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The World is peace (50)

1 Name: Ladarius : 2011-12-15 22:34 ID:AcUWXEBw [Del]

Why do you think the world is getting worse. For example poverty, hunger economic problems, earthquakes. Why?

2 Name: Raix : 2011-12-15 22:46 ID:Mz+4eJtY [Del]

Well mostly because people have become selfish, greedy, corrupt, and discriminating. No one looks out for eachother like they used to. people turn their heads away from those who suffer, or they are the suffering who can hardly manage to support themselves. etc etc etc. i could go on but im honestly to tired to write alot right now. anyways as for the natural disaters *shrugs* nature works in mysterious ways.... not much ya' can do bout' it.

3 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-12-16 18:20 ID:uzIWf0Ad [Del]


4 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-12-19 20:20 ID:uzIWf0Ad [Del]

Why no one want to discuss? Bump.

5 Name: Kon : 2011-12-19 21:39 ID:JQpEDY3A [Del]

That is a question, but I can't say anything for earthquakes. Human problems are made by humans, and as such, should be solved by them as well. There is more then enough out there for everyone, although food is starting to become scarce, which could easily be resolved with some planning, and conservation of water...

6 Name: Umbra Serpens !T1rQ1UNnww : 2011-12-19 22:13 ID:TzE2UXLq [Del]

The world is getting worse, in my opinion, for many things. One of which is overpopulation. There are over 7 billion people inhabiting this planet, each consuming resources, and somehow contributing to the destruction of another creature's home in doing so. The increasing amount of people spreads food thinner, along with other resources that would last much longer should our population suddenly decrease by about 3 billion.

Another reason, from my point of view, is the continuous religious BS that plagues not only today's society, but has been effecting our world for millennium. Although certain aspects of religious intolerance seem to be fading, such as racism (although it is still present), still other forms of intolerance based on the teachings of divine books to extremists continue to rise. The amount of hatred towards the LGBT community, and the amount of conflict between Catholics and Muslims (again this involves extremists, as many of my friends are religious AND are understanding of the beliefs of others), is ridiculous to me. Of course, there are many who would disagree and say that accepting the differences of others such as race or gender preference, and would condemn me to their "Hell" upon reading this. Whatever, most of the people here don't appear to be dicks like that. Anyway, these conflicts result in unnecessary, senseless bloodshed and mental distress. And the worst part is, plenty of governments are all for the discrimination. Maybe one country supports a different kind of prejudice than another, but there is still too much of it.

Yet another of the many reasons I think this world is worse off, is that people in general have become stupid and lazy. The amount of morons I see posting here is nothing compared to the stupidity I have to endure on a 4 hour shift at McDonalds (Yes it's a shit job, but I'm only 17, and I'm going to college in a year or so for an English major). I mean, every day I see things from "Hey, my computer screen is black, and the computer is on, what do I do?!?!" "Did you check to see if the monitor was plugged in?" "Oh....." to > Posts in wrong board about a repeat topic that was already deemed stupid while misspelling everything, in all caps, with no punctuation, and samefagging to support it <. It's only getting worse. The laziness I see everywhere is just as bad. Hell, today I saw a kid drop his trash on the ground by mistake, and he went to go pick it up off the floor at the mall. BUT, the parent stopped him, saying "Don't worry about it, someone else will pick it up". It saddens me that parents are teaching their children to leave everything to the next person who walks along. Laziness, and stupidity... Not sure which when it comes to the way the English language is being treated. I duno if tlkn lyke th5 is bcuz ppl cnt spl 2 save there livs, or bcuz they thing iz cool 2 type lyke an imbicile bcuz it maiks them unike. Either way, I don't see why it's so damn hard to type or speak like someone who knows their ABC's better than Elmo.

More that's wrong, and making things worse? The amount of time people spend in front of a screen. I know, I'm a huge-ass hypocrite on this one. But still, the amount of basement-dwellers is through the roof. I see a fucking 11 year-old with his face buried in an iPhone 4S, pale as a ghost and not bothering to play at a PARK. People spend so much time in the social world of the internet, or in the secluded world of gaming, that physical interaction outside of school or forced events seems like an abnormality.

7 Name: Me : 2011-12-19 22:36 ID:t8746jf9 [Del]

I think that even if problems such as discrimination abd intolerance of others ideals were to end the problems cause by overpopulation would increase. Its a great dream to live in a world where there are not problems such as racism and intolerance but if those things stop the amount of people dying over bs like that would decrease and the problem of overpopulation would increase. In a way stupid crap like racism and pointless wars help to balance things out.

