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Barack Obama (318)

1 Name: CelticMaster !vMfB/HjmOc : 2012-02-10 14:39 ID:SPmOkYNl [Del]

Honestly, I am really surprised that I didn't find this already, but what is your true opinion of Barack Obama. Do you think that he is (was if I have anything to do with the upcoming election {which I do this year}) a good president, if you think he should be reelected for president (I do not.) and if you think that he as a president has actually had a big impact on history (besides being the first "black" president {he is only half black.})

2 Name: 10reapaer01 : 2012-02-10 14:40 ID:m7C/vZxr [Del]

You probably didn't find this here because there's already a million other topics just like it in other boards.

3 Name: CelticMaster !vMfB/HjmOc : 2012-02-10 14:42 ID:SPmOkYNl [Del]

really? i couldnt find it on news either

4 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-02-10 15:01 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]

Maybe cuz a vast majority are underage lil peewees.

5 Name: CelticMaster !vMfB/HjmOc : 2012-02-10 15:06 ID:SPmOkYNl [Del]

oh yeah -_- well if its not too late, only people 16 and over, with atleast an iq of 100 (average [but lower than me >:)]) are allowed to comment on here

6 Name: Mizuki !v7dc/HXG46 : 2012-02-10 15:08 ID:4r+b5788 [Del]

I'm no American, although I could say as an European: If America chooses a Republican it would mean the end of the economic first rank of America and the rank of Europe.
Obama did not do a bad job, though he didn't for fill all his promises (Well, republicans prevented some things for Obama to complete)
So yeah, that's my opinion.

7 Name: CelticMaster !vMfB/HjmOc : 2012-02-10 15:11 ID:SPmOkYNl [Del]

haha, HAVE YOU SEEN HIM TALK WITHOUT A TELEPROMPTER?! he doesnt know how to think, he knows how to present. that is all

8 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-02-10 15:13 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]

>>7 Presidents havent known how to think since the invention of a teleprompter

9 Name: Mizuki !v7dc/HXG46 : 2012-02-10 15:15 ID:4r+b5788 [Del]

>>7 Lol

10 Name: CelticMaster !vMfB/HjmOc : 2012-02-10 15:18 ID:SPmOkYNl [Del]

>>8 reagan and clinton did

11 Name: CelticMaster !vMfB/HjmOc : 2012-02-10 15:18 ID:SPmOkYNl [Del]

>>8 "i did not... have sexual relations... WITH THAT WOMAN"

12 Name: akihisa nikku : 2012-02-10 15:20 ID:lgtvUfEt [Del]

ok so if you realy pay attention to everything that happens you whould notice that truly it doesnt matter who we get as a president because really all the choices and things that are made are made by CONGRESS not the president the presidents only purpose it seems is a person for congress to use to put the blame on i mean truly if u look obama did nothing wrong but the choices that were made by congress and prev. presidents made him look like he was a bad president but really he didnt even do anything he did nothing wrong and nothing good but i wish he whould have put the pressure on congress and told them to get there act together i mean really 15,359,698,145,020.18 billion dollars!!! that means we all owe 49,198.08 million dollars!!! the soulution is obvious even to little kids but our government is to stupid to see it them selves truly i think we just need to do away with all of them and do a compleate reelection of all government officails. oh and the debt increases 3.98 billion dollars A DAY!!!!! so again truly its not obama its our congress

13 Name: CelticMaster !vMfB/HjmOc : 2012-02-10 15:26 ID:SPmOkYNl [Del]

the presidents purpose is to make decisions on what congress wants to do, we do not want bad decisions.

14 Name: Umbra Serpens !T1rQ1UNnww : 2012-02-10 16:17 ID:TzE2UXLq [Del]

I'm voting to keep Obama, simply because the other candidates aren't any better. No, he's not the best President ever, but he's not the worst either. Maybe if the other candidates seemed better for the position, I'd vote him out.

15 Name: CelticMaster !vMfB/HjmOc : 2012-02-10 16:25 ID:SPmOkYNl [Del]

>>14 that's reasonable, but in my mind he is not exactly the smartest...

16 Name: Forte_Sigma!ljEVVXEJNE : 2012-02-10 16:27 ID:dieqRAOj [Del]

>>14>>15 I am with Umbra. But as far as>>15 goes, I don't think you understand the amount of pressure he gets from the Republicans.

17 Name: CelticMaster !vMfB/HjmOc : 2012-02-10 16:29 ID:SPmOkYNl [Del]

i do, but im talking about his ability to think on his own, everything he has done was someone else's idea, he even quit smoking because of someone else -_- i mean, yeah, he seems to be "cool" but seriously, i feel like i am being led by someone with quite abit less of an iq than me

18 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-02-10 16:44 ID:Qb4SSYsI [Del]

>>5 The age limit makes my arguement invalid, but I'm going to post it anyway. Also, this has been discussed before, but never on a thread specifically for it. Usually, we just talk about Barack when someone posts a thread dissing him. I thank you for making a decent thread about him, though.

Alright, here goes nothing.

I personally feel that Obama had not done "bad" nor "good" during his presidency. This crisis isn't something that we can get out of in a few years, and although he's trying his best, plenty of people have sour opinions of him. These opinions are for varied reasons, including but not limited to: false ideas about our situation, discrimination, periodic presidential blunders, and ignorance toward past and current presidential behaviors (ex; people who are frustrated about his vacations while being ignorant to the fact that he has taken less vacations time than past presidents). Of course, everyone has their own ideas, and what I've listed are just a few prominent ideas from my area. I don't know what other areas' populations' thoughts are.

While I personally like Barack Obama for my own reasons, the fact that polls are just barely in his favor cannot be ignored. The power of the president is the power of the people. If the people dislike him, whether he's doing good or not, you cannot call him a "good" president. As long as enough people like him, though, you cannot call him a "bad" president, either.

I will urge my family to vote for him, simply because we are going to need long-term plans--in my opinion--to get out of this mess. If we suddenly shift to a new president every four years, and each new president destroys its predecessor's motions and start their own, we're never going to see the proper outcome. I mean, com'on - it takes more than four years for a plan to really start moving things.

>>7 To be blunt... that comment was rather immature and slightly irrational. It is not a small feat to jump in front of hundreds of people and a camera whose film will be broadcasted throughout the world. I don't believe that how well a president is at public speech should determine how well they think and/or their levels of intelligence. While, yes, peptalks are important, and I am aware that public speech is a huge part of being a president, what I feel really matters is what is happening rather than what is being said. Presidents say one thing and mean another--it is the way of politics--so what is happening and what is to happen are far more important factors than losing a train of thought while on stage.

19 Name: CelticMaster !vMfB/HjmOc : 2012-02-10 16:49 ID:SPmOkYNl [Del]

>>18 you are now my favorite person under 16. and 7 was supposed to be. i just happen to know i can handle it. but i just think that the way he stumbled on his words, it was... less than satisfactory.

20 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2012-02-10 16:56 ID:pKo0U/md [Del]

"stumbled on his words"
Who brought Rick Perry into this?

I support Barack simply because all the Republican candidates are awful. Wasn't expecting much from either party, and it seems that's what we got. Also, everything Barabi said.

21 Name: CelticMaster !vMfB/HjmOc : 2012-02-10 16:57 ID:SPmOkYNl [Del]

i honestly dont know who i am voting for yet

22 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-02-10 16:58 ID:Qb4SSYsI [Del]

>>19 I do understand what you mean. When the person who is the figurehead of your country stumbles on his words in an official speech, it can be a bit disconcerning; still, it's not enough to judge him, you know?

23 Name: CelticMaster !vMfB/HjmOc : 2012-02-10 17:03 ID:SPmOkYNl [Del]

i guess that is true

24 Name: Kumo!NC09qbtR1Q : 2012-02-10 17:31 ID:2H+VLLJJ [Del]

>>12 and >>18 have it right on. i might disagree with the idea that if you're a "popular president" you're a "good president", but aside form that i'd have to say that none of the republicans look any bettr than obama, however, since he signed NDAA, i'm a little.... worried about future things he could be pressured into.

25 Name: Visce : 2012-02-10 17:35 ID:Qom+aQ2u [Del]

I don't pay very much attention to American politics. But I have noticed that when people complain about Obama they complain that the change he promised hasn't come yet. But economic change happens slowly over many years (not just one term). Americans are impatient and expect a quick fix that won't last long.

And what's already been mentioned, that the opposing party seems to shoot down any productive idea he has.

26 Name: CelticMaster !vMfB/HjmOc : 2012-02-10 17:39 ID:SPmOkYNl [Del]

one of my biggest pet peeves is people who dont keep promises, while his promises were hard to be fulfilled, he simply shouldnt have made them

27 Name: Kumo!NC09qbtR1Q : 2012-02-10 17:43 ID:2H+VLLJJ [Del]

>>26 everyone makes promises when running for president. this is not the first time someone has not kept them and it will not be the last.

28 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-02-10 17:45 ID:Qb4SSYsI [Del]

>>26 That may be your pet peeve, but it's something that always happens in politics. Also, presidents promise things all the time, right? Usually, they won't be voted without them, and they often really do mean it and have the intention of fulfilling them. Presidents don't have as much power as people think, unfortunately, and Congress and opposing parties get in the way and these promises can't be fulfilled. You can't just blame the president - just because he felt it was right, that doesn't mean everyone else did, and it takes many people to make a decision in American politics.

29 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-02-10 17:49 ID:3aV3by+B [Del]

I often keep myself ignorant of politics for various personal reasons, but lately I've been exposed to more and more of it. There is something I would like to address, and it expands on >>12's well-made point, as well as what >>25 said.

The president does not hold all of the power. A lot of people claim to understand this, yet somehow the blame for all the nation's problems land on his shoulders anyway. The president is far from a figurehead, but also far from a monarch - it simply isn't fair to blame him for everything that goes on, but it's certainly the most convenient thing to do for the average, misinformed American citizen.

General consensus, I have observed, tends to be that if anything at all goes wrong, it's the President's fault. It matters not what the extenuating circumstances are - maybe a natural disaster hit; maybe we were on the verge of international conflict; maybe we already had several problems, and it is simply impossible to fix all of them in a single presidential term. No matter what, the state of the nation determines the popularity of the current president, and this is a trend that has only picked up in the relatively recent past.

Ever since people started becoming more aware of world events through the media, with the onset of the television, and later, the internet, they have been exposed to biased thought without the wherewithal to develop their own unbiased opinions on matters. The media misconstrues, misinforms, and misdirects information to garner a greater audience, and whether or not it is with the intent to slander our government, it is interpreted that way anyway.

Many things, like the economic problems we are facing, can be traced back to the actions of the general populace itself. Blaming the government for the concerns of the free market is of particular silliness to me, since it's literally our policy to be as hands-off as possible about such a thing. I know that this isn't the only concern though, but again, I keep myself out of considering the rest of it for fear of spending extreme amounts of time cross-analyzing all this political bullshit that is being thrown around lately.

30 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-02-10 17:53 ID:ZXqB3UJJ [Del]


I'd leave a nice wall of text berating CelticMaster for apparently having a biased dislike towards Obama, but Bambi has pretty much all my opinions stacked up nicely.

Someone else mentioned congress making pretty much all the decisions earlier and Celtic shot it down - Our president's job is mainly a figure head position. He has enough power to influence a split congress, and provide an individual for foreign affairs to interact with besides our own ambassadors.

However, since most unfavorable bills or legislations passed have perpetually high confirmation in congress - Obama can't do anything about it. No president can. It's not in their reach of power.

Most things Obama has done has had a massive resistance from the republican party - Which baffles me, considering that on several occasions he has asked for compromises on both sides; not "your idea is stupid, we're doing it this way!" traditional bi-partisan debate tactics.

Is he the best president America has had? Honestly, I'm not sure. Its easy to say we've had better, and that the better ones were further back in history, but each president comes in under new circumstances. We can't objectively measure each president's worth, or efforts, until many years later.

For all we know, people in the Lincoln era thought he was a complete jackass.

I do however believe that Obama has done a great job with the tools and goals handed to him. He was thrust into government position after over a decade of terrible finances, given figure-head of a country that was head over heels in debt, embroiled in one of the more controversial wars that we've started and taken too far, and then handed a team of people (our congress/senate) where half of them resisted him, and a quarter of them were difficult anyway, and told he was expected to magically end the war, fix our debt, and make america a shiny happy country.

Keep in mind this is the same president who got by his candidacy on a racial slant, refusing to take money from most corporations during his election so he wouldn't be bound in debt to them upon election, worked himself to help promote his election, and through all of it remained very hopeful and idealistic about the country.

Even once in office, he has worked hard for the country. He's made an effort to be make his actions as president as transparent as possible so that the people know what he's doing. So he took a vacation? At least we know he took one, instead of assuming he's holed up in office trying to solve our problems.

Would you prefer to be lied to, or kept ignorant? "Oh...uh. he's busy. Yeah." ... That's just not going to cut it for me.

And through all that - He hasn't stopped trying. It's easy to say "oh, he could of just pulled our troops out", but that's showing ignorance, because you fail to realize that our military's actions don't simply affect America - But other countries. Care had to be taken, lest even worse troubles occur later.

Obama may or may not be a great president. But he's worked damn hard to be a good one. Given the situation of his presidency, the progress we've made so far is nothing short miraculous - And given the stress and opposition he's had to endure on all fields, the things that were dumped in his lap, and everything else? He's still hopeful.

Reality often crumbles our dreams, the harder it hits, the more you die inside. Obama's dreams are still alive as the president - For himself, for this country. He's still actively working towards making them reality, instead of letting them get crushed under heel.

Many people under much less stressful conditions can't even say that much.

At the end of the day, I'd follow a man like that as my president. He has dreams, but he's not ignorant of what it will take to make them work. If he stutters a long his speech, gets nervous or sweats in front of his nation or the world - Then I see this as a positive sign. He's nervous in front of his peers, because its their opinion and judgement that matters to him. I would be more worried if he looked completely at ease!

If you want someone with lower IQ's leading you, talk about the previous Bush administrations.

I think Obama has been a good leader to his people, and I would vote to re-elect, hands down. Unless, you know, the other guy was better... But politics seems to have the side effect of making potential candidates be pretty shitty.

31 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-02-10 18:46 ID:Qb4SSYsI [Del]

>>30 tl;dr - Americans are idiots, and you can't blame everything on the president when he has practically no power in the legal system. Obama seems to have been doing everything right so far.

32 Name: aerietigre : 2012-02-10 19:12 ID:FHKnyInj [Del]

>>6 That's why I don't take any American news stations seriously. They've all been bought by one party or the other by now~ if I want to get a good, objective opinion, I go see what the European consensus is. Everyone has too much of a stake in one side or the other (or in support from powerful companies, $$) over here to broadcast anything genuine. The ulterior motives are palpable.

Either way, so far I'm pretty impressed with Obama. Mostly. Not to say I have a great basis of comparison, as I'm just 23, but he's frustrated me the least of any politician I've been conscious of. XD There's legislation very near and dear to my heart that he's supported, despite what his Christian religion advocates, and I really appreciate an attempt to look objectively at ethics, removed from one's religious leanings.

33 Name: aerietigre : 2012-02-10 19:13 ID:FHKnyInj [Del]

>>31 Hear, hear. :3

34 Name: mimi : 2012-02-10 19:30 ID:5ue2aROd [Del]

im not really into politics but i just wanna say, he did do good. he did improve our economy (slowly, but yes, it did improve) and he ended a war, i mean come on, give him some slack. he did better than bush too, by the way, our economy was sooooo much better before him, but hey, i dont blame anyone for not voting for him, he didnt do enough, yes, but its harder than it looks being president.

35 Post deleted by user.

36 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-02-10 19:46 ID:ZXqB3UJJ [Del]

>>35 you are... a completely ignorant individual... aren't you?

I mean, normally I'd debunk some dumbasses statement with logic but... If you can legitimately say what you just did with a straight face, I don't think I need to lift a finger to prove my point here.

37 Name: Neksa : 2012-02-10 19:59 ID:h5i/tR/K [Del]

i dont pay much attention to politics but i want to note that mitt romney doesnt understand how badly we are struggling financially. i am afriad of him becoming president

38 Name: Bread!BREADU25mg : 2012-02-10 20:02 ID:7xe/WNBG [Del]

>>35 A man went on vacation with his family?

