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OccupyEverywhere vs. TeaPartyPatriots (71)

1 Name: MKOLLER !YYk5m0jo12 : 2011-12-19 12:18 ID:ZTg+ioSX [Del]

I'm bringing this to your guys's attention because it's really starting to piss me off. There are quite a few missions pertaining to the Dollars supporting the OccupyEverywhere movement. As we all know, OccupyEverywhere is a left wing group that focuses on organizing protests in major cities across the world to speak out against corporate tyranny and immorality.

Meanwhile, you have the TeaPartyPatriots, who are a right wing group that focuses on organizing protests in capital districs to speak out against government control and loss of freedoms.

On the BBS, you constantly hear about the former. You never hear about the latter. What I'd like to know is how many people truly support one and how many truly support the other, because if even ONE person supports the side opposite the majority, then it means there is NO reason for us to align ourselves with either group unless we give equal support to the other.

TL;DR: Alright, so with that in mind, do you support Occupy? Tea Party? Or both?

Personally, this is how I see it: I have been to a Tea Party meeting. I have yet to go to an Occupy protest but my roommate is the organizer of one. I can say that I know the mentalities of both sides well enough to be able to stay effectively neutral.

The meeting I went to with the Tea Party Patriots was mainly to discuss land rights issues within their district. Because this district is very rural you have a very small population density with massive farms. The federal government wants to migrate people out of these areas and into the cities to create "Protected Zones" where people are not allowed access. You might remember a mission called "Operation Livelihood" which you can find in the Missions board that refers to this.

Personally I'm of two minds to this. On one hand, the land in question belongs to the American people. It's been settled and cultivated by the American people and therefore they have a right to it. On the other, I feel that people should migrate to cities and that cities should be redesigned with a vertical approach to minimize their impact on the environment. The US should be more like Europe, Japan and Hong Kong in how we design our cities because messes like Los Angeles are a horrid cancer on the landscape.

Besides that, the Tea Party movement has a bone to pick with the Obama administration and therefore are trying to find a suitable GOP candidate to succeed him (good luck with that one). Anyway, I feel I'm getting a little off track again.

TL;DR: Please discuss your thoughts on the OccupyEverywhere Movement and the Tea Party Patriots Movement.

2 Name: drexyel : 2011-12-19 12:20 ID:D0Q2jNRz [Del]


3 Name: MKOLLER !YYk5m0jo12 : 2011-12-19 12:23 ID:ZTg+ioSX [Del]

>>2 Care to explain why?

4 Name: kurosaki22 : 2011-12-19 12:29 ID:pULu1wSM [Del]

i honestly don't support either movement. all i can be careful with the movement we align ourselves with. but for another fact! why do members think that the dollars should get involved with something doesn't have anything to do with us? yeah i can understand if you want to help. but don't involve the group as a whole or collective. if any member wants to get involved they do it themselves don't mention dollars as a part of it. being the fact that most of the people here are teenagers including myself.

5 Name: MKOLLER !YYk5m0jo12 : 2011-12-19 12:34 ID:ZTg+ioSX [Del]

>>4 The mentality here is that both movements share goals with the Dollars. The Dollars want what's best for the people. Occupy wants what's best for the people by taking power from corporations and giving it to the government. The Tea Party wants what's best for the people by taking power from the government and giving it to corporations. Strange, isn't it?

Anyway, there is nothing stopping a person from joining either group. The Dollars as a collective just has nothing to say about alignment right now.

6 Name: kurosaki22 : 2011-12-19 12:44 ID:pULu1wSM [Del]

>>5 but the wierd thing is how each group has opposite goals. if i to support one group it would be occupy. lets say everyone supports occupy how would we got about this?

7 Name: MKOLLER !YYk5m0jo12 : 2011-12-19 12:46 ID:ZTg+ioSX [Del]

In the bizarre twist that everyone supports one over the other, we'd have no choice but to take a unanimous act of compliance. That I see no problem with. But like I said, if even one is opposed then it's not a good idea.