8 Name: Ezry : 2011-12-19 22:49 ID:BLP6rrVG [Del]


9 Name: Umbra Serpens !T1rQ1UNnww : 2011-12-19 22:59 ID:TzE2UXLq [Del]

>>7 True, and I pointed that out in another thread. I'm not saying that war in general should cease, but if we're gonna have millions killed off, we should at least have good reason for it. There are many ways to avoid continuous overpopulation, although few if any are ethical and all would be widely disagreed upon.

10 Name: Yatahaze : 2011-12-19 22:59 ID:pKo0U/md [Del]

Umbra nailed it.

11 Name: Anonymous : 2011-12-19 23:04 ID:kKpp518I [Del]


12 Name: Umbra Serpens !T1rQ1UNnww : 2011-12-19 23:38 ID:TzE2UXLq [Del]

>>11 This. For the love of everything I'm addicted to, this.

13 Name: Anonymous : 2011-12-20 00:32 ID:ZzUelflW [Del]

The reason why the world is getting worse is because of the society we created. We created a society where we think nothing of consequences and all about doing. No one thinks about the mass productions of clothing and mass marketing of meat as a bad thing. (Or they do know but do nothing about it) Truth is, it destroys the environment, it throws everything off balance. Never has any species before us was capable of wiping another species to extinction. Never have any mammal, reptile, amphibian, bacteria, ELEPHANTS, etc have ever caused an all out forest fire (Well maybe i can think of some ridiculous scenario but...) We're a different species all together. Top of the food chain as you might say. Being on top has it's consequences of course. It's only a matter of time we destroy ourselves, or most of ourselves. As we know from biology class (If you guys ever took it) the population growth will raise until it reaches it's carrying capacity which then will halt because of the limited resources. Our population will plummet with high mortality rate and low birth rate. Then when the resources and population has reached an equilibrium again, the cycle of destruction continues. Unless some catastrophic event happens, the world have better luck being hit by a meteor. If our human destruction had a graph over the last 2000 or so years, it would be exponential maybe even to the power of 9000! Ballpark of course.

Another reason is that what's happening is just happening. There is no actual reasons. Our species tend to overthink things too much. The answer may be as simple as "just...cause!" But that answer does not satisfy us, so we look for another answer that will satisfy our questioning.

Also in our society, our needs are already granted; food, water, shelter etc. This give way to think about other things such as money, jobs, technology. The question is, do we really need all that? In our society money IS a necessity, it's a need as much as it is a want. This creates poverty, because without this need of money, there will be poor. If we drop our wants, sacrifice the modern way of living then maybe the world won't be so bad. Although no one wants to do that. Or at least i see no movement towards that. I guess the only way to move now is forward. Hopefully we'll dodge those bullets in the near future. Here's hoping.

14 Name: Aya : 2011-12-20 01:45 ID:EyMy9YWZ [Del]

If you want an answer to who's fault our worlds status is, you only need to look in a mirror.

15 Name: Numa Fan : 2011-12-20 02:58 ID:+T/S42jx [Del]

There will be no such thing as absolute peace...

16 Name: Indef : 2011-12-20 04:31 ID:LZYrjr3p [Del]

Human nature, our society, the way we were brought up, greed/corruption/selfishness, etc. Do you really want to know? There are lots of reasons.

We think about ourselves and not always about others. We only want for ourselves and not always to help others. Because honestly, if we kept on helping one another without thinking about ourselves, would that sound happy? It's idealistic and in the end, yes, perhaps we would be more happy and peaceful, but no. You can't guarantee that everyone wants to share their belongings.

It just happens. We can't get our priorities straight. We're all hypocrites. We just get angry at each other. We forget about the poor suffering people. We're selfish, egotistical and don't care about anyone but ourselves.

As for natural calamities and disasters, it just happens. Global Warming contributes, but even before that there were hurricanes and earthquakes and floods, but just less.

17 Name: Shokua : 2011-12-20 05:12 ID:xLTThXw6 [Del]

To be completely honest; I believe we're angering Mother Nature with all our pollution and that is the cause for increased natural disasters. As for widespread ignorance of less fortunate people; I believe that is a result of peoples' apathy.
For example: We've all seen those depressing commercials asking people to donate trifle amounts of money to charity organizations and I'm sure most of us think, "I should really call them and donate." while the commercial is playing, but as soon as its over we push it to the back of our minds and resume our lives. Theres also the percentage who see those commercials and think, "I'm not donating a single penny of my hard earned money."

