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Is being a Dollar influencing your future? (151)

1 Name: MKOLLER !YYk5m0jo12 : 2012-02-06 01:03 ID:Ll4mtHNI [Del]

So, at this point I've been in college for a term and a half; roughly 20 weeks. I've had the opportunity to "hit the ground running" in my major, being part of the American Society of Civil Engineers Steel Bridge Design Team Project. I've talked to plenty of fellow students, as well as faculty, and I have to say I've enjoyed my experiences thus far in the Civil Engineering major.

However, I'm not sure if Civil Engineering is the right fit for me, and I attribute the Dollars to this. I've been getting more involved, trying to incorporate as many missions as I can into the environment around me. I feel like being in the Dollars, I have greater potential to make a difference in the world. But how I make this difference is the real question.

As a civil engineer, I would be working in either transporation or water resources when I graduate. Water resources has been a major point I try to make when I post missions, because the world's water supply is now being put into question. As a civil engineer, I would have the privilege and responsibility of devising systems to combat drought.

But as much as I feel I have the potential to do so, I'm not sure if I'm making a trade off against something better. In this case, I'm unsure if I want to trade majors, and move on to Geomatics. To put it simply, if I do geomatics, I would essentially be a cartographer; a map maker, if you will.

One can argue that I lose the authority to devise those water systems (you have to pass the Fundamentals of Engineering exam for licensure), but what I've heard through correspondence with fellow Dollars tells me that we all have similar ideas; organizing our skills is the main problem. As a cartographer using GIS, I could help solve the problem of connecting members and resources across the country. The Dollars is going to get bigger, and it will need information brokers, so to speak, to accommodate. Plus, I'll be taking physics either way.

Or maybe I'm just looking too far into this. Maybe it doesn't matter what I do, and the chips are preset to fall anyway. Still, this is a big decision I'm making. For me, I'm going to continue on the engineering path for the rest of the year, and then I'll make my decision to change majors or not.

And what of you all? Is being a member of the Dollars changing you too?

2 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-02-06 01:24 ID:rAW4xIwJ [Del]

Not really. No.

I'm still doing what I would be doing even if I wasn't a part of this.

To further explain what I'm talking about, I was part (and still am), of a group you all may have heard of. Project Anononia. AKA 'The Freadstead Project'. We changed names to get farther way from Anonymous, or 4chan, if you will. As it'd make us look bad.

It's a group, whose goals are to get together, and better ourselves by making our own community in a place that follows under the rule where your community creates their own laws. My goal was to help those people accomplish that goal in a much faster yet easier, organized fashion.

If I wasn't here, I'd be there more. If I wasn't there, I'd be somewhere else, helping others. No matter what, I'd still be doing what I'm doing. Even if it sounds a bit rude, and crude.

3 Name: MKOLLER !YYk5m0jo12 : 2012-02-06 01:49 ID:Ll4mtHNI [Del]

No, it's not crude. It kind of makes sense. If I wasn't in the Dollars, I'd probably find something similar in my life. So I see your point.

4 Name: Lelouch : 2012-02-06 01:53 ID:2QAEFMTq [Del]

For me nopt really cuz if u have problems u can ask us and be ur friend by ur side remember it

5 Name: Lentia : 2012-02-06 02:25 ID:xjC3Mrdx [Del]

It's just fun to meet other dollars

6 Name: Takara!E7th54kZFw!!XI8GEi6V : 2012-02-06 02:51 ID:GT9vSQ42 [Del]

I feel like the Dollars could be influencing my future, given that I seem to be spending more time here than I do studying for the upcoming tests this year.

As soon as I open the browser, I open the Dollars site. I usually leave the tab open while I do other things, or if I'm really bored, or don't feel like studying, then I'll stay on Random and refresh the page until somebody says something that I feel is worth making fun of.

7 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-02-06 03:07 ID:ZXqB3UJJ [Del]

I... Really want to comment on this thread with something meaningful. Its the first thread in a while I've seen that feels like it has a lot of potential for discussion and conversation in.

But I can't think of anything.

In response to your query though, MKOLLER; I'd advise to just hold true to your calling. Don't think about Dollars when choosing the course of your life, if you truly believe one course suits you more than the others.

No matter what you become, what anyone here becomes, they will have their own unique ways of contributing what they want to, and what they can do.

Organization helps us, but first and foremost we are a collaboration of individuals. The things we do, we do because we just so happen to be able to and want to do them - Not because we altered ourselves specifically to facilitate the means to accomplishing a project.

8 Name: reilyx !.18ItdoukM : 2012-02-06 12:23 ID:AhwDp8zF [Del]

Man, this hadn't crossed my mind before.

I guess this place has changed me quite a bit in the (seemingly) lengthy couple of weeks I have been here. A few months ago I had a really amazing revelation, and it completely changed my outlook on life. It made me a different human being than what I used to be.

That said, it also turned me into something inhumanly selfish. Every part of that revelation was directed towards my own future, and nothing else. It was all there just so that I could get direction in my life. It gave me goals, but an almost sociopathic nature to reach them. It never really crossed my mind that reaching these ends, and the plans I have to do so, would harm some of the people around me. It's something great in my mind, and I wish more people could see it... But it's also the most selfish thing I've ever seen.

But this site has been helping me stray from that, little by little. I've put myself out here to help other people, to try and improve something other than myself. I now know what I intend to do with my life, aside from pushing myself forward.

I have no other group. This is my group. My career choice is a lonesome one. Both of them are, actually. And they are both "every man for himself" careers. This place is keeping me from being one of the many self-centered asses of our world.

It's good to know that my life won't be wasted away on solitude.

9 Name: Thiamor : 2012-02-06 12:48 ID:zz0wq72P [Del]

The only thing influencing my future is random bouts of horny-ness and a burning passion for justice

10 Name: Izaya : 2012-02-06 13:25 ID:RMxIVbGn [Del]

For me it has kind of helped. Like the "make someone smile" missions has helped me talk to people I would never have talked to.

