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Anonymous? (186)

1 Name: Miyoku : 2012-01-23 18:40 ID:ujDMuvtW [Del]

All i want to know is that do you we support Anonymous or not? The reason i ask this because honestly they arent doing anything bad, besides trying to make the world and internet safe just like us. So i just want to know you guys opinions

p.s sorry if this is the wrong page to put this on.

2 Name: Vayne : 2012-01-23 18:43 ID:FWLqm2YL [Del]

I'm not quite sure I feel like I don't know enough to actually have an opinion. Anyone wanna fill me in?

3 Name: Miyoku : 2012-01-23 18:49 ID:ujDMuvtW [Del]

>>2 go on youtube and they just posted a video about operation global blackout it should be on the main page dont login to your account if you have one

4 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-01-23 19:02 ID:3aV3by+B [Del]

It occurs to me we've never had a real discussion thread on Anonymous. Well okay.

It's hard to dictate whether or not we, as a group collective, should support one single thing, because that isn't what this site is about. We don't take official stances and sides, though the members of this site may tend towards one side naturally. It's a better question to ask what the majority of the members think, and now "do you think we support Anonymous?"

If you're referring to Anonymous as a whole, I don't see a real reason to oppose them, nor do I see a reason to fervently support them. I support them when they do things I agree with, and I'm sure they wouldn't have it any other way. The wrong reason to dislike (or like) Anonymous would be because they are hackers - if that's all you base your opinion on, you're not looking at the big picture.

4chan is just another website, filled with people that post and discuss things. It's more lulrandom and sometimes vulgar and radical, because that's the natural direction their community grew in. At its most root definition, it is just an online community, much like this one.

5 Name: Miyoku : 2012-01-23 19:16 ID:ujDMuvtW [Del]

thank you for your input

6 Name: Vayne : 2012-01-23 19:21 ID:FWLqm2YL [Del]

I watched the video it was very interesting. Part of me is like "YEAH LET'S DO THIS" and the other part is like "I don't know this seems like a bad idea". The whole facebook blackout seems really risky......

7 Name: Vayne : 2012-01-23 19:25 ID:FWLqm2YL [Del]

Plus people are saying it's fake....

8 Name: Hotatru : 2012-01-23 19:36 ID:amujMRN/ [Del]

>>6 >>7
Anonymous News/Anonymous is a bunch of ppl who want to stop SOPA and PIPA
Obama said he would stop it but not really and the congress are still deciding about and PIPA is supposingly postponed and that's all i know so far but it's not fake and Anonymous is somewhat dangerous unless your a pro hacker/cracker who cant be found so yeah

9 Name: Sutato : 2012-01-23 19:51 ID:tc5FhD/b [Del]

Please. I'm not inclined to believe anything that the president I didn't vote for's says since he was the one who asked for the addition of a bill that was recently passed. What he asked to be added? Something along the lines of using the military to police our streets and the fact that there's a clause that would take away our right to a trial before imprisonment.

10 Name: Ruru : 2012-01-23 19:56 ID:4Aijgk2H [Del]

I agree with what Misuto said. As a collective we may lean one way or another, but the point is that we should be discerning and think for ourselves. To blindly agree with an entire group is unhealthy.

11 Name: Vayne : 2012-01-23 20:01 ID:FWLqm2YL [Del]

Yeah but I was referring to the facebook blackout video. People are saying the video on youtube isn't the real Anonymous.

12 Name: Not being Anonymous with a Qwerty Tripcode!0UZD1OR/j. : 2012-01-23 20:33 ID:lzFxheb2 [Del]

Anonymous is real alright, but the news revolving it might not be authentic. If you see people claiming to be part of Anonymous, you know their lying because then, they're not Anonymous.

Same with the videos.

I think they're pretty cool people, but it's not right to rely on them all the time. Sure, they have pretty spiffy hacking skills but you don't need to be a genius with computers to make a difference. I guess I'm neutral :v

13 Name: Nikorasu : 2012-01-23 20:49 ID:PRQJ4KMO [Del]

>>12 I agree, we should not rely on them all the time, but maybe we should also take action into our own hands.

On another note, I do support "anonymous" as they are not necessarily doing wrong, and their actions are justified due to the cause, wouldn't you all agree?

14 Name: Resydul : 2012-01-23 20:58 ID:QHxF7EWt [Del]

I agree with what Nikorasu said.

15 Name: Forte_Sigma!ljEVVXEJNE : 2012-01-23 20:59 ID:dieqRAOj [Del]

Anonymous is the only voice we have. I support everything they do.
Fuck organized government.
Fuck money. I want my freedoms and rights back.

I am raging so hard right now.
I could kill a congressman.
jk jk.
I wouldnt go that far. But I am pretty mad.

16 Name: Vayne : 2012-01-23 21:05 ID:FWLqm2YL [Del]

>>13 I agree maybe they are on to something

17 Name: Resydul : 2012-01-23 21:07 ID:QHxF7EWt [Del]

Anonymous... is the only voice we have.

18 Name: Vayne : 2012-01-23 21:55 ID:FWLqm2YL [Del]

So should we trust this who "facebook blackout thing"
here's the link to the video:

19 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-01-23 23:51 ID:kFd86cH+ [Del]

they aren't OUR voice. We are. They have nothing to do with us. Good for them for trying to help out everyone, but that is it.

