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I Just Know I'm Going to Be Hit in the Face for This, But... (25)

1 Name: MKOLLER !YYk5m0jo12 : 2012-03-13 02:14 ID:IL/P89/t [Del]

The "Most Beautiful Person" campaign, and its related campaigns, are stupid.

You've probably seen them; where a picture of someone fighting cancer or coping with some genetic disorder is posted, followed by hundreds of people sharing and going, "Oh that poor boy, girl." And that's fine; it's human nature to feel sympathy for those who are going through a rough time. That's something I think everyone in the Dollars could even agree upon.

However, it gets out of hand when you have posts like this:

"Mattel should make a Barbie with no hair so that every little girl fighting cancer feels beautiful!! Put her in pink, name her HOPE and send the proceeds to St. Jude. Post this if you agree; I bet 99% of you won't."

First, let me point out that pink is the color of breast cancer awareness so it does fit the theme, albeit loosely. Second, wouldn't it be smarter to have Mattel donate to St. Jude's directly? After all, if the Barbie model doesn't sell, then that means less money will be donated, which is counter to the cause. Third, WHY IN THE FUCK WOULD A CORPORATION BE STUPID ENOUGH TO MARKET SOMETHING THAT THEIR DEMOGRAPHIC (in this case little girls) WOULD NOT UNDERSTAND AND THEREFORE NOT BUY? The reason Barbie and other dolls are popular is because you can interact with them and because they are aesthetically pleasing to young girls. Why are these the traits that make Barbies sell so well? Because the demographic is young girls. Young girls are selfish and cannot sympathize with others who are going through chemotherapy and who lose their hair. This fact will not change, and you're looking at a failed venture. It doesn't take a business major to figure this shit out.

And then there's THIS:

"Most teenagers want the newest iPod or Cell Phone. What this girl/boy wants is to SURVIVE. Please repost so that we can show how much we care about this person and that we are praying for their recovery." And then the picture of the boy or girl is attached.

I don't know about you, but I don't think spreading someone's picture around the internet is a good idea. I don't think garnering the pity of the internet would do anything for someone's morale. Second, a facebook post will not take away someone's cancer. It will not suspend the physical torment of chemotherapy. It's more of an annoyance than anything else and desensitizes cancer because of that.

Now getting back to the argument about someone's "beauty," does it really fucking matter? I'm going to be blunt with you all; my grandparents both had cancer (thankfully, they survived). My grandmother lost her breasts and her hair. My grandfather lost part of his nose as well as his hair. They both looked weird. I didn't care; they were still the same people I'd known for the past eighteen years of my life. Nothing had changed.

So for people to get on this bandwagon that someone who's been stricken with cancer or some other ailment is suddenly "more beautiful" than they were before is FOOLISH AND STUPID. It makes them NORMAL. They are NORMAL. Everyone has it rough in one form or another. Everyone learns to cope with their ailments. Everyone learns to cope with the initial odd looks they will receive.

And before anyone calls me a hypocrite, let me remind you that I too have gone through this. I have a scar that goes from my neck to my kidneys. This is from a surgery I had when I was fourteen. Every vertebrae from my c5 to my T11 is bound together with two steel rods running parallel. Because of this, I had to wear a backbrace for three months, and that included at school where I got funny looks. I have to deal with the pain every day from that surgery; because there was a complication during the surgery my shoulder will never heal properly. I've come to accept it.

I do let people see my scar. At times I am embarrassed by it; I try not to wear backless dresses because of it. But then I realize that I'm being foolish and I stop giving a fuck. People need to learn that just because we are unique does not mean we are special. We simply are. I simply am, and you are simply you. No tricks, no theatrics. Life is what it is. Accept it.

2 Name: Sparrow : 2012-03-13 02:28 ID:ojpFGC2C [Del]


3 Name: twentyfloorsabove !w1ciKGKUgY : 2012-03-13 07:35 ID:rnn+lWOU [Del]

Mkoller, this was a really nice story and you made a really, really good point. If it was me, and i was battling a serious dis figurative disease, I would hate for my picture to be spread around like this, just for pity's sake. Yes, it's tough being faced by a serious disease like cancer, but spreading that boy/girl's picture around the internet is NOT the way to show support. I agree, making a donation towards a cancer hospital or organization would probably be more touching, and supportive in my opinion. And its also probably just plain embarrassing, and that being said, why would you want to put more stress on someone who already has enough to worry about? Whenever I see (like if you think hes/shes beautiful)I think exactly what you said.
Someones beauty, does it really fucking matter?
And dont get me wrong, this people only mean well, but its still just not the right way to do it.
There you go, there's my take.

4 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-03-13 09:46 ID:Jq/vifQm [Del]

The more you know!
thanks for doing this mkoller, i dont really think any of us could have done a better job. Im guessing you didnt really want to share such personal information about your life, but you did it for the sake of your argument. I dont think anyone here, who isnt a complete and total moron, will disagree with you.

5 Name: EtZA lA RoBA : 2012-03-13 12:22 ID:LsBg4WAF [Del]

i agree way to go

6 Name: BlueRose : 2012-03-13 16:33 ID:4aE0bIp7 [Del]

I agree i think that is a outstanding idea i like it :)

7 Name: Raix : 2012-03-13 17:42 ID:jzWaO7DL [Del]

Some really good points made. At least someone has an intellect that makes sense.