8 Name: kurosaki22 : 2011-12-19 12:48 ID:pULu1wSM [Del]

>>7 exactly then if one is against the others it would best for the group to stay neutral and not be involved at all

9 Name: Kon : 2011-12-19 13:05 ID:JQpEDY3A [Del]

Occupy, because the the Tea Party seems like the golden child of corporate means, aka just another PR stunt, granted a very large and expensive one. But they've even had Fox News prop them up and lie for them. That I just can't get over, direct misinformation, and propaganda, I'll never be able to support that.

10 Name: kurosaki22 : 2011-12-19 13:09 ID:pULu1wSM [Del]

>>9 thats expected for any news corporation that supports either group to get others to support them.

11 Name: Kon : 2011-12-19 13:20 ID:JQpEDY3A [Del]

>>10 not hardly, you simply don't report if they mess up, but you don't cut and tape the footage of 2 protests in order to make it look that it's bigger then it really was, among other things. Also, has anyone lied on behalf of the Occupy movement so far?

12 Name: MKOLLER !YYk5m0jo12 : 2011-12-19 13:23 ID:ZTg+ioSX [Del]

>>11 The police brutality videos. I'll just throw that out there.

13 Name: Hotei : 2011-12-19 13:31 ID:nyHfHHGg [Del]

As a student I wholeheartedly support the Occupy movement. In fact I frequently attend their marches in SF!

14 Name: vlaine : 2011-12-19 13:33 ID:BPsE2mzu [Del]

i support occupy mostly but i think that both sides need to find some form of middle ground so that they can work together. right now, neither side has as much power as they need, and neither side is perfect right as is.

15 Name: Kon : 2011-12-19 13:35 ID:JQpEDY3A [Del]

>>12 but those actually happened, granted they've played them so much that I roll my eyes when it's on, but it wasn't staged, and people did get hurt.

Look, it is clear that the Occupy movement stirs up deep sentiments in people, quite frankly I'm not the type to throw in his lot with others, but for some reason, I did with them.

16 Name: MKOLLER !YYk5m0jo12 : 2011-12-19 13:38 ID:ZTg+ioSX [Del]

>>15 In many cases the police were provoked to the point of their safety being endangered. Riot control had to be called in because of massive retaliation and hysteria. Yes, the rubber bullet thing could have been tragic, but I see nothing wrong with the police resorting to tear gas bombs and fire hoses when their own lives were in danger.

17 Name: Beltove !HheIWklu.2 : 2011-12-19 13:40 ID:GJzxDRey [Del]

>>15 In some cases, these people deserved it. If a group of protesters came at me with a bat or something of that nature to cause me harm all because I am doing my job, I'd pepper spray the shit out of them too.

18 Name: Beltove !HheIWklu.2 : 2011-12-19 13:41 ID:GJzxDRey [Del]

>>16 Damn, ninja'd me! But your post is more descriptive then mine, so oh well.

19 Name: Kon : 2011-12-19 13:45 ID:JQpEDY3A [Del]

And yet that's what the police is paid to do, and they are trained to not get upset when people say yo momma jokes at them. Now it's gotten out of hand, but they were the first that started spraying people simply for not leaving when they were told to, this drew out more anarchist minded people to these protests, and now it is what it is, but only on very small occasions.

20 Name: Neku : 2011-12-19 13:50 ID:wKYY82sT [Del]

i saw similar thread, but it was about coming out as a group or stay hidden. i support the occupy movement.

21 Name: MKOLLER !YYk5m0jo12 : 2011-12-19 13:50 ID:ZTg+ioSX [Del]

>>19 I think you missed my point.

"the police were provoked to the point of their safety being endangered." Mob mentality dictates that when one person starts throwing punches more people will join in. That has happened at some of these protests.