20 Name: Anonymous : 2012-01-24 00:01 ID:J33c5n3Z [Del]

anonymous did give us a voice but do we trust the voice the dollars protect we all need to think about it

21 Name: mugetsu : 2012-01-24 00:08 ID:J33c5n3Z [Del]

sorry i did not send with a name its mugetsu

22 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-01-24 00:21 ID:kFd86cH+ [Del]

>>20 Anon gave themselves a voice.

23 Name: Blaze367 : 2012-01-24 00:24 ID:aVeQrqgH [Del]

I believe that we need to get more information before coming to an absolute final answer. Anon is a cyber activist group that wants freedom of the internet but in means of cyber attacks. Whether or not the contempt may be for aggressive "trolling" or for mean of peace are unknown at the time. And the video of subject has been a rumor on the IRC for months but they said it was laid off for other operations (such as yes we camp later known as the occupy movement). The only thing I will say myself as a former member of Anonymous is that there are two sides of everything and that's what we need to keep in mind.

24 Name: Roganu : 2012-01-24 00:33 ID:oZQZL5MG [Del]

I believe, if we support anything about them at the very least, the idea behind them should be supported by us, because it will make the world better without our governments lying and going behind our backs

25 Name: sesame : 2012-01-24 01:13 ID:3JVyWjGI [Del]

i support anonymous. they're just trying to help people, and i think, right now, we can use all the help we can get. the government is twisted, i don't know if any of you go to slashdot, but they recently passed a law that can basically take you into custody for as long as they want, and not tell anybody. i haven't checked up on this, to see if it's still an active law or not, but that's one example of how sick our government is. it's like the black bags over people's heads in v for vendetta.

26 Name: sealand : 2012-01-24 10:27 ID:8rX8Fb5S [Del]

hetalia house is here

27 Name: Turntech : 2012-01-24 11:04 ID:zRmnScWz [Del]

As long as they help, I guess they're good

28 Name: Marcy : 2012-01-24 13:47 ID:5vFalcHb [Del]


29 Name: Blaze367 : 2012-01-24 17:25 ID:aVeQrqgH [Del]

I'm happy that you guys think so good of them. Even after what I said you still support Anonymous.... I think I have found some good guys here ^_^

30 Name: MAKAZIE : 2012-01-24 17:34 ID:hIIqHnL4 [Del]

help anonymous in their latest mission to blackout facebook.

31 Name: Marcy !IPLEVNCIlg : 2012-01-24 18:16 ID:jEL9tBX7 [Del]

>>28 GOD WOMAN!!! PLEASE USE A DIFFERENT NAME!!! It's confusing to have two Marcys

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34 Name: Shokua : 2012-01-24 19:06 ID:Il42u9k3 [Del]

I think we need to tread lightly here; Anonymous has very extrememe views and methods, and if we support them too much the World might affiliate us with them.

35 Name: Proxy !kz26FLRB.w : 2012-01-24 19:12 ID:2kgEd02Y [Del]

Anonymous is a cult IMO and I personally don't support them.

36 Name: Hatash : 2012-01-24 19:22 ID:vlMz01Qp [Del]

The Dollars have nothing to do with Anoymous.

37 Name: Vayne : 2012-01-24 19:41 ID:FWLqm2YL [Del]

One thing I can say is that they are differently getting their point across.

38 Name: nice guy : 2012-01-24 21:14 ID:zo+SWFJO [Del]

anonymous is a good cause but there tactics aren't complicated at all.

39 Name: Halloween : 2012-01-24 21:23 ID:9Ovy8kx/ [Del]

Problem is can the Anime be supported on Anoymous.

40 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2012-01-24 21:23 ID:mVJK4Nn+ [Del]

>>39 What does anime have to do with anonymous?

41 Name: kazeneko !O5bszJGlew : 2012-01-24 21:34 ID:/TaiM4dS [Del]

I support the idea anonymous wants, but don't confuse them to an organization or a cult. They're no more an organization than we are a gang! In a lot of ways they're very similar to the Dollars. They just are waaaaay more extreme where as we aren't necessarily action takers than idea exchangers.

42 Name: Mugetsu!QySUCX4GUE : 2012-01-24 21:39 ID:I/qxaPut [Del]

I agree with kazeneko. Anonymous has stated on many occasions that they are not an organization and have no set "members" much like the Dollars. However, it's because they have no organization whatsoever that Anon is divided amongst itself. there are factions that want to do the blackout and those that oppose such drastic measures.
just a sidenote: I'm not the same mugetsu as >>21

43 Name: Proxy !kz26FLRB.w : 2012-01-24 21:50 ID:2kgEd02Y [Del]

>>41 They are an organization and more importantly a cult, I've had a very long argument with an anonymous member (an extreme member I know that there are moderate members who don't act this way) He started of with the anonymous plan video :

Then the rest of his arguments were based on or around the video, often just taking quotes from the video, as if he couldn't think for himself. A lot of the members aren't affected like this and simply like the idea of Anonymous so they don't see how others get so wrapped up.

44 Name: kazeneko !O5bszJGlew : 2012-01-24 21:55 ID:/TaiM4dS [Del]

>>43 Anonymous operates just like we do. Someone gets an idea for a mission, posts it, if it gets enough support from members it can take off really well. It's possible to be anonymous and not support Operation Blackout (if it comes into fruition).

There are Anon members who act like it's a cult just like we have members who act like the Dollars is a secret club.

