Dollars BBS | Main




















Description + F.A.Q. (1337)

1 Name: Ayanavi : 2011-08-31 14:53 ID:2drkEpY+ [Del]

Reason for thread: Consolidation and ease of viewing. The other threads have gotten answers spread out over bumps and what not. Also, it's wasteful to keep bumping both of them.

So, people seems to be posting things where it doesn't belong. Here is a little help for all the newcomers to the comunity. Please, take a few minutes reading this thread.

Main: "Things that ask about people's eccentricities are random since it's really not asking about the dollars as a whole. Such as missions, or giving out info that may lead to meet ups, or site related stuff. That's all main."
-Introduction: New in the Dollars? Post something about yourself here.
-Countries:Want to know if there's another member in your country/city? Check in here.
-Suggestions:Where you post suggestions you think that would improve the Dollars as a group, or, as a website.
-Missions:Our current missions being spearheaded by the different cells in Dollars. Check here for things you can participate, or start on your own.

News: You saw something in Tv or Internet that is interesting? Share it with all the others Dollars members in here.

Anime: Talk about your favorite anime, or reccomend one to your fellow Dollars.

Art: Post your drawings, photographys and others stuff that you consider art.

Films: You watched this awesome movie the other day? You want to talk about your favorite TV show? Post in here about it

Food: Is exactly what it says on the tin. Talk about favorite food, recipes, food shows, etc.

Games:The board to talk about games. It can be Videogames, traditional games among others. It has a sub board for Visual Novels.

Literature: Use this board to talk about books, poetry, fics, text based Role Play.

Manga: Manga related stuff. See if someone is reading a good manga, ask for advice if you are making your own one, reccomend something good to read, etc.

Music: Post all Music related stuff in here. Favorite band, genre, if you play an instrument, favorite music videos.

Sports: All sports related things you want to ask/share with the others members goes here.

Random: If something doens't fit in the description of the others boards, it should be here. Has a test sub-board for...testing things. like HTML, tripcodes, etc.

--------For more information about what belongs in Main---------

We were discussing this over chat, particularly what would be considered appropriate for the main board, and I think we've narrowed down a general guideline for it:
Important topics, overarching dollars issues, things about the site, and actual topics of discussion.

The definition of each gets a bit vague, so let me clarify -

Important topics: Citing threads like the Missing Person thread or anything of great importance. Even if it's location specific, if it's a big enough issue that it needs to be addressed by as many people possible, then it belongs on the main board.

Overarching Dollars Issues: Things like organizing, discussions of the group's general purpose and goals, etc. This is what one would normally think belongs here.

Site Issues: Things like this thread, and things about the site's management. No, not "who is mikado?" threads, fuck that. I mean almost completely technical things, or stuff involving the different boards.

Actual Topics of Discussion: This is where it gets hazy. Usually, discussion threads like the "a philosophical question" or "urban exploration" threads would belong in random for being general and relatively unimportant topics. However, general consensus is there's no problem with these threads.

The reason the main thread is so disputed is because many are tired of seeing ridiculous threads that don't make a whole lot of sense right in their face when they open the site. It's the wrong first impression for new members and an annoyance for older members.

So I propose this in respect to the last point, though it's not a very solid guideline. I'm not citing any specific examples, but you know who you are.
Rule of thumb when you post on the main board. Ask yourself.
Is there already a board specifically for this topic?
Is this really important - to everyone, and not just me?
Is this something that everyone can discuss intelligently?

If the first question is "no," post it in the right board.
If either of the latter two questions is "no," post it in random.

If anyone finds fault with these guidelines, feel free to suggest alternatives.

F.A.Q. in the next post.

2 Name: Ayanavi : 2011-08-31 14:53 ID:2drkEpY+ [Del]

Q:What does BBS stand for?
A: BBS stand for Bulleting Board System.

Q: Who is the leader?
A: We don't have a leader, but what we do have is an admin. His name is Reltair and he's a pretty cool guy.

Q: Why are you all so mean to us?
A: We've taken a lot of effort to keep the boards organized, making sure there are plenty of ways that people know where to post, and reminding people to search for duplicate threads before making new ones. Some of us have been here for a year, others less, but if you find us unwelcoming then you are most likely guilty of doing one of the above mentioned things. It takes a little more effort, but it goes a long way towards the community welcoming you with open arms instead of trying to burn you at the stake for a common mistake.

Q: How do I become an official member?
A: Just by entering in the site and posting something, you are a member already.

Q: Is this a Durarara Fansite?
A: Good question. This is NOT a fansite. Yes, it was inspired by the group in the anime, but that doesn't mean all we talk is about the anime. But if you want to talk about it, check the anime board and look for the threads about it.

Q:How do I become an official member?
A:There is a more formal way of doing so, on the right hand side of this site, you should see a tab called "By Country", you can sign up on a "Roll Call" list there. You don't have to do this though. You are a member without doing so.

Q: Where did all those old threads go?
A: Check the archives, or view all threads button as it is known.

Q: God, there's over 700 threads, how the fuck am I supposed to find shit?
A: Using the ctrl f function would do.

Q:Why isn't there a PM function?
A:The admin Reltair needs to edit the code within the chat for this. And the code is practically clusterfucked to the point of actually having a really awesome god like attention span would help in actually taking a look at it.

Q:When will Reltair add in this?
A:Again, when he has time. He's a busy man, he's just like us.

Q:If I wanted to use this type a chat, how would I go about doing it(for all those who want to say I FUCKING OWN A DRRR CHAT)?
A: You can get it from here.
It was made by Suin, an somewhat awesome japanese guy, and made it so that we all can share in the awesomeness.

Q: How the fuck do I correctly set up the password?
A: Simple. Put in !typewhatevershithere and then you get !somenumbershihereorwhatever. People usually get the same password because they... used the same password. They put in !password and then they get the same shit.

Q: Why should I use View All Threads, aren't all the threads there dead? Won't I be necroposting? Isn't that BAD?
A: Well yeah, necroposting is pretty bad. But the definition of necroposting is posting on a thread that's topic is already dead, resolved, etc. Just because it's been fuck too long since someone posted does not constitute it being dead. It's just people paid no mind to it.

Q: Chat function question - What do those tiny buttons do on the right hand side of the screen in chat?
A: The one on the very left, the horn thingy is the sound. It makes the bloops for whenever someone posts. The one next to it is the member count, or people count. It shows who's in the room at the moment, with a number count. The one next to the member count is the animation. It makes the bubbles pop or animate when you post something. And then logout.

Q: Why isn't there just one Dollars website? Shouldn't we just merge with the other Dollars sites and become one collective group?

A: There isn't just one Dollars website, because multiple people had the same idea to create Dollars sites and did so without being aware of the other person making it. Hence why we have BBS, DG and Darazu. Also, a "merging" of our groups wouldn't exactly work, since the communities on each site are extremely different, and in fact the Dollars sites have come into conflict with one another a few times. In any case though, we're all under the same "Dollars" banner, and that should be collective enough for anyone. You're free to become a member of all the Dollars sites, since you know we are open communities.

Q: Aren't the Dollars colorless? Why are people trying to be public about us?
A:"In short - We, As a community, have come to the conclusion that if you want to do a public Dollars event, then you are free to do what you want. We are not a secret society like the Illuminati or Freemasons."

Q: Are Dollars like community service providers? Is all we're supposed to do is help people?
A:You don't have to do it. Some people choose to do it, for whatever reason. And they choose to use Dollars to do it too, which is weird. I guess people like having others do it with them. Well, it doesn't matter what you do here, as long as it's within the bounds of internet etiquette and legality('cept for pirating), as long as you enjoy your stay here and have fun.

Q: What are the goals of Dollars?
A: Read this.

If you need a more detailed answer, then...

"However, even the name Dollars is derived from a term which means "to lay around". We don't have a goal, as an overall group. Now, different members and cells of members may have their own individual goals they want to work towards - And you could say that those are the "goals" of dollars, but it's somewhat inaccurate.

To be precise... You could say that the 'goal' of Dollars, if we have any, would be to encourage our members to work towards their own goals. I think so, at least - That our purpose is self improvement with the side effect of community-based activities.

So... No real goals. Even the one I stated is simply my opinion on it, observed from what's happened so far with this group. Feel free to derive your own goals, the friends and people you meet in Dollars can help you achieve them."

--------------Questions copied from older threads, some new ones added--------

3 Name: Ayanavi : 2011-08-31 14:53 ID:2drkEpY+ [Del]

Okay, let's try and just use this for convenience and simplicity. Fresh start!

4 Name: Mael !hefBVEyOUs : 2011-08-31 15:00 ID:g43ZPn4q [Del]

Huzzah, this has needed an update for a while!

5 Name: Mael !hefBVEyOUs : 2011-08-31 15:17 ID:g43ZPn4q [Del]

You new here? Read all this.

6 Post deleted by user.

7 Name: Iza-Shi !vxhofb1md. : 2011-08-31 15:51 ID:ghTwMUXs [Del]


You new? Read this please.

8 Name: Kimina !Ly7MRw0CGU : 2011-08-31 15:53 ID:tzAbXaUP [Del]

Bump, Bump, Bump.. Though I'm not a big fan of just saying bump.. It's kind of blunt.. So.. Uppity-up-up? No.. Not that. Hmm. Good job! The dollars have needed this, there have been a /lot/ of misplaced threads..

9 Name: Fest72 : 2011-08-31 16:19 ID:7OZ40WVb [Del]


10 Name: Fest72 : 2011-08-31 16:39 ID:7OZ40WVb [Del]

Bump.. Again

11 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2011-08-31 16:41 ID:NTUAlsPE [Del]

Only this thread needs to be bumped now, actually, guys. Navi consolidated both the Board Description thread and the FAQ into one, so there's no real reason to keep bumping the other two.

12 Name: Fest72 : 2011-08-31 16:43 ID:7OZ40WVb [Del]

Oh I'm sorry..

13 Name: Kimina !Ly7MRw0CGU : 2011-08-31 16:50 ID:tzAbXaUP [Del]

Bump..(sigh) again!

14 Name: Sayuri : 2011-08-31 17:41 ID:j27cjcj1 [Del]


15 Name: Kimaru : 2011-08-31 17:43 ID:T8IocvPR [Del]


16 Name: Sayuri : 2011-08-31 17:49 ID:j27cjcj1 [Del]


17 Name: Mael !hefBVEyOUs : 2011-08-31 17:49 ID:7IHkt1cP [Del]

We seem to have alot of new members today, and that's good. Hope you enjoy the site.
However I would like to explain something, regarding the spam on main.
Whenever something like that happens, don't fucking instigate, ignore them. Just for Future reference, cuz I have a feeling it's gunna happen again.


18 Name: Sayuri : 2011-08-31 17:54 ID:j27cjcj1 [Del]

Ooh. I agree. But I don't wanna get on and see all that spam.

19 Name: Mael !hefBVEyOUs : 2011-08-31 17:55 ID:7IHkt1cP [Del]

Also this tread is a combination of
A little description of each board.
And The FAQ thread. So there's no need to bump them all. Only this one.

20 Name: Kaori !grmVpTSd16 : 2011-08-31 19:52 ID:Pe4VlDxB [Del]

i knew it. AYA IS THE ALMIGHTY. 8D see theres nothing wrong with that /o/

21 Name: Thanatos!CRiLqZyIfQ : 2011-08-31 20:28 ID:6A8DeFQ5 [Del]

Nice job as always, Ayanavi.

22 Name: Mael !hefBVEyOUs : 2011-08-31 23:34 ID:7IHkt1cP [Del]

Bump before this gets swallowed by all the stupid ass bullshit on main.

23 Name: Nutty : 2011-08-31 23:55 ID:ByKoGVrG [Del]

Bump, thanks this clears up quite abit of questions that I have been having :D

24 Name: *insertnamehere*!k9qxQrkkz6 : 2011-09-01 00:21 ID:jy6R+ynZ [Del]

Read through the whole OP. Ayanavi, you missed the tech board. But I gotcha. 'Cuz you my buddeh.

Technology: Computers, gadgets, hardware, software, and anything else tech-related. Also includes site related tech, I guess.

25 Name: Ferixu : 2011-09-01 01:39 ID:WdbbALvA [Del]


26 Name: 10reapaer01 : 2011-09-01 05:55 ID:MLfdPWq8 [Del]


27 Name: 10reapaer01 : 2011-09-01 06:00 ID:MLfdPWq8 [Del]


28 Name: 10reapaer01 : 2011-09-01 06:01 ID:MLfdPWq8 [Del]


29 Name: 10reapaer01 : 2011-09-01 06:08 ID:MLfdPWq8 [Del]


30 Name: 70K1D0K1!CDqPSd5mZM : 2011-09-01 07:22 ID:kA/6LYdx [Del]

Please read both posts >>1 and >>2. And the description for the Technology Board is on >>24.

31 Name: Mael !hefBVEyOUs : 2011-09-01 10:20 ID:7IHkt1cP [Del]

Since when did people start posting bullshit about their schools on main? Man... Everyone, Even if you aren't new, do a once over on this or something....
>>1 board and site description
>>2 FAQ
>>24 the lonely tech board description.

32 Name: Thanatos!CRiLqZyIfQ : 2011-09-01 13:16 ID:5To6m2NO [Del]

Please read both posts >>1 and >>2. And the description for the Technology Board is on >>24. Copied from 70K1D0K1

33 Name: DaniV : 2011-09-01 14:41 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]

Bump from the dead

34 Name: GREEN : 2011-09-01 14:42 ID:qAO7cyXj [Del]


35 Name: DaniV : 2011-09-01 14:42 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


36 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2011-09-01 15:30 ID:zsE4k9k8 [Del]

Look, all of you. You only need to bump this one, not the other board description thread.

This one has the FAQ attached to it too.

37 Name: Shiro : 2011-09-01 15:35 ID:l/O8i6aC [Del]


38 Name: 10reapaer01 : 2011-09-01 15:56 ID:MLfdPWq8 [Del]


39 Name: 10reapaer01 : 2011-09-01 15:57 ID:MLfdPWq8 [Del]


40 Name: Mael !hefBVEyOUs : 2011-09-01 16:56 ID:g43ZPn4q [Del]

bump :D

41 Name: Someone !1z8qrtCRGc : 2011-09-01 18:17 ID:IVw26a9y [Del]


42 Name: Kaori !grmVpTSd16 : 2011-09-01 21:09 ID:Pe4VlDxB [Del]

bump 8D

43 Name: DaniV : 2011-09-01 23:00 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


44 Name: Kaori !grmVpTSd16 : 2011-09-01 23:40 ID:Pe4VlDxB [Del]

bigger bump for V

45 Name: Raiku : 2011-09-01 23:49 ID:h2oFKV6A [Del]

bump ^^

46 Name: Mael !hefBVEyOUs : 2011-09-02 05:34 ID:g43ZPn4q [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 The lonely Technology board description.

New Members, Please read all 3 of these, and get to know the site before ignorantly posting and making a fool out of yourself. Thanks & enjoy your time here! :)

47 Name: $Kuroii$ : 2011-09-02 09:37 ID:YF7+eFr7 [Del]


48 Name: dami-kun : 2011-09-02 10:20 ID:Va17XHvB [Del]


49 Name: Tul : 2011-09-02 14:56 ID:x03TpKUD [Del]


50 Name: kitsune101 : 2011-09-02 16:20 ID:pW8DMRB1 [Del]

BUMP. This is majorly useful. :D

51 Name: kitsune101 : 2011-09-02 16:20 ID:pW8DMRB1 [Del]

BUMP. This is majorly useful. :D

52 Name: Mael !hefBVEyOUs : 2011-09-02 19:03 ID:g43ZPn4q [Del]

CLEARLY people aren't reading this. You new here? Get your head out of your ass and learn about the site.

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 The lonely Technology board description.

New Members, Please read all 3 of these, and get to know the site before ignorantly posting and making a fool out of yourself. Thanks & enjoy your time here!

53 Name: Xena!Ly7MRw0CGU : 2011-09-02 21:00 ID:DmzZ6j3K [Del]


54 Name: Sandfull : 2011-09-02 22:29 ID:4Lug4L/c [Del]

Ooh, nice information. So if I wanted to ask something about the Dollars website, I'd post on main?

55 Name: Mael !hefBVEyOUs : 2011-09-02 23:23 ID:7IHkt1cP [Del]

It depends how important it is, alot of things about the website can go under the 'suggestions' section, however, if there is anything that hasn't been covered on this thread and you feel that it is necessary to ask then yes. It goes on main. Just be mindful, if you end up asking a question that has been answered (alot) already, then your gunna get some reprimanding comments.

BUT since this is the descriptions and F.A.Q. Thread, you can ask your question here, and you're bound to get an answer.

56 Name: Sandfull : 2011-09-02 23:32 ID:4Lug4L/c [Del]

oh alright, I just wanted to ask if the missions are real? I've heard people did donating missions, witch are pretty easy. And could you set up your own group to take this site more seriously? (Like be a protective gang of justice?) ;p

57 Name: Mael !hefBVEyOUs : 2011-09-03 00:08 ID:7IHkt1cP [Del]

Yes, all the missions under the mission board are real, granted some might seem a tad unrealistic, but they are still real.
As for creating your own group, people have created sub groups in the past to take a more proactive approach to the whole missions idea, such as The Revolutionaries or The Xceeds (forgive me if I misspelled that). There's nothing against it, but rather than making a new group yourself, it might be a better idea to request to join one of those, for the sake of simplicity. If you need anything else, feel free to ask. Enjoy your time here.

58 Name: DaniV : 2011-09-03 00:33 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


59 Name: DaniV : 2011-09-03 00:33 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


60 Name: Mael !hefBVEyOUs : 2011-09-03 03:57 ID:7IHkt1cP [Del]

I'm gunna bump this before I go to sleep, who knows, I might awaken to some intelligence on main. That would be nice.

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.

New members please read all 3 and get to know the site before posting on the boards. Thanks!

61 Name: Kanra : 2011-09-03 04:07 ID:nwk7ooKP [Del]


62 Name: Kyodo : 2011-09-03 11:45 ID:joj+IMAA [Del]


63 Name: 70K1D0K1!CDqPSd5mZM : 2011-09-03 11:46 ID:DARZQkVv [Del]


New members please read:
>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.

64 Name: Xena : 2011-09-03 13:41 ID:1uZ6gMmB [Del]


65 Name: Kaori !grmVpTSd16 : 2011-09-03 14:09 ID:Pe4VlDxB [Del]

I'm Kaori and i approve of this message.

66 Name: DaniV : 2011-09-03 16:21 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


67 Name: Someone !1z8qrtCRGc : 2011-09-03 16:51 ID:1NbPNayd [Del]


68 Name: Xena : 2011-09-03 18:52 ID:BbeIhL1y [Del]


69 Name: Mael !hefBVEyOUs : 2011-09-03 19:50 ID:7IHkt1cP [Del]

I'm beginning to think people should just stop posting on main all together. Who's with me?

70 Name: *insertnamehere*!k9qxQrkkz6 : 2011-09-03 19:52 ID:jy6R+ynZ [Del]

>>69 They have a need to not read board descriptions and being an attention whore. God fuck this fuckholes.

71 Name: Pintapau !bAr4R5f0RY : 2011-09-03 20:28 ID:qPRSxd9p [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.

72 Name: Kaori !uWrsUYq0fM : 2011-09-03 22:24 ID:eQgsfBJd [Del]

pppbbbtttt. yeah this is....yeah

bump fer new people

73 Name: Kaori !uWrsUYq0fM : 2011-09-04 00:07 ID:eQgsfBJd [Del]


74 Name: Kaori !uWrsUYq0fM : 2011-09-04 00:31 ID:eQgsfBJd [Del]

TRIPLE BUMP! /o/ like a bawwsssss...jkjk, sumun else bump this too D:


75 Name: 10reapaer01 : 2011-09-04 00:33 ID:MLfdPWq8 [Del]

Bump for all the morons that can't seem to find it down here.