11 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-02-06 13:47 ID:rAW4xIwJ [Del]

Fake-me is back. Welcome, Fake-me.

12 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-02-06 15:01 ID:ZXqB3UJJ [Del]

All things considered Thiamor, apparently the fake-you isn't that bad.

I never got a quality doppleganger, so I'm jealous.

13 Name: Ayanavi's Doppelganger : 2012-02-06 15:10 ID:7xe/WNBG [Del]

>>12 I believe it's "doppelgänger", but I think there are variations of it.

I can try my best, but I can't say your expectations will be met. I'm not sure what qualifies as a 'quality doppleganger'.

14 Name: reilyx !.18ItdoukM : 2012-02-06 15:11 ID:AhwDp8zF [Del]

>>13 Totally off-topic, but very amusing :P

15 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-02-06 15:12 ID:3aV3by+B [Del]

Right, back on topic.

I can't say whether or not the Dollars has affected my life at all, because I don't know what my life would have been like if I didn't join it. I'm just kind of bad at that sort of spatial (temporal?) thinking. If I joined, maybe I would give less fucks about philanthropy? Maybe I wouldn't have met anyone that I did here? Maybe I wouldn't have been as up to date on current events? Perhaps that void would have been filled with other activities, be they more productive or less productive (but most likely the latter).

But I can't say for sure.

My opinion as far as "nature vs. nurture" goes falls on an ambiguous in-between point that makes it hard to say whether or not my demeanor decides my actions, or if it's my actions themselves that decides my demeanor. What I can conclude are only the things that came as a direct result of joining the site: becoming more aware of world events, charity organizations, etc.; witnessing and coping with the good and bad parts of any online community, from the weeaboos to the srs bsns members; making acquaintances with people I consider just as close as anyone I would know in person, if not more.

It definitely wasn't a bad thing, joining in.

16 Name: Kumo!NC09qbtR1Q : 2012-02-06 15:53 ID:AhUpJr3c [Del]

>>15 let me shorten that up for you.

TL;DR I can't say for sure if joining has effected me at all, but i don't think it was a bad idea.

17 Name: Mael !DoMiNUIT9I : 2012-02-06 15:57 ID:g43ZPn4q [Del]

>>16 Oh, thanks for that Kumo.

18 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-02-06 15:58 ID:3aV3by+B [Del]

>>16 Much appreciated.

If this was merely a survey I would've just said that one line, but it asked for personal opinions >:|

19 Name: 666 : 2012-02-06 17:47 ID:g0XipToH [Del]

All it did was make me see things differently and I'm 10x's nicer then I was before,I was nice before but just joining made me more nicer.

20 Name: ChibiSali !qopMHGlus2 : 2012-02-06 18:33 ID:yHsD8XY0 [Del]

I've only really been a part of the Dollars for a bit over a month, so I'm not sure if my lack of time and experience here would make my opinion invalid.

I will say this; the Dollars have helped me in one major way. If I had never come onto this website and joined a community such as this, I probably would still believe there is no hope for the future of the world. I am an extremely pessimistic person and while the small spouts of stupidity from the ignorant or the trolls on this website make my hope waver, the way that people do seem to gather together with good intentions to help someone or many in need is amazing in my eyes, even if it is something as small and seemingly insignificant as making people smile.

I can’t really say if the Dollars have made much of an impact on my life past that. I am definitely more well-informed on what is going on in the world around me because of this website and I’ve begun to divert my thoughts away from just my life and began thinking about how to help out others.

I’ll admit that I’m a bit of a lurker. Seeing how people are a bit close online makes me feel like a bit of an outsider but I’ve never met a friendlier or well spoken (Would that be the correct phrase?) crowd. I’m so used to being around illiterates and ignorant people on a day to day basis that coming here and reading the well thought out opinions that people actually put some effort into typing out is like a breath of fresh air. That seems odd, huh?

Over all, I think that the Dollars have influenced me positively.

21 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2012-02-07 17:10 ID:AVbg83w2 [Del]

bumping permasaged threads off main

22 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2012-02-08 09:15 ID:AVbg83w2 [Del]

bump for order

23 Name: Forte_Sigma!ljEVVXEJNE : 2012-02-08 14:50 ID:dieqRAOj [Del]

Bump for more opinions

24 Name: reilyx !.18ItdoukM : 2012-02-08 17:34 ID:AhwDp8zF [Del]

Bump because reasons

25 Name: izIya : 2012-02-08 19:29 ID:WBt7F79W [Del]

Not to be mean or a troll but the dollars shouldn't influence a personal decision like a career choice. I love the fact that you want to help people but this tyoe of decision should be about what you want, not a dollars mission.

26 Name: Lt. Dodger : 2012-02-08 20:20 ID:bh7TDiFZ [Del]

Lol, no?

27 Name: 666 : 2012-02-09 06:03 ID:g0XipToH [Del]

>>25 I agree.

28 Name: EtZA lA RoBA : 2012-02-09 07:46 ID:LsBg4WAF [Del]

its just a site on a computer and none of us ever do missions so it shouldnt affect anything in your life

29 Name: Panzerjager : 2012-02-09 08:07 ID:jFeb4SiU [Del]

No... But as a group, you can feel free to express yourself, and hopefully enough, which will make you better... ^_^

30 Name: Krim : 2012-02-09 11:29 ID:ROhDXB7a [Del]

The Dollars exist to make the world a better place... Im sure u could incorporate tht mission into watever u do with ur life. Just remember, The World Isn't as Bad as You Think & u will be fine. ^_^

31 Name: Maka : 2012-02-09 11:32 ID:N93GEZf+ [Del]

So, I've had the password to Dollars for a while, but I haven't really touched it since then. I wasn't really expicting it to do anything, but I'm happy to say that my oppinion has changed! So, I think this DOES make you a better person, wanting to help others & finding a way to do it, this would be my way.