45 Name: Ryuzaaki1234 : 2012-01-24 22:05 ID:7g5TcgXh [Del]

The difference between the Dollars and Anon is that most of us aren't extremist fucks who debate about useless things like whether or not people should wear hats while they eat, or whether authors are allowed to use names from phone books or graveyards where their relatives are buried.
Oh, and the Dollars haven't committed themselves to fighting corruption. Dollars just dawdle.....

46 Name: Ryuzaaki1234 : 2012-01-24 22:13 ID:7g5TcgXh [Del]

Sorry for the second post in a row but Anonymous is a shit philosophy. They do good things every now and then (or so I'm told... -_-), but going against SOPA isn't really impressive. Everyone else is already doing it! They're unnecessary, and the people who consider themselves part of Anon are just trying to make up for the fact they're clueless. Anon accomplishes nothing.

47 Name: Vayne : 2012-01-25 11:48 ID:FWLqm2YL [Del]

>>46 They take more action than we do.
>>45 I agree we do do a lot of dawdling.

48 Name: rio : 2012-01-25 11:52 ID:2an9pSp7 [Del]

thats why i will only meet up with you guys in a public place then i will be safe but with you alone i just dont feel safe sorry if it offends you guys but this world can be pretty sketchy as seen in durarara episode two

49 Name: Shin : 2012-01-25 13:00 ID:N0tG+8mS [Del]

I support anonymous because its the voice that could fight four the Internet liberty. Figure out if PIPA, SOPA, run the internet world :s Besides there is the ACTA project, do you want a Dictatorship over the internet ?? Personaly i dont.

50 Name: Marcy : 2012-01-25 13:44 ID:5vFalcHb [Del]


51 Name: Marcy !IPLEVNCIlg : 2012-01-25 15:15 ID:TnQdT67M [Del]

>>50 just stick with princess bubblegum -_-

52 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-01-25 15:16 ID:NHafoqVr [Del]

>>51 ew. No. Have them be marco polo

53 Name: Marcy !IPLEVNCIlg : 2012-01-25 15:19 ID:TnQdT67M [Del]

>>52 XD

But seriously Marcy 2, plz stop using my name or at least stop samefagging

54 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-01-25 15:44 ID:TnATDGwh [Del]

Fuck no I don't. They may have good intentions, but I don't support their way of trying to change it at all. And they hacked my PlayStation. They need to get over themselves really.

55 Name: JKuri !pF1lEKTr1A : 2012-01-25 15:46 ID:Sbwp2NtX [Del]

>>15 I'd kill the whole congress

56 Name: Rieg !ZW5PizsNSw : 2012-01-25 17:26 ID:rXF/HT26 [Del]

I thin anonymous is actually doing somethin that alot of people have been thinking. I mean alot of people have been posting about hating the govt. and what they are doing, but how many of us actually do anything?

57 Name: The Doctor : 2012-01-25 17:40 ID:Dm9aoIXa [Del]

The dollars are a group of normal people with different opinions, this site is a place to meet and share ideas, but I do not think that this site has any affiliation with any group, or support one side, since there are people from BOTH sides on this site.

58 Name: Kawaii Shinobi : 2012-01-25 18:19 ID:T86B2W+J [Del]

Actually you never know some of the dollars could actually be in Anonymous as well.

59 Name: Sky-Chan : 2012-01-25 18:37 ID:O2/9fEkP [Del]

I don't think Anonymous is good or bad. It depends on your perspective on Anonymous.
I think that Anonymous is helping the people who are bothered with the government, but some people may be scared of the extreme measures they are taking. In some ways, Anonymous could be seen as a threat to some people. But the government is scaring people too... With all the insane laws they're passing. In my opinion Anonymous is, for now, one of the loudest voices the people have.

60 Name: VitrealleAurora : 2012-01-25 19:14 ID:XP03ZyMY [Del]

@The Doctor
is it sad that i didnt read the topic at all but really just went HOLY CRAP THE DOCTOR IS A DOLLAR?!

61 Name: naru : 2012-01-25 19:31 ID:Gvuh/SXs [Del]

The also tried to get rid of facebook by they failed to do it so. Aside from the government, they are trying to open our eyes into the world of today.

62 Name: VitrealleAurora : 2012-01-25 19:34 ID:XP03ZyMY [Del]

But now that i've done some research, i can't give an opinion. I personally think its a little stupid myself, but i'm not for or against it.

63 Name: Yukio !DboM3.beAE : 2012-01-25 19:49 ID:ouPsrGFz [Del]

>>61 Anonymous has officially told the news that they never tried to get rid of Facebook, nor do they plan to do so, as Facebook is anti-SOPA/PIPA.
The "Anonymous" that claimed to destroy Fb was actually started by a few independent ppl who spread the word effectively.

64 Name: wolfe : 2012-01-25 20:29 ID:oa1P+fJs [Del]

i found this on you tube. i didn't know anonymous was this big!

65 Name: Z£ΓØ : 2012-01-25 22:14 ID:F9v+5/7R [Del]

Honestly, I don't see a reason that "The Dollars" Should support the "Anonymous". People put to much focus on names. If you're a Dollar, You're a Dollar and so forth with Anons. Hell, Some of us Dollars are Anons. What's really important is that we do what we can Individually or together with our collective groups to go along with and achieve our respective goals.

To clarify, I'm not saying Anonymous is Good or bad. At the end of the day, They are just individuals like us. If one or another of The Dollars support Anonymous, That's fine. But for "The Dollars" as a whole.. We have no reason to voice a support for a different group on behalf of our entire group. Especially since some of us may have conflicting opinions on the matter.