76 Name: Yunie!p1kTOxVF.w : 2011-09-04 02:30 ID:40OyrMLa [Del]

Bump for all the people who can't seem to find the introduction board among other things for some reason.

77 Name: Buko !w8tfh0OTj2 : 2011-09-04 03:56 ID:r/YdN7VC [Del]


78 Name: Pintapau !bAr4R5f0RY : 2011-09-04 05:24 ID:qPRSxd9p [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.

79 Name: Shinku no Bara : 2011-09-04 07:50 ID:zVv4Fq38 [Del]

*bump* for the idiots who keep posting useless crap and need to see this

80 Name: Thanatos!CRiLqZyIfQ : 2011-09-04 08:55 ID:hJZVhr2r [Del]

Le bump
>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.

81 Name: Kaori !uWrsUYq0fM : 2011-09-04 11:21 ID:7eP9D0kq [Del]

bump. this is so far daown. D: NUUUUU!

82 Name: Kaori !uWrsUYq0fM : 2011-09-04 11:59 ID:7eP9D0kq [Del]

....second bump OwO bumpies are funnn

83 Name: Renton : 2011-09-04 15:45 ID:8EGu2piq [Del]


84 Name: Kaori !uWrsUYq0fM : 2011-09-04 16:03 ID:Hc05GHRh [Del]

>>83 thanks you idiot. <3

85 Name: Renton : 2011-09-04 16:11 ID:8EGu2piq [Del]

just trying to help you retards.:D

86 Name: Kaori !uWrsUYq0fM : 2011-09-04 16:52 ID:Hc05GHRh [Del]

>>85 It's nice to see a retard try to help the sane people. It's really touching to see you pitiful creatures. <3 I'm donating. I really am, and I'll pray for you, okay?

87 Name: Kaori !uWrsUYq0fM : 2011-09-04 17:25 ID:Hc05GHRh [Del]

oops, double bump! x3

88 Name: Pintapau !bAr4R5f0RY : 2011-09-04 18:02 ID:Yvd8OQGw [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.

89 Name: Renton : 2011-09-04 18:55 ID:8EGu2piq [Del]

how can you donate you are probably a fat ass that lives in his moms house but prayers do help really.

90 Name: Mael !hefBVEyOUs : 2011-09-04 19:36 ID:sVnNN14Q [Del]

>>89 Thanks for helping, fuck-ass! :D

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.

New Members, Please read all 3 of these, and get to know the site before ignorantly posting and making a fool out of yourself. Thanks & enjoy your time here!

91 Name: Kaori !grmVpTSd16 : 2011-09-04 20:14 ID:TfnrCBqw [Del]

maelmaaannnnn /o/ you get ure body up an' ovur har mmk! >:O

bloop bump.

92 Name: Mael !hefBVEyOUs : 2011-09-04 22:54 ID:sVnNN14Q [Del]

The keeps getting bumped off cuz people are fucking retarded.

>>91 Sorry, I've been busy for a while lol... I'm posting from my phone.

93 Name: Kaori !grmVpTSd16 : 2011-09-04 23:30 ID:TfnrCBqw [Del]

BUMP 8U hao dus this get bumped down so low so quickly? D:

>>92 SSADDDD FFAACCCEEE....well fine T^T just come on wenever you can /o/

94 Name: Kaori !grmVpTSd16 : 2011-09-05 00:15 ID:TfnrCBqw [Del]

....doubles /o/ YAY :D bumpy lumpy fer newbs

95 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-09-05 01:06 ID:jy6R+ynZ [Del]

bump bump and away! To infinity, AND BEYOND BITCHES.

96 Name: Mael !hefBVEyOUs : 2011-09-05 01:43 ID:sVnNN14Q [Del]

I have a terrible headache, and I'm going to sleep, and before I do, this will be at the top.

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.

New members please read all 3 and get to know the site before posting on the boards. Thanks!

97 Name: 70K1D0K1!CDqPSd5mZM : 2011-09-05 11:50 ID:Iu6E+OLJ [Del]

New members please read:
>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.

98 Name: Fest72 : 2011-09-05 11:58 ID:7OZ40WVb [Del]

We gotta keep this up..

New members should read..
>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.

99 Post deleted by user.

100 Name: SamuraiSx : 2011-09-05 12:09 ID:vJ4sBKEl [Del]

Ok.. so we must keep it up..

New members should read..
>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.

101 Name: DaniV : 2011-09-05 18:35 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


102 Name: Delores : 2011-09-05 19:43 ID:VWA2roSq [Del]


103 Name: Kaori !!g7OsKp2x : 2011-09-05 20:13 ID:TfnrCBqw [Del]


New members should definitely read thus harrr:
>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.

104 Name: Shiro : 2011-09-05 21:25 ID:YhPX0KSJ [Del]

Bump lol.

105 Name: Kaori !!g7OsKp2x : 2011-09-05 23:03 ID:TfnrCBqw [Del]

bumping this since it keeps getting bumped down! >:UUUU

106 Name: DaniV : 2011-09-06 00:19 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


107 Post deleted by user.

108 Name: SamuraiSx : 2011-09-06 00:43 ID:rRNetMp5 [Del]


109 Name: 70K1D0K1!CDqPSd5mZM : 2011-09-06 02:03 ID:a5/iYHUn [Del]

New members please read:
>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.

110 Name: SamuraiSx : 2011-09-06 05:42 ID:rRNetMp5 [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.

111 Name: Pintapau !bAr4R5f0RY : 2011-09-06 06:46 ID:qPRSxd9p [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.

112 Name: SamuraiSx : 2011-09-06 08:24 ID:rRNetMp5 [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.

113 Name: Kaori !!tCuPexyb : 2011-09-06 09:22 ID:TfnrCBqw [Del]

bump fer new members :D

114 Name: Mael !hefBVEyOUs : 2011-09-06 14:32 ID:g43ZPn4q [Del]

This keeps getting bumped off, and it pisses me off >:|

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.

New members please read all 3 and get to know the site before posting on the boards. Thanks!

115 Name: Phantom : 2011-09-06 15:10 ID:cQLvT+iX [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.

New members please read all 3 and get to know the site before posting on the boards. Thanks!

116 Name: DaniV : 2011-09-06 18:21 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


117 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-09-06 18:28 ID:jy6R+ynZ [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.

New members please read all 3 and get to know the site before posting on the boards. Please and thank you.

118 Name: Mael !hefBVEyOUs : 2011-09-06 18:46 ID:7IHkt1cP [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.

New members please read all 3 and get to know the site before posting on the boards.

Also, almost every question that has been asked in the past few days is answered in this thread. So take a fucking minute or two out of your obviously busy day, and read this.

119 Name: Kaori !!tCuPexyb : 2011-09-06 19:45 ID:TfnrCBqw [Del]

a fancy bump for mr maelman up there ^

120 Name: johnson : 2011-09-06 20:39 ID:8Wco1sKu [Del]


121 Name: Irk !Y7kBtlCaVo : 2011-09-06 21:19 ID:aN4+mD9D [Del]

Copypasting Mael's Post (>>118)

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.

New members please read all 3 and get to know the site before posting on the boards.

Also, almost every question that has been asked in the past few days is answered in this thread. So take a fucking minute or two out of your obviously busy day, and read this.

122 Name: Pintapau !bAr4R5f0RY : 2011-09-06 21:20 ID:Yvd8OQGw [Del]

Being a copypasta as there's nothing I can add

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.

New members please read all 3 and get to know the site before posting on the boards.

Also, almost every question that has been asked in the past few days is answered in this thread. So take a fucking minute or two out of your obviously busy day, and read this.

123 Name: Mael !hefBVEyOUs : 2011-09-06 23:33 ID:g43ZPn4q [Del]

Copypasting My own post (>>118)

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.

New members please read all 3 and get to know the site before posting on the boards.

Also, almost every question that has been asked in the past few days is answered in this thread. So take a fucking minute or two out of your obviously busy day, and read this.

124 Name: 70K1D0K1!CDqPSd5mZM : 2011-09-07 00:31 ID:eV43vA/e [Del]

Forever copypasting, but taking out the cursing coz I wanna be nice :I

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.

New members please read all 3 and get to know the site before posting on the boards.

Also, almost every question that has been asked in the past few days is answered in this thread. So take a minute or two out of your day and read this.

125 Name: Tsukitty !PL2yJCdKsw : 2011-09-07 00:33 ID:xTLpz0L8 [Del]


126 Name: DaniV : 2011-09-07 00:54 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


127 Name: Mael !hefBVEyOUs : 2011-09-07 01:06 ID:g43ZPn4q [Del]

Copypasting My own post and leaving in the cuss words, so i can express my intensity. :|

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.

New members please read all 3 and get to know the site before posting on the boards.

Also, almost every question that has been asked in the past few days is answered in this thread. So take a fucking minute or two out of your obviously busy day, and read this.

128 Name: Phantom : 2011-09-07 01:11 ID:cQLvT+iX [Del]

It's clear that you want the newbies to read this thread. However, the language is completely unnecessary. If you want to be intense, use some bold, underline and CAPS. A few cases of yelling at those new members who just haven't seen this thread (because it keeps getting bumpped off the main page) have resulted in scaring them away. We're the Dollars, we're supposed to be nice and helpful, not big scary jerks.

If a new member has seen this thread and continues to be obnoxious, then by all means yell. But for someone who is brand new and just hasn't seen this thread. Don't be a jerk. Just bump this thread to the top and have a nice day.

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.

New members please read all 3 and get to know the site before posting on the boards.

129 Name: Mael !hefBVEyOUs : 2011-09-07 01:23 ID:g43ZPn4q [Del]

>>128 Piss off, don't lecture me.

I try to be nice and helpful all the time, most likely a lot more than you, and I have been doing so for a long time. So shut the hell up with that false sense of righteousness you've got going on..

130 Name: Mael !hefBVEyOUs : 2011-09-07 01:45 ID:g43ZPn4q [Del]

Anyway..I won't turn this thread into an argument. I won't curse, so people who can't handle the real world won't get all pissy at me.

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.

New members please read all 3 and get to know the site before posting on the boards.

Also, almost every question that has been asked in the past few days is answered in this thread. So take a minute or two out of your day and read this. Thank you.

131 Name: SamuraiSx : 2011-09-07 02:14 ID:wXvQl9VB [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.

132 Name: Tsukitty !PL2yJCdKsw : 2011-09-07 03:29 ID:eI7lW3G4 [Del]

bumping agains.

133 Name: Shinku no Bara : 2011-09-07 08:37 ID:phjL7gJU [Del]

bumping, because if i see another useless thread my eyes will explode

134 Name: Thanatos!CRiLqZyIfQ : 2011-09-07 09:13 ID:TqoAAQdt [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.

135 Name: Mael !hefBVEyOUs : 2011-09-07 15:18 ID:g43ZPn4q [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.

New members please read all 3 and get to know the site before posting on the boards.

Also, almost every question that has been asked in the past few days is answered in this thread. So take a minute or two out of your day and read this. Thank you.

136 Name: DaniV : 2011-09-07 16:32 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


137 Name: Xena : 2011-09-07 17:55 ID:wmbkViLK [Del]


138 Name: Pintapau !bAr4R5f0RY : 2011-09-07 19:02 ID:cRguF2Za [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.

Bumping in the vain hope of preventing future stupidity.

139 Name: Kaori !!tCuPexyb : 2011-09-07 19:14 ID:TfnrCBqw [Del]

as said by ^

140 Name: Scragg : 2011-09-07 19:15 ID:2qubXC5T [Del]


141 Name: 70K1D0K1!CDqPSd5mZM : 2011-09-07 19:39 ID:C5foR3dY [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.

New members please read all 3 and get to know the site before posting on the boards.

Also, almost every question that has been asked in the past few days is answered in this thread. So take a minute or two out of your day and read this.

142 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2011-09-07 19:50 ID:zsE4k9k8 [Del]

Boopadoop. Copypasta.

">>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.

New members please read all 3 and get to know the site before posting on the boards.

Also, almost every question that has been asked in the past few days is answered in this thread. So take a minute or two out of your day and read this."

143 Name: Scragg : 2011-09-07 19:59 ID:2qubXC5T [Del]


144 Name: Kaori !!tCuPexyb : 2011-09-07 20:03 ID:TfnrCBqw [Del]

copypasta off copypasta

">>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.

New members please read all 3 and get to know the site before posting on the boards.

Also, almost every question that has been asked in the past few days is answered in this thread. So take a minute or two out of your day and read this."

145 Name: LOL : 2011-09-07 20:14 ID:rDljeld/ [Del]


146 Name: Kaori !!tCuPexyb : 2011-09-07 20:24 ID:TfnrCBqw [Del]

still bumping this, cuz it NEEDS to stay at the top. ^ read >>144 plox :3

147 Name: DaniV : 2011-09-07 21:39 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


148 Name: Mael !hefBVEyOUs : 2011-09-07 23:01 ID:km6FTRXm [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.

New members please read all 3 and get to know the site before posting on the boards.

Also, almost every question that has been asked in the past few days is answered in this thread. So take a minute or two out of your day and read this.

149 Name: Kaori !!tCuPexyb : 2011-09-07 23:21 ID:TfnrCBqw [Del]

bump ^

150 Name: Chitose !rHaXtw9IkE : 2011-09-08 00:32 ID:gzUDzvA9 [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.

New members please read all 3 and get to know the site before posting on the boards.

Also, almost every question that has been asked in the past few days is answered in this thread. So take a minute or two out of your day and read this.

151 Name: john : 2011-09-08 05:32 ID:66IcP9cF [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.

New members please read all 3 and get to know the site before posting on the boards.

Also, almost every question that has been asked in the past few days is answered in this thread. So take a minute or two out of your day and read this.

152 Name: Thanatos!CRiLqZyIfQ : 2011-09-08 08:38 ID:jVXMAz0o [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.

New members please read all 3 and get to know the site before posting on the boards.

Also, almost every question that has been asked in the past few days is answered in this thread. So take a minute or two out of your day and read this.

153 Name: DaniV : 2011-09-08 14:50 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


154 Name: Scragg : 2011-09-08 15:58 ID:2r80+/kn [Del]


155 Name: Mael !hefBVEyOUs : 2011-09-08 16:16 ID:G50yvVXY [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.

New members please read all 3 and get to know the site before posting on the boards.

Also, almost every question that has been asked in the past few days is answered in this thread. So take a minute or two out of your day and read this.

156 Name: 70K1D0K1!CDqPSd5mZM : 2011-09-08 17:30 ID:x26Pe6hS [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.

New members please read all 3 and get to know the site before posting on the boards.

Also, almost every question that has been asked in the past few days is answered in this thread. So take a minute or two out of your day and read this.

157 Name: DaniV : 2011-09-08 19:35 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


158 Name: DaniV : 2011-09-09 05:01 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


159 Name: 70K1D0K1!CDqPSd5mZM : 2011-09-09 10:15 ID:x26Pe6hS [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.

New members please read all 3 and get to know the site before posting on the boards.

Also, almost every question that has been asked in the past few days is answered in this thread. So take a minute or two out of your day and read this.

160 Name: Johnson : 2011-09-09 15:20 ID:8Wco1sKu [Del]


161 Name: The Codeman : 2011-09-09 16:28 ID:lyIp9qcf [Del]

Shouldn't the FAQ be its own section so we don't have to keep bumping it?

162 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-09-09 16:40 ID:jy6R+ynZ [Del]

>>161 Might need to add things. If we made an "FAQ page", we'd have to constantly ask Reltair to update it.

163 Name: DaniV : 2011-09-09 18:47 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


164 Name: Mael !hefBVEyOUs : 2011-09-09 21:30 ID:g43ZPn4q [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.

New members please read all 3 and get to know the site before posting on the boards.

Also, almost every question that has been asked in the past few days is answered in this thread. So take a minute or two out of your day and read this

165 Post deleted by user.

166 Name: Phantom : 2011-09-09 22:01 ID:cQLvT+iX [Del]


Second most?

167 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-09-09 22:06 ID:jy6R+ynZ [Del]


That one is a bit more popular than us, I have to admit. Maybe. I dunno. Just basing this off of how long it's lasted and shit like that. Might redo the post... If people yell at me enough.

168 Name: Phantom : 2011-09-09 23:21 ID:cQLvT+iX [Del]

>>167 Oh yes, I have heard of them. I just thought that we were more popular... anyway...

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>165 More F.A.Q.

New members please read all 4 and get to know the site before posting on the boards.

169 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-09-09 23:28 ID:jy6R+ynZ [Del]

>>168 Eh, it's subjective. I'll probably go redo that post now.

170 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-09-09 23:30 ID:jy6R+ynZ [Del]

Q:Why don't we change the password instead of using baccano?
A: Because we're not a private site, we're public. And it's for aesthetic reasons also, like Misuto said.

Q:What is the real Dollars site?
A: There are no real Dollar sites. There are ones that popped up first and shit like that.

Re-done. I'll delete that other post now.

171 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-09-10 00:46 ID:jy6R+ynZ [Del]

Godfuck, there was one more question I seem to have forgotten.

Q: How does the member count count members?
A: It's IP based.

172 Name: Kaori !!tCuPexyb : 2011-09-10 01:22 ID:TfnrCBqw [Del]

bump. Easy thread. only takes about 1 minute to read, evun i cuns reads ut! 8D

173 Name: DaniV : 2011-09-10 03:14 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


174 Post deleted by user.

175 Name: Mael !hefBVEyOUs : 2011-09-10 08:03 ID:g43ZPn4q [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.

New members please read all of these and get to know the site before posting on the boards.

This thread isn't just for the newbies, Its for anybody who doesn't understand something on the site. If you have a question that hasn't already been answered on this thread, then please by all means, ask it here. Thanks and Enjoy your time here.

176 Name: 70K1D0K1!CDqPSd5mZM : 2011-09-10 13:06 ID:J7ZoOI5F [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.

New members please read all of these and get to know the site before posting on the boards.

This thread isn't just for the newbies, it's for anybody who doesn't understand something on the site. If you have a question that hasn't already been answered on this thread, then please by all means, ask it here. Thanks and enjoy your time here.

[By the way, I appreciate how this message got nicer :)]

177 Name: Mael !hefBVEyOUs : 2011-09-10 13:41 ID:g43ZPn4q [Del]

I don't like getting shit for trying to keep the site clean so...yeah...

178 Name: 70K1D0K1!CDqPSd5mZM : 2011-09-10 13:56 ID:J7ZoOI5F [Del]

Nice. Good job with that.

179 Name: Lt. Dodger : 2011-09-10 14:47 ID:WmQC7Zlp [Del]

Are we allowed to post porn?

180 Name: Mael !hefBVEyOUs : 2011-09-10 15:02 ID:g43ZPn4q [Del]

>>179 Its not against the rules i guess...but normally we don't condone it, since there are kids who get on this site too, plus if we get like that, we'll just kinda become another 4chan...

181 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-09-10 15:03 ID:jy6R+ynZ [Del]

Before Reltair changed the About page, it said to keep the place clean.

182 Name: Mael !hefBVEyOUs : 2011-09-10 16:13 ID:g43ZPn4q [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.

New members please read all of these and get to know the site before posting on the boards.