*insert Neil deGrasse Tyson*

39 Name: Forte_Sigma!ljEVVXEJNE : 2012-02-10 22:44 ID:dieqRAOj [Del]

Okay. Guess I will put in my super long input here, since this has gotten interesting.

First off, I must say, anyone who thinks he hasn't done anything during his presidency must live in a fucking hole.
And secondly, if you wish to whine and bitch over promises he didn't keep, grow up.
Shit Happens.
Besides, even if he didn't keep some of his promises, he did other shit that he didn't even promise in the first place, that actually helped us.

I know ALOT of Right-wingers don't like to hear this, but Bush left a fucking shitstorm when he left office for Obama to clean up. And people get mad at him because they feel like he didn't do a good enough job of cleaning it up or, he didn't uphold his promises.
Lay off the man, he is fucking human.
On top of that, Congress is majority Republican. (242Rep to 192Dem)
You can't even imagine the pressure he has, to basically bend to Congress' will, because if he doesn't it would be easy for
1. Them to impeach him (Congress can determine the president is unfit for duty, if he refuses to sign a Bill they think entirely beneficial, or that goes against the good of the people)
2. He will lose next term, because he loses support by not doing what Congress wants
3. People will accuse him (which they already have) of being a dictator/socialism installer for sticking to his guns.

It is a lose-lose game for someone in that position, and to me, it is SOOO representative of the Shogunate/Imperial era of Japan, where the emperor was TRULY nothing but a figure head, while the Samurai(i think it was them and/or the delegates below) ran shit.

IMO, Obama has done a damn fine job, and none of these new candidates for next year make absolutely no fucking sense.
Especially the Tea Party.

Me being black, I can say I am proud of him for what he has done.
And I say humorously, I wish that sometimes he would just put on that "Ghetto" part of him and show people whats truly up.
Like people asking about him creating jobs.
Like yeah, lets let him put on his superman cape, and shit us out some jobs,eh?

Progress isn't fucking instantaneous, and nor would be fixing something like the monster Bush and even Clinton left behind.

Sure, we may have not been in a depression, but from what I have been taught in school, it seems that people during that era put faith in their president to bring them through, and he did just that (cleaning up after the previous president I may add); so why can't we put faith in Obama?

Too often, we listen to what everyone else wants to tell us, instead of looking,hearing, and believing with our own minds and bodies.

Look at where we were, to what we are now.
The situation has improved.
I know alot of the Republicans/Republican paid news stations make him out to be a villain(or the Anti-Christ) but that is so unfair.
The man brought the troops home.
After an 11 year war that meant NOTHING.
It was over nothing but OIL and MONEY.
We sacrificed HUMAN LIVES for the sake of MONEY.
And this came around during The Bush era, yet ANOTHER republican.
I am sorry, but until Republicans can PROVE their policies and what they want to accomplish isn't under the name of money, then they can go rot in hell.
Money is the root of all evil, and trying to what they have been doing just makes me sick.
>>36 I see this, and I am still going to reply Ayanavi,Sorry. lol
>>35 Fuck you, you ignorant piece of trash peon.
Congress takes wayyyy more vacations than anyone else in the fucking government,and at least fucking Obama has the decency to stay a humble,righteous and loyal man to his family,
unlike that Republican fuck Candidate who had like multiple wives and then used his kids and some jumping off point or excuse for something wrong he did..damn...what was his name..?
The fat old one, with white hair...oh...wait..

I know how left wing my rant just seemed, but I find no hope or trust in ANY Republican candidate or what they hope to accomplish.

40 Name: Forte_Sigma!ljEVVXEJNE : 2012-02-10 22:45 ID:dieqRAOj [Del]

Sorry for the DP, but I forgot to post this website.

41 Name: CelticMaster !vMfB/HjmOc : 2012-02-10 22:50 ID:SPmOkYNl [Del]

o.o whoa, i didnt know this discussion would turn out this great

42 Name: Forte_Sigma!ljEVVXEJNE : 2012-02-10 23:20 ID:dieqRAOj [Del]

bump for discussion

43 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-02-10 23:31 ID:3aV3by+B [Del]

>>41 I'm glad it did, and that people spoke up against the ignorant thought processes of the common blame-slinging american citizen. It's hopeful.

44 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-02-11 00:25 ID:rAW4xIwJ [Del]

Not the worse? Maybe so. But he is near it.
Hell, in an instant, I'd vote fucking Palin (if spelled right) in.

He fucking wanted to open up our borders, down-size the Military, and he sold our ammunition to Mexico. That alone spells out he wants us to be taken over. Not at all does it seem like a good, logical idea, and no one can argue any logical points to any of that without saying it's okay to open up the border, allowing anyone in, and having less protection against attacks, from less people (Military) all the way to less ammo.

Even if the others don't seem like a good choice, they haven't done anything like that, nor said they wanted to do as such, and it's a smarter, more logical choice to vote him out, rather than think "He isn't the worse, so we should be okay!"

45 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-02-11 00:29 ID:rAW4xIwJ [Del]

I think it was Mexico.

46 Name: Forte_Sigma!ljEVVXEJNE : 2012-02-11 00:29 ID:dieqRAOj [Del]

>>44 I see a fan of Fox News in the house tonight.

Palin is dumber than all of the new people we get here on the daily combined. lol

47 Name: The Doctor : 2012-02-11 00:44 ID:Dm9aoIXa [Del]

How many Obamas does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
None, the GOP won't let him!

48 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-02-11 00:48 ID:rAW4xIwJ [Del]

That was more an insult to both, but more so to Obama, stating I'd vote her in above him.

49 Name: Forte_Sigma!ljEVVXEJNE : 2012-02-11 01:06 ID:dieqRAOj [Del]

>>48 Perhaps I didn't word it clearly, but if you would so kindly take the time to read what I typed above, you would see I support Obama.

The shit you are talking about isn't true.

As far as opening the borders?
No, he pushed for more border control, but wanted to allow the immigrants that were already here, citizen ship and the chance at a new life.

Minimizing the army= wanting invasion?
What the fuck is your problem?
We NEED to stop wasting money on war, and start fixing shit within our own country first.
The war in Afghanistan was nothing but a money grubbing war.
Over oil.
Initiated by Republicans.
So what is he is cutting their spending?
So what if he is bringing the troops home?
It needed to be done.
We put too much money into defending the thought of "country" and trying to instill a picture of "safety" when we really must fear what the government itself does to the people of this nation.

We need to fix what we have wrong here, before trying to go over into other countries and help them/tell them what they are doing wrong.

50 Name: Kuro Neko : 2012-02-11 01:20 ID:M/hcRCuH [Del]

I think he really is trying. It is difficult to be prez.
>>49 "As far as opening the borders?
No, he pushed for more border control, but wanted to allow the immigrants that were already here, citizen ship and the chance at a new life" I like this idea alot. Why deport them? They already may have lived here for what, 20 years, have a solid job and now you want to kick them out? It just doesn't make sense to me.

51 Name: Forte_Sigma!ljEVVXEJNE : 2012-02-11 01:27 ID:dieqRAOj [Del]

>>50 I think he really is trying. It is difficult to be prez.

That's what I am saying. To many idiots think the president's job is just saying what he wants to get done, and it happens like fucking genie in a bottle shit.

Take a look at the difficulty of the job first, before you start calling the man out on his imperfections.

I hate fucks who think he can just shit jobs out of his ass, barf money, and has super recession ending super powers.

52 Name: Kon : 2012-02-11 09:44 ID:JQpEDY3A [Del]

>>35 Quick question... why do you think that Pres Bush went to his ranch every other week, even in times of national disasters? to feed his cattle?

53 Post deleted by user.

54 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-02-11 10:31 ID:Qb4SSYsI [Del]

>>44 I am even more disappointed than usual, Thiamor :| The economy is in a major crisis - like this, there is very little we can do in the first place. Our economy failing will give us a better chance of getting invaded than any of the things you mentioned there. Also, the opening the borders part was bullshit. He has taken more of an initiative to close them than other presidents; in fact, he's actually been getting some steam for that. However, he has given illegal immigrants more rights (which I don't agree with, but it's not going to lead to our downfall). Down-sizing the military will cut costs, and selling weapons to Mexico is a way to make money, even if just a bit, as well as solidify our bonds with the country, which is important since it is bordering us. If he thought they were going to use our own weapons against us, he wouldn't have sold them.

The number of people in the military isn't that huge of a factor when it comes to invasion. Yes, the army is in charge of the actual fighting, but what's the point if we can't afford to put guns in their hands? Everything boils down to economy and politics. Trust me when I say that Obama isn't trying to get the country invaded. What he's doing is striving for the complete opposite.

55 Name: Kazetori : 2012-02-11 10:53 ID:SH2tvsUW [Del]

Well Osama died so he wasn't all bad

56 Name: Forte_Sigma!ljEVVXEJNE : 2012-02-11 11:18 ID:dieqRAOj [Del]

>>55 Fuck you.
If that is all you look at to validate this man's term in office then go rot.

He did so much more.

57 Name: CelticMaster !vMfB/HjmOc : 2012-02-11 11:19 ID:SPmOkYNl [Del]

>>56>>55 he had nothing to do with osama, or qadafi, that was the men in our military

58 Name: joker : 2012-02-11 11:42 ID:IBgFPLi5 [Del]

its the republicans in congrass that blocks all the thing hes triing to do for the country

59 Name: CelticMaster !vMfB/HjmOc : 2012-02-11 11:42 ID:SPmOkYNl [Del]

>>58 congress trying

60 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-02-11 11:55 ID:Qb4SSYsI [Del]

>>58 Proper English, please. Considering that you can't even spell Congress, your opinion is entirely invalid.

>>55 That isn't near enough of a reason :V Try thinking things through before you post.

61 Name: JusticeForAll : 2012-02-11 12:09 ID:sgRRyAzy [Del]

This reply goes out to Forte_Sigma, BarabiSama, and Ayanavi, who seem have been brainwashed by the ridiculous effluvia that passes for news reporting these days... Barack Obama is a terrible president. Beyond behind a terrible president, he is perhaps the most direct threat to the rule of law and the Constitution that American has seen in the past 60 decades. I am going to ask you to set aside your biases, which clearly lean in favor of the left, and actual evaluate what Obama has done.

Firs I will address the fact that he is a terrible president. What is a president supposed to do? He is supposed to be the Commander in Chief of the armed forces, he is supposed to execute the laws passed by Congress, and in recent years he has become a source of policy for the laws that Congress passes. Obama has failed resoundingly in all three of these roles.

With respect to his performance as commander and chief: Obama said that he would bring all American troops home. That's lovely. What he has done is bring them home at the expense of achieving essential objectives in the wars that we so ill-advisedly started. Iraq and Afghanistan are still hot beds of terrorism. Instead of doing what our armed forces was trained to do--eliminate the enemy--he tried to get them to execute a mission that it was never meant to do--engage in imperialistic nation building. Perhaps the only accolade he can be given is the fact that he was lucky enough to be president when the Special Forces finally caught Osama Bin-Laden. Make no mistake, for those of you who are stupid enough to think otherwise, Obama had little to do with this success. To say that he is some how directly responsible for that is to ignore the effort of the thousands of men and women who spent years searching for Bin-Laden; many of those years prior to when Obama was actually elected. It is illogical to argue one moment that Barack is not responsible for the state of the country because of things that happened in the past, and then turn around and out of the other corner of the your mouth argue that he is responsible for achievements that were mainly attained by way of the actions of others taken in the past... so don't be so disingenuous and moronic. Moving along from Obama politically convenient but ultimately dishonorable "claiming" of Osama's defeat, there is the issue of the fact that his authorization of drone attacks actually DID result in the direct execution of thousands of innocent civilians in Afghanistan and Pakistan. America is supposed to use it's might for just reasons in a just manner... Obama has failed on both accounts. He attempted to nation build in places that we have no business to be doing so, and his authorizations resulted in the deaths of innocent men, women, and children. His actions have resulted in declarations from the international community that America has violated basic international human rights. Of course no one ever talks about this because of the ignorant hero worship and genuflection that they give to the "Big O" in the media, but that is an aside.

62 Name: JusticeForAll : 2012-02-11 12:10 ID:sgRRyAzy [Del]

Next there is the issue of his execution of the laws of Congress and of the land. Obama's largest failure in this regard is a little discussed fiasco known as "Operation Fast and Furious." Fast and furios was a ploy by the Obama Justice Department to try and create an impetus to infringe upon our constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms. In order to prove that certain south-western gundealers are responsible for the deaths of innocent Americans, the justice department authorized the illegal sale of thousands of assault rifles to Mexican Drug Cartells over the southern border. At least one of these assault rifles was subsequently used in the murder of a Border Patrol agent at the hands of a Mexican Drug Runner. Reports show that hundreds of innocent Mexican civlians have been killed by this influx of high-powered technological firepower. Perhaps the most egregious fact of all of this is that this "sale" was made in direct violation of federal statutes in order to try and "track" the guns and see where they would "end up." The best that anyone can tell is that the tracking ultimately failed, and at the cost of at least one Border Agent's life, as potentially the lives of many Mexican and American civilians. So what did this idiotic opreation result in? The armament of one of the several of the most dangerous international criminal organizations with thousands of reliable American firearms. The only reason this fiasco was discovered is because a federal agent from the Bureau of Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives blew the whilse and reported it to the press. When question before a CONGRESSIONAL FACT FINDING HEARING about the nature of this operation, what he knew of it, when it was authorized, and who was responsible for putting it together, the ATTORNEY GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES, ERIC HOLDER, stated that "he didn't know anything about operation fast and furious prior to it being reported in the press." That is either a bold faced lie in order to cover a nefarious effort by the justice department to stir up trouble, or it is a statement of vast and mind-boggling incompetence. Eric Holder is a DIRECT APPOINTEE of Barack Obama. He was chosen to be the Chief Federal Law Enforcement Officer... and this man, who was endorsed and appointed by the "not so bad of a President" Barack Obama claims not to know what is going on in the agency that he is supposed to head. That by any measure is a gross miss-estimation of character and credentials on Obama's part. Furthermore, the fact that this type of travesty happened on HIS WATCH and that Obama has DONE NOTHING to address the issue is a miscarriage of the duties that he has to the Americann People as the president of the Untied States. He failed to see that the laws designed to prevent this type of fiasco were enforced, he failed to appoint somehow who is either virtuous enough or competent enough to do his job, and he has failed to follow up with any sort of demonstrable reaction to this despicable and inexcusable failure. I personally don't want somehow who can't manage one of the most important departments of the executive branch in office any longer than they have to be.

63 Name: JusticeForAll : 2012-02-11 12:11 ID:sgRRyAzy [Del]

Moving on to the policies that Obama has so ineffectually attempted to articulate... lets start with his supposed "plan to save the economy." What has this resulted in? Virtually nothing. He said it himself, clothed in fancy words and turns of phrase, during the most recent state of the union address. The billions of dollars that he pushed to be spent on the recover has resulted the creation of only 300,000 jobs in the past year. That, and the employment rate has remained almost constant throughout... what does that mean? That Obama's "stimulation package" is nothing more than an ill-advised band-aid that is forcing our debt even higher and refusing to address the genuine problems that our country has with respect to the eocnomy. Obama speaks of the "need to have the rich pay their fair share..." this in and of itself is nothing more than a political ploy to try and win favor amongst the masses of shiftless and ignorant sheep that Obama is trying to bribe into voting for him by way of government handouts. The jobs that he allegedly created are less than the total number of unemployed people in any single state in this country. Then there was the bailout of the American Auto industry. They were allegedly "to big to fail," and so Obama's stimulus package pumped money into them despite the fact that they had produced sub par products at unsreasonable prices that NO ONE WANTED TO BUY. Instead of letting successful business expand, and letting other people with better ideas step to fill the void that these car companies left, we have a "revitalized American Car Industry" that produces cars that are still sub par in reliability, safety, and fuel efficiency. What a shocker, considering that Obama in his infinite wisdom decided to save the hides of the people that messed everything up in the first place. Next there is the issue of "Making people pay their fair share of money..." what he is talking about is raising taxes on EVERYONE, not just "the richest" so that he can have more money to spend on his pet projects and pump into his constitency so that he can keep himself and his friends in power. The government has niether the expertise NOR the will to create industry and jobs in the modern market. That requires business people who can make quick decisions and build those industries. If the government takes more money away from the most productive sections of society, they will be less motivated to open business, expand businesses, and build new industry. The government already takes almost a third of people's hard earned money in the first place... how much of that goes to essential services that we all use, versus unnecessary foreign conflicts and "redistribution of wealth" to people in THIS COUNTRY and in FOREIGN COUNTRIES (American is the largest donor of foreign aid in terms of sheer volume of money given) so that Obama can continue the imperialistic policies of modern day America. So he is basically trying to take money from the people that have a snowballs chance in hell of fixing the economy, all so that he can engage in some socialistic flirtation with idiotic domestic policies. The final item on the long list of failures of Obama's policies is the supposed "Health care reform bill." This bill has in effect hamstrung businesses because of how expensive it makes it for them to grow their business and hire more emplyees. Under the bill, once a business reaches a certain size they are forced to pay for additonal types of care that are so expensive and prohibitve that it does not justify them expanding beyond a certain size. If this bill was better articulated and more business friendly, their would be more healthcare AND more jobs. Instead there is neither.

