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What does the world mean? (50)

1 Name: Rin : 2012-01-30 07:53 ID:haYTAcQ5 [Del]

Hey guys, I have to do this in class, and so I was wondering, What does the world mean in your eyes? For me, its that everything was created for reason, and so was everyone. Soo, what does the world mean/look like/mean in your eyes? It could be good or bad, I just want to know what everyone in the Dollars has to say, its a big world..

2 Name: Mael !DoMiNUIT9I : 2012-01-30 08:49 ID:G50yvVXY [Del]

>mean/look like/mean

Are you basically asking "What does the world mean to you?" Because that would make more sense...

The world doesn't mean much to me... Its my life and whats important to it that matters. Not to say the world isn't important...

The world is merely the stage where everyone plays out their lives, whether they be comedies, epics, tragedies, romances, etc. Some lives may even influence others, while some may never associate with others. The world is what it is, good or bad, it's interpreted differently in everyone's eyes.

>Side Note~
No offense, but I hate the phrase 'Everything happens for a reason' or any variation of that... Because...duh. That type of generalization is essentially a cop-out.

3 Name: JK Ralni : 2012-01-30 09:17 ID:PyeX5MRf [Del]

I have come to believe that that world is indeed insignificant. I think there is more behind it. The prospect of existence. Now that is something I could ramble on about for quite a long time! If you would like me too, I would tell you something.

4 Name: Haseo-kun : 2012-01-30 09:33 ID:NaBdK2Jo [Del]

the world? thats the badass video game that i basically become a god in. duh.

5 Name: Masaomi : 2012-01-30 10:24 ID:fgs9eynS [Del]

I agree with Haseo-kun the world could be a CJI game that we know nothing about....I mean that would be pretty sweet if you ask me

6 Name: Telji : 2012-01-30 16:59 ID:97HsrOyW [Del]

Um, well to me, the world is just a repeat of other worlds and that it's not as special that we claim it to be. Really, in my opinion, it would be interesting if the world were to stop repeating. Even though so far it looks special, there are places just like it thy we haven't found. But i still think the world is very interesting.

7 Name: Doremo : 2012-01-30 17:13 ID:6fnBEK2p [Del]

It's dull, boring as hell, and too repetitive.

8 Name: Larien : 2012-01-30 17:26 ID:st4/d210 [Del]


9 Name: Kuro Neko : 2012-01-30 17:36 ID:aR8tvAQy [Del]

I think the world doesn't mean anything.

10 Name: Nixx : 2012-01-30 17:47 ID:WJ6uLmTX [Del]


If that's truly what you think, you may need to look a little harder.

I personally was stuck in a similar rut, but then I decided that that was indeed very boring. So I changed it.

11 Name: Feral : 2012-01-30 18:07 ID:xzPvoZwY [Del]

>>10 This.

12 Name: Shadow Wolfboy : 2012-01-30 19:09 ID:21f4KZXs [Del]

The world, through my eyes, is viewed as a land that has not been explored to it's full potential. No matter what, there will always be mysteries. Some 'proven' some remains shrouded in shadows. This world is full of all kinds of creatures, as well as those we count on as friends. My life, is full of friends that I have come to know, and love. I cannot imagine life without them, my family, and the others I have met throughout my life.

13 Name: Ally : 2012-01-30 19:13 ID:rsMszCwc [Del]

The world... It looks to me like too much to describe at once, yet it's so small as a whole that it isn't even a pixel in our universe. It's so rich and plentiful, yet so ignored and polluted by those smothering each other as they crowd into cramped, concrete, Artificial versions of the world I speak of.
Eh, too sick to completely think out how I see of the world now that I think of it. I'll just stop there and agree with Nixx, or at least I'm trying to get myself out of the rut.

14 Name: Ally : 2012-01-30 19:14 ID:rsMszCwc [Del]

Wish I was more like Shadow Wolfboy here...

15 Name: Hungary~* : 2012-01-30 19:46 ID:WMs1i+H0 [Del]


-My name is Ally- o3o;

Anyway. The world... I have a lot of diverse views on it, but without it... I wouldn't be there. Sadly though, the world is corrupt, dirty, and polluted. Its disappointing that we would mistreat like this really.