This thread isn't just for the newbies, Its for anybody who doesn't understand something on the site. If you have a question that hasn't already been answered on this thread, then please by all means, ask it here. Thanks and Enjoy your time here!

183 Name: the leader jk : 2011-09-10 17:23 ID:Ofy1DKv2 [Del]

my friend was attacked in school wat should i do?

184 Name: Mael !hefBVEyOUs : 2011-09-10 18:13 ID:LCKZ8Ejq [Del]

Uh... do you know the people that attacked him/her? If so, report it, if they actually 'attacked' your friend unprovoked that is... If your friend just got in a fight, and got their ass handed to them, then you just have to suck it up. There's not much you can do as an outsider in that situation other than support your friend and be there for them in times of need.

185 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2011-09-10 18:23 ID:IO1BJXgt [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.

New members please read all of these and get to know the site before posting on the boards.

This thread isn't just for the newbies, Its for anybody who doesn't understand something on the site. If you have a question that hasn't already been answered on this thread, then please by all means, ask it here. Thanks and Enjoy your time here!

Right, now that that's out of the way,

I'm starting to wonder if we should start an advice thread of some sort. A lot of people have posted problems from their personal life, and I think it would work consolidated in a single thread somewhere - either main or random. I mean so far we have a thread for raging and a thread for consolation, so one for advice would be useful too.

186 Post deleted by user.

187 Name: Lt. Dodger : 2011-09-10 18:42 ID:WmQC7Zlp [Del]

>>183 You can ask for help related to bullying in this website.

188 Name: Kaori !!tCuPexyb : 2011-09-10 20:19 ID:TfnrCBqw [Del]


>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.

New members please read all of these and get to know the site before posting on the boards. Old members, please refer back to this whenever you can!

>>185 i thought the encouragement and wutever thread wus the advice thread? o-o well okay then. IT'S IN RANDOM WHOEVER WANTS TO CHECK OUT THE ENCOURAGEMENT/ HELP THREAD. o3o" 'view all threads' ctrl + f search "encouragement".

189 Name: Mael !hefBVEyOUs : 2011-09-10 22:08 ID:sVnNN14Q [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.

New members please read all of these and get to know the site before posting on the boards.

This thread isn't just for the newbies, Its for anybody who doesn't understand something on the site. If you have a question that hasn't already been answered on this thread, then please by all means, ask it here. Thanks and Enjoy your time here!

190 Name: Kaori !!tCuPexyb : 2011-09-10 23:06 ID:TfnrCBqw [Del]

bumping because oh gawsh.... *u*"

anyways....*coughcough* read those up there ^ theyre really small actually

191 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-09-10 23:09 ID:jy6R+ynZ [Del]

Q: Why is the Chatroom I'm in quiet all of a sudden?
A: You are what we call lagging. Refreshing should fix the problem.

How do I correctly leave the chatroom?
A: You have to click the log out button. Not doing so would make you ghosted, leaving your name still logged in.

What is ghosting exactly?
A: Ghosting is when the chat still thinks you're logged in, when you really aren't. Your username is still in the room, but you yourself aren't. The causes of this ranges from not leaving the room correctly, to through internet connection being sucky, to just the chat fucking up and glitching.

So apparently, we never answered this. Well, actually we made the definition in the By Countries button thing that Tsuki made a long time ago, but some people don't go on there I guess. So here it is!

192 Name: Phantom : 2011-09-11 00:30 ID:cQLvT+iX [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.

New members please read all of these and get to know the site before posting on the boards.

This thread isn't just for the newbies, its for anybody who doesn't understand something on the site. If you have a question that hasn't already been answered on this thread, then please by all means, ask it here. Thanks and enjoy your time here!

193 Name: joshRbeast !Yd2zO1IuU6 : 2011-09-11 01:15 ID:c71XTBZ+ [Del]


194 Name: Pintapau !bAr4R5f0RY : 2011-09-11 05:15 ID:qPRSxd9p [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.

New members, please read the above noted posts to avoid looking like an idiot. For people who aren't sure about something, check the above noted posts to try to prevent yourself looking like an idiot. It doesn't take too long, and is worth the time investment to avoid having *insertnamehere* and others raging at you.

Also, you're welcome to ask any questions that haven't been addressed in this FAQ. Just make sure that your question isn't too similar to one already asked first.

195 Name: DaniV : 2011-09-11 08:56 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


196 Name: Kaori !!tCuPexyb : 2011-09-11 15:48 ID:TfnrCBqw [Del]

copy pasta bump! :D

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.

New members, please read the above noted posts to avoid looking like an idiot. For people who aren't sure about something, check the above noted posts to try to prevent yourself looking like an idiot. It doesn't take too long, and is worth the time investment to avoid having *insertnamehere* and others raging at you.

Also, you're welcome to ask any questions that haven't been addressed in this FAQ. Just make sure that your question isn't too similar to one already asked first.

197 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-09-11 17:16 ID:jy6R+ynZ [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.

New members, please read the above noted posts to avoid looking like an idiot. For people who aren't sure about something, check the above noted posts to try to prevent yourself looking like an idiot. It doesn't take too long, and is worth the time investment to avoid having me and others raging at you.

Also, you're welcome to ask any questions that haven't been addressed in this FAQ. Just make sure that your question isn't too similar to one already asked first.

Copy and pasted, but with one edit.

198 Name: 70K1D0K1!CDqPSd5mZM : 2011-09-11 18:06 ID:SHsDewIe [Del]

[continued copypasta]

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.

New members, please read the above noted posts to avoid looking like an idiot. For people who aren't sure about something, check the above noted posts to try to prevent yourself looking like an idiot. It doesn't take too long, and is worth the time investment to avoid having *insertnamehere* and others raging at you.

Also, you're welcome to ask any questions that haven't been addressed in this FAQ. Just make sure that your question isn't too similar to one already asked first.

199 Name: 70K1D0K1!CDqPSd5mZM : 2011-09-11 19:33 ID:SHsDewIe [Del]

Bump ^

200 Name: Kaori !!tCuPexyb : 2011-09-11 20:27 ID:TfnrCBqw [Del]


>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.

New members, please read the above noted posts to avoid looking like an idiot. For people who aren't sure about something, check the above noted posts to try to prevent yourself looking like an idiot. It doesn't take too long, and is worth the time investment to avoid having *insertnamehere* and others raging at you.

Also, you're welcome to ask any questions that haven't been addressed in this FAQ. Just make sure that your question isn't too similar to one already asked first.

201 Name: Lola : 2011-09-11 21:36 ID:wzNb9yZ+ [Del]


202 Name: Kaori !!tCuPexyb : 2011-09-11 22:33 ID:TfnrCBqw [Del]

i'll just bump this for people's sakes. Also, next person to bump, please copypasta >>200

203 Name: DaniV : 2011-09-11 23:13 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


204 Name: Kaori !!tCuPexyb : 2011-09-11 23:34 ID:TfnrCBqw [Del]

its at the top, but....

>>1 Board and Site Description
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New members, please read the above noted posts to avoid looking like an idiot. For people who aren't sure about something, check the above noted posts to try to prevent yourself looking like an idiot. It doesn't take too long, and is worth the time investment to avoid having *insertnamehere* and others raging at you.

Also, you're welcome to ask any questions that haven't been addressed in this FAQ. Just make sure that your question isn't too similar to one already asked first.

205 Name: Yukio : 2011-09-12 12:31 ID:SMGv5dMH [Del]


206 Name: Xena : 2011-09-12 17:31 ID:ZC2X6C8i [Del]


207 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-09-12 18:11 ID:4ixH5cjC [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.

New members, please read the above noted posts to avoid looking like an idiot. For people who aren't sure about something, check the above noted posts to try to prevent yourself looking like an idiot. It doesn't take too long, and is worth the time investment to avoid having me and others raging at you.

Also, you're welcome to ask any questions that haven't been addressed in this FAQ. Just make sure that your question isn't too similar to one already asked first.

208 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-09-12 18:21 ID:4ixH5cjC [Del]

fucking bump damn it.

209 Name: Mael !hefBVEyOUs : 2011-09-12 19:33 ID:g43ZPn4q [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.

New members, please read the above noted posts to avoid looking like an idiot. For people who aren't sure about something, check the above noted posts to try to prevent yourself looking like an idiot. It doesn't take too long, and is worth the time investment to avoid having me and others raging at you.

Also, you're welcome to ask any questions that haven't been addressed in this FAQ. Just make sure that your question isn't too similar to one already asked first.

210 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2011-09-12 19:46 ID:m/oO5hZI [Del]

^ Read the above

211 Name: Yunie!p1kTOxVF.w : 2011-09-12 20:03 ID:luqs1VWk [Del]

^Read this!

212 Name: Holden : 2011-09-12 20:04 ID:Gb9DDYEJ [Del]

What they said (/>3>)/

213 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-09-12 21:16 ID:4ixH5cjC [Del]

Bump for god's sake.

>>1 Board and Site Description
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>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.

New members, please read the above noted posts to avoid looking like an idiot. For people who aren't sure about something, check the above noted posts to try to prevent yourself looking like an idiot. It doesn't take too long, and is worth the time investment to avoid having me and others raging at you.

Also, you're welcome to ask any questions that haven't been addressed in this FAQ. Just make sure that your question isn't too similar to one already asked first.

214 Name: Kaori : 2011-09-13 01:33 ID:TfnrCBqw [Del]

Afaiqororhsncbslalqrh cuz I can't copypasta with this shat mobile ummmmm bump ^

215 Name: Pidgey : 2011-09-13 15:38 ID:ifjm6+Xd [Del]

Bump =w=

216 Name: 70K1D0K1!CDqPSd5mZM : 2011-09-13 16:17 ID:1XQLbG6x [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description
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>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.

New members, please read the above noted posts to avoid preventable mistakes. For people who aren't sure about something, check the above noted posts also. It doesn't take too long, and is worth the time investment to avoid having *insertnamehere* and others raging at you.

Also, you're welcome to ask any questions that haven't been addressed in this FAQ. Just make sure that your question isn't too similar to one already asked before.

217 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-09-13 19:07 ID:4ixH5cjC [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.

New members, please read the above noted posts to avoid preventable mistakes. For people who aren't sure about something, check the above noted posts also. It doesn't take too long, and is worth the time investment to avoid having me and others raging at you.

Also, you're welcome to ask any questions that haven't been addressed in this FAQ. Just make sure that your question isn't too similar to one already asked before.

218 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-09-13 19:20 ID:4ixH5cjC [Del]

bump once again

219 Name: Johnson : 2011-09-13 20:41 ID:8Wco1sKu [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description
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>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.

New members, please read the above noted posts to avoid preventable mistakes. For people who aren't sure about something, check the above noted posts also. It doesn't take too long, and is worth the time investment to avoid having *insertnamehere* and others raging at you.

220 Name: DaniV : 2011-09-13 21:25 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


221 Name: Pintapau !bAr4R5f0RY : 2011-09-14 02:10 ID:JOvkEb9p [Del]

Is it possible to copypasta yourself?

>>1 Board and Site Description
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>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.

New members, please read the above noted posts to avoid looking like an idiot. For people who aren't sure about something, check the above noted posts to try to prevent yourself looking like an idiot. It doesn't take too long, and is worth the time investment to avoid having *insertnamehere* and others raging at you.

Also, you're welcome to ask any questions that haven't been addressed in this FAQ. Just make sure that your question isn't too similar to one already asked first.

222 Name: 70K1D0K1!CDqPSd5mZM : 2011-09-14 08:11 ID:cd9bJYKA [Del]


223 Name: Kannerz : 2011-09-14 11:31 ID:z0HZ1QCB [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description
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>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.

224 Name: DaniV : 2011-09-14 14:07 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


225 Name: Xena : 2011-09-14 16:26 ID:zK2rHFGh [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
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>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.

226 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-09-14 19:04 ID:4ixH5cjC [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.

Read this or I'll get pissed. Unless I had a very very very VERY fucking awesome day. Then I won't be pissed as much. Still pissed though.

227 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-09-14 19:07 ID:4ixH5cjC [Del]

It's a damn conspiracy I tell you.

228 Name: Pineapplez!BqcQeeA4HA : 2011-09-14 19:23 ID:bmzVrqCl [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
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>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.

229 Name: Rasui : 2011-09-14 19:41 ID:yV97t94P [Del]

*bump. so new people will see it*

230 Name: Fest72 : 2011-09-14 20:03 ID:7OZ40WVb [Del]


231 Name: Thanatos!CRiLqZyIfQ : 2011-09-14 21:02 ID:yLzFJcVm [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
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>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.

232 Name: 70K1D0K1!CDqPSd5mZM : 2011-09-14 23:49 ID:a1Vu2k5E [Del]

Please read:
>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.

233 Name: DaniV : 2011-09-15 00:39 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


234 Name: Pintapau !bAr4R5f0RY : 2011-09-15 08:45 ID:qPRSxd9p [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
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>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to call you out as a dumbass for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss.

235 Name: りにゃ !/INcfZ7IMs : 2011-09-15 13:18 ID:mjmdGDw5 [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
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>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.

236 Name: Copypastasuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2011-09-15 15:28 ID:zsE4k9k8 [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
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>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to call you out as a dumbass for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss.

237 Name: joshRbeast !Yd2zO1IuU6 : 2011-09-15 19:05 ID:O9l7onyB [Del]


238 Name: DaniV : 2011-09-16 01:19 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


239 Name: Mael !hefBVEyOUs : 2011-09-16 02:27 ID:yKbIS4J+ [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
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>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to call you out as a dumbass for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss.

Copypasting hooray!

240 Name: 70K1D0K1!CDqPSd5mZM : 2011-09-16 17:41 ID:DARZQkVv [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description
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>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to call you out for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss.

241 Name: 70K1D0K1!CDqPSd5mZM : 2011-09-16 20:55 ID:DARZQkVv [Del]


242 Name: Pineapplez!BqcQeeA4HA : 2011-09-16 20:58 ID:VnVHpZ5f [Del]


243 Name: 70K1D0K1!CDqPSd5mZM : 2011-09-16 23:13 ID:DARZQkVv [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
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>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to call you out for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss.

244 Name: Kannerz : 2011-09-17 08:48 ID:ZuJubOaX [Del]


245 Name: Thanatos!CRiLqZyIfQ : 2011-09-17 09:13 ID:Qm/eYc0i [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
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>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to call you out for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss.

246 Name: van : 2011-09-17 09:17 ID:rIpVf4vr [Del]

I'ill wait untill 24 hours to reply my mail.. or i will cut u!!!

247 Name: Xissx : 2011-09-17 11:15 ID:Kf0jNtSe [Del]


248 Name: Pintapau !bAr4R5f0RY : 2011-09-17 20:42 ID:qPRSxd9p [Del]

Bumping before we hear the cries that this doesn't exist anymore due to it not being on the front page.

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to call you out as a dumbass for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss.

249 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-09-17 22:29 ID:4ixH5cjC [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to call you out as a dumbass for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss.

Copy and paste. And I actually would prefer to call you a dumbass for ignoring basic guidelines and not reading the header and using View All Threads and shit. Because if you actually ignored all this shit, you'd in fact be a dumbass.

250 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-09-18 01:40 ID:4ixH5cjC [Del]

Q: How can I delete posts with images?

A: First, click the [Del] button. Then click yes to the “Are you sure you want to delete reply #” question. Finally, click cancel to the “Leave the reply text and delete only file” question, as this only means, “delete the image and leave the post”.

251 Name: Sleepless : 2011-09-18 03:04 ID:ZM/QXJvt [Del]


252 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-09-18 09:37 ID:4ixH5cjC [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to call you out as a dumbass for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss.

Copy and paste. And I actually would prefer to call you a dumbass for ignoring basic guidelines and not reading the header and using View All Threads and shit. Because if you actually ignored all this shit, you'd in fact be a dumbass.

253 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-09-18 12:04 ID:4ixH5cjC [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to call you out as a dumbass for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss.

Copy and paste. And I actually would prefer to call you a dumbass for ignoring basic guidelines and not reading the header and using View All Threads and shit. Because if you actually ignored all this shit, you'd in fact be a dumbass.

254 Name: Esray : 2011-09-18 12:05 ID:VXV/nf8E [Del]


255 Name: Kaori !!tCuPexyb : 2011-09-18 15:38 ID:TfnrCBqw [Del]


256 Name: DJ : 2011-09-18 16:08 ID:dmAl85gD [Del]

i need help i can not think where to put a thread about fighting with weapons like ones you are trained to use not like knifes and gun and ecr.but lke staffs whips numchucks stuff like that

257 Name: Rasui : 2011-09-18 16:21 ID:yV97t94P [Del]

>>256 Try random. We're not likely ever going to have a weapons forum

258 Name: DJ : 2011-09-18 16:21 ID:dmAl85gD [Del]

ok thanks

259 Name: Phantom : 2011-09-18 17:35 ID:cQLvT+iX [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get upset with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss.

260 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-09-18 19:04 ID:4ixH5cjC [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get upset with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss.

261 Name: Kaori !czOIdatHE6 : 2011-09-18 20:24 ID:TfnrCBqw [Del]

AHAHAHAHA. no, its not just a bunch of nerds typing walls of text :D we're just a bunch of people who like to copy pasta! So just putting this here, so people see that we're actually talking....sort of o-O"

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get upset with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss.

262 Name: Xena : 2011-09-18 21:07 ID:A85IYNSv [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get upset with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss.

263 Name: 70K1D0K1!CDqPSd5mZM : 2011-09-18 23:18 ID:a5/iYHUn [Del]

Bump! ^_^

264 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-09-18 23:38 ID:4ixH5cjC [Del]


265 Name: Shiro : 2011-09-18 23:40 ID:YhPX0KSJ [Del]


266 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-09-18 23:43 ID:4ixH5cjC [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get upset with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss.

267 Name: DaniV : 2011-09-19 00:34 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


268 Name: Yunie!p1kTOxVF.w : 2011-09-19 03:35 ID:nJEb3FEw [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get upset with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss.

Huzzah for copypasta!

269 Name: Anonymous : 2011-09-19 09:52 ID:K/qmu9PA [Del]


270 Name: 70K1D0K1!CDqPSd5mZM : 2011-09-19 13:40 ID:govKe4ai [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get upset with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss.

271 Name: DaniV : 2011-09-19 15:51 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


272 Name: Xena : 2011-09-19 16:58 ID:cnxhAABG [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get upset with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss.

273 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-09-19 18:00 ID:4ixH5cjC [Del]


274 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-09-19 20:18 ID:4ixH5cjC [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get upset with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss.


275 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-09-19 21:59 ID:4ixH5cjC [Del]


276 Name: Rasui : 2011-09-19 22:51 ID:yV97t94P [Del]


277 Name: DaniV : 2011-09-20 00:08 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


278 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-09-20 00:30 ID:4ixH5cjC [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get upset with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss.


279 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-09-20 00:53 ID:4ixH5cjC [Del]

Was fourth on the list of threads. Don't wanna get this too low, yo.

280 Name: Izaya-sho : 2011-09-20 00:56 ID:whXo2dEi [Del]

What does bump mean?

281 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-09-20 00:57 ID:4ixH5cjC [Del]

>>280 To make the thread go to the top of the page, in this case.

282 Name: Jello : 2011-09-20 00:58 ID:2h3ll46T [Del]

i've been meaning to ask, can anyone bump anything?
(sounds a bit dirty..)

283 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-09-20 00:58 ID:4ixH5cjC [Del]

Wait, is this actually an FAQ question that can be put up? If so... Well, whatever.

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 What does bump mean? Derp.

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get upset with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss.

