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The Hunger Games (54)

1 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-04-02 16:25 ID:5XPSIKu8 [Del]

Before people start bitching about wrong board or duplicate, I'll say this. Yes, I am aware that there is a thread in the Literature section. There are two actually. This thread was not meant for us to discuss the book or movie. I am simply creating this because I want to hear the plausibility of it.

I'm only wishing to here about book one, but you can mention the other two if you wish. I want to know if you all think that it's plausible. The goverment. The new form of slavery. The games. The way it's all set up. Could this actually happen? Is there anywhere that it is actually happening? Has this happened in the past? Are we at risk of this happening?

For those of you who haven't read it, I will give you a link to the summary here. I'll also give you the link of the two threads on it here and here. The first thread gives you more information on it.

This is not a Hunger Games fan thread. This is a topic of discussion based on the setting that the author has created.

2 Name: Nameless : 2012-04-02 16:35 ID:K9dz7BPl [Del]

well, well, my dear...actually, this can really hapen in a future maybe near than we believe
but if it happens...well, i'm just too young to know what will people do, but they won't conformate with that reality
i'm sure that there will be groups of people that won't let the games happen. the heroes for the people, but terrorists for the government
anyway, this can hapen in the future...the same way it can happen as "I, robot" or "the walking dead" or "star wars" or any other thing based on the future
the only thing is certain is that we, the dollars, will be there
until then & no goodbyes, Nameless

3 Name: Lt. Dodger : 2012-04-02 16:37 ID:Vfr09r2Y [Del]

Lol wtf no?

4 Name: Hotaru : 2012-04-02 16:39 ID:S52lbk+w [Del]

I admit that we in the United States are somehow losing you rights and freedom...
Wondering how now
well, it's because that we the citzens only vote for the people we think that will benefits us or the country to make it better (but it kinda seems that we chose the wrong people to put to power ... sometimes)
to me it seems there is a possibly to reach the setting from the Hunger games ......

5 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-04-02 16:41 ID:De/ymylR [Del]

So... i think >>2 is high or somethin... does anyone agree with me?

6 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-04-02 16:45 ID:5XPSIKu8 [Del]

>>5 I wish the grammar of >>2 would improve so I can fully understand what they mean. Based on what I understand though, I disagree with you. Except the for "The Walking Dead" thing, I agree with >>2.

7 Name: Hotaru : 2012-04-02 16:46 ID:S52lbk+w [Del]

>>5 maybe who knows .. Nameless is just stating his/her facts

8 Name: Nameless : 2012-04-02 16:58 ID:K9dz7BPl [Del]

well >>6
sorry for ... whatever, but I'm Spanish and young. I can't speak perfect English
just trying to express my point of view as clearly as possible ... in English
PD: >>7 is his

9 Name: Soandso : 2012-04-02 17:08 ID:pVsPEi35 [Del]

We're heading there now. We just don't kill each other for fame and fortune just yet. We just beat others within inches of their lives. But I assure you that sooner or later, we'll start killing each other for sport.

10 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-04-02 17:25 ID:5XPSIKu8 [Del]

>>8 Oh, please don't feel offended. I understood what your post basically meant. I also value your opinion and thank you for bothering to post them. Honestly, your english is better than most of the natural born english speakers here. Hey, I like good grammar. Maybe it's because of my love for writing. Damn, my post in >>6 sounded confusing though.

I agree with your post in >>2. Except for "The walking dead" as I said before.

I shall comment to each of your posts individually now.
>>2 I already commented on.
>>3 Your post makes no sense you idiot.
>>4 You bring up a good argument.
>>5 Your post is void for two reasons. 1) You didn't even answer my OP. 2) You have no right to judge anyone's opinions without giving your own.
>>6 My post so I won't comment on it.
>>7 I can't even fathom why you are saying maybe when sleepology is making broad accusations based on no evidence when he isn't even giving his opinion on the matter.
>>8 I already responded to this one.
>>9 It's been done in the past. It could happen again.