Look, when a cop tells you that what you are doing is illegal and that you have to leave, you either leave or they evict you, forcibly if you are resisting arrest. If a cop tells you to pack your shit and leave and you refuse, they can drag you, kicking and screaming, away. If you throw a punch at them you can be charged for assaulting a police officer. That's how law enforcement works. Now, when you have one hundred people throwing punches at a police officer for trying to control one individual, shit gets ugly fast.

22 Name: Kon : 2011-12-19 13:56 ID:JQpEDY3A [Del]

>>21 but the police used all the means at their disposal to bring them to that point, invoking hundred year old laws simply to egg on the protesters, such as you can't use a blow horn, while the Tea Party had a lil protest across the street using blow horns at their leisure.

23 Name: TarteAuxPommes!o7FgAKUFnM : 2011-12-19 13:57 ID:GnFLTWS6 [Del]

I'm for the Tea Party.

24 Name: MKOLLER !YYk5m0jo12 : 2011-12-19 13:58 ID:ZTg+ioSX [Del]

>>22 If you don't like it, then change the laws. The legal system has a method of amending, down to the city level. And I fail to see how banning the use of blowhorns is "egging the protesters on."

25 Name: archadmiral!ISvQ2vSsZc : 2011-12-19 14:15 ID:YQBfkPOY [Del]

Support, both understand their emotions.. I have my own stories from my family, friends... alot of friends lack health insurance

Summary basically agree with most of where the Occupy movement beliefs lie

Checked info on the Tea party movement and some of their opinions wikipedia'd them quickly because i dont have much time, and if: 73% of Tea Party supporters disapprove of Obama's policy of engaging with Muslim countries, 82% do not believe that gay and lesbian couples should have the legal right to marry, and that about 52% believed that "lesbians and gays have too much political power".[88][89]

I support some issues, but they tend to still be too uber conservative, i do side with some opinions though, just cant say that i am in the same boat when it comes to issues..

Again this is just going by what little i know about them, if other issues are clarified and if i do get to know more about them, my opinions are subject to change ^~^ so dont prepare a noose for ol archadmiral just yet

26 Name: MKOLLER !YYk5m0jo12 : 2011-12-19 14:26 ID:ZTg+ioSX [Del]

>>25 Yeah, I'd definitely say I hate them for their anti-gay agenda. There was this woman who, at a Town Hall Meet, kept going on and on about how homosexuality should be banned from discussion in public schools. Pissed me off.

But I do support land and water rights, which the Tea Party agrees with strongly.

27 Name: archadmiral!ISvQ2vSsZc : 2011-12-19 14:32 ID:YQBfkPOY [Del]

When it comes to those specific rights then i too support them, but its the vocality (not a word but this post i shall make it one) of its members on more controversial topics that make me feel like disassociating myself from them.

28 Name: Krillin : 2011-12-19 14:33 ID:FKSlGARx [Del]

>>26wow kinda funny theres a guy in my school named M.Koller

29 Name: Davka : 2011-12-19 15:16 ID:Z1pPJ3s7 [Del]

Tea Party all the way. I agree with the Tea Party views. I think that Obama's policy's are running this country into the ground. I think that gay and lesbian couples should not have the right to marry.

I think the OccupyEverywhere movement is going to go bad before it's over.

30 Name: Starrk : 2011-12-19 15:34 ID:svABplpc [Del]

I don't care for either of them cause i think bout of them are really going nowhere

31 Name: Umbra Serpens !T1rQ1UNnww : 2011-12-19 15:44 ID:sXmz3rlH [Del]

I support both. Wish I had the time to do more about it than sit behind a screen and talk to people about the crap that's going on, though.

32 Name: archadmiral!ISvQ2vSsZc : 2011-12-19 16:16 ID:YQBfkPOY [Del]

>>Davka and reasons why gay couples shouldnt get married being? I just would like to hear your opinion on that ..infact I will start a thread on random XD

33 Name: Yukio !DboM3.beAE : 2011-12-19 18:54 ID:EgCZhqsc [Del]

I support both, but I guess more towards Occupy because my area doesn't talk much about Tea Party, and theres more Occupy-related talk here.

