : 2012-06-30 16:14 ID:ZNAdqdg+ [Del]

Lets make a hand sign like Peace or the thumb up in the side of 9 o´clock ^^

242 Name: Josh : 2012-06-30 16:19 ID:Q5e2Qh1c [Del]

The Peace sign would be cool. if we needed identification that still kept us invisible that would be good

243 Name: Liu-kun : 2012-06-30 16:20 ID:ZNAdqdg+ [Del]

>>240 Yeah, lets keep a little "D" on our hands and if we meet up, we can make the hand sign to approve our membership ^^

244 Post deleted by user.

245 Name: Liu-kun : 2012-06-30 16:30 ID:ZNAdqdg+ [Del]

>>242 I mean the peace, where you show the hand back and there you´ll see the little "D"

246 Name: Josh : 2012-06-30 16:32 ID:Q5e2Qh1c [Del]

oh, still, hand signs would be cool

247 Name: Liu-kun : 2012-06-30 16:41 ID:ZNAdqdg+ [Del]

Or the hand sign and the collorless!!! Dollars Icon (D)

248 Name: MisoKida : 2012-06-30 17:29 ID:hLefZyNK [Del]


249 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-06-30 17:35 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]

>>248 Fuck you for bumping something from #3 to 1 without saying anything.

250 Name: Chesh : 2012-06-30 17:39 ID:7JvJZMGX [Del]

I personally like the question idea. about the D, it could be seen as a One Direction sign. One of my friends writes that on her hand all the time, and she doesn't know about the Dollars.

251 Name: Liu-kun : 2012-06-30 17:45 ID:ZNAdqdg+ [Del]

Maybe she knows about us ^.^ Maybe she don´t tell it anyone?

252 Name: Valtica : 2012-06-30 17:49 ID:qQdZp/WZ [Del]

I like the idea, an original way to identify.

253 Name: Domo : 2012-06-30 18:28 ID:AoK5wkH4 [Del]

Good idea since we have no color we, are free to roam wherever we want, All we would have to do is write a small "D"

254 Name: Liu-kun : 2012-06-30 18:29 ID:ZNAdqdg+ [Del]

And don´t forget the "hand back - Peace" ^^

255 Name: Aradia : 2012-06-30 19:01 ID:NrkGyGea [Del]

-smiles- Hi Wulfie!

256 Name: gothic doll : 2012-06-30 19:56 ID:8FzaFjDn [Del]

It's a very good idea! :) ... "D"

257 Name: LeFlushKid : 2012-06-30 22:12 ID:r13zMFp8 [Del]

I think writing/drawing a D on our hands seems kinda suspicious.. The thing is that as the Dollars, we are invisible, but even to ourselves. We all don't know who each other are. That's just my point of view, but if we do have a meet, it should be something less suspicious D:

258 Name: Shinra : 2012-06-30 22:27 ID:2qtK3So9 [Del]

D... sounds like a plan

259 Name: Oggy : 2012-06-30 23:32 ID:LpALml6H [Del]

Consider it done.

260 Name: uriah percy : 2012-06-30 23:51 ID:ZInCAdzj [Del]

Sounds good ^^

261 Name: Soma : 2012-07-01 00:36 ID:+0/hUiug [Del]

D eh... sounds good

262 Name: Miaso Aizen : 2012-07-01 01:13 ID:PhmHnk/b [Del]

Good idea :)

263 Name: Liu-kun : 2012-07-01 03:36 ID:YH+wmsjt [Del]

Okay, than let´s draw a "D" :) Mhm... maybe I´ll meet some Dollars in my School tomorrow. ^-^

264 Name: pokjhdbnxw!amuOBZI1yA : 2012-07-01 04:09 ID:h9lPvQs3 [Del]

Some of us may be forgetting that we don't actually live in the Anime world of Durarara. Us, being the Dollars aren't the Same as the Dollars in the Anime. Just my opinion but something as simple as drawing a "D" on your hand won't compromise some secret identity. It's just a fun way of finding people who share a common interest with you.

And the whole thing about the password being on Google. I had to google it the first time I came on the site. It really isn't much of a big deal. And I would describe us as a very kind and caring community. I certainly wouldn't call us a gang.

I personally am quite fond of having some way to recognize a fellow Dollar in a crowd. I've never actually talked face to face with someone else from the Dollars and I'd really love to have that experience some day.

The whole "D" on your hand thing can easily be compared to sharing an "Inside Joke" with one of your close friends. Where you and your friend are the only ones aware of the humor in the situation. A fellow Dollar and I would be aware that we are from the same community. It would be a great conversation starter for someone who you've never met before.

Well that was my two cents to the Idea. Hate me, Agree with me, do what ever you like. I'm entitled to my opinions.

265 Name: Chrome !CgbeICNblQ : 2012-07-01 06:24 ID:sB/NaWzK [Del]


266 Name: Ryoko : 2012-07-01 08:29 ID:3PzNi+HN [Del]

So we'll go with the "D"idea then? :)

267 Name: Shiwoon : 2012-07-01 13:57 ID:SDOpM9sQ [Del]

I agree with the "D" idea
it seems nice

268 Name: Takumi : 2012-07-01 14:39 ID:+QUQKOvb [Del]

I guess it's settled then. I'll be wearing my D proudly everywhere I go :D

269 Name: xKaotic : 2012-07-01 14:55 ID:FuuSuyRa [Del]

I don't think you all are understadning "Colorless" If you wear a "D" everywhere you go it is no different than wearing some sort of color. Eventually people will realize D = The Dollars. We are based off Anonymity. If you want identification at a con or something how about we turn our heads sideways, sort of like we're stretching. If your a Dollar, you'll know that we aren't stretching and if asked most of us will say we are one. I highly disagree with any physical marking though. Its against principles.

270 Name: CeltysCat : 2012-07-01 15:03 ID:nyODIzya [Del]

I agree. the whole point is to have no color or anything, unlike the others.I think the whole being anonymous thing is what we need.but not a head stretch.Something,Diffrent...

271 Name: xKaotic : 2012-07-01 15:40 ID:FuuSuyRa [Del]

It was an idea. Lol
I think we need some sort of movement or phrase. OH! How about "The Square root of three."? Or something like that?

272 Name: TouniZu : 2012-07-01 15:48 ID:8gG2J2TA [Del]

I want to know what's wrong with the basic "Are you in the dollars?"?

273 Name: xKaotic : 2012-07-01 15:53 ID:FuuSuyRa [Del]

I think the issue is people want an immediate realization that someone is a Dollar. The issue with that is unlike Ryugamine or Kida, we can't all tell from intuition that someone is a Dollar. This would have people asking everybody in the room if they are one. =/
I'd have no issue with this, but others want something more recognizable...

274 Name: Need a name : 2012-07-01 16:33 ID:rvZOui15 [Del]

How about a gesture? A simple gesture no one would think twice about.

275 Name: xKaotic : 2012-07-01 16:52 ID:FuuSuyRa [Del]

Hmm... How about a salute? Where most people take two fingers and salute while saying yo, how about we use four? Like curling our pinky finger and saluting with the rest?

276 Name: xKaotic : 2012-07-01 16:53 ID:FuuSuyRa [Del]

Looks like a normal hello, but we know that the way our hand is held is different.

277 Name: Liu-kun : 2012-07-01 16:54 ID:YH+wmsjt [Del]

How about the stretching and to approve it, we can say a special word or sentence?
Not >>Hi, are you a Dollar?<>Smile, the world is´t as bad as you think.<< Or somethink like that? ^^

278 Name: xKaotic : 2012-07-01 17:03 ID:FuuSuyRa [Del]

Ehh the stretching thing, thinking about it prolly wouldn't work so well... And I just realized not everyone can curl their pinky. How about the ring finger curled? its more noticeable?

279 Name: xKaotic : 2012-07-01 18:04 ID:RYYPUxtq [Del]

Any thoughts on this? Lol

280 Name: Zero : 2012-07-01 19:36 ID:ToSxYgS/ [Del]

I think the idea with some kind of picture or sticker on the phone or something that everyone has but wats on it isnt so noticable would be good and to check if someone is in the dollars kind of flash the mark or symbol. Yes to solve the delema(cant spell) of we are colorless, we are colorless we have no mark but to have someway to identify a dollar without putting out that we are the dollars would be good it wouldnt have to be something like D a gesture or even a phrase hell we could choose 2 or 3 and remember what they are so we can tell if they are one. It is confusing and somewhat hard to debate but lets put it into a senario were we grouped into one area and had to do something. And say we didnt have a text group or a chat room or they were down or some1 didnt have a phone. How would we tell if a person is a dollar and tell them what to do(please remember i made that example out the top of my head). To identify a dollar is purley on the individuals choice to be recognized as one. If u get my point well good for u if u dont or u disagree well then correct it.

281 Name: Zero : 2012-07-01 19:37 ID:ToSxYgS/ [Del]

sorry for the long post just tryin to bring out a point i had after reading all the other posts

282 Name: Liu-kun : 2012-07-02 06:27 ID:dxsv6ikN [Del]


283 Name: Ryoko : 2012-07-02 07:47 ID:hBSpaATp [Del]

... identifying people at con= do the stretching thing? Plus the hands gesture?
Is that it? ...argh, I can't do the hand gesture though...

284 Name: Kid : 2012-07-02 08:30 ID:QMWonys0 [Del]

I think the app idea is best, you could post where you are and give a visible discriptive feature about yourself so that anyone in the area who is a dlooar could see it.

285 Name: Kid : 2012-07-02 08:30 ID:QMWonys0 [Del]

i suck at typing.... dollar*

286 Name: xKaotic : 2012-07-02 10:16 ID:FuuSuyRa [Del]

@Ryoko If you can't curl your ring finger then no problem, just turn your head sideways and rub your neck. I honestly think this is the best, least "color" binding way for identification.

@Kid The problem there is not everyone has a smartphone... =/

287 Name: xKaotic : 2012-07-02 10:27 ID:FuuSuyRa [Del]

@Zero I understand what're you are saying about an individual makes the choice to be recognized, and I wholeheartedly agree with that. However, the use of a sticker still brings about the issue of no longer being "colorless" and creates a set physical identifier for the group... I believe the best way to show you are a Dollar is to give some kind of motion that only we, The Dollars, would know. I'll continue thinking of ideas we can toss around as well.

Apologies for that lengthy post. Lol

288 Name: Kid : 2012-07-02 10:29 ID:QMWonys0 [Del]

@xKaotic good point.......

289 Name: xKaotic : 2012-07-02 10:33 ID:FuuSuyRa [Del]

@Kid It would be a great idea for smartphone users though. An app-like chatroom in the Drrr!! fashion. If anyone would like to make this then that would be awesome! Lol

290 Name: Kid : 2012-07-02 10:40 ID:QMWonys0 [Del]

@xKaotic thanks. those without smartphones could access it from an ipod touch, or any non cellphone mobile device with wifi.
but that depends on the consistency of wifi availability.

291 Name: Walker : 2012-07-02 10:48 ID:yHWdRWXO [Del]

@xKaotic @Kid the smartphone idea is good, but there should be some kind of location identifier so people dont get confused. Just a suggestion.

292 Name: xKaotic : 2012-07-02 10:54 ID:FuuSuyRa [Del]

@Walker Was just thinking about that. Perhaps something in the code that places individuals within their state/country/province on a server. Seems hard to do though... However, I don't know how to code so... Lol

293 Post deleted by user.

294 Post deleted by user.

295 Name: VitrealleAurora!9mbq5YNMp2 : 2012-07-02 11:21 ID:4l7fLOfc [Del]

I Don't, actually. We are everywhere, and we are invisible. A 'D' might not alert a normal persons radar, but writing on a hand is kind of... I dunno, cheesy.

296 Name: oathkeeper : 2012-07-02 11:38 ID:6NIEKffj [Del]

I like the idea yet may be writing the 'D' on the hand seems well childish. What I think is to write the 'D' somewhere else that is seen by people as like someone writing notes on themselves or like on the arm or something.

297 Name: xKaotic : 2012-07-02 11:52 ID:ccxB0CcK [Del]

Well, if we are dead set on a D. How about a '$' on the inside of our arm? Also, I think that multiple identifiers may be better. It helps detract from one identifier being connected with us. What are yalls thoughts on that?

298 Name: Kid : 2012-07-02 12:19 ID:QMWonys0 [Del]

why not have the two rings from the dollars logo on our arm?

299 Name: Zero : 2012-07-02 12:29 ID:ToSxYgS/ [Del]

With the writing on the arm i would have to agree with previous posts. It practiclly brands us and yells out were dollars. Iff were goin to use a symbol i t has to be something common and easily hidden. Remember we have no color we have no flag we are invisible so with tht brought up i think we should do something thats just
as invisible. Get my meaning?

300 Name: Kid : 2012-07-02 12:35 ID:QMWonys0 [Del]

yeah. i see your point... i was just tossing out an idea.

301 Name: Zero : 2012-07-02 12:38 ID:ToSxYgS/ [Del]

I know you were and im just provin a point because people keep saying the same god dam ideas and their ideas just dont work. I mean sure if you throw out an idea that you think might work but you really need to think about what we are. Invisible.

302 Name: Kid : 2012-07-02 12:46 ID:QMWonys0 [Del]

someone could add a new page to the site that could be texted to where you text it your location and it could tell you where the other dollars are?
i know it doesnt sound very plausable...

303 Name: Zero : 2012-07-02 12:51 ID:ToSxYgS/ [Del]

I was thinking about something similar to that. My idea was an app/website connected to the main site and gives the location of a dollars member in that area but scrapped it cuz i have no knowledge in that area.

304 Name: Kid : 2012-07-02 13:20 ID:QMWonys0 [Del]

i know a guy who might, but he isn't a dollar nor a drrr or anime fan for that matter. but i don't even know how much on the subject he knows...

305 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2012-07-02 13:39 ID:UnGlJtIV [Del]

>drrr or anime fan

Sir, we are not a fansite. Whether or not a person is a fan of the show, nor a fan of anime in general is irrelevant to anything about the site.

306 Name: Kid : 2012-07-02 13:48 ID:QMWonys0 [Del]

i know that... but he would insist on knowing why i asked im to do it. i would have to explain, then he would refused on the idea that it came from drrr. he is very... resistive that way.

307 Name: xKaotic : 2012-07-02 14:13 ID:ccxB0CcK [Del]

Id say that if we are against a brand, the 'D' is just as bad. So now we are back to movements or gestures... that's the only truly colorless indicator... =\

308 Name: Kid : 2012-07-02 14:16 ID:QMWonys0 [Del]

Actually... we could use the missions board. if people opsted pictures of what they did along with the location, then if another dollar found it in person, they would be able to meet up with them.

309 Name: xKaotic : 2012-07-02 14:27 ID:ccxB0CcK [Del]

I like that. Start a thread of the area we are in for a gathering. Lol

310 Post deleted by user.

311 Name: xKaotic : 2012-07-02 14:34 ID:ccxB0CcK [Del]

Thayd also get more people looking at the missions threads =]

312 Name: Kid : 2012-07-02 14:39 ID:QMWonys0 [Del]

yep! three birds with one stone. bird 1: a way to find local dollars. bird 2: more people looking at mission threads. bird 3: more missions posted because more ideas are going around for missions. :D

313 Name: Kid : 2012-07-02 14:48 ID:QMWonys0 [Del]

another thing we could do, is make a mobile missions page so that those with smartphones or wifi enabled mobiles can view the page when away from their computer.

314 Name: xKaotic : 2012-07-02 15:00 ID:ccxB0CcK [Del]

The site does have a mobile interface. I'm using it. Lol
Ill bump later and see if we can get more input as well. Lol

315 Name: Kid : 2012-07-02 15:10 ID:QMWonys0 [Del]

hmmm... i looked for one but i couldn't find it. i only found the desktop version.

316 Name: xKaotic : 2012-07-02 15:16 ID:ccxB0CcK [Del]

Well I'm on my phone right now lol

317 Name: gammit : 2012-07-02 15:45 ID:6v2FJ97Q [Del]

wait there is a mobile interface can you please help me with how to get it on my phone

318 Name: xKaotic : 2012-07-02 16:35 ID:FuuSuyRa [Del]

Maybe it's because I have an android, but the url always says so I assumed it was mobile friendly. lol

319 Name: Liu-kun : 2012-07-02 17:34 ID:dxsv6ikN [Del]

>>303 The problem is, not everyone have a iPhone/iPod or something like that, nor could buy that... But thats a good idea.^^

320 Name: Yan-Yan (甘楽) : 2012-07-02 19:22 ID:pMePf7Iz [Del]

Writing on your skin is kinda bad. Still, maybe there should be an identification for The Dollars. But maybe if you guys don't mind, We could write on your hand or something 'D' for Dollars, but with a circle around it. :D ..I can't really thing of anything.

321 Name: Liu-kun : 2012-07-02 23:40 ID:dxsv6ikN [Del]

>>320 I agree with you ^^

322 Name: King : 2012-07-03 01:13 ID:JGKUReg2 [Del]

way ahead of you already have a D on my shoulder constantly

323 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-07-03 04:17 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]

>>322 drawing a penis on yourself doesnt count.

324 Name: Boudah : 2012-07-03 05:24 ID:qA5KzwaD [Del]

Have a "D" on our arm

325 Name: Ryoko : 2012-07-03 08:23 ID:nUx5aWlN [Del]

I'm on my phoned now, but I can't seem to find a mobile version. Anyway, how bout just start a thread/group (Skype or Groupme or whatever ppl use nowadays. ) and post our location and a descriptio, as mentioned in a previous comment?

326 Name: Ryoko : 2012-07-03 08:25 ID:nUx5aWlN [Del]

I suck at typing. *Phone

327 Name: Kid : 2012-07-03 08:32 ID:QMWonys0 [Del]

@Ryoko Yes, i agree. i believe i was one of the people who suggested that. @Boudah that defeats the purpose of being invisible.

328 Name: pokjhdbnxw!amuOBZI1yA : 2012-07-03 10:09 ID:h9lPvQs3 [Del]

Let's all get permanent Tattoos!

I do think we should keep it simple with just the drawing idea. It doesn't have to be any harder than it is.

And I don't think having a way to identify ourselves publicly will violate our "Colorlessness" I personally don't really give a hoot about whether we have a color or not.

329 Name: Ion : 2012-07-03 10:24 ID:gHZ59/yV [Del]

I think the phone is sort of like a symbol for the members of the dollars, so maybe if we had to have a way to identify ourselves, it'd be better to put the d on the phone. or something..

330 Name: Liu-kun : 2012-07-03 10:38 ID:UoTSpvOf [Del]

Okay, thats my opinion:
1. Let´s draw a "D" on our Hand and to approve if you´re really a "Dollar" we need a Hand sign or a simple sentence.
2. It´s better to have two options, so if someone doesen´t have a smartphone to put the app on it, he can make use of the first option.
Someone against?

331 Name: xKaotic : 2012-07-03 10:59 ID:FuuSuyRa [Del]

So if we have a phone that connects we are using the site to identify? And if not we use the 'D'? And a good phrase would be "The square root of three". Just clarifying all this.

332 Name: 甘楽 : 2012-07-03 11:18 ID:Y1ZvZpNl [Del]

Since a few days ago I have made a button with my orange chat icon on it haha~! (´u` ) very fashionable as well~

333 Name: Kid : 2012-07-03 11:21 ID:4YqZVYZv [Del]

@xKaotic yeah. That could work.

334 Name: Tacit : 2012-07-03 13:24 ID:WGy6EF6H [Del]

Well the point of Dollars is that you can't identify any of the members in the first place.

335 Name: Kid : 2012-07-03 13:34 ID:4YqZVYZv [Del]

I know. The "D" idea wont work, but asking a question like "Have you seen her head?" and having a certain response like"the square root of three" to indicate membership could work. And the app for those with smart phones or wifi enabled devices could work to find locations.

336 Name: Kid : 2012-07-03 13:35 ID:4YqZVYZv [Del]

@Tacit the point is to be invisible to people who aren't members. Not to each other.

337 Name: Atheistway : 2012-07-03 13:53 ID:X4QOJCeE [Del]

Guys, I understand you talking about this not bring a fan site but the majority of people here herd about it through the anime and the likely hood of this site even existing is slim had it not been for the anime. I think that q&a is a very good idea ONLY if you have an inkling that they are a dollar. If its related to the anime or not shouldn't make a difference, if it's supposed to be known to all if not most of us anyway it really shouldnt matter if they have seen the anime they would still know the anwser. The item ideas is stupid because we are supposed Invisible. It defeats the perpose of us.Just my option. Feel free to disagree.

338 Name: BarabiSama!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2012-07-03 13:58 ID:x5gp8Okg [Del]


339 Name: Kid : 2012-07-03 14:24 ID:4YqZVYZv [Del]

@BarabiSama No call to be rude.

340 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-07-03 14:30 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]

>>339 speak english

341 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-07-03 14:31 ID:bvWmFuC8 [Del]

>>339 Not Barabi.

342 Name: xKaotic : 2012-07-03 14:39 ID:ccxB0CcK [Del]

I like the "have you seen her head?" "the square root of three" q&a. No one would understand it but us. Haha
and for smartphones we can use mission board for the con we are at. Ot event or whatever. What do y'all think? Good plan?

343 Name: Kid : 2012-07-03 15:44 ID:QMWonys0 [Del]

>>342 I agree.

344 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-07-03 16:40 ID:v0vSDb7k [Del]

But it's stupid and childish. What about those who know, yet aren't part of us? See. It's not a good idea.

345 Name: Kid : 2012-07-03 16:45 ID:QMWonys0 [Del]

>>344 they wouldn't know that "square root of three" is the proper answer. it is an idea that actually works.

346 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2012-07-03 16:58 ID:UnGlJtIV [Del]

Didn't we settle on a Q&A already?

>>182 posted a Q&A and like 5 people liked it. The hell.

347 Name: Failure : 2012-07-03 17:04 ID:hIh0zOxw [Del]

Seriously guys leave this thread alone....

348 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-07-03 17:18 ID:bvWmFuC8 [Del]

>>347 Or you could not act like the boss of everyone.

349 Name: Kid : 2012-07-03 17:34 ID:QMWonys0 [Del]

>>347 no, seriously, this is not a place to be mean. if you want to go do that, go to then post all the mean crap you want.

350 Name: Failure : 2012-07-03 17:43 ID:hIh0zOxw [Del]

>>349 no no, i apologize, i don't mean to be mean, is just i find it funny how when this thread is about to be let alone, suddenly someone writes something and it pops up back to the top again.. I apologize again..

351 Name: Kid : 2012-07-03 18:32 ID:xDm2PTqN [Del]

>>350 then in that case, I apologize as well, I realized after I wrote it that it was rude in itself.

352 Name: Roy : 2012-07-03 23:27 ID:UByL1RHb [Del]

Idk On this one guys. We a kinda supposed to be Invisble

353 Name: xKaotic : 2012-07-04 01:15 ID:XDaYL0uj [Del]

Apologies for constabumping, but I feel it is an isue that needs to be resolved. =\
And the q&a wasn't my idea, I liked it and brought it forth for further discussion lol
I feel it is the best and most appropriate idea. But we could just leave it to lady luck that we run into another Dollar.

354 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-07-04 01:21 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]

This will never be resolved. Everyone is going to keep saying their opinion on it until this thread is closed. I blame you. >>353

355 Name: xKaotic : 2012-07-04 03:01 ID:FuuSuyRa [Del]

Why are you blaming me? D=
I'm just trying to get some legitimate discussion on the matter so we CAN resolve it by bringing together an idea from different areas that we can, for the most part, agree on.

356 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-07-04 03:28 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]

I dont really, but I did mean what I said about everything else.

357 Name: Laicure!YkSaYwwWBI : 2012-07-04 06:15 ID:6bWR7uJF [Del]

I agree with 354, it is not that obscure but we really can't implement it aside from watching it direct from Durarara..
Only the cellphone thing, the one being raised up, can be feasible.. But it is quite dangerous though..
Only an emailing group is missing.. (Emailing group? It is expensive to load credits unlike in Japan which Email is just like texting, so doing it in other countries is intimidating..)

358 Name: long strong : 2012-07-04 06:57 ID:HvUWp1Iw [Del]

just watch the anime durarara

359 Name: Ryoko : 2012-07-04 07:17 ID:2RVz35w+ [Del]

>>357 Then create an email group...

360 Name: Liu-kun : 2012-07-04 07:50 ID:Z9tkVary [Del]

Thats shit -.- I´m to shy to go to a person and ask him somethink if i don´t know him...^>.< thats not fair XD

361 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-07-04 08:59 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]

>>359>>357 one has already been made.

362 Name: Fani : 2012-07-04 09:50 ID:TE1a3H6n [Del]

To summarize all your ideas, we had:
~ the D on the hand
- kinda obvious
- no one drawes the same thing everyday on their hands- suspicious
+ better than buttons or colours

~ holding the phone with 3 fingers, or put a symbol on it btw a wallpaper
- not eveyone has a smartphone
+ not too visible
+ good to hide (by removing fingers, put smartphone away)

~ the chat on smartphones or iPod
-you need internet connection
-not everyone has a smartphone
- we would need an app
+ you can find them easy
+ maybe locate them or tell them to meet

~ the Q&A
~ have you seen the black rider? - have you seen her head?
~ what is the dollar? - an organisation no group
- how will you know who you have to ask?
+ it´s simple
+ definitely not visible
- if you won´t ask a dollar the 1st question sounds like
you´re retarded or something

~ wristbands
- too visible
- like wearing a colour
+ if it´s just a simple label like a D no one would ask

~ a certain gestures/ salutation
- from what would you know who you have to greet/gesture at?
+ it´s simple
+ not visible

please don´t feel offended or missunderstood if I got anything wrong. I just thought it would be nice having all the possibilities and the advantages and disadvantages in one reply, so it would be easy to compare.

363 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-07-04 10:08 ID:kP/HoqCX [Del]

>>362 I'm still stuck with the first one. It's not that obvious, and you could come up with a thousand excuses when people ask what it stands for. It's quick and easy to do, and it's noticable enough without being showy.

364 Name: Fani : 2012-07-04 10:19 ID:nlIF4/Zt [Del]

>>363 I think you´re right. It´s the easiest one and it´s always shown- you don´t have your smartphone the whole time in your hand, and nobody can see if you put a D on there if it is in you pocket or bag. Plus you can´t make gestures the whole time just in case someone could propably see them plus is a dollar.

365 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-07-04 10:22 ID:5XPSIKu8 [Del]

I'm just going to let this tread take it's course. I think the gesture would be a good idea, but maybe we can have a phrase that only us Dollars say, that won't make us sound like a fucking retard, so we know who to make the gesture at? You can just say it when you're around a lot of people or something? Make it something casual like, "I found a dollar today." Mix it in with your conversation. If you hear it, then do the signal. If they return the signal, you've found a member. If they don't then they are one lucky bastard adn actually found a dollar.

366 Name: Ryoko : 2012-07-04 10:23 ID:nUx5aWlN [Del]

>>361 k thanks.
Then arrange a meeting place, then do the gestures or what not there? Use a thread as a discussing place if you cant create a grp or smething lyk that...

367 Name: Fani : 2012-07-04 10:29 ID:nlIF4/Zt [Del]

>>365 you´re right. I just thought, if you are alone you can´t talk with somebody to make other Dollars notice you

>>366 i think that´s a good idea, but what if you propably just bump into a dollar without knowing- therefor a constant sign would be clever

368 Name: Takumi : 2012-07-04 12:46 ID:Bd0Q2hVa [Del]

There really isn't a need for any kind of identification if we use the Missions board to plan a get-together. Pretty much everything would be planned there, from the location to the time. If its an anime con, we'd most likely tell each other what our cosplay is. The missions board solves this problem entirely

369 Name: Fani : 2012-07-04 15:19 ID:ynJ3FvYm [Del]

I think we should have an identification anyway

370 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-07-04 15:42 ID:bvWmFuC8 [Del]

>>369 Despite the fact that we aren't supposed to be able to identify each other?

371 Name: Kurokku : 2012-07-04 15:45 ID:K4HkTLtK [Del]

Something a bit more subtle than the D on the hand thing could be maybe, the first letter of our displays names on here on our hand instead?
So I'd have a 'K' on my hand. Just a suggestion, I think the 'D' on the hand thing is a good idea. And the mobile thing could be useful too.
It's just that meeting up might get complicated haha. I doubt anyone on here is from Australia like me.

But yeah! That's just my suggestion.

372 Name: Kid : 2012-07-04 16:09 ID:oCS6Wucs [Del]

>>370 we are supposed to be invisible to anyone who isn't a dollar. Not to each other.
>>371 the "d" idea or ideas like it won't work because they dont match with the "invisible" part. The website and question ideas work though.

373 Name: Fani : 2012-07-04 16:16 ID:ynJ3FvYm [Del]

>>372 but you can´t just ask everybody the question

374 Name: Kid : 2012-07-04 16:21 ID:QMWonys0 [Del]

>>373 you are correct which is why there would be a place to post your location on the website and some way to identify yourself to avoid that.

375 Name: kanri : 2012-07-04 16:21 ID:zapSbYFT [Del]

not bad :D

376 Name: Kurokku : 2012-07-04 16:30 ID:K4HkTLtK [Del]

Well, black and white aren't colours obviously, so maybe we could just wear a white or black shirt all the time, or black and white, in a way it's invisible, because heaps of people wear those coloured shirts, not just the dollars would.
I don't know, it's hard to come up with ideas heh heh.

377 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-07-04 16:39 ID:bvWmFuC8 [Del]

>>372 If we can identify each other, others can identify members as well.

378 Name: ichigo : 2012-07-04 16:54 ID:7e7FF+JV [Del]

not a bad idea

379 Name: Ryoko : 2012-07-04 17:47 ID:hBSpaATp [Del]

>>376 isnt that like a colour gang?

380 Name: Kid : 2012-07-04 17:59 ID:Wvj3Ym0P [Del]

>>379 it is. Black is the combination of all colors and white is the absence of color. Thus: just like a color gang.

381 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-07-04 18:12 ID:bvWmFuC8 [Del]

>>380 You have that backwards. White contains all colors.

382 Post deleted by user.

383 Name: Lynn : 2012-07-04 18:23 ID:sNBd8KDl [Del]

Perhaps,one letter 'd' ,funny!

384 Name: Kurokku : 2012-07-04 18:31 ID:K4HkTLtK [Del]

Well, I guess this whole thread is pretty much about making the Dollars noticeable to other Dollar members. So far most ideas would make us look like colour gangs.

So yeah, how about wearing jewelry with $ on them. A necklace with a bug $ sign or something. -Shrugs- I'll try to throw out there as many ideas as I can think of.