32 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-02-09 12:21 ID:rAW4xIwJ [Del]


Who gives you the right to tell us what we don't do?
This is real. Whether or not some lowly person says otherwise, doesn't make what you say true.

What we do, we do. Got that?

You join, post 1 (give or take) time, and it's judging us when you don't know fucking jack-damn-shit about what we do, or think, or say. Your opinion is weightless because all you did was base your judgement on nothing.


Learn the FACTS before trying to act like you know shit.

33 Name: Thiamor : 2012-02-09 12:45 ID:zz0wq72P [Del]


34 Name: Lynne : 2012-02-09 12:58 ID:Bic1ih78 [Del]

Not really, but I guess in a way it did. I'm not that blind about the things happening around me anymore, and I'm being more open about my opinions. Well, I'm still doing what I do normally everyday.

35 Name: Kuro Neko : 2012-02-09 13:06 ID:dCSHKDA6 [Del]

Yeah it does. :3

36 Name: Kuro Neko : 2012-02-09 13:06 ID:dCSHKDA6 [Del]

Yeah it does. :3

37 Name: Paatback : 2012-02-09 13:07 ID:2SuCPK6p [Del]

Yes, I realized that from now, this sight is just to waste time. there isn't really anyone to socialize with, it doesn't even help my deppressed life, no pity, just otaku's who just like to dissagree with me. =[ also people think there more mature, you know what, mature is just something that just follows the government!
why do you think we have to be 18 for stuff. thats just the age when we become brainwashed :<

38 Name: Izashi-San : 2012-02-09 13:27 ID:k5Hl0SuS [Del]

yes. I love this group, and everyone who is a part of it. I feel like being a dollars member has changed me. I'm a better person than I was. I like helping people, and I'm not afriad to stand up for what I believe in as much as I was.
It's changed what kind of decisions I make, and It will effect who I will be later in life. What everyone posts here, and all the great ideas and support have given me values. ^ ^ The Dollars is awesome, I hope it's always here for me, and for others who enjoy being a part of such a cool group.

39 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2012-02-09 13:46 ID:jivZxZxu [Del]


40 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2012-02-09 16:30 ID:pKo0U/md [Del]

Can't tell if trolling...
Either way, I just laughed my ass off.

41 Name: ShiroNeko : 2012-02-09 16:46 ID:Zfp6BbFX [Del]

I love the group. Really, I do. Most things like this could distract people from things in life, like school for example. It's actually been helping my grades. That sounds odd, I know, but it really has been.

42 Name: tsubaki !yQ3luh1QiU : 2012-02-09 18:45 ID:uUqj0X14 [Del]

>>41 Last year, I spiraled into depression and my grades suffered. The Dollars have pulled me out of my depression—so indirectly, they've helped my grades too! :)

43 Name: Forte_Sigma!ljEVVXEJNE : 2012-02-09 20:07 ID:dieqRAOj [Del]


My insides just spilled onto the floor, I was laughing so hard.

44 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-02-09 20:33 ID:j095X2La [Del]

>>37 attention whoreish

45 Name: Karu Kurai : 2012-02-09 20:55 ID:qok55Txn [Del]

Pretty much why I came here!

46 Name: Kumo!NC09qbtR1Q : 2012-02-09 21:54 ID:2H+VLLJJ [Del]

>>37 sorry bro, I didn't realize i was brainwashed by the government. what with some of my angry anti-government outbursts and all when they decide to do stupid and unconstitutional things that they always seem to be doing nowadays. thanks for the heads up though.

47 Name: Kannerz !QnMEEPcaB. : 2012-02-09 22:11 ID:aTfKzabJ [Del]

Hm. I pretty much knew what I wanted to do in the future pre-Dollars, which is just doing something creatively with my hands. Several non-Dollars factors have influenced me in deciding that I want to do exactly, whilst already being in the Dollars. Humans have environmentally fucked the world. Really, there's no way to save the our beloved planet, much less the dwindling water supply V: So I might as well do what I love to do. Depending on how hard I am willing to work on the degree or if I'm interested enough even, I'll end up doing either int des, archi or (>.> Well.. I guess I care about the world a little bit) landscape archi. Who knows.

Aside from my dollars friends, nothing has really changed my outlook on the world. It might seem like there are a bunch of friendly and willing people in this community, but really, let's face it, the whole world isn't made of powerpuff girls. In fact the people I have encountered in this place are rather lazy or pessimistic when it comes to being heroes v: If anything, we must first change these types of mindsets.

48 Name: MKOLLER !YYk5m0jo12 : 2012-02-09 23:00 ID:Ll4mtHNI [Del]

>>47 While your point is pessimistic, it isn't exactly incorrect. Humans are greedy, selfish, and uncaring at heart. We consume and consume until nothing is left, much like a virus (as Hugo Weaving once said). And as much as I want to change that, and as much as I know that others wish to do the same, I know deep down that the efforts of few cannot overcome the nature of many.

However, I'm not going to let that stop me from trying. That's why, when I graduated high school, I did so knowing that, once I entered the adult world, I would do my best to leave a legacy. When I die, I want people to want to follow in my footsteps. Like you said, we need to change how people believe.

But we cannot force them. Rather, we must culture and cultivate. We as the few must show the rest of the world that there is a reason to believe, that improving ourselves leads not only to the salvation of this planet, but to a self-actualization ending in fulfillment and happiness.

That said, I want you to think about what you said, and to think about what I am saying, and to decide whether or not you believe that people can want change. You need to decide whether or not you want to believe that people could reach out to be all they can be, and that leaders by example can rally the world toward greatness.