But, That's just my take on it.

66 Name: Far : 2012-01-26 03:17 ID:bItY1S2T [Del]

Dollars is something like Anonymous deshou~? o.O Except that we don't really voice out and hack... xD We're both invincible! And I say, both Dollars and Anonymous are JUSTICE. While Anonymous handles the bigger problems like governments and all, we Dollars handles the smaller problems like helping out society... Honestly, I do support them. But still, I'm a Dollars. So yeah, we are just the one with lesser problems... xD Wouldn't it be cool if Anonymous finds out about Dollars someday? xD I mean, we're good people anyways~ xD

67 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-01-26 03:25 ID:krwMqwO8 [Del]

>>65 i am extremely doubtful of your accusation.
1. Nobody would be stupid enough to gloat about being in a hacker group
2. Nobody in said hacker group would completely ignore everything that has been said involving sopa, megaupload, this, etc.
we are 95% unrelated to these people, why must you all insist on saying we are so alike

68 Name: Orcenas Odelleño : 2012-01-26 04:41 ID:Al5Al3s8 [Del]

We are not groups. We are not labels. We are people. Human beings seeking to right the wrongs of others, trying to better ourselves. Forever we are brightening humanity, the future, and the present. We are "Bright Infinity". I welcome all not to the Dollars, but to the greener side of the shady grove.

69 Name: Peachez : 2012-01-27 08:53 ID:dmsJu1Kr [Del]

I do not support or condemn Anonymous.

70 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-01-27 09:40 ID:3X62DGaQ [Del]

>>68 ...Your post started off making a decent amount of sense, and slowly devolved into a nonsensical regurgitation of pretty words.

71 Name: Kalidin !AnnC9ODlrc : 2012-01-27 10:37 ID:nXWWoUWa [Del]

i am anonymous

72 Name: Umbra Serpens !T1rQ1UNnww : 2012-01-27 13:03 ID:UfIxgyz+ [Del]

>>70 Laughing out loud
>>71 Laughing even louder

73 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2012-01-28 19:47 ID:mVJK4Nn+ [Del]


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76 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2012-01-28 22:11 ID:pKo0U/md [Del]

74 Name: Walker : 2012-01-28 22:07 ID:ujoDFyj5
75 Name: Tear : 2012-01-28 22:10 ID:ujoDFyj5

What's up, samefag?

77 Name: Walker : 2012-01-28 22:14 ID:ujoDFyj5 [Del]

Haha. Indeed.

78 Name: Walker : 2012-01-28 22:14 ID:ujoDFyj5 [Del]

I hope that doesn't bother you Yatahaze :)

79 Name: Lchan : 2012-01-29 00:20 ID:ltWf2GCJ [Del]

what about Th3J35T3R? The Jester?

80 Name: Zeckarias !kjn0nYOOPw : 2012-01-29 02:32 ID:kwQ1mdIa [Del]


81 Name: Zeckarias !kjn0nYOOPw : 2012-01-29 11:04 ID:kwQ1mdIa [Del]


82 Name: Syaki : 2012-01-31 13:05 ID:wQnt0a+i [Del]

>>66 said everything for me

83 Name: Paatback : 2012-01-31 13:17 ID:2SuCPK6p [Del]

Its however we individually want it to be right?

84 Name: Rulko : 2012-01-31 13:26 ID:nfGl1w6w [Del]

I support them- Besides they are fighting back so that we can keep doing this right? (among other things)

85 Name: A : 2012-01-31 14:02 ID:d5t1xCSA [Del]

They have my support

86 Name: 0x59 : 2012-01-31 14:23 ID:spe4ZfoU [Del]

I agree with most of what they do.

87 Name: Cookie_Raider : 2012-01-31 14:52 ID:KKfOJUTK [Del]

i see no problem with them they have my support

88 Name: /\nonym<3us : 2012-01-31 17:42 ID:rJH7aW40 [Del]

My name comes from there group also it is my raave name so yea
most of my family either support or are with anonymous....
i may not be a hacker for them but i would stand with the anytime

they have my support

89 Name: Forte_Sigma!ljEVVXEJNE : 2012-01-31 20:44 ID:dieqRAOj [Del]

>>88 They would chew you up and spit you out for even claiming a name like yours comes from their name.
Glad you support em and all..but Just sayin.

90 Name: Kata : 2012-02-01 00:46 ID:ECShxh7g [Del]

I've heard alot of these people but have they done anything? Like actually changed anything? I hav'nt seen anything happen with what they say. I hav'nt done searched them up or anything and I just want to know.
I am glad the public has a microphone to speak into... even if it is corrupted.

91 Name: Gold : 2012-02-01 01:18 ID:MS/niGMz [Del]

>>90 they helped start the occupy movement.

92 Name: Kat : 2012-02-28 09:44 ID:T+TtfuTi [Del]

>>90 I do support theyr movements but I'm not a member. They reported some sites of pedophilia, as well as theyr members. Hacked several bank accounts of wealthy people and industries that used to support SOPA (it's dead, we're facing ACTA right now)and distributted some money over several bank accounts. They support the Occupy Wall Street Movement, as said by Gold. And they did (and will do) lots of good deeds, through some times, those seem a bit radical. They do have my respect nad I support them.