34 Name: 10reapaer01!snNUoWtC1E : 2011-12-20 14:55 ID:I4oU2aaw [Del]


35 Name: Dankcain : 2011-12-21 22:45 ID:LOJUoSFX [Del]

both are doing the same thing. both have views that they express.
>>9 said the tea party was a PR stunt for the right wing? in that sense, how ISNT the occupy movement a PR stunt for the left wing?

i agree that people have the right to freedom of speech, and forming a protest is great. 'power to the people' and all that.

but it seems to me that both sides are just a few dots short of making the connection. the occupy movement wants the corporations to be regulated by the government. (which is odd, seeing as id believe the government is more corrupt, Timithy Giethner didn't pay tens of thousands of taxes and he's secretary of treasury!)
while the teaparty wants economic control to the people, but the government has to regulate your personal life (who you can marry, what your vices can be)

now i don't believe in anarchy, but i do believe that the government that governs least is the government that governs best.

36 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2011-12-22 16:44 ID:aETvQ0Lx [Del]

Soon, I will read all of this. I want to get involved in the discussion, but I haven't taken the time yet to read the thread. So for now, bump!

37 Name: mystery- man : 2011-12-23 01:47 ID:5cSjFrj3 [Del]


38 Name: Anonymous : 2011-12-23 10:57 ID:+ie/+7aV [Del]


39 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-12-26 23:02 ID:b6A7S1+T [Del]


40 Post deleted by user.

41 Name: Glassknight : 2012-01-02 16:27 ID:hsEhLrIS [Del]

I support long as there speaking out against things that are truly going wrong and hurting society.

42 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2012-01-02 16:28 ID:pKo0U/md [Del]

>>41 Speaking out against it is different from doing something against it.

I'll go for the doers, not the talkers.

43 Name: Crisis : 2012-01-02 17:52 ID:TnATDGwh [Del]

I support the Tea Party for the most part. Especially given the recent bill which I'm sure you've heard about. I don't care for the Occupy movement, mainly because if corporate companies were really that bad, then people working there could quit, and people would stop buying from them. But seeing as there are enough people working for them and buying their products to keep that corporation going strong, then the majority really doesn't care. Plus I have heard no compelling reason to agree with Occupy.

44 Post deleted by user.

45 Name: Kalidin !AnnC9ODlrc : 2012-01-02 18:30 ID:Rjx88q8/ [Del]

im neutral i mean im all good with people fighting for what they see is right but im still at aloss with both groups never realy telling us what exactly they are fighting for and there both very unorganized. im a bit of an anarchist though so im not sure which group my ideals fit in with

46 Name: Shokua : 2012-01-02 18:51 ID:xLTThXw6 [Del]

Democrats, Replubicans; there just titles the government made up to turn we the people against each other.

47 Name: Azurei : 2012-01-02 18:57 ID:JCC95zI4 [Del]

I don't know enough about either to support them. I don't particularly like human civilization on the whole, much less government, much less Tea Partiers or Wall Street Occupiers. Call me cynical if you like.

48 Name: Ash : 2012-01-02 19:12 ID:yiSMykBG [Del]

Im a conservative. Teapartypatriots for me. I disagree with the Occupy Movemement as it is a leftist movement for the most part, but I like the "stand up to government" idea of it.

49 Name: Crisis : 2012-01-02 20:36 ID:TnATDGwh [Del]

>>46 No. Have you ever taken a government course? Ever? America has a 2 party system because ever since the founding of our country, there have been 2 predominate parties. It started when we founded this country with federalists, and anti-federalists. Occaisonally a smaller party would gain support and replace one of the 2 predominate parties until it faded away. This continues even today with the Republicans, and Democrats. Eventually, one or both of these will be replaced with one of the smaller parties. The political parties are entirely citizen based.

50 Name: MKOLLER !YYk5m0jo12 : 2012-01-02 21:05 ID:ZTg+ioSX [Del]

>>49 But you have to admit, the conservatives of today were the liberals of yesterday. Not to mention most people no longer vote along party lines. Perhaps the party system is too archaic.