385 Name: Kurokku : 2012-07-04 18:32 ID:K4HkTLtK [Del]


386 Name: Noiz : 2012-07-04 19:56 ID:5OofzzeA [Del]

I think writing the letter 'D' is a good idea; just make sure the D is visible to passerby, like writing it on the top of your wrist or the back of your hand. Something simple like that, and the Dollars will be able to notice it while others won't. :)

387 Name: Takumi : 2012-07-04 23:04 ID:+QUQKOvb [Del]

>>384 I don't think you realize how much you just contradicted yourself lmfao. Wearing the Jewelry thing is no different from a D on the hand.

Personally, I think a perfect method has already been discussed. Put up a "meetings" thread on the Missions page, and then have some sort of question set up for the Dollars to attend said meeting. There is no need for a D, or jewelry, or anything of the sort. Again, I present the K.I.S.S. Method - Keep It Simple, Silly!

388 Name: Chrome !CgbeICNblQ : 2012-07-05 00:28 ID:sB/NaWzK [Del]


389 Name: Chrome !CgbeICNblQ : 2012-07-05 00:38 ID:sB/NaWzK [Del]

double bump.

390 Name: Chrome !CgbeICNblQ : 2012-07-05 01:13 ID:sB/NaWzK [Del]

another bump

391 Name: Chrome !CgbeICNblQ : 2012-07-05 01:34 ID:sB/NaWzK [Del]


392 Name: Kurokku : 2012-07-05 01:48 ID:rizfQz+q [Del]

Yes, I understand I was contradicting myself, but I meant it as in, if this whole thread is about standing out, even though it'll make us seem like a colour gang, I'll still give as many suggestions as I can.

In the end, I think someone in any Country will sort out this 'meeting up' business.

393 Name: JJ-007 : 2012-07-05 02:00 ID:+MqID19g [Del]

Can somebody tell me why the chatroom is not working for me?

394 Name: ZFMirage : 2012-07-05 02:01 ID:l/jG1KVu [Del]

So I don't know if someone had already said this since I didn't really feel like reading all 392 but isn't the point of the Dollars supposed to be that we don't know who's in the group and who isn't?

395 Name: Chrome !CgbeICNblQ : 2012-07-05 02:16 ID:sB/NaWzK [Del]

>>393 KALEN007, it's not the chat. It's your computer. Throw it away. I've already told you this.

396 Name: JJ-007 : 2012-07-05 02:24 ID:+MqID19g [Del]

oh. thanks. i think i didnt read your comment sorry

397 Name: Kudomo : 2012-07-05 08:32 ID:xma/KdOR [Del]

I think he has a point identifying other dollars is good

398 Post deleted by user.

399 Name: xKaotic : 2012-07-05 11:12 ID:FuuSuyRa [Del]

I've seen using the missions board idea pop up multiple times. More so than any other idea.
This is how it would work for clarification.
1. Ctrl-F the con you are going to or create a new thread.
2. Let people know what you look like.
3. See what other people will look like.
4. Go to the con and look for them.

1. Look for events in your area by reading the missions board
2. Chances are a meeting place and time will be set.
3. Go to meeting place at the said time.
4. You will meet the other Dollars there.

If you are unsure about the description of an individual at a con and you THINK it's them, ask:
"Have you seen her head?"
the reply, "The square root of three."

I personally think this is the absolute best method that is completely colorless, yet allows easy identification.
I suggest doing this. Link this comment if you like it so others can see it easily.

400 Name: Erika !IMCadVsMqg : 2012-07-05 11:20 ID:kzUO4ROn [Del]

>>399 This.

401 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2012-07-05 11:32 ID:4l2y69zh [Del]

I've said it before, but I guess I'll say it again. I dislike the usage of "Have you seen her head?", and to a lesser extent "The square root of three" simply because you guys got it from the show.

We're supposed to be our own thing, using references from the show will make it look like we're just a bunch of fanwanks. Can't we be, Iunno, original? Do we have to use references from the show to do anything?

And to that I point to you to >>182 Q&A.

402 Name: BLEACH : 2012-07-05 12:25 ID:xK0f/QpC [Del]

I personally say that the idea of writing a "D" or a "$" sign on our hands would be good. I'm around in the New York division of the Dollars, and trust me, I would love to met one of the Dollars soon. Plus, people like Yellow Scarfs (on FB) wont notice. They wont know what a "$" sign on one of our hands would mean, its completly fool proff.

403 Name: BLEACH : 2012-07-05 12:27 ID:xK0f/QpC [Del]

Another thing would be (if we are wearing headphones or something,) leave the LEFT headphone off and over your ear, and the right headphone in your ear. Wear your watch on your left arm. Something like that!

404 Name: xKaotic : 2012-07-05 13:03 ID:FuuSuyRa [Del]

I Revised the process because I like the other Q&A better. I must have missed it when I read through the comments. >_>
A symbol of ANY sort defeats the idea of colorless, so I really think that won't work for the interests of The Dollars as a whole.
This is how it would work for clarification.
1. Ctrl-F the con you are going to or create a new thread.
2. Let people know what you look like.
3. See what other people will look like.
4. Go to the con and look for them.

1. Look for events in your area by reading the missions board
2. Chances are a meeting place and time will be set.
3. Go to meeting place at the said time.
4. You will meet the other Dollars there.

If you are unsure about the description of an individual at a con and you THINK it's them, ask:
"What's a dollar?"
the reply, "An organization, not a gang."

I personally think this is the absolute best method that is completely colorless, yet allows easy identification.
I suggest doing this. Link this comment if you like it so others can see it easily.

405 Name: Kid : 2012-07-05 13:05 ID:4YqZVYZv [Del]

Ill say it again: if we write a "d" or a $ on our hand then we might as well start wearing a color. If someone not a dollar sees a bunch of people with them, then they will start making a connection.
>>401 bear in mind that the entire basis for the idea to form a group like this came from the show. The best option , in my opinion, is to use the missions boards and post pictures and locations with or and if there is anybody nearby then we could have another page used for meeting up with people where someone could try to schedule a meeting there, and use the questions as a simple security measure to ensure that they are the person they are trying to meet.

406 Name: NekoIzaya : 2012-07-05 13:14 ID:lxNLWZ26 [Del]

Um what if we did something involving a dollar such as make a ring or bracelet out of it.

407 Name: xKaotic : 2012-07-05 13:21 ID:FuuSuyRa [Del]

Physical Identification is no different than a yellow scarf... And not everyone knows how/has the skill set to make something like that... =/
It is a new idea though, which is good. Keep thinking mate =P

408 Name: sc13an : 2012-07-05 13:55 ID:+kQYnMZ5 [Del]

in the anime th dollars didnt know each other and anyone who said they were a dollar was one i think the real question is are we gonna be a copy of the anime dollars down to the T or are we gonna be are own people

409 Name: Anonymous : 2012-07-05 14:58 ID:Z5sf+TX7 [Del]

>>408 We're our own people; I'm not trying to sound critical or anything, but people will say things like "we AREN'T a fansite!" (which we aren't) and try to avoid connections with the "original Dollars", but then they say something like wearing something to tell us apart from others is against the idea. Our world isn't identical to the one in DRRR!! People aren't gonna automatically think we're in a gang or something if we wear something (or just put a little "D" on a hand); if they do notice (which i find kinda unlikely) they probably will think nothing of it. We're not trying to stand out to everyone; just fellow Dollars.

410 Name: Sixx : 2012-07-05 16:45 ID:aCa9EYX1 [Del]

What even is Dollars day? If we were going to try to do something to show other Dollars members who we are then the "D" on the hand is the best thing to do I think. If we were to do something with the phones it would just get too confusing. And just because we put an indicator out doesn't mean we're any less invisible. In the show they did things that showed they were in the Dollars so for us to do it for one day wouldn't kill anyone. I say we do it!

411 Name: Atheistway : 2012-07-05 16:50 ID:X4QOJCeE [Del]

>>409 I agree.

412 Post deleted by user.

413 Name: Blrag : 2012-07-05 20:01 ID:BZx9Jj+Y [Del]

We should make some sort of ID badge, but I believe that won't work, or would it?

414 Name: Peacebird : 2012-07-05 20:48 ID:jXZhPmLk [Del]

I think it might be a good idea

415 Name: Takumi : 2012-07-05 22:41 ID:+QUQKOvb [Del]

Why is it that people start adding new ideas as soon as we agree on one? -_-
An ID badge would be no different from having a color. Seriously, people. Not trying to be an asshole, but give it a moment of thought before you post.

416 Name: Warsaw : 2012-07-06 02:41 ID:5XtETbYh [Del]

Alright, This post has been going on for 3 months and no one has made a single agreement.. How about we stop trying to add cards to the table and play with the hands we've already delt.. Meaning we have a vote whether or not to have a sign or not and if so what will it be comming from the recent posts.. If we can get enough people to vote we'll have our answer fair enough? Btw i'm new here from today so feel free to just call me War

417 Name: scoofl : 2012-07-06 02:53 ID:Wqsf2O+f [Del]

i think the D is a good idea it is plain and simple and is not 2 bold

418 Name: JM5897 : 2012-07-06 04:28 ID:+cBnf/WJ [Del]

I think that the D on the hand is a good idea because it doesnt stand out much and us only really noticable if you are looking for it. So i vote for that.

419 Name: Liu-kun : 2012-07-06 04:30 ID:DTq1Y5ww [Del]

I´m for the "D" idea but if you people are against, do what you like...^^

420 Name: Kid : 2012-07-06 10:21 ID:4YqZVYZv [Del]

Physical identification is pretty much the same as a color. I stated before that an additional page added to the website would be best because it could be dedicated solely for meetings between members and on it you could post your location (address or description or name of place) and a descriptive feature (visible scar, article of jewelry or something similar) but all that us my personal opinion.

421 Name: xKaotic : 2012-07-06 12:52 ID:FuuSuyRa [Del]

Yes, we are our own group, BUT we do take our ideals from the DRRR!! Dollars... The idea of helping others and not being part of a "corporeal" group whilst doing it. We still hold that. A physical Identicator would completely disregard that anonymity.

422 Name: Warsaw : 2012-07-06 13:54 ID:5XtETbYh [Del]

"The idea of helping others and not being part of a "corporeal" group whilst doing it." But we need some sort of identification between other members.. I know the D would stand out but what doesn't kids right on their hands these days? People put all sorts of stuff on their hands and since the group is so widely spread out you really think people will begin to notice? I mean i'm sure they will but how many years from now.. 2? 3? Then what does it matter.. "People with D's on their hands helping people" To me that sounds like a simple superhero type ideal.. People that help others need to be recognized not live in the shadows.. If i'm voting in this I go with the D on the hand but i was also thinking more of a $ sign but since you think that's too recognziable..

423 Name: Warsaw : 2012-07-06 13:56 ID:5XtETbYh [Del]

Btw this group doesn't exactly have to be stricken foundly off the DRRR! series.. This could be your own version of the group.. I mean it is an internet gang but none of them have much potential since thye all have the same rules.. Why not change it up a little.. The group is yours to mold

424 Name: Lavi : 2012-07-06 14:26 ID:lO7f+I7I [Del]

was thinking of something not common, for example a necklace with a symbol, but not equal to all of this ideology quebrarias dollars.É simple, mobile phones, of course if we give all our numbers so we could identify ourselves in subtle ways.

estava pensando em algo não comum, por exemplo um colar com um simbolo, mas não igual pra todos isso quebrarias a ideologia dos dollars.É tão simples, aparelhos celulares, é claro se todos dermos nossos numeros então poderiamos nos identificar de forma sutil.

Estaba pensando en algo que no es común, por ejemplo un collar con un símbolo, pero no es igual a todos los de esta ideología quebrarias dollars.É simples teléfonos, móviles, por supuesto, si le damos a todos nuestros números, así que podíamos identificarnos de manera sutil.

425 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-07-06 15:37 ID:u3LUPDNj [Del]


426 Name: Alice : 2012-07-11 14:25 ID:1+hjvZxV [Del]

I saw this idea on the missions board a while back...I'll go see if I can find it to bump it...but, what about duct tape bracelets? We could write on them or leave it blank. It seems normal unless you're looking for it, yet is also rather unusual so other randoms probably won't be wearing them, and most everyone has access to duct tape.

427 Name: Alice : 2012-07-11 18:01 ID:1+hjvZxV [Del]


428 Name: Karu Kurai : 2012-07-11 18:10 ID:7khKKXs8 [Del]

sounds cool,but some people up here can be "spies".Yeah i know that sounds crazy,but people post YouTube videos about us.

429 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-07-11 18:16 ID:n0LnGuab [Del]

>>428 ...and? We should care why?

430 Name: Xen : 2012-07-11 18:35 ID:WDr+ecAh [Del]

I didn't read much of the 429 + posts, but did anyone come up with any concrete way of identifying each other? Plus, I'm new here so when did this day take place?

431 Name: yggdrasil : 2012-07-11 18:38 ID:sUQmteFu [Del]

>>429 we shouldn't.

432 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2012-07-11 19:03 ID:LYaTNyFw [Del]

>>430 Post 404. And Dollars Day is June 19th, so it already passed. We didn't do this thing though.

433 Name: UmiYoko : 2012-07-11 22:52 ID:q8TvHSOH [Del]

I dunno about the phone ideas, I don't have a phone and Im sure some other people don't either.

434 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-07-11 23:09 ID:9HT6R2TD [Del]

>>401 You like my idea? The ultimate and all mighty Insert likes me idea? FUCK YES! Score one for me. BEAT THAT BARABI! i BET iNSERT HASN'T LIKED ANNY OF YOUR IDEAS!

435 Name: hardcore : 2012-07-12 00:04 ID:HUA21KxG [Del]

a code word

436 Name: Anoni0Aquila : 2012-07-12 02:08 ID:nWUIIkiJ [Del]

Post a code on here n tell people to copy it or something
Writing D is to common.

437 Name: Sai : 2012-07-12 07:55 ID:2Uwuijh4 [Del]

Now i was looking through the thread and thought of a way myself of course its just a suggestion but how about we use playing cards? people dont really mind seeing them and we could come to an agreement which card we will use to know we are a dollars member

438 Name: Rin : 2012-07-12 09:14 ID:Kr8hVNTp [Del]

When you give money to someone, whether it is to a friend or a cashier, write DOLLARS on it. When someone sees it, they will know. That is if it another member

439 Name: Draze : 2012-07-12 09:22 ID:2h2ptXGr [Del]

that actually makes a lot of sense, but to be a flagless or a colorless group, shouldn't we have a symbol or mark? If we are colorless or, without recognition, shouldn't we stay that way, like, being just an anonymous group of everyday people?

440 Name: Silk : 2012-07-12 13:51 ID:ZjXm/E36 [Del]

I like the three of you's thinking u should do that. I like Rin and Sai's idea cooler. And your's isn't such a bad idea either, Draze.

441 Name: Badara : 2012-07-12 14:44 ID:Pb0Qf9WT [Del]

Yeah that is a great idea draze we should draw a D on r hands

442 Name: kurona !qQsdAJWyQw : 2012-07-12 15:08 ID:m+xacKju [Del]


443 Name: Kid : 2012-07-12 15:54 ID:4Ek4wRAZ [Del]

>>441 I have said it before, and I'll say it again. if we are going to write a D on our hand, we might as well start wearing a color. we can't start wearing or having something written on us because it defeats the purpose fo being INVISIBLE to people who are not dollars. having a mark on somethign that belongs to us is a whole other ballpark though.
>>437 that could work. perhaps if we hole punced one and placed it on a key ring or something?

444 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-07-12 16:03 ID:n0LnGuab [Del]


> "We can't start wearing... something on us"
> "...placed it on a key ring or something?"

Tell me you're not being serious.
You DO understand that a key ring is something you wear? You Do also understand that a key ring with our logo on it would make us even more visible, right?

445 Name: Zog : 2012-07-12 16:04 ID:Grw9pTqJ [Del]

If this has already been discussed then I'm sorry for wasting your time, but what about some kind of gesture, like scratching your nose with two fingers or something, no one will think twice about seeing it, but very few people actually do it so if you know what to look for, it will be easy to spot

446 Name: Elunore : 2012-07-12 18:07 ID:K3+h2TZF [Del]

Everyone carries currency/dollars/paper money on them right? How about if you suspect someone is a dollar, make an excuse to dig through your pocket/purse and look for something(Scrap of paper with homework assignment, friends phone#, keys, anything or we could standardize it to make it more recognizable), than you pull out a dollar folded in a certain way like halves both ways.(fold vertically than horizontally) Pretty much just a weird way of folding it. People who are in the dollars can recognize it, others will just be like "Oh, a dollar bill"

447 Name: Prism. : 2012-07-12 18:26 ID:PZq5yeAo [Del]

Well, this topic has become a complete mess. I was looking at the other thread earlier and everyone's saying the exact same stuff in different words.

Now. My opinion. I think that there's a very thin line between recognizing each other and making ourselves visible - and that's been the problem with this topic. There's really no end to this argument, but I'll throw my thoughts in anyway.
People do weird stuff every day. Sooo, if you ask a question like, 'Have you seen her head?' People might look at you funny if they don't know, but they'll forget it as soon as they walk away.

I guess the biggest point I could possibly make is - People are too busy with their lives nowadays to cross-examine everything that a single person does on the street. It's just not possible. If what you did disappears from their memory like it should, then it's like it never happened in their eyes. You're still invisible - to everyone except the Dollars who are watching out for it.
So in short I guess my position is this - If you know that a dollars member is in your general area, meetups and such, do whatever of these things that have been mentioned. A true Dollars member, will recognize these signs.

The key is this - know the signs that people have been talking about in the thread. Then, the question. 'Have you seen her head?'
There doesn't need to be a set answer methinks, as long as the other person confirms that they're part of the Dollars.

See sign, ask question. It should be that simple. People should stop getting so serious about this and disputing. As long as it's not a huge Dollars sign taped to your forehead (or any other part of you for that matter) - no one outside of it will know. Like I said, it'll soon disappear from the minds of anyone who isn't part of the Dollars and sees your tiny sign - just like if you accidentally bumped into them while you were walking.
--Super long replies FTW.

448 Name: Konata : 2012-07-12 18:47 ID:0HGtKAuw [Del]

I like the idea of being able to know who is in The Dollars, but in a way normal people would over look it (normal as in not in The Dollars). The idea of holding your cell phone a certain way I like. But the problem for me is should we just always be holding our cell phones incase a Dollar sees us, or would we just have to suspect someone is a Dollor then do it?

449 Name: Calla : 2012-07-13 04:51 ID:sch0uq/k [Del]

I like the idea of holding your cell phone in a certain way to know who is in The Dollars

450 Name: Shinrah Kishitina : 2012-07-13 07:00 ID:YLk8Bmj+ [Del]

i like the quote idea cause its the easiest one to get out there.

451 Name: Saika : 2012-07-13 08:04 ID:5U9wUkgE [Del]

A cosplay ring something like that

452 Name: Shinrah Kishitina : 2012-07-13 10:45 ID:N/6+Vrgo [Del]

@Saika could be done, but the ring would have to be a black ring with a green stripe down the middle. just adding to the idea here.

453 Name: Shinrah Kishitina : 2012-07-13 10:47 ID:N/6+Vrgo [Del]

@Saika nice idea btw

454 Name: Xen : 2012-07-13 11:06 ID:NRy31c6x [Del]


I agree, but it can't be on the ring finger, and it has to stand out
Good color idea.

455 Name: GS : 2012-07-13 11:07 ID:K3+h2TZF [Del]

>>451 >>452 >>454 But doesnt the ring defeat the purpose of being flagless?

456 Name: wumbo !zc9lVZTNbM : 2012-07-13 11:18 ID:42q5GkjF [Del]

I like >>>365 then there won't be any visible symbols or logos.

457 Name: Shinrah Kishitina : 2012-07-13 12:27 ID:N/6+Vrgo [Del]

i kinda like the idea a phrase or question. doesnt stand out, but the ring kinda does defeat the purpose of being flagless

458 Name: Elunore : 2012-07-13 13:14 ID:K3+h2TZF [Del]

I do like the "I found a dollar today", than maybe the response could be "Have you seen the black rider?" because the Black Rider question on it's own is kind of odd.

459 Name: Alice !l14UvTg4qQ : 2012-07-13 14:01 ID:1+hjvZxV [Del]

I said this before, but I'll say it again since I was ignored and people seem to think that the 'Entire Thread' button will make their computer explode...what about duct tape bracelets? Simple, cheap, invisible, effective.

460 Name: the~only~dop3 : 2012-07-13 14:06 ID:FEWJ5Cdk [Del]

i personally like the duct tape bracelets i know we are invisible but how many people actually look at the bracelets people wear if our fellow dollars know to look for bracelets we might find more of our group.

461 Name: Cricket : 2012-07-13 14:25 ID:F9YEcBT2 [Del]

but we would have to make the phrase or item official so everyone that is a member can know about the "symbol"

462 Name: Pain-Tree : 2012-07-13 14:33 ID:HFtAx0b2 [Del]

Well, this site is the only "official" Dollars site. If people don't go here (and thus don't read this) they're technically not part of the RL Dollars group.

463 Name: the~only~dop3 : 2012-07-13 15:42 ID:FEWJ5Cdk [Del]

well we should make the bracelets but maybe instead of just saying the dollars we could put like THE then around the bracelet there are dollar signs? $$$

464 Name: Shinrah Kishitina : 2012-07-13 15:48 ID:pC3oVZ+q [Del]

>>463 nice idea bro

465 Name: Pain-Tree : 2012-07-13 15:53 ID:HFtAx0b2 [Del]

Too fancy. That defeats the whole idea. People would think it was something out of the ordinary, and that's exactly what we're trying to avoid. What we're going for is something that normal people won't give a second glance.

466 Name: the~only~dop3 : 2012-07-13 16:04 ID:FEWJ5Cdk [Del]

>>465 but how many people would give bracelets a second glance besides fellow dollars? millions of people where bracelets just ours would be duct tape. they wont be the same color or anything they will all just have THE $$$$ around the bracelet.

467 Name: GS : 2012-07-13 16:32 ID:K3+h2TZF [Del]

Again the bracelets would become symbols/flags which we don't want!!!

468 Name: lienay : 2012-07-13 16:51 ID:+iBBRE9f [Del]

why dont we connect through facebook like put are names and add eachother on facebook (just an idea please dont harras me thanks)

469 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !4CNblaw9mI!!XI8GEi6V : 2012-07-13 16:56 ID:ZFmPR4Jh [Del]

>>468 Not all of us have Facebook, plus, wouldn't it be a little dangerous to give out personal information to complete strangers over the internet?

470 Name: lienay : 2012-07-13 17:18 ID:+iBBRE9f [Del]

ya true but also it would be the same sinario meeting them in real life

471 Name: ice : 2012-07-13 18:09 ID:jn1NuKNo [Del]

It would be cool if we had stickers and just stuck them to stuff to signify things like this is a dollars meeting place or something. The sticker could be the emblem(it can be called that right?) On the password page of bbs...?

472 Name: lienay : 2012-07-13 19:12 ID:+iBBRE9f [Del]

no "invisible" remember

473 Name: Konata : 2012-07-13 21:07 ID:0HGtKAuw [Del]

No braclets or stickers. I think thats too much like a "flag" or "color". I like the idea of asking "Have you seen her head?" or holding your phone a certain way, because those don't stand out at all.

474 Name: Momo : 2012-07-13 21:25 ID:rrpksW4d [Del]

I like the idea of holding your phone a certain way. But i definetly like the idea of trying to identify ourselves somehow. :D

475 Name: Alice !l14UvTg4qQ : 2012-07-13 23:02 ID:1+hjvZxV [Del]


476 Name: Tora-chin : 2012-07-14 05:09 ID:dL2K+ymF [Del]

but how would we hold them? each person has a different phone, we would have to figure out a way that you can do with any phone, I also like the idea of the little D on the hand

477 Name: Lavi : 2012-07-14 06:38 ID:J/TYCVa5 [Del]

Translation: I had a similar idea for the event ANIME FRIENDS here in Brazil[D], but the anime does not say anything about it in the anime, and still follow their ideology, they identify themselves by cell phones, and as far as I know, only the Mikado has all the numbers of mobile phones.

Eu tive uma ideia parecida para o evento ANIME FRIENDS aqui no Brasil, mas o anime não diz nada sobre isso, no anime, e ainda seguindo sua ideologia, eles se identificam por telefones celulares, e até onde eu seu só o Mikado tem todos.

478 Name: Alice !l14UvTg4qQ : 2012-07-14 12:06 ID:1+hjvZxV [Del]

That sounds cool, unfortunately I do not speak Portuguese, but I'm glad that there is a nice group down there too.

479 Name: Balthazar : 2012-07-14 20:27 ID:N9KQjL4H [Del]

Instead of creating signs or words, why don't we do something with the site? I propose a locating system. Everyone fills out a location sheet when they get on the website. First you mark your location on the globe then you mark city, state, county, and put in your zip code. Once everyone has that information in, there should be a button that says 'Locate Dollars members in your area' Then a drop down list should come down and give continent, country, state, city, and county and see if there are any Dollars near you, then you can send them a message or invite to a common location and meet them there without giving any colors or flags. I will explain more later, my family is here and they are kicking me off.

480 Name: GS : 2012-07-14 20:31 ID:K3+h2TZF [Del]

>>479 This idea is awesome, however it could be difficult to do.

481 Name: Isis-chan : 2012-07-14 20:48 ID:weY6wD5C [Del]

>>479 That idea is really cool, but it could also be a bit dangerous, what with privacy and safety and such...

482 Name: Momo : 2012-07-14 21:21 ID:qoL+NeBO [Del]

Why not just say you are in the Dollars if someone ask. It's just the simple :T

483 Name: lololo : 2012-07-14 21:57 ID:WpjJQ8yr [Del]

Dollars is supposed to be completely colorless, but i wrote a D on my hand :)

484 Name: Balthazar : 2012-07-15 09:22 ID:N9KQjL4H [Del]

This is a colorless program, and yes I have considered the cons of privacy. I believe that even when you fill out your location there should be a button to hide yourself from public veiw, the only way you would show up if someone was looking in their area is the number count and there would be no marker that pins where you are. Also I would create a tips and procedures that must be read before proceeding to find the dollars members. For instance invite four or five members to a very busy location just in case one of them is not who they say they are the chances of defending yourself are increased. They do the same thing on Facebook. We can't identify ourselves by secrets and items.

485 Name: Balthazar : 2012-07-15 09:42 ID:N9KQjL4H [Del]

>>480 also the whole idea of Identifying dollars members is difficult. That is why we have 485 replies to this thread and still no one has completely been satisfied on a way to identify dollars members. All this would require is an update to the website, which countless websites do. Furthermore, You don't even have to meet them in person, you can just get in touch with someone in your area or even some place else and say 'hey, I see that you are a dollar, I have a great Idea for the dollars to do something abut the world but I need someone else's advice and insight, you being a dollar, could you help me out?' then you could exchange Facebook contact, twitter etc. and communicate common goals and problems.

486 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-07-15 12:29 ID:n0LnGuab [Del]


487 Name: BLEACH : 2012-07-15 15:54 ID:3C+gcSBH [Del]

The D on your hand for Dollars or a Dollar sign ($) might go well. Just leave it like that. YellowScrafs wont notice since its all inside. (YellowScarfs r on FaceBook-BEWARE!)

488 Name: GS : 2012-07-15 16:14 ID:K3+h2TZF [Del]

>>487 The D or $ might just be best, or you can make it slightly sloppy and say it was just a scribble to make a pen work...

489 Name: Caramelkiller : 2012-07-15 16:58 ID:wFpCCALT [Del]

How about everyone who has facebook in The Dollars have the 'D' or '$' logo on their facebook timeline cover?

490 Name: American Otaku : 2012-07-15 17:23 ID:K3+h2TZF [Del]

>>489 But not everyone has fb, and not everyone wants to have that as their timeline for everyone to see.

491 Name: Shizuo yamata : 2012-07-15 18:56 ID:I3B1V3iM [Del]

Everyone might not but its a good idea

492 Name: SumDudeDatDraws : 2012-07-15 19:15 ID:0qMX2kR6 [Del]

Honestly, I think it would be impossible to find something that meets all the criteria. I mean everything everyone thinks of would have at least a fraction of people who doesn't have it or something.

493 Name: Shizuo yamata : 2012-07-15 20:07 ID:Aqs83cJg [Del]

How bout we just write the word "the dollars" or "D" or "$" somthing that shows your a dollar

494 Name: Shizuo yamata : 2012-07-15 20:48 ID:Aqs83cJg [Del]

I think should come up wit a color cause everyone wears every color so we would still be hidden

495 Name: Anonymous : 2012-07-15 21:16 ID:k4muDMaK [Del]

no offence but, what part of "colorless" do you not understand. i was a nice thought though. :)

496 Name: Hatash : 2012-07-15 23:26 ID:s8ySA5TQ [Del]


497 Name: Hedwig : 2012-07-16 06:23 ID:2gkP8j89 [Del]

Not sure if anyone has already said something like this, sorry if they have and i'm repeating them, but i think we should have a greeting, something that wouldn't seem out of the ordinary to anyone else, but would identify us to each other. For example, in greeting, when someone asks you how you are, a certain unusual but perfectly normal reply something like 'so-so' or i dunno, something else like that.

498 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-07-16 08:49 ID:9HT6R2TD [Del]

>>497 I like this idea, but I see two problems with it. That won't work unless we directly confront a member, and I don't talk to random people. Soem of you might, but I don't. I also know that no one talk to is a member. Another problem is that is that it needs to be something that is an ansewr, but isn't said often. If we say something like, "so-so" then we'll mistake everyone For a member. There needs to be more creatvity put into this.

When are we going to have a vote on the current ideas? We should do it some time.

499 Name: Shikigami : 2012-07-26 05:10 ID:umIk8jwC [Del]


500 Name: Kitrix : 2012-07-28 01:04 ID:hawVpvZt [Del]

First of all i would like to point out if you plan to meet with other members in your area we do have a map in progress and other social media methods of contacting members in your area. just inform them to meet in an area.

secondly if you have read through the missions we have found a way to be "marked" as a member with no one really seeing it. its the dog tags. its your screen name and "Dollars"

lastly if all else fails i would agree with using our cell phones as indicators. most of the communication from DRRR was sent via text.

lastly i would like to apologize for copying any previous posts. mind kinda stopped processing after post 110

501 Name: lemme c : 2012-07-28 01:38 ID:8dQb9Xgk [Del]

ahh i didn't read throught he whole thing but we should use multiple things like
dollars background on your cell phone
Asking, "have you seen the headless rider?" Then answering, "the one with the cat ears?" Or "have you seen her head?"
Showing someone a dollars patch and c they're reaction
also how would you suspect someone is in the dollars?
Like if lots of the good is done in secret then they mgiht be secretly a good person or they just don't show it

502 Name: Hei Atzfel : 2012-09-24 23:46 ID:KQDxP/S1 [Del]

If this really was to be done I think there would have to be two parts. One small subtle hint that would identify the person as a possible Dollar to an onlooker, and then something more rock solid that could confirm whether or not they were once the person was in private conversation.