93 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2012-02-28 14:48 ID:aETvQ0Lx [Del]

bumping shit off the page

94 Name: Leigha Moscove !S3dRf9Ujsk : 2012-03-13 23:57 ID:5XPSIKu8 [Del]

I like that they're trying to do good, but part of me is feeling, "this isn't such a good idea." I'm sorry, but they're kind of scary and I have a bad gut feeling about them. (Just a side comment. Weren't they based of a movie?) They kind of scare me. The dollars scare me too, but that's not as bad. That's not THIS bad. I've seen first hand that we are about equality, safety, freedom, and all that is good. They want good to, but I feel they take a more... straight forward approach. A more ACTIVE and possibly more VIOLENT approach. Now, I have no evidence to support these claims, but my gut feelings have only been wrong ONCE. That one time was when I put my mind into it more than followed my gut. Anytime I've not used my mind and followed my gut, it SAVED me.

By the way, this is EXACTLY where I would have posted this thread. As I was saying before, they mean good and can do good, but I don't trust them and I'm staying out.

95 Post deleted by user.

96 Name: Leigha Moscove !S3dRf9Ujsk : 2012-03-14 00:02 ID:5XPSIKu8 [Del]

>>9 I think I know what you're talking about. I just posted it on missions. Mind commenting on it explaining? I was trying to get it out there, but I don't know anything about it except the biased opinions I've heard. I heard it from anonymous actually.

97 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-03-14 00:46 ID:nLGO4OQu [Del]


98 Name: unreal507 : 2012-03-19 06:21 ID:8113onFD [Del]

tbh i dont know enough about politics to say if i support all their ideals, however i love the attack on the corruption within the Scientology religion. As for operation black out im still skeptical about that entire idea, i think its a hell of a clever idea, However..... i think it made so many people upset that in the end the amount of followers of anonymous dwindled following their youtube statements... I agree with BOTH of them but imo i dont think they quite have a grasp on how the worlds eyes work..... I also support their attack on Obama, you know what i mean.... not phsical, get that out of your heads.... all i can say is i like them but their not quite to aa high enough level yet.... but they will get their!

99 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-03-19 06:40 ID:fDpqQ5hq [Del]

>>98 English, please.

100 Name: unreal507 : 2012-03-19 06:47 ID:8113onFD [Del]

my English is fine, few misspells but nothing serious, lol if you just gonna hate because you cant understand the complexity of the organization than go troll somewhere else.....

101 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-03-19 07:01 ID:fDpqQ5hq [Del]

>>100 Don't even try me. I will dissect your post and show you every goddamn error you made, if I must.

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105 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-03-19 07:13 ID:fDpqQ5hq [Del]

Fucking HTML =o='
>>100 Corrections are bolded. And I'm far from a troll; I merely respect the English language.
To be honest, I don't know enough about politics to say if I support all their ideals, however, I love their attack on the corruption within the Scientology religion. As for Operation Black Out, I'm still skeptical about the entire idea; I think it is a Hell of a clever idea, but I think it made so many people upset that, in the end, the amount of followers of Anonymous dwindled following their Youtube statements. I agree with both of them, but, in my opinion, I don't think they have a grasp on how the world's eyes see them. I also support their attack on Obama. (You know what I mean - not phsically; get that out of your heads. All I can say is that I like them, but they're not quite at a high enough level yet. But they will get there!

106 Name: Zweite : 2012-03-19 16:04 ID:n69XUt/8 [Del]

I like what they represent. They seem a bit impulsive in that they seem to kind of decide on targets by random, but the idea of the Internet being represented by this mass of random people coming together to defend this medium of communication they enjoy--the Internet--is nice, even if a bit romanticized.

107 Name: Ameterasu !VGzOHdOTYc : 2012-03-19 16:33 ID:0lxBRAZ9 [Del]

I think what they are doing is good, im no expert on what they are up to, but it seems to be victimless crimes. Course im a liberal hippie so i like a little resistance to the system.

108 Name: Forte_Sigma!ljEVVXEJNE : 2012-03-19 17:27 ID:dieqRAOj [Del]

Again, the media portrayal of these guys is off. They are more like robin hoods, I reiterate, as to reference my torrenting thread; they just have much more unorthodox/forceful methods of getting their points across.

109 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-03-19 18:32 ID:tP9oNxz/ [Del]

But they had to start somewhere, to get that 'offed' portrayal. Meaning they may be trying to do good, but in the end, they have still done some bad. Good may outweigh it, but it doesn't hide it.

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111 Name: kabuto464 !0UZD1OR/j. : 2012-03-19 19:06 ID:OuZ7wL9l [Del]

are they making it better for us? or are they arrogant? maybe theyre doing this all out of guile? Nobody will know if they have a selfish reason or not. I suggest we stay away from them til we know if theyre just or not

112 Name: Izaya-Sho : 2012-03-19 19:11 ID:BNez5Lpn [Del]

If you want to know the character of anonymous watch V for Vendetta. They only want to government to do what they have plagued to do, which is to represent their citizens and not just do what ever makes them the most money. Also, you asked are WE supporters on anonymous, when in reality you can do what ever you want. Even if you not a hacktivist, you can still be in anonymous.

113 Name: Acid Shampoo : 2012-03-19 20:27 ID:5XYbbcu8 [Del]

Anonymous are doing good things...occassionally...but most of the time they are just harrassing sony or microsoft or nintendo or other stuff like that because they get banned for doing something stupid...
Anonymous arnt good...but their not US congress...