Having thus explained why Obama has FAILED as a president for many of the more "usual" and "benign" reasons, namely that he couldn't manage his way out of wet paper bag, lets talk about how he is a real and significant threat to the rule of law because of his complete and utter disregard for the Constitution of the United States of America.

64 Name: JusticeForAll : 2012-02-11 12:12 ID:sgRRyAzy [Del]

First, lets talk about the most recent defense spending bill that passed Congress. This bill had an amendment that allows for AMERICAN CITIZENS to be detained on suspicion of being a terrorist without many of the basic constitutional due process rights afforded to Americann Citizens under the federal constitution. Under this law, the government can hold someone without access to an attorney, for an extended period of time, and without being brought before a magistrate or judge. This is a gross violation of habeaus corpus... and guess what? OBama said that he would VETO THE BILL if a section of it was left in the amendment which would have EXEMPTED american citizens from this sort of treatment. YOu don't beleive me? Go ahead and look this up under the "YoungTurks,"-a liberal independent news group that NO LONGER SUPPORTS OBAMA because of this- on youtube or google it. It is shocking but true. Under this law people who stockpile food, buy certain types of books, go to certain websites, and buy firearms EVEN FOR SPORTING USE can be qualified as "under suspcion of terrorism." This type of legislation infringes upon basic autonomy and freedom of thought, encapulsated in freedom of speech, that each American has a CONSTITUIONAL RIGHT to exercise.

Obama has FAILED to shut down Guantanamo Bay... a place of complete and utter evil where alleged "enemy combatants" are tortured and otherwise denied due process of the law. The Supreme Court of the Untied States has ruled that wheresoever there is American Control over American Soil so to must the constitution apply to ANYONE that is there, whether American Citizen or not. The fact that Guantanamo Bay still exists is a significant abridgement of recognized standards and treaties on International Human Rights and is also a violation of constitutional provisions against Cruel and Unusual Punishment and requiring Due Process of the law. The fact that Obama hasn't done anything about this is sickening and disgusting on many levels. This also makes him a patent liar and a failure. He said he would close it and he hasn't. Epic human-rights fail.

Beyond Guantamao Bay, there is the terrible policy that Obama is now trying to foist on us in his healthcare bill. I am referring to the individual mandate, which is a requirement in the bill that every American purchase health insurance OR be fined during their taxes. Whether this is good policy or NOT does not matter, this type of exercise over the PEROSNAL DECISIONS that we make is despotic, autocratic, undemoractic, and completely vitiates the fundamental right to privacy that all Americans enjoy. By virtue of the 5th, 14th, and 9th Amendments, all Americans enjoy the right to privacy and a degree of personal autonomy, whcih includes the RIGHT to keep the family together, the right to raise one's children as one sees fit, the right to make DECISIONS ABOUT HEALTHCARE, the right to marry, and the right to personal sexual acitvity, as well as the right to procreate. This bill transgresses our fundamental rights, but Obama had no problem with trying to ram it down our throats and push it through congress. This is unacceptable.

Finally, Obama's justice department has instituted a extra-legal requirement for centralized registration databases of all individuals purchasing firearms in the four mexican border states. Remember opreation fast and furious? That was done to try and cause a crisis to drum up legislative support to make gun-registration a LAW. Well, since it was revealed, his efforts to do this unraveled. That did not stop him, instead he made an executive order to have registration ANYWAY. The first thing that a leader does before depriving their citizenry of the right to self-defense is to force them to register their firearms. After that they start to outlaw them, and disarm the citizenry. This pattern occurred in Soviet Russian, Nazi Germany, Communist Czechoslovakia, Communist Vietnam, and North Korea. All of these dicatotors, despots, murderers, and cowards, where VERY FOND of gun control... because a populous without the right to keep and bear arms is a populous that is easily manipulated, controlled, and managed. I guess in that repsect Obama really does stand shoulder to shoulder with such "luminaries" as Kim Jong Il, Polpot, Stalin, Hitler, Lenin, Mao Tze-Dung, and Castro. Barack Obama doesn;'t care about you, me, or freedom or justice. A more fitting pledge at this time and in this nation would be "I pledge allegiance to the Flag, of the United States of Terror, and to the despot for which it stands, one nation under Obama, compliant and quelled, with liberty and justice for some."

Barack Obama is an incompetent, feckless, pussilinamous, vacuous, and unfit leader. He cares nothing for the Constitution of these United States, and he does not deserve to be re-elected. Open you eyes... for the sake of us all...

65 Name: JusticeForAll : 2012-02-11 12:13 ID:sgRRyAzy [Del]

Beyond Guantamao Bay, there is the terrible policy that Obama is now trying to foist on us in his healthcare bill. I am referring to the individual mandate, which is a requirement in the bill that every American purchase health insurance OR be fined during their taxes. Whether this is good policy or NOT does not matter, this type of exercise over the PEROSNAL DECISIONS that we make is despotic, autocratic, undemoractic, and completely vitiates the fundamental right to privacy that all Americans enjoy. By virtue of the 5th, 14th, and 9th Amendments, all Americans enjoy the right to privacy and a degree of personal autonomy, whcih includes the RIGHT to keep the family together, the right to raise one's children as one sees fit, the right to make DECISIONS ABOUT HEALTHCARE, the right to marry, and the right to personal sexual acitvity, as well as the right to procreate. This bill transgresses our fundamental rights, but Obama had no problem with trying to ram it down our throats and push it through congress. This is unacceptable.

Finally, Obama's justice department has instituted a extra-legal requirement for centralized registration databases of all individuals purchasing firearms in the four mexican border states. Remember opreation fast and furious? That was done to try and cause a crisis to drum up legislative support to make gun-registration a LAW. Well, since it was revealed, his efforts to do this unraveled. That did not stop him, instead he made an executive order to have registration ANYWAY. The first thing that a leader does before depriving their citizenry of the right to self-defense is to force them to register their firearms. After that they start to outlaw them, and disarm the citizenry. This pattern occurred in Soviet Russian, Nazi Germany, Communist Czechoslovakia, Communist Vietnam, and North Korea. All of these dicatotors, despots, murderers, and cowards, where VERY FOND of gun control... because a populous without the right to keep and bear arms is a populous that is easily manipulated, controlled, and managed. I guess in that repsect Obama really does stand shoulder to shoulder with such "luminaries" as Kim Jong Il, Polpot, Stalin, Hitler, Lenin, Mao Tze-Dung, and Castro. Barack Obama doesn;'t care about you, me, or freedom or justice. A more fitting pledge at this time and in this nation would be "I pledge allegiance to the Flag, of the United States of Terror, and to the despot for which it stands, one nation under Obama, compliant and quelled, with liberty and justice for some."

Barack Obama is an incompetent, feckless, pussilinamous, vacuous, and unfit leader. He cares nothing for the Constitution of these United States, and he does not deserve to be re-elected. Open you eyes... for the sake of us all...

66 Name: JusticeForAll : 2012-02-11 12:13 ID:sgRRyAzy [Del]

Barack Obama is an incompetent, feckless, pussilinamous, vacuous, and unfit leader. He cares nothing for the Constitution of these United States, and he does not deserve to be re-elected. Open you eyes... for the sake of us all...

67 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-02-11 12:15 ID:Qb4SSYsI [Del]

Er, next time, please keep it one post. I'll reply once I'm done reading it, but just keep that in mind. It was really unnecessary to use four posts for that.

68 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2012-02-11 12:18 ID:pKo0U/md [Del]

There is an eventual character limit to my knowledge. I don't think all of this would've fit.

I agreed and disagreed with different parts of this until you compared Obama to Hitler. Then I lol'd. So hard. Really fucking hard.

69 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-02-11 12:25 ID:Qb4SSYsI [Del]

Most of those comments were ridiculouly biased and opinionated, but I'll give you a proper reply in my next post anyway.

>>68 Oh, nevermind then. I guess I've never written a post that didn't fit before lol

70 Name: CelticMaster !vMfB/HjmOc : 2012-02-11 12:45 ID:SPmOkYNl [Del]

>>61->>66 is my lawyer friend, i decided to let him get involved because he is as you can tell strongly against obama as president

71 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-02-11 12:48 ID:Qb4SSYsI [Del]

>>63 In regards to his economic plan, I do hope that you understand how long something like this would take. Like so many other people on this thread, you are complaining about things taking a while and promises not being held through. Yes, many hundreds of thousands of jobs were created, and that is a good thing. He didn't make millions of jobs - so what? At least something was done, and that is what is important. We still don't know what the full effect of his plans are going to be. It will be decades before we can really look back and say whether they worked or not, because it's going to be many years before the economy gets anywhere near strong no matter what sort of action is taken.

Regarding bailing out the major car manufacturers, the economy would have been destroyed if he hadn't. They hold so many thousands and thousands of jobs; the automobile industry is a huge part of the American economy. The same thing goes for the banks that were bailed out. Unfortunately, the systems in many things which he bailed out are corrupt, and it's understandable to be sour about the misuse of bailout money amongst these companies and banks and such, but that is not something that Obama can really be criticized for. He gave the money, and it was their job to take the initiative and do what is right with it.

You also try to say that him wanting the rich to pay is just a ploy. That is entirely your personal controversy. In order for taxes to be raised on just the wealthy, Congress would need to agree to it, as well as many others in the government. Whether Obama wants it or not doesn't matter; chances are, it will never happen. If you haven't noticed, people in the government are part of that wealthy class. Why would they pass something that would raise their taxes? They wouldn't. This is sad and unfortunately corrupt, but there is very little that Obama can do about it. He doesn't have as much power as people like to think. He can say that he want something to be done all he wants, and you can't just go around spouting nonsense about how it's obviously a lie while utilizing the "it hasn't happened" excuse, because it's not just up to Obama what happens in the Government.

>>64 And how many other presidents have failed to shut down Guantanamo Bay, as well? Trying to put all the blame regarding it on Obama is irrational. Also, again, these things aren't entirely up to him whether he promies it or not. You speak as though no other part of the government has a say in these decisions when, in fact, their say has more power than the president's.

I kindly ask that you don't try to compare Obama to Hitler. It just makes you look like a complete fool. Moving on, it is your personal opinion that weapons should not be registered. Plenty of people are holding onto both sides of the debate, but that will get us nowhere. Action was finally taken, and registration is required. You may have all of the ideas you want, but you have nothing to back these. Just because he decided to have guns registered does not mean that he's going to turn into some horrible tyrant that is going to destroy everything that the Constitution is about.

72 Post deleted by user.

73 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-02-11 12:49 ID:Qb4SSYsI [Del]

>>70 I don't particularly care about what he works as. My opinion stands.

74 Name: CelticMaster !vMfB/HjmOc : 2012-02-11 12:50 ID:SPmOkYNl [Del]

no, i did not know an essay would show up, but i am glad it did

75 Name: Kurosaki22 : 2012-02-11 13:58 ID:X8OesY6y [Del]

tldr so >>66 you expect ron paul, mitt romney, newt gingrich, and rick santorum to save america. half of the massive mess we are in, is pretty much our faults. yes the american people because honestly you can put the blame on obama or anyone else. what are you going to blame world hunger on him too? as far as the parties go too, both sides are fault because they only see it from their perspectives and not the other sides view. when understand both sides of the perspective then something can be done. you dont have to compromise to get something done all the time. i ask this, how can one person work with everyone against them? he can't work at all unless he compromises or stands by his views. honestly get your head out of your tail and see the whole picture. what you basically say is one sided.

76 Name: Visce : 2012-02-11 14:03 ID:Qom+aQ2u [Del]

I have nothing in particular to add on whether Obama is a good president.
But I have to ask, for people who think he's the absolute worst, which candidate do you think would do better than him and why?

77 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-02-11 14:23 ID:C+YboqlG [Del]

>>76 Rick Perry, especially because of that "gays can fight for us but we cant practice religion in school" ._.
He dropped out or somethin right? I hope so

78 Name: Aika !SlOiH6z2KQ : 2012-02-11 14:26 ID:pTwIbTtC [Del]

I don't really have a giant post or anything like you guys, but... I support Obama. He's a better candidate for this election than any of the others I've seen. I'm not a registered voter, but if I was I'd vote for him.

79 Name: Kumo!NC09qbtR1Q : 2012-02-11 15:22 ID:2H+VLLJJ [Del]

>>61->>64 i do not mean to make any unjust accusations against you personally, but i would like to hear your views on other presidents, like Bush, Clinton, Reagan, whoever. it's easy to go on a long rant about a current politician who belongs to a party other than the one you support and i would sort of like to see whether or not this is an entirely biased argument on your part.

To that end, i also say that there are a lot of things about your arguments that i agree with, but also a lot of things that i think you have blown out of proportion. Yes, i do not like the fact that Obama voted yes for the NDAA after saying that he would not allow it to pass, and because of it I personally am NOT going to vote for him to go back into office (i also expect lots of harsh outcry and riots when this law actually stirs up a real controversy that everyone, including the idiots who rely solely on news stations to find out about things like this, but that's another story), but then there were other things, namely Guantanamo and the whole "operation fast and furious" thing, that got to me a bit.

Let's start off with Guantanamo. There really is not a single thing that Obama can do with the power that he has, other than making a harsh outcry (which i'll admit that he hasn't really done since he was elected) that can make Guantanamo go away. Does he need to make his voice heard on it more until it actually DOES get shut down? yes. But look at it from his perspective. On one hand, he's got the unjust treatment of foreign criminals who, aside from the who he is relatively sure have committed great crimes against America. On the other hand he has America itself and the shitty economic problems that are going on in it. Which would you take priorities over? sure, Guantanamo is a much easier problem to fix, but it is by no means something that can be changed over night, and it really doesn't apply to anything but the moral character of America, whereas the economic issues are something immediate, very hard to fix, and very dangerous to America. it's a sad and horrible statement for me to make, but it's true. As for the economy itself, i'll get back to that after i make my quick statement about "fast and furious". This operation lays entirely on Holder's shoulders. He does not need to report directly to the president in this case, and i am sure that if it was such a controversial decision that he made that he would not want to report to him at all unless it had succeeded. Yes, he is a direct appointee of Obama, but that is because Obama trusted that he would be the right man for the job and that he could trust his judgement. This event shows that this trust has been horribly misplaced regardless of if Holder was lying about his knowledge of the operation or not. Obama is a human regardless of whether or not people want to admit it and i think that no one on this earth can say that they have never misplaced their trust in anyone ever in their lives.

Going back to the Economic problem, i think that Barabi said it best when she stated that people are expecting a quick fix that they will not get due to that large amount of problems we had prior to Obama taking office and that although these bailouts should never have happened and have had a noticeable impact on our government's spending, they were absolutely crucial sacrifices that had to be made, and i do not think that any person who could have been president at the time would have decided to make any other choice. again, it's a rather bittersweet statement to make, but it is the sad truth and there have been noticeable positive effects on the economy because of it.

And for the medicare thing that you mentioned...