Because at the end of the day, I already believe it to be so. I have seen many things; I've watched as my actions have led to people rising up and giving a damn, and I have also risen up to the call of others who give a damn. Together, we are small, but together, we can multiply our cause. I mean you no offense, but this is what I believe, and I will push hard for that belief until the very end.

49 Name: ImaginaryHuman!IAlkWJShig : 2012-02-10 06:51 ID:pl/7MTGR [Del]

Kudos MKOLLER! well... I guess being here, our futures are inevitably altered by being part of the dollars. I'm not sure about what I can attain from what I am now but I'm not afraid to try anything that will push the world to move towards a greater kind of change.

50 Name: Paatback : 2012-02-13 13:05 ID:2SuCPK6p [Del]

Im so glad someone understands me
Haven't you seen all these people dissagree with me though?!
thats how mean this community is :(
And didn't think about anything perverted to you yaoi people out there :(

51 Name: Doremo : 2012-02-13 21:14 ID:6fnBEK2p [Del]

It's funny when people don't get sarcasm and think you're on their side

52 Name: Zeckarias !kjn0nYOOPw : 2012-02-13 21:27 ID:YlOkuI2M [Del]

>>51 This.
>>50 Maybe when by the time you're eighteen you'll learn that in the real world no one is here just to make you feel better about yourself. Your claims are baseless and your issues are better known as first-world problems. You have none of my pity, so good luck trying to keep from being brainwashed with that tinfoil hat of yours.

53 Name: The Few : 2012-02-13 21:29 ID:gjzwgXIj [Del]

Rebel. My goal, my gift, my curse. As a dollar I will, to show the world, it's not that bad, if you try. Buck the man, spiral the system, as this IP address is being checked right now. Be Free, try, Fight for us, for YOU

54 Name: len : 2012-02-13 21:30 ID:OqrDhi8B [Del]

yes it is it has b/c it is chageing it for my futcher

55 Name: Hazuki : 2012-02-13 21:34 ID:MpFdpvLh [Del]

While I've only been a member for a few days, I'd still like to leave some input on this rather promising post.

First off, >>20, I think I can totally relate to what you're saying. And >>32, I'm not sure exactly why, but I appreciated that comment.

Anyway. I had just hit this point in my life where I was thinking, "Screw it. This world is rotten, and people just don't care about anyone but themselves." I happened upon this site by chance; I'd just finished the anime, or whatever, and my brother dared me to check and see if there was a real site. I found this, thought it was a fan site, and soon realized I was wrong. I LOVE how people here actually take things seriously...sure, there are fans, and kids just playing around, but there are also members like the one who started this thread, and those commenting who take it at face value and put their opinions up. Even though I've only been here a few days...this community feels real to me. The ideas behind it gave me a new hope and desire to spread the word: humanity isn't a lost cause. We can all reach out and help each other, fix this world. Call me cliche, but it's what's on my mind. I'm not quite sure yet WHAT I want to do with my future. Recently, I was planning on scrapping what I truly wanted to do and follow a career that my dad would be proud of. But now...I'm reconsidering. Realizing that I'm more of a benefit to others when I'm doing what I'm passionate about, and that's helping people.

I hope this isn't TOO melodramatic...but I feel completely alive. More so than I've felt in a while. Heh. Anyway, there are my two cents' worth.


56 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2012-02-14 11:46 ID:aETvQ0Lx [Del]


57 Name: sleepology : 2012-02-14 12:36 ID:zz0wq72P [Del]

the dollars influence my future cuz i need to dollars to by nice things yes

58 Name: Umbra Serpens !T1rQ1UNnww : 2012-02-14 13:14 ID:UfIxgyz+ [Del]

>>57 Why is there an imposter sleep? You're not even good at this... In fact, you failed so horribly, that I want to punch you.

59 Name: Paatback : 2012-02-14 13:22 ID:2SuCPK6p [Del]

Shut up doremo
its hard to explain, but it makes since when you have ethnic studies in high school.
i like your possitive attitude, your one of the people who care
you think your so smart huh, i can't do anything to you, but i don't get why everyone is against me. im not brainwashed, you people are just annoying, fuck the dollars, im calling it quits.
durarara chat is more comfortable anyways. happy singles awareness day losers.happy valentines day friends from anywhere.

60 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-02-14 14:33 ID:gNcd49F0 [Del]


There is a reason he thinks he's so smart. Because he is much more intelligent than you.

If you can't handle how we talk to morons, you shouldn't have joined here in the first place.

It's not our fault. It's yours.

We didn't FORCE you down with a gun to your head, making you read this. Nor did we make you act stupid enough in the first place, to cause people to be mean to you. You caused ALL of it to fall upon you. No one else. YOU. ONLY YOU.

If you can't understand it, and even be able to handle it or anything, good luck, and don't let the door hit your ass on the way out. No fucks will be given to your troubles, or you leaving us. 1 person leaving after getting butthurt, doesn't at-all mess with us in the slightest.

You telling us what you did, that you're leaving us, implies that you're special to our organization and/ or our wants and needs. It implies we give a fucking rat's ass about you being here or not.

We don't. So wipe that idea out of your head, thinking you are any better or SPECIAL.

61 Post deleted by user.

62 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-02-14 14:35 ID:FuOqAz76 [Del]

>>57 bitch please, you could at least try to a good job of impersonating me

63 Name: Kannerz !QnMEEPcaB. : 2012-02-14 15:50 ID:aTfKzabJ [Del]

>>48 Oh no, no offense taken at all. I understand everything you're saying and damn, aren't you just the optimist? I know people are capable of giving fucks. At my high school I am part of the student gov, Key club, NHS and religion awareness club among other clubs, and many non-profit organizations like Invisible children and Charity water have visited my school. I have seen people fill up with passion for bettering the world. But I stand by my pessimistic outlook.