114 Name: apey : 2012-03-19 20:52 ID:4pcm61qe [Del]

>>113 attaching "good" or "evil" to a group of people is just stupid ... they're are always going too be bad people in a group of good people and vice verse but as a whole the people who use anonymous as a cover are for the majority black hat hackers (more evil) but there are some gray and white hat hackers in the group

115 Name: StuffedFriia !HI4j9f3lc2 : 2012-03-20 20:07 ID:T+UPkS4A [Del]

I think each person should look at Anonymous on their own and come up with their own reasons for supporting/opposing them. It's more than OK to have your own opinions, you know. You don't have to blindly follow a group just because a bunch of people tell you to, and the opposite is also true.

116 Name: Izaya-Sho : 2012-03-20 20:12 ID:e3pIbhwk [Del]

>>115 I agree 100%, who cares what everyone els here thinks. Just support them or dont.

117 Name: Jebus : 2012-03-20 20:17 ID:spGkDzAf [Del]

I follow Anonymous because they stand for everything I believe in.

118 Name: Sha : 2012-03-20 20:50 ID:n+4WuWiI [Del]

>>117 i know this is irelevant but my friends call me Jebus and i just had to laugh when i saw ur name, but i find it cool that there is another person with that nickname or username

Anyways, I'm not exactly sure what Anonymous' true intentions are but if they let us keep our internet then i support them

119 Post deleted by user.

120 Name: mei-chan : 2012-03-20 22:19 ID:C5AxxVOY [Del]


121 Name: Kiem : 2012-03-20 23:59 ID:KXSNNXy3 [Del]

I am not exactly for them, but I'm not against them either. Some of the things they do I can support, and some I don't.

122 Name: Handle : 2012-03-21 06:50 ID:0+BpC7E4 [Del]


123 Name: dami-kun : 2012-03-24 13:25 ID:M1d8ap4b [Del]

>>19 I agree.

124 Name: Chrome !CgbeICNblQ : 2012-03-24 14:03 ID:kZ/fXHkY [Del]

Sometimes I'm for them and other times I'm not. It depends on the situation and the cell that is involved really. At best I see them as wonderful connections to have. At worst I see them as friendly rivals. No real animosity just yet.

125 Name: :) :P : 2012-03-24 14:11 ID:VzH0mGLZ [Del]

i want to contact them, how?

126 Name: Alice : 2012-03-24 14:37 ID:tsveVzbW [Del]

it depends on what they are doing. even though mega video was bad . its was a really good source . but they arnt that bad so its like 50/100 50/100

127 Name: The real Izaya : 2012-03-24 16:11 ID:pVsPEi35 [Del]

>>125 Just go to one of their IRCs, talk to enough people and eventualy you will end up speaking to a hacktivest.

128 Name: The real Izaya : 2012-03-24 16:19 ID:eRihF1D9 [Del]

>>12 Idiot. Anyone can be in anonymous, hacker or not.

129 Name: The real Izaya : 2012-03-24 16:39 ID:RMxIVbGn [Del]

Lets try not to compare the dollars to anonymous.

Dollars: I just wrote ''the worlds not as bad as you think'' on a dollar.

Anonymous:I just hacked the FBI and let out info on three agents.

See the difference?

130 Post deleted by user.

131 Name: twentyfloorsabove !w1ciKGKUgY : 2012-03-24 17:06 ID:rnn+lWOU [Del]

>>128 Yes, anyone can be in anonymous. But if they reveal their identity, they aren't anonymous anymore. That's all they we trying to say. And not only that, they said that you don't have to be a computer whiz to be in anonymous.

I find it funny, you just posted on the spelling thread saying that other people were bad for calling members who aren't doing anything wrong, idiots. This person wasn't doing anything wrong.
Now how does that work?

132 Name: The real Izaya : 2012-03-24 17:12 ID:MP8xkmJ7 [Del]

Because im not here claiming falsehoods about how we?are changeing the world. Im just here cuz im a drrr junky just like everyone els here.

133 Post deleted by user.

134 Name: The real Izaya : 2012-03-24 17:15 ID:pVsPEi35 [Del]

Thats how that works (:

135 Name: twentyfloorsabove !w1ciKGKUgY : 2012-03-24 17:21 ID:rnn+lWOU [Del]

>>134 No it's not, that retort does not in any way defend you, nor does it have anything to do with the argument.

And so what if people say that the dollars are changing the world. That's not a falsehood. Changing the world doesn't have to be something like the american revolution. As long as we can change the life of one person, and we already have because it's changed my life, then we have changed the world. Maybe writing "the world isn't as bad as you think" on a dollar bill can change the world, if it changes just one person's mentality.

You know, I don't like how pessimistic you are. No one who says the dollars are changing the world is lying, and it's not your place to judge that.

136 Name: The real Izaya : 2012-03-24 17:28 ID:AUeW0PPi [Del]

Im not judeing anyone, im just telling you what I see and know.

I will admit that you have a valid point, but if you were really changeing the world, dont you think you would be on the news?

137 Name: Chrome !CgbeICNblQ : 2012-03-24 17:32 ID:kZ/fXHkY [Del]

>>132 Perhaps that is just the way you view it. You think in extremities. If something isn't right in front of you, you are completely unaware of its very existence. You fail to realize that some things can't be taken at face value. The Dollars aren't some shallow pond. Then again, who am to tell you what to think?