284 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-09-20 00:59 ID:4ixH5cjC [Del]

>>282 Yes, with every post on any thread, the thread gets bumped. Unless the thread has the word (permasaged) next to the name of the thread. Permasaged means unable to be bumped anymore, basically.

285 Name: Rasui : 2011-09-20 01:41 ID:yV97t94P [Del]


286 Name: Thanatos!CRiLqZyIfQ : 2011-09-20 09:05 ID:ISq1QiSA [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 What does bump mean? Derp.

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get upset with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss.

287 Name: Rasui : 2011-09-20 12:56 ID:yV97t94P [Del]


288 Name: DaniV : 2011-09-20 14:58 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


289 Name: Xena : 2011-09-20 15:03 ID:xYOaT4p/ [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 What does bump mean? Derp.

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get upset with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss.

290 Name: Rasui : 2011-09-20 15:54 ID:yV97t94P [Del]


291 Name: 70K1D0K1!CDqPSd5mZM : 2011-09-20 16:40 ID:J7ZoOI5F [Del]


292 Name: Pintapau !bAr4R5f0RY : 2011-09-20 17:20 ID:TqZCZ3mW [Del]

Partial quote of Mael from another thread as to why this FAQ should be treated as if it's official and not some bullshit we put up that can be ignored: "we came up with the FAQ thread together with Reltair over time, It is only posted by Ayanavi because she took the initiative and created an updated thread."

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 What does bump mean? Derp.

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss.

Remember - every time you create a duplicate thread I kill a puppy. Or a kitten, or possibly a bird. I don't discriminate.

293 Name: Mael !hefBVEyOUs : 2011-09-20 17:22 ID:POUAJ9xY [Del]

>>292 Thanks pinta. I was about to post that here lol...

294 Name: Rasui : 2011-09-20 17:45 ID:yV97t94P [Del]

I say sir... bump.

295 Name: DaniV : 2011-09-20 18:27 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


296 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-09-20 18:49 ID:4ixH5cjC [Del]

Partial quote of Mael from another thread as to why this FAQ should be treated as if it's official and not some bullshit we put up that can be ignored: "we came up with the FAQ thread together with Reltair over time, It is only posted by Ayanavi because she took the initiative and created an updated thread."

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 What does bump mean? Derp.

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss.

Remember, every duplicate thread/misplaced thread created by you, I will be forced to add you to my hit list. And I will do it, I am a fucking unstable man.

297 Name: Rasui : 2011-09-20 19:21 ID:yV97t94P [Del]


298 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-09-20 19:28 ID:4ixH5cjC [Del]


299 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-09-20 20:22 ID:4ixH5cjC [Del]

Bit of an add on to Countries board description. In addition to knowing if there are people near you in the countries board, you can also use it to discuss potential meetups, instead of using the other boards to do that. Makes more sense, and also, Countries board is a bit of a spammy board, since people just go "Hi, I'm in such and such state/city", so yeah.

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 What does bump mean? Derp.
>>299 Country board add on. Maybe. Whatever.

300 Name: Rasui : 2011-09-20 22:53 ID:yV97t94P [Del]


301 Name: DaniV : 2011-09-20 23:31 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


302 Name: 70K1D0K1!CDqPSd5mZM : 2011-09-21 01:09 ID:SHsDewIe [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 What does bump mean? Derp.
>>299 Country board add on. Maybe. Whatever.

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss.

303 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-09-21 06:53 ID:4ixH5cjC [Del]


304 Name: 70K1D0K1!CDqPSd5mZM : 2011-09-21 10:55 ID:a1Vu2k5E [Del]


305 Name: 70K1D0K1!CDqPSd5mZM : 2011-09-21 11:24 ID:a1Vu2k5E [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 What does bump mean? Derp.
>>299 Country board add on. Maybe. Whatever.

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss.

306 Name: Rasui : 2011-09-21 14:02 ID:yV97t94P [Del]


307 Name: DaniV : 2011-09-21 15:15 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


308 Name: 70K1D0K1!CDqPSd5mZM : 2011-09-21 16:42 ID:SHsDewIe [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 What does bump mean? Derp.
>>299 Country board add on. Maybe. Whatever.

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss.

309 Name: Xena : 2011-09-21 16:55 ID:wKpifw4W [Del]


310 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-09-21 17:51 ID:4ixH5cjC [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 What does bump mean? Derp.
>>299 Country board add on. Maybe. Whatever.

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss.

Bump, damn bastards.

311 Name: Rasui : 2011-09-21 18:57 ID:yV97t94P [Del]


312 Name: Lola : 2011-09-21 19:55 ID:wKpifw4W [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 What does bump mean? Derp.
>>299 Country board add on. Maybe. Whatever.

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss.

313 Name: DaniV : 2011-09-21 20:55 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


314 Name: Kannerz : 2011-09-21 22:40 ID:ZuJubOaX [Del]


315 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-09-21 23:33 ID:4ixH5cjC [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 What does bump mean? Derp.
>>299 Country board add on. Maybe. Whatever.

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss.

316 Name: Rasui : 2011-09-22 03:01 ID:yV97t94P [Del]


317 Name: Dioleag : 2011-09-22 05:58 ID:gFGLoOcD [Del]


318 Name: Thanatos!CRiLqZyIfQ : 2011-09-22 08:56 ID:Br3I83Mg [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 What does bump mean?
>>299 Country board add on.

Those are the post you should read. If you are new to the site, please take five minutes to read those. It will help you A LOT

319 Name: Kuro !MBYHQViFC2 : 2011-09-22 12:02 ID:3xLsEFhC [Del]


320 Name: DaniV : 2011-09-22 13:33 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


321 Name: Rasui : 2011-09-22 15:50 ID:yV97t94P [Del]


322 Name: Kannerz : 2011-09-22 15:51 ID:ZuJubOaX [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 What does bump mean? Derp.
>>299 Country board add on. Maybe. Whatever.

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss.

323 Name: Rasui : 2011-09-22 16:11 ID:yV97t94P [Del]


324 Name: 70K1D0K1!CDqPSd5mZM : 2011-09-22 16:25 ID:U7wmmNCQ [Del]


325 Name: Xena : 2011-09-22 16:42 ID:wKpifw4W [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 What does bump mean? Derp.
>>299 Country board add on. Maybe. Whatever.

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss.

326 Name: Xissx : 2011-09-22 17:10 ID:BLwQLcRM [Del]


327 Name: dust : 2011-09-22 17:48 ID:LWlBN9sN [Del]


328 Name: Rasui : 2011-09-22 18:41 ID:yV97t94P [Del]


329 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-09-22 18:44 ID:4ixH5cjC [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 What does bump mean? Derp.
>>299 Country board add on. Maybe. Whatever.

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss.

guys, remember when bumping to copy and paste the above, since people obviously won't bother clicking the "Entire Thread".

Well some people anyways. Actually most people. Damn replies more than three posts don't exist.

330 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-09-22 21:52 ID:4ixH5cjC [Del]


331 Name: DaniV : 2011-09-23 05:18 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


332 Name: 70K1D0K1!CDqPSd5mZM : 2011-09-23 08:15 ID:B/0nHc0Z [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 What does bump mean? Derp.
>>299 Country board add on. Maybe. Whatever.

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss.

333 Name: Rasui : 2011-09-23 12:05 ID:yV97t94P [Del]


334 Name: Rasui : 2011-09-23 15:54 ID:yV97t94P [Del]


335 Name: Kannerz : 2011-09-23 18:59 ID:ZuJubOaX [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss.

336 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-09-23 20:38 ID:4ixH5cjC [Del]


337 Name: Kaori !!N7GWJFmz : 2011-09-23 23:25 ID:TfnrCBqw [Del]


>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss.

338 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-09-24 00:20 ID:4ixH5cjC [Del]

fucking bump

339 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-09-24 11:01 ID:TDEoZ9+5 [Del]


340 Name: jonofbone : 2011-09-24 11:21 ID:ZUfI3Urw [Del]


341 Name: jonofbone : 2011-09-24 11:21 ID:ZUfI3Urw [Del]


342 Name: jonofbone : 2011-09-24 11:21 ID:ZUfI3Urw [Del]


343 Name: jonofbone : 2011-09-24 11:21 ID:ZUfI3Urw [Del]


344 Name: 70K1D0K1!CDqPSd5mZM : 2011-09-24 12:07 ID:B/0nHc0Z [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss.

345 Name: Lola : 2011-09-24 14:33 ID:+qNN1vxv [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss.

346 Name: Xissx : 2011-09-24 15:17 ID:n6kNrLua [Del]


347 Name: Xissx : 2011-09-24 15:19 ID:n6kNrLua [Del]

1 UP^

348 Name: 70K1D0K1!CDqPSd5mZM : 2011-09-24 16:44 ID:a+mWT/bS [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss.

349 Name: Xissx : 2011-09-24 17:01 ID:07wtBFtR [Del]


350 Name: Kannerz : 2011-09-24 17:34 ID:ZuJubOaX [Del]


351 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-09-24 21:34 ID:TDEoZ9+5 [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss.

352 Name: Kaori !!N7GWJFmz : 2011-09-24 22:15 ID:TfnrCBqw [Del]

HEY UH.....JUST WANNA PUT THIS OUT, BUT DOES THIS THREAD HAVE THE 'View All Threads' and click 'ctrl+f' and search in what you're looking for? WE'RE HAVING SOME MINOR DIFFICULTIES WITH THIS.

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss.

353 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-09-24 22:15 ID:TDEoZ9+5 [Del]

>>352 Yes it does.

354 Name: Kaori !!N7GWJFmz : 2011-09-24 22:44 ID:TfnrCBqw [Del]

>>353 OH OKAY THANKS :D /o/ yay, no excuses then~ just gonna put it in with everything though. sorry, copypasta in case the next person doesn't.

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as WE WOULD PREFER NOT to have to GET very MAD with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the VIEW ALL THREADS button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss (PRESS THE CTRL+ F).

355 Name: Rasui : 2011-09-24 23:15 ID:yV97t94P [Del]


356 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-09-24 23:42 ID:TDEoZ9+5 [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.

357 Name: Rasui : 2011-09-25 01:21 ID:yV97t94P [Del]


358 Name: Xissx : 2011-09-25 01:41 ID:ITrZvEre [Del]


359 Name: Rasui : 2011-09-25 02:13 ID:yV97t94P [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.

360 Name: 70K1D0K1!CDqPSd5mZM : 2011-09-25 02:24 ID:5MHB25zC [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss (press ctrl+F).

361 Name: dust : 2011-09-25 11:43 ID:LWlBN9sN [Del]


362 Name: Mael !hefBVEyOUs : 2011-09-25 12:14 ID:OUkgjybp [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss (press ctrl+F).

363 Name: Niome Azumate : 2011-09-25 13:00 ID:hT7hxNS4 [Del]


364 Name: sleepology : 2011-09-25 13:59 ID:cUfswpow [Del]


365 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-09-25 14:21 ID:TDEoZ9+5 [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss (press ctrl+F).

366 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-09-25 16:04 ID:TDEoZ9+5 [Del]


367 Name: Kaori !czOIdatHE6 : 2011-09-25 16:32 ID:TfnrCBqw [Del]


>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss (press ctrl+F).

368 Post deleted by user.

369 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-09-25 17:48 ID:TDEoZ9+5 [Del]


370 Name: Xena : 2011-09-25 20:41 ID:kl7/+W+C [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss (press ctrl+F).

371 Name: Kaori !czOIdatHE6 : 2011-09-25 20:49 ID:TfnrCBqw [Del]

bumppppyyyy lumpers. :D

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss (press ctrl+F).

372 Name: Kaori !czOIdatHE6 : 2011-09-25 23:18 ID:TfnrCBqw [Del]

whoa thar, that was close. ignore the double post :P

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss (press ctrl+F).

373 Name: DaniV : 2011-09-26 00:40 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


374 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-09-26 09:16 ID:TDEoZ9+5 [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss (press ctrl+F).

375 Name: 70K1D0K1!CDqPSd5mZM : 2011-09-26 09:21 ID:LcDXBaTS [Del]


376 Name: 074KURoze : 2011-09-26 10:59 ID:VTeQJxNd [Del]


377 Name: Rasui : 2011-09-26 12:52 ID:yV97t94P [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss (press ctrl+F).

378 Name: DaniV : 2011-09-26 14:01 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


379 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-09-26 19:09 ID:BS52fZ2X [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss (press ctrl+F).

380 Name: Thanatos!CRiLqZyIfQ : 2011-09-26 20:46 ID:1K0hQ3oG [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss (press ctrl+F).

381 Name: Kaori !czOIdatHE6 : 2011-09-26 22:22 ID:TfnrCBqw [Del]

Oh dear, hao did this git tu deh verreh end? :O scawwy

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss (press ctrl+F).

382 Name: 70K1D0K1!CDqPSd5mZM : 2011-09-27 00:26 ID:mNp7UGau [Del]

Bump :)

383 Name: DaniV : 2011-09-27 03:50 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


384 Name: Mael !hefBVEyOUs : 2011-09-27 06:15 ID:QSXTPoiV [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss (press ctrl+F).


385 Name: Rasui : 2011-09-27 13:10 ID:yV97t94P [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss (press ctrl+F).

386 Name: DaniV : 2011-09-27 14:22 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


387 Name: Rasui : 2011-09-27 16:39 ID:yV97t94P [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss (press ctrl+F).

388 Name: Rasui : 2011-09-27 17:14 ID:yV97t94P [Del]


389 Name: DaniV : 2011-09-27 17:55 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


390 Name: Rasui : 2011-09-27 18:07 ID:yV97t94P [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss (press ctrl+F).

391 Name: Rasui : 2011-09-27 18:09 ID:yV97t94P [Del]

bump, because this just needs to be up here... go cry elsewhere fool.

392 Name: Rasui : 2011-09-27 18:11 ID:yV97t94P [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss (press ctrl+F).

393 Name: 70K1D0K1!CDqPSd5mZM : 2011-09-27 18:11 ID:9V7PhEj2 [Del]

>>391 It's fine Rasui. Standard procedure for spammers is to ignore them until they're gone. The excess threads will be taken care of later.

394 Name: Rasui : 2011-09-27 18:15 ID:yV97t94P [Del]

>>393 Aye aye.

395 Name: Umbra Serpens !T1rQ1UNnww : 2011-09-27 18:22 ID:TzE2UXLq [Del]


396 Name: Kaori !czOIdatHE6 : 2011-09-27 18:27 ID:TfnrCBqw [Del]

silly chillun, ya'll need to copypasta if yuh wunt to bump. o'erwise it'd look like we're werdyos.

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss (press ctrl+F).

397 Name: Kannerz : 2011-09-27 18:37 ID:ZuJubOaX [Del]


398 Name: 70K1D0K1!CDqPSd5mZM : 2011-09-27 18:37 ID:9V7PhEj2 [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss (press ctrl+F).

399 Name: DaniV : 2011-09-27 19:52 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


400 Name: Xena : 2011-09-27 20:51 ID:ZDRQkdCM [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss (press ctrl+F).

401 Name: Rasui : 2011-09-27 23:04 ID:yV97t94P [Del]


402 Name: 70K1D0K1!CDqPSd5mZM : 2011-09-27 23:31 ID:GyoGB5Ka [Del]


403 Name: Kaori !czOIdatHE6 : 2011-09-27 23:42 ID:TfnrCBqw [Del]

dont forget to copypasta /o/ :3

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss (press ctrl+F).

404 Name: Sleepology : 2011-09-28 00:27 ID:ZpjUnBhU [Del]

Just a quick lil question directed towards the higher ups, is there a chat room code of conduct, or can people just do whatever the heck they feel like there

405 Name: DaniV : 2011-09-28 00:27 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


406 Name: Rasui : 2011-09-28 01:12 ID:yV97t94P [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss (press ctrl+F).

>>404 People can do what they want, but do try to use some common sense.

407 Name: Anonymous : 2011-09-28 08:56 ID:K/qmu9PA [Del]


408 Name: 70K1D0K1!CDqPSd5mZM : 2011-09-28 13:32 ID:gM8WA4ta [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss (press ctrl+F).

409 Name: DaniV : 2011-09-28 14:43 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


410 Name: Rasui : 2011-09-28 18:26 ID:yV97t94P [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss (press ctrl+F).

411 Name: Rasui : 2011-09-28 19:05 ID:yV97t94P [Del]


412 Name: Umbra Serpens !T1rQ1UNnww : 2011-09-28 20:20 ID:DIEpXZzO [Del]


413 Name: Rasui : 2011-09-28 21:12 ID:yV97t94P [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss (press ctrl+F).

414 Name: Rasui : 2011-09-28 21:39 ID:yV97t94P [Del]


415 Name: DaniV : 2011-09-28 22:52 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


416 Name: Rasui : 2011-09-28 23:54 ID:yV97t94P [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss (press ctrl+F).

417 Name: Sleepology : 2011-09-29 08:41 ID:J6wuwX7v [Del]


418 Name: 70K1D0K1!CDqPSd5mZM : 2011-09-29 09:49 ID:LcDXBaTS [Del]


419 Name: UnDecided!9vH9Gh4g2w : 2011-09-29 13:16 ID:jnTMsR3/ [Del]


420 Name: Thanatos!CRiLqZyIfQ : 2011-09-29 13:25 ID:J9gjXysO [Del]

Important post:
>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
Feel free to ask any question you have about the site in this thread. And, if you are going to bump this thread, please copy/paste the number of the important post.

421 Name: 70K1D0K1!CDqPSd5mZM : 2011-09-29 14:16 ID:ZhL1gccu [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss (press ctrl+F).

422 Name: Anonymous : 2011-09-29 14:23 ID:tvchZQfv [Del]


423 Name: Umbra Serpens !T1rQ1UNnww : 2011-09-29 16:56 ID:TzE2UXLq [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss (press ctrl+F).

424 Name: Rasui : 2011-09-29 18:19 ID:yV97t94P [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss (press ctrl+F).

425 Name: Rasui : 2011-09-29 20:05 ID:yV97t94P [Del]


426 Name: Rasui : 2011-09-29 22:55 ID:yV97t94P [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss (press ctrl+F).

427 Name: Rasui : 2011-09-29 23:14 ID:yV97t94P [Del]


428 Name: Kaori !czOIdatHE6 : 2011-09-29 23:35 ID:yO1QIlmj [Del]

OH SNAP! sorry for lettin you triple post. never.....noticed :>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss (press ctrl+F).

429 Name: Rasui : 2011-09-29 23:57 ID:yV97t94P [Del]

>>428 It's fine. I love doing my part for the site.

430 Post deleted by user.

431 Name: Rasui : 2011-09-30 00:39 ID:yV97t94P [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss (press ctrl+F).

432 Name: Pintapau !bAr4R5f0RY : 2011-09-30 04:04 ID:zCw6mFsL [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss (press ctrl+F).

Most people can ignore everything in this post below this line, as what is below is just my attempt at a draft of guidelines for something which doesn't happen that often. May or may not be accepted, and I may be drop-dead retarded, but some things do need to be addressed ahead of time.