503 Name: jjp47 : 2012-09-25 05:24 ID:qEHRgLuX [Del]

bumper sticker or somesuch of the black circle with the white rim. normal people would think it was a picture of a solar eclipe or somesuch but others would know

504 Name: Hei Atzfel : 2012-09-25 07:29 ID:KQDxP/S1 [Del]

>>503 It seems like it would have to be something on the person or on something the person had on them, such as a cell phone. I think putting it on a vehicle wouldn't be very effective, since people would have to see the vehicle as opposed to just seeing the person.

505 Post deleted by user.

506 Name: ~Izuo~ : 2012-09-25 09:52 ID:oWwd8m9P [Del]

Well one thing is that there is no paticular reason why we should be able to reconize each other. In the anime Dollars mangaed to help Anri without knowing each other. Not to be hateful or something but this is my opinion.

507 Name: Axel Faraday VIII : 2012-09-25 10:09 ID://FkWat4 [Del]

The letter D idea is brilliant and so simple. I know that many people have things like those "choc" stickers on their car that most people don't understand the meaning of unless you know the point. Using the letter d but making look like the font on the pass screen would really help make it so only a member gets the message. We need someone to give a directions list on how to make our own "d" magnets/buttons/stickers.

508 Name: Ciel.P : 2012-09-25 10:16 ID:YpybIoNA [Del]

some one may have say this idea already but why not just make a phone strap or a key chain with our "D" sign?? and if you see the key chain or phone strap to really know wether he's a member just say "smile the world isn't as bad as you think" or something.

509 Name: Hei Atzfel : 2012-09-25 11:12 ID:KQDxP/S1 [Del]

>>508 >>507 I like the idea of having everyone make a keychain or something similar with the D sign from the sign in screen with all the dots and colors. Something like that wouldn't mean anything to the masses, but a member could recognize it.

>>506 I don't think we necessarily "need" to be able to recognize each other, but it would be nice to be able to.

510 Name: the lovely dollar's girl : 2012-09-25 11:17 ID:jnn8et+b [Del]

so when are we gonna do this again cause i think its pretty awesome

511 Name: Liminoid !!fSqAxMoU : 2012-09-25 11:34 ID:3hYcByZM [Del]

>>506 I'm inclined to agree. I don't think we should do anything that is identifiable as dollar "brand". Little codes and stuff could work but I'm apprehensive. I think using things like "countries" on bbs and using personal network skills should be utilized to make connections. When I say personal network skills I mean people you know. Use anonymous methods like email to gauge interest of people you know. We could also use reverse k code drops with email contact information to see if we get replies. Just brainstorming. I welcome all opinions.

512 Name: Kurona !qQsdAJWyQw : 2012-09-25 11:57 ID:Nmn2hLPc [Del]

Lol I just idientified a dollars in my english class =3=

513 Name: Liminoid !!fSqAxMoU : 2012-09-25 12:00 ID:3hYcByZM [Del]

>>512 how?

514 Name: Kurona !qQsdAJWyQw : 2012-09-25 12:04 ID:Nmn2hLPc [Del]

We're in a computer class working on a project; and he was on the bbs.

515 Name: Hei Atzfel : 2012-09-25 12:06 ID:KQDxP/S1 [Del]

>>512 That's awesome. I highly doubt anyone in my town would be a Dollar, but it would be cool of there was one or two.

516 Name: Kurona !qQsdAJWyQw : 2012-09-25 12:12 ID:Nmn2hLPc [Del]

So back to topic. I haven't read this thread since I'm using my cellphone. But wouldn't a "D" be terrible since it's not invisible?

517 Name: Hei Atzfel : 2012-09-25 12:17 ID:KQDxP/S1 [Del]

>>516 In my opinion a simple little "D" like on the sign in screen would be a pretty good idea. It would be completely meaningless to an onlooker, but a member who had read through a bit of the BBS would likely notice it and understand the purpose behind it. I think it's a good idea, but of course it's open for discussion.

518 Name: Liminoid !!fSqAxMoU : 2012-09-25 12:19 ID:3hYcByZM [Del]

I think it's overstated but that's up to you personally I don't think we should brand/market ourselves. It goes against the the ideas we claim to have. I think the dollars in a way is like saying hey look you're not alone! Even if you can't see us we are here.

519 Name: Hei Atzfel : 2012-09-25 12:27 ID:KQDxP/S1 [Del]

>>518 Well yeah, by no means do we have to show who we are. But I think the idea is good for those who want to show themselves. Just like in the series, anyone who is asked if they are in the Dollars will tell that they are. So why not?

520 Name: Liminoid !!fSqAxMoU : 2012-09-25 12:49 ID:3hYcByZM [Del]

>>519 you are right. Secrecy is not a requirement (unlike some pretentious groups) my point is visual branding would run contrary to being colorless regardless of whether color was the main element of said brand or logo (or what have you). Keep in mind I am NOT trying to make rules. But no i dont believe telling people you're a dollar is any kind of major no-no. Would I recommend it? Depends.

521 Name: Hei Atzfel : 2012-09-25 12:56 ID:KQDxP/S1 [Del]

>>520 You make a good point. It is a difficult idea to figure out a possible way to identify other members but not exactly "brand" ourselves. Maybe we could come up with some kind of way to identify members that wouldn't actually show up, kind of be invisible, somehow.

522 Name: Kurona !qQsdAJWyQw : 2012-09-25 13:11 ID:vrG8rWAb [Del]

If I had a little "D" on my jacket, the school police (if there is any) would probably mistake me for a Drug-Dealer

523 Name: Hei Atzfel : 2012-09-25 13:15 ID:KQDxP/S1 [Del]

>>522 I'm in college, so if I was walking around with a "D" with all the dots and colors like the sign in page people would think I was some kind of hippie or something.

524 Name: SamuraiSx : 2012-09-25 16:16 ID:YO2bmj1w [Del]

long wasn't here T_T cause of work, not having internet connection etc...
and to the topic.

I know who is dollar in my town or country, most among us in my town wear Dollars chat icons as necklace or key ring etc~

525 Name: Hei Atzfel : 2012-09-25 16:18 ID:u1R82nwZ [Del]

>>524 The chat icon as a necklace is an interesting idea. I don't know how many people who haven't watched DRRR would recognize it, but I'm guessing not many. I may just start doing that myself, if for no other reason than to see if my town has any Dollars.

526 Name: Raziel : 2012-09-25 17:50 ID:4b43szH3 [Del]

It would be nice to see if any of you happen to be close to me. ^_^

527 Name: Hei Atzfel : 2012-09-25 17:52 ID:u1R82nwZ [Del]

>>526 What state (if you're in the US) do you livve in Raziel? I'm in Indiana and I highly doubt there are many members from this dull ass state.

528 Name: Misaki Lawliet : 2012-09-25 18:15 ID:HaXNqESG [Del]

Hi I'm new here. Ou! That'd be cool! :)

529 Name: Hei Atzfel : 2012-09-25 18:19 ID:u1R82nwZ [Del]

>>528 There seem to be a lot of new members today. Today and yesterday there seem to be a lot of people who have just joined. I'm actually new myself, joined last night.

530 Name: Hei Atzfel : 2012-09-25 18:31 ID:u1R82nwZ [Del]

Anyways back on topic; I think it was mentioned earlier in this thread that a member knew of other Dollars in his/her town because they all happened to wear necklaces of the chat room avatars in DRRR. I don't know if that's the greatest idea for a method of identification, but it seems like a viable one to me.

531 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !4CNblaw9mI!!XI8GEi6V : 2012-09-25 21:57 ID:ttTwopOA [Del]

>>530 I personally think that would stand out too much, since people always happen to notice a tiny peanut necklace I wear all the time.

532 Name: Magical Otaku Kaori : 2012-09-25 22:09 ID:WN3XOc9N [Del]

I think that that's a good idea! Then we can recognize each other! ^-^ That'd be really great!

533 Name: Hei Atzfel!FangOFTwoY : 2012-09-25 22:13 ID:KQDxP/S1 [Del]

>>531 A peanut necklace gets noticed? Wow. Seems like if we decide upon some sort of method of identification it's really going to have to be small and pretty much invisible to anyone but other Dollars. Talk about a challenge -_-

534 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !4CNblaw9mI!!XI8GEi6V : 2012-09-25 22:14 ID:ttTwopOA [Del]

>>533 It's a golden peanut, so I guess that's why it would stand out.

535 Name: KowaiNeko : 2012-09-25 22:15 ID:HChUuuDY [Del]

I honestly tried my hardest, but I couldn't read every post. I read maybe 300 or so. But from what I've read everyone just seems to be going back and forth!
So I'm going to say what I'm gonna do and then leave it at that.
I liked what was mentioned in >>404 asking "what is a Dollar?" and answering "an organization, not a gang" I would like to use this one.

I've heard so many arguments about writing a letter "D" on ur wrist, but it was one of the very first and is still the simplest idea, so I will use that as well.

No flags, no colors, no jewelry or stickers. Seriously, they're all markers that I dentist us as Dollars! I'm sticking to being invisible and writing a "D" on my wrist is as far as I'd like to go in terms of showing off that I'm a Dollar.

I think spoken word is best. Just ask! I'll gladly tell you I'm a Dollar!

Just wanted to add my input. Thanks.

536 Name: KowaiNeko : 2012-09-25 22:17 ID:HChUuuDY [Del]

>>535 **** identify, not I dentist.....

(stupid auto-correct)

537 Name: Hei Atzfel!FangOFTwoY : 2012-09-25 22:37 ID:KQDxP/S1 [Del]

>>535 I'm still debating on what I personally want to do as far as "identification" goes, but I'm thinking that maybe a simple "D" is the best. Though I highly doubt there are any other members in my town :P.

538 Name: Whisper : 2012-09-25 22:43 ID:3nvAK0Ti [Del]

>>537 well check if there are in "countries". I was surprised to find there are others where I live as well.

539 Name: Hei Atzfel!FangOFTwoY : 2012-09-25 22:48 ID:KQDxP/S1 [Del]

>>538 I already read through the entire thread for my state and I didn't see any posts of people that live in the same town as me.

540 Name: Andee!0UZD1OR/j. : 2012-09-25 22:52 ID:boi2vPln [Del]


541 Name: KowaiNeko : 2012-09-25 23:15 ID:HChUuuDY [Del]

>>537 same. I know there are no other Dollars in my area, but I do travel around a bit n I go to Anime cons where I can use these.

542 Name: VirusX : 2012-09-25 23:32 ID:2RiMh699 [Del]

Even though we need to identify each other, any uniformity destroys our code.

543 Name: Kanra-san : 2012-09-25 23:39 ID:OVfNPWb/ [Del]

I like the idea and I'll probably do it on Dollars day. But the only think that worries me is that it's still, somehow, a form of identification. Which, the Dollars, (Please correct me of I'm wrong) don't show.

544 Name: Hei Atzfel!FangOFTwoY : 2012-09-25 23:45 ID:KQDxP/S1 [Del]

>>543 My thoughts on it are that, like everything else in the Dollars, identification should be kept optional. I think we should have some sort of way to identify other members, but actually wearing whatever item identifies them as a Dollar would still be up to the choice of each member. Just so long as the form of identification was something that only other Dollars would recognize.

545 Name: love : 2012-09-26 01:48 ID:FpDzHoaa [Del]

wait... whats dollars day really? and we are colorless how is this going to help?

546 Name: love : 2012-09-26 02:07 ID:FpDzHoaa [Del]

and if we all decide on putting dollars patches on our shirts or something people will think its a trend and they will copy.

547 Name: STRONGESTfairy : 2012-09-26 06:39 ID:wPsRaH26 [Del]

use the combination of the "D" sign on the hand and the question. (the headless rider and her head stuff). So you can see someone with the D in their hand and just use the question to then identify them as a Dollars member.

Easy enough, no guessing or awkward questioning to people who don't know about this. See someone with a 'D', verify.

548 Name: Hei Atzfel!FangOFTwoY : 2012-09-26 08:21 ID:KQDxP/S1 [Del]

>>547 That's a good idea. I like it and it's really simple. See someone with a "D", just ask the question. Simple and effective.

549 Name: Hatash !22a9AUn3RU : 2012-09-26 10:08 ID:eRssE9Tl [Del]


550 Name: Hatash !22a9AUn3RU : 2012-09-26 10:10 ID:eRssE9Tl [Del]

bumping again!

551 Name: Liminoid !!fSqAxMoU : 2012-09-26 13:47 ID:3hYcByZM [Del]

Please reference: >>520 yes this is my own post. I don't want to repeat myself. We need to think critically here. This shouldn't be looked at in a two-dimensional way. Atzfel I also go to go to college in a dull state that starts with an I (Iowa). I like the way you think but look at the big picture. Of course anything we do is optional, but is it desirable? I think people in college should be able to formulate something better (that goes for both of us). Of course I welcome anybodies input.

552 Name: Hei Atzfel!FangOFTwoY : 2012-09-26 14:13 ID:KQDxP/S1 [Del]

>>551 Desirable? Well I think that's up to each person to decide for themselves. But for me personally, I'm not really sure yet. I've only been a member for just under two days now, so I've still got stuff to figure out.

553 Name: Liminoid !!fSqAxMoU : 2012-09-26 14:41 ID:3hYcByZM [Del]

>>552 no sweat me too! When I say desirable I just mean you need to tear down your god ideas for your great ones. Yes of course it is up to the individual to choose what they do, but we are attempting to influence that choice. If we weren't then we wouldn't have said anything at all. I notice this place has a semi-democratic feel to it. We make majority guidelines not majority rules. You can do whatever you want but eventually the majority will say "I'm going to do that!" I just want to have "that" represent a refined understanding of the issue. I must say I enjoy discussing these things with you.

554 Name: Liminoid !!fSqAxMoU : 2012-09-26 14:42 ID:3hYcByZM [Del]

>>553 good* not god. oops!

555 Name: Liminoid !!fSqAxMoU : 2012-09-26 14:42 ID:3hYcByZM [Del]

>>553 good* not god. oops!

556 Name: Hei Atzfel!FangOFTwoY : 2012-09-26 14:45 ID:KQDxP/S1 [Del]

>>553 Of course there needs to be an understanding of the issue and the potential solution, I think that kind of goes without saying. I think so long as the community comes to agree on something then it should be alright to go by that, but like everything, it's still optional.

557 Name: Liminoid !!fSqAxMoU : 2012-09-26 15:08 ID:3hYcByZM [Del]

Where's the "your favorite dollars" thread? I think we should compile a list of every suggestion (derp or not) and list pros and cons of each. I will do this since it's 557 posts long and I don't expect others to do my dirty work. Having all previous ideas should give us: what has been suggested (what doesn't need to be suggested again), how we have developed on this issue, and possible projections for new ideas.

558 Name: Kow : 2012-09-26 15:19 ID:QLcwPj+1 [Del]

I agree with staying hidden, but the way i see it is, what if we had something like stickers that had the Dollars logo(black circle with a white outline and "Dollars" written in the middle.) and have that stuck on our phones or laptops or other technologies we keep on our person. it would just be a nice looking sticker to non-dollars, but to Dollars it would be a huge flaming signal, and on events like Dollars 2013, we would put the stickers up on random places. it still keep us "colorless" while still telling other Dollars in the area that "They are not alone."

559 Name: Liminoid !!fSqAxMoU : 2012-09-26 15:23 ID:3hYcByZM [Del]

>>558 and this is why we need a comrehensive list of previous suggestions... No offense kow (you didn't know). Always read threads before making suggestions. But at 500+ posts this is bound to happen...

560 Name: BAZILT97 : 2012-09-26 15:57 ID:vye5dOOE [Del]

It sounds like a good idea. I was gonna say jus wear fingerless gloves doesnt matter wat color or anything. jus gloves with no fingers

561 Name: Hei Atzfel!FangOFTwoY : 2012-09-26 16:00 ID:KQDxP/S1 [Del]

>>559 Despite the amount of repetition in this thread, I do like the idea >>558 mentioned about stickers with just the Dollars logo. It's pretty meaningless to most, and only those who are a Dollars themselves, or have watched/read DRRR would have any indication of what it meant.

562 Name: Liminoid !!fSqAxMoU : 2012-09-26 16:07 ID:3hYcByZM [Del]

>>561 put a space between your name and tripcode. So I'm gonna go through thread tonight and start making my list of previous suggestions. I should probably be done in a few days considering new suggestions will be posted as I'm working on it. For anybody just now seeing this I am attempting to make a list of ways people have suggested we identify each other as dollars (if one chooses to do so). So far my main concern is branding.

563 Name: Mirakuto : 2012-09-26 16:41 ID:+BEZTnZ7 [Del]

Yes that is a great idea!

564 Name: Liminoid !!fSqAxMoU : 2012-09-26 16:46 ID:3hYcByZM [Del]

>>563 I hope to little zombie baby Jesus you don't mean branding. To clarify fuck branding. If it's the list then thanks. But people start suggesting stuff relevant to this thread!

565 Name: Hei Atzfel !FangOFTwoY : 2012-09-26 17:31 ID:KQDxP/S1 [Del]

Before anyone else makes a post in this thread, please read >>557. Hopefully this can keep duplicate ideas from being posted.

566 Name: Black!BLACKFJv1Q : 2012-09-26 19:11 ID:J/gR8Cx/ [Del]


567 Name: Black!BLACKFJv1Q : 2012-09-26 19:13 ID:J/gR8Cx/ [Del]


568 Name: Black!BLACKFJv1Q : 2012-09-26 19:19 ID:J/gR8Cx/ [Del]


569 Name: Black!BLACKFJv1Q : 2012-09-26 19:25 ID:J/gR8Cx/ [Del]


570 Name: Elunore!HIwambGeWE : 2012-09-26 19:27 ID:h9OEMbX4 [Del]


571 Name: Black!BLACKFJv1Q : 2012-09-26 19:28 ID:J/gR8Cx/ [Del]


572 Name: Black!BLACKFJv1Q : 2012-09-26 19:33 ID:J/gR8Cx/ [Del]


573 Name: Elunore!HIwambGeWE : 2012-09-26 19:36 ID:h9OEMbX4 [Del]


574 Name: Sauce : 2012-09-26 19:37 ID:mgiRBjUe [Del]

I feel like that would destroy the Dollars "Colorless" purpose.

575 Name: Hatash !22a9AUn3RU : 2012-09-26 19:41 ID:eRssE9Tl [Del]


576 Name: Luciferus Hellsing !ALCL315MiU : 2012-09-26 23:09 ID:Yzurrmga [Del]

Finally, all of the saged threads are gone :-)
Until next time...

577 Post deleted by user.

578 Name: Xros : 2012-09-26 23:21 ID:A0/T0TJy [Del]

For the past few days, I have had a D on my left hand, and for those days, no one has questioned me about it. However, I've noticed a few others having the same mark on their hands in my High School. They are the students with the good grades and who mostly keep to them selves. I've come to assume they are fellow members that have read this topic and are attempting to find others within the school. Although none of us had made a attempt to contact each other, I trust they know who I am, and that I know who they are, Dollars.

579 Name: Ei : 2012-09-29 11:57 ID:pbjnmOKP [Del]

It's basically been agreed that the best way is the "D" on the hand and the question about the rider which is answered by another question.
I'm definitely gonna start doing this.

580 Name: Kanra-san : 2012-09-29 12:02 ID:OVfNPWb/ [Del]

I like the writing the "D" on the left hand idea.

581 Name: anonymousstranger : 2012-09-29 13:22 ID:glrqeLDU [Del]

I personally liked the suggestion of putting a sticker or something on the phone that show's the letter 'D' or the '$' sign. It may stand out a bit but it's something that could easily be explained away, or not looked further into. The writing of the letter on the hand too is okay, though a bit conspicuous.
I also liked the suggestion of asking questions to further prove your identification as a dollars member. If you happen to see anyone with a 'D' or whatnot, we could ask them "Have you seen the black rider?" and they would specifically have to answer (or somewhere along the lines) "Did she find her head?" Though I also like the response "The one with cat ears." Personally, I think either one would do.
And I agree that while it is interesting to note that other members may be passing you while walking down the street, it's better if we meet some members offline. Dollars is about helping people, and the more members in it the better.
Finally, the app for the phone is also interesting and I'll be waiting if it is ever developed. We could help people like they did in the show, sending messages back and forth and practically just doing something if you're in the vicinity. Or just have a link to Dollars 24/7

582 Name: Tsuna Suzuki : 2012-10-01 13:00 ID:PFObwhP9 [Del]

The whole transparent thing is the main idea of Dollars, I believe we shall leave it as it is. We are colorless, if we put a trademark or whatever, then, we can no longer be considered invisible. If we want to hangout with fellow Dollars members, this site is more than enough, I think. :)

583 Post deleted by user.

584 Name: Aoi : 2012-10-01 13:37 ID:ALMmwDWl [Del]

I agree with the above! The Dollars' members always have a choice as to whether they want to reveal who they are or not, and it goes against our morals to have something like the "D" on our hand. I guess the question/response idea is fine, but I think most people you'd ask that to would have no idea what you were talking about unless you went to an Anime convention or somewhere where many Dollars members would be.

585 Name: Ei : 2012-10-01 15:04 ID:9Y/jAGhk [Del]

It's not like the "D" would be mandatory. Nothing in the Dollars is really mandatory, at least as far as behavior. You can remain as invisible as you want. Me, though, I'm using the "D" written on my left hand.

586 Name: Naoi : 2012-10-01 17:42 ID:/vTsFPqh [Del]

but what if your at school and get in trouble for writing on your hand, because they think your cheating.

587 Name: Hei Atzfel !FangOFTwoY : 2012-10-01 18:37 ID:u1R82nwZ [Del]

>>586 I don't see how a teacher could consider a single "D" on your hand cheating.

588 Name: Stag !z5QLzeoyM. : 2012-10-01 19:58 ID:y9VuayCU [Del]

So many people had so many great ideas, and I think there's one thing we can all take away from this:

Everyone should do what they feel works best for them.

Personally, I think a D or $ sticker on the phones, or written on your hand is perfectly fine. I also think that we could use necklaces, bracelets or many other ways to identify ourselves. It should be a choice of the individuals.

I know not everyone is a fan of the anime, and we don't have to be based off of it, but to use it as an example for the moment: Some Dollars in the anime never had a problem with revealing they were in the Dollars. Others never said a word. I think because of that, this should be a choice to be made by the individual Dollar members. If you want to remain more anonymous, do not mark yourself or your phone/accessories. If you want to search more actively, use some of the many wonderful suggestions here to try to find others. I think we should all be given the choice of whether we are "seen" or "invisible". It's our right as Dollars.

I will also say that I personally adore the idea of double-checking if someone's a Dollar by using the code phrases to test them:

"I found a dollar today." answered by "The square root of three."
"Have you seen the black rider?" answered by "Have you seen her head?"

^ Those are amazing identifiers, and should I ever see a D or $ sign, I will probably use them to double check, even though I personally don't think I will ever mark myself with the D or $.

I did want to add in one new suggestion that might appeal to every Dollar on a more worldwide scale. I read through the entire thread and people have constantly mentioned having a certain hand gesture to identify us with.

What if we used the Sign Language letter "D" as our hand signal? We place our hands in the form of sign language's D, and then we make the Assist/Help sign with our D hand on the top (see the linked picture) to show them we're one of the Dollars.

It's just a thought, but I thought it would be food for thought one way or another. If it's too complicated and you prefer the D on the hand, or D/$ on the phone, then go for that. I wanted to see if I could only provide an identifiable way for those who like the hand gesture idea to use. ^^ I hope this helps, and sorry for the overly long post!

589 Name: Stag !z5QLzeoyM. : 2012-10-01 20:00 ID:y9VuayCU [Del]

Sorry, the "D" link didn't show. Here's a different one: Sign Language Letter "D"

590 Name: Hizoru : 2012-10-01 20:34 ID:FT4ive87 [Del]

I think the idea of hand signals is a great idea but I still think that the questions and marking yourself are the way to go

591 Name: Hei Atzfel !FangOFTwoY : 2012-10-01 22:28 ID:KQDxP/S1 [Del]

A lot of good ideas in this thread to be sure. I totally agree with >>588 of how every member should choose for themselves whether they want to be able to be identified or not. Me personally, I would probably go with a Dollars logo sticker on my laptop, since I have it with me pretty much 24/7.

592 Name: wolf-man : 2012-10-01 23:36 ID:64V1uvaE [Del]

All these ideas are great. I agree with Stag on this. We test each other if we think they're part of the dollars. My favorite is having something from the dollars, like the logo, on you all the time. Me, I have a dollars logo on everyone of my school binders.
Something like this could work, but it could be hard, because some people just get the logo just from watching DRRR.
Everyone part of the dollars should have the logo, or something, to show that we are part of the colorless group.

593 Name: Derpy Hooves : 2012-10-02 09:11 ID:GMap1LR1 [Del]

Either the Dollars logo or a double circled D would work perfectly. A simple D or $ isn't much. Make sure the inner circle is thicker than the outer one!

594 Name: Shinzen : 2012-10-02 09:22 ID:qKXyvQb8 [Del]

a pin that has a D on it :D

595 Name: nightmare_fuel : 2012-10-02 13:01 ID:UsSbdxCb [Del]

i made a friend a cell strap with a yellow motorcycle helmet by cutting the head off a cheap toy. diy straps are easy. it would be easy to do a dollars logo button on a strap, too. make it dime-sized , and it won't be super-obvious, but those looking for it could see it from up to 15 feet easy.

596 Name: DevDev : 2012-10-02 14:57 ID:Wp4jYH9H [Del]

There was a Dollar in my school who knew I was one but I didn't know him. I passed him in the hallway one day and he leaned over and whispered "Smile" in my ear. It was easy to confirm because I stopped and replied "Because the world isn't as bad as you think".

It was a pretty cool moment honestly.

597 Name: Elunore!HIwambGeWE : 2012-10-02 15:12 ID:h9OEMbX4 [Del]


598 Name: Snake eyes : 2012-10-02 16:11 ID:Td+2whhd [Del]

This more difficult than it seems since we're colorless :(

599 Post deleted by user.

600 Post deleted by user.

601 Name: Snake eyes : 2012-10-02 16:16 ID:Td+2whhd [Del]

I'd just stick with the D

602 Name: Remus417 : 2012-10-02 18:04 ID:YwcchU2W [Del]

I don't know about you but where I go to school and with the people I live with this would be instantly noticed and asked about. I personally don't enjoy skirting questions, it's annoying and I'm not about to go into a lengthy explination of the Dollars. Not only that but once again it's exposing us. We're INVISIBLE whereas a D would be the exact opposite.

603 Name: Stag !z5QLzeoyM. : 2012-10-02 18:36 ID:y9VuayCU [Del]

That's the beauty of it >>602, we can do any of these things depending on our various situations.

We don't have to have just one way, we can have many ways to identify one another from the groups.

If we know all these ways, I don't think it matters which way we personally use because we'll still be able to recognize our other Dollars members through any of these phrases, gestures, or markings.

604 Name: dxb!!1iXgfdW/ : 2012-10-02 18:57 ID:ZQcxFpkC [Del]

I personally like the D/$/Dollars logo on a cellphone multiple people have said, the code >>596 came up with, and the sign >>588 came up with. the sticker on your phone wouldn't bring up much attention because so many people decorate their phones with stuff, the code makes it easy to find people who might be dollars but normal people would just think it's a greeting, and the sign would be like double checking. The D on the hand just seems like it would bring too much attention. Think about the butterfly mission and things like those. It's whole reason is to bring attention to an idea or problem.

605 Name: pandastarzzz : 2012-10-02 19:08 ID:8NAgrGwP [Del]

many people might have D's on their cell phones because their name start with D's or something though, so when u ask them if there r a dollar or something they're going to be like WTF

606 Name: Kanra : 2012-10-02 19:12 ID:/vTsFPqh [Del]

did that today, found out that my sister was secretly a dollar!!!

607 Name: King Dude !zXqFpoplY6 : 2012-10-02 19:19 ID:MOniiH6c [Del]

>>605 Maybe they have D cups?

608 Name: Saika : 2012-10-02 19:27 ID:a2TMNw8B [Del]

Great idea!! Although i haven't seen anyone who is in the Dollars from my area. If only we could do the cellphone thing that Mikado did we could meet eachother

609 Name: Edwardlaw : 2012-10-02 20:29 ID:ZLi+2hr1 [Del]

you could have your number on here and found out who all is in the dollars around you

610 Name: Tarou-san : 2012-10-02 21:02 ID:2IRFPCgS [Del]

(sorry for my english) well, here in brazil we have an idea... when we gone meet on an anime event, we used an "$", you know... like in the dollar... some people had a tattoo (not a forever tattoo...), others had a piece of paper... or a t-shirt... this kind of things... just a way to show the "$"...

611 Name: Ace-kun : 2012-10-02 22:24 ID:/F3uA+K2 [Del]

I like the idea tarou-san, but some ppl have dollar sign shirts to represent their financial state,so it would be difficult to sort everyone out.

612 Name: Hei Atzfel !FangOFTwoY : 2012-10-02 22:35 ID:KQDxP/S1 [Del]

>>609 Putting your personal phone number out for the whole internet to see isn't exactly what I would call the smartest idea....

613 Name: X : 2012-10-02 22:41 ID:hNbG7Tr6 [Del]

A while ago there was a thread about someone making dollars wristbands. The only problem was distribution of them, and I don't think they ever got made. It was a cool idea though. Plus the wristbands looked kick-ass.

614 Name: X : 2012-10-02 22:42 ID:hNbG7Tr6 [Del]

Although I'm pretty sure they make dollars wristbands in Japan. it's just really inconvenient.

615 Name: Cayden Smith : 2012-11-05 21:59 ID:j4bmGFWI [Del]

Why not simply just ask: "Have you seen my Dollar?"
Also, I will probably upload many pictures of ways we could hold our phones, or sit that would be recognisable to other members C:
eg. if sitting with an elbow leaning on something, hold your earlobe between your pointer and middle finger, it looks like your resting on your hand

616 Name: Izunami!.GFn2G63z6 : 2012-11-05 23:16 ID:E+EprMFl [Del]

what about pinning a dollar to yourself? you could hot glue one to your favorite hat or jacket. or our symbol could be $. there's lots of subtle, stylish stuff you could do with these ideas. and if anyone asks you could say its a political statement about our economy.