Really? "despotic, autocratic, undemoractic, and completely vitiates the fundamental right to privacy that all Americans enjoy."? Making a personal decision to try to aid the large majority of this country by trying to make it so that everyone can actually go to a doctor, a decision that CAN (and does have a huge number of people trying at the moment) be voted out of placement is a despotic violation of privacy? give me a break. it is meant to try to help he people who can not afford healthcare to be able to get medical help if they need it or not. I am fully aware that my next statement is entirely opinionated, but i think that the greater offense to the american people would be to allow the barbaric practice of "healthcare for money" to continue without even trying to see if we can afford to even try putting free healthcare into effect here.

that, for the most part, is my response to your political statements, but there was also something else that caught my eye when i was reading your post

"This reply goes out to Forte_Sigma, BarabiSama, and Ayanavi, who seem have been brainwashed by the ridiculous effluvia that passes for news reporting these days..."

I know that you are you are not a regular user of this site because of the statement Celtic made in >>70, but you know nothing about the people that you have insulted right here. Normally i would be able to let the insult slide due to the fact
that you do not really know them or talk to them on a daily basis but, unless you totally ignored every bit of the posts they made, you would have seen that they acknowledged that the other side had good points to be made and counteracted it with their own educated opinions on the subject. anyone that is fucking "brainwashed" into supporting a person makes not one single claim that their side is wrong almost like the entirety of your own claims. You are obviously passionate about your side of the argument, and i respect that as you have every right to be, but please do not insult these people based on your own personal disbelief in their claims as it then becomes an insult to me and everyone here who knows them as well as makes YOU look like a jackass.

80 Name: Kumo!NC09qbtR1Q : 2012-02-11 17:53 ID:2H+VLLJJ [Del]

>>79 i misused "to that end" in the second paragraph change it to "However" i guess.

81 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-02-11 17:58 ID:3aV3by+B [Del]

I was rather disinclined to read >>61 through >>66 very thoroughly, simply because of the tone. It's hard to take one seriously when they speak from such a harshly biased point of view. In fact, it's rather insulting.

But I will read it in more detail later on - it's just a lot to sift through, and I for one tend to not be very involved in politics in the first place. It'll take me a bit to process, and I don't have time at the moment.

82 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2012-02-11 18:18 ID:pKo0U/md [Del]

For those that have put off reading the posts, >>65 and >>66 are just doubleposts of what he said in >>64.

83 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-02-11 19:29 ID:ZXqB3UJJ [Del]

It's like he just completely forgot how to format in >>62 - >>63 ... God, my eyes.

Okay, after reading what was perhaps the single longest and ill-formatted wall of text to ever grace this site, I'll start off by acknowledging your valid points - ... After re-reading your walls of text for a second time, I actually found none.

So let's address everything you either presented illogically or you conveniently forgot to include, shall we? As a lawyer - You should know better. Not a single argument presented held concrete logical backing, and in some cases provided deliberate misinformation.

"Imperialistic Nation Building" )

So let me properly understand this: The nation really didn't want to go to war in the first place, and has had nothing but clamoring for our troops to be brought back for years, and your argument is that rather than simply pull them out - Or continue their blind search in the desert for 'terrorism' - You're pissed off that the troops were left there to try and help establish democracy?

Wait, isn't spreading democracy one of America's stated goals in the constitution?

You know, that piece of paper you repeatedly accuse the Obama administration of ignoring or violating? That one?

Beyond that, you seem to be under the impression that America's business only affects America. After spending several years with our military presence in a foreign country, tracking down radical elements in a society... You appear to believe that more presence and/or more violence, followed by simply leaving, would have created good will from those countries towards us?

I'm not sure about you, but let's theoretically say America got invaded and occupied for several years because some gang following a bastardized variation of a popular religion in our region did something stupid. I, personally, think that if the other people just abruptly left - I'd want revenge. I wouldn't be happy at all about my fellow country citizen being unjustly subjugated due to the unaffiliated actions of a few.

However, if they staid behind and offered to help contribute reparations for actions that even THEY understood to have been wrong or over-blown, then my opinion of them would improve. America ceased searching for trace elements of a random radical cult which managed all of one - I repeat, one major foreign strike and then hid in their fox-burrows because they realized they were fucked.

End result: Rather than go on a hunt for supposed trace elements of current 'terrorists' from a know-nothing group, we've instead attempted to follow our constitutional goal of spreading democracy and improving our relations with the country we unjustly invaded for ridiculous reasons.

9/11? Fine. But continued occupation? We weren't even striking back anymore - We were attempting to flex muscle by exterminating a mosquito with a small bomb. Followed up by pure money-grubbing oil seizure.

Obama promised to bring the troops home - And he did. Instead of foolishly pushing harder, then pulling out completely - He aimed to try and restore some goodwill to a nation that has every right to simply hate us.

"Claimed responsibility for Osama" )

Huh... You know, if my memory serves - Obama didn't say a word about "I got him!", in fact the words were "We got him!".

We. America. Our Country. He even appropriately deferred to the navy SEALS - Stating they were the ones who took him down. Obama never claimed he somehow magically took osama down; in fact those claims come from two sources - Ill informed individuals, and the Counter-terrorism advisor who stated that "the decision was gutsy".

America uses its might in a Just manner for Just reasons )

Like when the war started? Oh, or like when we went into Vietnam? Oh, oh, what about Guantanomo bay? You like harping on America's dirty not-so-secret, right? Those are all just actions for just reasons, right?

Obama has flexed our nation's might to... Help rebuild a country we unjustly invaded and subjugated over, let me repeat, a radical religious faction. That's completely unjust, right?

Execute the laws and policies of Congress )

You mean... the Congress whose approval rating is at an all time low? What was it again? 9%? And what has Congress been trying to pass into law again? NDAA authorizing complete detainment of American citizens just for the hell of it? How about SOPA/PIPA, which have them trying to crack down on the internet and provide active monitoring and isolation of US citizens from the rest of the world to stop... piracy.

I repeat: To stop piracy, Congress is trying to legally install perpetual and easily accessible monitoring of American citizens. The side effects of this bill is already seen in all of the sites blocking american IPs to avoid legal issues - America is becoming slowly isolated on the virtual plane.

Some of the wording even states that they will arbitrarily be able to block "any site that is deemed a danger towards America".

IE: If they don't like it, if it slanders us, if it says something they don't approve of, it can be blocked without a second thought.

And you are upset because he has failed to enforce and execute the policies of Congress?

From there you proceeded to - and oh man, this was rich - Try and debase Obama using guilt by association. Blaming Obama for Holder's actions, when as pointed out, Holder doesn't need to report all of his doings to Obama. Then going on a tangent questioning Holder's competency (which is a valid question at this point) and then tying it back into your debasement of Obama with "and he appointed him!"

Let's restate this: Obama hired someone. The hired someone fucked up. This is completely Obama's fault. Or it's a conspiracy.

God forbid Holder himself just screwed up. It is most definitely a ploy by Obama to cause a crisis to administer legislative action towards gun.... Which he could do anyway. And did.

But then you're upset about this, and... Hold on, you proceeded to cement your argument by comparing him arbitrarily to iconic names of tyrannical dictators? Godwin's Law is in full effect with your arguments.

But you're upset about guns being registered now - Especially along the states bordering Mexico, where it is easiest to trade these guns to said cartel you're outraged about. I know this must be a stretch, but considering every gun purchased in that area now has a paper trail attached to it, wouldn't that make it so much easier to track where they're going after being bought? Who owns what? To be able to weed out suppliers by narrowing down their location and habits?

Forget attempting to crack down on the cartel's weapon appropriation - This is communism! How dare Obama proceed to make it harder for people to purchase guns in an area that is a prime location for gun trade to a known crime organization! How very tyrannical!

Note: The extra legislature was for those regions only. Because they're a known danger zone.

Part II coming.

84 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-02-11 19:29 ID:ZXqB3UJJ [Del]

"Economic Recovery is a Failure" )

He only managed three-hundred THOUSAND jobs out of his ass in an economy that was on a massive downward spiral. He only managed to slow a perpetually plummeting stock market, he only expressed interest to make the top % of wealth holders in the world to distribute their wealth in order to salvage the country they live in.

An action which a great deal of America - you know, those "ignorant sheep masses" you mentioned? - have wanted to happen for a long time. Concentration of wealth is a known and addressed problem that everyone is already aware of.

You complain about him violating the free-market economy by bailing out big companies like GM and the banks... But you fail to understand the amount of jobs THEY produce and provide. Corrupt as they are - His action of saving them kept those jobs. Would you rather they have collapsed and put several
millions of people out of a job as well?

Competitive market works if we have a market to compete with. Jobs provided to compete with. Putting that many people out of a job would hurt us far more than saving them did - There would be no "competitive" faction to flock to for that scale of people.

"Health care reforms are hamstringing business" )

You mean the one that requires bigger businesses to help pay for and provide healthcare benefits to its many thousands, perhaps millions, of employees who are too far down the sliding scale of wealth concentration to afford it? Those employees who skip going to the doctor and barely make enough to get their prescriptions each month?

This isn't to say you don't have a valid point - Businesses will get to a certain point, then try and find loopholes to avoid the extra expenditure. However, it has a theme to it - The wealthy helping pay for the poor.

Socialism. Which, understandably, is something we oppose a free-market economy. However, at this point in time our nation's free-market economy is so imbalanced, that a socialistic approach is quite possibly the best method of fixing it.

Our problem simply that the people who don't hold a larger portion of our wealth have a "snowball's chance in hell", as you put it, to obtain greater wealth in a reasonable period of time - If at all. This is made worse by a job market run by the wealthier percentage who find it profitable to outsource to other countries for cheaper labor.

The end result is that the poor are remaining poor - And the poor make up the majority of our nation. The ones who stimulate the economy. And the rich are getting richer - The ones who stimulate foreign economy.

And yet you, and many others, spit the words "socialism" as if they were a poison to our country. Our country which is in dire need to wealth distribution. Distribution so that the poor don't need repeated "stimulus" packages to have money to drive the economy back up - Which is really what those packages you call an "expensive bandaid" are; a result of the poor having so little access to concentrated wealth that they need governmental aid just to start impacting the economy a little.

"Obama passed NDAA to incarcerate American citizens" )

Blatant mis-information and/or ignorance - Obama threatened a veto on the bill until that clause was taken out. Further more, saying "Obama passed the bill" as if to blame him is to steadfastly ignore the fact that if he were to veto that bill, he'd also halt the attached bill that authorized an increase in benefits to our veterans and armed forces - an act that would have set Obama nicely up for an impeachment of "obstructing our nation's best interests", as well as Congress just passing the bill by force using an overwhelming majority that already supported the bill.

Rather than oppose it on principle, Obama pushed for the most positive compromise he could obtain - Rather than stop everything, and then have it passed without amendment at all.

"Obama has failed to shut down Guantanomo bay." )

Name a president who has? Give us some logical reasons why shutting that down is more important than fixing the economy or foreign relations first? It's a known problem, and its not a pressing issue relative to the other priorities being dealt with.

Also, if you'll recall, he did try. Congress said "No".

"Obama is forcing healthcare on us and violating our right to choose." )

Yeah, I got nothing here really. Freedom of choice (thought I can't think of someone who prefers not having health care), some people can't afford it, botched the job by letting the health care industries set the rates, etc.

It was a pretty shit job. Good intentions, but it was pretty terrible.

tl;dr coming.

85 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-02-11 19:29 ID:ZXqB3UJJ [Del]

"Too Long; Didn't Read" )

Justice likes focusing on the negative side effects or failures without putting them into context of how they went down, or what they actually mean. He blatantly misrepresented information, attacked the character of his peers rather than their arguments, stated flagrant falsifications, said things should change but gave no indication as to how they could have been done better, and let personal opinions fuel arguments that relied upon facts and evidence - Of which, there is almost nil.

If you want to stand a "snowball's chance in hell", on this board - Or as a lawyer - I advise you learn to address the arguments of your peers with respect and objectivity.

Failure to do so will get you, and your arguments, torn to pieces.

Welcome to the BBS.

86 Name: NaeBree !jAUXc1hruw : 2012-02-11 19:40 ID:NI006cKl [Del]

Erm. I dont really know what is going on here, but...

>>65 Untill Obama kills 6 million people after taking every single one of their basic human rights away, you have no right to call him Hitler. He isnt a dictator and is only trying to clean up the shit-fest Bush left behind him.
>>66 Nice language.


87 Name: MKOLLER !YYk5m0jo12 : 2012-02-11 20:13 ID:Ll4mtHNI [Del]

I'm registering to vote this year now that I'm eighteen. Do I support Obama? Yes. Will I vote for him in the next election? I'm not sure.

Between the years of 2006 and 2009 (before Obama took office) the economy took a nosedive. Gas hit $4 a gallon minimum (it was $5.15 in my area during summer 2007) and the housing and stock markets were decimated. When President Obama took office, he promised to fix things. However, he wasn't able to fulfill all of the promises he made during his inauguration. That's why I'm unsure if I want four more years of him.

Ron Paul and Mitt Romney look somewhat promising. Rick Santorum is a fundie and Newt Gingrich is crazy. That pretty much will determine whether I vote Republican or not, but I will register as an independent.

88 Name: Thanatos!CRiLqZyIfQ : 2012-02-11 21:02 ID:hC7LjJVM [Del]

Marry me.
That was fucking perfect, Ayanavi.

89 Name: Mael !DoMiNUIT9I : 2012-02-11 21:23 ID:g43ZPn4q [Del]

God DAMN... that was excellent.

90 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-02-11 22:39 ID:Qb4SSYsI [Del]

>>83 "However, if they staid behind and offered to help contribute reparations for actions..."

Nonetheless, the rest of those posts (83-85), were nothing less than glorious.

91 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2012-02-11 22:44 ID:6JrxigK0 [Del]

Sedate, respectable, and unadventurous: "staid law firms"


92 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-02-11 22:50 ID:Qb4SSYsI [Del]

>>91 Just because it's a word, that doesn't mean it belongs there :V

93 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2012-02-11 22:55 ID:6JrxigK0 [Del]

>>92 Maybe Ayanavi meant "they sedate behind". YOU DON'T KNOW THAT.


94 Name: JusticeForAll : 2012-02-12 02:35 ID:sgRRyAzy [Del]

Tch... such hypocrisy... such little care for civil liberties and the rule of law... sadly I am not surprised.

95 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-02-12 02:48 ID:3aV3by+B [Del]


Excuse me while I laugh my ass off.

That's your response? You post a long, fervent argument as if what you were asserting was plain truth, insulting any dissenters, and someone shoots holes through every bit of your post, and your only response is a pity riposte?

I suppose that in itself is enough reason to stop considering you a viable source of real argument. I almost feel bad that I took the time out to read your post now.

Celtic, how much were you bullshitting us when you said he was a lawyer?

96 Name: Kumo!NC09qbtR1Q : 2012-02-12 02:50 ID:2H+VLLJJ [Del]

>>94 this is your response to all of what has been said? this shallow statement? you disappoint me more than before.

97 Name: CelticMaster !vMfB/HjmOc : 2012-02-12 09:06 ID:SPmOkYNl [Del]


98 Name: CelticMaster !vMfB/HjmOc : 2012-02-12 09:07 ID:SPmOkYNl [Del]

and he really is, he just hates stupidity like me

99 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-02-12 09:21 ID:ZXqB3UJJ [Del]


Self-hate's not cool, yo.

100 Name: CelticMaster !vMfB/HjmOc : 2012-02-12 10:33 ID:SPmOkYNl [Del]

that is funny cause before him there were no real facts, is also funny cause people called the opinions biased,

101 Name: CelticMaster !vMfB/HjmOc : 2012-02-12 10:34 ID:SPmOkYNl [Del]

while all opinions about the president are biased, you either like him or you dont, otherwise you dont care, which means your opinion doesnt matter

102 Name: Kon : 2012-02-12 11:22 ID:JQpEDY3A [Del]

>>101 and here we though that you came in as a... well, biased entity, but willing to have an open conversation about a subject, but all you are now doing is shoot down anyone with views different then yours, and not even accepting facts that have been given as being facts... but rather gossip.

103 Name: CelticMaster !vMfB/HjmOc : 2012-02-12 11:27 ID:SPmOkYNl [Del]

i wanted conversation (albeit i didnt get involved, but still) and not i, i just wanted to see everything he felt, cause he is cool to hang out with. also, i plan to be a lawyer too
but that is unimportant

104 Name: Forte_Sigma!ljEVVXEJNE : 2012-02-12 11:46 ID:dieqRAOj [Del]

I leave for 24-FUCKING HOURS

Btw Fuck you "JusticeforAll"
For a few reasons:
1. That wall of words that assaulted my eyes and brain
2. For fucking comparing Obama to Hitler (isn't that like..borderline grounds unpatriotic?)
3. For trying to say we were brainwashed. Those of us you insulted are way too intelligent to allow that to happen, and are way smarter than you, who has been exactly what you accused us of being: brainwashed.
4.Simply being a fat dick.
5. I don't like stereotyping, but you sound like a right-wing tea-party fucktard, who would probably side with the 1%.