Basically, I thought that there are certain guidelines that should be followed if you wish to knowingly create a duplicate thread without being a complete idiot. Keep in mind that this is a draft, and as so certain items may be rather special.
1) The duplicate thread is created with the intention of being more informative (subjectively superior?), and is obviously so (example: expanding a "I like show X" thread into a detailed summary of said show)
2) The original thread is under a certain number of posts and/or has absolutely no contributing/intelligent discussion (running under example from above, original thread is either still in the teens or less in posts and/or is made up of "I like show X too!" posts)
3) Poster of duplicate thread has the permission of the original thread creator, unless said thread creator has left the site (may be unnecessarily restrictive, as well as sometimes being impossible to track down original posters without creating a mess of threads in Random, but this is a draft)
4) Said duplicate thread abides by the rules of common sense (as in not duplicating a thread people shut down for being in the wrong place, more Durarara Season 2 petition threads, or anything drop-dead retarded. I reserve the right to be ragey at anyone who creates a duplicate fitting any of those categories)
5) It is stated as such that it is a duplicate thread, list the thread it is replacing, and why you are replacing the thread. (Just to help stop us blowing up at perfectly valid duplicate threads)

433 Name: DaniV : 2011-09-30 08:38 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


434 Name: 70K1D0K1!CDqPSd5mZM : 2011-09-30 10:33 ID:iwixeV2S [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Guidelines for knowingly creating a duplicate thread [draft]

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss (press ctrl+F).

435 Name: Rasui : 2011-09-30 14:21 ID:yV97t94P [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Guidelines for knowingly creating a duplicate thread [draft]

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss (press ctrl+F).

436 Name: Pineapplez!BqcQeeA4HA : 2011-09-30 15:49 ID:bmzVrqCl [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Guidelines for knowingly creating a duplicate thread [draft]

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss (press ctrl+F).


437 Name: Umbra Serpens !T1rQ1UNnww : 2011-09-30 16:50 ID:e6g2ptGp [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Guidelines for knowingly creating a duplicate thread [draft]

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss (press ctrl+F).

438 Name: 70K1D0K1!CDqPSd5mZM : 2011-09-30 17:11 ID:cd9bJYKA [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Guidelines for knowingly creating a duplicate thread [draft]

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss (press ctrl+F).

439 Name: Rasui : 2011-09-30 20:25 ID:yV97t94P [Del]


440 Name: Rasui : 2011-09-30 22:14 ID:yV97t94P [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Guidelines for knowingly creating a duplicate thread [draft]

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss (press ctrl+F).

441 Name: Rasui : 2011-10-01 02:57 ID:yV97t94P [Del]


442 Name: 70K1D0K1!CDqPSd5mZM : 2011-10-01 06:24 ID:yvDfBH++ [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Guidelines for knowingly creating a duplicate thread [draft]

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss (press ctrl+F).

443 Name: Mael !hefBVEyOUs : 2011-10-01 09:46 ID:g43ZPn4q [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Guidelines for knowingly creating a duplicate thread [draft]

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss (press ctrl+F).

444 Name: Mael !hefBVEyOUs : 2011-10-01 09:51 ID:g43ZPn4q [Del]

oops... bump
I meant to bump this last... but w/e.

445 Name: Rasui : 2011-10-01 13:48 ID:yV97t94P [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Guidelines for knowingly creating a duplicate thread [draft]

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss (press ctrl+F).

446 Name: Rasui : 2011-10-01 16:12 ID:yV97t94P [Del]


447 Name: Rasui : 2011-10-01 17:56 ID:yV97t94P [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Guidelines for knowingly creating a duplicate thread [draft]

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss (press ctrl+F).

448 Name: Xena : 2011-10-01 20:25 ID:xEi1MTZc [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Guidelines for knowingly creating a duplicate thread [draft]

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss (press ctrl+F).

449 Name: Rasui : 2011-10-01 21:08 ID:yV97t94P [Del]


450 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-10-01 23:00 ID:r4+KzjJA [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Guidelines for knowingly creating a duplicate thread [draft]

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss (press ctrl+F).

451 Name: DaniV : 2011-10-02 00:21 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


452 Name: Rasui : 2011-10-02 02:24 ID:yV97t94P [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Guidelines for knowingly creating a duplicate thread [draft]

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss (press ctrl+F)

453 Name: Kaori !.LunmCeUzs : 2011-10-02 03:37 ID:yO1QIlmj [Del]


>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Guidelines for knowingly creating a duplicate thread [draft]

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss (press ctrl+F)

454 Name: UnDecided!9vH9Gh4g2w : 2011-10-02 08:48 ID:jnTMsR3/ [Del]

Reason for thread: Consolidation and ease of viewing. The other threads have gotten answers spread out over bumps and what not. Also, it's wasteful to keep bumping both of them.

So, people seems to be posting things where it doesn't belong. Here is a little help for all the newcomers to the comunity. Please, take a few minutes reading this thread.

Main: "Things that ask about people's eccentricities are random since it's really not asking about the dollars as a whole. Such as missions, or giving out info that may lead to meet ups, or site related stuff. That's all main."
-Introduction: New in the Dollars? Post something about yourself here.
-Countries:Want to know if there's another member in your country/city? Check in here.
-Suggestions:Where you post suggestions you think that would improve the Dollars as a group, or, as a website.
-Missions:Our current missions being spearheaded by the different cells in Dollars. Check here for things you can participate, or start on your own.

News: You saw something in Tv or Internet that is interesting? Share it with all the others Dollars members in here.

455 Name: Schir : 2011-10-02 11:30 ID:tvchZQfv [Del]


456 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-10-02 12:20 ID:r4+KzjJA [Del]

Wrong copy paste there, UnDecided. It's this one.

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Guidelines for knowingly creating a duplicate thread [draft]

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss (press ctrl+F)

457 Name: Kannerz : 2011-10-02 12:48 ID:ZuJubOaX [Del]


458 Name: DaniV : 2011-10-02 13:39 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


459 Name: Rasui : 2011-10-02 14:05 ID:yV97t94P [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Guidelines for knowingly creating a duplicate thread [draft]

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss (press ctrl+F)

460 Name: Kaori !!KAD4uksI : 2011-10-02 20:25 ID:yO1QIlmj [Del]


>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Guidelines for knowingly creating a duplicate thread [draft]

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss (press ctrl+F)

461 Name: Kannerz : 2011-10-02 20:34 ID:ZuJubOaX [Del]


462 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-10-02 20:40 ID:r4+KzjJA [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Guidelines for knowingly creating a duplicate thread [draft]

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss (press ctrl+F)

463 Name: Kaori !!KAD4uksI : 2011-10-02 22:12 ID:yO1QIlmj [Del]

oh that was a closen won. it almost got bu'ped off deh top 5 threads. :OOOOO

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Guidelines for knowingly creating a duplicate thread [draft]

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss (press ctrl+F)

464 Name: DaniV : 2011-10-03 01:04 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


465 Name: Tul : 2011-10-03 04:36 ID:x03TpKUD [Del]


466 Name: Anonymous : 2011-10-03 05:48 ID:3rs0l+kN [Del]


467 Name: 70K1D0K1!CDqPSd5mZM : 2011-10-03 09:25 ID:LcDXBaTS [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Guidelines for knowingly creating a duplicate thread [draft]

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss (press ctrl+F)

468 Name: DaniV : 2011-10-03 13:41 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


469 Name: 70K1D0K1!CDqPSd5mZM : 2011-10-03 13:57 ID:DO6xS+06 [Del]


470 Name: Kannerz!IuN28ruCH6 : 2011-10-03 15:43 ID:ZuJubOaX [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes. We prefer not to have to get mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, or not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss.

471 Name: Shaolin !TeZ6f47GTo : 2011-10-03 17:16 ID:hsow7IE4 [Del]


472 Name: Anonymous : 2011-10-03 18:46 ID:hsow7IE4 [Del]


473 Name: DaniV : 2011-10-03 19:21 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


474 Name: Rasui : 2011-10-03 19:36 ID:yV97t94P [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Guidelines for knowingly creating a duplicate thread [draft]

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss (press ctrl+F)

Please remember to copy and paste this if you're gonna bump it off

475 Name: Rasui : 2011-10-03 21:35 ID:yV97t94P [Del]


476 Name: Rasui : 2011-10-03 22:08 ID:yV97t94P [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Guidelines for knowingly creating a duplicate thread [draft]

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss (press ctrl+F)

477 Name: Xissx : 2011-10-03 22:59 ID:ITrZvEre [Del]


478 Name: Rasui : 2011-10-03 23:03 ID:yV97t94P [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Guidelines for knowingly creating a duplicate thread [draft]

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss (press ctrl+F)

479 Name: DaniV : 2011-10-04 00:15 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


480 Name: Rasui : 2011-10-04 05:07 ID:yV97t94P [Del]


481 Name: Rasui : 2011-10-04 12:41 ID:yV97t94P [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Guidelines for knowingly creating a duplicate thread [draft]

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss (press ctrl+F)

482 Name: DaniV : 2011-10-04 15:07 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


483 Name: Kannerz : 2011-10-04 16:07 ID:ZuJubOaX [Del]


484 Name: Rasui : 2011-10-04 16:28 ID:yV97t94P [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Guidelines for knowingly creating a duplicate thread [draft]

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss (press ctrl+F)

485 Name: Rasui : 2011-10-04 17:23 ID:yV97t94P [Del]


486 Name: Rasui : 2011-10-04 19:51 ID:yV97t94P [Del]


487 Name: Rasui : 2011-10-04 22:03 ID:yV97t94P [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Guidelines for knowingly creating a duplicate thread [draft]

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss (press ctrl+F

488 Post deleted by user.

489 Post deleted by user.

490 Post deleted by user.

491 Post deleted by user.

492 Name: DaniV : 2011-10-05 02:53 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


493 Name: Rasui : 2011-10-05 12:50 ID:yV97t94P [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Guidelines for knowingly creating a duplicate thread [draft]

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss (press ctrl+F

People. I asked before and I'll ask again. Please do not forget to copy and paste this whole post. It's really quite simple...

494 Name: Rasui : 2011-10-05 13:09 ID:yV97t94P [Del]


495 Name: Rasui : 2011-10-05 15:50 ID:yV97t94P [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Guidelines for knowingly creating a duplicate thread [draft]

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss (press ctrl+F

496 Name: Rasui : 2011-10-05 15:53 ID:yV97t94P [Del]


497 Name: Rasui : 2011-10-05 16:44 ID:yV97t94P [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Guidelines for knowingly creating a duplicate thread [draft]

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss (press ctrl+F

498 Name: Rasui : 2011-10-05 18:13 ID:yV97t94P [Del]


499 Name: Rasui : 2011-10-05 18:20 ID:yV97t94P [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Guidelines for knowingly creating a duplicate thread [draft]

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss (press ctrl+F

500 Name: Ran : 2011-10-05 18:26 ID:vDcaG5XS [Del]

number 500 baby! BUMP!!

501 Name: Rasui : 2011-10-05 18:47 ID:yV97t94P [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts/OP with images
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Guidelines for knowingly creating a duplicate thread [draft]

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes, as we would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss (press ctrl+F

502 Name: Flare : 2011-10-05 19:18 ID:nMpPlFzv [Del]

jeez you shud rlly limit yoursel to one bump >.> if ur the last person that bumped it.

503 Name: Rasui : 2011-10-05 19:21 ID:yV97t94P [Del]

>>502 Should, yourself, you're? You even got Jeeze wrong. If you're going to try to talk to me, then please learn to spell properly. I bump this topic as much as I like, so people see the rules and understand what to do here when they are new or lost about posting something.

504 Name: Flare : 2011-10-05 19:33 ID:nMpPlFzv [Del]

It is an important thread i'll give you that, and no one likes a smart alec. Don't corerct peoples spelling. It's rude.

505 Post deleted by user.

506 Name: DaniV : 2011-10-05 22:57 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


507 Name: Kannerz : 2011-10-06 01:20 ID:ZuJubOaX [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes. We would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss.

508 Name: Rasui : 2011-10-06 03:43 ID:yV97t94P [Del]


509 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2011-10-06 04:08 ID:zsE4k9k8 [Del]

Rasui, >>191 is of particular interest to you, since it happened and you left the room without bothering to try and fix it.

510 Name: Rasui : 2011-10-06 04:29 ID:yV97t94P [Del]

>>509 I'm not going to exactly always take a chance to notice when I've ghosted or lagged. Plus sometimes these chatrooms make me mad, so I get out of here as fast as I can and go somewhere else to maintain my fragile string of sanity.

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes. We would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss.

511 Name: Rasui : 2011-10-06 12:47 ID:yV97t94P [Del]


512 Name: Thanatos!CRiLqZyIfQ : 2011-10-06 13:31 ID:k98fwvSj [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes. We would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss.

513 Name: Rasui : 2011-10-06 15:39 ID:yV97t94P [Del]


514 Name: Rasui : 2011-10-06 16:19 ID:yV97t94P [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes. We would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss.

515 Name: Rasui : 2011-10-06 18:19 ID:yV97t94P [Del]


By the way. Do we have a rule about necroing older threads? I noticed once that got responded to and it was roughly two months old

516 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2011-10-06 19:21 ID:cd3Q2pI4 [Del]

Fair enough. Just making sure you knew about that glitch.
And no, we don't have necessarily have a rule against it, since it's still okay under certain conditions. In fact, it's encouraged to revive older threads, assuming they're about an unresolved or ongoing topic (like an update to a news article, or just a general discussion about a multi-sided issue).

When it comes to something like replying to month-old comments, that's left to the discretion of the poster. If the thread was already considered "finished" and obsolete, they shouldn't post there; if they post only to respond to a member who may not even come on the site anymore, they shouldn't post.

We can't really define that too well in a written statement, so this falls under the general rule of everything: Don't be stupid.

517 Name: Kannerz : 2011-10-06 21:42 ID:ZuJubOaX [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes. We would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss.

518 Name: DaniV : 2011-10-07 00:08 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


519 Name: Pintapau !bAr4R5f0RY : 2011-10-07 03:44 ID:qPRSxd9p [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes. We would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss.

520 Name: Rasui : 2011-10-07 10:30 ID:yV97t94P [Del]


521 Name: Rasui : 2011-10-07 10:44 ID:yV97t94P [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes. We would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss

522 Post deleted by user.

523 Name: Kaori !!KAD4uksI : 2011-10-07 22:58 ID:yO1QIlmj [Del]


>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes. We would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss

524 Name: DaniV : 2011-10-08 00:46 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


525 Name: Thanatos!CRiLqZyIfQ : 2011-10-08 08:42 ID:JCEX4rYE [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes. We would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss.

526 Name: Lola : 2011-10-08 12:22 ID:Z9/u2FM1 [Del]


527 Name: Robin : 2011-10-08 12:28 ID:Z9/u2FM1 [Del]


528 Name: Kurone12!mGD51LXT3k : 2011-10-08 12:30 ID:Z9/u2FM1 [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes. We would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss.

529 Name: DaniV : 2011-10-08 12:53 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


530 Name: Yunie!p1kTOxVF.w : 2011-10-08 15:20 ID:cjx1QRA9 [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes. We would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss.

531 Name: Kaori !!KAD4uksI : 2011-10-08 17:44 ID:yO1QIlmj [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes. We would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss.

532 Name: DaniV : 2011-10-08 18:53 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


533 Name: Sabre !8Anz2GHm06 : 2011-10-08 19:06 ID:rsMszCwc [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes. We would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss.

534 Name: Sabre !8Anz2GHm06 : 2011-10-08 19:07 ID:rsMszCwc [Del]


535 Name: DaniV : 2011-10-08 19:24 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


536 Name: Kaori !!KAD4uksI : 2011-10-08 23:02 ID:yO1QIlmj [Del]

Thanks for copypasta-ing /o/

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes. We would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss.

537 Name: Sleepology : 2011-10-09 03:00 ID:OdZCOGDw [Del]


538 Name: DaniV : 2011-10-09 06:08 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


539 Name: Rasui : 2011-10-09 12:25 ID:yV97t94P [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes. We would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss.

540 Name: Rasui : 2011-10-09 13:09 ID:yV97t94P [Del]


541 Name: Sabre !8Anz2GHm06 : 2011-10-09 15:47 ID:rsMszCwc [Del]


542 Name: Sabre !8Anz2GHm06 : 2011-10-09 15:49 ID:rsMszCwc [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170>>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280>>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about where exactly something goes. We would prefer not to have to get very mad with you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss.

543 Name: Sabre !8Anz2GHm06 : 2011-10-09 15:52 ID:rsMszCwc [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss.

544 Name: Sabre !8Anz2GHm06 : 2011-10-09 15:54 ID:rsMszCwc [Del]

=BUMP= Sorry about the multitude of posts, I was revising things slightly. Hopefully the bold will copy any copypasta-ing.

545 Name: DaniV : 2011-10-09 16:41 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


546 Name: Sabre !8Anz2GHm06 : 2011-10-09 16:42 ID:rsMszCwc [Del]

=BUMP I know, I know... But it was getting buried.

547 Name: Rasui : 2011-10-09 16:44 ID:yV97t94P [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss.

548 Name: Sabre !8Anz2GHm06 : 2011-10-09 18:26 ID:rsMszCwc [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

549 Name: Rasui : 2011-10-09 19:10 ID:yV97t94P [Del]


550 Name: Yaro Shien : 2011-10-09 19:11 ID:g2J53Jfc [Del]


551 Name: Sabre !8Anz2GHm06 : 2011-10-09 22:55 ID:R/r65pkI [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

552 Name: DaniV : 2011-10-10 00:11 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


553 Name: Rasui : 2011-10-10 03:35 ID:yV97t94P [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

554 Name: Rasui : 2011-10-10 12:13 ID:yV97t94P [Del]


555 Name: DaniV : 2011-10-10 13:55 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


556 Name: Rasui : 2011-10-10 16:47 ID:yV97t94P [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

557 Name: Sabre !8Anz2GHm06 : 2011-10-10 20:29 ID:+qBMlmbT [Del]


558 Name: xıɯəɹ !k1Lju3jy1Q : 2011-10-10 23:09 ID:CKfQTt1v [Del]


559 Name: DaniV : 2011-10-11 00:55 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


560 Post deleted by moderator.

561 Name: xıɯəɹ !k1Lju3jy1Q : 2011-10-11 08:53 ID:CKfQTt1v [Del]


562 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-10-11 09:31 ID:jy6R+ynZ [Del]

Not bumping. Rather, no one bothered to copy and paste the following.
>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

563 Name: Vision !ZTGkhgfbUc : 2011-10-11 11:33 ID:R9e7jg3c [Del]

Question, i wanna create a Durarara AMV thread, any kind of AMV.
Where should it go? Anime, Music or Random?
Kinda confused, thought it would be best to ask here >>

564 Name: Kannerz : 2011-10-11 16:11 ID:ZuJubOaX [Del]


>>563 Are you focusing on how Drrr!! fits the music? Put it in Anime :D

565 Name: Kurone12!mGD51LXT3k : 2011-10-11 16:33 ID:Z9/u2FM1 [Del]


566 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2011-10-11 16:51 ID:bAJLXfBe [Del]

Oh, I guess that's a good question to update the FAQ with. Oh boy, I get to do a question!

Q: What if my thread could belong in a number of boards? For example, an AMV being both Anime and Music, and potentially Random?

A: The board categorizations are there to sort things by genre. Therefore, if it fits any of them, if can go in any of them. To give a couple examples, AMV's are considered Music and Anime, and sometimes Art, while Japanese animated movies can go under Film or Anime.

567 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2011-10-11 16:51 ID:bAJLXfBe [Del]

And I guess I'll do this too since it's not one of these three visible posts.