18 Name: 7th Heaven !yW3mbpsdF6 : 2011-12-20 05:17 ID:ZjxCVhE0 [Del]

The Government....The People..

the government sometimes move to slowly that it iritates us....while some of us only depend on the government and just waits for something to happen...No that won't work....If the government moves fast enough to help us...then we also have to make a move and help the government do it...Not unless if we're to Lazy to stand up and make a difference...

19 Name: introspect : 2011-12-20 06:48 ID:yfRS/k+m [Del]

hmmm... what if the world didn't end on 2012, but by that date, we were all dead? I mean, natural disasters, war, what if it all goes to hell and by the time the date rolls along, were all gone due to our own cause? (Just a passing thought).

20 Name: Lumen Serpens !/vLWmfl/gg : 2011-12-20 13:08 ID:f5Q5fcoZ [Del]

>>11 this guy could make a good dollar...

21 Name: Baka!!XI8GEi6V : 2011-12-20 14:55 ID:+T/S42jx [Del]

People these days are very selfish, all wanting they're own satisfaction...
There are very few individuals who strive to think for other's well being, may be a handful...
Yet those few people are suffering, and people still think for their own desire...
(All this is just an opinion...)

22 Name: Fade : 2011-12-20 15:00 ID:FKSlGARx [Del]

I agree with Baka...most people only care about themselves and what they want. Nobody seems to give a damn in what other people have to go thrugh. People only decide to go out with people they would consider "hot" and most people don't even decide to think if they want to help the poor or not.

But if your talking about the world itself(earthquakes, tsnami's, ect.)then mabey its a sign of 2012! :o

23 Name: Ladarius : 2011-12-20 17:16 ID:AcUWXEBw [Del]

I dont think its a sign of 2012. I think its something way big than that.

24 Name: Marianna : 2011-12-20 20:34 ID:uKvoLHbd [Del]

Every year the government gets more crazy and most years more stupid too than the year before! And the people because of them get a little more crazy too. But really when i get myself enough money to support myself I'm moving out of the states to like maybe switzerland of something!

25 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-12-20 20:36 ID:uzIWf0Ad [Del]

Go to Canada. That's my plan.

26 Name: Koniko !gMFwps0fbU : 2011-12-20 20:43 ID:UYSLyr29 [Del]

Everyone in the MCArmy knows that in 2012 there will be massive firests that will destroy citys, and the people who will "save" humanity, better living industries, will take over the world over a cource of 8 years. We will be fed riddlen and other mind numbing drugs to remove out free will, except for a select few called the Fabulous Killjoys.

27 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-12-20 20:47 ID:uzIWf0Ad [Del]

I swear to god, when you said MCArmy, I thought you meant MineCraftArmy. I was like "Holy shit, there's a mine craft army. They gonna build us some weapons using blocks and shit!"

28 Name: Kat : 2011-12-20 21:01 ID:S2EvTixu [Del]

I suppose we're getting more technology and even better advancements into intelligence and making great strives to higher levels through the years. It's a shame history unnessesarily tends to repeat itself numerous times in ways.

29 Name: Umbra Serpens !T1rQ1UNnww : 2011-12-21 09:42 ID:q7R7ehMV [Del]

+Bump+ for more conversation!

30 Name: archadmiral!ISvQ2vSsZc : 2011-12-21 10:20 ID:YQBfkPOY [Del]

didnt read other posts because i am short of time, perused them and noone had the same opinion so here it goes..


Amongst the chaos and other issues, governmental actions are now under much scrutiny, governments ARE NOW AFRAID OF THEIR PEOPLE AGAIN. India for example with over a billion people always had and could never control their corruption issues, but now people are acting governments are trying to appease the people in fear of chaos and anarchy. BRILLIANT! If handled right everything will go smoothly, power will be back in the hands of people. Now more than ever people are cherishing their rights and especially their right to vote.


31 Name: Yupina : 2011-12-21 22:42 ID:45teuzel [Del]

I am a believer in mankind and don't like to believe in the crap your hipster friends are saying, like "America is getting fucked" or "the world sucks." But to be honest, I won't admit that things are getting a little unstable, and that believing won't fully put us back on track.