Its not that I necessarily hate republicans..but your candidates are just SO FUCKING STUPID. And they represent NOTHING worth being presidential.

105 Name: Kon : 2012-02-12 13:04 ID:JQpEDY3A [Del]

>>104 You know, they did have a good chance with Mitt Romney, but since the republican party has been beating the war drum regarding the tax issue, that simply cut off any chance he would have ever had. I'm honestly, 15% tax rate compared to 30% that everyone else has to pay? we need someone in charge that would at least try to equal those rates, Romney's interest would be to bring his tax rate even lower. And he's doing this out of his own personal interest, if you can take 1 conclusion out of his life, that would be it.

I don't really know why I went on about a diff candidate but meh.

106 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-02-12 13:12 ID:xvsK+xDn [Del]


>before him there were no real facts

I guess I have to consider your opinions invalid too. It's a shame that both of you express hate and slander dissent, but at the same time you give no valid arguments. I mean, at least your shit lawyer friedn attempted, but your first contribution to the conversation you started was that all statements prior were false?

It is simply impossible to have a conversation with your type. Like literally - nothing will get through your head, and nothing of value will come out of it either. Conversation will likely continue on this thread, but regardless of whether or not you started it, I think you successfully branded yourself as much of an ignorant jackass as your friend.

107 Name: Forte_Sigma!ljEVVXEJNE : 2012-02-12 13:19 ID:dieqRAOj [Del]


I opened up 4 different websites to confirm my information, and even left a link to one.

If you can't fucking take the time to click on the ONE LINK I DID LEAVE, then this shit need to be derailed. And FAST.
Too bad we can't post spidey pics on main.

108 Name: CelticMaster !vMfB/HjmOc : 2012-02-12 13:22 ID:SPmOkYNl [Del]

>>107>>106 so now we are getting to the comedy of a thread?

109 Name: Forte_Sigma!ljEVVXEJNE : 2012-02-12 13:25 ID:dieqRAOj [Del]

>>108 What in the HELL are you talking about?

110 Name: Bread!BREADU25mg : 2012-02-12 13:31 ID:7xe/WNBG [Del]

111 Name: Forte_Sigma!ljEVVXEJNE : 2012-02-12 13:32 ID:dieqRAOj [Del]

>>110 dude..everytime I try html it doesnt work. The link is there, but clicking does nothing.

112 Name: Bread!BREADU25mg : 2012-02-12 13:36 ID:7xe/WNBG [Del]

>>111 I used to have the same problem, but then I realized you have to take the brackets out of the "[url]".

Like, instead of "[]", it's only ""

I think that's what you were saying...

Unless you're talking about my link. Then I don't know :3

113 Name: Forte_Sigma!ljEVVXEJNE : 2012-02-12 13:46 ID:dieqRAOj [Del]

hmm... Spidey!

114 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-02-12 13:54 ID:KnLRjkuk [Del]

>>108 I'm not even going to bother commenting on your previous posts at this point. By saying this, are admitting that all you wanted to do was see people get pissed off and annoyed at each other. I'm disgusted. I thought you were actually interested in having a proper debate, but, no - you just wanted an arguement. Not only that, but if you call everyone insulting you "fun," then it is obvious that you are either extremely masochistic or extremely stupid. Or both. I'm beginning to think both. Or, you're some Izaya-wannabe who thinks they're testing people and so much more smart than every other human. Either wall, all of the options are screwy. You're just... repulsive. I'm not quite sure why you were made in the first place. What is it that you contribute to society? Oh, yeah - nothing.

Shoo. Your bullshit isn't welcome here.

115 Name: Forte_Sigma!ljEVVXEJNE : 2012-02-12 13:58 ID:dieqRAOj [Del]

>>114 *fist-bump*


116 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-02-12 13:59 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]

Celtic why you gotta go n piss everybody off

117 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-02-12 14:02 ID:KnLRjkuk [Del]

>>114 Either way*

118 Name: MKOLLER !YYk5m0jo12 : 2012-02-12 15:22 ID:Ll4mtHNI [Del]

I feel like >>61 - >>64 was just a giant troll post. If it was serious, then it was the post of someone seriously misinformed. For starters:

-"Instead of doing what our armed forces was trained to do--eliminate the enemy--he tried to get them to execute a mission that it was never meant to do--engage in imperialistic nation building." The mission to go into Iraq started in March 2003, in which we removed Suddam Heussein from power. We then stayed, under Bush's and Congress's requests, to rebuild that nation, without the consent of their people. The republican party continued this movement for the next seven years. Only recently was our current president able to get our soldiers home.

"Perhaps the only accolade he can be given is the fact that he was lucky enough to be president when the Special Forces finally caught Osama Bin-Laden." Would Justice-For-All have made this same statement if McCain was president? That's the real question here.

"Operation Fast and Furious" Was started in 2006 with the name Operation Wide Receiver. That's during the Bush Administration.

"Our Economic Problem" Started in 2007 with the Housing Crash. President Bush signed the first stimulus in 2008, before Obama took office. Obama signed the second one. The Obama Administration did fail by making a ton of temporary jobs and very little permanent jobs, that is true. But the economy has been pulling itself up not that it's 2012.

By the way, let's not forget how gas reached $5 a gallon under the Bush Administration.

Everything else is legal rhetoric and filibustering. Fuck off, Justice For All.

119 Name: Kumo!NC09qbtR1Q : 2012-02-12 17:57 ID:2H+VLLJJ [Del]

lolololololol. "before him there were no real facts, is also funny cause people called the opinions biased". NO...REAL....FACTS? just because you go on a long 3 post rant (which, given the way it was meant to insult all other people who oppose that view while giving no REAL substance to it,is really what it was rather than an actual argument) about your personal opinion on things happening in america does not make it a FACT.

you have a point when you say this entire thread is a very opinionated one, but in order to make a good argument, you need to be able to understand both sides of the discussion and then just stick to your guns on the side that you personally believe is right. Justice did not even mention in one single instance that his views may be wrong. did not even nod in the direction of the other side, and even went as far as to say that the people on the other side have no way to think for themselves.

Oh, and i didn't think of this last night when i first read Justice For All's response, but WE'RE the hypocrites? you're sitting there accusing us of not respecting the civil liberties? After, as Ayanavi pointed out, you make contradictory claims about what Obama is doing while in office and whether or not what he does follows our constitution or benefits the people in our nation, and then you do not even respect the fact that people can think differently than you? If you're going to try and be a champion of the people by preaching for civil liberty then you SURE AS HELL better at least RESPECT the views of others.

120 Name: CelticMaster !vMfB/HjmOc : 2012-02-12 19:21 ID:SPmOkYNl [Del]

when i said no real facts, i meant opinion, not lies, oh and websites can be biased as well

121 Name: Misuto 27!syK3XZB882 : 2012-02-12 19:24 ID:K2Zk589p [Del]

>>120 Just... stop. You're digging yourself in deeper with every post you make on this thread.

122 Name: CelticMaster !vMfB/HjmOc : 2012-02-12 19:30 ID:SPmOkYNl [Del]

>>121 all i am saying is that everyone is biased unless they are indifferent. i honestly stopped caring after making this, which is why i stopped debating.

123 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-02-12 19:45 ID:vuOO95iJ [Del]

Debating implies intelligence.

124 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2012-02-12 19:47 ID:pKo0U/md [Del]

or stubbornness.
Usually both.

125 Name: CelticMaster !vMfB/HjmOc : 2012-02-12 19:51 ID:SPmOkYNl [Del]

i am both, but i get bored.

126 Name: Telji : 2012-02-12 20:34 ID:tnWriNOy [Del]

I think Obama is a pretty good president. Plus it's not his fault really that he can't fix much. But at least he did some progress.

127 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-02-12 21:30 ID:3aV3by+B [Del]

There needs to be an addition to the World's Saddest Internet Argument Techniques: devaluing a mistake by saying "eh I was bored" or acting otherwise indifferent to the fact you just made a completely ignorant statement that upset a lot of people.

I mean, so far, the two of you combined have used at least three of them in this thread alone. You seem expert enough to charter your own new fallacy.

128 Name: C0ff1n !uaU1DuqsI2 : 2012-02-12 21:37 ID:GgkPTODP [Del]

I disagree with his policies because I'm libertarian. I really dislike him though because he made the promises he did knowing he could not bring the change he made sure he stood for. Then in office he went all pussyfoot on his supporters due to corporate pressure. He talked a big game but ultimately didn't stick to his guns policy-wise. I think he was in peoples pockets on the campaign trail and just lied to people which is lame considering what his message was.hen when you consider the raw data about his economic policies, his efforts have help only one group of people and even then its been miniscule and at large costs to others. He's also really expanded the government bureaucracy with czars and such and I feel like its only contribute to problems with failed policy such as operation fast and furious. Honestly in retrospect Obama's presidency hasn't been much less conservative than some of the current republican hopefuls would be which makes me wonder why the democrats are even going to field him again.

129 Name: CelticMaster !vMfB/HjmOc : 2012-02-12 21:39 ID:SPmOkYNl [Del]


130 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-02-12 22:11 ID:R8bzowZt [Del]

>>129 i am disappoint.

131 Name: Kon : 2012-02-12 22:41 ID:JQpEDY3A [Del]

>>130 i am SPARTA! (didn't make much sense, but since you hardly make any grammar mistakes, I couldn't help but poke fun at it :P )

132 Name: Zeckarias !kjn0nYOOPw : 2012-02-12 22:43 ID:YlOkuI2M [Del]

>>131 Dissapoint is meme. Y U no get?

133 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-02-12 23:01 ID:vuOO95iJ [Del]

Kid's these days need to LURN a thing or two about their Internets, don't-cha know?

134 Name: Bread!BREADU25mg : 2012-02-12 23:09 ID:7xe/WNBG [Del]


135 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-02-12 23:41 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]

136 Name: Kon : 2012-02-12 23:42 ID:JQpEDY3A [Del]

>>132 was just about to make a matrix comment, but that won't help my case much now will it? but yeah, you got me there.

137 Name: CelticMaster !vMfB/HjmOc : 2012-02-13 05:18 ID:SPmOkYNl [Del]

im surprised nobody has tried to spiderman this

138 Name: BarabiSama : 2012-02-13 08:45 ID:AWBrsFlM [Del]

>>137 They have. You should learn to click on links.

139 Name: celticMaster !vMfB/HjmOc : 2012-02-13 08:50 ID:8GkIxYQq [Del]

i meant entire derail to spiderman

140 Name: Kumo!NC09qbtR1Q : 2012-02-13 08:50 ID:xWDb4nUc [Del]

>>137 as barabi said, they have, but the reason that they ahve not done so is possibly for a number of reasons, chief among them being that you can not post pictures on the main board.

Not only that, but i still feel as though this is still a legitimate topic of discussion. we may have had our disagreements thus far on how people have presented themselves and the side they support, but that does not inherently mean that the other side has "won". if more people want to add in their input and do so in a respectful way, they should feel free to.

141 Name: BarabiSama : 2012-02-13 08:52 ID:AWBrsFlM [Del]

I'm with Kumo. I don't want it to totally derail. Even if the original creator is an asshole, we can still take over it and let it keep going as a real discussion.

142 Name: celticMaster !vMfB/HjmOc : 2012-02-13 08:58 ID:8GkIxYQq [Del]

>>141>>140 im not saying i want it to derail, im just saying im surprised someone else happened. and im not an asshole

143 Name: celticMaster !vMfB/HjmOc : 2012-02-13 08:59 ID:8GkIxYQq [Del]

hasnt not happened

144 Name: EtZA lA RoBA : 2012-02-13 09:12 ID:LsBg4WAF [Del]

barak obama is only president because he was the first black man to run so he got popularity for guts but no good political or economic ideas he was a wasted vote (if you cant tell im really into polotics) he was an idiot from the start and so are his voters.
now that you see it from my pont of view understand im not racist im a realist there is a huge difference. so give up on that asshole politician and learn that politics is not for americans.
that is a bit long but you get i hate obama.

145 Name: BarabiSama : 2012-02-13 09:15 ID:AWBrsFlM [Del]

>>142 >>143 Every time you post, you just sound more and more stupid. I suggest you just give up. Just stop posting already.

Oh my. Is that a new sport?

146 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2012-02-13 09:15 ID:JIWlgx8b [Del]

Side comment: I've seen longer posts, Etza La Roba. Much longer. Look to the posts much above you.

147 Name: BarabiSama : 2012-02-13 09:19 ID:AWBrsFlM [Del]

>>144 By the way, your post is lacking any sort of fact. It's impossible to ask us to understand your views, because we can't if you don't even give us any sort of information to debate over. Also, your views don't particularly fit the "realist" you try to call yourself. Please understand what a term means before you try to define yourself with it. Not to mention that your little quote near the end, "politics [are] not for [Americans]," is rude and, if you haven't noticed, all American presidents are American. Shocking, huh? Sorry to have to break that to you.

148 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2012-02-13 09:33 ID:aETvQ0Lx [Del]

Barack Obama isn't that bad in my opinion. Just the same, he is bad. Why? The same reason I believe Bush was terrible, which is the same reason I believe Clinton wasn't so great, which is the same reason I believe Bush Sr. was no good, etc, etc, etc.
We are not a dictator ship, and the President is not a king. Who ever is in that position does have certain political powers granted; however, their word is NOT law. Nor is the word trust-worthy. No matter your party affiliation or standing on issues, if you honestly think those up on capital hill give two shits or a fuck about your life, you are sadly mistaken. The agenda has and probably always will be in line with "the greater good for the country". Whether or not the "greater good" is actually good and "for the country" actually means for the country a whole is debatable. Regardless, the many promises made during election season are the most assured statements to be broken. If you bet money on this every 4 years, you would never lose a damn bet.

That being said. Measuring the Presidents all on the same shitty, two-faced lever, Obama has been a shell of a man. His health-care reform has helped some, but not most, while significant portions of taxable income that is supposedly being used on healthcare goes missing. Is this directly his fault? No! There are plenty of other shady-ass motherfuckers wearing suits and ties, rubbing shoulders to make sure money leaks through the cracks and into their pockets. What Obama's promise to return troops home? Of course that was a promise that wouldn't be seen through! Even if he gave an executive order to return all troops, the thought that this would actually happen is a sign of insanity and ignorance. Many others have rule in the military and can override such orders if there is support of it being a militaristic suicide.
What Obama has done well is be a "yes-man". He has allowed power groups in the federal system to stay the course and has been a positive player in long term goals that have been in motion before most of us here could walk. He did disappoint, but only because people still expect the President to do shit.

We should stop looking at the political figurehead and turn our eyes to our Senators and Representatives, the individuals who hold the real power.

149 Name: L : 2012-02-13 09:35 ID:NRPQ++m9 [Del]

Mr Obama....He was set up for failure in the beginning.

Unfortunately, not only is he considered a minority, but he is also one who has beaten the odds...i.e. Harvard degree, raised by a single mom etc...human nature suggests that we expect him to fail and understand that he will, but for him to succeed is something that we will likely prevent him from doing. For one, its because we may see him as incapable of running this country eventhough he is highly relying on maintaining the religious roots of the country whereas conservative republicans refuse to do so ONLY because it challenges their abilities to control the legislation.

I would re-elect him ONLY because I want to see what he can do...frankly, in order to implement such "changes" that he is promoting, he needs more than 4 years and the support/trust of his fellow house members.

150 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2012-02-13 09:40 ID:aETvQ0Lx [Del]

Also, background and personal information needs to be disregarded when judging a President. Religion, race, ethnicity, income, class-level, education, military service, political past, etc, is goddamn bullshit. Until you stop talking about that fucking mess, you won't be able to talk about anything else. Laws, bills, agendas, plans, and other federal and state accomplishments are what actually matter.