138 Name: twentyfloorsabove !w1ciKGKUgY : 2012-03-24 17:32 ID:rnn+lWOU [Del]

>>136 It doesn't have to be on the news for it to be changing the world. And besides, that's not what the dollars are about. We're supposed to be colorless, and invisible. Being on the news would defeat that.

139 Name: The real Izaya : 2012-03-24 17:33 ID:8sGdiUzn [Del]

Your not on the news because the dollars dont have power... what so ever. Not power in numbers because no ones really gonna have a larg meet up, not power in money because we dont make money. The most power we have is our thought, and that not gonna help.

140 Name: The real Izaya : 2012-03-24 17:34 ID:1gmr5/u6 [Del]

It not because you want to be invisivle. Its just that you have not done anything.

141 Post deleted by user.

142 Name: twentyfloorsabove !w1ciKGKUgY : 2012-03-24 17:38 ID:rnn+lWOU [Del]

>>139 *Headslap*
I'm tired of explaining the same thing to you over and over and over. Just listen to what>>137 said. The dollars aren't judged by power or money.

And also, "thought isn't going to help."
Just you saying that... Like seriously, what?

143 Name: The real Izaya : 2012-03-24 17:46 ID:ISTq6FVV [Del]

Dude, what is power? Its the ability to make something happen. In this day and age, what is the thing that can make change possible? Money, therefore without money you are powerless.

144 Name: Chrome !CgbeICNblQ : 2012-03-24 17:46 ID:kZ/fXHkY [Del]

>>139 See, you're wrong again. Our power is in numbers. It's in connections and the ability to use our resources. The ability to adapt and improvise. You see, the thing about us is that you really have no idea who any of us are personally. Who knows, someone here could have their hands in all sorts of crazy things. You just can't really be sure. Thoughts don't help? You must be joking!

145 Name: The real Izaya : 2012-03-24 17:59 ID:whXo2dEi [Del]

How is your power in numbers if you dont even know each other. Also, the majority does not control the elit, the elit control the majority. The majority is powerless to the elite because they have no power. So in your situation numbers mean nothing.

146 Post deleted by user.

147 Name: Chrome !CgbeICNblQ : 2012-03-24 18:09 ID:kZ/fXHkY [Del]

Please do elaborate on your logic there. I am dying to hear it. Our power is in numbers because we don't have to know every single member. We just have to know of them. I know 20+ Dollars in my city, some of them I only know by association. I hear there are a lot more of them out here, some not even members of this or any other site. They simply use the title. With that kind of network going, we have power. I'm sure it's like this for lots of people on here. This website only connects a few more dots.

Anyways, if your next "point" is as boring and illogical as these last ones I will carry on. Wish I could say it was a fun debate...but I would hate to paint myself a liar.

148 Name: The real Izaya : 2012-03-24 18:09 ID:MP8xkmJ7 [Del]

If you people really want to change the world go protest something that is make the world worse, or go and truly make someones day. Not just wrighing some cliche statment on a dollar.

149 Name: The real Izaya : 2012-03-24 18:13 ID:8sGdiUzn [Del]

No just paint youself foolish and blind. Blinded by foolishness.

You mad? (:

150 Name: Chrome !CgbeICNblQ : 2012-03-24 18:18 ID:kZ/fXHkY [Del]

>>149 Not in the slightest. Dreadfully bored of this though.

>>148 How do you know I haven't protested with some of my Dollars friends? How do you know I haven't got some of them together to make a banquet for the homeless shelter? How do you know that there aren't other members here who do similar things? You don't. That is why your argument is invalid. You have been measured, you have been weighed. The debate is now over. Thank you for playing. ^^

151 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-03-24 18:20 ID:GKgpOP8T [Del]

>>149 Not mad. Just feelings sad for where society is going to go if people like you fill the next generation.

152 Name: Chrome !CgbeICNblQ : 2012-03-24 18:28 ID:kZ/fXHkY [Del]

>>151 I think they will eventually die off. Not that I wish it upon them, I just see it as an inevitability.

153 Name: The real Izaya : 2012-03-24 18:37 ID:ISTq6FVV [Del]

>>150 because you cant hold a banquite at a homeless shelter dumbass, and if you people did do all this bullshit the world would know about it. You not working anonymously anyone can go to goole, yahoo, bing, ask, youtube, anywere and findout all aboutit

154 Name: The real Izaya : 2012-03-24 18:39 ID:P9M6+PaH [Del]

Barbi you would prefur a society with idiots who think they are changeing the world by wrighting shit on a dollar?

155 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-03-24 18:43 ID:GKgpOP8T [Del]

>>154 I would "prefur" a society of people who know how to "wright".

156 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-03-24 18:44 ID:GKgpOP8T [Del]

You can't change the world by writing something on a dollar, dumbass. We're not that stupid. We do it to get more people. We can't change the world; we just do what we can to anonymously help those around us. Please learn more about our society before you start pulling shit out of your ass.

157 Name: The real Izaya : 2012-03-24 18:49 ID:uAw90aex [Del]

How the fuck are you anonymous if your wright on a dollar who you are stupid ass

158 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-03-24 18:51 ID:GKgpOP8T [Del]

Do you even know what the word "anonymous" means? (Not the organization; the word itself.) If not, you're really fucking stupid, and your opinion is henceforth invalid.

159 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-03-24 18:53 ID:GKgpOP8T [Del]

I'm hoping you're just a really bad troll. I don't want to think that there are people in the world who are this stupid.

I wonder when we're going to finish making that trolling guide... We need to teach these illiterate fucks how to troll.