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

568 Post deleted by user.

569 Name: DaniV : 2011-10-11 22:43 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


570 Name: Vision !ZTGkhgfbUc : 2011-10-11 23:24 ID:PfeU5nj+ [Del]


Its pretty much an any kind of AMV thread, comedy, music, random silly stuff etc.
Though since the majority are p. silly(From what i have seen so far.) i think it would suit Random more, so i am gonna post it there, thanks~

571 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-10-11 23:30 ID:jy6R+ynZ [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement (You guys can probably word this better than me.)

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

572 Name: DaniV : 2011-10-12 01:40 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


573 Name: H.K.Shizuko : 2011-10-12 08:40 ID:0+dXXuhq [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement (You guys can probably word this better than me.)

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

574 Name: Anonymous : 2011-10-12 09:11 ID:K/qmu9PA [Del]


575 Name: Umbra Serpens !T1rQ1UNnww : 2011-10-12 09:32 ID:q7R7ehMV [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement (You guys can probably word this better than me.)

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

576 Post deleted by user.

577 Name: Kannerz : 2011-10-12 11:12 ID:HrQUeoKX [Del]

Why don’t we just put all the updates in one post? Herpderp.

More on Description:

Technology: Computers, gadgets, hardware, software, and anything else tech-related. Also includes site related tech, I guess.

Countries: In addition to knowing if there are members near, you can also use it to discuss potential meetups.

Updates to the F.A.Q.

Q: Why don't we change the password instead of using baccano?
A: Because we're not a private site, we're public. And it's for aesthetic reasons also, like Misuto said.

Q: What is the real Dollars site?
A: There are no real Dollar sites. There are ones that popped up first and shit like that.

Q: How does the member count count members?
A: It's IP based.

Q: Why is the Chatroom I'm in quiet all of a sudden?
A: You are what we call lagging. Refreshing should fix the problem.

Q: How do I correctly leave the chatroom?
A: You have to click the log out button. Not doing so would make you ghosted, leaving your name still logged in.

Q: What is ghosting exactly?
A: Ghosting is when the chat still thinks you're logged in, when you really aren't. Your username is still in the room, but you yourself aren't. The causes of this ranges from not leaving the room correctly, to through internet connection being sucky, to just the chat fucking up and glitching.

Q: How can I delete posts with images?
A: First, click the [Del] button. Then click yes to the “Are you sure you want to delete reply #” question. Finally, click cancel to the “Leave the reply text and delete only file” question, as this only means, “delete the image and leave the post”.

Q: What does bump mean?
A: To make the thread go to the top of the page, in this case.

Q: What if my thread could belong in a number of boards? (For example, an AMV being both Anime and Music, and potentially Random)
A: The board categorizations are there to sort things by genre. Therefore, if it fits any of them, if can go in any of them. To give a couple examples, AMV's are considered Music and Anime, and sometimes Art, while Japanese animated movies can go under Film or Anime.

How to knowingly create a duplicate thread (draft by Pintapau)

Basically, I thought that there are certain guidelines that should be followed if you wish to knowingly create a duplicate thread without being a complete idiot. Keep in mind that this is a draft, and as so certain items may be rather special.

1) The duplicate thread is created with the intention of being more informative (subjectively superior?), and is obviously so (example: expanding a "I like show X" thread into a detailed summary of said show)
2) The original thread is under a certain number of posts and/or has absolutely no contributing/intelligent discussion (running under example from above, original thread is either still in the teens or less in posts and/or is made up of "I like show X too!" posts)
3) Poster of duplicate thread has the permission of the original thread creator, unless said thread creator has left the site (may be unnecessarily restrictive, as well as sometimes being impossible to track down original posters without creating a mess of threads in Random, but this is a draft)
4) Said duplicate thread abides by the rules of common sense (as in not duplicating a thread people shut down for being in the wrong place, more Durarara Season 2 petition threads, or anything drop-dead retarded. I reserve the right to be ragey at anyone who creates a duplicate fitting any of those categories)
5) It is stated as such that it is a duplicate thread, list the thread it is replacing, and why you are replacing the thread. (Just to help stop us blowing up at perfectly valid duplicate threads)

578 Name: Kannerz : 2011-10-12 11:17 ID:HrQUeoKX [Del]

Please read

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>577 Updates.

if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

579 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2011-10-12 12:16 ID:IHTzgIC4 [Del]

>>577 Just seemed like no point reposting things other people have said when you can just point to them. But that works too, I guess, now that you've done it.

580 Name: Kurone12!mGD51LXT3k : 2011-10-12 16:09 ID:SZ4tYPPI [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>577 Updates.

if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

581 Post deleted by user.

582 Name: Infinity-ɐʎɐzı : 2011-10-12 17:25 ID:hT7hxNS4 [Del]


583 Name: Dioleag!wYygCyWbiI : 2011-10-12 22:22 ID:gFGLoOcD [Del]


584 Name: DaniV : 2011-10-13 02:26 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


585 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2011-10-13 02:53 ID:zsE4k9k8 [Del]

Can't bump without the index, as we all know, people are too lazy to look for themselves!

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement (You guys can probably word this better than me.)

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

586 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-10-13 09:35 ID:jy6R+ynZ [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement (You guys can probably word this better than me.)

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

587 Name: DaniV : 2011-10-13 14:08 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


588 Name: Lyr!kpf9fyyAsw : 2011-10-13 14:38 ID:iBwfQBlX [Del]


589 Name: Lyr!kpf9fyyAsw : 2011-10-13 14:39 ID:iBwfQBlX [Del]

~Bump again

590 Name: Lyr!kpf9fyyAsw : 2011-10-13 14:53 ID:iBwfQBlX [Del]

Third Bump~

591 Name: Dioleag!wYygCyWbiI : 2011-10-13 16:20 ID:gFGLoOcD [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement (You guys can probably word this better than me.)

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss

592 Name: Dioleag!wYygCyWbiI : 2011-10-13 17:02 ID:gFGLoOcD [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement (You guys can probably word this better than me.)

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss

593 Name: Mael !hefBVEyOUs : 2011-10-13 17:09 ID:g43ZPn4q [Del]


594 Name: Mael !hefBVEyOUs : 2011-10-13 17:10 ID:g43ZPn4q [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement (You guys can probably word this better than me.)

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss

595 Name: Mael !hefBVEyOUs : 2011-10-13 17:18 ID:g43ZPn4q [Del]

and one more

596 Name: Mael !hefBVEyOUs : 2011-10-13 17:25 ID:g43ZPn4q [Del]

bump ^_^

597 Name: DaniV : 2011-10-13 18:15 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


598 Name: Lyr!kpf9fyyAsw : 2011-10-13 18:58 ID:iBwfQBlX [Del]


599 Name: Sabre !8Anz2GHm06 : 2011-10-13 20:20 ID:/G+1TJNW [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement (You guys can probably word this better than me.)

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

600 Name: Sabre !8Anz2GHm06 : 2011-10-13 20:22 ID:/G+1TJNW [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

601 Name: Sabre !8Anz2GHm06 : 2011-10-13 20:51 ID:/G+1TJNW [Del]


602 Name: xıɯəɹ !k1Lju3jy1Q : 2011-10-13 22:40 ID:CKfQTt1v [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

603 Name: DaniV : 2011-10-13 23:46 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


604 Name: xıɯəɹ !k1Lju3jy1Q : 2011-10-14 14:50 ID:CKfQTt1v [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

605 Name: xıɯəɹ !k1Lju3jy1Q : 2011-10-14 16:31 ID:CKfQTt1v [Del]

^^^ New here? Look at the post before this.

606 Post deleted by user.

607 Name: Kurone12 : 2011-10-14 18:57 ID:rqXo4i6T [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>577 Updates.

if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

608 Post deleted by user.

609 Name: DaniV : 2011-10-15 02:45 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


610 Name: Someone !1z8qrtCRGc : 2011-10-15 09:26 ID:hMN2UhD6 [Del]


611 Name: Anonymous : 2011-10-15 10:46 ID:tvchZQfv [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

612 Post deleted by user.

613 Name: DaniV : 2011-10-15 14:07 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


614 Name: Infinity-ɐʎɐzı : 2011-10-15 15:10 ID:DxDKVx+v [Del]


615 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-10-15 17:09 ID:jy6R+ynZ [Del]

Rage headache bump

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

616 Name: DaniV : 2011-10-15 20:32 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


617 Name: Infinity-ɐʎɐzı : 2011-10-15 22:47 ID:DxDKVx+v [Del]


>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

618 Name: Pineapplez!BqcQeeA4HA : 2011-10-16 00:09 ID:bmzVrqCl [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

619 Name: Pineapplez!BqcQeeA4HA : 2011-10-16 00:12 ID:bmzVrqCl [Del]

Ooops, bump

620 Name: Anonymous : 2011-10-16 01:48 ID:hsow7IE4 [Del]


621 Name: 7th Heaven : 2011-10-16 08:25 ID:ZjxCVhE0 [Del]


622 Name: Pineapplez!BqcQeeA4HA : 2011-10-16 12:17 ID:bmzVrqCl [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

Please read this! D8

623 Name: Ghost : 2011-10-16 12:59 ID:CWpCjVav [Del]


624 Name: Setton : 2011-10-16 13:06 ID:FKSlGARx [Del]

Bump? xDD

625 Name: Sabre !8Anz2GHm06 : 2011-10-16 14:34 ID:R/r65pkI [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

626 Name: Sabre !8Anz2GHm06 : 2011-10-16 14:54 ID:R/r65pkI [Del]


627 Name: DaniV : 2011-10-16 15:09 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


628 Name: Infinity-ɐʎɐzı : 2011-10-16 16:14 ID:DxDKVx+v [Del]


>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

629 Name: Ghost : 2011-10-16 21:17 ID:t6nlBWcy [Del]

More bumping!

630 Name: Infinity-ɐʎɐzı !6Spl2QrwHU : 2011-10-16 22:37 ID:DxDKVx+v [Del]


631 Name: DaniV : 2011-10-17 00:04 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


632 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-10-17 00:06 ID:jy6R+ynZ [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

633 Name: sleepology : 2011-10-17 00:51 ID:ifmFSyZr [Del]

Idk if this has been asked, but is there any way to delete a thread itself, and not just a post? Seems like it would save a lot of time/space if there was

634 Name: Pintapau !bAr4R5f0RY : 2011-10-17 00:53 ID:O8fFhT47 [Del]

>>633 The only way a thread can be deleted is if:
1) Reltair manually deletes it
2) OP deletes original post when there have been absolutely no other posts on the thread

So really the answer is: The only way to get a thread deleted is to bug Reltair enough to do it.

635 Name: DaniV : 2011-10-17 01:49 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


636 Name: Anonymous : 2011-10-17 09:14 ID:hsow7IE4 [Del]


637 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-10-17 09:15 ID:jy6R+ynZ [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

638 Name: sleepology : 2011-10-17 09:46 ID:eczK5S6y [Del]


639 Name: xıɯəɹ !k1Lju3jy1Q : 2011-10-17 12:26 ID:CKfQTt1v [Del]


640 Name: Lyr!kpf9fyyAsw : 2011-10-17 12:56 ID:+z/vjWtp [Del]


641 Name: xıɯəɹ !k1Lju3jy1Q : 2011-10-17 12:58 ID:CKfQTt1v [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

642 Name: Lyr!kpf9fyyAsw : 2011-10-17 13:19 ID:+z/vjWtp [Del]


643 Name: Robo40 : 2011-10-17 13:26 ID:rxDSrjDd [Del]

>>17 BUMP,yea i have that SAME EXACT FEELING!!!!
im kinda new here as well an this post helped out
A TON!!!!!now i dont feel so odd being here wondering
wats this place all REALLY about!

644 Name: DaniV : 2011-10-17 15:04 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


645 Name: Pineapplez!BqcQeeA4HA : 2011-10-17 15:05 ID:bmzVrqCl [Del]

Copy + pasting for those who may need this
>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

646 Name: xıɯəɹ !k1Lju3jy1Q : 2011-10-17 16:13 ID:CKfQTt1v [Del]


647 Name: aoi : 2011-10-17 16:48 ID:uxCiVwWI [Del]

Bump!~ New here, nice to meet you.

648 Name: Shaolin !TeZ6f47GTo : 2011-10-17 18:09 ID:hsow7IE4 [Del]

Copy + pasting, since nothing exists to people after 3 posts.
>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

649 Name: DaniV : 2011-10-17 18:37 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


650 Name: xıɯəɹ !k1Lju3jy1Q : 2011-10-17 21:14 ID:CKfQTt1v [Del]


651 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-10-17 22:26 ID:jy6R+ynZ [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

652 Post deleted by user.

653 Name: DaniV : 2011-10-18 02:40 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


654 Name: Mael !hefBVEyOUs : 2011-10-18 06:12 ID:g43ZPn4q [Del]

I just want to clear something up. People are mistaking the 'moderating' for 'bitching' lately. Grow up people... It isn't hard to accept that a thread is in the wrong place, but if nobody says anything, then it will keep getting bumped over and over. It isn't hard to not post on a thread any more. It isn't hard to look past any nonsensical cursing we do in the process. This site isn't hard to figure out.

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

655 Name: sleepology : 2011-10-18 11:06 ID:S9C7N6+7 [Del]


656 Name: Lyr!wG1CV58ydQ : 2011-10-18 11:43 ID:+z/vjWtp [Del]


657 Name: xıɯəɹ !k1Lju3jy1Q : 2011-10-18 18:18 ID:CKfQTt1v [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

658 Name: DaniV : 2011-10-18 18:52 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


659 Name: xıɯəɹ !k1Lju3jy1Q : 2011-10-18 20:25 ID:CKfQTt1v [Del]


660 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-10-18 20:56 ID:jy6R+ynZ [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

661 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-10-18 21:16 ID:jy6R+ynZ [Del]


662 Name: DaniV : 2011-10-19 01:14 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


663 Name: Lyr!kpf9fyyAsw : 2011-10-19 09:11 ID:+z/vjWtp [Del]


664 Name: Lyr!kpf9fyyAsw : 2011-10-19 09:11 ID:+z/vjWtp [Del]


665 Name: Lyr!kpf9fyyAsw : 2011-10-19 09:11 ID:+z/vjWtp [Del]


666 Name: Lyr!kpf9fyyAsw : 2011-10-19 09:11 ID:+z/vjWtp [Del]


667 Name: Lyr!kpf9fyyAsw : 2011-10-19 09:11 ID:+z/vjWtp [Del]


668 Name: Lyr!kpf9fyyAsw : 2011-10-19 09:11 ID:+z/vjWtp [Del]


669 Name: Lyr!kpf9fyyAsw : 2011-10-19 09:11 ID:+z/vjWtp [Del]


670 Name: Lyr!kpf9fyyAsw : 2011-10-19 09:11 ID:+z/vjWtp [Del]


671 Name: Lyr!kpf9fyyAsw : 2011-10-19 09:11 ID:+z/vjWtp [Del]


672 Name: Lyr!kpf9fyyAsw : 2011-10-19 09:19 ID:+z/vjWtp [Del]


673 Name: Mental : 2011-10-19 09:26 ID:hfvHKQCW [Del]


674 Name: sleepology : 2011-10-19 11:09 ID:GZu9eB1p [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer no to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

SIDE NOTE: Lyr why the hell did you flood the board with bumps

675 Name: DaniV : 2011-10-19 13:35 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


676 Name: Kuro !MBYHQViFC2 : 2011-10-19 14:03 ID:6AQB+Pgl [Del]


677 Name: Infinity-ɐʎɐzı !6Spl2QrwHU : 2011-10-19 15:24 ID:DxDKVx+v [Del]


678 Name: Pintapau !bAr4R5f0RY : 2011-10-19 15:27 ID:qPRSxd9p [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

679 Name: xıɯəɹ !k1Lju3jy1Q : 2011-10-19 15:33 ID:CKfQTt1v [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss.

680 Name: xıɯəɹ !k1Lju3jy1Q : 2011-10-19 15:35 ID:CKfQTt1v [Del]

/stares at >>678

Slow internet connection, why do you hate me? ;_;
Haha didn't mean to double post index. Oh well.

681 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2011-10-19 17:58 ID:aETvQ0Lx [Del]


682 Name: Anonymous : 2011-10-19 19:46 ID:nNyZCAy6 [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss.

683 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-10-19 20:51 ID:jy6R+ynZ [Del]


684 Name: DaniV : 2011-10-19 21:18 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


685 Name: Ghost : 2011-10-20 00:09 ID:AqqZT8WS [Del]

Infini-bump. Stop cramming the main page full with "Random" material, folks >.<

686 Name: sleepology : 2011-10-20 00:59 ID:EMrJZjnJ [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description. >>2 F.A.Q. >>24 Technology Board. >>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q. >>191 Chatroom F.A.Q. >>250 Deleting posts with images. >>280 >>281 Meaning of bump. >>299 Country board add on. >>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft) Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer no to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

687 Name: DaniV : 2011-10-20 01:13 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


688 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-10-20 08:17 ID:jy6R+ynZ [Del]

How the fuck did it get bumped down

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss.

689 Name: sleepology : 2011-10-20 08:55 ID:EMrJZjnJ [Del]


690 Name: Rico D : 2011-10-20 11:15 ID:YbvqxN0O [Del]

bump because people need to post things in the right place!

691 Name: Ghost : 2011-10-20 15:13 ID:2o/bwrBX [Del]


692 Name: DaniV : 2011-10-20 15:37 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


693 Name: sleepology : 2011-10-20 15:38 ID:DbVztljc [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description. >>2 F.A.Q. >>24 Technology Board. >>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q. >>191 Chatroom F.A.Q. >>250 Deleting posts with images. >>280 >>281 Meaning of bump. >>299 Country board add on. >>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft) Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer no to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

694 Name: Ghost : 2011-10-20 16:08 ID:2o/bwrBX [Del]


695 Post deleted by user.

696 Name: DaniV : 2011-10-20 19:59 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


697 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-10-20 20:06 ID:jy6R+ynZ [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads regarding what you wish to discuss.

698 Name: Robo40!0UZD1OR/j. : 2011-10-20 21:18 ID:rxDSrjDd [Del]


699 Post deleted by user.

700 Name: DaniV : 2011-10-21 00:07 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


701 Name: sleepology : 2011-10-21 00:08 ID:w5Sl+W0Z [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description. >>2 F.A.Q. >>24 Technology Board. >>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q. >>191 Chatroom F.A.Q. >>250 Deleting posts with images. >>280 >>281 Meaning of bump. >>299 Country board add on. >>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft) Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer no to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

702 Name: Suishō no tsubasa : 2011-10-21 06:11 ID:5nDp+aFb [Del]


703 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2011-10-21 12:38 ID:aETvQ0Lx [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.