There is just too much crap going on, and too much must be done to change anything. The thing you aim for, for example, this transportation of water. Hah. Are you kidding me? No fool is dumb enough to let another have their precious water, and definitely no country will. It's common knowledge that earth's surface is 70% water. But the public isn't informed that out of that 70 only 3% is fresh water and of that 3% only 0.014% are accessible. The rest is ice, inside ice or simply too deep to reach. But oh humans? Hah we give no fucks~ We just suck the water out of the rivers, aquifers and shit. As for solutions, the united nations shuns the very idea of water transportation. I'm under the impression that you live in the US. Well good luck saving our water cuz the US uses the most energy out of everyone. People are too greedy, disregarding the damage it causes to the land or the communities surrounding them. And we can't even stand up against it because the people who manage our water own the government (in Florida's case anyways :V). They're retarded, making blind decisions on stuff they don't know shit about. In any case there is entirely just too many factors that go into changing anything. For one, people aren’t educated about the important shit that affects humanity and the planet as a whole in the long run. Aside from that, things like religion, misconceptions, paranoia, politics, racism, etc. get in the way. Then you have to think about how it affects things economically, environmentally.

No one is willing to give that many fucks about anything. Even if they do, there’s just so much work and in the end it’ll be ineffective. We’re fucked one way or another.

64 Name: Gdog : 2012-02-14 19:41 ID:GNcxa/ed [Del]

Hey stop the anger i thought we were all friends

65 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-02-14 19:50 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]

>>64 No.

66 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2012-02-16 08:11 ID:aETvQ0Lx [Del]

bump for order

67 Name: Sleepology : 2012-02-16 12:46 ID:zz0wq72P [Del]


68 Name: censel : 2012-02-16 13:58 ID:NN9uu8lo [Del]

I think that it makes sense what you are going through. Though the dollars have given me thoughts about my future, I still intend to be a mechanical engineer as planned. I believe that the dollars is about having people wherever we can, helping in any way we can. In this way, we can have skills of all types, with people everywhere, therefore allowing unlimited human resources.

69 Name: Twilly : 2012-03-14 20:40 ID:gE8JRPgM [Del]

In a way, yes.
I've always wanted to do something to help people but for the past two years I was part of a community who kept a survival of the fittest point of view. Being around that for two years really makes motivation go down.
When I found this I thought it would be a similar community but just by looking a few posts I noticed how people here wanted to make a difference. It's made me happier and increased my motivation to help however I can.

70 Name: dArkrEaLm : 2012-03-14 21:25 ID:hEjk8449 [Del]


71 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-03-14 23:46 ID:tP9oNxz/ [Del]

Fucking die, cancer.

72 Name: Leigha Moscove !S3dRf9Ujsk : 2012-03-15 01:45 ID:5XPSIKu8 [Del]

No. Why? I have always had good ideals and wanted to do the world good. I have always been stubborn and not let them change. So, as long as my ideals have always been good, I have never gotten involved in something that could potentially cause any harm. As long as I've always been hoping to do good, I'll never have to change my future.

73 Name: Vix (Izaya) : 2012-03-15 07:25 ID:88caCMhb [Del]

To be quite honest, it's not influencing my future at all. I wanted to become a writer since childhood and that hasn't changed one bit. Though, this site is giving me experience and a taste of different people's personalities and opinions that I'm not used to seeing. It's interesting.
On a personal level, it is changing me; it's making me open my eyes more and help out rather than sit back and watch the show. And every time I help out, I feel better about it. So, it adds to my self-esteem, per say.

74 Post deleted by user.

75 Name: Zweite !vYdCQeLACc : 2012-03-21 11:03 ID:NlgsR6Yw [Del]

Not really. I'll do what I want; if I enjoy it, great. If not, find something else. I like the Dollars and participate now and then but they're not really affecting me in that great to a degree.

76 Name: Inuhakka !u4InuhakKA : 2014-06-22 22:49 ID:GZJPKN3Z [Del]


This community has taught me how to be humble and communicate effectively, and I am thankful for it.

This community has let me converse with all types of people from completely different countries that I wouldn't be able to anywhere else. It's a tight-knit community of people you can't just find anywhere else. It's my home.

Thanks, Dollars.

77 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-04-09 17:10 ID:bKUmbSeX [Del]

>>76 Awww

78 Name: Nio : 2015-04-09 19:59 ID:N58yZZl9 [Del]

Well, this organization doesn't affect my future dreams, since I don't have one anymore
But it really do change my opinion about 'nobody care' or something like that, because I saw it on personal board that most of the people gladly help others, no matter who they really are
Well that's just my opinion though

79 Name: Heartbeatknight : 2015-04-09 20:34 ID:5OvZkFwL [Del]

Yes. It's even saved my life various time.

80 Name: CheshireCat : 2015-04-09 22:19 ID:JqPL4ec4 [Del]

well not for me that much but i do dream of becoming a voice actor for anime since thats pretty much what i do everyday. But its not like the group is bad, if anything its like another home for me :3

81 Name: Anonymous : 2015-04-09 23:13 ID:A1sisfTw [Del]

>>80 I know who you are.

82 Name: HeartbeatKnight : 2015-04-13 19:50 ID:5OvZkFwL [Del]


83 Name: Bump : 2015-05-13 03:33 ID:9TXJa48O [Del]


84 Name: Bump : 2015-05-14 03:59 ID:q3VPyAz8 [Del]


85 Name: Dutch❋Bunny !lmBitchbiw : 2015-08-21 22:53 ID:EYhr9jrB [Del]


86 Name: firelily : 2015-08-22 21:58 ID:hMmSyNTF [Del]

(early recycle day bump)

as for the question, i think it has changed me a bit...being a part of the Dollars has made me more responsible (because I lead a lot of missions, even if they weren't my idea) and because I like helping keep the boards organized.

the Dollars have also made me less of a pushover, I don't back down from things I think are important the way I use to do before I became an "active" member.

and the Dollars have made me a more committed person. I don't abandon things halfway because I'm impatient, bored, or upset the way I use to. And because of that my art and grades have improved dramatically in less than a few years.

