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Around America... (36)

1 Name: Azetylen : 2011-12-21 17:14 ID:ezvl6/W3 [Del]

I have been planning on traveling around America helping with small deeds in each state. I am currently living in California and moving my way East.

My plan is to do a few more things here in California and head over to these states in order; Nevada, Oregon, Washington,Idaho, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, N. Dakota, S. Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Missouri, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, S. Carolina, N. Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, W. Virginia, Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Delaware, New Jersey, (( skipping New York )), Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, and last but not least... Maine.
I shall spend at least a week in each state. I am not exact on when I will be leaving, but I will keep everyone updated on all of this.

If anyone knows of any small helpful things that I can do in any of these states, please reply.

My name is Azetylen and we are the Dollars.

2 Name: Forte_Sigma!ljEVVXEJNE : 2011-12-21 17:16 ID:dieqRAOj [Del]

Shit some jobs out of your ass in the state of Indiana.
lol I jest.

3 Name: Starrrk : 2011-12-21 17:19 ID:svABplpc [Del]

Why not NY. I would have let you stay in my house. ;)

4 Name: Cohen98(lms) : 2011-12-21 17:19 ID:8ZEMuTsG [Del]

Good luck on ur trip. Get a lot of suvineres. Take a lot of pics.

5 Name: Ayanavi : 2011-12-21 17:20 ID:xg+IbcWj [Del]

Holy shit, Azetylen. I haven't seen you in for-fucking-ever.

6 Name: Azetylen : 2011-12-21 17:50 ID:ycG7j9QU [Del]

@Starrrk : I am not going to NY because I went there before and a lot of family crap was going on at the time. So to me, that place is filled with unhappy memories. Thanks for the offer.

@Cohen98 : Thank you, I will try to take as many as I can.

@Aya : Oh I know. I have been very busy in Europe. Just moved to America and settling down at the moment.

7 Name: Azetylen : 2011-12-21 17:54 ID:ycG7j9QU [Del]

@Forte_Sigma : Not sure what you mean, sorry.

8 Name: Masaru : 2011-12-21 18:01 ID:ELMAo8W4 [Del]

i saw virginia
some dollars live there
hope i run into you!

9 Name: Azetylen : 2011-12-21 18:10 ID:ycG7j9QU [Del]

@Masaru : Yes yes, that would be nice.

10 Name: Yubi !Ly7MRw0CGU : 2011-12-21 18:15 ID:2YX99TIJ [Del]

Good luck! ^^

11 Name: AAAdrain : 2011-12-21 18:48 ID:N9Ke6moC [Del]

Illinois has many dollars even me so try chicago, IL k!

12 Name: Forte_Sigma!ljEVVXEJNE : 2011-12-21 19:47 ID:dieqRAOj [Del]

>>7 Indiana is one of the worst places for unemployment. Obama even visited my HS because our unemployment rate was so horrible.

13 Name: Azetylen : 2011-12-21 20:47 ID:VK4ZWBAj [Del]

@Forte : I see, sorry to hear that. I am not sure I could help with that.

@AAAdrain : I will. Thank you.

14 Name: Yamie : 2011-12-21 21:08 ID:J9gZrTpd [Del]

Come to KANSAS!!! I need my school straighten out and a also need a friend!! @~@

15 Name: Azetylen : 2011-12-21 21:20 ID:VK4ZWBAj [Del]

@Yamie : Aww, I will see if maybe we could meet when I get there. OK? ^_^

16 Name: Baka ni Baka : 2011-12-21 21:21 ID:H9Gg9CRq [Del]

Visit us in Atlanta, Georgia

17 Name: Yupina : 2011-12-21 21:50 ID:45teuzel [Del]

Yeah, I think it's important to focus a little on education (a lot, if you or I had the power to). I don't want to sound cliche, but it's is at its downfall.

18 Name: Kaori !!Wr6AB6KD : 2011-12-21 21:53 ID:WTWMjmdI [Del]

>>17 true

and if you ever do decide that education is crap, come visit arizona /o/

19 Name: Azetylen : 2011-12-22 17:04 ID:ycG7j9QU [Del]

Will do.