617 Name: Izunami!.GFn2G63z6 : 2012-11-05 23:29 ID:E+EprMFl [Del]

after reading the posts, i had an idea. what about decorating our phones a certain way? not the exact same though, something we could personalize but keep similar at the same time. or we could do the same with phone charms. then we could have our phones out or stare at them when at a meeting point. or if you saw someone with their phone decorated this way, you'd know they're in the dollars. we could also start a thread for this and post pictures of our phone so we know not to do the same thing. we just need to come us with a theme.

618 Name: Redbutton !oQrJs1xMI2 : 2012-11-05 23:51 ID:2KYvgQaU [Del]

I wanna make pins for my school bag, but I don't know how to start it.

619 Name: Magnolia : 2012-11-06 00:30 ID:zlXggmDg [Del]

I think this would still make us visible. We should have a code phrase instead. Ex. If someone were to ask, we could say "Do we look like we're part of the Dollars?"
Simple. Easy. Yet still anonymous. Kind of has a sweet taste of irony too, since one can't tell if they're part of the Dollars by looks alone.

620 Name: Cayden Smith : 2012-11-06 05:12 ID:j4bmGFWI [Del]

I like these ideas, though for some reason i can't post pictures D:

621 Name: Cayden Smith : 2012-11-06 05:19 ID:j4bmGFWI [Del]

I was thinking however, your countries Currency sign on your left hand would be good, even if you blend it with other signs or symbols, dead in the middle of the back of your left hand would probably be one of the best insignias there is.

622 Name: Redbutton !oQrJs1xMI2 : 2012-11-06 07:42 ID:2KYvgQaU [Del]

Well... we can make TATTOO!! :DD (just joking)

623 Name: 113Kenji : 2012-11-06 09:55 ID:zXI4+x3o [Del]

I really like that idea. It's simple to remember and a good fit for our name.

624 Name: AngelTears : 2012-11-06 10:03 ID:+f4vUkJP [Del]

Awesome Idea :3 It would be really cool if we got every1 to do it :D

625 Name: Anomalous : 2012-11-06 11:28 ID:/zwvmHyz [Del]

As far as i am concerned Dollars would work fine. I mean not a lot of people would know who we are anyway. Plus people would thine we were talking about money.
I mean going around with a name like The Dollars is about as discrete as it can get.

626 Name: Redbutton !oQrJs1xMI2 : 2012-11-06 12:35 ID:2KYvgQaU [Del]


627 Name: bankai : 2012-11-06 13:28 ID:EAF2qOyO [Del]

yes but to D could be seen as a un finished smylie too like :D

628 Name: dogrl101 : 2012-11-06 13:34 ID:oeuxPxRX [Del]

true. I like tha idea of identifying yourself to other Dollars. How about $? A Dollar Sign? (USD) $$ It would be un noticeable, colorless, non-offensive, and would identify you. Besides, it literally stands for DOLLAR!!!!! xD I would like to participate in this idea. Personally, I don't know any other dollars. Not one!!! I joined because my ex-husband was a dollar, but (i think) he quit. :( Knowing other dollars who share tha same goal would be extremely beneficial to me. I try to spread Dollar love everywhere i go, but I feel as if i am tha only one. =( (WA state USA)

629 Name: bankai : 2012-11-06 13:41 ID:EAF2qOyO [Del]

i like $ better than the D it was a very good idear if you have fb you should post it

630 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2012-11-06 13:51 ID:zlXggmDg [Del]

SO far a lot of people want to put some kind of insignia on there hands... Still don't think it's the best idea, but whatever. I really like those who want to do something with their phones though, like in the anime, but I'm so confused about how those Japanese phones work. Apparently you can hold website chats on them, send a message to every members phone without even knowing their phone number, etc. It's just too confusing. I would like for everyone to share numbers like the people up above suggested, but I also think that sharing numbers on the internet, even on the Dollars website, isn't the greatest idea. Right now, the site is kind of divided between anime fans, anime fans who want to make a difference, and trolls. I think having something attached to your phone is discreet yet noticeable. I would just have a problem with the hand thing, because... how often are you gonna draw a $ sign on your hand?? And how often are people gonna ask why you have a $ sign on your hand until you snap? If we could just put a dollar sign key chain on your phone or clothing (like ur belt loop), I think that could work maybe...

631 Name: Kanra : 2012-11-06 17:48 ID:/vTsFPqh [Del]

I do this every day!!!

632 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2012-11-06 18:30 ID:zlXggmDg [Del]


((Not sure if serious, or...))

633 Name: PHNX : 2012-11-06 18:58 ID:5LK/pJI3 [Del]

After thinking about it for awhile. I'm somewhat surprised that the guys who made Durarara did not make some form of clothing for the Dollars. Like a beanie with the Dollars logo or even a t-shirt. Its better thatway so we don't mix up fans and Dollars but that could've really helped us out ya know?
I think we should find some uniform way to let yourself be seen as Dollars. If its a hat, so be it, but unlike the other color gangs that wear colored scarves, hats, and shirts, I don't want to be labeled as a thug. For now, I'll wear my headphones that are shaped like a circle and paste the Dollars logo on the ears. Look out for me!

634 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2012-11-06 19:12 ID:zlXggmDg [Del]

That makes sense... I dont think there's any singular way to do this.

We're part of the Dollars, so we should do whatever the hell we want.

You do ur earphones, I'll hang The Dollars business card around my pocket, & Kanra can just put a Dollars insignia on his left hand every day.

635 Name: Keion : 2012-11-06 20:25 ID:HUp53pGT [Del]

my idea is that make the dollar logo your cellphone/iPod or whatever your wallpaper/screensaver. that's what I do. :D

636 Name: Link488 : 2012-11-06 22:04 ID:HZn2P3bH [Del]

No uniforms are needed fellow friends, that would fall into the colorless factor. Now maybe what others were saying, just a simple D or screensaver on your cell phone. However if some of us prefer to be a bit more flashy then do so, we wont judge, this is a free place do as you please. Just so long that we can know if there of us are more around each other.

637 Name: Daita : 2012-11-07 00:53 ID:e0YqxGC5 [Del]

no uniforms, no flags, no symbols. We are about being invisible.

i like all the ideas about using our cellphones.\

and if everyone isn't aware, we do indeed have a texting group. The BBS on Groupme

638 Name: DECKER : 2012-11-07 01:19 ID:W4su6v1M [Del]

heres a idea for a texting group

if you have a ipod touch we can use text now to notify eachother its a free texting app and is universal!! inbox me at this email address and ill boot up our texting group and leave me your email and your text now number and ill update the numbers to your email weekly NOTE: MUST BE TEXT NOW WHEN YOU OPEN UP TEXT NOW HIT THE POP UP THAT SAYS GIVE ME A NUMBER ITS FREE


639 Name: Kay : 2012-11-07 01:33 ID:WF94bF+n [Del]

How about we do the three finger with the cell phone and if you see someone doing it you ask them "have you seen the black rider" and then answer "have you seen her head".

640 Name: bankai : 2012-11-07 01:51 ID:Rv7+0akZ [Del]

i like you sugestion but we shouledn do it like the bluesquers or the yellow scarft in durarara(DRRR!!) we need to stay invisabil but only to the ppl who aren´t in the dollars evry one who in the dollras should have a $ writen on ther hand so we could notis our self from the dollars and the norman ppl...

641 Name: Lolly : 2012-11-07 03:30 ID:h60qgoHO [Del]

>>637 Sorry, but can you explain how groupme works and how you become part of the dollars texting group etc. ?

642 Name: RioichiX3 : 2012-11-07 04:58 ID:7itDiaKV [Del]

The dollars cant have a collor so we should have an action

643 Name: Khaos : 2012-11-07 06:41 ID:CMOAhDCW [Del]

so what were clear plastic or some thing?

644 Name: wordsphoenix : 2012-11-07 08:49 ID:efGUPARs [Del]

An action makes a lot of sense, if we have any form of identification. We can't have it be anything strangers can recognize.

645 Name: Kay : 2012-11-07 10:01 ID:sLySsoBh [Del]

Uhm... A Dollars action?

Does anyone else vote against flashing Dollars gangs signs?

646 Name: Reaper : 2012-11-07 10:22 ID:hI5kYvSp [Del]

hmm well a sign could get you shot in the wrong part of town lol but it would be cool to have something to identify each other, the problem is then that it gets out and once everyone knows the sign people use it without knowing what it means thusly becoming meaningless

647 Name: Setton : 2012-11-07 10:26 ID:fnGebOYd [Del]

Isn't the whole point of us Dollars is to not know who we are unless we're specifically called upon by our leader? Having any type of sign would ruin that.

648 Name: dogrl101 : 2012-11-07 13:52 ID:BeC0HhEB [Del]

hmm. That is a very interesting point. I personally like tha idea of using the password baccano as like a 'club word.' I don't think advertising the written password is a good idea. ;/ people may get a hint of what it is, or take it the wrong way. But saying the password, however... :) I suppose it doesnt really matter anyways. I'm just gonna stick to the $ sign on my left hand.

649 Post deleted by user.

650 Name: Aria Akido : 2012-11-07 15:54 ID:n8Ujk4x/ [Del]

I think that us a great idea to have a "D" on your hand so we can somtimes maybe run into other people on the dollars since only the people in the dollars will know what it stands for....

651 Name: Setton!!hPeQ9KDP : 2012-11-07 16:06 ID:fnGebOYd [Del]

Idunno, personally the thought of having 'identification' goes against what we stand for. We have a color; it's camouflage.

652 Name: BlueRose : 2012-11-07 17:09 ID:4aE0bIp7 [Del]

Thats an amazing idea!!!!! :)

653 Name: Ai : 2012-11-07 17:29 ID:voDvRLvG [Del]

OK from now on I will have a blue "D" on my left hand! If I bump into any of my fellow Dollar, please say "HI"!

654 Name: Biohaz : 2012-11-07 17:44 ID:7NXC9TEZ [Del]

So im assuming people are on the lookout for inconspicuous "D" signs on either hands or mobile phones?

655 Name: Turtle : 2012-11-07 17:46 ID:gswPeKBq [Del]

Got it! we need a date...I'm gonna probably have a D on my hand every day, but for people who would only do it once...what date should we set up?

656 Name: hidden : 2012-11-07 17:58 ID:y7hxxBeu [Del]

we should totally do that, it would be nice to know who is apart of the dollars

657 Name: Ace-kun : 2012-11-07 20:21 ID:0Y1NXnOj [Del]

hey this should be done like sometime next week and i agree w/ turtle ill probablly have it all the time

658 Name: Ryu Takumi!6kVVCPEsJI : 2012-11-14 13:19 ID:3iZEhj8T [Del]

Next year in November I'll wear a 'D' on my right arm forever.

659 Name: IX : 2012-11-14 13:52 ID:nQPpdVVP [Del]

I really like the question and response ("have you seen the black rider" "have you seen her head") The phone background and dollars sticker are also good ideas. The combination of the sticker/background and the question and response would be a sure fire way of identifying another member.

but then there is the matter of remaining invisible. :/ We'd have to be super subtle while going through the id process.

660 Name: Pzycho : 2012-11-14 14:04 ID:RgTJ7YXa [Del]

what about :D

661 Name: Scipio : 2012-11-14 14:24 ID:8iy7tT55 [Del]

Perhaps a combination of the methods already suggested? We could first do something to give a clue that you're a dollar like have a "D" somewhere, or hold your phone a certain way. Then, If you catch the reference, then you can ask the question "Have you heard of the Black Rider?" and if the person is a true Dollar, then they would reply "Have you seen her head?"

I realize there still is the issue of giving the clue, but that could be a personal choice people make, which will represent the true enigma philosophy of the Dollars. If your intuition tells you somebody is in the Dollars, then there is a way to confirm it if you care to.

662 Name: Tsukkuyomi : 2012-11-14 14:34 ID:j3QJxMlO [Del]

>>661 I like your idea of combining them ^w^

663 Name: KanraKid : 2012-11-14 15:01 ID:SVHa9oTP [Del]

Oh, jeez, the idea of combining them is actually a really good one!! ^^

664 Name: Scipio : 2012-11-14 15:11 ID:8iy7tT55 [Del]

The question would be used to separate the DRRR! fans from the actual dollars and be able to identify members, and it won't break our enigma if we choose to show it in a personalized way. Those issues were, what I thought, the most problematic.

665 Name: PHNX : 2012-11-14 16:16 ID:5LK/pJI3 [Del]

Definitely. Separating Dollar from fan is crucial in this process. One thing though, I saw someone in my neighborhood with a dollars shirt. Black shirt with the Dollars logo on the chest. I have no idea if the guys who made Durarara made a shirt for the Dollars. So, Fan or Dollar?

666 Name: Scipio : 2012-11-14 16:18 ID:8iy7tT55 [Del]

>>665 That's where the question come in. See this post >>661

667 Name: 祐也 : 2012-11-14 16:52 ID:A2edshV7 [Del]

We don't need something like this

We start identifying ourselves and we're no different from any other gang

668 Name: PHNX : 2012-11-14 17:57 ID:5LK/pJI3 [Del]

Yeah but unlike the figurative dollars, we can't spread word of anything through phones. Only through computer and if you're actually on the site and in the chatrooms. If we had and Android or Apple App developer in our gang then that might work to our advantage. We should look into App Developers in the Dollars.

669 Name: Scipio : 2012-11-14 18:03 ID:8iy7tT55 [Del]

>>668 that would be awesome, but highly unlikely. still worth supporting though!

670 Name: nike1997 : 2012-11-14 18:07 ID:4w3MemS1 [Del]

this is a great idea!! ill definitely do it!!

671 Name: corvinomorte : 2012-11-14 18:21 ID:/MDbtB6m [Del]

>>668 I do happen to know a guy who could make an app

672 Name: PHNX : 2012-11-14 19:52 ID:5LK/pJI3 [Del]

The Dollars App should have some way to notify other Dollars in your area like a GPS Locator. Granted that you want to be found, then you can use Scipio's idea of asking them the question and if they answer the question or even happen to mention the post then you will know another Dollar. Just a suggestion.

673 Name: JQ : 2012-11-14 19:59 ID:zd50P/Xf [Del]

>>672 GPS? that is so expensive for everybody to get one. i mean it is a good idea though

674 Name: Kuhn : 2012-11-14 21:08 ID:IvKhF28K [Del]


Not really, most modern smartphones come with gps capabilities. If we developed a free app then it would be fairly inexpensive on the personal level.

675 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-11-14 21:41 ID:bzNtoSW1 [Del]

>>674 and what about non smart phone users hm? And why would someone need an app for gps if their phone already has it.

676 Name: Horange : 2012-11-14 23:19 ID:75ulDCRZ [Del]

Well, Its not like its a bad idea. It would be pretty handy for those of us who do have smart phones. But who would create this app that would tap into the smart phones GPS? Would it be for Android and iphone?

677 Name: JYD : 2012-11-15 02:29 ID:mmXt3J04 [Del]

;) love the app idea :) currently I can't join the chatrooms from my iphone5 ;_;

678 Name: JYD : 2012-11-15 02:29 ID:mmXt3J04 [Del]

;) love the app idea :) currently I can't join the chatrooms from my iphone5 ;_;

679 Name: JYD : 2012-11-15 02:30 ID:mmXt3J04 [Del]

;) love the app idea :) currently I can't join the chatrooms from my iphone5 ;_;

680 Name: JYD : 2012-11-15 02:30 ID:mmXt3J04 [Del]

;) love the app idea :) currently I can't join the chatrooms from my iphone5 ;_;

681 Name: JYD : 2012-11-15 02:30 ID:mmXt3J04 [Del]

;) love the app idea :) currently I can't join the chatrooms from my iphone5 ;_;

682 Name: DarkMia : 2012-11-15 11:40 ID:P1gVX+4w [Del]

I love the idea of the sticker on the phone in combination with the way you hod it. like that you can make the sticker visible if you want to or cover it.
in addition those who want to can get the app if someone made it. And those who don't have a smartphone can make a sticker on their wallet or anything else they use kind of often. It doesn't have to be a wallet but can be on everything.

Just my idea of everything. I will do so. it#s easy to make :D

683 Name: PHNX : 2012-11-15 12:16 ID:hABAfbm7 [Del]

I wonder what it will be like to see Dollars in perspective to the city.
Dollars Everywhere.

684 Name: Shiraishi : 2012-11-15 15:50 ID:oBeogNM0 [Del]

Lol if there was an app I would download it in a second :3, and if we end up doing something to identify ourselves I bet that we'll end up meeting lots of other members.

685 Name: Ryu Takumi!6kVVCPEsJI : 2012-11-15 15:59 ID:3iZEhj8T [Del]

This is the moment when the question comes up:
'Will they be true Dollars or just a fake of it? Just carrying the title and don't act like a true member.'
What if the app is used to find people and bully them? What if there are haters among us? What if we're nothing but fakers?
Hate to say that but, I prefer to stay in the shadows. If someone would ask me: 'Are you a part of the Dollars?' I would say yes. But I'm not gonna do something to identify myself as a Dollar out in puplic.

686 Name: Horange : 2012-11-15 16:22 ID:Me0b87A4 [Del]

I guess that's true. I'd hate if someone were to get hurt just because their a part of the Dollars. . .

687 Name: Kitaya-kun : 2012-11-15 16:31 ID:je5B7mZY [Del]

I oppose that idea. The Dollars came from a book. It's likely that only the people who have read the book, and liked the idea of the dollars enough to search it up, are actually on here. So I highly doubt the problem of bullying would arise. I'm putting a 'D' on my hand.

688 Name: Horange : 2012-11-15 17:03 ID:Me0b87A4 [Del]

Then I shall write a D on my hand as well!! Do we do this every day though?

689 Name: PHNX : 2012-11-15 17:26 ID:hABAfbm7 [Del]

>>688 Your choice. I wear my Dollars headphones because I host an Anime Club at my school. You can do it whenever.
>>687 I agree, I do not think anyone will get hurt as long as we remain anonymous, like the leader.

690 Post deleted by user.

691 Post deleted by user.

692 Name: love : 2012-11-15 23:13 ID:FpDzHoaa [Del]

i just wrote dura dura on my hand because it stands for pointless like the dollars

693 Name: flower : 2012-11-15 23:21 ID:9j/dYOdk [Del]

It sound okay

694 Name: bankai : 2012-11-16 05:07 ID:OwfPFj42 [Del]

who joins me evry on e who reads this should write a D ore a $ on ther left\rhite hand plz i need to know who lives in my town or colse to me so plz wirte a D or a $ on zou hand
wer macht mit jeder der das list solte ein dD oder ein $ auf seiner linken oder rechten hand weil ich wurde gerne willen wen in mein dorf oder in meine nahe wond also bitte schreibt ein D oder en $ auf die hand

695 Name: MillieMarl : 2012-11-16 05:55 ID:3mhltIOM [Del]

Or maybe we should just wear anything that had D or $ .. A keychain would be easier

696 Name: Ryu Takumi!6kVVCPEsJI : 2012-11-16 06:59 ID:3iZEhj8T [Del]

>>694 Look at the main page below the main section is another section calles 'Countries', in there is a german thread let other german Dollars know where you're from, and you may meet some.

697 Name: lightning : 2012-11-16 15:57 ID:/FKiJ3yv [Del]

me encanta tu idea .

698 Name: Xros : 2012-11-17 18:53 ID:A0/T0TJy [Del]


699 Name: Zacchi-kun : 2012-11-17 19:06 ID:vFyuxLbw [Del]

I think you should only ask them up. I mean, there's no need to be showing anything. If you want to know, go on and aks

700 Name: Name : 2012-11-17 20:22 ID:I4edG5b2 [Del]

Nobody at my school knows what the Dollars are but me *sad face*

701 Name: corvinomorte : 2012-11-17 20:37 ID:/MDbtB6m [Del]

>>700 same here

702 Name: Sanji : 2012-11-17 21:28 ID:2Vzkrqo/ [Del]

maybe they do know but their keeping a secret?

703 Name: nobody : 2012-11-17 21:35 ID:pDEFTUlr [Del]

the question idea is good, but how will we know to ask them the question... just randomly going up to people and asking them "have you seen the black rider" to just anyone then people will catch on and think its a kind of trend...i like the writing D on our hands or anywhere where people can spot easily, but then again the dollars are invisible, after having this D thing for a while people will catch on and everyone will know who's in the dollars and who isn't

704 Name: Erika !IMCadVsMqg : 2012-12-17 16:45 ID:iT+WWqMO [Del]

How about saying our motto: "The World isn't as bad as you think" to people, if they reply with "Have you seen the Black Rider?" you know their a dollar, but if they don't, well then your still passing on a message we plan to tell the whole world anyways.

705 Name: Day/Dia : 2012-12-17 17:39 ID:toSVoeCq [Del]

>>704 Don't forget to add the "smile" to that~

706 Name: KittenInABlender : 2012-12-17 17:45 ID:5rPZM6YI [Del]

>>704 Love the idea but if you're not sure about some one and you just randomly say it could cause them to stare at you awkwardly :P

707 Name: Rue !9h3qX0u7Uk : 2012-12-17 17:50 ID:rO4PawYX [Del]

i agree with Erika! Bump!!!

708 Name: Day/Dia : 2012-12-17 17:51 ID:toSVoeCq [Del]

>>707 Please don't say bump when you're already posting something. =w=

709 Name: Sonja : 2012-12-17 18:37 ID:3zHlvp8g [Del]

dang it, haven't been on here in so long, didn't have the time to read all of it, only got to the 200's, but i like a lot of these ideas, and hopefully i can try to find some other dollars from PA r the same basic area like Delaware and NJ and what not

710 Name: Chisa : 2012-12-17 19:16 ID:+phdYu5E [Del]

okay what about if you want to be identify you can hold you phone with the 3 fingers like it was suggested for a bit and see if anyone comes. if they do they will ask the question. "have you seen the black rider" and you would respond "have you seen her head"

711 Name: Fuzein : 2012-12-17 19:33 ID:zIWJotGt [Del]

We can't be invisible and be identified. Our only identification is out username.

712 Name: Sora : 2012-12-17 19:41 ID:xAjTuo04 [Del]

Some people don't have a phone though ....and I can't hold a iPad with 3 fingers without it falling

713 Name: Flamemaster1 : 2012-12-17 19:58 ID:BE3x9Eh7 [Del]

Not many people in the real world really know about the dollars, so i think its fine to have the dollars logo as your wallpaper on your phone or ipod or something. I myself have the dollars insignia on my ipad. No one's asked a thing, granted i'm the only dollar in my area.

It would also let other dollars who happen to see your phone or whatever that you're part of the group, so yeah, this might work.

714 Name: Aktherion : 2012-12-17 20:06 ID:Xy3q6yIJ [Del]

Ok, normally I'm just a little observer orb hangin' about and reading the message boards and I have been watching this one particularly closely since it was started, and I gotta ask...

"Why do we need a way to Identify one another?"

The thing is, "The Dollars" in DRRR never had a "Secret handshake" or other identifying mark because they never needed one, when they all met IRL it was an almost Schrodinger-esque event, in a quantum state of "met" and "un-met" they all knew they were dollars but could never be truely sure of it unless they asked personally.

You see, the beautiful thing about the dollars is that while we all are a part of a collective dedicated to improving the World and the outlook it's inhabitants have(the world is not as bad as you think). none of us have to do so AND give up our anonymity.

715 Name: Yin Maw : 2012-12-17 20:26 ID:mGPkZ+vu [Del]

I have to agree with everyone here, people in the 'real world' won't know a thing about us Dollars, but if there was an odd chance you identify a Dollar member then, imagen how your life can change in an instant.

I think this is a really good idea, but I don't fully agree on writing on yourself, some people have skin conditions. I think we all, as the Dollars, need to think of a thing (everyone) will or can do. That way... We will exist in the 'real world.'

716 Name: flowers : 2012-12-17 20:27 ID:QLik29nC [Del]

Well... Considering that there are over 200 000 members in Dollars, it could be quite hard to actually have something to recognize each other with. For instance, everyone in Dollars could be scattered all around the world. Therefor we shouldn't really have something to show ourselves off like a colour or a symbol on the hand.

717 Name: flowers : 2012-12-17 20:28 ID:QLik29nC [Del]

Artwork maybe...?

718 Name: Kirito : 2012-12-17 20:32 ID:I/I4/eUb [Del]

well I just spent about 45 minutes reading the entire thread, but now that I've made it through all 706 of them, I'm fine with the "D" on the left hand, and then I'll probably put one on my phone as well when I get the chance. I like the idea, I feel like I've seen someone with the mark before, but I doubt I'll run into anyone. worth a shot regardless.

719 Name: Liz !.qCjfpLCI. : 2012-12-17 21:10 ID:H//SLEY+ [Del]

>>704 I agree with Erika. But I think we should use the "D" on the hand method (which if you read through all these posts, everyone agrees to at this point). Then if we see that on a person then we should say our motto "The World isn't as bad as you think", And if they reply with "Have you seen the Black Rider?", then you just confirmed that they are a dollars member. This also works with people who dont have the symbol that your suspicious about them being a member.
But also initially asking "Have you seen the black rider?" and the reply "the one with cat ears?" would instantly mark the person as a member since only members would know the correct reply, where as a non-member would ask what the black rider was.

720 Name: Dalerik : 2012-12-17 21:11 ID:brbWUjth [Del]

id love to try that out, but i dont think anyone around here even knows who the dollars are

721 Name: Erika !IMCadVsMqg : 2012-12-17 22:29 ID:0IK6clhF [Del]

I can't go around with a "D" on my hand. I go to culinary school and work in a kitchen. The Chefs would get upset if I have a "D" writing on me anywhere visible. Its unprofessional.

722 Name: Anonymous : 2012-12-17 22:35 ID:x6mt95tp [Del]

>>721 It's not like it's mandatory. If you can't do it, then don't do it, and don't complain if you can't.

723 Name: kida-sama : 2012-12-17 23:06 ID:78+7obdT [Del]

Ill give it a try at my school

724 Name: Bakyura : 2012-12-18 00:02 ID:7WF8IaSH [Del]

Ill try it as well. But on which hand should it be on?

725 Name: Jori-chan : 2012-12-18 01:46 ID:mb8LWhIG [Del]

>>724 In the thread about the gethering I read that we have to put the "D" on the left hand

I think we have to organize the type of identification thinking about the place where our meeting will take place on our country threads (moreover they are easier to follow). However I'll try to put the "D" on my left hand and I'll try to have a walk around my school :D so if it works and I meet some Dollars I'll let you know :3

726 Name: Towa ... :) : 2012-12-18 04:20 ID:ukLqx1vy [Del]

I think it's kind of risky ...
for in that way were gonna have identification
so were not gonna be visible...
but I gues, it's just good to ask someone if their in Dollars,
cause when they said "no", they'll be just curious what it is ... :)

727 Name: Antandy : 2012-12-18 06:32 ID:w0tHynvn [Del]

>>726 right, it's better as it is that way we can stay unseen. Any form of identifcation is risky. I think it's much more fun to be asked if I am a member than have something somebody can identify me by, dont you?

728 Name: Code Hell : 2012-12-18 07:26 ID:avABxuzs [Del]

I have an idea. How about some inconspicuous jesters kinda like the masons do it

729 Name: LOLO : 2012-12-18 07:29 ID:Zxh/T7Pt [Del]

I've already have seen/met 5 Dollars!!!!!! 8D

730 Name: Kazami : 2013-01-19 10:37 ID:mOwun6kr [Del]

Too many suggestion...I'll just do each of them! XDDD

731 Name: Zoenkel !jTqU.uzJJc : 2013-01-19 11:19 ID:GdOFZCRN [Del]

I'm sure there are plenty of good ideas to be found in this topic and the interest members have in it is a great sign.
What I think is that the single identification that could keep the members invisible and also grant them power would be their actions. The world is allowed to know about the existance of the group, but not about each and every person in it. The Dollars should be a single force made by members who, when deciding or planning something, they act as one and prove their existence. To the world and to one another. And invisible entity that cannot be controlled or known and which, in time, manages to slowly change the world... :)

732 Name: Raccoon!wb4v9IjFAg : 2013-01-19 12:16 ID:GdOFZCRN [Del]


733 Name: Sora : 2013-01-19 20:46 ID:Anwjhziq [Del]

well...why not just wear a braclet or necklace with with a dollar sign surrounded by a circle?

734 Name: Raiden : 2013-01-19 21:11 ID:KFh6R7K2 [Del]

I was thinking of having some kind of patch that you can sew to any clothing, bag, etc. Like get something black and put a white D on it, people won't know what it means but we'll still be able to identify the people.. Sorry if it's a crappy idea.

735 Name: Yurihara : 2013-01-19 22:07 ID:M1Jkwa99 [Del]

The D like above posts have said the D would spread pretty fast, especially of some members aren't exactly as tight-lipped as others. Similar clothing shouldn't be an option...I think the topic should be left alone. I mean isn't half the coolness of being a Dollar dependent on not knowing who else could be one? You wanna know who a dollar is you simply ask them and they have to tell you. That's the beauty of it I think. Of course you all know this. BTW, I'm a new Dollar just starting today! Nice ta meetcha! :)

736 Name: Jbley : 2013-01-19 23:43 ID:U6pbjYsy [Del]

Won't work in detriot

737 Name: Okumara !4x3eUZkQpQ : 2013-01-20 01:19 ID:NUKdw9yK [Del]

the thing is this all depends on how we are going on the day and we need to tally the people that have phones because we might need to change that idea if we go for it. this is a topic that has to be revisited closer to the dollars day and split into different threads for different situations that we would be in. But i reckon myself that the D option is the best.

738 Name: Anon-C : 2013-04-06 23:31 ID:/4rmOcBv [Del]

I don't think it'll work.
I mean in the anime even, not everyone knew each other. Thus why the 'username' instead of our actual names right?

I think it's better if we remain colorless, etc. But on another thread they're talking about trademarks. -shrugs-

739 Name: MaskSalesman : 2014-04-22 09:34 ID:9EqrGZGN [Del]

In lieu of the dollars day mention, I've been reading/parsing through this thread and what I feel most important is remaining colorless. That's central to who we are as dollars. However, for official meetings it's alot easier to reach other members if we use a symbol.
My hope is to work on the app that's been talked about for a while and eventually we'll have that to unite fellow members, for now though, this is good I think:
1) putting a $ or D on the back of the left hand(only used when other Dollars members are 'expected', i.e. at a convention)
2) wearing a durarara/baccano t-shirt or otherwise noticeable decor and talking about the dollars covertly.