/end rant

151 Name: rio : 2012-02-13 10:08 ID:2an9pSp7 [Del]

a lot of people say that he is bad cuz he isnt diong anything. he wants to help america but the government wont cooperate

152 Name: EtZA lA RoBA : 2012-02-13 10:20 ID:LsBg4WAF [Del]

>>146 thats the longest post ive ever done

153 Name: Hazuki : 2012-02-13 11:15 ID:MpFdpvLh [Del]

Hmmm...well I don't agree with people who say he hasn't done anything, and not everything should be blamed on him. I think a lot of the trouble is in Congress, too.
I agree about the ending of the Iraq invasion, and with the people who have been saying that we need to focus on our own economy and issues, rather than spreading ourselves thin overseas and sticking our noses where they don't need to be.

However, I don't really like his healthcare plan...especially not the recent addendum to it. The Catholics are incensed right now because they feel he's treading on their religion, and the Constitution that was supposed to protect it. And really, who's to say he isn't? It bothers me to see the government interfering with such intimate affairs.

I give the man credit; he's a great public figure and a political genius. It's HARD being a President, especially in this day and age. People shouldn't throw all responsibility on him, but he DOES still have a big impact on what's being done. He's not with the party I support...though the Republicans aren't looking too promising when it comes to presidential candidacy, either. Still, I don't think I'd vote for him in this election. It'll be the first one I can actually vote in, and I'm looking for someone who will actually live up to their words. I haven't really been seeing much get better under Obama.

154 Name: Kinri : 2012-02-13 11:27 ID:FN68PoEB [Del]

Personally I like Obama, and considering the pile of sh*t he was handed when he took office, he has done a really good job. Also almost everything he said he would do he either got done, or took action to get done. Just because the Congress is acting like a bunch of kids doesn't mean that everything should be blamed on Obama. I can say I do not agree with some of his ways of handling stuff, but over all I am really happy and would vote for him. Besides, compared to his opponents he is miles above them. If the government falls into the hands of the current republicans, the entire world is screwed.

I would say that I am an independent, I just wish everyone else could look at the candidates for their policies and what they are saying rather then just looking at one issue or at their party. Has anyone watched the republican debates and primaries? They are so full of BS that every time I watch I want to throw my TV out the window.... Politics are soo frustrating!!!! >.>

155 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-02-13 11:30 ID:3aV3by+B [Del]

>>144 No, actually, that's incredibly racist. I understand how it is realist, but that doesn't make it not racist.

That's like saying "black guys are much better than white guys at basketball. Realism." Still racist, even if you can provide statistical evidence.

I'm still reading this thread because I do like peoples' opinions on him, whether or not they support him - but this only applies when the points that they make are worth a damn. You just sound spiteful. Whether or not he became president for an extenuating circumstance like that is beside the point - what we are discussing here is his impact as the president for his current term, something you conveniently neglected to talk about at all.

Hard to say you're not racist when the single thing you talked about was race.

156 Name: Kinri : 2012-02-13 11:43 ID:FN68PoEB [Del]

This is a very interesting article that I think some of you would like. And even if you dont particularly like it, you should read it because most of the points in it are good to know.

157 Name: Kinri : 2012-02-13 12:43 ID:C3w4Wqw/ [Del]

Haha, here is another link that I just found that is also good. Not 100% positive that it belongs here though.,b=facebook

158 Name: Paatback : 2012-02-13 12:49 ID:2SuCPK6p [Del]

His motto is change, but i dont see change :(

159 Name: Kinri : 2012-02-13 13:39 ID:C3w4Wqw/ [Del]

well what kind of change are you looking for. We are doing way better then we were when Obama was first handed the office by G.W.Bush. The congress is being stupid, but Obama has acted on almost everything he said that he would. Four years is really not that long of a period of time.

160 Name: akihisa nikku : 2012-02-13 15:56 ID:lgtvUfEt [Del]

i agree with kinri completly if anything we just have a stupid congress he hasnt done anything wrong

161 Name: Forte_Sigma!ljEVVXEJNE : 2012-02-13 17:45 ID:dieqRAOj [Del]

You really shouldn't have expected a very smart debate from a website full of children, idiots and weaboos. There are some of us here and there like Divine, Kinri,Ayanavi, Barabi, Myself, and some of the others that have ACTUALLY PROVIDED INTELLIGENT INPUT, AND BACKED IT WITH FACTS,LINKS, AND COMMON SENSE. But the rest of these fucktards just need to back the fuck out and shut their damn mouth, because you sound sooo fucking stupid trying to talk about something you don't know SHIT about, or say your opinion and act as if it is fact.

And Fuck you OP "eh, I was bored." FUCK YOU.
You don't make a damn post sparking intelligent debate, if you aren't going to participate yourself, or even try to do it with fucking class you idiot. And DEFINITELY don't fucking call in your "intelligent (lap-dog) lawyer friend" to try and fucking argue for you.

This whole fucking thread disgusts me (except for the good posts). And I am in a fucking TERRIBLE mood tonight, so I SWEAR if I see any damn idiots post on this,I will come at them all guns blazing.

We should have some type of proofreading technology that reads your post back at you, so you can realize how fucking stupid you sound sometimes, or prevents you from even posting.

162 Name: Seji : 2012-02-13 17:46 ID:4GjDtrhQ [Del]

The entire goverment was built in a good way to start off with but by now nothing can truely be changed to what is needed for a prosperous nation, it has been locked in a position where we get stuck in the same old "traditions", so I dont think that even if we had a president who was actually good for us that he/she could really do anything for our well-being, I dont personally like Obama but I dont think I can honestly say that even one person here could ever have a true aspect of what has been made better or worse because of him unless you are his litteral right hand man.

163 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2012-02-13 17:48 ID:aETvQ0Lx [Del]

/jaw drops
/checks pants for shit

164 Name: Forte_Sigma!ljEVVXEJNE : 2012-02-13 17:57 ID:dieqRAOj [Del]

>>162 I dont personally like Obama but I dont think I can honestly say that even one person here could ever have a true aspect of what has been made better or worse because of him unless you are his litteral right hand man.


>>163 lol wut?

165 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2012-02-13 18:01 ID:aETvQ0Lx [Del]

You chimed in like the motherfucking hurricane. I applaud.

166 Name: Forte_Sigma!ljEVVXEJNE : 2012-02-13 18:22 ID:dieqRAOj [Del]

>>165 hahaha thanks Divine.

167 Name: CelticMaster !vMfB/HjmOc : 2012-02-13 21:00 ID:SPmOkYNl [Del]

just random throwing it out there, the iraq war was woodrow wilson's fault, and i even got a link to mostly prove it

168 Name: The Few : 2012-02-13 21:31 ID:gjzwgXIj [Del]

I'm anti Obama, but I feel he will win :/ it fixed at least to an existent :0

169 Name: kogarasumaru : 2012-02-14 00:12 ID:+UwQtd8E [Del]

oh no this topic!
its already clear that obama is just bush 2.0 version i think...

i'm just dont support him for next election if i became american

170 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-02-14 00:17 ID:LsYFmN53 [Del]

Its funny how parents can so greatly influence political decisions

171 Name: Ezry !mPczjqR4J6 : 2012-02-14 03:34 ID:SlNC9VHf [Del]

>>169 .... You're a dumbfuck.
>>168 And you're a dumbfuck.

I like Obama. The reasons why? Just read Ayanavi's posts. I like his confidence and I'm pleasantly impressed with my nation that no racist dumbfuck assassinated him.
Honestly? This issue is very black and white to me. I know, "Politics isn't that simple" but... this whole debate really is to me.
Also, to you promise-preaching fuckers:
He couldn't keep his fucking promises. Congress wouldn't let him.

172 Name: Unknown : 2012-02-14 03:58 ID:1ZLLIItA [Del]

thank you for summing up everything i wanted to say ^u^. I am glad to see that there are intelligent/funny people in the world.

173 Name: NaeBree !jAUXc1hruw : 2012-02-14 06:36 ID:ro0wEiRB [Del]

>>171 This. A million times, this.

All you mofos who say Obama is Hitler, and sucks, and yada yada yada yada, are, as >>171 stated it, dumbfucks.

First of all. Comparing our PRESIDENT to HITLER? Um. No. Has he killed over six million people yet based on their religeon? Unless im a major airhead and havent noticed anything in the news, he has not. He actually, to me, seem to be against killing; trying to get our troops back home. Speaking of that, dont you think thats good, that we have less people dying for no reason overseas for a fake war that Bush started?

Speaking of Bush. I have nothing against the guys, but he's a dumbfuck. He cant even give speaches correctly, and only seems to know, like, half of the English language. All Obama has been doing whilst in office is cleaning up the total bullshit Bush left when he left office.

And since that is all Obama is doing, of course he cant keep his promises! HEs busy trying to fix our country. And (Believe it or not) our president isnt the highest up on the political food chain. C'mon, i mean, the WTO can tell our president off. You really think all those big bad men in suits above our president are gonns let Obama walk right in and change our country for the better when all theyve been doing is trying to keep us financial slaves to the government, have no freedom (Virtually no freedom, anyway. Free speach is probably the only freedom we have, and that gets censored more than you think), and bullshit like that?

Obama WANTS to help. He just cant.

Youre all a bunch of dick loving, motherfucking, numbnuts.


174 Name: NaeBree !jAUXc1hruw : 2012-02-14 06:37 ID:ro0wEiRB [Del]

>>173 Sorry for the typos. Im dead tired and can barely see the keys.

175 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-02-14 06:48 ID:FuOqAz76 [Del]

>>174 i see abandoning us went well :p welcome back

176 Name: EtZA lA RoBA : 2012-02-14 07:44 ID:LsBg4WAF [Del]

>>161 agreed we should get other smart people in here

177 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2012-02-14 11:33 ID:aETvQ0Lx [Del]

IMO, we will invade Iran next, whether Obama is still President or not because I don't put blame on Bush or Obama, republican or democrats, for what has been happening. I blame the federal agenda. Obama is better spoken than Bush was, I agree, but that doesn't mean they aren't/weren't playing the exact same song just on different instruments.

178 Name: Starrk : 2012-02-14 15:56 ID:svABplpc [Del]

Even though Obama hasn't done a lot, I still want him to win again because the Republican candidates freak me out, they will make America a terrible place to live in.

179 Name: Kumo!NC09qbtR1Q : 2012-02-14 16:01 ID:AhUpJr3c [Del]

>>178 this is why i am voting 3rd party.

180 Name: Forte_Sigma!ljEVVXEJNE : 2012-02-14 16:16 ID:dieqRAOj [Del]

We still had fucktards comment on this shit?

Be lucky I am in a better mood today..

181 Name: NaeBree !jAUXc1hruw : 2012-02-14 16:23 ID:ro0wEiRB [Del]

>>175 XD Thanks.

182 Name: Blood : 2012-02-14 17:04 ID:8L9jZ4/a [Del]

fuck that barrack sucks he made this world worse so no he shouldn't

183 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2012-02-14 17:06 ID:pKo0U/md [Del]

Care to explain why?
Also you spelled Barack wrong, while it was right there in the thread name. ._.

184 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-02-14 17:12 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]

>>182 trolol?

185 Name: Ezry !mPczjqR4J6 : 2012-02-14 17:12 ID:SlNC9VHf [Del]

>>183 He was so obviously talking about the horrible state of our barracks. God, Yata, how did you not get that?
Terrible barracks are a widespread issue, don't you know?

186 Name: Spiderman : 2012-02-14 17:33 ID:dieqRAOj [Del]

>>182 Point in case.


187 Name: Forte_Sigma!ljEVVXEJNE : 2012-02-14 18:07 ID:dieqRAOj [Del]

>>186 SHIT.

188 Name: Kumo!NC09qbtR1Q : 2012-02-14 18:11 ID:2H+VLLJJ [Del]

>>187 oh noes. someone forgot to change their name back from a spidey thread. dont worry, this happens to me all the time.

189 Name: Forte_Sigma!ljEVVXEJNE : 2012-02-14 18:32 ID:dieqRAOj [Del]


190 Name: person : 2012-02-14 18:48 ID:d43thsKQ [Del]

Your a fucking racist

191 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-02-14 18:57 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]

>>190 and youre totally not hiding behind a random ass name to say whatever you feel like for no reason at all

192 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2012-02-14 20:42 ID:pKo0U/md [Del]

50+ people commented.

193 Name: Forte_Sigma!ljEVVXEJNE : 2012-02-14 21:06 ID:dieqRAOj [Del]

>>190 And you are fucking stupid.
So, In my all evens out.

194 Name: Blood : 2012-02-14 21:14 ID:8L9jZ4/a [Del]

u know what forget it this website sucks if people are going to be smart asses go ahead but please shut up

195 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-02-14 21:26 ID:0x7+wJkw [Del]

>>194 lemme think about it... nope! Kindly press alt+f4 n leave this site you hate so much

196 Name: Byakuro : 2012-02-14 21:47 ID:01kYzbZu [Del]

what lovely people. Gentlemen, there are two armies in the World Wide Web. There is Anonymous, and there is The Dollars. We would appreciate it if these two armies did not attempt to infiltrate one another as they are polar opposites of what each army represents in this world. So please, Anonymous, if you will, stay the fuck off our site! Thank you.

197 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2012-02-14 21:50 ID:pKo0U/md [Del]

-Whole post is bullshit
-Don't know where to start
-Won't bother

198 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-02-14 22:08 ID:0x7+wJkw [Del]

>>196 complete and totally noob who doesnt lnow what the hell theyre talking about, please do me a solid and shut up

199 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2012-02-15 08:05 ID:aETvQ0Lx [Del]

FUCK YEAH, KUMO! That is what I did last election and it is what I am doing again this time around.

It is becoming terrible because people think who the President is determines that instead of thinking that the Governors, Senators, Representatives, Supreme Court Judges, etc, determine the course of our country. Give a shit about ALL THE ELECTIONS and not just the presidential election.

"Your", so that means someone owns "a fucking racist". EXCUSE ME, DID ANYONE LOSE A FUCKING RACIST? THIS APPARENTLY BELONGS TO SOMEBODY!

Go ahead, but please shut up? Hello goodbye? Jumbo shrimp? Generally specific? Private public?

>implies either groups are armies
>implies there are only two
>implies infiltration only requires typing in a URL
>implies, implies, implies and implies

Guys... Nader... 'nuff said.

200 Name: BarabiSama : 2012-02-15 08:57 ID:AWBrsFlM [Del]

>implies we have any actual power
>is complete bullshit
... I'm not even going to bother.

>>199 ...I fucking love you.
That post was so much win.

201 Name: Kumo!NC09qbtR1Q : 2012-02-15 13:29 ID:AhUpJr3c [Del]

>>199 dunno fi you've read this already, because i've posted it in other places, but never got replies -_- but i plan on voting for this guy

because he's undeniably crazy, but it's craziness that really only adversely effects him, he's honest, and his heart is definitely in the right place.

202 Name: Kumo!NC09qbtR1Q : 2012-02-15 13:32 ID:AhUpJr3c [Del]

ooooh. this is his economic plan too. he just posted this recently, and i haven't gotten around to reading it yet. he mentions obama for a bit though, so i guess posting it wont be entirely detrimental to the thread

203 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2012-02-15 15:53 ID:aETvQ0Lx [Del]

>>201 >>202
Holy fuck.

204 Name: Kumo!NC09qbtR1Q : 2012-02-15 16:03 ID:AhUpJr3c [Del]

>>203 i read it. i read it all finally. holy shit dude. he's fucking nuts. but again, he's right

205 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-02-19 17:00 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]


206 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-02-19 17:02 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]


207 Name: Saru : 2012-02-19 23:01 ID:9w+L69aq [Del]

>>201 lol He insane! But yea he right XD. Lol I wonder if he going to be like. "Let do this" and congress be like "no." Then he like "...your opion doesnt matter.." and does it anyway XD. That would be epic.Lol some random rich dude"here some moneÿ" and him"Here my ass kiss it."XD lol Best canidate ever XD . Just because he nuts! xD

208 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-02-20 01:39 ID:HQEyLerj [Del]


209 Name: Forte_Sigma!ljEVVXEJNE : 2012-02-20 03:05 ID:dieqRAOj [Del]


Do you know correct grammar usage...?

210 Name: Komuro : 2012-02-20 04:11 ID:NSlvuNEe [Del]

>>207 Um... What?
I apologize but I couldn't understand a word you just said... At least I think those were words...