160 Name: The real Izaya : 2012-03-24 18:56 ID:Q1LmTh3a [Del]

Yeah, its not being identified by a name, therefore you dont work anonymously stupid fuck

161 Name: The real Izaya : 2012-03-24 18:59 ID:P9M6+PaH [Del]

But yet your the moron who just made an arguement of a word that you dont even know.

162 Post deleted by user.

163 Name: Chrome !CgbeICNblQ : 2012-03-24 19:06 ID:kZ/fXHkY [Del]

>>159 I agree. Trolling is an art. Every 12 year old kid who gets the internet thinks they are "boss troll" when they use profanity and nonsensical babble. Where is the fineness, where is the class, where is the beauty? I think it's a bad troll. Surely no one can be that unintelligent, right?

164 Name: The real Izaya : 2012-03-24 19:12 ID:AUeW0PPi [Del]

>>163 I was haveing fun laughing and all until you said that lame shit.

165 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-03-24 19:17 ID:GKgpOP8T [Del]

You don't even understand what anonymous means. Dumb fuck.

>>163 This. I really enjoy the presence of good trolls, even if I'm getting trolled. I just hate dumbasses who think they're trolling.

Well, Tsuki's trolling style isn't really that of a "good" troll, but it's humorous, so I don't make a fuss.

166 Name: Chrome !CgbeICNblQ : 2012-03-24 19:22 ID:kZ/fXHkY [Del]

>>165 Indeed! There is always a place in my heart for a good troll. Someone who knows what they are doing will always make me chuckle even at my own expense.

167 Name: The real Izaya : 2012-03-24 19:30 ID:KSkYMClU [Del]

>>165 Then enlighten me what anonymous means because google is wrong, you know every thing. Teach me what anonymus is. Moron

168 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-03-24 19:35 ID:GKgpOP8T [Del]

>>167 There's more to a word than it's definition.

Yes, if you do something anonymously, your name isn't on it. Your face isn't on it. Your business isn't on it. It can't be traced back to you, or at least not by normal means. When we do things anonymously, it means that the people who we help don't know who we are. Some of us leave small bits of evidence of the site, but that's about the limit. Therefore, we're helping anonymously.

169 Name: The real Izaya : 2012-03-24 19:48 ID:8sGdiUzn [Del]

Stupid if you leave any avidence your not anonymous. Eather way you guys are always talking about how you leave the dollars name on shit. Also thats what the fuck I said, stupid ass.

170 Post deleted by user.

171 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-03-24 19:51 ID:GKgpOP8T [Del]

>>169 Considering that's what I said in the first place, then it seems we should both be on the same page. Too bad your IQ is too low to understand this basic fact. Instead, you feel the need to drag it on in order to make an arguement. If you think you're bothering me, you can think again. I personally consider you a good test subject for observing idiots.

Nonetheless, the person themself is anonymous even if they link back to their organization, especially if they're pretty much anonymous within said organization.

172 Post deleted by user.

173 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-03-24 19:57 ID:GKgpOP8T [Del]

>>172 He's probably stupid enough to say it to people's faces. Poor fool is going to get a couple black eyes one of these days :'(

174 Name: The real Izaya : 2012-03-24 20:06 ID:FeCluUqL [Del]

If anyone here lives by me I will happily come and say it to you.

175 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-03-24 20:08 ID:GKgpOP8T [Del]

>>174 Where do you live? :O

176 Name: Street Xai Ci : 2012-03-24 20:16 ID:4LAD+W8D [Del]

OPPPS SORRY, i was going off on some punk and I must've slipped my finger.. MY BAD.. ill delete that, that wasnt ment for you guys, just some punk names The Real Izaya aka little bitch

177 Name: Street Xai Ci : 2012-03-24 20:18 ID:4LAD+W8D [Del]

yeah, that post wast relevent to whatever, and it wasn't meant for harm to anyone who did't need it. for get you saw that and please don't hate me n_n!

178 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-03-24 20:19 ID:GKgpOP8T [Del]

>>176 Shush.

179 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-03-24 20:19 ID:GKgpOP8T [Del]

You guys need to stop your dramabomb. It's getting annoying. I feel like I'm listening to middle school bickering.

180 Name: The real Izaya : 2012-03-24 20:20 ID:qFaf58Y8 [Del]

>>175 im in pembroke pines florida, lido isles second house from the gate.

181 Name: Street Xai Ci : 2012-03-24 20:23 ID:4LAD+W8D [Del]

I wish I could block people on here Y-Y Barbi, I don't know what happen, I guess i got carred away. haha no excuses for my actions, what's done is done.. reap what you sow right?

182 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-03-24 20:23 ID:GKgpOP8T [Del]

>>180 Ew. Florida. No wonder you're stupid; all the heat and moisture must be prematurely decomposing your brain.

Anyway, end of conversation. You don't need to keep repeating your opinion because we all know you're just trolling. Nobody cares anymore; you've been officially marked as a troll whose opinions are to be disregarded.

183 Name: Noelle : 2012-03-25 00:30 ID:+UcIw7gs [Del]

I think it fine. if you dont want people to know who you are, then they dont have to.

184 Name: SebastianDv : 2012-03-25 00:36 ID:7KahGI4x [Del]

Dont attack Florida I am from there and am very inteligent

185 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-03-25 00:39 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]

>>184 i doubt that since you cant even spell intelligent

186 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-03-25 03:52 ID:nLGO4OQu [Del]

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