(and just because I feel this is necessary and I can't think of anywhere else to say this) I want to thank the Dollars site for making me a better person, no one, nothing, and no other site has changed me in such a positive way.

87 Post deleted by user.

88 Name: god777666 : 2015-08-24 01:01 ID:cTNpKdV9 [Del]

yes it is, dollars changed me from mikado to izaya

89 Name: god777666 : 2015-08-24 01:06 ID:R45FzfjG [Del]

>>1 a map maker sounds fun, you can make a location of dollars member in ur country, or make a map of secret base for dollars hq in ur country, for the main base it supposed to be in ikkebukuro

90 Name: Akemin : 2015-08-24 01:23 ID:VLvDJXtv [Del]

>>89 Izaya's a horrible person and you should feel ashamed.

Anyway we /have/ a map of the locations of all the Dollars. There's actually two within walking distance of my house, and, like, a shitload within driving distance. Yay, large cities.

91 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2015-08-24 02:43 ID:BjgpRP5I [Del]

It changed me from an asshole with no where to be an asshole to an asshole

92 Name: RKaiden : 2015-08-24 03:24 ID:feNPksnJ [Del]

I'd say it changed me a bit not in the job i'm learning but it opened my eyes for the people around me

93 Name: Satoshi : 2015-08-24 03:40 ID:2Pp8ypc3 [Del]

I usually only come on here once in a while to view really interesting threads, and being a Dollar didn't exactly change how I am. But someday I'm planning on participating in a mission since what I hear from other Dollars, is that it makes the world a better place~

94 Name: - : 2015-08-24 04:01 ID:cQksB9s0 [Del]

fucker paatback

95 Name: イサオ : 2015-08-24 08:26 ID:G6HBhSB5 [Del]

Maybe a little procrastination but nothing too major. I think it's just pretty cool that you can talk to random people around the world about anything at all haha, and of course encouraging each other etc is quite a nice thing in general.

96 Name: god777666 : 2015-08-24 09:06 ID:LlKo/9kW [Del]

I'm proud of myself

97 Name: Laija : 2015-08-24 09:36 ID:F/mnBWfO [Del]

Well, it's only been a year since I joined the Dollars but I am glad I did.
I don't think it has changed me in a major, notable way but it has become a nice ingredient in my life.
I found the site out of passion as a Durarara fan but didn't think of it as a mere fan site. After reading many threads I noticed the wide variety of personalities there are both in the BBS and the chatrooms. As many of the users have said in this post: talking to other people from different parts of the globe, being more community-driven, helping out others...etc. Make The Dollars a positive experience overall.

For me the Dollars is more like a safe haven than any other thing. I don't know how to properly explain it, I think that's the best description for me. Not like a "home" but a warm meeting point where you never know what you might find.
The typical deep post, the misplaced post, the totally random and paranoid thread, updates, news...etc.

I like it. :)

98 Name: vodka100% : 2015-08-24 10:01 ID:AL/CD9h1 [Del]

I love u all

99 Name: Ayumi Nakada : 2015-08-24 10:17 ID:pNxj9gPk [Del]

yes i believe the stuff we discover and do here changes who we are and makes us in to a better person

100 Name: Ambasea : 2015-08-24 10:52 ID:YgZ7SRn0 [Del]

I also think that being a Dollar changes (most of) the people on here for the better!

101 Name: Kasi : 2015-08-24 16:41 ID:/iu3A2n8 [Del]


102 Name: spooky boogie : 2015-08-24 17:02 ID:5ZNfAlfx [Del]

the dollars is great..

103 Name: Calvary : 2015-08-24 19:10 ID:xJYqGTzC [Del]

>>100 I would agree.

104 Name: _Mouse_ : 2015-08-24 19:28 ID:fGx499DO [Del]

I just want to be a teacher...

105 Name: Hayate : 2015-08-24 19:52 ID:0YeOPxvW [Del]

I'm not so smart, so I'm just gonna write few sentences about what I'm gonna do.

As for myself, I take in the first place what I want to do, what would make me "complete", what would I myself like to do. However, I pretty much like the idea of helping the Dollars. Like... man, there are a lot of people coming here everyone, who also have the desire to even change the world! Why not give it a try? Just because it seems weird for people like us to change the world? I think we should dream big. It may sound weird for a lot of people, thinking that they would change the world, while they're just staring at their screen living their ordinary life. But it's not impossible for us to do something. I think we should be brave and try, because we could achieve something.

However, of course we shouldn't act like anime characters, "Whoo, we're going to save the wooorld~!" no. That's not it. We have to use our brains, being careful to not go too far with things, not breaking the law etc. But I think everyone here is mostly aware of that. Though, I still say we should try to make a change somehow. So as for myself, I'm gonna do something I myself like to do. But still, I'm gonna take every chances to help the Dollars with whatever I can. So I think everyone else should just do that. Choose what you want, be what you want, do what you want. There are a lot of ways to help the Dollars. Of course, maybe we'd need 'special' people for some kinds of things, but I'm sure we will find those people too. Be what you wanna be, everyone has their own role and things to do. If you won't do something, then someone else will do. However, you will still get your own thing to do, just something else.

Phew, in the end I made quite a monologue here.

106 Name: EmElEC : 2015-08-24 21:12 ID:KPUY2hcM [Del]

we all have the potential to become what we want, it's just up to us to decide our future, no one can force us to do what we want, the moment you feel pressured to do something,its the moment that you're losing a little bit of yourself....

107 Name: kayano : 2015-08-24 22:20 ID:Reo7mcrT [Del]

I feel like I can relate to this, except I'm probably even more lost than you are. I have no idea what I want to do after college (Chemical Engineering major here), whether it be grad school, a job, or what.