11 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-04-02 17:32 ID:De/ymylR [Del]

>>10 i will eventually but i have absolutely no plans to type out my response to this thread on a 6in keyboard

12 Name: Death9095 : 2012-04-02 17:35 ID:8cidkU8x [Del]

>>11 Why bother?

13 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-04-02 17:38 ID:De/ymylR [Del]

>>12 because I can.

14 Name: AnubisTheMuse : 2012-04-02 17:51 ID:+V0w5djV [Del]

Well, if people got pissed off enough to start a civil war it could eventually lead to this. Hopefully no one ever becomes so dehumanized to start something like the Hunger Games, but I know a few who are on their way there.

The slavery thing is definitely a possibility, as long as there are people some one will be trying to control someone else. The games are less likely. Humans empathize, we don't like pain and suffering. But then again it could become like gladiators in Rome. People start failing to see each other like humans. Hopefully, nothing like this will ever happen.

15 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-04-02 19:05 ID:5XPSIKu8 [Del]

>>11 I'm interested to ere what you think after >>5.
>>12 >>13 I would imagine that it's because sleepology has an opinion, and, knowing sleepology, he wants to share it. It could also be a pride thing.
>>14 Not all humans like to empathize. There are serial killers, rapists, terrorists, and etc. that prove that. Not only that, but one will do anything as long as they think it's right. Terrorists prove that. They think they are doing good. I'm pretty sure that I've mentioned this on any thread that I have replied to when morals came up. There is also the state of mine where they don't know any different. Slavery in America was proof of that. They just didn't know any better. Now that we know better, we see slavery as hideous. In the past it was just seen as a way of life. Abraham Lincoln only freed the slaves to punish the south for leaving the country. Well, that's what I gather from what I've heard of it. I haven't done much research on it. Ways of life change, even when most people don't agree with it. When the slaves were freed, the south didn't like it. The way of life still changed.

16 Name: Hotaru : 2012-04-02 19:14 ID:sE24bnp9 [Del]

>>10 Thanks for the argument part, and my computor froze and crashd so i didnt really see what i posted intill now

17 Name: AnubisTheMuse : 2012-04-02 19:22 ID:+V0w5djV [Del]

>>15, I am referring to a majority of humans. The kind that I like to call "sheeple". They like a watered down version of reality in which everything is sunshine and rainbows. I think it will take awhile for enough people in a certain group to be brainwashed into not knowing better. I do believe it's possible.

18 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-04-02 19:37 ID:Mh3z1xB6 [Del]

Honestly, I don't think the people would let this happen. When faced with the choice of "lose the games, or have the majority of your populace revolt", then in orde to keep their power, most government leaders would simply ditch the game.

19 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-04-02 19:37 ID:5XPSIKu8 [Del]

>>17 I just call them "fucking idiots." They call me "pessimist." I call myself "realist." I never use negative words when describing my views of the world to them, but they think I'm a pessimist. The funny thing is I feel optimistic about it. I like to make things sound brighter and happier. Of course the world is a shit-hole where you don't always get what you want and have to fight for what you need. I love that about it. Yes, I am aware that I used negative words to you. I water my views down for most people because they'd have a reason to call me a pessimist if they heard it uncensored. I love the world for what it is because it's designed to make the human race stronger, wiser, smarter, more intelligent, etc. It allows the human race to thrive. Then the fucking idiots don't take it seriously and start bitching when they don't get what they need and want. If you take the world seriously you can get anything. They just think it'll be handed to them on a silver platter. IT's because of people like them that I don't even want to consider myself a human. It makes me sick to think that I could be related to them.

20 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-04-02 19:39 ID:5XPSIKu8 [Del]

>>18 Ah, a new view that is different from mine. What makes you think that the goverment wouldn't find a way to control it? If it becomes a way of life for them, people will be less likely to revolt.

21 Name: AnubisTheMuse : 2012-04-02 19:44 ID:+V0w5djV [Del]

>>19, I completely agree. The struggle is the fun part. What's the point if everything is handed to you on a silver platter? I love a challenge.

I call them "sheeple" because they act like sheep. They're not necessarily stupid, they just would rather let someone else think for them. But most of the time you can just go with "fucking idiots" and it works.