This is actually how I met a fellow dollars member just walking down the street! I was wearing a Drrr tshirt and someone said 'Nice Shirt!' and I said 'Yeah, it cost 20 darazu -->notice the pronunciation'. They got it and laughed, which told me they knew about drrr and weren't just complementing the shirt, so I casually asked if they were a member, turns out they were! This isn't the same as having a 'color' and it was a unintentionally proven success, what do you think?

740 Name: Suli Hyuga : 2014-04-22 10:25 ID:Prjoka/C [Del]

>>739 I've heard about the Dollar sign on the left hand aswell. But I don't think Identification is necessary unless you know there are a few members in your area. There's only 444,600+ members on this site, which compared to other sites isn't that big (despite being this sort of a private thing). I think that members in your area should agree on identification.

741 Name: Haru : 2014-04-22 12:35 ID:jeSeY4jg [Del]

>>740 That isn't even a member count last i knew the count is for how many people visit the site rather than actual members. I come and go from the Dollars-bbs a lot last i was here end of 2013, i've seen a lot of people think we should have a way to identify the other dollars. Sure in idea that would be cool but i think it would defeat the purpose, i know other dollars in my area and in the area i just moved from. They thought the idea of us still being unidentified is kinda what makes the dollars unique in their own way. I'm not a brave person who goes up to people saying hey are you a member, but from time to time i get people asking me if i am like the other day some one asked me while i was seeing about a tattoo and they brought up are you getting the tattoo to be identified I said nope i just love drrr (the tattoo is of the dollars logo i plan to get this summer)

742 Name: Suli Hyuga : 2014-04-22 12:48 ID:Prjoka/C [Del]

>>741 The member count is every single public IP that enters the site for the first time. People use the site in different areas, so it isn't the exact number, but it's a rough estimate on how many people join.
Also, I'm not talking full on prancing around saying "yo im a dollar!" Just a little tag by you or something similar to tell peeps, "yo im a dollar, you are too, say hi".

743 Name: MaskSalesman : 2014-04-22 14:50 ID:9EqrGZGN [Del]

speaking of the IP count, that number hasn't been going up as long as I've been here...hmm

744 Name: Inuhakka !u4InuhakKA : 2014-04-22 16:05 ID:fSaSIvwY [Del]

>>742 It's not even close to the number of members. You'd be lucky if we had 20 000. We don't even have 6500 introduction threads, and that's counting from 2010.

745 Name: No0ber : 2014-04-22 16:49 ID:uyW8pIxM [Del]

I think itss because people thinks that "Dollars" is just a joke from the anime, and many people just doesnt pay attention to the site.
Anyway, we could use some kind of accessory like bracalets with "dollars" write on it.

746 Name: Yuki : 2014-04-22 17:47 ID:LrMqzxGW [Del]

I think the idea with the bracelets would be a good idea. Not to crash on the "D" on the hand or anything.

747 Name: JEB : 2014-04-22 19:50 ID:tvcvB3sn [Del]

»» I'm new here wanted to know if you have any Dollar Brazilian ««
»»Eu sou novo aqui queria saber se tem algum Dollar Brasileiro ««

748 Name: Dawn : 2014-04-22 20:26 ID:K3oV3P7a [Del]

I think that's a great idea!

749 Name: MaskSalesman : 2014-04-22 20:51 ID:9EqrGZGN [Del]

>>747 Go to the countries board under main to your left, there's a link to the brazilian thread

750 Name: Ushia : 2014-04-22 21:12 ID:XkNxwuwX [Del]

I'm with most of the people on here; keep it in the spirt of the show. I remember when they did the Dollars meeting, and it was amazing. Maybe something like that! Food for thought ^^

751 Name: MaskSalesman : 2014-04-22 21:39 ID:9EqrGZGN [Del]

Ushia you bet! As soon as the app/various messaging services are established and reliable it'll be just like the show. Come to think of it I wonder which city in the world has the most dollars members? the end, it's probably tokyo afterall

752 Name: hibiki : 2014-04-22 21:42 ID:zS8NOa3Z [Del]

Umm... Why put the D or $ on the hand? Can we just put it on our shirt? If we put it on our hands, it's really noticeable for the outsiders but if we put it on our shirts, it'll just look like a design and only dollars will understand what the symbol means. We could put a $ on the left chest part of our shirt or a big $ or just on the left sleeve or something..

753 Name: Maruko : 2014-04-22 22:13 ID:LosERxIP [Del]

why not $ inside of a circle? because it relates to the original logo but people wont know what it means unless there on here even if the have seen the anime?

754 Name: hibiki : 2014-04-22 22:27 ID:nHFEFccl [Del]

Hmm.. Yeah.. Inside a cricle. I like thaaaat

755 Name: Jimz : 2014-04-22 23:38 ID:SgVo68Xk [Del]

Hey, i like the idea of a Dollar sign in a circle, but there are over 700 replies, if you didn't notice, so i probably missed quite a lot of suggestions. Might it be a good idea to make, like, an internet poll or something with a few of the most popular ideas, so we can see what would be the easiest/most convenient choice for everyone? idk, i'm pretty new here, but it's just an idea

756 Name: Ayric !2NljLhupi6 : 2014-04-23 00:36 ID:Fn7ER3mk [Del]

>>755 That is a pretty good idea, but it might be kind of hard to make the poll.

757 Name: naga : 2014-04-23 01:26 ID:WFOiF0M9 [Del]

We are a non-organization and association people.. Neither does we are a group or some kind of a club.. We should find something that could identify ourself quite easy among us but still the public people wont know about it.. Maybe a button or an ear-pierce could help us, but since I know non of you all will approve this. Atleast I could give some option for all of you.. xD

758 Name: xShoeiz : 2014-04-23 02:31 ID:dYjicehF [Del]

For me, a silver bracelet on the left hand and a silver earing on the right ear would be somewhat a good suggestion. Here are the reasons:

1. People rarely wear bracelets
2. People rarely use one earings, somewhat they're worn as a pair.
3. A person who is not a dollar wouldn't do that, its quite out of the norm.

But the thing is, silver is subtle to others.

So yeah thats my suggestion

759 Name: xShoeiz : 2014-04-23 02:32 ID:dYjicehF [Del]

earing* sorry for the typo, i replied while on duty. Its an employee thingy to steal time XD

760 Name: Pirex : 2014-04-23 03:18 ID:filUSk0o [Del]

I think that is a good idea but I also like the D and $ sign I don't know what to choose now

761 Name: FRIDAY : 2014-04-23 03:25 ID:mIMa2oii [Del]

maybe there should be someone who we will give our email add too and then that someone should give us a printable card or sumthin

762 Name: No0ber : 2014-04-23 04:02 ID:uyW8pIxM [Del]

I think im gonna work in a bracalet for me, as i dont like earings, maybe ill wear 2, or like @xShoeiz said, the bracalet on the left hand, and instead of earing, wear a shirt with the logo u talked about :D

763 Name: Tori-chii : 2014-04-23 06:36 ID:VxpYk4XX [Del]

A bracelet sounds nice. ^^ I could try making one out of transparent plus black rubber bands.

764 Name: Zone : 2014-04-23 06:53 ID:xUeg0Yq/ [Del]

The idea of writing a "D" is a good one however it should be in an exact location on the hand, let's say the palm for exaple or the index finger

765 Name: No0ber : 2014-04-23 06:57 ID:uyW8pIxM [Del]

Too hard to see on the finger tho

766 Name: MaskSalesman : 2014-04-23 11:40 ID:1iVgAuXI [Del]

Check out my post above sometime maybe... A shirt with the logo on it, even a bracelet goes against the idea of being a colorless/unidentifiable gang. That's why something temporary like a symbol on the hand with or without our Member name is workable. Or likewise wearing a Drrr/Baccano shirt and seeing if anyone finds it 'interesting'. It's up to you all of course, I just wanted to restate my opinion!

767 Name: L : 2014-04-23 12:42 ID:zb8HNrOc [Del]

I like the idea about writing 'D' at's really feel cool

768 Name: Lou : 2014-04-23 14:28 ID:1YoOD1ud [Del]

I have only just joined the dollars, I have a question. What would I have to do to be able to chat to other dollars on my phone?

769 Name: Lou : 2014-04-23 14:28 ID:1YoOD1ud [Del]

I have only just joined the dollars, I have a question. What would I have to do to be able to chat to other dollars on my phone?

770 Name: Lou : 2014-04-23 14:28 ID:1YoOD1ud [Del]

I have only just joined the dollars, I have a question. What would I have to do to be able to chat to other dollars on my phone?

771 Name: Wizzo : 2014-04-23 15:31 ID:W+yL+GWa [Del]

Simply open this link and you will be able to join the DRRR chat

772 Name: Lou : 2014-04-23 15:38 ID:1YoOD1ud [Del]

Thank you.

773 Name: Yuki : 2014-04-23 16:16 ID:LrMqzxGW [Del]

I really like the idea of the '$' in the circle, and the bracelet also. This is harder than I thought it would be.

774 Name: AnimeQueen : 2014-04-23 16:53 ID:JW9/Dm9R [Del]

Thats a good idea ^^

775 Name: No0ber : 2014-04-23 17:06 ID:uyW8pIxM [Del]

Its hard beacause we dont want to be someone for everybody, we want something who just another dollars can see, remembering the "we are invisble"

776 Name: Sodemo : 2014-04-24 14:22 ID:z7ahbpdH [Del]

I was thinking we could have somehing simple that nobody would really think about and if they did they wouldnt know for sure its a thing, just have a rubber band around your wrist, just a tan rubber band, nothing special, just so we know who eachither are, and IF that were to leak to everyone then it would be difficult to know if someone is actually the dollars or just wearing a ruber band for funzies, i saw this other post similar to this and had a braclet that was made from clear rubber bands, the kind of bracelet that loops over itself a bunch of times and looks almost like a chain, and though that would be too onvious, so just a rubber band i think would be just PERFECT, but we dont have to

777 Name: Guinkorasu : 2014-04-24 16:08 ID:eHD+RnHq [Del]

I agree with Sodemo a rubber band will be perfect

778 Post deleted by user.

779 Name: Melochin !jXiLWwut/c : 2014-04-24 16:12 ID:BTHzrQc7 [Del]

I like this idea, though, perhaps a thick ribbon tied around the wrist? In a certain colour maybe, like black or red or something like that? Something that would stick out, but most people would just think of as being an accessory

780 Name: TrueIzaya : 2014-04-24 16:41 ID:5p1+Vtaz [Del]

i like the idea of staring at a cell phone for a long time wrath. or a phrase, square root of three sounds kinda good actually. but something along either of those lines is a pretty good idea

781 Name: TrueIzaya : 2014-04-24 16:44 ID:5p1+Vtaz [Del]

Sodemo your idea of a rubber band is cool, and i do think it works. but who said only having one thing is ok? there are great ideas here that arent really thought of, so why not use a few of them

782 Name: Mami : 2014-04-24 17:51 ID:xgoJjyHl [Del]

I saw a post before this, and someone was wearing a small bracelet made out of clear rubber bands, which sounds kinda cool. Wearing a ribbon or something with a bright color kinda defeats the purpose of a colorless group, but it was a really good idea!! :)

783 Name: Renia : 2014-04-24 22:18 ID:wpZCHMew [Del]

I'm just going to start doing the "D" on my left hand, and the Q&A "Have you seen the black rider""have you seen her head?" and also I have round headphones that already have a silver circle on them, and I'm just gonna put a "D" in the circle. There, now if any of you are in ontario canada and see me, You'll know I'm a dollar! :)

784 Name: Kanra : 2014-04-25 07:44 ID:QSgkCYDp [Del]

While Sodemo's idea sounds good, but there are quite a lot of people who wear rubber bands on their wrists. I used to, long before I joined the Dollars, and I see people wearing them quite often. I know for sure these people are not in the Dollars. Therefore, it might not be the best idea to do this, mistaking someone for a Dollars member would be far too easy.

785 Name: Hijikata : 2014-04-25 07:51 ID:gqZR7jJQ [Del]

I think it can work but the markers and pens here can be easily washed off by water in a few days..

786 Name: Neko-tama!EQ2c47V0Ps : 2014-04-27 19:20 ID:EJsZK8uw [Del]


787 Name: zero-wolf : 2014-04-27 19:28 ID:y0/zCIb4 [Del]


788 Name: Link488 : 2014-04-27 19:51 ID:D6IXWyCb [Del]

D...? I feel like alot of people would take it the wrong way. Also that, i think, would still be something i double look at. And question why someone would write that on there hand.

789 Name: Rayven : 2014-04-27 23:33 ID:vKo1l9g1 [Del]

I love the question idea personally, though I doubt I'll run into any fellow Dollars in my small town >.<
Someone also suggested making a small white circle on your clothes somewhere as well, its visible but not really noticeable (obviously clothes you can wear quite a bit such as a hoodie or something)
The 'D' or '$' sign isn't a half-bad idea either, if your really worried you can just do the '$' sign instead of the D

790 Name: ishimarukun : 2014-04-28 00:32 ID:Dq3hVBK6 [Del]

i say we should do it... it seems fair :P

791 Name: ishimarukun : 2014-04-28 00:32 ID:Dq3hVBK6 [Del]

i say we should do it... it seems fair :P

792 Name: ishimarukun : 2014-04-28 00:32 ID:Dq3hVBK6 [Del]

i say we should do it... it seems fair :P

793 Post deleted by user.

794 Post deleted by user.

795 Name: Suwado : 2014-04-28 11:29 ID:3jSK14aT [Del]

I think that we need a smartphone application that detects nearby phones with the application (100m is ok I guess) and show how many it found and is able to make a certain alarm to those phones. When alarm goes on take your phone from where ever you keep it, shut the alarm and raise your phone over the crowd. To most people you look like you just took a picture. But all Dollars will know..
This could be useful if we want to meet at some certain place and time and will work nicely even when meeting Dollars randomly.

796 Name: CheshireCat : 2014-04-28 12:49 ID:i5QT2jI7 [Del]

Suwados ideas is actually a good one. It makes things easier and well many of the Dollars member are probably selfies addicts lol

797 Name: Erika Karisawa : 2014-04-28 12:55 ID:cCDUy7Yr [Del]

But what if some of us don't have a cellphone, or can't afford it?

798 Name: holo5 : 2014-04-28 13:07 ID:H1lASYg9 [Del]

or maybe a symbol like a bracelet that u can only buy here from a member who can make it. they would be the same but we would know if they are members or not if they have it

799 Name: Rayven : 2014-04-28 14:24 ID:vKo1l9g1 [Del]

Yes, but some aren't comfortable with giving out their address to others.

800 Name: Neko-tama!EQ2c47V0Ps : 2014-04-28 20:20 ID:EJsZK8uw [Del]


801 Name: KIK : 2014-04-28 20:38 ID:ECYpjTOl [Del]

how would you know wherei i live to see the "D" on my hand, and Neko-tama!, stop bloody posting "Bump"

802 Name: DK : 2014-04-28 21:13 ID:KUqVmpqN [Del]

How about this.
Just be honest

803 Name: Keirii : 2014-04-28 22:01 ID:mEznhxLX [Del]

Ne, ne~ (・ω・)ノ we're like a colorless color gang, so the only sort of identification we need is in our hearts! (⌒▽⌒) We don't need in sort of public gratification, just the knowledge that what we do helps people who needs it~, well, that's what I think... Σ(・□・;)AHH! But please tell me what you think!!

804 Name: Keirii : 2014-04-28 22:01 ID:mEznhxLX [Del]

Ne, ne~ (・ω・)ノ we're like a colorless color gang, so the only sort of identification we need is in our hearts! (⌒▽⌒) We don't need in sort of public gratification, just the knowledge that what we do helps people who needs it~, well, that's what I think... Σ(・□・;)AHH! But please tell me what you think!!

805 Name: ZouChan : 2014-04-28 22:06 ID:vnCLedIP [Del]

lol I love your enthusiasm !(⌒▽⌒)〜 I think you're right in some way but if you end up meeting someone local to you and have that precious moment of finding out they're a dollars member I think u could make great friends like that. But I think you're pretty much right ( ̄▽ ̄)

806 Post deleted by user.

807 Name:  !q6yzJWNFAk : 2014-04-29 02:57 ID:+KrDqnYK [Del]

>>795 I actually really like that idea, however we'd need someone to make and market this app though...

808 Name: Keirii : 2014-04-29 06:14 ID:mEznhxLX [Del]

@ZouChan, Thank you for such kind words! ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ and if I do happen to meet a fellow DOLLARS in RL... ψ(`∇´)ψ Thatwouldbegreat!

809 Name: Alex : 2014-04-29 07:13 ID:lb2hD4Ql [Del]

it a good idea we should do it so we can tell or other member from the outsiders so we should do it. i would like to know who else is a Dollar out there that i may know

810 Name: Kuroneko : 2014-04-29 07:49 ID:yCDmCLrd [Del]

I think its a cool idea but it doesn't feel quite "dollar-ish". Wouldn't it be cooler if you just ask someone if there are a member or not? Just having the guts to ask a person based from suspicion is quite the thrill. And we, the members, should never lie to anyone who ask us. :)

Non-members will know about us but at least we will gain more members, right?

811 Name: Keirii : 2014-04-29 07:59 ID:ccACabLQ [Del]

@Kuroneko, Mm, but I wonder how the non/members would react?
Σ(・□・;)They might think we're talking about the American Currency! ... (; ̄ェ ̄)Though it would be kind of embarrassing having to explain about us, ne..? ψ(`∇´)ψ But we could walk away mid conversation just to see how the react~!!

812 Name: Kuroneko : 2014-04-29 08:31 ID:+E/qnELS [Del]

@Keirii, just ask "are you a member of the Dollars?" or something like that. But of course you must have a "feel"(great suspicion) on someone before you ask. It doesn't matter how they will react, what matters is that you asked them. Simply knowing that a person is a member but not showing any signs is the greatest way to keep us invisible and its more cool that way. :D

813 Name: Keirii : 2014-04-29 08:54 ID:ccACabLQ [Del]

@Kuroneko, Haha, it's true - the thrill of searching for fellow members and not knowing who really IS a member is a great thing to feel (⌒▽⌒)... I mean, I, personally, have yet to succeed, but still, it's fun to imagine! (=゚ω゚)ノ

814 Name: Izumi : 2014-04-29 13:00 ID:5rEEXKuv [Del]

I might have an idea... We could always set a simple word or phrase that members of the dollars could say nonchalantly during a conversation. That way we know who to ask. The word would have to be something that isn't normally said during a conversation, but still something simple enough that it CAN be brought into a regular conversation.

815 Name: Keirii : 2014-04-29 13:03 ID:Ags5gfIW [Del]

@Izumi, Oh, that's actually a pretty clever idea... I almost wanna say Money Contingency because, you know, we're the DOLLARS, but whatever... Of course, people might look at you strange, whereas if you just say that the DOLLARS is a club your in... Demeaning, but efficient. ε-(´∀`; )

816 Name: KyoRivers : 2014-04-29 14:20 ID:nPyJ4+bU [Del]

A style of shoe laces maybe? Like stripey black and white or black and white of clothing(As there a shade not a couler)

817 Name: Haji : 2014-04-29 14:27 ID:fWewy36I [Del]

I personally like the idea where we just write a D on out hand or something, simple, desecrate, and your right not many people will look twice unless you are looking for something in particular.

818 Name: Nokitakashi : 2014-04-29 14:38 ID:qjyC66Zj [Del]

That is such a good idea!!! We should definitely do it. By the way when is Dollar Day?

819 Name: XPR : 2014-04-29 15:44 ID:RvJfDeSE [Del]

I actually have the kanji for "Dollars" tattooed on my wrist which I hide with a watch... I am aware people most likely wont do this but I'm just putting it out there...

820 Name: XPR : 2014-04-29 15:44 ID:RvJfDeSE [Del]

I actually have the kanji for "Dollars" tattooed on my wrist which I hide with a watch... I am aware people most likely wont do this but I'm just putting it out there...

821 Name: Gragertin : 2014-04-30 02:46 ID:Tp+/7oPN [Del]

An idea I have for this would be, for those who can, have a D with the neon dots around it tattoo'd likely to your hand, this would be more noticeable to be Dollars specific than having a normal D, to those who don't have the option, they may do this with pen, we could even set specific amounts of dots/colors to thin the coincidences even more so, of course darker skin tones with cause issue, but those who can have it tattoo'd also are well able to add a lightening background to present it
The only risk run is obviously, people who think they can be gang-dollars, which there will still be some of, when they present themselves to publicity the symbols may become known, but this shouldnt be something to worry too much about as it's unlikely anyone serious is going to spring up from it

822 Name: Gragertin : 2014-04-30 03:02 ID:Tp+/7oPN [Del]

I should also note, while the app concept is a good idea, not everyone has a phone, and not everyone who does will have a compatible phone with others due to app ports having to be built differently for different phones, a solution that could work is probably running through servers hosted off phone with full compatibility, however that runs into a real life issue, which I will dub, Dollars need dollars, no matter how it's working, it's unlikely that anyone will be able to properly host this all for free, especially if it's internet hosted as, it appears near impossible to have a 100% free, full control set up, in part to the fact it /will/ take up memory and data to run it, while the Dollars may not be huge relatively, it's still sizable server-wise, if we took every Dollars member and put them on a fresh, unused WoW server at once, chances are it would crash without everyone in one area doing something, infact I think this would be true of two-three being modest, and this is just one unlucky instance, and while it probably would never happen, over time the data adds up and gets pretty expensive, this also may not be the best example as I dont know too much about WoW other than it being big and having large servers in comparison to many others

823 Name: Izu : 2014-04-30 03:37 ID:qrcQ/G4A [Del]

Well, that would be great :D I agree with y'all !

824 Name: Jengi !Ly7MRw0CGU : 2014-04-30 04:25 ID:qhw+uJT1 [Del]

since the idea of "wristbands" and being "colorless" keeps coming up, why dont we just wear white or clear wristbands?
Since the whole shipping out the dollars wristbands seems kinda difficult. This way all we have to do is go out and buy a white or clear wristband and draw a D or a $ symbol on it.

Then if you want to know if said person is a member or something, you can just ask, "Hey, have you seen the Black Rider?" and if they are a member they'll respond with "Have you seen her/it's head?"

825 Name: mr.emotionless : 2014-04-30 04:39 ID:oqjTdj+A [Del]

hehe D

826 Name: kingcard2 : 2014-04-30 04:40 ID:Eu4SqTeV [Del]

One possibility is to wear a black wristband on your left hand, no symbols, just slightly higher than the wrist where it would usually be worn. If someone sees this a communication phrase could be used, I agree with some of the previous posts that separating the anime and the actual dollars is a good idea. Perhaps using a different phrase, the only one comes to mind is from a James Bond movie "Do you have a match? I use a lighter. Even better. Until they go out". A better phrase could be used but it's a possibility.

827 Name: Friday-san !oBIrkXzP.s : 2014-04-30 08:52 ID:x0HffXyp [Del]

The suggestion of learning the "D" sign in the sign language isn't a bad idea. It's easy to remember. :) But in order to be discreet from the public we could use the way we hold our phones as other fellow Dollars mentioned here. And as we recognise each other we salute quickly with the sign.

828 Name: P.Nykuro : 2014-05-03 18:52 ID:beKTr+ns [Del]

I can't believe I actually read this entire thing ^^; haha I agree with Friday-san, holding our phones a certain way and saluting with D in sign language! I also like the "What's a Dollar?", "An organization not a gang" one because personally, I would be too shy to ask a question like "Have you seen the Black Rider?" //v// Writing a D or a $ on your left is hand isn't that bad of an idea, but it's impractical doing it everyday >_____> I might do that on Dollars Day though~

829 Name: TokumeiNeko !RHpu6etjNI : 2014-05-03 20:02 ID:RB8/wl9V [Del]

I like the idea about holding the cell phone a certain way, and saluting with a D in sign language. It sounds simple yet discrete.

830 Name: hikaru : 2014-05-03 21:04 ID:ibfu59ZL [Del]

I like the idea of wearing a ribbon or wristband. That way it's just there and would be easier for people to do on a daily basis. It's not like everyone can just walk around and go through their day with their hands up in a salutation or holding their cell phones.

831 Name: Keirii : 2014-05-03 21:48 ID:mEznhxLX [Del]

Ah~ everyone seems so enthusiastic over this topic! A bracelet would be cool, too... Ne, but asking, "Have you seen Celty?" or even, "Wanna go to Ikebukuro?" or some such would be a cool way to identify fellow DOLLARS...

832 Name: Mei-chi : 2014-05-03 23:09 ID:itUv1TRJ [Del]

Couldn't you just do any or all of the variations. I mean If you do that then at least you an be sure that people will notice right and if they don't ask the question then they obviously aren't Dollars. I dunno, but this would make sense to me.

833 Name: セルティ : 2014-05-03 23:59 ID:4zXH+SOt [Del]

I guess wearing a wristband is a good idea. :)

834 Name: セルティ : 2014-05-04 00:27 ID:4zXH+SOt [Del]

Just saying my opinion, haha! I guess wristband is a good idea. We should held a contest on what the design of the Dollar wristband should be. :)) haha! just a suggestion. you know, so everyone on Dollars could cooperate :)

835 Name: :3 : 2014-05-04 00:44 ID:xr45moU9 [Del]

Yo guys

836 Name: Anon : 2014-05-04 01:49 ID:Ed0hROzK [Del]


837 Name: Tatski : 2014-05-04 02:06 ID:gLK72DGw [Del]

writing on our hands seems like a good idea, but it wont work all the time, whatever is written will wash off and fade, it works for something like Dollar's Day, but not for everyday we do need something that we can identify each other with something that we can have on us everyday and we can see i know that we are colorless but we can still work the jewelry thing, a bracelet something small nothing really big but something that can only mean one thing, that you are a member of the dollars. again i know, we are colorless but do me this and look at our website, the log in, our logo, we do have something that we can use, black and white they are a tone and shade not a color, like us not a color we can use black a black bracelet with our own design, looking back at the comment >>834 we could create a 'contest' of sorts, no prize but the honor to say that they designed our bracelets, using a simple black band create a design to put on them it could be a dollar sign made of dots, or out dollars logo, whatever the creative minds of our dollars members can come up with. Its just an idea something that could work if we all went about it the right way. Something that is more effective then the simple D or $ written on our hands. And something a little more 'invisible' unless you knew what you where looking for.

838 Name: Crow : 2014-05-04 04:12 ID:EpbTQoZa [Del]

>>837 I like this plan. I agree that the hand marking thing is just to temporary. It would be great to be able to identify someone as a dollar just walking down the street you know? The bracelet or whatever could have a clear pendant of some kind even to show that we're colorless.

839 Post deleted by user.

840 Name: 罪歌 : 2014-05-04 06:53 ID:4zXH+SOt [Del]

You know, since we've been known as a colorless group.. we should use a transparent or translucent wristband. That can pretty much represent Dollars as a colorless group. We could also add some designs, using the black, white or gray shade. What do you think?

841 Name: LLSLY : 2014-05-04 12:01 ID:2HlQmJRi [Del]

I agree with 罪歌 that sounds good

842 Post deleted by user.

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844 Name: LLSLY : 2014-05-04 12:02 ID:2HlQmJRi [Del]

I agree with 罪歌 that sounds good

845 Name: RYMS_mia : 2014-05-04 15:16 ID:kO8SeLMX [Del]

this is a good idea, i'm doing it.

846 Name: Sup : 2014-05-04 18:37 ID:NUhVCXHz [Del]

I am going to do all the ideas. I'm beast.

847 Name: CadeSenpai : 2014-05-04 18:39 ID:WuBZcdrU [Del]

I’m all for it! The clear wristband is a cool symbol idea.

Though in the anime/manga, they’re weren’t crazy secretive in a sense that if you asked someone, they’d come out and say it pretty easily~

848 Name: Pixxie : 2014-05-04 19:52 ID:/xidkAJi [Del]

What if, for a design, you got a clear or white wristbrand and wrote in braille "Dollars"? But the wristband wouldn't have the actual bumps from the dots, just black dots. And it'd be dots because the logo has "Dollars" written in dots.

It'd just look like random dots on a wristband to everyone except fellow Dollars. That way we have a unique design that we can easily identify other Dollars with, stay inconspicuous the whole time and random people would just see them as cool wristbands.

849 Name: Kenzo : 2014-05-04 20:09 ID:DTcFrNSc [Del]

Oh, i live in Argentina, i go to see another dollar here? :C

850 Name: Tatski : 2014-05-04 20:19 ID:5XYbbcu8 [Del]

Aesome, so will we test out the bracelet idea and see how many members we can get on board?

851 Name: jonny-oni kun : 2014-05-04 20:43 ID:u9e8PxB1 [Del]

just get a keychain with something on iy and attach it to your phone anywhere but Japan it will stand out

852 Name: kuraudio : 2014-05-04 20:52 ID:v4/SRKyz [Del]

ok , but, i dont think that there are any dollar here (Brazil, SP São paulo)

853 Post deleted by user.

854 Name: Cynthia200011 : 2014-05-04 22:17 ID:94j0Icsp [Del]

<<853, I deleted it to make spell corrections, XD...

I think we should put a 'D' right under our pinkie knuckle in black, so it's easily visible yet less likely to be looked at, know what I mean? Black would be, to some, 'colorless'.

Then if someone sees it they should approach the person and ask "Have you seen the Black Rider",the reply is "Have you seen her head?", if this is the reply it should be obvious they too are in Dollars. But I think we should draw a little '$' inside the 'D' to make is more like Dollars.

If someone is not in Dollars and asks what it is, just say something vague like, "oh, it's like a luck charm hoping i'll make money today" or "It's a luck charm because I'm hoping to win the lottery" , or something like that.

I think the 'D', '$',and the question would work cause not everyone has a phone or has the money to but the shirts, bracelets and other stuff.

Hope it helped, and I'll be doing this from now on.XD

855 Name: RYMS_mia : 2014-05-05 08:22 ID:t29TlQoD [Del]

why don't we just make the 'D' anywhere we want. and Cynthia200011 i agree with the question and answer know like that we'll be sure we're talking to dollars ^^.