In the end, it's all what you want to do and how you cope with what life throws at you. I'd say explore your options, maybe tinker around for a bit, figure out what exactly you like and do that. As to what major you want to be, go with what you like to do (Civil Engineering's cool, but so is Geomatics). Pick something that you would love to do, day in and day out, for the rest of your life.

Like >>106 says, it's up to us to decide our futures. The Dollars is a great group that inspires the selflessness within ourselves, but in the end, it's just another group. What you do in the end is, ultimately, up to you (and the shitty (and not so shitty) things that happen to you). Who knows.

Maybe one day you'll wake up and realize that you've just dreamt about a world-changing invention. Keep an open mind, keep exploring, one day you'll find the place where you belong.

108 Name: Jilva : 2015-08-25 02:24 ID:4g+T/8Fc [Del]

>>105 Couldn't agree more

109 Name: firelily : 2015-08-26 16:00 ID:hMmSyNTF [Del]

this is cool keep replying

110 Name: Anonymous : 2015-08-27 15:25 ID:D3htcce4 [Del]


111 Name: Fortune !o3hBg9PyEE : 2015-08-27 16:19 ID:6YaPWllu [Del]

being a dollar has definitely changed me. it gives me purpose

112 Name: Emma : 2015-08-27 16:30 ID:Ed9x7dsk [Del]

a big YES for me.

113 Name: Time : 2015-08-27 17:46 ID:tdDdeoy7 [Del]

To me Dollars is pretty cool. It's a whole new way of talking and really a different form of communication. Although I've been a member for a pretty long time now, I haven't been super active in the past. But even if this is what you do everyday and spend hour on talking to people you may or may not know, you should really consider what YOU really want to do. And if you find that you want to have a different career than just do your best and believe in yourself. I wish you luck :).

114 Name: STG : 2015-08-27 18:03 ID:TZm8OVRu [Del]

Realy,it changes my vision to the world.

115 Name: Leena !Uw.mzAFfos : 2015-08-27 18:30 ID:oTxzYB5j [Del]

I think that it has really changed me, being a Dollar. Previously, I used to be afraid of going out and doing good, or even things in general. It's made me more outgoing, and less... bored with my life. Even though I can't go without being a terrible person and totally evil, I think it's made me a much better person, 'le~!

116 Name: Yuukio : 2015-08-28 04:45 ID:GuvjcPzI [Del]


117 Name: Lunam !8OAWN3A0Q6 : 2015-10-14 16:40 ID:/H6Kbtuo [Del]

Not entirely, but I do know more about human behaviour now

118 Name: Mu : 2015-10-14 20:38 ID:SxsZSKfk [Del]

Bump. I'll respond with a comment myself soon.

119 Name: Eclipse : 2015-10-15 08:39 ID:mmBwSMGT [Del]

Its helped as far as realizing others struggles and helping thhose individuals w/o being noticed

120 Name: berto : 2015-10-15 09:46 ID:mhezJXrt [Del]

Think about this matter carefully. You enjoyed your major right now at the same time also opens opportunity to you to help so I don't find any reason for you change your major. As addition, you could always help anywhere anytime and any situation. I don't know if you believe in God and have faith on him, but if you do, just pray this problem of yours to him. He'll definitely will help you and work in your life :D

121 Name: Kisin !RaAAAAaGEs : 2016-10-15 10:08 ID:So/UdV2t [Del]

Yeah. In a lot of ways that I hadn't thought about at all until I read this thread's title. When I became active on the dollars BBS about 5 years ago, I didn't realize it would shape my decision about college and my path in education. I found the website, went onto the chats, fucked around on the chats, met some intimidating people who could do weird things, became friends with those people, got interested in coding and animation through them, and now I'm shaping my school path to lead me to those goals and spending my time studying different coding languages on my own as well as practicing different things in art. Without stumbling upon this site, I probably would have never wanted to try coding or pursue art.

122 Name: Fon Lika : 2016-10-16 12:20 ID:QWQi8IpZ [Del]

For me it's having more steath and speed (to stick the dollars quotes on places) XD Also i joined clubs and support it, i helped alot of bullied underclassmen and secretly nailed the wish box under the school tree

123 Name: Luki Saikyu : 2016-10-16 12:44 ID:y/anVTJn [Del]

As a Info Broker Myself, I'd Say That Being a Dollar Makes It Easy To Get Information From Clients That I Don't Know. Being a Dollar Doesn't Effect My Life That Much, I Mean, Sure I Know a Few Dollars In My Area, But That Doesn't Effect My Life That Much, I Haven't Told Anyone That I'm a Dollar Yet..But Im Glad To Be One, I Don't Think That Being a Dollar Would Negatively Effect My Life At All. It's Actually Positively Influenced Mine.

124 Name: Addrian !8OAWN3A0Q6 : 2016-10-16 14:20 ID:uZuzz6gV [Del]

Totally. If it weren't for the advice from the strangers on this site, I don't think I'd be as okay as I am now

125 Name: Tyberfen : 2016-10-16 16:24 ID:2wBtTeRz [Del]

A bit. It gave me hope for the future of mankind. :)

126 Name: Dusk46 !r4sBRY1xYc : 2016-10-18 07:41 ID:/xwYBeUn [Del]


127 Name: Dusk46 !r4sBRY1xYc : 2016-10-27 12:19 ID:XxMTd+9W [Del]


128 Name: Blanc !1Blanc.zuY : 2017-04-05 17:43 ID:ymjNlBsD [Del]


129 Post deleted by user.

130 Name: Kuro_Sakura : 2017-04-06 11:12 ID:khgdaGsf [Del]

As someone who seems to have similar goals as you do, I thought I should reply. I have noticed myself changing. Not in a bad way. Actually, I figured this would happen. Before I joined the Dollars, I was...simply put...evil. Evil in the sense that I really did not care for others. I liked messing with their lives. Until I met these two wonderful people. They used to be like me, but they changed. And they changed me. I finally felt emotions that I had thought were funny and foolish. They told me about this site and how it helped make them into better people. At first I thought the idea that a site can make me, someone so manipulative, a better person amusing. But because these people I found myself loving (an emotion I had no past experience with) kept pestering about it, i joined. Now...I find myself going out of my way to help someone who before I would have manipulated. These missions are changing me into a better human. So I owe a lot to this site and its members. Now...I find myself asking for help. I am asking for help because those people who brought me here have gone missing. If you are interested, please email me.
weird email only because I did not set it up, but it is an email nonetheless. Thank you all. I owe every member of the Dollars.