22 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-04-02 19:53 ID:5XPSIKu8 [Del]

>>21 I only let other people think for me if it won't bother my plans, I don't care, it won't effect me, and/or I have other things to do. Any combination of that list. The challenge is the best part. I'd be utterly bored if I couldn't do anything myself. I'd be pissed if I wasn't given the choice to do something myself. It's just not natural to be given anything you want. Every animal has an instinct to fight for survival and what they want. Some are domesticated, but in the wild they have that instinct. Humans aren't domesticated animals. They have that instinct, yet they're ignoring it. Therefor they ignore part of who they are. Hence why they are fucking idiots.

23 Name: AnubisTheMuse : 2012-04-02 19:54 ID:+V0w5djV [Del]

>>22, I don't let others think for me. I don't like others inside my head.

24 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-04-02 19:58 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]

>>23 to late.

25 Name: AnubisTheMuse : 2012-04-02 20:02 ID:+V0w5djV [Del]

>>24 -_-

26 Name: reilyx !.18ItdoukM : 2012-04-02 20:08 ID:ATw1ZtRj [Del]


That bothers me significantly. Pay attention now, kiddies:

- "Sheeple" is an insane idea that I believe the two of you got through a case of USI (Unwaranted Self Importance). Unless you have a severe case of autism, or are one of 100,000 overtly-aware human beings on this planet, you are "sheeple" too. Both of you.

What you both seem to not be aware of is that everybody thinks the way you're talking right now. Everybody thinks that they see something that the "sheeple" don't. Everybody thinks that they are special - more intelligent than the person before them.

This. Is. Everybody.

- It's necessary for billions of people to act minor roles in the world. Without these "sheeple," as you so lovingly dubbed them, society as we know it could not exist.

Everybody that has ever existed, and currently exists, provides for this world to continue in its current state of existence. Without them, we simply wouldn't be here. The masses are what fight the wars, and rally behind a minuscule number of people from the 100k I mentioned above; they provide the means for us to exist as a sentient species.

Neglecting the mass intelligence that our species is capable of is pure ignorance.

- If everybody formed their own individual opinions, we'd have killed each other off hundreds of fucking years ago. The human species as we know it today would either cease to exist, or be so insignificant that we couldn't call ourselves a successful species at all.

~ ~ ~

Don't neglect the people that allow you to live the way you do.

I'd have something on-topic, but I don't have an opinion on the possibilities of a fictional story becoming real.

27 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-04-02 20:09 ID:5XPSIKu8 [Del]

>>23 They can be in my head all they want. If they don't go mad then they can think for me. There are two things that could happen from people being in my head. The first, I already mentioned. They go crazy. The second, they simply don't understand. I invited my friend inside my head once. She's scared of me now. I don't go advertising my thoughts or anything, but I have a lot going on in my mind. That's why they either go crazy or don't understand. It's not organized, and it is violent. There is just too much in there because I have different personalities. They all think different things. It can't really be organized either.

28 Name: AnubisTheMuse : 2012-04-02 20:16 ID:+V0w5djV [Del]

>>26, I get that. I also get that most people don't realize that they are "sheeple" at some point. We all allow ourselves to be led at some point in our lives, at most points actually. Most people just don't admit it. Some of them never wake up from this state. And we do need them, if we all thought too highly of ourselves then none of the lower level jobs would get done.

I do believe most of the people I know never wake up from this state. They are too content to live their lives in blissful ignorance.

29 Name: AnubisTheMuse : 2012-04-02 20:28 ID:+V0w5djV [Del]

>>28, here you go reilyx, since my wording was terrible.

I agree that every person is a sheeple. Even myself, perhaps especially myself. I just also believe that most people refuse to acknowledge this fact. I'm basing this off experience, although I also believe I just happen to live in an area where most people are exceptionally stupid. (Basing this off of previous places I lived). I know I follow people at times, I know I can be a hypocrite at times when I get mad at people when I call them followers. But at the same time I do my best to break free from it. I often fail, but all the same, at least I will admit it.