211 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-02-20 04:56 ID:Ljj67NY0 [Del]

>>207 teehee he is insane, but so right somehow! I wonder, how is he going to act when congress doesnt approve of something? Is he going to say "your opinion doesnt matter, i do what i want!" That would be amazingtastic. Hes kind of a big deal. Hes so crazy i cant believe it!
close enough.

212 Name: Saru : 2012-02-20 07:16 ID:9w+L69aq [Del]

>>209 I was not taught it was younger. Insed didn't have help from people that was suppost to help me. - My mom from that cause she had poor grammar too.
-Everyone else re-read it 2-5 times. If you still can't understand it. Then don't reply on it quoting and questioning it. You'll be wasting your time if you try.
>>211 Yea.. that was close enough . You get the idea of what i was getting at... Except I don't do the teehee crap. It suppose to be read outloud as it read. If people can't do that then they really have no hope of understanding and no I can belive it. xD I know some crazy mother fuckiers . As for the some random rich dude. That was a example. Another that little thought bubble suppost to show up and play that through and get some luagh's .
-ps I'm also working on my grammar as I type. I been told that it helps. So please don't discourage it and insed encourage. So that I may learn and pick up on it more.

213 Name: Saru : 2012-02-20 07:19 ID:9w+L69aq [Del]

>>212 Words* inbetween another and that. There probly more some where in there...But that the only one I was able to pick up on that I forgot.

214 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-02-20 13:14 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]


215 Name: Kumo!NC09qbtR1Q : 2012-02-20 14:19 ID:2H+VLLJJ [Del]

>>211 you forgot "when some rich dude tries to bribe him and say 'here's some money...' he'll say 'ok, here's my ass, kiss it'"

216 Name: Kumo!NC09qbtR1Q : 2012-02-20 14:24 ID:2H+VLLJJ [Del]

Also, i love the band he's in. they're pretty badass. His policies are pretty anti-Obama, well...anti-everyone really. and some of his economic policies, i feel, may infringe upon some rights we have in this country so i AM a bit weary of it, but i totally understand where he's coming from, so it's an easier pill to swallow

217 Name: Master-sama : 2012-02-20 14:26 ID:cEkGqOFa [Del]

PERSONALLY, I dont think people should gang up on him the way they do. I understand things havent changed much but it takes alot of work to be president. U need to be VERY patient and have LOTS of faith in the government, as both president and citizen...
Sadly, im not either...
just call this, advice from a hypocritical obama supporter...

218 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-02-20 18:16 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]

>>215 No i didnt, that was the "hes kind of a big deal" part.

219 Name: Kumo!NC09qbtR1Q : 2012-02-20 18:23 ID:2H+VLLJJ [Del]

>>218 it seemed like the intentions were different, IMO. your statement made it seem like he was a rich badass, but his made it seem like he just wasn't going to be corrupt or take bribes, at least that was my interpretation of it

220 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-02-20 18:37 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]

Well I had no intention of repeating the part I was substituting for.

221 Name: Kumo!NC09qbtR1Q : 2012-02-20 18:46 ID:2H+VLLJJ [Del]

>>220 well, then don't translate what people say and then have a part mean something totally different :V

222 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-02-20 19:03 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]

Hey they didnt complain

223 Name: Kumo!NC09qbtR1Q : 2012-02-20 19:08 ID:2H+VLLJJ [Del]

>>222 try explaining that away when you do it for something serious and not a random BBS comment.

224 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-02-20 19:19 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]

Why would i bother doing that? Im not smart enough to translate the serious stuff that people need to know about. I knew for a fact that it wasnt going to be perfect, so I decided to have a little fun with it. Youre the only one who has a problem with it as far as I can tell.

225 Name: Hero Meadows : 2012-02-20 19:45 ID:r+7KE6wi [Del]

I bought 9 Obama plates and I'm gonna shoot them

226 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-07-11 17:27 ID:n0LnGuab [Del]

Here. Maybe this thread is more fitting for the current... opinions which are spamming Main.

227 Name: Mr. Haze : 2012-07-11 17:33 ID:jyqvcFBz [Del]

Never liked him. I hate politics. But in all honesty, he's just a puppet. The scapegoat for Congress to pass all the blame onto.

228 Name: Alice : 2012-07-11 17:53 ID:1+hjvZxV [Del]


229 Name: HelloGoodbye : 2012-08-13 17:33 ID:XqtoJgsP [Del]

He is just terrible. Who would vote for him again?

230 Name: Colorless Energy !O1jzujos12 : 2012-08-13 18:33 ID:x6cybb88 [Del]

I wonder if people realize that it takes 4 years for really any of the President's policies to actually show any appreciable results, positive or negative at that. So with this now stated, I wonder how people feel about our previous President's policy's results and has this given you some food for thought about our current President?

231 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-08-13 19:00 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]

>>230 Nobody does, they expect immediate results.

232 Name: Black!BLACKFJv1Q : 2012-08-13 19:24 ID:J/gR8Cx/ [Del]

Bump because this is an actual discussion.

233 Name: Colorless Energy !O1jzujos12 : 2012-08-20 14:13 ID:x6cybb88 [Del]

>>231 Thus is the American way. I really wish that people didn't watch the news and take everything at face value. That being said, I give this challenge to all who see it: After watching something on TV about politics, medicine, or whatever else you see that has some importance in your life, do your own research and see if you can find anything that says something contrary. But make sure that what you find is A) not a personal opinion and B) has enough research behind it to back it up. Hopefully enough people will start to do this that it will reverse the declining state we (the US) are already in.

234 Name: Kaze !V/vi9gujn6 : 2012-08-20 23:47 ID:fj5AFQPc [Del]

In regards to that, did anybody really have any particular opposition to what Bush was doing as it was occurring? I'm sure that people were probably complaining then about Bush as much as people are doing so about Obama presently.

I think that people really need to sit back and think about what can be most beneficial to our country rather than what group that they reside in; in other words, who will deal the lesser amount of damage. Things need to get worse before they get better, and it's stupid that people don't even realize this.

I personally support Obama, but I think that nobody's really giving him a chance since many people are still against him simply because of the Republican/Democrat ratio, and there are more still among the populace who won't vote for him without concrete evidence that he's really been detrimental to the country. He'll receive my vote simply because all of the other candidates running for office will do an extremely poor job and are (what seems to me) letting their religion or whatever dictate what course the country should take.

235 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-10-02 23:19 ID:2Y8KwirF [Del]


236 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-10-02 23:37 ID:2Y8KwirF [Del]


237 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-10-06 15:28 ID:2TYDL2jR [Del]


238 Name: Kanra : 2012-10-06 16:09 ID:m9Q548Yc [Del]

What I find sad is that, as Kaze said, it's mostly because of the whole "Oh, my state is republican so I am gonna vote republican even if the guy running said he would destroy us." Like my government professor,.. She hates Obama just because he is a Democrat. I personally prefer Obama right now because he hasn't messed the country up more like Bush (jr) did. The country is in a state where one term won't show much effect. If he really were crappy as most say, then we would be in a worse situation. But we aren't.

Also, as stated in one of the first few replies, just because he is president doesn't mean he can just go "I want this" and it will happen. All he does is mostly represent the united states. If he wants something, he has to present it to the other two branches of government who also have to agree with what ever he wants. His word CAN and usually is overwritten O-o

Him: NOPE -Veto's-
Congress: LOOL U FUNNY -ignores the Veto-

.... Just putting that out there.

239 Name: lyia : 2012-10-06 16:30 ID:H8FKcMFn [Del]

Both candidates are run by banks. I recommend voting for Gary Johnson. There is more people running for president than 2,just the media only shows what they want.

240 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-10-06 16:38 ID:Mh3z1xB6 [Del]

>>239 No, the media shows what you pay for. It takes millions to run a campaign, just because of the advertisements alone.

241 Post deleted by user.

242 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-10-06 17:52 ID:A1rCgBeX [Del]

This thread looks familia-



It's this thread. Fun times.

243 Name: MashBio : 2012-10-06 19:43 ID:pAR6L7Ck [Del]

so no programmers? damn it. bye then.

244 Name: Kumo!NC09qbtR1Q : 2012-10-06 19:43 ID:2H+VLLJJ [Del]

>>242 Lol. CelticMaster. This thread IS old.

Seriously though, i hope to god that Romney doesn't win.

245 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-10-06 21:22 ID:2TYDL2jR [Del]

>>244 "And Kumo appears out of no where!" o-o

What hole did you climb out of?

246 Name: Satomi : 2012-10-07 03:07 ID:Bh/wwdVv [Del]

I think he's an awesome president! (The first president of color. One of the best historical moments ever.) I dont care what people say about him. everyone has their opinions, but they shouldnt be racist about it. as for who i want the new president to be, i hope he's president again. Not that I have anything against Romney, but come on! The man wants to kill Big Bird. :c he said it himself

247 Name: Serafin : 2012-10-07 07:08 ID:v06RKJfo [Del]

I, as an European, should not write something here, eh? I'll still do it, I don't think Obama does his job too well. BUT, and here comes the big but, choosing between him and Romney, Obama is the less evil.
Things that I think are bad regarding Romney's positions:
His Positions regarding Abortion, Felons should not be allowed to vote, keeping the death penalty (though Obama wants that to), the LBGT positions, and the Occupy Protests
I am from Germany, we have many different Parties but you could probably say, there are 6 bigger ones. On the other hand, I may be wrong, but aren't there only 2 really big parties over there at you place? Please answer!

248 Name: Zeckarias !LoWvdc0uhQ : 2012-10-07 09:42 ID:gg0/+S6+ [Del]

>>247 Yes, we are majorly bipartisan, and for someone outside the US you have a very decent understanding of our political opponents. I'm personally an anti-partisan, because as you stated both candidates are pretty bad so we've been stuck to choose the lesser of two evils.

But there ARE better people out there. I believe the two-party regime just locks a lot of them out of the public eye.

249 Name: Random Person : 2012-10-07 16:16 ID:vjDOXzDv [Del]

Romney would destroy America,its not hard to see that, overall politics are stupid and the government is even more stupid

250 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-10-07 17:36 ID:adb+iBgQ [Del]

Both parties over all would fuck everything up.

251 Name: Black!BLACKFJv1Q : 2012-10-07 18:20 ID:J/gR8Cx/ [Del]


252 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-10-07 18:22 ID:A1rCgBeX [Del]


People outside of America have a better view of America's political situation because they are outside of America, and thus aren't tied into any kind of "Republican!" "Democrat!" bias.

Which is why a lot of people will generally look to, say, British news articles for their opinions on our current elections.

253 Name: nigga : 2012-10-07 18:23 ID:avcCkuWl [Del]


254 Name: snake eyes : 2012-10-07 18:34 ID:NHLanFk+ [Del]

i personally have no opinion about this crap sooo yeah, unless he does something REALLY stupid i dont care

255 Name: mimi!ns54jtE.gk : 2012-10-07 19:59 ID:M2Ty1FMm [Del]

hmmm.. id say comparing to the early presidents, obama isnt the greatest, but the problems hes dealing with are generic compared to what our first presidents had to deal with. but if i could vote, and no i cant but i have been paying attention because the choices will affect me and my family, id choose obama. no offense to romney, but he's ignorant about whats best for the common man, and that would be ok if the majority of us were loaded. im not saying he's a bad guy, but making a rich guy like him president is like putting a poor person in a fancy restaurant with five different forks and spoons. its just over their head. still.. choosing a president is like choosing between a rock and a hard place.

256 Name: Mrs.Masomi : 2012-10-07 20:02 ID:pWVu3wT2 [Del]

Barack is helping... he did better than Bush all Bush did was start two wars one was nessacary but going to Iraq was stupid and I really don't like how Rommney keeps switching his views

257 Name: mimi!ns54jtE.gk : 2012-10-07 20:04 ID:M2Ty1FMm [Del]

>>256 thruth

258 Name: CeltysCat : 2012-10-08 18:18 ID:KtEDQkMH [Del]

Romeny believes that airplanes should have windows....nuff said.

259 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-10-08 18:32 ID:KxTWgPYX [Del]

>>258 Airplanes do have windows.

260 Name: the lost : 2012-10-08 19:08 ID:Wmaea0em [Del]

well if you look at it eather will screw america over al put my vote to who could convince me because at this point i wont vote

261 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-10-08 19:40 ID:KxTWgPYX [Del]


262 Name: Anonymous : 2013-05-20 07:43 ID:fAIxLhiK [Del]

bumping up good threads

263 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-08-17 16:59 ID:OPjnOxty [Del]


264 Name: Cozy : 2013-08-17 21:16 ID:rudUkf5s [Del]

Really good idea bumping this after the recent "scandal" with the NSA, and all those other internet censoring bills (can't recall the names off the top of my head).
My opinion of President Obama has really declined in the years I've known him, although that's how it seems with all politicians nowadays. They start out being Mr. I-can-do-anything-so-please-vote-for-me. Then it switches to "I'll do what I can if Congress let's me!", then again it changes to "Okay Congress, do whatever". It seems like he's giving up on what he believed in because of how Washington and our whole government operates.
There was a video I saw of him now vs. him as a candidate and it was pretty powerful, showed how he basically lost his vigor once being in office all this time.
Personally, I don't see how anybody can see it acceptable to spy on it's own citizens for some ridiculous reason like "freedom" or "defeating the terrorists".

265 Name: Xeno : 2013-08-17 21:38 ID:DpIq4V9q [Del]


266 Name: Kazu : 2013-08-17 23:02 ID:Q0E0t0FA [Del]

You all don't understand. Know what? Look at Australian Politics, and leaders, then look at Obama. Obama is amazing compared the scum we have in Australia. They spend more time putting shit on each others parties then they do actually trying to fix problems or bring about change. None of them can answer questions on the spot, everything need to be completely pre scripted. What Obama has accomplished in his time as president was quite a feat in comparison to what the last 3 prime ministers accomplished in Australia. I guess I wouldn't know exactly how he is, but seriously from what I've seen it couldn't be worse then what we have here haha.

Not to mention that the US is a very large machine, Economically and politicly. I do not blame him for taking vacations, you would NEED vacations. Don't get me wrong, im aware of bush's "40% of the time he was president he was on vacation" but Obama is getting shit done, its progress, while it may be slow it is moving forward.

267 Name: lucid : 2013-08-17 23:25 ID:GeTQdu88 [Del]

As a privacy freak, I don't think there's something else that could turn me off than him defending the unpermitted global surveillance. Sure, he has dreams for the american people and goals of bettering the the country but to do it and ignore/violate human rights is a different thing. He's a smart man, I'm not going to deny it, but the NSA scandal is just a deal breaker.

268 Name: K4atarax : 2013-08-18 11:31 ID:2kAOLrJj [Del]

Obama has made these new drones, they follow and track people if needed to. Now the government can hack into any phone calls that have key words. It's major invasion of privacy.

269 Post deleted by user.

270 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-09-02 21:34 ID:OPjnOxty [Del]

I'll just bump this up so HAM can shit on Obama in the appropriate thread \o\

271 Name: M : 2013-09-02 21:55 ID:n97oAcpy [Del]

In his first term, he was a fantastic president. Now, he is faced in a deadlock with more controversial issues such as Syria, privacy, and gun control. I give him a hand for having the courage to face that as a president. Overall, he's the best president I've seen so far in my lifetime.

272 Name: dogrl101 : 2013-09-02 23:08 ID:gyMPqEe/ [Del]

Honestly, in my opinion, Mr. Obama is THE BEST president I have EVER seen. I am not joking. I love how he actually tries to get to know the real people in this country, not just 'sit back' and make laws like all the rest. he and his family have appeared as guests on multiple TV shows, have impacted the music scene, and have broght equality and rights to many, many innocent, suppressed people in our country. (specifically LGBT ppl, but thats not all) I love how Mrs. Obama is seen on magazine covers and TV commercials, how the USA was informed about their new puppy, and how positive the Obamas seem to be. Obamacare has given financially distraught individuals the healthcare they so desperately need, and has helped young people everywhere with having safer sex and practicing birth control. (Yes, I am pro planned parenthood. Afterall, everybody has a right to their own body!!!) Not to mention... The equality and finally some rights given to all of us poor people born gay, lesbian, bi or transgender. (I am lesbian btw, questioning trans myself.) I tell you, people, being gay and feeling a romantic attraction towards someone you admire IS NATURAL. It is NOT a choice, and I can say that I know 1st hand, because I am lesbian. I love women, always have. I remember crushing on a girl in 1st grade, then wondering if I was even human when everyone else seemed to like ppl of the opposite sex. I was told that LGBT ppl were somehow 'bad', then going in my room and crying about it because I thought god was gonna kill me for falling in love. I remember how hurt I was when they told me I could NEVER love a woman, that I wouldn't be able to get married. I self harmed.