704 Name: DaniV : 2011-10-21 14:38 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


705 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2011-10-21 16:59 ID:aETvQ0Lx [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

706 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-10-21 17:59 ID:jy6R+ynZ [Del]

bump, yo

707 Name: Kuro !MBYHQViFC2 : 2011-10-21 18:07 ID:6AQB+Pgl [Del]

bumpity bump

708 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-10-21 23:30 ID:jy6R+ynZ [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

709 Name: DaniV : 2011-10-22 02:49 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


710 Name: Shizuo Heiwajima : 2011-10-22 03:39 ID:7ohCHl1+ [Del]


711 Name: Thanatos!CRiLqZyIfQ : 2011-10-22 08:36 ID:/ruglGvQ [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

712 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-10-22 15:38 ID:jy6R+ynZ [Del]


713 Name: DaniV : 2011-10-22 17:07 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


714 Name: MiaC15 : 2011-10-22 19:39 ID:ewjseEG0 [Del]


715 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-10-22 20:04 ID:jy6R+ynZ [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

716 Name: Robo40!0UZD1OR/j. : 2011-10-22 21:51 ID:rxDSrjDd [Del]

(ya i know that sounded wrong)..oh well :D

717 Name: Kaori !!OEHs4/iJ : 2011-10-23 00:15 ID:Z1VZwf4f [Del]

oh nos. its so far daown :>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

718 Name: 70K1D0K1!CDqPSd5mZM : 2011-10-23 09:43 ID:Iu6E+OLJ [Del]

Bump! ^_^

719 Name: Kaori !!OEHs4/iJ : 2011-10-23 11:32 ID:Z1VZwf4f [Del]

does anyun actually care for this Desc. and FAQ thread? It appears lots and lots of people keep puttin the same threads up. Things like "We're not a gang" and "We are supposed to be invisible" and all that other crap. Mind bumping things once in a while? and bumping threads already made instead of making NEW ones with similar ideas. =3=

>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

720 Name: DaniV : 2011-10-23 14:11 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


721 Name: Setton : 2011-10-23 14:12 ID:FKSlGARx [Del]


722 Name: Kaori !!1M/QA3Sq : 2011-10-23 15:09 ID:Z1VZwf4f [Del]


i see hao it is :>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

723 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-10-23 15:18 ID:jy6R+ynZ [Del]

>>722 I care.

724 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-10-23 15:20 ID:jy6R+ynZ [Del]

You forgot to put in the index for post 1 and post 2 is messed up, I'll fix it!

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

725 Name: DaniV : 2011-10-23 15:51 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


726 Name: Kaori !!1M/QA3Sq : 2011-10-23 16:27 ID:Z1VZwf4f [Del]

what's starting to get annoying is that people are bumping crap threads and not bumping this one. Yeah, you gaiz can bump other threads, but when you're done, mind bumping this one too? All you have to do is write 'Bump' and post it. That, and that we have to keep bumping this at least 10+ times in an hour...

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

727 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-10-23 17:27 ID:jy6R+ynZ [Del]


728 Name: BeezySJ : 2011-10-23 17:44 ID:OhuHa3KQ [Del]


729 Name: Setton : 2011-10-23 17:49 ID:FKSlGARx [Del]

Bump XP

730 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-10-23 17:51 ID:jy6R+ynZ [Del]

>>729 Stop that, if it's at the top, no need to post bump, as that's just to make it come up at the top.

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

731 Name: Sleepology : 2011-10-23 18:01 ID:oLkIJoBc [Del]

alright, my question, that i dont see adressed, is why am i getting a verification error when trying to make a tripcode? Is there some super secret thing that im supposed to put, or is the system just being buggy

732 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-10-23 18:03 ID:jy6R+ynZ [Del]

... Verification error? You're on the test board, correct? You must've put the wrong verification code. Because Tripcodes are just putting in an exclamation and then a password of your choosing, nothing to be wrong there.

733 Name: Sleepology : 2011-10-23 18:19 ID:oLkIJoBc [Del]

K, now its saying ive entered the wrong verification code.. i tried multiple times using a different thing.
Tell me if this is right or not, under Name i would put my username then !(whatever i feel like), then under verification i would put !(whatever i feel like thats the same as the other one), correct?

734 Name: Pintapau !bAr4R5f0RY : 2011-10-23 18:21 ID:qPRSxd9p [Del]

Nope, you type in the text that's next to the verification box in the verification box.

735 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-10-23 18:22 ID:jy6R+ynZ [Del]

It's basically a captcha.

736 Name: Sakuraya : 2011-10-23 20:04 ID:cX9nbbft [Del]


737 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-10-23 20:04 ID:jy6R+ynZ [Del]

Just posting the index.

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

738 Name: Jello!5Qa34C83to : 2011-10-23 20:45 ID:/Fnnauvt [Del]


739 Post deleted by user.

740 Name: sleepology : 2011-10-23 22:20 ID:MHGHi1CS [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.


741 Name: DaniV : 2011-10-24 01:23 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


742 Name: Mael !hefBVEyOUs : 2011-10-24 02:36 ID:G50yvVXY [Del]

How hard is it to refrain from posting on threads that have been shut down already? Why is it so difficult? I don't understand...

743 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2011-10-24 03:08 ID:zsE4k9k8 [Del]

Opinions are strong things, Mael. So strong, it makes you think you're actually contributing to something that is ultimately a pointless or resolved case.

Or people don't read. It's one of the two.

744 Name: Doublepostsuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2011-10-24 03:08 ID:zsE4k9k8 [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

745 Name: sleepology : 2011-10-24 10:16 ID:MHGHi1CS [Del]

Bumper cars!

746 Name: 7th Heaven : 2011-10-24 10:50 ID:ZjxCVhE0 [Del]


747 Name: DaniV : 2011-10-24 14:17 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


748 Name: Sabre !8Anz2GHm06 : 2011-10-24 18:16 ID:R/r65pkI [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

749 Name: Sleepology : 2011-10-24 19:42 ID:oLkIJoBc [Del]


750 Name: Sleepology : 2011-10-24 21:19 ID:oLkIJoBc [Del]


751 Name: Kaori !!OEHs4/iJ : 2011-10-24 21:36 ID:Z1VZwf4f [Del]

Thanks Sleepology and Sabre for bumping so awsumely /o/ mucho gratitudo

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

752 Name: Umbra Serpens !T1rQ1UNnww : 2011-10-24 23:04 ID:TzE2UXLq [Del]


753 Name: Kaori !!OEHs4/iJ : 2011-10-24 23:47 ID:Z1VZwf4f [Del]

Bringing this back up, thanks Umbra Serpens

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

754 Post deleted by user.

755 Name: DaniV : 2011-10-25 07:43 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


756 Name: Anonymous : 2011-10-25 09:14 ID:PoA3PHNM [Del]

Bringing this back up.

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

757 Name: Kuro !MBYHQViFC2 : 2011-10-25 12:10 ID:6AQB+Pgl [Del]


758 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2011-10-25 18:45 ID:aETvQ0Lx [Del]


759 Name: Sєттα☆ !p4L3VF8vJY : 2011-10-25 19:09 ID:m5VjHzRl [Del]


760 Name: Pintapau !bAr4R5f0RY : 2011-10-25 19:53 ID:qPRSxd9p [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

761 Name: Dioleag!wYygCyWbiI : 2011-10-25 20:47 ID:gFGLoOcD [Del]


762 Name: DaniV : 2011-10-25 22:01 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


763 Name: Thanatos!CRiLqZyIfQ : 2011-10-25 23:10 ID:B5JAzMsc [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

764 Name: Kaori !!1M/QA3Sq : 2011-10-25 23:36 ID:5ILi/MxS [Del]

Thanks Dioleag, Hyperking, and ARE hyperking rite? :o

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

765 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-10-25 23:44 ID:jy6R+ynZ [Del]

>>764 Where'd you get Hyperking from?

766 Name: Kaori !!1M/QA3Sq : 2011-10-25 23:47 ID:5ILi/MxS [Del]

>>765 you dont reme---- oh. you deleted ure fb, but we thought he was our king but he was hyperking, his name was Daniel V. Y'knaw? o3o

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

767 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-10-25 23:58 ID:jy6R+ynZ [Del]

>>766 I don't think Dani is a shortening of a name for a guy. Always thought it was a girl's name.

768 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-10-25 23:59 ID:jy6R+ynZ [Del]

And yes, I remember who hyperking is. I'm not a dumbshit, you know.

769 Name: Umbra Serpens !T1rQ1UNnww : 2011-10-26 07:04 ID:TzE2UXLq [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

770 Name: Thanatos!CRiLqZyIfQ : 2011-10-26 08:31 ID:wPadTVEF [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

771 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2011-10-26 09:23 ID:aETvQ0Lx [Del]


772 Name: sleepology : 2011-10-26 10:03 ID:SBMcZxla [Del]


773 Name: Thanatos!CRiLqZyIfQ : 2011-10-26 10:20 ID:/ruglGvQ [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

774 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-10-26 15:42 ID:jy6R+ynZ [Del]

bump because this was the 7th thread. Gotta have this number 1.

775 Name: Umbra Serpens !T1rQ1UNnww : 2011-10-26 16:25 ID:TzE2UXLq [Del]


>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

776 Name: Sleepology : 2011-10-26 17:03 ID:oLkIJoBc [Del]


777 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-10-26 17:08 ID:jy6R+ynZ [Del]

GDI Raccoon. Some of the threads you're bumping are irrelevant to the Main board.

778 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2011-10-26 17:08 ID:aETvQ0Lx [Del]

bump because ID:OH+Vqz5+ is a fuck

779 Name: Sleepology : 2011-10-26 17:09 ID:oLkIJoBc [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

780 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-10-26 17:09 ID:jy6R+ynZ [Del]

Ugh, bump again.

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

781 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2011-10-26 17:11 ID:aETvQ0Lx [Del]

Yeah, I know. I was bumping them in order of their location in View All. I was going to start from the bottom of the list to put ID:OH+Vqz5+ at the bottom, but over 1400 threads is too many for me to bump.

782 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-10-26 17:17 ID:jy6R+ynZ [Del]

>>781 .... Don't attempt this! It's fine at 30-40 threads. Because there's no use in bumping the ones from the beginning of the site... Am I right?

783 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2011-10-26 17:19 ID:aETvQ0Lx [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

You are totally right! It just so happens I went with 40.

784 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-10-26 20:51 ID:jy6R+ynZ [Del]

god, what the fuck bump up in this bitch.

785 Name: DaniV : 2011-10-26 21:06 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


786 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-10-26 22:32 ID:jy6R+ynZ [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

787 Name: Kaori !!b0Sn1zaL : 2011-10-27 00:30 ID:5ILi/MxS [Del]

she sells seashells on the seashore

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

788 Name: Mael !DoMiNUIT9I : 2011-10-27 02:26 ID:g43ZPn4q [Del]

I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish..

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

789 Name: sleepology : 2011-10-27 07:46 ID:v3+44G6C [Del]


790 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-10-27 08:59 ID:jy6R+ynZ [Del]

I wish I wish I were a fish.

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

791 Name: sleepology : 2011-10-27 08:59 ID:v3+44G6C [Del]


792 Name: DaniV : 2011-10-27 15:07 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


793 Name: Mael !DoMiNUIT9I : 2011-10-27 15:19 ID:g43ZPn4q [Del]

I thought, I thought of thinking of thanking you.

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

794 Name: joshRbeast !rre5CAdJxI : 2011-10-27 17:59 ID:KwRmr3X9 [Del]


795 Name: DaniV : 2011-10-27 18:32 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


796 Name: Kaori !!1M/QA3Sq : 2011-10-27 20:20 ID:5ILi/MxS [Del]

Thanks Donut, Sleepology, Maelman, DaniV (I stil thunk ur Hyperking), and johRbeast for all your help :D

Try saying "Doofenschmirtz" 13 times real fast. Yeah that's rite...

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

797 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-10-27 21:38 ID:jy6R+ynZ [Del]

God damn bump.

798 Name: Kaori !!1M/QA3Sq : 2011-10-27 22:37 ID:5ILi/MxS [Del]

>>797 no cursing nutman >:O

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

799 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2011-10-27 23:12 ID:AVbg83w2 [Del]

Beat-boxing Step One; repeat "boots and cats" rhythmically with emphasis on consonants.

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

800 Name: your mom : 2011-10-28 00:00 ID:OH+Vqz5+ [Del]


801 Name: Kaori !!1M/QA3Sq : 2011-10-28 00:08 ID:5ILi/MxS [Del]

>>800 lulz, thanks for the effort.

>>799 what's step two? I've been doing step 1 for quite some time nao :T

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

802 Name: Robo40!0UZD1OR/j. : 2011-10-28 00:28 ID:rxDSrjDd [Del]


803 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2011-10-28 00:47 ID:AVbg83w2 [Del]

>>801 Beat-boxing Step Two; stop.

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

804 Name: Anonymous : 2011-10-28 09:38 ID:PoA3PHNM [Del]


805 Name: WorldGrey : 2011-10-28 10:02 ID:03V0nADw [Del]

This was a triumph.

806 Name: DaniV : 2011-10-28 14:30 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


807 Name: Sleepology : 2011-10-28 18:00 ID:oLkIJoBc [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

808 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-10-28 18:11 ID:jy6R+ynZ [Del]

Bump, and View All Threads button to your right. It's there to actually View All Threads, fascinating function isn't it.

809 Name: DTS : 2011-10-28 18:29 ID:aGQBAgKp [Del]

yeah fascinating, problem is who is gonna read all 809 comments

810 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-10-28 18:40 ID:jy6R+ynZ [Del]

>>809 What are you talking about? View All Threads is looking at all of the threads, not all of the posts. That's the Entire Thread button.

811 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-10-28 18:40 ID:jy6R+ynZ [Del]

>>809 And if you meant this thread, you don't need to read every comment, just the linked posts.

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

812 Name: sleepology : 2011-10-28 21:49 ID:hw1GQFBw [Del]

>809 which means clicking the links, whichll take you to whatever one you want to know about in the thread. Bump

813 Name: Umbra Serpens !T1rQ1UNnww : 2011-10-29 00:00 ID:TzE2UXLq [Del]


>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

814 Name: Kaori !!1M/QA3Sq : 2011-10-29 00:51 ID:5ILi/MxS [Del]

Thanks Robo40, Divineraccoon, anonymous, worldgrey, daniv, sleepology, Donut, DTS, and Umbra Serpens for all your help. ;3 you gaiz are the besties of the worldsies.

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

815 Name: DaniV : 2011-10-29 01:10 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


816 Name: sleepology : 2011-10-29 06:30 ID:mmMoxUwf [Del]

bumping this for all the haters!

817 Name: Thanatos!CRiLqZyIfQ : 2011-10-29 08:05 ID:dYv5o7X8 [Del]

Morning bump.

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

818 Name: Ghost : 2011-10-29 11:11 ID:V8ykCLwg [Del]


819 Name: Mael !DoMiNUIT9I : 2011-10-29 13:58 ID:g43ZPn4q [Del]

Afternoon bump.

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

820 Name: sleepology : 2011-10-29 16:46 ID:UE7cVJeh [Del]


821 Name: Bumpsuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2011-10-29 18:18 ID:gGKxMGJF [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

822 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-10-29 18:28 ID:jy6R+ynZ [Del]

The last of my rage will bump this thread.

823 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-10-29 21:11 ID:jy6R+ynZ [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

824 Name: Kaori !!1M/QA3Sq : 2011-10-30 00:10 ID:5ILi/MxS [Del]

Thanks Daniv, Sleepology, Poppah, Ghost, Maelman, Misu, and Donut again for keeping this up for all members! 8D

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

825 Name: DaniV : 2011-10-30 01:12 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


826 Name: sleepology : 2011-10-30 01:37 ID:ziAkcZUk [Del]


827 Name: Mael !DoMiNUIT9I : 2011-10-30 02:48 ID:g43ZPn4q [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

828 Name: Nikorasu : 2011-10-30 08:55 ID:vUMRnaUY [Del]


829 Name: sleepology : 2011-10-30 10:36 ID:ziAkcZUk [Del]


830 Name: Robo40!0UZD1OR/j. : 2011-10-30 11:26 ID:rxDSrjDd [Del]


831 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-10-30 11:35 ID:jy6R+ynZ [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

832 Name: Sleepology : 2011-10-30 13:54 ID:oLkIJoBc [Del]


833 Post deleted by user.

834 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-10-30 17:01 ID:jy6R+ynZ [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

835 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-10-30 17:14 ID:jy6R+ynZ [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

836 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-10-30 19:57 ID:jy6R+ynZ [Del]

Fuck you bump.

837 Name: Mael !DoMiNUIT9I : 2011-10-30 19:57 ID:g43ZPn4q [Del]

thanks buddy lol...>>836

838 Name: Mael !DoMiNUIT9I : 2011-10-30 20:17 ID:g43ZPn4q [Del]

and finally...

839 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-10-30 20:21 ID:jy6R+ynZ [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

840 Name: Kaori !!1M/QA3Sq : 2011-10-30 20:39 ID:5ILi/MxS [Del]

My best regards to DaniV, Sleepology, Maelman, Nikorasu, Robo40, and Donut. Slowly making this place even better than it was before...or...slowly turning it back into what it was before. /o/ yay.

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

841 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-10-30 21:08 ID:jy6R+ynZ [Del]


842 Name: Sleepology : 2011-10-30 23:06 ID:iEF/E/+j [Del]


843 Name: DaniV : 2011-10-31 01:54 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


844 Name: Thanatos!CRiLqZyIfQ : 2011-10-31 08:45 ID:U1cDWvSb [Del]

Morning bump

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

845 Name: sleepology : 2011-10-31 10:10 ID:WrsjA/3a [Del]


846 Name: Mael !DoMiNUIT9I : 2011-10-31 14:06 ID:g43ZPn4q [Del]

Afternoon Bump

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

847 Name: DaniV : 2011-10-31 14:29 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


848 Name: Kaori !!1M/QA3Sq : 2011-10-31 22:34 ID:5ILi/MxS [Del]

My greatest regards Donut, sleepology, DaniV, Poppah, and Maelman

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

849 Name: Sleepology : 2011-10-31 23:09 ID:iEF/E/+j [Del]


850 Name: DaniV : 2011-11-01 01:06 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


851 Name: Thanatos!CRiLqZyIfQ : 2011-11-01 08:53 ID:97ww6hzl [Del]

The ussual morning bump

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

852 Name: Lyr!kpf9fyyAsw : 2011-11-01 10:04 ID:+z/vjWtp [Del]


853 Name: DaniV : 2011-11-01 13:36 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


854 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2011-11-01 16:41 ID:aETvQ0Lx [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

855 Name: Kaori !!1M/QA3Sq : 2011-11-01 22:25 ID:5ILi/MxS [Del]

Special thanks to Sleepology, DaniV, Poppah, Lyr (naice to meet you, i havent met you yet 8D), and divineraccoon for helping out with the boards. You're greatly appreciated o/

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

856 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-11-02 00:14 ID:jy6R+ynZ [Del]


857 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-11-02 00:27 ID:jy6R+ynZ [Del]

Meh, keep this at the top at all times.

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

858 Name: Tagurit : 2011-11-02 00:28 ID:/2GKt6QH [Del]


859 Name: DaniV : 2011-11-02 00:56 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


860 Name: Rieg : 2011-11-02 08:52 ID:jT5g8ptW [Del]


861 Name: G.J. : 2011-11-02 09:03 ID:d5jIwdTL [Del]

Thanks.............I think. That was kinda helpful.©

862 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2011-11-02 09:50 ID:aETvQ0Lx [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

863 Name: Kaori !!1M/QA3Sq : 2011-11-02 10:55 ID:5ILi/MxS [Del]

Donut, Tagurit, DaniV, Rieg, G.J (sort of? hahahha, you're welcome...), and Divi-Raccoon ARE THE BESTEST EVVARRRRR (*u*)/

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

864 Name: DaniV : 2011-11-02 13:19 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


865 Name: sleepology : 2011-11-02 17:14 ID:hIB8LFYE [Del]


866 Name: Tagurit : 2011-11-02 18:15 ID:/2GKt6QH [Del]


867 Name: Robo40!0UZD1OR/j. : 2011-11-02 22:20 ID:rxDSrjDd [Del]

do u ever think wif we keep this up we could make it to 900 or even 1000?!?! ..oh an bump this!

868 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-11-02 22:27 ID:jy6R+ynZ [Del]

You guys forgot to post the index.