30 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-04-02 20:38 ID:5XPSIKu8 [Del]

>>26 Listen my dear. For this is where I'm doing something I rarely do. I'm explaining myself and my thoughts for other people to hear/read in hopes that they'll understand it.

These "sheeple" and you've also seemed to have dubbed it are better known as "followers." They do not think for themselves and complain in order to get what they want. They see life as happy because they don't actually work to get what they want. I am not saying I'm more intelligent or smarter than the person before me. I know I can be wrong and admit it when I am. The only thing that makes me better is that I will actually work for what I want. I believe that anything I get is because of it. It is because I didn't give up on getting what I want. My saying is, "The only reason why you don't get what you want, is because you didn't want it enough." This means that you won't give up until you get it if you truly want it.

We are all ignorant in many ways. Yes, including me. Another difference between them and be is that I am ignorant. They are stupid. Ignorance is unable to do something correctly because they lack the knowledge and have no chance of receiving it. Stupid people lack common sense. They have either the knowledge to get what they want or the ability to obtain such knowledge, but are unwilling to grasp it.

The sheeple are followers. Those who aren't are either leaders or work on their own. I work on my own. They are incapable of doing anything for themselves because of above reasons. So, they have no choice but to be a follower. I have the ability to think for myself, and practice that ability. I refuse to think for other people, which is why I am not a leader. Because the sheeple are fucking idiots, also due to above reasons.

The sheeple also have a sever case of learned helplessness. They do not think that they can do anything for themselves for whatever reason, so they let other people do it for them. Then they are pushed around, fed, and taken care of like sheep. Sometimes they aren't even taken care of correctly, but since they have lost the ability to think for themselves, they just take it. I pity them for this. I fight to make changes to prove that I can do things for myself. I fight t not become one of them.

I never mentioned wishing the fucking idiots gone. I only mentioned a hatred towards them. A deep passionate hatred and being used so easily. I use them to get what I want. If the only people who existed were the non-sheeple the leaders would get killed for they don't have their followers. That'd leave the individuals like me. We would get nowhere for we have no one to control and use to get what we want. I just think the sheeple are weak minded because they don't think for themselves and are used easily. I sometimes wonder if they even have the ability to think for themselves.

I am none of that. This is me.

31 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-04-02 20:40 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]

ALRIGHT! Ima put a turkey in here and say that this shit is way derailed.
Legiha, your being a douche with way too big of an ego
Relic, your name reminds of relish.
Everyone else, Hi.

32 Name: Haru. !4Wf3m.ar1o : 2012-04-02 20:42 ID:ZG5CMOha [Del]

reilyx, THIS is why I'm proud to have you as my partner in crime.

For one to believe they are special, is outright foolish. EVERYONE is the same. For somebody to believe that their belief or path is unique, they are WRONG. What will be done is what has been done before. Everyone follows somebody's path in some way on another at some point in time.

A leader is nothing without his followers. Without their followers, they are just the same as the people they're leading. Like reilyx said, if everybody had different opinions, we'd either have killed each other off, or nothing would have ever got done.

Sometimes cooperation, and common opinions and causes are needed to unite people, instead of ripping each other to shreds.

As far as this "sheeple" thing goes, nowadays people are a lot more free-thinking that you would seem to believe. Look at last year's Arab revolutions against totalitarian regimes, if you need any proof. Would you be willing to call those hundreds of thousands revolting "sheeple?" Because they were all following a common cause.

It is human nature to want to be free. If people are put under oppression, the second they get a glimpse of freedom, they will strive for more. We as a people will band together and fight against it. Did we just sigh and do nothing when SOPA and PIPA were about to be passed?


We kicked and screamed and fought like hell. And we got a victory, for now. But it was a victory nonetheless. So I don't want to hear any shit about us just letting some regime enslave and oppress us. Because we will inevitably fight against it.

I'm done.