Then, I became an alcoholic. I snuffed spray paint, too, trying to kill the pain of my relaity. None of it worked. So now, I am broken, yet still lesbian. I have no choice but to be proud of who I am and how I was born.

If you still think that being gay is 'unnatural', maybe u should go outside and look at the breeding behaviours around you. -_- Yep. Homosexuality can be found in nature, too. :)

273 Name: dogrl101 : 2013-09-02 23:09 ID:gyMPqEe/ [Del]

In my opinion, I certainly do hope that he gets re-elected president!!! :D

Hope u enjoyed my long post lol :p

274 Name: Sloshy : 2013-09-03 07:50 ID:k4W5pRSR [Del]

He's not the best president ever, but he's certainly better than the other candidates. I don't think he deserves all the criticism he's getting. It seems people don't realize that the president doesn't do everything, and that there's a whole Congress he has to go through in order to make laws. It's the Congress that's the problem, not the president.

275 Name: grim : 2013-09-03 10:06 ID:yi4JpJ5/ [Del]

he can't be the press for a third time hats how george did and america has followd so far

276 Name: Agorain : 2013-09-03 11:08 ID:uUiSduAi [Del]

He won't be re-elected if there is a God.

277 Name: anubis!AnUBiS6/LQ : 2013-09-03 11:32 ID:WGATImFH [Del]

>>275>>276 The whole "should he be reelected?" debate is kind of null and void at this point. He's already been elected twice and the 22nd amendment capped presidential terms at 2. The question about reelection was from last year before he was reelected.

>>275 Please learn to English. And if you think it's impossible to be elected more than 2 times because of George Washington, then I suggest you go look up Franklin Roosevelt. (elected 4 times, beat that)

>>276 I don't think God has anything to do with the presidential election...

Yeah, he's not the best president ever, but he's definitely not the worst. He got dealt a shit hand to start with. He probably could have done more, but just because he could do more, doesn't mean we should ignore every good thing he has done.

278 Name: Aeterna!HERESYxWhE : 2013-09-03 12:05 ID://EfcdjK [Del]

Let's go through some of those, shall we?

1. Voluntary disclosure of White House visitors for the first time in US history

Public telling EVERYONE that you were at the White House, including giving your full name and the day you were there

So really, just allowing the entire world to creep on you just a little bit more.

2. Appointed first Latina to the US Supreme Court

As long as we keep on saying shit like this, racial relations are never going to go far. In order to proceed with them, we need to STOP MAKING SUCH A BIG FUCKING DEAL ABOUT SKIN COLOR.

3. Promoted social responsibility through creation of, a national database of volunteer opportunities

He approved of a database for databases for volunteers. Way to fucking go, making it look like you did something, which was actually nothing.

4. Reversed 'global gag rule', allowing US aid to go to organizations regardless of whether they provide abortions

This one is a bit more tricky, but basically saying that it doesn't matter if they do abortions, we'll help them out anyways. You know, he's just approving basic kindness. And gaining credit for saying that the US is going to be kind.

Because he totally needs to say that being kind is a government mandate.

5. Signed the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act, giving the FDA the authority to regulate the manufacturing, marketing, and sale of tobacco for the first time

The government now has some more control over the tobacco industry. So now they can say that smoking is bad for you and can do something about it. OH WAIT, they've been doing that for years.

6. Signed New START Treaty - nuclear arms reduction pact with Russia

Last time I checked, the Cold War has been over for a number of years. And 'reducing' means nothing if you make more. And they have a massive time limit: 7 years. So Obama is making future presidents do something, then taking credit.

Why is he such a great president again?

7. First president to endorse same-sex marriage equality

Last time I checked, marriage is inherently a religious institution. And while the government did ban same-sex marriage, it was left to THE COURTS to do anything about, not the Executive branch. So he can endorse it all he wants, that's his opinion.

Dear god people, stop trying to deify your leaders.

8. Reversed the policy of barring media coverage during the return of fallen soldiers to Dover Air Force Base

This... No. This is meant to be a thing for the families of these soldiers, to pull the media away from them. The media is on the side of RATINGS, not the side of the people. By allowing the media in...

Let me put it this way. I'm a military brat. I've been to a ceremony where the bodies of fallen soldiers were returned. It was a solemn thing, one that shouldn't be disrespected by broadcasting it everywhere. The media twists messages in whatever way it wants; not just the Liberals, but the Conservatives too. Those who have given their lives shouldn't have their memories disgraced like this.

9. Issued executive order to close the prison at Guantanamo Bay

Why? What valid reason was given? He said 'moral high ground', but this is also the president that legalized CIA assassinations. Moral high ground, my ass. Besides, where did the prisoners even go? Oh, right, he never said. All he said was that the task force responsible for Guantanamo would give him suggestions.

10. Universal Healthcare, aka Obama-care

The reason I can't get a full time job, along with thousands of other people. Congrats, Mr. President. I need money to pay off student loans, but I can't get it. Thank you.

I think that's enough for now. I'm hungry and thirsty.

279 Name: Aeterna!HERESYxWhE : 2013-09-03 12:08 ID://EfcdjK [Del]

Actually, now that I think about it, I want to go to the White house and put my name down as 'The Inquisition of Mankind', just so everyone knows that I was there.

That would be hilarious.

280 Name: ? : 2013-09-03 14:59 ID:VI7mZ+au [Del]

Honestly, I don't think he was a good or bad president, just an o.k. figurehead ( as most presidents are IMO). It's unfortunate congress really has the control as in some situations a president can be blamed or credited for decisions. But what do I know, I'm just a young un-registered voter.

281 Name: Malina : 2014-02-17 15:31 ID:IFQCKcQn [Del]

I don't know a lot about politics, all I know is that Obama gets a lot of hate. Maybe it's just where I live, but it seems to be all over the place. I don't agree with some of his statements such as abortion and birth control, and I don't fully agree with Obama-care. However, I do believe that he is truly trying to help our country. If he didn't want to truly make a difference he wouldn't have run for presidency two years in a row, and wouldn't have put the pressure on himself to try his hardest. Beneath his power is a normal guy with a wife and two daughters, and he genuinely seems nice. He has his beliefs and I have mine, but I can't hate him. I feel bad for the guy, and his family to withstand all the people who say bad things about his, because they don't know what he goes though. Many of the haters also don't even know about politics, they just go with the crowd

282 Name: exia : 2014-02-17 15:35 ID:fsOv2v0Q [Del]

did u here that drones will be flying around capturing video and audio and nj is gonna be the first state to be tested on

283 Name: % : 2014-05-14 22:32 ID:CWazAQpx [Del]

>>44 Your stupidity pains me and makes me crack up at the same time. The United States's military is so bloody large, down-sizing it would save the U.S. millions. And guess what, the U.S. will still be spending more money cleaning the rust off the tanks than the whole Canadian's military combined.
So, please, please become more educated, because people who choose to be uneducated are some of the lowest of the low, in my opinion.
Oh, and I have an (informal) IQ of over 140.

284 Name: Youssef : 2014-05-15 04:16 ID:3N5Oyd6t [Del]

well i hatehim because he is on of many reasons my country is suffering from terrorist......three of my friends have died because of it.......he poke his big nose into our own problems and he keep saying that he will attack us.......sorry for my poor english but i don't know english very well :)

285 Name: Ryou Misaki : 2014-05-15 05:17 ID:mHn25Q2p [Del]

He's.... not bad, i guess.

286 Name: Neko-tama!EQ2c47V0Ps : 2014-05-15 18:26 ID:EJsZK8uw [Del]


287 Name: Neko-tama!EQ2c47V0Ps : 2014-05-16 20:39 ID:8rd8Pr36 [Del]


288 Name: eye's : 2014-05-16 21:02 ID:HrDQgmbD [Del]

I don't hate him, but I don't think he is the greatest. He should have worked harder on creating a better healthcare bill, but the politics of are country are so corrupt (with money) and no one will do any thing to change it.

289 Name: HeartBeakKnight(hancock) : 2014-05-16 23:09 ID:LNgqqV4K [Del]

When I see the president, I only see a desperate man. In his presidency he had to do things that cost people their lives and civil liberties. I used to hate him for it, but Ive got nothing to gain from hating my enemies. I wish we where friends.

290 Name: Chreggome : 2014-05-17 07:15 ID:+x7Y5gNm [Del]

I don't care for him, I haven't cared for any of the Israeli puppet presidents since the Clinton days.
And I only cared about Clinton because I think he got a bad rap for something that wasn't that bad.

Obama has been responsible for many deaths and running this country more into the ground, but he will be remembered as a landmark in our country because he was "black."

I wish the Jews would just let us run our own country. :/

291 Post deleted by user.

292 Name: Suli Hyuga !CLCPVwPYnM : 2014-05-17 07:32 ID:Prjoka/C [Del]

Obama is just the handsome face of an ugly empire.

293 Post deleted by user.

294 Name: Baron : 2014-05-17 10:12 ID:kQrYiEyY [Del]

I don't appreciate that law of his to force healthcare on us, and his religion is all but half-hearted. However, studies have shown that power can change a person, whether he is white, Asian, black, or even half-black. And even if we dislike him as a person, we have to respect his position as president.

295 Name: Chreggome : 2014-05-17 10:22 ID:arMAe/K1 [Del]

>>294 that last sentence makes me rage.

296 Name: TokumeiNeko !RHpu6etjNI : 2014-05-17 14:01 ID:RB8/wl9V [Del]

I am not a political person by far, and for many reasons as stated in previous comments by others, Obama is certainly not a great president in my eyes. But going deeper my personal opinion is that he does not have much say in the big picture. Yes, he is the president, but the Congress and separate parts of the Government hide many things from us and maybe even him as well. They are making the big decisions and swaying his. But obviously Obama is not against the horrible things being created here, like HAARP & God knows what else is being made. These are the creations destroying us. I am very much disgusted by this, and wish they would be stopped. Therefor anyone related to the Government is corrupted when it comes to the deeper sense of things. I do not like him.

Again, merely my personal opinion.

297 Name: UHC : 2014-05-17 21:10 ID:CWazAQpx [Del]

I don't understand why everyone has a problem with "forcing healthcare onto us". Number one, the HoR wouldn't even let it pass. Stop complaining for emu's sake. Two, even if he was, the U.S. would become more like Europe, who surpasses the U.S. in their healthcare and quality of life. I support universal healthcare, and ObamaCare (a.k.a. affordable healthcare plan) would take us one step closer to it.

298 Name: eye's : 2014-05-18 09:25 ID:HrDQgmbD [Del]

i agree with UHC

299 Post deleted by user.

300 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-06-23 14:46 ID:Kir0HaS5 [Del]


301 Name: MaskSalesman : 2014-06-26 16:30 ID:J6qKLVzo [Del]


302 Name: Voya : 2014-06-26 17:35 ID:VekU50b7 [Del]


303 Name: Orihime : 2014-06-26 17:42 ID:AP1lSDOp [Del]

I've never liked him and never will. Ever since he got into office, everything's been messed up in America.

304 Name: Javed Cygnus : 2014-06-26 20:13 ID:5C7hiag8 [Del]

He has made it impossible for people in certain situations like mine to find jobs. I am certain no one likes him anymore.

305 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-06-26 20:14 ID:A/oxZ24M [Del]

Debating on this thread usually ends badly, but lemme just say this-

>>303 LOL
>implying it wasn't messed up before then

306 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-06-26 20:15 ID:A/oxZ24M [Del]

>>304 What situation is that?

307 Name: Doug !WAdchFoEJk!!XI8GEi6V : 2014-06-26 20:58 ID:CNuoMYC/ [Del]

Economy was bad before obama came here.
It got worse because it was already on the downhill slope.
dear old bama had to stop the drill before he could put the dirt back in.
Took a long time to stop the drill.
Lingered on it a little.
Good news is, the drill is slowing to a stop.

308 Name: SourDezzel : 2014-06-26 21:20 ID:Pu1m3Yv8 [Del]

in my eyes he is trying to do good but these right wingers have to much power and our just holding us back, taking away voting rights, trying to make this a christian nation, making the rich richer and screwing over the working people, there policies have failed time and time again and i just dont know why people still back these crazy right wingers

309 Name: SourDezzel : 2014-06-26 21:20 ID:Pu1m3Yv8 [Del]

in my eyes he is trying to do good but these right wingers have to much power and our just holding us back, taking away voting rights, trying to make this a christian nation, making the rich richer and screwing over the working people, there policies have failed time and time again and i just dont know why people still back these crazy right wingers

310 Name: Thiamor !ZPE1Q6VxaY : 2014-06-26 21:20 ID:3RWb33J6 [Del]

Even more people hate Obama now than when he was first elected. He even lost a lot of the over all supporters he had over the years.

311 Name: SourDezzel : 2014-06-26 21:21 ID:Pu1m3Yv8 [Del]

why does it always post 2 of my replies, slow ass PC lol

312 Name: Doug !WAdchFoEJk!!XI8GEi6V : 2014-06-26 21:59 ID:CNuoMYC/ [Del]

>>310 That's because he focused his efforts in the wrong area. Good willed his intentions may have been, he went against the popular opinion. I personally have no hate against the man. And regardless of opinion on his decisions, he's done a good job given the circumstances. Though, in the end no one should judge a president while he is in term, because everyone is caught within their own biases during a time of conflict. Though, lets hope the next president can keep this upward spiral moving.

313 Name: Gsprfdude : 2014-06-26 23:06 ID:PfOh4axg [Del]

I don't really hate Obama on a personal level, I dislike a lot of the decisions he has made, and I think that his previous term should have been enough.

314 Name: SourDezzel : 2014-06-27 02:06 ID:Pu1m3Yv8 [Del]

ya just nothing really is going to change till we get these hard core right wingers out of office that are passing these bills that our destroying our country, until than, we are fucked

315 Name: Den : 2014-06-27 03:27 ID:6NLcC4e4 [Del]

I think that most of presidents make the same. Promises, promises... And nothing after!

316 Name: Doug !WAdchFoEJk!!XI8GEi6V : 2014-06-27 14:49 ID:CNuoMYC/ [Del]

>>315 That's because the presidential election is just a popularity contest. The president is making decisions based off of what the populace wants for them, instead of what is actually needed. No matter how much we tried to hide it, the only way we can make a complete turn around for future generations is to sacrifice our privileges now. Lower the pay checks, get money flowing again,and shut down our monopolies and big business chains. Start generating capital and stop importing more than we export. No president, however, will ever run a campaign with that, because it will never earn them votes. Even if it is 100% sound, and proven the work. If Americans have to give up the slightest bit of comfort, they'll opt for the guy promising to solve all our problems with no pain involved. Then hate him when it turns out he can't do it.

317 Name: Gragertin : 2014-06-27 20:22 ID:Tp+/7oPN [Del]

>>316 Although, as much of an example as America hates this to be, Hitler made short term promises that seemed illogical to be done in the time, infact his opponent actually stated that he would do his best to fix things in the opposite method, taking time and that the country would have to help, not just promises, of course, Germany chose the easy fix vote [This is all before he discovered the Nazi party] and, Hitler actually succeeded in all his promises, fixing the debt and economy, making Germany a "great" country again, and so forth

318 Name: Doug !WAdchFoEJk!!XI8GEi6V : 2014-06-27 20:33 ID:CNuoMYC/ [Del]

>>317 But Hitler wasn't held back by the same political system the president is. It was a dictatorship. He had full control to do what he wanted. The u.s is kept within a checks and balances system of government, where in fact the senate, house, and supreme court have more power than the president actually does. So unless everyone in all 3 of those bodies agrees, we're stuck hoping for the long haul.
Those yes, indeed you're right, the problem though is Hitler could have easily said "screw Germany" because he had all the power. If Hitler tried to do the same thing again (assuming we didn't know it was hitler) using thee same tactics he did in modern Germany, it would fail because of Germany's current body of government.