From a Republican point of view, I think that as long as people like teen moms exist, the Democratic party will also exist. Idealistically, if we all thought about it, a Republican way is the way to go. It has to do with a self-sufficient lifestyle where on however hard you work, that is what you get back. But like many people have said, people cheat and sometimes get rich (greed). It's these people that draw money away from the others by their unfaithful ways and drive those people into poverty and eventually to create teen moms, etc. This then creates the Democratic party who tries to equal everything out and draw money from the innocent. This then creates crap like "corporate greed" and people hating on each other.

It's quite a viscous cycle, if you understand what I am getting at, and there is lots of turmoil.

32 Name: archadmiral!ISvQ2vSsZc : 2011-12-22 07:41 ID:J8HtvlS+ [Del]

ummm teen moms arent just in democratic party supporters you closed minded idiot *cough bristol palin and many others, and if thats your whole argument for being republican well then that sucks :P

but i am neither and dont mind others opinions on political party affiliation just choose a better argument ^~^

33 Name: baccano : 2011-12-22 11:40 ID:MZUHU1mB [Del]

starting with the us, we have corrupt politicians, a huge debt to china, rich people willing but (according to the gov't) unable to help, and con men that will do anything to make a quick buck without thinking about consequences ex: madoff

wich leads to a global effect in respects that when these factors contributed to the u.s. being knocked out of the #1 wealthy position other countries started to fail because of debts to the us. so in theory if we could replace our gov't workers, stop borrowing from china, and let our richer citizens choose to pay off our debts the u.s. econemy would stabilize again, as would other countries.

34 Name: Kon : 2011-12-22 12:13 ID:JQpEDY3A [Del]

>>33 I'm sorry but what did gov workers (firemen, cops, teachers, DMV people) do to be knocked off? Also, it's the rich people's money that corrupted politicians (it started with here's some campaign funding, help me with this issue, to where it is now, people going into politics -congressmen, senators, governors, etc.- for the money alone)

35 Name: Michuo : 2011-12-22 12:20 ID:j81o5rAD [Del]

It's because of the government.

36 Name: Iza-koi : 2011-12-22 12:36 ID:j81o5rAD [Del]

The poor get poorer, and the rich get richer... that's how it usually goes. We need to focus more on the majority, instead of the 1% of rich people. It's not the government, it's the organizations that's screwing the country over, if you ask me. They have too much power.

37 Name: Ladarius : 2011-12-22 13:33 ID:AcUWXEBw [Del]

IMAGINE you take all the bad things in this world and you replace these things to a paradise. You and your family together in this paradise, with friends, and loved ones. Wouldnt that be a terrefic thing in this world?

38 Name: nikky : 2011-12-22 13:43 ID:EjIV14lj [Del]

I think its impossible to create a "paradise" in this world, especially when the "eat or be eaten" cycle of life is turning... Its impossible for everybody to be happy, regardless of situation, and there is no way we can stop it, we can only accept what lies in front of us and walk foward..

39 Name: baccano : 2011-12-22 13:48 ID:MZUHU1mB [Del]

@kon allow me to clarify, i ment the gov't higher ups, the senate, house of reps, supreme court, and president. and yes the rich may have corrupted the politicians, however on the flip side it was on the news that warren buffet person offered to give the u.s. gov't over $100billion in cash to get us out of debt, but the government wouldnt take it. also opera, trump, and some other rich people have petitioned to pay taxes they don't normally pay yet the gov't said no.

40 Name: mesirel : 2011-12-22 13:49 ID:0fjVqzTl [Del]

i dont think a "paradise" or "utopia" could exist, have you ever seen the scene in the matrix when the main agent is telling morphios about the original matrix that was perfect and rejected, well i think an actual utopia would end the same way as he said the perfect world matrix did, paradise is... boring

41 Name: mesirel : 2011-12-22 13:56 ID:0fjVqzTl [Del]

>>40 continued: though thats not to say that we cant make the world a safer place, without war or hate, random chance causes enough chaos to keep things interesting for the most part, and as for the human factor thats just a personal choice

42 Name: S : 2011-12-22 14:02 ID:mM/RTUqD [Del]

Because we're human.