16 Post deleted by user.

17 Name: Ally : 2012-01-30 20:20 ID:rsMszCwc [Del]

Hey Hungary, how do you do the >>(insert#here) thing? I'm brand new. And I'm a guy for if it sounds girly. I got it from an archetype in yugioh, Ally of jusice.

It is disappointing, but impressive at the same time. There are some people in this world who are still their brightest even in any amount of the overwhelming darkness. They can even lead others out of the darkness commonly viewed in this world right now.

18 Name: Bread!BREADU25mg : 2012-01-30 20:21 ID:lzFxheb2 [Del]


You type >>, and >>(*insert a number here)
It underlines by itself, >>16 Holy Jesus!

That, or you can click the post number and it'll automatically enter >>(whatever number you clicked) into the reply box.

19 Name: Mr. Haze : 2012-01-30 21:12 ID:Ee2HQEO8 [Del]

It's been a rollercoaster ride up until now. Its fun, but it does have its moments where i can't help but be irritated. Im looking forward to a long life with the Dollars. You guys are awesome.

20 Post deleted by user.

21 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-01-30 21:36 ID:Mh3z1xB6 [Del]


22 Name: Ally : 2012-01-30 22:07 ID:rsMszCwc [Del]

>>18 Omg it's that simple! Holy Jesus! I can't believe it's not butter! (idk) Thanks bread.

23 Name: ShiroNeko : 2012-01-30 22:26 ID:Zfp6BbFX [Del]

Well, it's really a repetative process...unfortunantly. However, the world in my eyes has it's ups and downs. Mostly downs...but, I deal with it.

24 Name: Secret : 2012-01-30 22:43 ID:dU5fjJ4B [Del]

Same thing, though I think that people sometimes have a hard time with learning what our purpose is. I mean how are we supposed to know that? I think that although somethings are fated to happen we can still shape our own destiny's. Everyone has a purpose but sometimes we can make our own decision to change that purpose a little bit.

25 Name: Lentia : 2012-01-30 22:49 ID:9u5IvYks [Del]

It's magic, because everyting seems so wonderful I your eyes

26 Name: Yamie : 2012-01-30 23:29 ID:hSvC/5gL [Del]

I see it as a sad, sad world, but still wonderful in the end.

27 Name: Hatash : 2012-01-30 23:42 ID:FJrTG2Wj [Del]

The world I see is full of mystery in the world, new technology coming around, new things coming, but as the world it is... We are missing something in the world, we are missing certain things in history that everyone left out and or hidden deep within. The world needs to discover the secrets. And yet it remains chaos and peace.

28 Name: Shokua : 2012-01-31 03:24 ID:gyh+goKq [Del]

I see everything balancing each other: Light and Dark, Love and Hate, Right and Wrong; Yin and Yang.

29 Name: Megumi : 2012-01-31 04:40 ID:wH0grF4I [Del]

I see the world as a place for discovery and learning.

30 Name: babyj : 2012-01-31 05:38 ID:n9utp/Wh [Del]

i see the world as a compleetly messed up place...were every generation become as

31 Name: Blue flames : 2012-01-31 06:21 ID:9zddSdoq [Del]

I join because i wanted something out of the ordinary to do on my free time

32 Name: Nadue : 2012-01-31 08:21 ID:Qczsg0RQ [Del]

I dont beleive the world has a "meaning" per se, but more so a purpose. I believe we are judged religiousely in what we do with our time on earth, but for me and people not interested in that manner of living I would like to think were here to be happy and live happily while we can.

33 Name: Neon : 2012-01-31 09:34 ID:r49Hbgt0 [Del]

I think that the world is a stage and we are all actors in the play of life. I think we are here to learn and grow and to be happy and live well while we can.

34 Name: BEYOND : 2012-01-31 10:11 ID:uaDaayLn [Del]

SOMEBODY sure watches alot of BIG O. Check it. I believe the world was made to judge us. But in that same sense we are meant to judge ourselves since we are the world and the world is us. What happens on earth durimg our time is saved and stored unto another of our lives.

35 Name: Vives !0qvjPx3R8I : 2012-01-31 23:19 ID:+NKrjyzF [Del]

I see the world as a story. It's made up of many smaller, intertwining stories: of individuals, groups of people, countries, of everything and everyone. They all connect and reconnect in various places, but together they make up a huge, complex story and that is the world.