33 Name: AnubisTheMuse : 2012-04-02 20:44 ID:+V0w5djV [Del]

>>30 no one is completely independent. Someone is using you Leigha, and you don't even know it. How do I know this? Because I know the people who use people, I avoid them at all costs. Now get your head out of your ass. I can't call you a sociopath because you apparently have "friends". This is the best explanation I have for you, though. And let me tell you, sociopaths are sheeple too. Every one is a follower. It's how we fucking are. Live with it.

34 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-04-02 20:46 ID:Mh3z1xB6 [Del]

>>20 Like how in the movie, it 'is' a way of life, and it seems that unless you live in the capital, you're in poverty. But still, when Rue died, district 11 began to revolt anyways. I think it's definitley possible, just not plausible.

35 Name: reilyx !.18ItdoukM : 2012-04-02 20:50 ID:ATw1ZtRj [Del]

>>30 See >>32

He beat me to the punchline, and I can't agree more with everything he said.

You, Leigha, are one of them.

I'm going to let that sink in for a moment, because you need that sentence to smash you in the face like a fucking frying pan you arrogant little bitch.

Am I clear now?

Either way, I'm finished derailing this thread. If you still fail to see the truth here, then I pity you.

>>31 This sums it up in TL;DR form.

36 Name: Doremo : 2012-04-02 20:50 ID:6fnBEK2p [Del]

....Am I the only one who thinks the word "Sheeple" is really fucking stupid?

37 Name: AnubisTheMuse : 2012-04-02 20:54 ID:+V0w5djV [Del]

>>36, it's fun to say.

38 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-04-02 20:56 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]


39 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-04-02 20:56 ID:5XPSIKu8 [Del]

>>31 Ah, Sleepology, what a sever case of tunnel vision you have. I admit. I have an ego. I'm an egotistical-vain-narcissistic-hypocritical-bitch. I have a sever case of pride that cannot be cured. I admit that freely, but think of it this way. If you do not believe that you can do something, then how can you get anything done? You would never do anything because you would think that you were incapable of doing it. My way of thinking simply pushes me to believe that I can do anything I can set my mind to. Is that so bad? Is it really that bad to protect yourself from the negativity of the world by being such? I have tried thinking other ways. I have tried other methods of thinking in order to see if I can get things done. I found that if I am anything but who I am, I am unable to complete anything for I simply give up and say "I can't do this" when the going gets tough. I was unable to stand and try again after not achieving my goal the first time. I was unwilling to fight to get what I want. This is simply a self-defense mechanism to keep me fighting.

Would you all like to know the cause of this? I have sever depression. Yet, I was unwilling to take medication for it. I have to alter my mental state to fight it in order to not cut or kill myself. Am I proud of this fact? Not at all. That does not mean that I'll change. I have to find some way to fight the negative thoughts that tell me I'm not good enough. That I can't reach that goal. That I cannot get what I want. I resort to an extreme for that is the only method that has worked.

40 Name: AnubisTheMuse : 2012-04-02 20:57 ID:+V0w5djV [Del]

of course I was obsessed with sheep for several years as a child.

41 Name: Doremo : 2012-04-02 20:59 ID:6fnBEK2p [Del]

>>40 Oh ....Gross

42 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2012-04-02 21:02 ID:pKo0U/md [Del]

Jeez, who came in and made Leigha the female equivalent of Thiamor?

What Haru said pretty much sums up my thoughts.

43 Name: StarCrystal98 : 2012-04-02 21:16 ID:+eWxPf+u [Del]

Now i see why you say that you have a sever case of pride.

44 Name: Ian's mom : 2013-05-04 22:25 ID:M12dBtSB [Del]

If your gonna talk about something so exciting about hunger games, put in more exciting words

45 Name: LeighaMoscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2013-05-04 22:39 ID:zgdczLmN [Del]

>>44 You've necro posted this by over a year just to bitch about my word choice? When this thread some how turned into a 40 post argument of people questioning my pride? Seriously? Not even one comment to the original topic?

46 Name: Maru-Kai !IDESUte0eQ : 2013-05-04 23:49 ID:JjRgpr5n [Del]

>>45 This.