856 Name: Alloliza Ayi : 2014-05-05 09:22 ID:5bcsLX0U [Del]

ok well in my opinion i think we don't need to have any kind of marks or anything that would symbol our organization. if u ask me....i think we should do some kind of, mmmm bodily sign like the way we put our hands in our example being havng the thumb out with all fingers inside the pocket or vice versa

i just don't think any type of marking would be the best idea. mabye we should try to set a group txt that would send the txt to everyone in the dollars.

idk...i'm just spit ballin' here

857 Name: FairyGemi : 2014-05-05 10:51 ID:1sR9ncE1 [Del]

I like the Phone wallpaper idea but the problem is that not everybody has a Phone. And if we put a 'D' on our hands means we have a mark and we are not 'Colourless'anymore and that we are visible for the world, the wallpaper will make us visable to, but people wont notice that quickly. the 'D' on our hand, people will question that. and with the txt group like Alloliza Ayi said, is a pretty good idea. but not everyone has a Phone.
Sorry for my grammar im not english

858 Name: 罪歌 : 2014-05-05 12:08 ID:4zXH+SOt [Del]

I supposed you all have a point there. A lot of members in Dollars are from different country, I think we should list down all the countries that are included in Dollars. Then, we could have a representative of each country. Too make it less hassle. I think translucent wristband is a really great idea because not all people wear this kind of thing anymore. We could put a design on it like, "Be one of us." or "Colorless" I'm sure people won't recognize that. Or we could add a small dollar pendant on the wristband. Well, just saying my opinion. I just to help :)

859 Name: RYMS_mia : 2014-05-05 12:11 ID:t29TlQoD [Del]

Alloniza Ayi, i agree with you too.all of your ideas are great, guys,so we need to choose which one we'll start doing...^^" . the letter D or the the way we put our hands in our pockets..???

860 Name: 罪歌 : 2014-05-05 12:29 ID:4zXH+SOt [Del]

-- Something like this. Although it's pink haha! It's just a sample though. A translucent one with a small dollar sign pendant.

861 Name: Midnight : 2014-05-05 12:46 ID:rFGxTB+1 [Del]

I think the D would be the most subtle thing that we could possibly do. I'm just saying.

862 Name: Akira : 2014-05-05 12:48 ID:HDeGWMuM [Del]

how about we just wear something l $ sign?

863 Name: Akira : 2014-05-05 13:51 ID:EmDyzyvt [Del]

How about we. wear something that has a $ design(e.g.print on shirts, accesories, bags, etc.) Then, if you encounter someone that has wearing it just simply say this, "Excuse me, but have you seen the black rider?" and the reply should be like either "Yes, the one with the cat ears, right?" or "Yes. but have you seen her head?" Like that. Well, I'm just sharing my suggestion.

864 Name: Scuf : 2014-05-05 14:37 ID:9Tb2wsmd [Del]

I think you forgot something important here. What is Dollars? What is the purpose of the Dollars? Think about it my fellow members. We, the dollars, are invisibles, yet we're still existing, but no one knows that except ourselves only. We don't need flags or symbols, cuz we're invisible, we're transparent! We are what we are. The goal of the dollars is TO HELP each other, TO HELP the ones who needs help. So, why the trouble to identify ourselves to the other members? For socializing? Remember the scene in the anime when the dollars have their first meeting? The dollars member received a mail that contain a certain command(not literally command, but asking for some help or something) and they just follow it and they just stare/glare at her. In real life, whenever someone saw a crowd staring at a certain direction/place they will become CURIOUS. They will ask their ownselves "what is there?", "What happening/happened there?" and etc. That/Those someones will eventually stare/look at the same direction/place where the crowd is staring. Even though the members should be the only people who should know what to do, the other people who got curious will do what the members is doing, even though they are not members. Meaning, it is hard to tell who the dollars and the not. Ah, but in the anime it was totally obvious, because their cp rang at the same time. But in real life, the other people silent mode their cps, so it will just vibrate.

Sorry, if there are wrong grammars here. I'm bad at english. And if you find my words offensive or harsh, then I'm sorry. I just type what's in my mind.

865 Name: Neko-tama!EQ2c47V0Ps : 2014-05-05 17:12 ID:EJsZK8uw [Del]


866 Name: Yanzume : 2014-11-20 11:43 ID:1iXkSXkm [Del]

*bumps casually*

867 Name: firelily : 2015-04-25 14:02 ID:tN7pmhQk [Del]

i know this may sound stupid but this could work: has anybody here watched death note?? what if we sat like L (i do it all the time at skool)
or use a catchphrase/reference to Durarara to identify ourselves? just an idea

868 Name: Honda-Kun : 2015-04-25 14:33 ID:ge/nadnE [Del]

idk about the whole little "D" method...I mean I get how you want the whole subtle idea but most people just don't think right.... nor is it unique....and maybe we could put a symbol on our wrist or something....keep the subtle part of it but maybe something a little more interesting/unique....just an idea

869 Name: Breakzz : 2015-06-26 18:57 ID:8ZNWpp8C [Del]

Here I am, 3 years after this thread was created.
I think a D would be too obvious. Maybe we could use a necklace with a ring, I don't know, it looks cool. The dollars are known for not being obvious (in the anime at least), like not wearing anything that might give away the gang they're in, so I think that would work. That's just an idea though.

870 Name: firelily : 2015-06-26 19:25 ID:tN7pmhQk [Del]

>>869 me and my friends wear necklaces with mood rings on them XD so i dont think that would work at my skool

but it sounds cool

871 Name: UndeadGhostie : 2015-06-26 19:30 ID:OS8ML9JM [Del]

>>869 Or a D instead of a ring? It's easy to hide and it's not too obvious? At least in my opinion...

872 Name: MrQuinzel : 2015-06-26 19:32 ID:D7qqhjJE [Del]

A necklace with a ring on it would be noticed, if a large source of people just started wearing necklaces with rings. people would notice. It needs to be something small but noticeable.... like assuming everyone has a pair of headphones just wear them but put like a piece of white(black if your headphones are white) electric tape around the left side wire. Most people wouldn't notice that you started using headphones and most people wouldn't question why you have tape on, they would probably just think you have a break in the wire. Just a thought though.

873 Name: Saburo : 2015-06-26 19:35 ID:7HEZ5JuY [Del]

I personally think MrQuinzel's idea is pretty good for people who use headphones in public...

874 Name: UndeadGhostie : 2015-06-26 19:36 ID:OS8ML9JM [Del]

>>872 Hmmm... sounds good... And it's not too strange for people to start wearing neckalaces with rings... Or? I don't know... I just don't think it would be to noticable... Like your headphone idea though.

875 Name: Saburo : 2015-06-26 19:41 ID:7HEZ5JuY [Del]

AND, also the idea of the D in our hands just as a temporal use sign for offline meeting is also good... now, if you want to use it to recognize others mayeb you can write it on your hand if you want... so that others can ask you... but not as a permanent sign... obviously as we have no rules you can choose whatever you like to do.. im just stating what ill do.

876 Name: UndeadGhostie : 2015-06-26 19:49 ID:OS8ML9JM [Del]

>>875 Roger that, I'm new here, is there any good chat rooms on like kik that you can use to contact fellow dollars? In that case we could use it if we're having irl meet ups and agree with a sign for that time... Then we can stay colourless but still have a colour...

877 Name: firelily : 2015-06-26 19:59 ID:tN7pmhQk [Del]

>>876 there is a skype group, a facebook group, an email list, and a bunch of abandoned chat groups

i think there is a kik, but i dont use kik so idk what the info on that is..... but that is a good idea

or yall can post selfies in the group so you know who you are looking for and dont need a sign

878 Name: UndeadGhostie : 2015-06-26 20:09 ID:OS8ML9JM [Del]

>>877 Hm, the selfie thing can b a bit too much, I think it's better just to agree with a sign, too many selfies to keep track of cx at least my brain would get overloaded

879 Name: Tera Okimirai : 2015-06-26 20:24 ID:mzxhrQEt [Del]

I like the idea of tape on your headphones very much, although not everyone wears headphones out in public. :/ Is there any other thing we could put tape on that wouldn't be too noticeable either?

880 Name: UndeadGhostie : 2015-06-26 20:35 ID:OS8ML9JM [Del]

Honestly, I never think we will have a colour or mark, this thread got over 870 posts, and yet, no solution. I have doubt in the fact that we will ever find onr, I just find this subject amusing to discuss...

881 Name: firelily : 2015-06-26 21:15 ID:tN7pmhQk [Del]

>>880 same im just enjoying how far this has come

882 Name: oscar : 2015-06-26 21:46 ID:dBUePgEe [Del]

mmm nose si supiera que aca en chile, maipu hay dollars lo haria para poder identificarlos encuentro buena idea tener una marca o algo para no perder nuestra "invisibilidad" o escencia

883 Name: UndeadGhostie : 2015-06-26 21:48 ID:OS8ML9JM [Del]

>>882 can someone translate?

884 Name: oscar : 2015-06-26 22:15 ID:dBUePgEe [Del]

if I knew that there dollars in chile ( maipu ) I can do it, but this is the problem, I do not know, would fun, This would be good for not to lose our identity , invisibility or essence.

885 Name: UndeadGhostie : 2015-06-26 22:19 ID:OS8ML9JM [Del]

>>884 Thanks, not that the translation made more sense xD

886 Name: MrQuinzel : 2015-06-26 22:23 ID:tXb4UDfT [Del]

the headphones thing was just an idea, which is why i chose the color white, because some people don't even consider it a color. I threw black in there when i realized some people probably have white headphones and it would blend. outside of messaging systems like kik or something theres really not a good way to show it without using signs or colors.

887 Name: oscar : 2015-06-26 22:26 ID:dBUePgEe [Del]

akjakjakajkaj well well Undead e.e

888 Name: UndeadGhostie : 2015-06-27 04:35 ID:OS8ML9JM [Del]

>>886 Staying colourless is so har these days, you can't identify yourself without identification

889 Name: Ishxku : 2015-06-27 18:02 ID:iahiypwT [Del]

That is an amazing idea, but when would we do it? On a specific day? Every Dollars Day? Or on a specific day of the week?

890 Name: Innae : 2015-06-27 19:57 ID:S98EXQOF [Del]

Splendid idea, it's a subtle way to know about other Dollars members (ノ゚0゚)ノ~

891 Name: Shirako : 2015-06-28 05:29 ID:qJNmWhWw [Del]

How about we shout "IIZZAYAA!!!" into the crowd while carrying a sign post? Just joking! Well here's my idea, to recognize other dollars members. How about we create a simple sign that only us can understand, a sign that is simple yet unique, one that other people will question us like, "What's that?" and "What that mean?"

892 Name: Free : 2015-06-28 07:54 ID:hBHSxXaj [Del]

How about a handshake or a handmovement ?

893 Name: Ishxku : 2015-06-28 21:11 ID:IjKZCnDB [Del]

I think we should keep with writing the sign on our hand, but it should be a Dollar sign or the Japanese symbol for "Dollar".

894 Name: KiraKitsune : 2015-06-28 23:49 ID:hwjN9BZJ [Del]

The tape idea is good I'm going to do it from now on. Do you may see me and my group of dollars doing it just FYI

895 Name: Terror : 2015-06-29 01:18 ID:TYA5I60Q [Del]

I feel like we could have a sign more than a hand movement or a way we hold a phone, a sign would be simple and straightforward, like a tattoo or just a mark like, in this case, "$D" or something like that so we aren't trying to walk up to strangers to see how they hold there phone.

896 Name: Hei : 2015-06-29 05:04 ID:updbj32m [Del]

It's sounds nice. Sometimes, I wonder... Is there any dollars in my city ? Then I just smile and walk away. I've heard somewhere that a girl in my highschool met another Dollars member in my city through the chatroom, I was pretty shocked and yet I find it pretty cool hehe.

897 Name: Shizuka : 2015-06-29 05:37 ID:6j1V7qKj [Del]

I think it's a good idea but yeah... I don't think there are any Dollars near me.... I think this is a cool idea though... It'd be nice to meet some local Dollars ^_^

898 Name: Wagion : 2015-06-29 09:18 ID:v2ZAbShQ [Del]

I think the dollars should remain as they are. just a group of individuals with no common goal whaysoever whose only linking thread is a website. I feel that is the sole reason why they were created.

899 Name: Museless !.tN39mOSYw : 2015-06-29 16:19 ID:Fby7EMcA [Del]

if we were to do that i would prefer writing a dollar sign ($) instead

900 Name: Man : 2015-06-29 16:33 ID:aHSs+4t+ [Del]

hmmm, why dont we wear a red bracelet with a hole in it
i dont think there are bracelts like those so yah, red bracelets with holes in them should do it, but we also need the acceptance from the entire people who are in the dollars

901 Name: Kali : 2015-06-29 17:00 ID:f+9sZNBv [Del]

The dollars should have no identification whatsoever, is how I feel. You may do what you want to identify yourselves but I think we should stay the way we were intended to be, colorless, invisible even.

902 Name: Ray : 2015-06-29 20:50 ID:iPBYPCi6 [Del]

I believe a simple phrase would suffice

903 Name: crimsonking : 2015-06-29 22:15 ID:ToF21RsA [Del]

i vote that the phrase would be easier but it could prove difficult to incorporate that into a conversation with someone you may or may not know is in the dollars. it would sound like odd nonsense

904 Name: kojjiiy : 2015-06-29 23:54 ID:ko3/IdL8 [Del]

i agree with >>902 on using a simple phrase yes.

905 Name: Koukaku : 2015-06-30 00:19 ID:/XhJsj4x [Del]

yeah I agree as well. a phrase could be cool but what would it be?

906 Name: RedFox : 2015-06-30 04:16 ID:dz5xCI7Z [Del]

It would have to be something simple enough for us to remember, yet unique to our group.

Then again, remember that the Dollars were created as a covert "gang" for a reason, so that we can do good without being identified to a group overall. In a sense it's alright to not know if there's a Dollar living right next door to you, just think of us as the "secret heroes."
Just saying.

907 Name: Kokkuri : 2015-06-30 04:47 ID:Ip06DQcc [Del]

i don't know why but the first phrase that yommes to my mind is what Celty said "the world isn't as bad as you think"
because we're tryin to make her better :)

908 Name: Riseoroney : 2015-06-30 05:10 ID:sxB8OG2O [Del]

is there any members in California

909 Name: Enigami : 2015-06-30 07:52 ID:37ZzIVyZ [Del]

>>908 Check under the Countries tab.

910 Name: Kanra : 2015-06-30 08:14 ID:U97h47y7 [Del]

I dunno... I think being ourselves is just what counts yea' know? And I guess it would seem best to avoid having signs or logos or colors in the Dollars... It would help in avoiding conflict

911 Name: LeafeonZ : 2015-06-30 10:09 ID:oCjNXpIa [Del]

i agree. it sounds like a good idea but i think its waaay more fun to accidentally run into another dollar. a signal like this... i dunno it just seems a bit off to me.

912 Post deleted by user.

913 Name: Retsu : 2015-07-01 14:17 ID:ATkPIWoP [Del]

Great idea.But, We should stick to being colorless. But show some identification like a badge of something on your phone or just one to wear.

914 Name: Akano : 2015-07-01 14:45 ID:y/oVtsfa [Del]

Guys just buy your own dollars accessory from the anime shop or online. Buy anything that has to do with drrr. You can also make your own accessory or just put a D on your hand.

915 Name: ss : 2015-07-01 16:27 ID:0HMRUWaC [Del]

916 Name: Anonymous : 2015-07-01 19:48 ID:XSsDf9z4 [Del]

what about a literal dollar.... hehe

917 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-08-02 08:44 ID:bKUmbSeX [Del]

Bumping this because even though no one will actually do anything, FFS stop making threads each week that are just different versions of THIS thread.

918 Name: Kamen Rider EXE : 2015-08-15 13:36 ID:aLmVwPXp [Del]

I know a Dollar with a clothing site. Maybe he can make stuff for us to wear like buttons or shirts, hoodies, even teddy bears for kids haha

919 Name: さくら : 2015-08-15 14:23 ID:DE2/12nl [Del]

>>918 good idea 💡

920 Name: TimeBomb !FGX8.16lSY : 2015-08-15 14:40 ID:o8oO084Y [Del]

>>918 That'd be pretty cool,but I doubt everyone could purchase one due to shipping costs D:

921 Name: Devi !5loz5WuIWQ : 2015-08-15 16:47 ID:XfZBo2QD [Del]

I do know that there is a Dollars button available for purchase which is simply the dollars logo on a black background, but obviously not everyone would be able to purchase one. I have the logo set as my phone background so people might notice that?

922 Name: ShiAkaoni : 2015-08-15 17:03 ID:+Zr/nWFD [Del]

That is a good idea I believe it should work. cx

923 Name: Tenshi : 2015-08-15 17:43 ID:xPf7Jz4E [Del]

So ive read some of this thread and i think the "D" on the hand is a great idea! Perhaps the hand with the "D" is your dominant hand for when you hold your phone. Itll be in plain view and with the "D" or the Dollars logo on the phones background! And if you dont have a phone just make sure you do a lot of things with the hand that has the "D" (scratch head, shake it as if it were asleep, etc.) If this idea was already posted then sorry. I didnt read the whole thread. I just want to put my idea up while its still there.

924 Name: Enigami : 2015-08-15 17:49 ID:kkHV32xX [Del]

>>921 Unless people where you are always eavesdrop on your phone activities, it probably wouldn't work.
I think you could just ask people if they're Dollars. Not everybody, s people you suspect might be in on it.

925 Name: Ash Ketchum II : 2015-08-15 20:24 ID:aLmVwPXp [Del]

I think if anyone wsnts to be able to identify as a Dollar, the "D" on the hand is an ok idea, but i dont really want to do that. Im just gonna make some merch online to print. I'll post the link once I'm done and if anyone else wants to print any of them they can. Some people may not want to do the "D" on the hand thing. I'll keep everyone posted.

926 Name: Courtney : 2015-08-15 21:33 ID:k9dm99cC [Del]

Writing the letter "D" on your dominant hand seems like a good idea; however, I don't think everyone wants to stain the letter "D" on their hand after writing on it so much. What if we tried swaying two dollars in the air for a split second and, if anyone recognizes that sign, they raise the thumb of their dominant hand stealthily while staring at the person that swayed the two dollars? For example, when they go to scratch their head or do some common action. We could also try putting two dollars in our pockets and have them poking out, but not too much so that a theif won't easily recognize it. I don't know, I am trying to be discreet, which can be complicating. ^^"

927 Name: firelily!9BCC0EZJ.o : 2015-08-15 21:42 ID:hMmSyNTF [Del]

these ideas are good ^_^

928 Name: Risa : 2015-08-16 00:21 ID:XvSMoP72 [Del]

well to all of the nevada dollars i hav the on my phone see you aroun

929 Name: Ash Ketchum II : 2015-08-18 08:31 ID:XSmXVBlF [Del]

I got started on dollars merch on my website, so far theres only the female jackets n hoodies. The rest should be up soon. Check em out. Tell me what you guys think.

930 Name: Ash Ketchum II : 2015-08-18 08:33 ID:XSmXVBlF [Del]

My bad forgot the link: Ash's Custom Shirts and Hoodies
I got other anime-related merch there too XD

931 Name: Untu : 2015-08-18 10:02 ID:WaV6Tv4a [Del]

I think some people here is misunderstanding the "objective" of this group, if there is one. I think we are anonymous, not invisible.
A lot of people in this thread mentions the "anime Dollars" when this is not a roleplaying site, we're trying to help, not to imitate an animated series.
At least that's my point of view.

932 Post deleted by user.

933 Name: Kitsune : 2015-08-18 11:29 ID:K/tg+9v7 [Del]

It needs app, where can we put in our numbers and when we send mail ( like: Is somebody on the white street in New York?) this mail sends to all numbers, which will be in this app.I hope, you understand me :D I'm from Czech, you know?

Ps: This app could be downloaded only here :D.
(I'm in for D on our hands and QandA ("Have you seen the black rider" and answer: "Have you seen the head?")

934 Name: HarukaTsuki : 2015-08-18 12:40 ID:6YRfLMea [Del]


Agreed with the wallpaper thing on our phone and the Question "Have you seen the black rider" and answer: "Have you seen the head?" But if you guys really wanted to do this we should have a new thread in the main to say to the people what we actually are deciding

P.S. writing D on our hand everyday is not healthy and is also tiring... but if we have a wallapaper made especially related to dollars and not to the anime itself it will be great! we can like meet dollars from our neighbourhood!

Interested to see how many dollars there are though

935 Name: Kaito : 2015-08-18 12:54 ID:Q5xN1emG [Del]

I'm a little against writing a "D" on my hand, but i'm all for having a united Dollar's wallpaper!!

936 Name: Ash Ketchum II : 2015-08-18 14:10 ID:XSmXVBlF [Del]

I don't think "D" on my hand. And how would we see each others wallpaper. That would be cool to do but I don't think we could identify each other like that. I think a more realistic approach would be to wear clothes w/ different "Dollars" logos etc and share the link online

937 Post deleted by user.

938 Name: Vanitas !vAuwWK8FFg : 2015-08-18 16:19 ID:4rIj1Ce+ [Del]

We need something that only us can recognize, something that is visible but no weird or striking.
It is an hard stuff to manage...

939 Name: Leena !Uw.mzAFfos : 2015-08-18 16:35 ID:8EMiVjvl [Del]

Can't we just, like, mark our left ring finger nail or something? With sharpie, or maybe nail polish? If someone has painted black nails, they could mark their left ring finger with a white/gray line or whatever. And if you don't have a left ring finger, then put a small sticker on the top of your left shoe. It's small enough to not be noticed, 'le~!

940 Name: GiraffeDino : 2015-08-18 16:38 ID:LKtAnLUt [Del]

why not like a certain twitch?? Meaning like blinking twice fast then bitting your lip or some other cool and less weird combo??

941 Post deleted by user.

942 Name: The K !6rngLJwon. : 2015-08-18 18:19 ID:Z/w+NMLb [Del]

We should not indentify ourselves in the real world unless we're doing missions or meet by accident. We're invisible, remember that the Dollars is a colorless gang.

943 Name: Nira : 2015-08-18 20:56 ID:ir+hoLSe [Del]

I guess we could kind of identify by our actions. If someone does the right thing, isn't (s)he a dollars member all along, even if this person doesn't post here or even knows about the dollars.

944 Name: Dynas : 2015-08-18 22:48 ID:dM8xAJvp [Del]

Go to your specific accounts like facebook. Put a post on your timeline *Durarara Addict* .. sort of like that. ;)

945 Name: Rets : 2015-08-18 22:56 ID:rLJwTb+W [Del]

Definitely not a bad idea. But may I suggest a different symbol? Our school is pretty strict so we can't doodle on our hands -_-

946 Name: Rets : 2015-08-18 22:57 ID:rLJwTb+W [Del]

>>944 Great idea! Totally with you on that one! ^w^

947 Name: Dynas : 2015-08-18 23:33 ID:dM8xAJvp [Del]

Let's Vote! ^_^

948 Name: RKaiden : 2015-08-18 23:50 ID:xT1yYJxT [Del]

In general I don't an open identification is not necessary but it would be good for missions to have something to identify each other

949 Name: Kazure : 2015-08-19 00:34 ID:DvWJ5ufq [Del]

I'm all for holding the phone in an odd way and the using the question/response of 'Have you seen the Black Rider?' and 'Have you seen the/her Head?' as a confirmation for noticing the former. That way you're not directly asking and you can remain anonymous without any absolute identification. I feel there is no real need, but it would be nice to be able to identify some fellows if anyone really wanted to do community missions or fellowship.

950 Name: Chitose : 2015-08-19 00:49 ID:pOaU7aH+ [Del]

I'd love to have something to identify the dollars, it'd be kinda cool

951 Name: RKaiden : 2015-08-19 02:24 ID:xT1yYJxT [Del]

>>950 It would be cool to know if anyone around me is part of the dollars. Since I joined I wondered if people in Braunschweig even know about the dollars

952 Name: Sunscreeen : 2015-08-19 03:49 ID:Mpw8tohI [Del]

i understand that this site isn't really trying to imitate the dollars site from the anime, but isn't not being identifiable the point? besides, if the map is anything to judge by, alot of the dollars aren't densely packed. there are only four in my city. the odds of seeing others seems... unlikely.

953 Name: Devi !5loz5WuIWQ : 2015-08-19 05:57 ID:XfZBo2QD [Del]

>>952 TBH I feel the same way. It's better to stay unknown because then the Dollars could be anyone and everyone, making us truly colourless.

954 Name: HarukaTsuki : 2015-08-19 06:19 ID:XC8N98z5 [Del]

Honestly i think it would just be "interesting" to see dollars near me here~ Although the dollars arent spread out that evenly im pretty sure we need this kind of codes when doing missions and stuff

So why not just start now? :p

955 Name: Saki : 2015-08-19 06:33 ID:2tkG2PSJ [Del]

i really like the idea but I don't think there are many dollars in my country but i will do it!

956 Name: EliChoy : 2015-08-19 08:31 ID:nsXQKEmD [Del]

I think it's a great idea! But I'm not into writing a D on my hand, I would forget it every morning

957 Name: firelily : 2015-08-19 10:38 ID:hMmSyNTF [Del]

(i dont wanna write a D on my hand cus my friends are dirty minded XD)

958 Name: AEvAKt : 2015-08-19 10:57 ID:EWL5trtB [Del]

This is not a good idea at all. This group needs to remain the way it is when it comes to identification.

959 Name: Braxton S. : 2015-08-19 12:44 ID:Q8DtWX/4 [Del]

Maybe we could have a little tune we whistle when we r in town and that is how we identify each other

960 Name: kayano : 2015-08-19 14:18 ID:Reo7mcrT [Del]

Taking a leaf out of the Durarara anime, since we're the Dollars and mainly an online group, we should meet by posting replies to threads, e.g. "I'm at the corner of xxx st and yyy st., and I'll be here for however many minutes. if anyone's interested, please reply", or we could use the Dollars emails (see post #1)

961 Name: firelily : 2015-08-19 15:01 ID:hMmSyNTF [Del]

>>960 omg thats super smart, but if we did that there would be so much clutter on main. if there were a board for that i would jump all over it.

maybe they can do this in the countries board?

962 Name: kayano : 2015-08-19 15:48 ID:Reo7mcrT [Del]

Well, I was thinking, since there's the option of doing emails, that people in the same general area exchange emails to communicate as well, which would avoid the clutter, or Dollars in the same area could have a texting group. That way we could meet up and chat without clogging up the boards

963 Name: firelily : 2015-08-19 16:57 ID:hMmSyNTF [Del]

>>962 see, that is even smarter. and if people would put their emails in the map like i keep suggesting i would have started that a long time ago XD

964 Name: firelily : 2015-08-19 20:52 ID:hMmSyNTF [Del]

read this and dont post this stuff ANYWHERE ELSE

965 Name: Eupraxia : 2015-08-19 21:42 ID:ntUo3uzD [Del]

Didn't have time to read all posts right now. But if we were ever going to identify ourself as dollars, how about we do it more discreetly. I'm thinking wireless signals, if we all have phones; and then also enable visible bluetooth. We could have special bluetooth names on our phones with the name "Dollars" in it, that way you can detect nearby dollar members within a reasonable range. You could also probably connect to each others phones, giving the participant your own bluetooth name. And then try to signal each other in a secret way. Such as tying your shoe laces or hold up your phone in a certain abnormal way. You will have plausable deniability among the crowds, if someone tried to prove that you're a dollars; then they can't really prove it. You here just tying your shoes, or holding up your phone.

Either that or as one previous poster mentioned, the idea of having a special dollars app. Would be cool to create an app for decentralized/p2p messaging between phones directly. Such as the firechat app which was used for communication between protesters during the Hong Kong protests.

966 Name: Braxton S. : 2015-08-19 21:58 ID:p83OeLON [Del]

I think we should whistle a tune when we r in the city, like just walk around and whistle a little tune and if u hear it and ur a dollar you'll know that the person who is also whistling is also a dollar, but if some random person hears it they think it just some random tune and they think nothing of it.

967 Name: Hayate-san : 2015-08-19 22:15 ID:DJKOYyEb [Del]

I like the idea where you ask the questions "have you seen the headless rider?" "the one with the cat ears?"

968 Name: Killerrabbit769 : 2015-08-19 22:25 ID:xIx2foUx [Del]


The problem with whistling a tune is that anyone who can't whistle won't be able to and if a random person finds they like the tune being whistled then they could start doing it too.

969 Name: Isamu : 2015-08-19 22:40 ID:JFnW66/X [Del]

Being anonymous is a part of the community but I'm not against having a way for us know if other dollars members are around. There are a few solid ideas already mentioned like an app or even the questions. The method used doesn't necessarily have to identify us directly. For the app idea, it could just be some type of alert or push message that shows a member is in the area.

It's an interesting idea but we still need to remain colorless for something such as this to work.

970 Name: kayano : 2015-08-20 00:45 ID:Reo7mcrT [Del]

I like the question idea, and if we combine that with >>960 and >>962 then we can easily identify the Dollars members in our area.

From what I can tell, there are two problems with the app idea. One is that every Dollars member would have to register their physical location and have their devices communicate that with other Dollars' members' devices in their area, which, if we think of it on a world-wide scale, would be a massive amount of information. Another problem is that this app would have to be available across several platforms, including the iPhone/iPad/Macbook OS, Android, and the Windows OS (for those with Windows phones/ laptops).

971 Name: Suoly : 2015-08-20 00:52 ID:boc8eD9R [Del]

The app idea is the only one that really works in my opinion, and it's be pretty sick to, we'd just have to develop it....

972 Name: Isamu !pIYEypQghU : 2015-08-20 01:19 ID:JFnW66/X [Del]

>>971 I think other means of identification could work, its just a matter of how to properly handle it. For example using a physical gesture would be less ideal because people who know about the dollars could come into information about people who do these certain gestures, hence revealing ourselves. Same goes for any technique really but that's probably the most noticeable. It's a potential risk but it's still possible to have some type of gesture be one of many ways of identifying other dollars.

One thing I wanted to note is that we don't necessarily need just one way to identify ourselves. We can have multiple options, such as an app, questions, and writing a D on our hands.. etc. We have more possibilities than we think

973 Name: god777666 : 2015-08-20 10:33 ID:Gy3Ou5pM [Del]

to identified dollars member, i suggest we should use the same notification ringtone for our gadget, ex: when one of dollars members sends e-mail or text, boom! the ringtone for dollars ring

974 Name: Crimson!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2015-08-20 12:10 ID:O2l51kzR [Del]

Oh look, god had a good idea ;)

975 Name: Killerrabbit769 : 2015-08-21 02:52 ID:xIx2foUx [Del]


While that would work to identify a member of the Dollars it would have to be a really weird one that no random person would ever use. Also that wouldn't work for people like me who keep their phone on vibrate 24/7.