I like to think of it this way, because imagining my own life as a story drives me to make it as interesting as I can. The world is huge, and there's so much of it to see. I think that it is also a place we are meant to explore. And that's what I'm gonna do!

36 Name: odayaka tetsujin : 2013-08-11 04:26 ID:N7wgWtMe [Del]

a great machine

37 Name: Kk : 2013-08-11 05:31 ID:BTztwug1 [Del]

For me, I see this would as a small material ball, , it's stupid, but we have nowhere else to go.

I see this would as temporary, and our permanent location is nowhere,

we're not meant to exist, yet, we are here,

I think this world is annoying, and full off lies and deceit, but I've decide to stay, so I can fix it

38 Name: Neige !kVW5pmtHlM : 2013-08-11 06:17 ID:XTmkPkoN [Del]

>>35 I'm not one to comment on stuff like this, because most of the ideas people post on this site are either stupid or badly articulated. But I actually really like this, I think it's a pretty nice idea. Makes life seem like some big, epic, never-ending movie.

It's an interesting thought.

Also, it kinda reminds me of that South Park episode where it turns out that the world was created purely for the enjoyment of aliens in the form of some lame reality T.V show. :D

39 Name: Tsuki : 2013-08-11 08:06 ID:CK+wScsc [Del]

I am stuck on the surface of a sphere.

40 Name: Lezneas : 2013-08-11 08:15 ID:SlPVA3P2 [Del]

A color wheel.

41 Name: Emi : 2013-08-11 09:13 ID:aLN7am2/ [Del]

The "world" is something absurd, but very interesting seen by certain points of view. I don't really understand how people can be bored even one second on this Earth ! I mean by absurd that we don't know at all if there's a reason or not in the existence of "world" and everything else.

42 Name: EpicKT : 2013-08-11 10:29 ID:cEzIXu1I [Del]

The world contains many mysteries and secret that we can barely unravel. It is a wonderful place of which we will sometimes love and sometimes hate, but we still have to live our life to the fullest here. What a wonderful world it is.

43 Name: Blinking!!XI8GEi6V : 2013-08-11 11:18 ID:JuCy+xHx [Del]

Worst question to ask me because fuck if I know.
I don't know anything about anything. Quite literally. I don't think they keyboard I'm typing on is real, much less your question.
And yet, I still reply.

44 Name: Yuuko Ichihara : 2013-08-11 11:59 ID:7G/jLIk7 [Del]

>>43 I second this. I was gonna say something kinda along those lines but thank you for doing it for me.

45 Name: Nasike : 2013-08-11 13:56 ID:Bk/yGtii [Del]

I wish it would be more peaceful... There's always war, unequality and so on.
Yet, if you look differently at it, it's not as bad as you think it is.

46 Name: Anonymous : 2013-08-11 15:00 ID:+VFEoWxf [Del]

The world is a place of Diversity. From Joy to Loss, Friendship to betrayal, war to peace, rich to poor & more. The world is diverse & unique, I like it this way, it brings something new everyday.

47 Name: Steve : 2013-08-11 15:02 ID:+VFEoWxf [Del]

>>46 that was me. Just fyi. Forgot to put my name.

48 Name: Nevermore : 2013-08-11 15:04 ID:y8R2zAwP [Del]

Our world means nothing, it has no end, no beginning. It's something that is so unmeasurable, though we see borders. How is that possible, you ask?
It isn't, we all see a different reality, you, your friends, everyone, this is what makes us unique, still... don't think you're special.

49 Name: Ignis : 2013-08-11 15:48 ID:ru3nwgdm [Del]

the world is just a dot in the universe...but(from my eyes you can say) it hides many adventures...if you live your life differently,not like the other people you can find many crazy and fun stuff because humans are interesting and so is the world if you try to make it better ^^

50 Name: bleu : 2013-08-11 17:09 ID:HY3p+ieC [Del]

To me the world is just a terrible hell hole that existes for the sake of making drown in are own misery the world is a cold cruel place that is only full of lies and deceitful people that only care about there own survival and don't care what they due to others as long as they are okay because to me I only see the world burning in a slow pain full state in my eye the world is nothing but are own pain that we as humans created to try and keep are selves alive that is what the world means to me