51 Name: JKuri !pF1lEKTr1A : 2012-01-02 21:19 ID:Sbwp2NtX [Del]

I'll never vote along party lines or align with one party because I kind of think they're both full of shit to some degree... (the people in them with a lot of influence, at least). I don't go radical one way or the other

52 Name: Crisis : 2012-01-02 21:20 ID:TnATDGwh [Del]

I wouldn't say it's arahaic, just that one of the 2 primary partie's may be replaced soon. I might even welcom the change, lol.

53 Name: JKuri !pF1lEKTr1A : 2012-01-02 21:24 ID:Sbwp2NtX [Del]

I'm just anti-government controlling shit they don't need to control :0

54 Name: Crisis : 2012-01-02 21:33 ID:TnATDGwh [Del]

>>53 I think the government has too much power as it is

55 Name: Kon : 2012-01-03 01:17 ID:JQpEDY3A [Del]

>>54 Yes, but you do realize the sort of social changes that the Tea Party is fighting for will bring government more into people's lives, and give it even more power...

56 Name: Crisis : 2012-01-03 01:25 ID:TnATDGwh [Del]

>>55 How so?

57 Name: zongetzo : 2012-01-03 03:07 ID:4ysBXZAk [Del]

were the dollars remeber we dont take sides were saposed to be inviasbel to the world and both grops protes and caus crim to brake outa control as dollars weree sapose to help stop crims and help are communty not throw it in 2 cahos like the palitacol grops so we shold not take aney side

58 Name: Kon : 2012-01-03 13:03 ID:JQpEDY3A [Del]

>>56 Forcing women to carry a pregnancy full term even tho it was conceived through rape, tell you whom you can and cannot marry, making life harder for some people that they do not agree with, heck even telling you what sexual positions you can and cannot use while in bed with your spouse.

>>57 true, but this is just a topic of discussion, we are all well aware that the Dollars won't throw their support behind any political party or movement, but it's fun to talk about it.

59 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2012-01-04 16:21 ID:aETvQ0Lx [Del]


60 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-01-04 17:50 ID:TnATDGwh [Del]

>>58 I don't see how those views force the government give itself more power and bring it more into our lives. (I personally am pro-choice, and pro-gay marriage)

61 Name: Izaya : 2012-01-04 18:48 ID:uxhwVMMC [Del]

>>58 So you think you should kill a liveing being for something that it did not do?

And nothing say you cant do things in bed with your spouse.

62 Name: baccano : 2012-01-04 18:54 ID:MZUHU1mB [Del]

personally i believe that the gov't has too much power over individuals, having said that i also believe it doesnt have enough power in certain areas. also, i side with >>60 on marriage and being pro choice.

63 Name: Vino : 2012-01-04 18:56 ID:MMOJC3MM [Del]

Well, the Dollars shouldn't pick a side, we're too mixed as a whole to be unanimous one way or another.
Honestly I don't pretend to know enough about either movement to have much of an opinion on this, but I do have friends who are part of the occupy movement.
It's an interesting topic of discussion though, I've liked reading all the replies to this!

64 Name: baccano : 2012-01-04 19:09 ID:MZUHU1mB [Del]

forgot to put this in my prior post, but is the occupy group you speak of the same occupy group that is intent on legalizing pot?

65 Name: Yaro Shien !lvlf3wVa7U : 2012-01-04 20:18 ID:PfhKti3N [Del]

Both, but unfortunately I don't care for protest.

66 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2012-01-05 09:11 ID:eRSzjoca [Del]


67 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2012-01-06 19:50 ID:21luSwal [Del]


68 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-01-06 20:25 ID:PpAROMYu [Del]


69 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2012-01-12 10:17 ID:aETvQ0Lx [Del]


70 Post deleted by user.

71 Name: GodHatesFags!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2013-06-19 11:42 ID:akRXiY2h [Del]