43 Name: Alkaninoff : 2011-12-22 14:44 ID:YaIzSovB [Del]

As far as poverty and hunger go, those things aren't necessarily getting worse. It was but a blink of an eye ago (on a historical timescale) that more or less the entire world lived in a situation rather similar to what we see today in third-world countries. Things have improved drastically in the first world, and so, especially now that we have an instant connection to the entire world via the internet, those of us fortunate enough to live outside of poverty can see the rest of the world and realize that something is wrong and that we should help to bring the less fortunate out of the hellhole that we ourselves were in not too long ago, and could certainly fall into again. Things are not improving drastically yet in the most poverty-stricken nations of the world, but slowly and surely, they are improving. Oppressive regimes are being overthrown and replaced, and people are demanding democracy in more and more places across the globe. The bigotry and hatred that is a birthmark of our species's religious infancy is beginning to fade, and be replaced (albeit slowly) with a sense of philanthropy and care for our fellow human beings.

But of course, all is not well in the first world. In my America and other major world nations, we have allowed ourselves to become complacent and lazy, allowing rights to taken and unjust wars to be fought in the name of patriotism and national security. The shortcuts provided by technology, which is certainly a wonderful thing to be used and appreciated, have let us lose our edge, and lose focus on keeping ourselves informed. In modern society, it is widely considered unacceptable, or at least impolite, to discuss politics and religion in any meaningful (i.e. contradictory) way. Yet it is only through extended discourse and free exchange of ideas that we can sort through bad ideas and find nuggets of truth or genius.

I freely admit, I am young. I am probably ignorant of many things. I have no frame of reference for living in poverty or without access to information. I could be completely off the mark, and if I am, I welcome the criticism of my ideas. By educating ourselves and others and caring for those with whom we share our planet, it is within the realm of possibility to enact real improvements on the world.

44 Name: Beltove !HheIWklu.2 : 2011-12-22 15:19 ID:CxZ7Jvnc [Del]


45 Name: Aluysion : 2011-12-22 15:26 ID:nMzY1vv1 [Del]

Because we function on totally flawed basis' such as our economy, the idea of a monetary system, buying and selling **** we don't need and isn't useful to our well being, politics that are opinion, not fact and the horrible apathy and excuses such as "Why should I care? What's in it for me?" or "it's human nature, we're some people are evil". Those are cop-outs and every behavior we deem as "bad" (murder, extortion, greed ect) are just by products of the system. Not every human is a killer, not everyone is a greedy horrible person, so human nature can't be the reason as it would apply to everyone. The only reason people starve and die is because of lack of purchasing power, not lack of food. We WASTE food everyday that could feed starving people. Also, most diseases and medical issues haven't been solved yet because there is no PROFIT in it. Think about it, what do many people in a hospital represent on the GDP scale? That's right, sick and dying people. Our economy functions on our pitfalls, problems and lack of cures. Cures do not bring profit to the pharmaceutical, medical, research etc industries. They want you sick, they want the poor, they want the dying, the beyond care, the depressed, the hurt, wounded, emotionally unstable, insane, cruel, criminal, murderers. With out all these problems, our society doesn't function as our economy dictates it must to continue on cyclical consumption. Think about it, if there were no criminals, major medical issues, poor, there would be no need for police or laws, war, expensive health care, warfare weapons, military, politics ect. We've outgrown the need for money and everything that goes against peace is because of how our very system functions. All the poor, criminals and daily woes just prove the monetary system is still working just fine. To put it an even simpler way: You can't have rich with out poor, by definition. And no, that's not another metaphor for "you can't have black with out white" No on deserves to be rich and stuff their faces while another starves. If humans were honestly that way by nature with nothing we could do about it, then to be perfectly frank, I hope our species dies out. But, you original poster even asking this question, wondering why we allow suffering in the first place proves it isn't human nature, because you just defied whatever greedy/cruel/horrible encoding your "nature" supposedly has by showing that you care.

46 Name: Ladarius : 2011-12-23 22:34 ID:AcUWXEBw [Del]

Thanks for the comments Dollars

47 Name: J.P.McCoy : 2011-12-23 23:14 ID:pDCZXwQE [Del]

It's because of the way people think. Never for others, only for themselves that is why we have so many problems. That is why we have to function completly on money and that is why the world is filled with greed and hatred. It all comes down to the individual and there thoughts and feelings.

48 Name: GodHatesFags!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2013-06-19 13:26 ID:x9+bKxFj [Del]


49 Name: Anonymous : 2014-11-12 00:43 ID:E66nmUVE [Del]


50 Name: JNR$ : 2014-11-12 01:54 ID:wbaK0yhm [Del]

millions of reasons i give a one good one though laziness it can be done get off of your lazy ass an do something increase trade will promote more money coming in instead of going out an create more work so will the increase of food supply it'll also lower the costs of food an promote more work don't drill on fault lines lol