47 Name: Unicorn : 2013-05-05 00:28 ID:1ax5d+xP [Del]

The hunger Games' story was stolen from "battle royale"

48 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2013-05-05 00:30 ID:bR/BFgDX [Del]

>>47 Are you seriously so fucking dense that you didn't understand ANY of >>45, or did you just not read anything ANYONE had said up to this point?

49 Name: Magnolia : 2013-05-05 08:13 ID:TE79ESeu [Del]

(reads previous posts)...

Oh My God.

So vicious.

I just lost a majority of my hope for humanity.

50 Name: Anugar !8wy2pTNghM : 2013-05-05 08:29 ID:Ng2U3XN3 [Del]

Yep, this can actually happen if Google closes, I'm not joking, the thread of public and open source project is being kept because Google and others gives the users power to share, if Google closes a lot of people will be incapable of sharing information and could even give up.

If what I said happens we will start "World Divided" Era, this basicly consits of everyone to themselves, secretes everywhere without any means of freedom, just illusions.

There are a lot of ways of starting the "World Divided" Era, Google closing is just an example, and not a good one to be truthful, but I think you'll get it.

"World Divided" is when the countries start closing open routes to the inside and outside the country, imagine every country like North Korea, closed, no one knows what is going on in there, we know what they want us to know nothing more.

There would be rich countries, poor countries even test subject countries with proxy warfares just to test weaponry.
Proxy Warfare is when a country is under attack but actually isn't and the people from that country would fight one and other for a totaly made up reason, and of course the weapons in those wars would be provided by other countries and this would happen just to test the weapons' efficiencie.

Districts like in the Hunger Games series would be the product of over population, people would simply get dumped there without any warning, Hunger Games used those District as means of entertainment to the rich population.
I don't know how the Hunger Games ended but if it was in real life the population from the Districts would all die if they attempted any sort of revolution.

Could this actually happen ?

Is there anywhere that it is actually happening ?
No and yes, for this to happen the whole world would have to be like this, but I don't know what North Kerea is like so I can't give you the right answer.

Has this happened in the past ?
I believe not, if it had happened before it would never go back, in in the "World Divided" Era it's almost impossible to go back.

Are we at risk of this happening ?
No, it not likely that this would happen, not anytime soon anyways.

I hope that answered you questions.

51 Name: LeighaMoscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2013-05-05 11:47 ID:zgdczLmN [Del]

>>50 Thank you for rerailing this thread. After 50 posts, someone finally decides to answer the OP.

52 Name: Anugar !8wy2pTNghM : 2013-05-05 12:05 ID:Ng2U3XN3 [Del]

>>51 You are welcome

53 Name: HAM : 2013-05-05 12:17 ID:3RInyoce [Del]

I think it is very possible one day our entertainment will be to sit in front of the TV and watch people kill each other. Actually kill.
I think that's very possible.
I mean, the writer based it off the Greeks and Romans, right? They used to watch people fight to the death with lions and shit.

As for the government issue, I have no idea if that would happen. I can believe an idea like having 12 "districts" and one main capital but the whole war thing and the "Hunger Games' happening with it, I doubt. Just doesn't seem TOO plausible, but who knows.

For anyone a big fan of the Hunger Games, I really recommend looking up "Battle Royal". It's the same concept of Hunger Games, but takes place in Japan and was made before Hunger Games was written.

54 Name: ArtisticAnarchy!!1iXgfdW/ : 2013-05-05 13:15 ID:ZQcxFpkC [Del]

Will it happen? possibly. It really depends on who gains power and how much power they gain. I doubt the U.S. will go to those extremes any time soon simply based on their economy, government type, and amount of global power. As of the past, it has happened multiple times. Like >>53 said, the greeks and romans had gladiators and they would fight for their life in multiple different ways. Some times it was an all out free for all like the hunger games. Other times it was teams verses other teams or wild animals. There are even stories of the romans filling the great coliseum with water and having an actual naval battles in it(but this has not been confirmed as far as i know). The greeks also used to act out plays with prisoners acting as a character who would die as an execution. Horrible, yes, but that's history for you. To answer your question, yes it could happen, and yes it has happened before.