976 Name: god777666 : 2015-08-21 06:05 ID:wfYgXwHV [Del]

977 Name: Ash Ketchum II : 2015-08-21 07:15 ID:aLmVwPXp [Del]

Another thing we can do is potentially have text groups for dollars in the same city/country to meet up. It could be a thread in the countries board or suggestions board. Lol n meet upwearing a dollars shirt or something, plus itll just look cool haha.

978 Name: god777666 : 2015-08-21 09:59 ID:s2bzxK7i [Del]

>>977 yeah, we need a leader for each country (like kadota in drrr)

979 Name: Vagabondkid : 2015-08-21 10:51 ID:ncB+pOL5 [Del]

Friendly reminder that there is a Dollars map in progress on the main board. You're encouraged to put your email down, that way anyone close and wanting to potentially meet up can contact you.

Although having a text group broke up to different cities would be cool, would it be separate from the main one where you talk to everyone? That way you're not limited to just those in your city, if there are many?

980 Name: firelily : 2015-08-21 18:29 ID:hMmSyNTF [Del]

cleaning bump

981 Name: firelily : 2015-08-21 20:24 ID:hMmSyNTF [Del]


982 Name: Duga Kimishima : 2015-08-21 21:06 ID:5eAkzu7c [Del]

I don't feel like puting my email in a world-wide map is a good idea... it's just because my email is a holy thing for me... i will put it tho, but i don't like the idea.

About the 'D' in the hand... I see it as a silly thing since I won't do it EVERYDAY! People will think i'm a child and, nop, i'm not!

About the bluetooth idea: It's very very good but it has a huge problem, IT WASTES LOTS OF BATERY!!!

The tune: I don't like it! I have silenced my phone 24/7

Honestly, I don't know what's the solution, but we are still pretty far! I would say something like wearing a piece of paper (very small) in the left shoe. But it still carry problems...

So I just see the idea of writting the Email on the map (and that's why i said i will do it even WHEN I don't want! )

983 Name: firelily : 2015-08-21 22:11 ID:hMmSyNTF [Del]

>>982 you can get ab email just for the dollars look in this thread

that way you dont have to put your personal one out there

984 Name: Saitama'sPlayer : 2015-08-21 22:21 ID:LCwBLTkj [Del]

How bout like a Pin? its small so people might barely notice. but it something you can were with anything and still be inconspicuous. like just a black or white pin. ya know something colorless.

985 Name: cudlebuny : 2015-08-25 04:51 ID:MPIFyQkJ [Del]

I think it would be cool if the everyone had the Dollars app and if a fellow Dollar was in the area it would notify you.

986 Name: roseNdust : 2015-08-25 05:24 ID:xlnhy1WN [Del]

Cudlebuny, I really like the idea! Guys, there are many apps which work this way. So if we all have the app and it notifies a Dollar in the area we wouldn't have to identify ourselves with something and would stay transparent. Until now that idea is the best. But please make an app for windows phone too... Its buggin me for quite a while...

987 Name: ~Kitty~ : 2015-08-25 05:44 ID:Wunod3g9 [Del]

I like cudlebuny's idea . The app would be awesome in identifying any members around (it sounds creepy in a way though) .

988 Name: roseNdust : 2015-08-25 06:13 ID:xlnhy1WN [Del]

It really is. I have to agree with that. ^^ but its the easiest way to idetify ourselves, thats for sure.

989 Name: Erie : 2015-08-25 06:19 ID:0YeOPxvW [Del]

It sounds pretty cool! I agree we should be able to recognize other Dollars, that might even be useful.

990 Name: Enigami : 2015-08-25 06:29 ID:kkHV32xX [Del]

>>985 This. Might be hard though. Anyone got experience with this sort of thing?

991 Name: AliceGremory : 2015-08-25 06:38 ID:hV0k5Xx3 [Del]

not a bad idea, i'll try out.

992 Name: Lucy : 2015-08-25 07:17 ID:qgeDywKD [Del]

why don't we create a t-shirt with the dollars logo? There are many shops that can create that.

993 Name: god777666 : 2015-08-25 07:50 ID:rFnvjX+A [Del]

>>992 dude, dollars is transparant, we don't just become a member of something cool and put it on a shirt, no
my point is, we need something for us to recognize each other but don't let other people know about it

994 Name: Hikaru : 2015-08-25 07:54 ID:GUj140z5 [Del]

Precisely. I deffinatly like the idea to draw D's on our hands I'm all for it!

995 Name: Cynthevil : 2015-08-25 08:29 ID:4aih7Wp/ [Del]

Well, i have a black long jacket and i have a blue bandana ^^

996 Name: Kuinshī : 2015-08-25 14:37 ID:NN+c0TEK [Del]

I was thinking on the whole subtle thing, and what we could do is like read our phone upside down, and for even more verification, have like code words. like "I see your phone is inverted", or "you know your reading downwards up". something that sounds different to the average ear but would be noticeable.

997 Name: HCWS : 2015-08-25 14:41 ID:clprNooA [Del]

I like that idea

998 Name: Fortune !o3hBg9PyEE : 2015-08-25 15:27 ID:6YaPWllu [Del]

>>996 This is a good idea

999 Name: Goku : 2015-08-25 16:50 ID:TlDcD7i8 [Del]

Sounds great

1000 Name: cudlebuny : 2015-08-25 18:28 ID:MPIFyQkJ [Del]

Like it wouldn't tell you their location but if you and a guy we're standing next to on the street take out your phones at the same time then you'd know. We can all have the same notification sound too like >>996 was saying when it notifys us too or in general.

1001 Name: arkan : 2015-08-25 21:25 ID:PlQ5WqPG [Del]

sounds cool, but we need a good signal , not only a D, maybe sounds dificult detect a D in one person

1002 Name: Cynthevil : 2015-08-26 02:39 ID:4aih7Wp/ [Del]

How about we write a D on our hand and we wear a bandana?

1003 Name: reiyo : 2015-08-26 03:49 ID:xk9gc3E5 [Del]

I believe that being the part of the Dollars is also having the anonymous existence and randomness essential, but you can have a small "sign" to signal if someone is really a Dollars member. You can have a group in your city. But it won't be necessarily be done with all of us. It depends. But I'm all for it.

1004 Name: Decollator !sgOK0CPXKY : 2015-08-26 03:53 ID:JEgLKzUE [Del]

I have an idea. We could use certain accessories to identify ourselves, and it shouldn't be just one item or one way of identification, it should be multiple ones. Why? because it will not look suspicious, if we all have a D on our left hand and we are lets say 6 people in a place we could be caught for interrogation in some countries. Even if we are not caught, people around us will not feel safe.

Another reason for using multiple items/ways is the fact that (I'll use an example here) not everyone can buy a key chain with the letter D because 1) it might not be available in their region, and to make a custom one might not be an option either. 2) aesthetic reasons 3) personal reasons/other reasons. And so because of that we need multiple items to identify ourselves.

So what kind of items am I talking about? - its open to discussion, my suggestion is a DIY accessory that is done in a certain way that is both good looking and unique to us but not too attractive. Like the DIY plastic keychain, its simple and can be done different ways so lets choose one and we can use two specific colors (black and white) and hang it on the left side only, just to decrease chances of bumping into a non-dollar that is wearing the same accessory. It could be hanged on a bag or held with keys or even worn as a wristband. Simple. Also a t-shirt that has our slogan on the back, but some people don't like t-shirts, but we like to spice things up; so for the long sleeves the slogan is written on the arm instead (for example). Maybe for the t-shirt we make it that the words are vertical and just on the right top corner of the back. Of course it should be visible. The more specific the less chances there are of stumbling on a non-dollar with the same item/shirt.

What about the "ways"? - well there is the D on the left hand, or if you know the place and time of the meeting maybe a certain pose or/and action, for example I know I will meet with two people at a train station at a certain corner, if sitting they should make a fist of their right hand with only their index and middle finger sticking out and tapping on their left leg, how common is that? If standing up they should be lying against a wall and doing the same thing with their fingers. We could spice it up and say hold the ticket in your left hand.

Here's another one, we could have our own design that those who can sew could sew it into their hoodies, beanie, scarf, sweater, etc. so its one idea with different methods.

So my opinion is to give, lets say, three available items and three [lets call them:] ways. Here I mentioned three items (plastic key chains, letter keychains and shirts) and two ways(D on the left hand and pose/action) sewing on items is a bonus.

The use of "ways" is for meeting up. The use of items is for... meetings. lol. With items you can identify each other wherever and whenever unlike "ways".

TL;DR I'm Suggesting that we use several items and ways of identification for different reasons mentioned in paragraph one and two, instead of having one simple method. However, we should limit them to, let say, three items and three ways of identification so its easy to remember.

~Any opinions?~

1005 Name: Yokai!ozOtJW9BFA : 2015-08-26 04:32 ID:GTMQuZKL [Del]

Doesn't having identifiers totally negate the ideals of the dollars, I mean the whole point of the group is for us to be totally anonymous and have autonomy, the moment you introduce things to set us apart from others, is the moment we loose all of that. But that's just my opinion.

1006 Name: Kanra : 2015-08-26 04:35 ID:+uFK80tt [Del]

Problem with the bandana is that it stop us from being colirless and also with bandanas people associate wearing bandanas with gangs which we aren't. I do like the D on the hand and "Have you seeen the Black Rider" though!! ^_^

1007 Name: roseNdust : 2015-08-26 06:04 ID:3vp7XbzS [Del]

Still think the app is the best way to identify dollars. Imagine u walk around town and then you'd get a notification that a dollar is around. Then if the other dollar saw that notification too you can chat a bit on the phone and then even meet up "if you want of course" we wouldn't have to wear any bandanas or shirts or bracelets, thats just stupid. You could still wear such things if you want as a fan of the anime but not as a real dollar. So the app really is the best way to meet up or not but at least to find some dollars in your town. There are many apps like this already in the excistence. We should install that function into the already excisting dollars app. It'll only be an update. Thats the best idea so far. Its not even mine. I've read it in the first comments and stand up for it cuz it really is smart.

1008 Name: Enigami : 2015-08-26 06:15 ID:kkHV32xX [Del]

>>1007 Seconded.

1009 Name: Decollator !sgOK0CPXKY : 2015-08-26 06:45 ID:C+NiHTQX [Del]

A lot of people are saying that wearing something is like having a "color" but we still need to be able to identify each other. Ok I get it. so I mentioned the pose and action idea in the fourth paragraph of >>1004. In the end we all know "where" and "when" we are meeting we just need a way to know "who" we are meeting if we are a big group.

For those referring to the anime and saying that we will not be colorless if we have a way to identify each other, remember the episode where they were told that everyone not looking at his phone is not in the dollars? That was "kinda" a way for them to identify each other for a "cause". Same thing here, but our cause is to have fun in D-Day.

1010 Name: Siren !SzqYl/82/w : 2015-08-26 07:42 ID:ZZbiyFGd [Del]

This idea is fantastic, but the current app from what I can see is just a direct link to the website with a friendlier template for use on a mobile. I highly doubt there would be a way to add a gps or something similar to the existing app. But a separate app all together, accompanied by new threads on the site for when people walk past each other, could be the beginnings of an idea!

1011 Name: Siren !SzqYl/82/w : 2015-08-26 07:47 ID:ZZbiyFGd [Del]

If we were to have some type of symbol, such as a patch and a badge, I would suggest to make it minimalist and either black or white - or both - to symbolise how we haven't got a colour (it keeps with the anime without going over the top, as the anime is obviously not realistic). It could be as simple as a badge that is half black and half white, with a dollar sign in the centre. Thoughs?

1012 Name: Taisei : 2015-08-26 08:29 ID:/RB2ghyh [Del]

Having no noticeable way to tell someone is in the dollars is one of the most endearing things about the group. Anyone and everyone could be a dollar, even if they have another affiliation. I always kinda thought that was part of the ide behind the anonymity of it; treat everyone with the respect and friendliness you would show someone you know is a dollar because you just never know.

1013 Name: DaRaea : 2015-08-26 09:16 ID:qDOLshnT [Del]

I think this is cool but everyone seems to be not interested so I don't know should I do it or not. Anyway I'd like to notice a Dollar when I see one

1014 Name: Siren !SzqYl/82/w : 2015-08-26 09:30 ID:ZZbiyFGd [Del]

We could just design a really simple badge, there are plently of websites. If anyone is good at art and can think of a sweet minimalist design, that would be fantastic. We could make our own using the chosen image.

Plently of sites like this exist:

imgur of a crappy idea to give you an idea of the idea:

1015 Name: Xander : 2015-08-26 13:30 ID:RMsqa76/ [Del]

I personally think that being able to identify the dollars as a group is a bad idea, what if the yellow scarfs figure out how to identify us(lol jk). But if there was only a way to leave a hint so cleverly that only another dollar would notice.

1016 Name: Museless : 2015-08-26 15:01 ID:Bsv2u5cf [Del]

i just have the dollars logo as my lock screen on my phone. i think thats a good way to have a small identification since other people might not think twice about it

1017 Name: cudlebuny : 2015-08-26 22:37 ID:MPIFyQkJ [Del]

I mean, I have a badge on my backpack of our logo but everyone's like "Oh you like anime?" but they never say "Are you apart of the community?" or anything. >>1014 They sell our badge at Hot Topic (at least the one near my house does). >>1005 I mean it's not totally anonymous. Why would we have usernames if it was?

1018 Name: Blanc : 2015-08-26 23:49 ID:sazOcHd+ [Del]

Okay, well i think the badges are cool, but if too many of us gathered in one place, it would become obvious. So, I'm suggesting a gesture. For example, we would all agree on some sort of handshake or handsign or whatever and if we suspect someone of being in the Dollars, we simply go up and do the gesture, the person would then reply with the password. This way, we remain anonymous and basically nobody would understand except Dollars members (others would be simply confused). Any thoughts?

1019 Name: TuesdayK : 2015-08-27 00:09 ID:vFpD/H9J [Del]

Having the logo as my lock screen on my phone and back pack has worked for me.

1020 Name: Decollator !sgOK0CPXKY : 2015-08-27 02:19 ID:C+NiHTQX [Del]

>>1015 Well we have the slashers on our side ;p

1021 Name: god777666 : 2015-08-27 03:37 ID:P8SWKRrW [Del]

we need saika for this

1022 Name: Tsubaki : 2015-08-27 03:41 ID:u7iQDt9P [Del]

LOVE this, doing it
also bump ;)

1023 Name: Siren !SzqYl/82/w : 2015-08-27 04:54 ID:w3GtZ53u [Del]

The lock screen idea is kinda cool

1024 Name: Mieppe : 2015-08-27 05:33 ID:f0wqt6av [Del]

I'm against this idea... I think Dollars have to be invisible, a "D" is just like a color or another thing

1025 Name: Most Dope : 2015-08-27 06:20 ID:pl5ecC1+ [Del]

I agree with this. The dollars aren't supposed to be identifiable.

1026 Name: Natsume : 2015-08-27 06:40 ID:DakwYvXn [Del]

Dollars is invisible but it's kinda gut feeling for a Dollars member to identify another Dollars member

1027 Name: roseNdust : 2015-08-27 08:29 ID:JqdGAJ45 [Del]

App is still the best idea.

1028 Name: AEvAKt : 2015-08-27 08:43 ID:pfeKJLB0 [Del]

There is already an app for the dollars. Go to thread about band look for the last reply that has the link and go from there. The thread is in the same section as this one(main). It should be the fourth mist recently viewed thread, if not then, hot main click
on view all threads and then press ctrl f and type "app". You should be good from there. I hope my reply isn't grounds for this thread to be saged.....

1029 Name: OroseC !puodSbGaRU : 2015-08-27 11:19 ID:igIpvv8o [Del]

>>1027 I don't really like the idea of the app because at some point someone is accidentally going to come across it, but I do like the idea of the D even if it isnt too subtle.

1030 Name: Anon : 2015-08-27 13:43 ID:bR/Arbdu [Del]

A secret hand signal. It really works... I know of another secret organization that uses it to ID others in of the same group.

1031 Name: Yuukio : 2015-08-28 04:46 ID:GuvjcPzI [Del]

1032 Name: Yuukio : 2015-08-28 04:49 ID:GuvjcPzI [Del]

I think we can sign "Dollar you?"

Dollar + you

Sign Language are pretty cool

1033 Name: Hiyori : 2015-08-28 06:06 ID:kCBQfDGM [Del]

I liked the app idea a little bit more than the "D" one, because I always get asked when I write something in my hand and it is like giving us a colour, even if it is not that visible as a bandanna!

1034 Post deleted by user.

1035 Name: Falcon : 2015-08-30 05:51 ID:Rq41Mwli [Del]

A DOLLAR SIGN! i mean we are the dollars. when is dollars day?

1036 Name: Falcon : 2015-08-30 06:15 ID:Rq41Mwli [Del]

we are the dollars we should have to stay hidden. ive read some if the past comments. i thing we should put a dollar sign on our thumbs or something. but i think i should be a dollar sign since we are the dollars. if we put the dollar sign on our thumbs most likely when you shake hands you'll see it. but not many ppl shake hands nowadays. I think we should all have something like a dollar sign on our ear where you would put an earing. the face is where you would look and if you are a girl tuck your hair behind your ear. no one would think to look at someones ear. but if you are in the dollars you'll look our for it. when you see the dollar sign on someone ear say "have you seen the black rider?' then if your in the dollars you would respond "I saw the headless rider the other day." or something like that. notice how i said both of celty's nick names: the headless rider and the black rider? if one says the headless rider the other will say the black rider. if it becomes a trend we'll know its not the dollars because the dollars will have a dollar sign on their ear.

1037 Name: Annei : 2015-08-30 07:04 ID:sSrnrYlx [Del]

>>1036 I really like this idea. but maybe.. I wouldn't define the palce of the dollar sign so much. everyone has different preferences.. (i know there can be people who have doller sign somewherer nevertheless) but I've you notice someone has a Dollar sign somewhere then you could check them with those questions. that would be really cool.. sadly I think I'll never come in this situation ._.
so actually I just wanted to bump your idea :D

1038 Name: Io : 2015-08-30 07:17 ID:NZeRjHB3 [Del]

I'm not writing a dollar sign on my ear every morning when I wake up o.o

I think one of the variations of the geolocation app idea is the best way to go. Tap to activate the app at a public place, the phones of all nearby Dollar members will get a notification, just look around to see whos phone goes off (or whoever starts looking around looking for the initiator).

It's simple, convinient and inconspicuous.

1039 Post deleted by user.

1040 Name: Boyboy !hAhPOUu/jc : 2015-08-30 09:58 ID:/5EU/rou [Del]

>>1039 @Sadochien
>>1 @Wulfie
>Dollars are invisible
>Tries to make them visible

You fools.

1041 Name: Blanc : 2015-08-30 13:58 ID:sazOcHd+ [Del]

>>1038 The geolocation is something I've been pushing for, but have received little support, email me:

>>1040 You shouldn't be insulting other Dollars members, weren't you the same person that said on another thread that "This is just a fan site" ? Well then let people be proud of the Dollars. We've already established that we are nothing like the anime.

This goes out to all the others that always shut down ideas because 'the dollars' wouldn't do that. Stop. We're not at that level yet so there's no need to put such a tight leash on what people can do.

Thanks, Blanc💣

1042 Name: Ace : 2015-08-30 14:01 ID:jteoZpvJ [Del]

The whole idea of the dollars is that there ARE not rules. If people in the dollars want a way to meet other dollars in day to day life, I say let them. Not EVERY dollar has to do the "dollar logo" on themselves, but those who WANT to, who WANT to meet others in rl, can. I dunno, seems like this is pretty straight forward. It's all up to what you want to do. No one forcing you to write a D on your hand, and if you want to, go ahead.

1043 Name: Blanc : 2015-08-30 19:01 ID:sazOcHd+ [Del]

>>1042 Yeah I agree

1044 Name: Boyboy !hAhPOUu/jc : 2015-08-30 19:59 ID:/5EU/rou [Del]

>>1041 @Blanc
White knight.

1045 Name: Blanc : 2015-08-30 20:04 ID:sazOcHd+ [Del]

>>1044 What White Knight?

1046 Name: Io : 2015-08-31 00:42 ID:esbEcH+D [Del]

>>1041 @Blanc Emailed u, not sure if it went through or not.

1047 Name: Annei : 2015-08-31 00:49 ID:sSrnrYlx [Del]

>>1038 >>1041 oh I like this idea too. how exactly would it work?

1048 Name: ixpizel : 2015-08-31 11:21 ID:9LNOXefA [Del]

@Blanc I emailed you, hope you get it!
So, has anything been decided? I'm gonna start doing a $ on my left wrist from now on ^^ I think that the Q&A is a good idea, too. I think the idea about dollar-related lock screen is a bit much, because we're not going to go around showing everyone our lock screens (at least I'm not going to) but whoever had the clear wrist band idea was cool. If someone can't get a clear wrist band, then maybe just a wrist band of some sort and write some special quote that we'd decide on or something?

1049 Name: mswag : 2015-09-01 06:31 ID:Rb94VShT [Del]

I like this idea >>1038

and my idea
This is the Kansas board. That's where I live, specifically Wichita. If we needed to meet up for a mission we'd simply start a thread for that mission and ask local Dollars to show up there. If we needed to identify each other, everyone there could just describe themselves or see who's looking around.

1050 Name: firelily : 2015-09-01 15:44 ID:l4FmMCrN [Del]

(i cant even go to skool without coming back to a mess) bump

1051 Name: Kye : 2015-09-01 16:04 ID:KbwQGm0C [Del]

I'm probably a few years late with this, but here goes.
My problem with the "D" or "$" idea is that I live in a country that uses a different currency and I don't have a d at all in my name or anything, so a lot of people would ask what the symbol was supposed to represent. My mum also hates when I write on my hands and would also question what it stood for. Another reason that it wouldn't really work is that some people might take it to mean that it stands for something else than "Dollars"

For the question and answer idea, idk if it's been scrapped or not yet because the thread was so long I skipped a lot of the middle section, but anyway. For that idea I think that it would be hard to identify who to ask, and if it was because that person had written a "D" on their hand somewhere then my reason about it meaning something else still stands. Like, for example, what if you approached someone with a "D" on their hand because you thought that they were a member here but I turns out that their name is "Daniel" or something.

1052 Name: Aco_Laughter : 2015-09-02 02:03 ID:cndu7HqG [Del]

how about a pin????, i think we can just use a pin that similiar to all members of dollars but do not make a pin that similiar to dollar, so that another people didn't feel suspicious. for example all the members of dollars should use a pin with a logo of red smily,etc..... for the design anybody can post to the post in image......

1053 Name: mswag : 2015-09-02 05:48 ID:Rb94VShT [Del]

>>1052 I'm guessing english isn't your primary language

1054 Name: BLooD LusT : 2015-09-02 06:18 ID:r9dhlhJ+ [Del]

ithink ill go with the pin...??? but what kind of pin...??? what about Silver rings in the middle of the Finger..???

1055 Name: Hulox : 2015-09-02 06:35 ID:LQG0wi3T [Del]

im fine with the simple writting D on wrist...

1056 Name: Yukari : 2015-09-02 07:10 ID:Z3I2x+F4 [Del]

I think it's a good idea... But seems a bit difficult for us all to be in agreement.
I think just writing a D on your hand or face doesn't mean anything 'cause anyone could write a D on his hand and they don't know anything about Dollars.

1057 Name: BLooD LusT : 2015-09-02 08:05 ID:r9dhlhJ+ [Del]

You have a poitn @Yukari .. then what about a Pin with a letter D..????

1058 Name: Aco_Laughter : 2015-09-02 08:53 ID:cndu7HqG [Del]

yes, i also think that pin is one of the best way, but maybe we should change D , i think $ is better, and cooler.....

1059 Name: AEvAKt : 2015-09-02 09:23 ID:MHNc9Fk+ [Del]

For the last time guys rethink what you are proposing that we should do when I comes to identifying ourselves among each other. We shouldn't do it at all. For a perfect example and explanation look back to the anime and manga for reference as to why we shouldn't.
Sheesh. I'm getting to the point were I would sage this man....

1060 Name: mswag : 2015-09-02 10:13 ID:Rb94VShT [Del]

>>1059 I agree. If locals need to meet up it's not like we need to recognize each other. Case in point, DRRR episode 11. "everyone not looking at their cellphone right now is the enemy"

1061 Name: Transparency : 2015-09-02 10:52 ID:DXkjzyqG [Del]

>>1060 then should we be carrying and looking at our phone every second? How about the other students who are not allowed to bring phones?

1062 Name: shinsen : 2015-09-02 11:19 ID:YWc84JnA [Del]

I actually think it's cool to be able to identify other Dollars members. I'm voting for the Dollars ringtone, but I don't like the ringtone uploaded. :/

1063 Name: Raven : 2015-09-02 11:57 ID:FjBDZ5C9 [Del]

Why don't we have like a secret but still discrete phrase like, "The weather is nice today", or something like that.

1064 Name: Yukari : 2015-09-02 12:00 ID:Z3I2x+F4 [Del]

Or just make ourselves jackets with the letters "I am a dollar member" If you really want to identify with other dollars XDD (Just kidding)

1065 Name: Kamaria : 2015-09-02 14:16 ID:T5UBOgNw [Del]

i do like the whole discreet phrase thing but what would it be exactly? I used to see like "do you have a dollar?" idea and then you would say "I am one" or some thing like that

1066 Name: niaocat : 2015-09-02 14:49 ID:YPc2T89g [Del]

All I can think is the "I like your shoelaces" code-phrase from tumblr and it's making me giggle like a moron.

I dunno, in DRRR!! most Dollars will admit to being one if you just ask them. But I'd be game for a secret code of some sort, as long as it isn't too obvious. Though I definitely think a verbal sign would fit more with the idea of "colorless and invisible" than a physical one. /shrugs

1067 Name: Usagi : 2015-09-02 16:05 ID:6NIEKffj [Del]

This is pretty awesome if you really think about it. I like the right the D on you hand. or even like for people that like nail polish a D on their nail. And if someone asks "Are you invisible/colorless?" as niocat said you are. Then people will know :)

1068 Name: Usagi : 2015-09-02 16:06 ID:6NIEKffj [Del]

I totally had a typo... or forgot a word
"said 'Yes I am'. Then people will know."

1069 Name: mswag : 2015-09-02 19:50 ID:Rb94VShT [Del]

>>1061 I was saying we don't need to recognize each other. Except in certain situations like that.

1070 Name: shinsen : 2015-09-04 08:15 ID:PQJ1kYjL [Del]

I don't like the 'D' writing. I always wash hands, or apply sanitizers. :? And asking someone out of the blue... Well... I'm not really an extrovert. And it's weird to ask someone out of the blue like that. I like the ringtone idea, and maybe the the wallpaper idea. When we do powerpoint presentations in class and the screen lock turns on after a few seconds, the Dollars wallpaper appear... and hopefully someone in class might know. :)

1071 Name: Zaurusu : 2015-09-04 09:18 ID:FHhYajYz [Del]

i agree with you

1072 Name: firelily : 2015-09-05 09:44 ID:l4FmMCrN [Del]


1073 Name: Veronica : 2015-09-05 18:05 ID:9enletQC [Del]

I dont think we should do anything with our phones, because I dont know but in my school you shouldn't have your phone out at all. So I don't even carry mine with me, and here isnt the kind of place you just see people walking around in

1074 Name: Bear : 2015-09-05 18:06 ID:UhJOrQbM [Del]

i agree that would be pretty cool tho there was no id in the anime /)-(\

1075 Name: Veronica : 2015-09-05 18:09 ID:9enletQC [Del]

Like I agree we should do a little something that only we would really recognize, some people might ask but I just dont like the phone idea

1076 Name: firelily : 2015-09-05 20:46 ID:l4FmMCrN [Del]

in the anime the Dollars didn't know who eachother were until they started trying to save Anri. And to find eachother they jut told eachother what street they were on and how long they would be there.

Why don't yall just do it like that? Find ppl (who want to be found) by looking on the map and then add them to your email list or something and then when yall wanna meet say what street your on and what time your going to be there and possibly what you are wearing

its more authentic that way and people wouldn't have to buy anything new or modify the things they already have/say/do.

Plus I met a Dollar at my skool on accident because he let it slip, and we had nothing to talk about because we hang out on different boards and have nothing in common, so think about it: what would you do/talk about if you do meet another Dollar? Yall would be excited you found one another, but once that excitement fades...what then??

1077 Name: Veronica : 2015-09-05 20:56 ID:9enletQC [Del]

Im in Schenectady nothing really happens here so its not like were finding anyone, and my parents would not like me going out and standing somewhere waiting for people I dont even know (I personally would but my parents wouldn't alow it is im saying) instead of buying why not like someone said we can do the thing you said but for another way.

We could like sit a certain way, write something on ourselfs, we could even craft our own thing or something. I dont want a disagree its just my opinion.

1078 Name: Arcus : 2015-09-05 21:51 ID:PEECr+gl [Del]

Or we could right 4 "$" signs to represent dollars as well as the "D" - which is the fourth letter of the alphabet, so there are four $'s.
But that I guess just writing "D" would be fine too.

1079 Name: Veronica : 2015-09-05 22:10 ID:9enletQC [Del]

Where would we write it?

1080 Name: [ ] : 2015-09-05 22:25 ID:pWoS7G6t [Del]

Let's just write a CAPITAL D on our hands. On where our dominant hands are

1081 Name: Veronica : 2015-09-05 22:31 ID:9enletQC [Del]

But whatabout germifobes or people that wash there hands alot, I would be fine with it. But should we do 4 $'s and a D in the middle? something unique but not as big?Because I feel like people will get made fun off with a big D on there hand

1082 Name: Anonymous : 2015-09-05 23:15 ID:86Sefu8B [Del]

>>1076 this

1083 Name: [ ] : 2015-09-06 03:00 ID:tguCIWmY [Del]

I keep a D with 2 lines going through it (like a dollar sign) written on my wrist under my watch, other people could do similar things, then when you talk to people, adjust what's hiding it a bit so that the other person could notice if they were paying attention.

1084 Name: Anny : 2015-09-06 03:04 ID:EMTm7r5Q [Del]

Question: What's this map thing I've seen pop up here an there on this thread/post?

1085 Name: Jeonsa : 2015-09-06 04:05 ID:JzV/GcsX [Del]

Dont know if any others have said this yet.
But maby a dollor sign in a description of your social media sites profile page or a dollar sign some were hidden on you.

1086 Name: shinsen : 2015-09-06 05:31 ID:zuSvQ25H [Del]

>>1076. You have a point there. Not all dollars have something to talk about since we're all different. And might not have a lot in common. I guess it's up to fate if you accidentally bump into a dollars member and you became good friends. Those who really want to meet up can set their own date and place. As for me I was just thinking how it would be cool if I met another dollars by accident and then I suddenly had a connection. That's just a cool thought.