131 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2017-10-24 22:55 ID:b8L2AoOi [Del]

massbump of discussion

132 Name: Jaydon.A ;-; : 2017-10-25 10:05 ID:KcEqAMNG [Del]

Sadly I shall sage this. This belongs on personal or random and It baffles why it is still here


133 Name: Anonymous : 2017-10-25 21:05 ID:Npmfdt3w [Del]

>>132 Well Findmuck bumped this. I thought his a regular? And that he is probably right?

134 Name: Jaydon.A ^^ : 2017-10-25 21:10 ID:KcEqAMNG [Del]

>>133 I disagree with his bumps so I shall be vocal.

135 Name: Ziko : 2017-10-25 22:00 ID:Npmfdt3w [Del]

I do that too. But they call me a troll. OH WELL.

136 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2017-10-25 22:54 ID:b8L2AoOi [Del]

I bumped the discussion threads in response to the call for actual discussions on main instead of all the info threads.

Kinda sucks how as soon as I bump all the main worthy stuff that gets ignored, people act like it's not exactly what they were asking for.

137 Name: Ziko : 2017-10-25 23:01 ID:iLDRQBq3 [Del]

>>136 What do you think that those people want? Not info threads and petty discussions.. Hmm let me think.. Maybe missions? Yea there is a Mission Board.. Hm.. So what is the Main Board's purpose.. Hmm well.. Who knows?

Maybe only the admins and mods can post stuff here? Since they have superiority? They can start genuine discussion topics since they own the site. And we can only reply.. Why not?

The problem here is, regulars are trying to be like the mods. Shut up seriously. You complain people making useless threads here. Why not let the owners post then! We just reply. If not, everything is a mess on the Main!

138 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2017-10-25 23:08 ID:b8L2AoOi [Del]

>>137 The "respecting fellow members" thread is by the admin, along with a handful of other small announcement type threads. It's also worth acknowledging the main board predates most of the others.

The main board has a guideline, just like all the others.

"Important topics, overarching Dollars issues, and actual topics of discussion belong here."

The only problem with this is I imagine the guideline too predates some of the other boards.

139 Name: Dioleag!wYygCyWbiI : 2017-10-25 23:37 ID:ggQVC1OT [Del]

>>137 >>138 I think the issue is what counts as appropriate discussion for the Main page. I'm sure people want to feel like they can post new threads to talk about here just like anywhere else without the fear of being saged, or told to post somewhere else.

140 Name: Namie : 2017-10-25 23:40 ID:H+r65q4c [Del]

>>137 Low quality bait.

141 Name: Ziko : 2017-10-26 05:55 ID:XZMTYLKh [Del]

Fine.. Just do whatever you want. Its the DOLLARS. No rules, so making rules at your own will is also allowed! Everyone is equal and we do what we want. Some follow rules, some dont. Just like the real world once again.

142 Name: Satomi : 2017-10-26 08:12 ID:Jy3BBN+I [Del]

It's not something you think you can do, then it's always u to you if you want to improve or quit. Honestly, if you enjoy taking missions, then continue to do so. Your future, not ours and since we are the Dollars, some of us won't mind helping out. Need anyone to talk to I'm open

143 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2017-12-07 17:27 ID:Isf9j8XT [Del]


144 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2017-12-08 17:04 ID:Isf9j8XT [Del]


145 Name: NightbloosTea : 2017-12-09 20:13 ID:cGvwr9rt [Del]


146 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2018-04-27 01:51 ID:b8L2AoOi [Del]


147 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2018-09-06 00:48 ID:b8L2AoOi [Del]

Mass bump of appropriate discussions

148 Name: Kyrokin !qMeLsi91.w : 2018-09-15 17:40 ID:gtOmUiDZ [Del]

Bump of major discussion.

I like this post

149 Name: Kyrokin !qMeLsi91.w : 2018-09-15 17:51 ID:gtOmUiDZ [Del]

Dollars has affected me. I have become more supportive and more empathetic through this website.

150 Name: Kite !fxXRfilXHw : 2018-09-26 01:37 ID:EDUZ1EZu [Del]

Honestly, I don't think it's so much being a Dollar, or knowing of this site and what it means. I watched DRRR way back when it came out and found this site in around 2010, 2011, and it really didn't mean anything at all to me until around 4 years ago when I got into the different chats and stupid "lets make Dollars real" side groups. And even then it was just fun chatting with random online people. But I realised there's a super huge community here, with new people joining all the time. Joining the discord in March of 2016 is the biggest impact the Dollars has had on my life. The people I've met in this community have become closer than my real life friends. The friendships, drama, enemies, whatever the hell else, has all helped shape me in some way shape or form. I can most definitely say that being a "Dollar" has impacted me tons. If I never involved myself into the community, I doubt I would be who I am today. And I'm not sure if it's for better or worse, but I don't regret any of it.

A bit of a different interpretation but yea.

151 Name: ... : 2018-10-01 18:28 ID:imD23wOo [Del]

There really isnt much activity with the dollars. We dont really do anything outside of the site. so it hasn't influenced me at all...