8 Name: Yasu Nagakami !xlTTUB/9x. : 2012-03-13 18:55 ID:wm/aUaSh [Del]

Thank you, I agree with you.

9 Name: Forte_Sigma!ljEVVXEJNE : 2012-03-15 18:06 ID:dieqRAOj [Del]

Hell to the fucking yeah bro.
This goes for all that stupid shit people try to pass around.
The stupid "Im going to _____ for _____"
or "Im ______ pregnant and crave _____"

That does shit for cancer.
Wanna help a cancer patient?
Be like Robin Williams in that one movie where he helps people feel better with laughter...(fuck..what was that called.....? >-< )

Im fucking serious. Go visit them, let them know you fucking care, and that people care about them. As if they have time to be on facebook and see all the "likes" and comments".

Im copying this Mkoller, and Imma put it on the front page of that facebook group. Or have you already done so?

10 Name: Titch !xeaU4pzZNA : 2012-03-15 18:11 ID:FbxC1cMw [Del]

>>9 The move with Robin Williams is called Patch Adams.

MKoller, thanks for putting into words something that has been on my mind for a while. You put it so well too.

11 Name: Forte_Sigma!ljEVVXEJNE : 2012-03-15 18:17 ID:dieqRAOj [Del]

>>10 THATS IT!

12 Name: MKOLLER !YYk5m0jo12 : 2012-03-15 18:57 ID:IL/P89/t [Del]

>>9 You can copy it because I haven't done so.

13 Name: Yuri : 2012-03-16 07:25 ID:Qt0ElWE1 [Del]

Yes, I've been wondering lately what the fuck being 'beautiful' is all about. Cancer victims don't ask for sympathy, they're just like everyone else, but with a disease. Basically, people just want to be accepted. Just like how I don't care about all the stupid snobs in my school giving me dirty looks because my skirt goes over my knees when I didn't even buy it myself.

Moral of the story: Don't fucking think you know someone or think you know their situation, by judging them on what they say or do. Listen to their reasons, then you can be all 'Thats doesn't make sense' and just move along. If you don't like it, leave it.

14 Name: saya!!XI8GEi6V : 2013-10-15 06:24 ID:HhpdWCwh [Del]

saya thinks people need to be reminded of this sometimes, so why not throw it in their face on main muahahhah.....bump

15 Name: Anonymous : 2013-10-15 19:33 ID:bzNtoSW1 [Del]


16 Name: Anonymous : 2014-10-13 12:43 ID:bzNtoSW1 [Del]

from the grave~~~~~

17 Name: Ausum Saus : 2014-10-20 08:47 ID:tJfWqa9g [Del]

I agree 100%

18 Name: BlueRose : 2014-10-20 10:23 ID:8HwOGNzr [Del]

I agree 100%

19 Name: Shizu : 2014-10-20 11:13 ID:K19I4w+z [Del]

While I don't think that you should rate a person as 'normal', I do agree with your post, and you do make some rather valid points.
We need more people like you.

20 Name: SEOSHI : 2014-10-20 11:27 ID:tX+e+wWb [Del]

What the hell do I say to THIS KNUCKLEHEAD.


I am a debater. Technical term is "Master Debater" but...-ANYWHORE-I am COMPLETELY like YOU. I understand what you are saying and i totally agree with you. If pleases everyone, i would like to put in my 2 cents: I was thinking about the art of business when this topic arrises.
You DO include the business aspect, but your contentions for Individual Value were REAL f#cking amazing.

Hats off to you.

Obviously companies are not going to support a cause if the cause will not make ANY progress. THAT IS WHY they HAVEN'T done it yet, because they KNOW that there WILL be no money made and the fact that the customers will not agree nor understand the complexity of the symbolism that this entails.

There is NO F#CKING COMPANY that will initiate this SH#TTY PLAN of some sorts.

You great debater, you. Make me so DAMN PROUD UP IN THIS.
Good job!!!!

21 Name: Mitsari : 2014-10-20 14:52 ID:Ttvu2qC9 [Del]

Wow, now this is a view point i never considered. I am a naturally open minded person, and able to see both sides of an agruement. So this makes so much sense to me and i agree with u on this.

22 Name: Aisaka : 2014-10-21 12:43 ID:sd2JJuHa [Del]

I definitely agree. Donating directly would make more sense. Donate for the cause of actual research rather than frivolous toys. ALSO the whole "Post this I bet 99% won't" PISSES ME OFF. It's selfish and takes away from the actual cause. I feel like it's just there to make people feel better that they posted. GO OUT THERE AND DO SOMETHING!!!!!

23 Name: risk : 2014-10-21 22:24 ID:I+sbBJqZ [Del]

I agree with you on this.. most(if not all) companies wont do something without profit. plus, persons who post "Post this I bet 99% won't" are idiots, do they think that by posting it helps the patient? NO.. it just make them feel good thinking that they were able to help by posting it.. It would be better if they just donate than making those post.

24 Name: PostAcid : 2014-10-21 23:49 ID:bdjdXOan [Del]

I like your view point and I must say have my respect

25 Name: Iknowwhaturthinkin : 2014-10-22 01:25 ID:vMV2wwJt [Del]

I agree, but this does not belong on the main board