1087 Name: Anonymous : 2015-09-06 06:37 ID:86Sefu8B [Del]

Here ya go

1088 Name: Fumei : 2015-09-06 09:31 ID:AkMvJO9n [Del]

I was wondering why would we need to be identified since were just colorless and invisible.I mean this is stupid.You want to be known then why would you join a colorless and invisible gang.Seriouly ??! Sorry plss dont hate me im just voicing out my opinion :P

1089 Name: Veronica : 2015-09-06 10:27 ID:9enletQC [Del]

I like the idea of the little D with the two lines, im gonna do that, and the ones that dont, dont have to. Just my thought

1090 Name: Deshi : 2015-09-06 11:30 ID:J89cbtKZ [Del]

I know the Dollars are supposed to be colourless but I do like the idea, so I'm just going to do the same as Veronica ^^ >>1089

1091 Name: Akiko : 2015-09-06 11:42 ID:Q9t3E6zp [Del]

I just put $ on my profiles

1092 Name: Veronica : 2015-09-06 13:58 ID:9enletQC [Del]

im gonna put it on my middle knuckle

1093 Name: Aka : 2015-09-06 14:03 ID:8L1wKuIV [Del]

Personally, I'll write "D like a dollar" because a little D alone can represent someone's name or something like that and if I saw someone with a "D" on his hand I can't just ask you "hey, you're a Dollar?"

1094 Name: Absolute Zero : 2015-09-06 14:22 ID:6mC8fAPk [Del]

This thread was made 3 years ago and in those three years I have never seen another Dollar. So what does this mean? It means putting a D or an $ on your hand does not make you visible to other members. Its up to you guys either you want to be visible or not but you cant have both either wear something that shows youre a Dollar to other existing Dollars or nothing at all.

1095 Name: Absolute Zero : 2015-09-06 14:34 ID:6mC8fAPk [Del]

I might also have an idea what if someone makes dollars patches and sells them on the net. They can make patches for fans of the anime but if youre a dollar your patch will look a little bit different than the common patches like the last letter being a different color or something. Its a plus because only dollars members will know the difference. This can actually work with any patch by the way it doesnt have to be a durarara patch. It can be a common patch that most people have.

1096 Name: Hiyori : 2015-09-06 14:50 ID:kCBQfDGM [Del]


1097 Name: Veronica : 2015-09-06 14:56 ID:9enletQC [Del]

I think we should do a D with the lines in it like a dollar

1098 Name: Z !cO153BNP9s : 2015-09-06 15:01 ID:zVBjST+E [Del]

That's a really good idea, i'm pretty sure you could get someone on Etsy to do it.

1099 Name: Absolute Zero : 2015-09-06 15:03 ID:6mC8fAPk [Del]

>>1097 That will look a bit flashy and I cant imagine even commoners that like durarara would wear something like that.

1100 Name: Absolute Zero : 2015-09-06 15:08 ID:6mC8fAPk [Del]

>>1098 I would if i had the resources but unfortunately i cant. Thats why im proposing this idea to see if anybody is interested in doing this. I hope someone is interested.

1101 Name: Veronica : 2015-09-06 16:38 ID:9enletQC [Del]

I dont like that, my opinion cause we are sposed to be more of a hidden group so I dont think its a good idea to be go andselling merchandise. I think we should stay small

1102 Name: idon'tknow : 2015-09-06 17:27 ID:9/7PpKw4 [Del]


1103 Name: Absolute Zero : 2015-09-06 17:34 ID:6mC8fAPk [Del]

>>1101 This is what I meant. There are people who manufacture patches. These people make naruto, pokemon, and other things. People go on amazon and buy them. What im suggesting is if someone can make durarara dollars logo patches to sell online. Then durarara fans will buy the patches but if youre a dollars member you will modify your patch like that we stay hidden and only dollars members can identify each other. I also mentioned this can work with any patch that is popular like a goku patch we can color one of the eyes blue or something. Its kinda like naruto the akatsuki had crossed out headbands of their villages.

1104 Name: Veronica : 2015-09-06 21:22 ID:9enletQC [Del]

But what about us kids that have parents that wont let us buy that stuff?

1105 Name: Absolute Zero : 2015-09-06 21:59 ID:6mC8fAPk [Del]

>>1104 Wont the parents be more concerned with the younger members putting ink on their bodies than a patch that you iron on or sew on your backpack, sweater or jacket that only contains six letters or a anime character.

1106 Name: Veronica : 2015-09-06 23:03 ID:9enletQC [Del]

Not if you erase it or hide it. Fine we can do the patch thing but I bet a little less than half the people on here, and me. Will not be able to get them

1107 Name: Blanc : 2015-09-06 23:31 ID:sazOcHd+ [Del]

I agree, you guys are saying things that require money or that require some sort of parental authority involved.
Our younger members are primarily the ones that want to gather together and not all of them could buy/obtain these items

1108 Name: Absolute Zero : 2015-09-06 23:41 ID:6mC8fAPk [Del]

>>1106 It was just an idea if most of the dollars dont want to do it thats fine it was just a better way to identify each other. The problems I had with the marker idea was that it was inconvinient to write a D on your hand every day you went out. Another problem was that if youre going out to eat you would wash your hands first that would mean the D would go away after you finish washing your hands. The last problem I had with it was that it would just be silly to have a bunch of people with Ds on their hands especially if they ever decide to gather it would just stand out. Thats why I dont really like the D on your hand idea.

1109 Name: Sarutobi : 2015-09-07 00:09 ID:l3MZGK66 [Del]

I don't know. I think my friends will make fun of me saying "What's the meaning of D? Dick?"

1110 Name: shina : 2015-09-07 00:10 ID:yeBy2wb4 [Del]

Can't we just put the dollars insignia for are lock screen or home sreen

1111 Name: shinsen : 2015-09-07 04:52 ID:i6BmVfCN [Del]

>>1109 lol nice one
>>1110 Thats what I do

1112 Name: reaper : 2015-09-07 05:47 ID:r6W7b2b0 [Del]

Hi im new here

1113 Name: reaper : 2015-09-07 05:49 ID:r6W7b2b0 [Del]

Anybody online?

1114 Name: mswag : 2015-09-07 05:51 ID:Rb94VShT [Del]

>>1113 Hi. Welcome to the redundant argument that no one can agree on.

1115 Name: -Silver- !JB74cX.SuY : 2015-09-07 10:39 ID:AdQsqnLg [Del]

I think we should just do most of this stuff together, and have it listed somewhere everyone can see it.

It's hard to relate to the actual anime because the Dollars were in one city: it was way easier to manage. We're spread around the world so it's not as simple as saying "Hey, I'm at 'X' street". In any case, members never knew who the others were until actual meetings or important missions happened. It would be a different case if we could have something around 30~ members in each city, and have different boards for each (which I think it's too burocratic), or a way to receive notifications for our countries' threads.

Summarizing: It is impossible for us to make it work like the anime when there's just one international board unless we get many more members from each place and make the most out of the countries threads.

In my opinion though, visual methods should only be used when you already know beforehand that you're going to meet with other dollars, because as many have been saying, the idea is to stay unrecognizable from outsiders; directly asking should only be done when you've already seen another sign or hint that the person may be a dollar, just to play it safe and don't reveal yourself by mistake.

1116 Name: firelily : 2015-09-07 11:00 ID:l4FmMCrN [Del]


1117 Name: Veronica : 2015-09-07 14:08 ID:9enletQC [Del]

So have we made a decision?

1118 Name: akuma : 2015-09-07 17:43 ID:khn20/y2 [Del]

hi! um, i'm new to the dollars but i really like the idea of the "have you seen the black rider?"
"did she find her head?"/ "the one with the cat ears?" thing

1119 Name: AEvAKt : 2015-09-08 16:36 ID:EWL5trtB [Del]

Ook You know what!? All of you that are for it are not even getting the bigger picture are you? I want to sage this so bad but, I'll give this another chance to see if anyone can actually come up with a better way to identify ourselves among each other.

1120 Name: Chibuya : 2015-09-08 16:58 ID:ebT2kKEi [Del]

I really like the D idea and i'm gonna start doing that. I live in england in the Nottinghamshire county so if you see a guy with a D on his had it could be me

1121 Post deleted by user.

1122 Name: Kasa : 2015-09-08 18:42 ID:Eod9hc6V [Del]

I think this might be hard because were all so spread out, and also we're supposed to be invisible, I think people should just announce if they're gonna be somewhere and then say for a group to meet up wearing something to signify one another. For example, say there's a con in a city near you, you say anyone who's going to this con should put a $ on their hand. That way we'll still be mostly invisible and it'd be easier to recognize one another because we'd be looking for one another. By doing this we'd be more organized as well and we wouldn't just have a $ on our hand everyday, letting us be more inconspicuous.

1123 Name: Sarutobi : 2015-09-08 19:00 ID:E5u+DCvL [Del]

>>1111 True though. They will tease like that. I mean no one will randomly see the D and say "Oh, so you're from Dollars. Cool." Instead they will say "Dude you really love Dick you put D on your hand"

1124 Post deleted by user.

1125 Post deleted by user.

1126 Name: Blanc : 2015-09-08 21:06 ID:sazOcHd+ [Del]

>>1122 I agree with this.
When any regional group of Dollars actually intend on meeting up then someone in that area should take initiative and alert the other people near them about the identification for that meeting.

>>1123 This would depend on the age, level of education and general maturity. Also you could always put the 'D' on something other than your hand. e.g Phone case, books, shirt etc

A Dollars day would be great but I personally think either some sort of geolocation and/or a verbal/physical cue would be the best way.
Obviously, only the official Dollar's Day should have a universal identification technique, if you just want to meet up, then go ahead and meet up.

Thanks, Blanc ✌

1127 Name: Akito : 2015-09-09 01:31 ID:77WUSB8p [Del]

So exactly when is Dollars Day and what are we doing? I feel like this is what a democracy is like... and there's 1127 different opinions. BTW some people live in Britain, I live in the US, some live in Australia, others in Canada, so how will this work?

1128 Name: Raku : 2015-09-09 05:37 ID:2CSa+5RL [Del]

So what you are saying is that we all should have a letter D that anyone can see to identify ourselves without making other people notice it too much? I could get a phone custom cased that would have a big letter D on the back, but unless I have my phone out, no dollars member would recognise me...

1129 Post deleted by user.

1130 Name: Blue Square : 2015-09-09 07:33 ID:Jy58Q5uo [Del]

Can someone lock this thread its getting stupid.

>>1126 I think you should reread the post of the guy who opened this thread dude. He didnt want identification just for dollars day he wanted one for everyday life. You know like you go to a convention or supermarket and you identify a fellow dollar. It sounds fun but it can be dangerous dude. Kids can get killed and shit if they meet a fucked in the head dollar so yeah this shit should be taken down. Plus this dollars thing is kidda stupid guys its just a forum not the real dollars so we dont need this shit.

1131 Name: [ ] !8LehhunciE : 2015-09-09 09:37 ID:k+6o1nWM [Del]

Blue Square and Raku, if you two really don't want us to be able to identify each other, that's okay, we all have our opinions, but you don't need to attack every thread that people make that concerns identification among The Dollars. A lot of people want to have some way to identify other members, and if you think that it's a dumb idea, then you should sit back in your chair at home and think that we're all stupid and relax knowing that it's not your problem. And if you think that "this dollars thing" is stupid, the close window button is right there at the top right corner of the window my friend.

1132 Name: Blue Square : 2015-09-09 09:48 ID:Jy58Q5uo [Del]

>>1131 Dude youre retarded. Raku wants id among the dollars were the fuck did you get that from? From your ass. What i meant by dollars being stupid is the fact that people want to play out what is in the anime jackass like the id thing. I never bashed the forum i dont know where you get your shit from. Maybe you should stop hanging out in your ass so much.

1133 Name: [ ] !8LehhunciE : 2015-09-09 15:14 ID:22/MZNIl [Del]

Well then I apologize to Raku, I must have misread one of his posts. By "attacking the forum", I meant every forum posted about identification among The Dollars. And no one said anything about playing it out like it was in the anime. We're a single group of people who have some common intrests and some of us just want some way to identify each other. Also, would you kindly stop speaking out of your ass. Ya know, you are a classic example of the inverse ratio between the size of the mouth and the size of the brain.

1134 Post deleted by user.

1135 Name: Blue Square : 2015-09-09 19:37 ID:7ucXZYHO [Del]

>>1133 And you are the classic example of a retard trying to show he has a brain. I dont think you even read my post jackass. Please stop with your stupid shit and learn to analyze shit dumbass.

1136 Name: Blue Square : 2015-09-09 19:45 ID:7ucXZYHO [Del]

And while youre at it analyze your last last post maybe it will make some sense.

1137 Name: Anonymous : 2015-09-09 20:48 ID:sazOcHd+ [Del]

>>1136 You need to stop this thing that you're trying to do here. Purposefully annoying people will not get you anywhere.

And, yes, I'm aware that you'll respond to this post and pretend to argue when we both know the reason you are doing this.
Honestly, I don't care what you post or what your goal is.
All I'm saying is that you need to stop insulting other members' views and opinions.

So, feel free to go ahead and do exactly what everyone knows you will do, it will only prove that you read my post, so my message was considered.

1138 Name: Izaya Orihara : 2015-09-09 21:02 ID:B87qZvJY [Del]

Writing the letter D on our hand isn't the way to go.what we need is a style a Dollars style something that says we are the dollar gang.

1139 Name: Hijōshikina : 2015-09-09 21:04 ID:D07LmntX [Del]

I agree with Izaya, but we are a colorless gang and we're suppose to be invisible. How would that work?

1140 Name: Anonymous : 2015-09-09 21:12 ID:sazOcHd+ [Del]

>>1138 >>1139 Read the thread, there are quite a lot of other ideas that don't involve the 'D'.

1141 Name: Blue Square : 2015-09-09 21:27 ID:7ucXZYHO [Del]

>>1137 Why would I argue with you? Is there a reason for me to? >>1138>>1139 Read the other posts but dont go too far off dudes most of those are from 3 years ago. But to me this thread is just dumb youre better off not having id because there are yellow scarves mates and of course blue squares i hear their violent but nobody has ever been attacked in 2 years so i doubt theyl do anything until they get 50 members. Theyre at 41 as of right now. But in the end theyre just a bunch a dumbshits who wont do shit.

1142 Name: Hijōshikina : 2015-09-09 21:41 ID:D07LmntX [Del]

There are more of us then there are of them. I don't think we will get attacked.

1143 Name: bad girl : 2015-09-10 00:58 ID:pS3ASycM [Del]

i fink it"s a good idee

1144 Name: D : 2015-09-10 01:51 ID:/hAjIU81 [Del]

But that would also be spreading MY name and fame across public

1145 Name: Sunscreeen : 2015-09-10 02:09 ID:Mpw8tohI [Del]

alright since were coming up on the post cap for this eventually, and im too lazy to read through 1000 comments, can someone recap this either in the very last comment, or in the pt2 OP?

1146 Name: Kurosuke : 2015-09-10 03:40 ID:JJbM8bdy [Del]

haha.. I'll have a tattoo.. "D" sounds like one piece tho.

1147 Name: Foxi : 2015-09-10 03:49 ID:rbdFOckn [Del]

I thought that we already agreed on special answer to a question.
-If you were a color which one would you be?

1148 Name: Yahiko : 2015-09-10 03:58 ID:Ze0EJgYv [Del]

When is dollars day

1149 Name: Minako : 2015-09-10 06:09 ID:AHCjbnaM [Del]

We could put something in our wrists like a white cloth bracelet

1150 Name: mswag : 2015-09-10 07:15 ID:Rb94VShT [Del]

>>1143 lol

1151 Name: Fortune !o3hBg9PyEE : 2015-09-13 13:32 ID:6YaPWllu [Del]

I feel that our invisibility/ the fact that we are colorless is pretty awesome, but if we must have a way of identifying other dollars, why not ask a question like "Do you have $415,121,211,819?" (I got the number by converting letters to numbers) The answer would be something like "No, but I have a Dollar."

1152 Name: Anni : 2015-09-13 13:53 ID:nCL/Zi+Y [Del]

Haha, yeah thats pretty cool! Good idea!

1153 Name: Kanra : 2015-09-13 15:51 ID:l9f6G6rn [Del]

What if instead of a small D, we put a $ somewhere?

1154 Name: Onion Lust : 2015-09-13 16:01 ID:C3s1goOL [Del]

On the top of our hand right not Palm

1155 Name: syr : 2015-09-13 16:06 ID:hQXgl29V [Del]

how many dollars are there around the world . or is it very small.

1156 Name: Taro Tanaka : 2015-09-13 16:06 ID:/cUxlb89 [Del]

I agree with the $ idea

1157 Name: Silas : 2015-09-13 18:47 ID:/zW2kops [Del]

It's a good idea I can do that :)
But I don't think all of us will

1158 Name: Yoko : 2015-09-13 20:04 ID:eGs4bs2N [Del]

it seems silly to be seeing people hand, is much more efficient to use a T-shirt with the logo

1159 Name: Shizuchan : 2015-09-13 22:13 ID:5ZNqJWzH [Del]

Howdieho lads

1160 Name: Coco : 2015-09-14 00:47 ID:qLlnGjd7 [Del]

hmm but its kinda like a tattoo then Still they will notice and ask :D

1161 Name: Lunesti : 2015-09-14 02:57 ID:096yvFfL [Del]

First: When is Dollars Day?

Second: Did we ever agree on how to identify ourselves as a member of the Dollars during a meetup? Or are we still talking in circles?

1162 Name: Hite : 2015-09-14 03:00 ID:9pBN6Fa7 [Del]

I agree with one of the previous dollar member about holding your phone a certain way easier to do no one will be able to tell (except other members) as well put the dollars log in screen as a background on the phone

1163 Name: ETZOR1AYX : 2015-09-14 04:05 ID:Z6oHLMAF [Del]

@Lunesti, Dollars Day is on June 19th.
@Hite, I think your idea is great but not everyone is always using their phone.

1164 Name: EmiHamano : 2015-09-14 07:59 ID:d9CRy7Rt [Del]

ohhhh im in but i think putting a D sticker or something on our phones or any gadgets we use will do, whatcha think guys ? rather than writing it on our skins

1165 Name: Coco : 2015-09-14 08:07 ID:AfSrZM5k [Del]

the best way to know a dollar member,expect the unexpected :v
if we do something to know a member, it wouldn't be colorless anymore:D

1166 Post deleted by user.

1167 Name: EmiHamano : 2015-09-14 08:17 ID:d9CRy7Rt [Del]

oh you have point coco-san :D but i think its also fun to identify some dollar members but of course you dont have to make a fuss over it like "oh hey ! you're in the dollars!" just probably make a sign thing like nodding to each other lol

1168 Name: : 2015-09-17 00:11 ID:hDICDGa+ [Del]

I think people are misinterpreting the colourless aspect of Dollars. The colourless thing only exists because Mikado didn't give it a colour or insignia like the yellow 'scarfs' or the blue 'squares'. It's not like we don't have a symbol because the Dollars logo is on the page. Us being anonymous wasn't intended for the organization has a whole, Dollars was very well known in the anime.

People are both over estimating and under estimating our notoriety in society. Nobody knows we exist out side the fandom. Pretty much every here has seen Durarara or at least has some knowledge of it's existence. Dollars isn't famous like it is in Durarara. Dollars the organization wasn't meant to be invisible, it's members are the invisible ones. Invisible to those who don't know of the Dollars.

Dollars actions can be attributed to the Dollars. If I were going to make a comparison, Dollars is like anonymous. The group, the collective, is famous, but it's members are faceless.

Identifying each other to each other isn't going to be an issue because Dollars doesn't have a reputation in our world. We have no influence and thus any sign we use between each other is just going to be ignored by those who don't understand.

Writing on your body might be a bit too subtle for members to see right away. Someone was suggesting we use a white/black/grey cloth tied around our wrist. Not many people tie just a piece of cloth around their wrist, it's not common place. But no one is going to attribute that to us if nobody besides us know we exist.

1169 Name: Museless : 2015-09-17 05:39 ID:l4F+vQN0 [Del]

>>1168 I agree. The people are invisible but the organization isn't. Until it gets real influence we don't have to worry about hiding the fact that we are dollars. It's up to the individual of wether or not they care if people know they're in dollars (such as that one guy in the anime, he answered as he was asked) and the ways of identifying ones self

1170 Name: EmiHamano : 2015-09-17 13:32 ID:hHbS3cGA [Del]

agree with 1168 most people in our world doesnt have any idea about The Dollars unlike in the anime so there's no problem with identifying each other :> outsiders will just ignore the signs

1171 Name: Usagi : 2015-09-17 13:54 ID:6NIEKffj [Del]

I say the D with the two lines through it easier and if it's on the wrist. Also for the conversation question ( "Are you invisible/colorless?") in case you don't like writing on yourself. Remember you don't have to do it if you don't want to be found out.

1172 Name: Akashi : 2015-09-17 14:35 ID:oqpJTJIF [Del]

Yes i think writing a "D" on your wrist or hand wouldnt be so bad.

1173 Name: ixpizel : 2015-09-19 14:25 ID:Y8pzb/MY [Del]

I have not yet read the entire post, but it seems like some people don't mind the app-locating idea. But is there any actual app that does this? And like, does anybody actually know how to make an app that locates people?

1174 Name: kaytleen : 2015-09-19 14:32 ID:ruOuGn/b [Del]

that's not too bad. I througt the same thing today !

1175 Name: Chrome : 2015-09-19 16:59 ID:2YInYQrS [Del]

Interesting how we want to stay connected to each other even though we would not now how long this bond will last but that idea might be good...

1176 Name: Dollars : 2015-09-19 17:43 ID:vQ98V/r3 [Del]

We are the ordinary that accomplish the extraordinary. We are looking for individuals who want to make the world/their communities a better place.

As a member of the Dollars there are no rules or restrictions. Even being a member by name will help our cause. With numbers alone we will be able to name a difference.

If you want to join, contact us on:

1177 Name: Euterpe : 2015-09-19 23:00 ID:asnY4Kh3 [Del]

Having a dollar sign ($) on some piece of technology you own might be the most subtle idea. If you don't have a cellphone, you could put it on your computer. It'll just look like an everyday decoration for electronics.

1178 Name: Raikura : 2015-09-19 23:39 ID:OGEIS6eW [Del]


1179 Name: Anonymous : 2015-12-22 15:39 ID:opYDhQcP [Del]

bumping this for reposters

1180 Name: Rensa : 2015-12-22 20:42 ID:qyHNWlIY [Del]

I wouldn't write a "D" on my hand if I were you... xD

>>1177 could be on to something though. Maybe on my phone, that sounds better.

1181 Name: Hanamiya Daiki : 2015-12-22 21:23 ID:vbLxY6Nx [Del]

So are going with '$' or 'D'?

1182 Name: Hanamiya Daiki : 2015-12-22 21:25 ID:vbLxY6Nx [Del]

**So are we going with '$' or 'D'?

1183 Name: Kishou-Chan !0UZD1OR/j. : 2015-12-22 22:05 ID:6iglAA0l [Del]

Ooo. This is so interesting. No matter what kind of mood Im in, These threads always seem to catch my attention.~ But hmm.. I honestly don't know how to come on this Idea. I'll still follow it though~!

1184 Post deleted by user.

1185 Name: Reina : 2015-12-23 05:38 ID:gjmNNjmK [Del]

>>6 Yes!
I think this symbol (writing "D") goes against the whole idea. We're an invisible group!!!

1186 Name: 華麗 田山 : 2015-12-23 05:51 ID:nvXllcIN [Del]

>>1 I think this is a good idea.

1187 Name: mia : 2015-12-23 06:08 ID:L/k2SrSV [Del]

i would do it i mean it helps lol

1188 Name: firelily : 2015-12-23 11:51 ID:opYDhQcP [Del]


(responding to an old comment XD)

the new app we have has a function called "chat with members nearby" it will tell you if someone else with the app is close by....
that should help.
i recommend everyone with an android get it and check the app when they have a feeling another Dollar is near...

of course it wont work if you have IOS but its a start...

1189 Name: アカメが斬る叩いてみた : 2015-12-23 11:53 ID:IBGExyrR [Del]

I totally agree with all of you

1190 Name: AP3 : 2015-12-23 13:39 ID:bo3GAoXC [Del]

The app is really the best bet although im sure a ring or somthing small maybe even a keychain would be lowkey enough to get away with and can be almost like "city-town" specific

1191 Name: RLKSH !f5MEXgxPhk : 2015-12-23 14:13 ID:hOkfw/1S [Del]

The dollars are not totally invisible. They don't have a sign and that is the point, but when asked if they are, they must confirm or deny, if not. We have each other's emails. We can send an email for dollars day. That would be neat but we also need to pick a day that it'll be sent.

1192 Name: Chiyoko : 2015-12-23 15:51 ID:mptuaKuK [Del]

To this day, i still think the whole "have you seen the black rider?" "Have you seen its head?" Thing is super cool. If we do that, and pair it w/ the clear wristband idea, it could be fun. Maybe even go all the way and add the d to the wristband.

1193 Name: Mizu : 2015-12-23 16:54 ID:3O0RsQ19 [Del]

On what datpy

1194 Name: firelily : 2015-12-23 17:30 ID:opYDhQcP [Del]


from what i know Dollars day is always Jun 19

(i remember because its also junteenth, dumb holiday, but fun)

1195 Name: Kyoko : 2015-12-23 18:39 ID:AJQgM3rQ [Del]

yes! i like this. i also heard someone mention a clear wristband? that sounds cool too

1196 Post deleted by user.

1197 Name: Lushen : 2015-12-23 19:02 ID:RUdGJFrH [Del]

colorless wristband and we could replace the B with a D to signify that we are with the dollars

1198 Name: shina : 2015-12-23 19:56 ID:yeBy2wb4 [Del]

How about everyone in the dollars wear a piece of string as a bracelet but the string has to be black it'll be easier for everyone since it's so ordinary that no one would give it a second glance well sept a dollars member

1199 Name: Emory : 2015-12-23 22:11 ID:Qy9dvRlS [Del]

Why not a $ on the left wrist
It's not color its a symbol.

1200 Name: CloudStrife : 2015-12-23 23:28 ID:AJQgM3rQ [Del]

Let's try using those power balance bracelets. Kind of stupid, I know, but it would be quick. also, are people going to notice if you're wearing one? To be honest, this idea will probably get shot down. But hey; I can at least give a decent, albeit out of place suggestion.

1201 Name: Shikiryuu : 2015-12-24 01:49 ID:t/UVPSqt [Del]

>>1198 I like your idea, but then doesn't that mean we aren't colorless but black. If you like it wouldn"t it be better if you use transparent strinf?

1202 Name: AP3 : 2015-12-24 03:31 ID:TYYmefVg [Del]

Colorless is best as long as thats followed i mean its fine right?

1203 Name: Vincie : 2015-12-24 04:25 ID:F+nTZoE0 [Del]

I say we should just stay transparent. The Dollars really has no color or symbol that picks us out from the others. We are secret among the people and it should stay that way. I don't know really. This is just what I say.

1204 Name: AP3 : 2015-12-24 04:30 ID:TYYmefVg [Del]

Thats right but we still havnt figured out how identifying our selves would go

1205 Name: Kurage : 2015-12-24 07:28 ID:qe8LTiR0 [Del]

If we proclaim ourselves as a Dollar, we wouldn't really be one. That would be going against the original laws set when the dollars was formed. We are not a colour gang. If anything, we are colourless. We are free. We shouldn't be volatile and easy to dye to any hue. So no, I feel it is unnecessary to mark ourselves with anything as a Dollar. We are invisible. We are everywhere and nowhere at all. Like the air. MAybe the air itself is our insignia. Our mark.

1206 Name: firelily : 2015-12-24 15:23 ID:opYDhQcP [Del]

>>1205 this *claps* i agree
and what is the point in trying to find others?? there is no garentee that they will be nice people

you may meet one of our regular trolls, and they may be bad ppl, just live your lives, if you meet a nice Dollar by chance that's cool, but it should be by chance

if they didn't put themaelf on the map they dont want to be found

(btw bump)

1207 Name: sebasuchon : 2015-12-24 23:24 ID:CDXU9iUV [Del]


1208 Name: Skadi : 2015-12-25 00:12 ID:pGst1Geb [Del]

I think this is a fine idea. If people want to identify theirselves they should. If you don't want to you don't have to. Dollars are a colorless gang, because there are no rules, which means people can choose to identify theirselves or not. No rules means you can tell everyone you meet you're a dollar, or keep it a secret unto the day you die. Your choice, no one's enforcing any "dollar laws" here, because they don't exist. I mean isn't that part of why we all joined the Dollars? Because there are no rules?

Those are just my 2 cents. Haha.

1209 Name: RedFang : 2015-12-25 00:19 ID:2GN7dPqj [Del]

I'm not sure people will understand why we have a "D"(plus when you see a D alot o people will think we just meant dick, not really something i'd like to attract) on our hands, plus i think that will still draw some kind of attention. anything we do to identify ourselfs will result in some kind of attention.

1210 Name: Clash : 2015-12-25 01:27 ID:BmNMsaga [Del]

First off this has been posted many times. And most of us already have an identification we go by. Because we actually have had this discussion so many times it's kind of tiresome to see newbies and some minories to chat this up when we already have verbal identification among each other and hand signals that we us to know each other. Just letting you know, maybe you should check the posts before this one or have read the FAQ. And information panel. :/
some of our members send out weekly emails about these kinds of things..
So read the FAQ and information panels along with putting down your dollars email. So you can get updates so you don't have to post these things.

1211 Name: Hime : 2015-12-25 05:26 ID:A27jJeYz [Del]

Why not use a symbol or something? Like someone mentioned earlier, a 'D', but that means various things... So what about something like, on whatever social media account(s) you have, like for example: a twitter, you would use a dollar sign in your description-thingy. That would not be obvious to people who aren't a member of The Dollars because it's a commonly used symbol. On facebook just add a dollar sign at the end of every post, deviantart just feature a post with a dollar sign in it,etc. Though, asSkadi said, you wouldn't have to identify yourself if you didn't want to because, as Dollars, we have no rules.

1212 Name: Cain : 2015-12-27 19:22 ID:AbxJ7FFo [Del]

If anything, get your 3ds and put "dollars" in front of your name while in a public place. Use street pass. Or maybe someone can design an app where if you pass someone in the dollars it beeps you. That way we keep our invisibility. but in a way lets you stand out to others.