20 Name: Yukio !DboM3.beAE : 2011-12-22 17:07 ID:bbNEqVVu [Del]

OMG so it's sorta like a charity road trip???
How about visit local libraries and downtowns and such and like, idk. Do stuff for the kids and stuff, ya know?

OH and get a video recorder and make a documentary

21 Name: baccano : 2011-12-22 17:26 ID:MZUHU1mB [Del]

no ideas yet, but...


22 Name: JHM1991 : 2011-12-22 17:27 ID:EW1kaYFa [Del]


23 Name: Emearalda : 2011-12-22 18:00 ID:s8VLzzO/ [Del]

I know Alabama still needs assistance with tornado relief. There are plenty of charities that need help in Tuscaloosa rebuilding houses and stuff.

24 Name: MKOLLER !YYk5m0jo12 : 2011-12-22 18:03 ID:ZTg+ioSX [Del]

See if you can stay with a dollar from every state. And while you're doing so, go out and spread the word.

25 Name: CacoPhoniA : 2011-12-22 18:16 ID:ja7UWtzH [Del]

Go to Pea Ridge AR so I can meet a fellow Dollar :D

26 Name: Kannerz : 2011-12-22 18:53 ID:61lC2rx2 [Del]

What kind of things are you interested in? Homeless ppl? Medical? Religious? Animal? Environmental?

You should visit Disney V: and bush gardens and -insert every single Florida theme park-. Visit the beaches. You should go scuba diving, see the coral reefs at the west coast. Go to miami. Go to the everglades before it disappears. You can prolly find a lot of preserve-the-florida-ecosystem related projects you can help with. Like that oil spill crap that went on a few months ago. I suggest checking university websites and see what upcoming events they've set up.

You want to help the US? The most effective place you can be in is the government, honestly.

27 Name: Feral : 2011-12-22 19:01 ID:xzPvoZwY [Del]

Good luck with your journey! I wouldn't mind showing another dollar around should you come around Ft. Wayne.

28 Name: Feral : 2011-12-22 19:02 ID:xzPvoZwY [Del]

**Indiana that is, kind of an important detail.

29 Name: Azetylen : 2011-12-22 19:54 ID:ycG7j9QU [Del]

@Kannerz : Any of those will be fine.

I thank all of you for the great ideas for me to do. Unfortunately, I have decided to remain Anonymous to other dollars in public. Maybe one day I will reveal myself to my fellow dollars.
Please keep me updated on things that are going on around America.

30 Name: cazuma : 2011-12-22 20:36 ID:7lUOIw91 [Del]

you have friends in Connecticut need anything here or anywhere in any new England state just msg we got your back

31 Name: mystery- man : 2011-12-23 00:57 ID:5cSjFrj3 [Del]

come to georgia let me know

32 Name: Zakksu !Eo1PJyCXMA : 2011-12-23 01:00 ID:e2HejzVu [Del]

If you are ever in Maryland let me know. I'll be glad to give a helping hand. :3

33 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2012-04-02 01:44 ID:2cL7XSrK [Del]

If Azetylen doesn't mind, I'll repost his update here.

"So I am afraid to say, but I have to cancel my trip. I was getting so happy for the trip!!!!!! But sadly, I cannot. I have to take care of my sister. She is very very sick. I have her home hospitalized because she begged me to not send her to a hospital. I can understand... She doesn't know what to do if I am not there. And that's OK. I will take care of her til she gets better."

34 Name: Scotch_1129 : 2013-09-08 11:54 ID:N9iLkpyH [Del]

Missouri here! Mid Missouri actually, just say the word and I'll lend a hand on your mission :) a lot of stuff do around here.

35 Name: SuperKeroro88 : 2013-09-08 12:19 ID:eNuPPoa/ [Del]

Hello fellow dollars! I'm new here and ready to do anything it takes for this gang. If your in Texas, visit Houston.I gathered up some dollars there so we are ready to help! There are only 7 of us, but I bet there are plenty more!

36 Name: bang-bang : 2013-09-08 12:25 ID:v+mpIpeM [Del]

Are your eyes cloudy or are you just that keen on replying without reading even the comments right above yours >>35>>34

This thread is old and, as you can see in >>33 (posted more than one year ago) OP was forced to cancel their trip.
This thread has been closed. You cannot post in this thread any longer.