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

869 Name: Robo40!0UZD1OR/j. : 2011-11-02 22:44 ID:rxDSrjDd [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss

870 Post deleted by user.

871 Name: DaniV : 2011-11-03 06:16 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


872 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2011-11-03 09:26 ID:aETvQ0Lx [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

873 Name: Anonymous : 2011-11-03 11:25 ID:PoA3PHNM [Del]


874 Name: Lyr!kpf9fyyAsw : 2011-11-03 12:30 ID:+z/vjWtp [Del]

Bump, bump, and away~!

875 Name: DaniV : 2011-11-03 13:57 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


876 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2011-11-03 14:08 ID:aETvQ0Lx [Del]

Hey guys, bump it + copy paste this:

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

877 Name: sleepology : 2011-11-03 15:33 ID:IoBB2WR7 [Del]


878 Name: Rieg : 2011-11-03 16:48 ID:aV9mmanK [Del]


879 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2011-11-03 16:51 ID:aETvQ0Lx [Del]


>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

880 Name: Tagurit : 2011-11-03 17:44 ID:/2GKt6QH [Del]


881 Name: Tagurit : 2011-11-03 17:55 ID:/2GKt6QH [Del]

bumping it~

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

882 Name: Kaori !!1M/QA3Sq : 2011-11-03 22:17 ID:5ILi/MxS [Del]

OHMYGAWSH. Thanks so much DaniV, Sleepology, Tagurit, Robo40, Donut, Divi-raccoon, Anon, Lyr, and Rieg so muuuccchhhhhhh x3 I luffs you all cuz of your awsumness /o/

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

883 Name: sleepology : 2011-11-03 22:18 ID:IoBB2WR7 [Del]

^your welcome

884 Name: Kaori !!1M/QA3Sq : 2011-11-04 00:54 ID:5ILi/MxS [Del]

Oh no, this got kicked to the bottom already. :T Welp, time to bump again.

(TO EVERYBODY) It'd be naice if after you bumped other threads, you could bump this one last plox, it's for the new and the old members. Thanksies.

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

885 Name: Mael !DoMiNUIT9I : 2011-11-04 05:22 ID:g43ZPn4q [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(I'm pretty sure it's unanimous that this isn't just a draft anymore... Everyone seems to have accepted it.)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

886 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2011-11-04 14:58 ID:aETvQ0Lx [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(I'm pretty sure it's unanimous that this isn't just a draft anymore... Everyone seems to have accepted it.)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

887 Name: Rieg : 2011-11-04 16:04 ID:MK5IHl/L [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(I'm pretty sure it's unanimous that this isn't just a draft anymore... Everyone seems to have accepted it.)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

888 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2011-11-04 16:50 ID:aETvQ0Lx [Del]


889 Name: Tsuki !PL2yJCdKsw : 2011-11-04 21:00 ID:ERI/vyyK [Del]


890 Name: hollowspecter !GOqGPSCnqs : 2011-11-04 22:28 ID:D3B4vxvH [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(I'm pretty sure it's unanimous that this isn't just a draft anymore... Everyone seems to have accepted it.)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

891 Name: Kaori !!1M/QA3Sq : 2011-11-05 00:31 ID:5ILi/MxS [Del]

I raise my cup to those with the names/nicknames or Maelman, Divi, Rieg, Tsukins, and hollowspecter. I KNIGHT THEEEEEEEE /o/

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(I'm pretty sure it's unanimous that this isn't just a draft anymore... Everyone seems to have accepted it.)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

892 Name: DaniV : 2011-11-05 02:11 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


893 Name: sleepology : 2011-11-05 10:24 ID:iV+3KoTg [Del]


894 Name: rico : 2011-11-05 15:54 ID:YbvqxN0O [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(I'm pretty sure it's unanimous that this isn't just a draft anymore... Everyone seems to have accepted it.)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

Bump for great justice!

895 Name: sleepology : 2011-11-05 17:28 ID:6fQGG/mo [Del]


896 Name: Robo40!0UZD1OR/j. : 2011-11-05 18:30 ID:rxDSrjDd [Del]

>>882 THANKS Kaori!!!

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(I'm pretty sure it's unanimous that this isn't just a draft anymore... Everyone seems to have accepted it.)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

897 Name: Rieg : 2011-11-05 19:04 ID:vRdeFmBw [Del]


898 Name: hollowspecter !GOqGPSCnqs : 2011-11-05 23:11 ID:D3B4vxvH [Del]


899 Name: Kaori !!Wr6AB6KD : 2011-11-05 23:41 ID:5ILi/MxS [Del]

encore for DaniV, Sleepology, rico, Robo40, Rieg, and hollowspecter. You guys are showing true epicalness, two claps for you -clapclapclap- er...three, wutever x3

>>896 No problem pal /o/ You deserve to be recognized as well as anyone else who bumps this thread for the benefit of others

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(I'm pretty sure it's unanimous that this isn't just a draft anymore... Everyone seems to have accepted it.)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

900 Name: DaniV : 2011-11-06 01:32 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


901 Name: Pintapau !bAr4R5f0RY : 2011-11-06 09:04 ID:qPRSxd9p [Del]

>>899 If I may, in regards to >>432 I think that point 3 is rather unnecessarily restrictive. It's too hard to track down individual people regarding threads, as I found out when I tried to do so myself. So, if I may, I'll try to present a cleaned-up version that isn't significantly different (except for, you know, the removal of point 3)

1) The duplicate thread is created with the intention of being more informative and/or subjectively superior, and is obviously so (example: expanding a "I like show X" thread into a detailed summary of said show)
Reason: To prevent expy threads that are the exact same
2) The original thread is under a certain number of posts and/or has absolutely no contributing/intelligent discussion (running under example from above, original thread is either still in the teens or less in posts and/or is made up of "I like show X too!" posts)
Reason: To make sure you aren't replacing an established thread
3) Said duplicate thread abides by the rules of common sense (as in not duplicating a thread people shut down for being in the wrong place, more Durarara Season 2 petition threads, or anything drop-dead retarded. I reserve the right to be ragey at anyone who creates a duplicate fitting any of those categories)
Reason: It's common sense. Seriously, use it.
4) It is stated as such that it is a duplicate thread, list the thread it is replacing, and why you are replacing the thread.
Reason: Just to help stop us blowing up at perfectly valid duplicate threads

902 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-11-06 10:55 ID:jy6R+ynZ [Del]

435 posts till we'll have to make a new one. 1337 here we go!

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

903 Name: Mael !hefBVEyOUs : 2011-11-06 11:49 ID:G50yvVXY [Del]

>>901 Thanks for clearing that up Pinta.

904 Name: Kaori !!Wr6AB6KD : 2011-11-06 12:01 ID:5ILi/MxS [Del]

YAYAYAYAAYYAYAYYA. thank you gaiz extra extra much. I would give you gaiz a happy pancake with frosting and icecream on it if i knew where you gaiz liveded. So icecream pancakes to DaniV, Pinta, Insertnamehere, and Maelman.

You gaiz are FABULOUS.

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

905 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-11-06 13:12 ID:jy6R+ynZ [Del]

I call dibs on making a new thread once this reaches 1337.

906 Name: Tagurit : 2011-11-06 13:20 ID:/2GKt6QH [Del]


907 Post deleted by user.

908 Name: Robo40!0UZD1OR/j. : 2011-11-06 17:27 ID:rxDSrjDd [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

909 Name: Ghost : 2011-11-06 18:32 ID:xPJr7gBP [Del]


910 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-11-06 20:02 ID:jy6R+ynZ [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

911 Name: JessePwns!Q7t.srvWZ6 : 2011-11-06 20:56 ID:O3j8DTLe [Del]


912 Name: DaniV : 2011-11-06 21:40 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


913 Name: DaniV : 2011-11-06 21:40 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


914 Name: hollowspecter !GOqGPSCnqs : 2011-11-07 00:49 ID:D3B4vxvH [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

915 Name: rico : 2011-11-07 05:56 ID:YbvqxN0O [Del]

hey you should read this. yeah, i'm talking to you.


916 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-11-07 08:23 ID:jy6R+ynZ [Del]


917 Name: Kuro !MBYHQViFC2 : 2011-11-07 09:59 ID:BpsU/xAU [Del]


918 Name: Peachboy : 2011-11-07 10:47 ID:CSsUwut/ [Del]


919 Name: Sakuraya : 2011-11-07 12:17 ID:cX9nbbft [Del]


920 Name: Juumonji!yZs/RnAftw : 2011-11-07 12:43 ID:c8yqTZlv [Del]


921 Name: sleepology : 2011-11-07 12:48 ID:IwF6yoJM [Del]

PPeople, when you bump something and the list is already going to be made so nobody can see it, copy n paster the list into your reply, because if you don't then nobody will know where to go, and will end up not reading it. I unfortunately can't do this atm cuz my phone is being retarded and wont let me copy stuff.

922 Name: Pintapau !bAr4R5f0RY : 2011-11-07 13:34 ID:qPRSxd9p [Del]

Bump because bottom of page

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

923 Post deleted by user.

924 Name: DaniV : 2011-11-07 17:46 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


925 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-11-07 17:48 ID:jy6R+ynZ [Del]


926 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-11-07 17:49 ID:jy6R+ynZ [Del]


>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

927 Name: Juumonji!yZs/RnAftw : 2011-11-07 18:44 ID:zoFNu0KP [Del]


928 Name: Robo40!0UZD1OR/j. : 2011-11-07 21:07 ID:rxDSrjDd [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

929 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-11-07 22:42 ID:jy6R+ynZ [Del]


930 Name: DaniV : 2011-11-07 23:47 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


931 Name: Yatahaze : 2011-11-08 06:54 ID:pKo0U/md [Del]


932 Name: Umbra Serpens !T1rQ1UNnww : 2011-11-08 08:54 ID:q7R7ehMV [Del]


933 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2011-11-08 09:10 ID:aETvQ0Lx [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

934 Name: DaniV : 2011-11-08 13:14 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


935 Name: Tagurit : 2011-11-08 17:11 ID:/2GKt6QH [Del]


936 Name: Sleepology : 2011-11-08 18:43 ID:iEF/E/+j [Del]

Bumperific! >>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

937 Name: DaniV : 2011-11-08 20:02 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


938 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-11-08 21:30 ID:jy6R+ynZ [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

939 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-11-08 21:40 ID:jy6R+ynZ [Del]


940 Name: Tagurit : 2011-11-08 22:04 ID:/2GKt6QH [Del]


941 Name: Tagurit : 2011-11-08 22:11 ID:/2GKt6QH [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

942 Name: Kaori !!Wr6AB6KD : 2011-11-09 00:19 ID:5ILi/MxS [Del]


Insertnamehere, Tagurit, Robo40, Ghost, JessePwns, DaniV, HollowSpecter, Rico, Kuro, Peachboy, Sakuraya, Juumonji, Sleepology, Pinta, Yatahaze, Umbra, AANNNNDDDDD Divi Thanks so much you gaizzz *w* so awsum....

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.


943 Name: Catheleya : 2011-11-09 03:19 ID:chrYU25R [Del]

Hi! I'm new here. :)

I have read and understood the rules. I will try my best to follow them. BTW, under F.A.Q., on the question, "What are the goals of Dollars", my Firefox deems it Not Trusted. However, I can put an exception to that site.

Is it really safe?

944 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2011-11-09 03:25 ID:zsE4k9k8 [Del]

>>943 The link should lead to the About page of the site. I think the URL was typed in wrong, though - it's missing the ".html" at the end. Odd, I think you're the first one to point that out.

945 Name: Kid !egH79ysaqM : 2011-11-09 11:01 ID:mjYFQHYL [Del]


946 Name: sleepology : 2011-11-09 12:09 ID:F0eSmlIx [Del]

>>941 for important stuff index. since my copy paste is faiing me

947 Name: DaniV : 2011-11-09 13:40 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


948 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2011-11-09 13:42 ID:aETvQ0Lx [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

949 Name: Robo40!0UZD1OR/j. : 2011-11-09 15:45 ID:rxDSrjDd [Del]


>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss

950 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2011-11-09 16:17 ID:MXubid+d [Del]

>>949 *19/20 there.

951 Name: Tagurit : 2011-11-09 17:12 ID:/2GKt6QH [Del]


952 Name: Sleepless : 2011-11-09 17:44 ID:ajG8eQ9o [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

953 Name: Kaori !!Wr6AB6KD : 2011-11-09 18:48 ID:5ILi/MxS [Del]

I give my pudding cups to Kid, Sleepology, Divi, DaniV, Tagurit, Robo40, and Sleepless. Wow you sleepy people sure are gittin tricksty.

BUT, i give the two halves of my pb and j sandwiches to Catheleya for asking and reading the thread, and to Misu for answering with helpful......answers.... o3o

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

954 Name: sleepology : 2011-11-09 23:20 ID:chrQ36Ig [Del]


955 Name: DaniV : 2011-11-10 01:14 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


956 Name: kabuto464 !0UZD1OR/j. : 2011-11-10 07:51 ID:AjaD6mQk [Del]


957 Name: kabuto464 !0UZD1OR/j. : 2011-11-10 08:10 ID:hyjt+Ci/ [Del]

Any mission goes in mission though o.o.

958 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2011-11-10 10:03 ID:aETvQ0Lx [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

959 Name: DaniV : 2011-11-10 12:34 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


960 Name: Tsuki !TSUKIx5W46 : 2011-11-10 16:15 ID:uWpvdgHJ [Del]

bumping cat.

961 Name: Sleepology : 2011-11-10 17:00 ID:iEF/E/+j [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

962 Name: Shizuo : 2011-11-10 17:22 ID:PerPTohZ [Del]

Bump awesome to be apart of the dollars :p

963 Name: kurona : 2011-11-10 20:23 ID:KS12mtat [Del]

bump...look art




964 Name: Tagurit : 2011-11-10 21:50 ID:/2GKt6QH [Del]

Keep this at the top.

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

965 Name: Kaori !!Wr6AB6KD : 2011-11-11 00:41 ID:5ILi/MxS [Del]

My special thanks, and yours also, to Sleepology, DaniV, Kabuto464, Divi, Tsuki, Shizuo, Kurona, and Tagurit. You gaiz make Dollars epic as always. /o/

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

966 Post deleted by user.

967 Name: Thanatos!CRiLqZyIfQ : 2011-11-11 08:01 ID:yFLbLvVl [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

968 Name: sleepology : 2011-11-11 12:07 ID:SAlYkzaZ [Del]

Bumper cars

969 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2011-11-11 12:19 ID:aETvQ0Lx [Del]

970 Name: DaniV : 2011-11-11 14:07 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


971 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-11-11 14:41 ID:q1KSsdGt [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

972 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2011-11-11 15:52 ID:aETvQ0Lx [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

973 Name: Tagurit : 2011-11-11 18:50 ID:G9R+WIaE [Del]


974 Name: Sleepology : 2011-11-11 20:09 ID:iEF/E/+j [Del]


975 Name: TheWillower : 2011-11-11 21:25 ID:6/l9n9KF [Del]

Bump for bumpness' sake.

976 Name: Tagurit : 2011-11-11 22:14 ID:G9R+WIaE [Del]

bump baby bump~

977 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-11-11 22:18 ID:q1KSsdGt [Del]

You guys forgot to copy and paste the index.

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

978 Name: sleepology : 2011-11-11 23:13 ID:tS71nJ/l [Del]


979 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-11-12 01:38 ID:q1KSsdGt [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

980 Name: Robo40!0UZD1OR/j. : 2011-11-12 01:42 ID:rxDSrjDd [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

981 Post deleted by user.

982 Name: DaniV : 2011-11-12 15:44 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


983 Name: Tagurit : 2011-11-12 18:48 ID:KizooJgk [Del]

keep bumping this people~

984 Name: Tagurit : 2011-11-12 19:10 ID:KizooJgk [Del]


985 Name: Kami : 2011-11-12 19:54 ID:aE5HbQi+ [Del]


986 Name: Kaori !!Wr6AB6KD : 2011-11-12 21:55 ID:5ILi/MxS [Del]

Thanks to Poppah, Sleepo, Divi, DaniV, Insert, Tagurit, TheWillower, Robo40, and Kami for all bumping this for others to read. :D you gaiz are so special it's not even awsum

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

987 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-11-12 22:12 ID:q1KSsdGt [Del]


988 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-11-12 23:00 ID:q1KSsdGt [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

989 Name: Tagurit : 2011-11-12 23:47 ID:/2GKt6QH [Del]


990 Name: Janfel : 2011-11-13 00:44 ID:7qMLy/4K [Del]


991 Name: DaniV : 2011-11-13 02:15 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


992 Name: Merr : 2011-11-13 08:51 ID:+6+23RJP [Del]


993 Name: Beth : 2011-11-13 08:55 ID:0/yO9qqY [Del]


994 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-11-13 09:06 ID:q1KSsdGt [Del]

Guys, copy and paste the index once it gets covered after two posts.

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

995 Name: sleepology : 2011-11-13 11:44 ID:+OZRXwl4 [Del]


996 Name: DaniV : 2011-11-13 16:32 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


997 Name: Kaori !!Wr6AB6KD : 2011-11-13 17:40 ID:5ILi/MxS [Del]

oOo looky, celebrities! 8D Those hawt people, oh you know, Insertnamehere, Tagurit, Janfel, DaniV, Merr, Beth, and Sleepo. x3 so HAAWWTT AND KEWLLLL

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

998 Name: Ghost : 2011-11-13 23:32 ID:hzyqqzDT [Del]

more bumping

999 Name: sleepology : 2011-11-14 01:36 ID:+OZRXwl4 [Del]

What does it mean when something is "premasaged"?

1000 Name: Ayanavi : 2011-11-14 02:06 ID:MRTmEgXY [Del]

On most imageboards and BBS sites, you would enter "sage" in your post to prevent it from being bumped back up when you commented - If, for whatever reason, you didn't want the thread to be brought back to light but still had something to say.

in BBS' case, we can't use the sage thing. The administrator Reltair can, however, "permasage" a thread to prevent any new replies from bumping it - Because as the name implies, the thread is "permanently saged". Its been done a bit in the past (quite a few months ago), but since the BBS community generally needed to actively contact him and request for a thread to be saged, it was only done on the most outrageous or out of control threads - Like the DG or Siren issue a while back.

I guess you can attribute the sudden increase in saged threads to Reltair implementing moderator level access a few days ago.

Thank Insertnamehere for constantly checking the "update" page and sharing the info with the rest of us.

1001 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2011-11-14 02:15 ID:zsE4k9k8 [Del]

Happy 1000th post, description/FAQ thread.

1002 Name: Takara!E7th54kZFw!!XI8GEi6V : 2011-11-14 05:17 ID:GT9vSQ42 [Del]

I can't believe that the Wish thread on Random has become more bumped than this. o.0

1003 Name: Umbra Serpens !T1rQ1UNnww : 2011-11-14 09:51 ID:q7R7ehMV [Del]


>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

1004 Name: Ghost : 2011-11-14 12:32 ID:AnMh7i0t [Del]


1005 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-11-14 18:59 ID:q1KSsdGt [Del]


1006 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-11-14 22:21 ID:q1KSsdGt [Del]

bump. Reminder: I got dibs on making a new thread once this hits 1337.

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

1007 Name: Umbra Serpens !T1rQ1UNnww : 2011-11-14 22:41 ID:PTLT0tWp [Del]

>>1006 Okay, I got dibz on the new thread after that. And um... Why 1337?

1008 Name: DaniV : 2011-11-14 23:02 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


1009 Name: Colorless Energy : 2011-11-14 23:02 ID:X7cDgPwB [Del]

Umbra, have you ever heard of the term "LEET_Speak?" It's typically written as 1337-Speak. It's a way of talking that uses numbers to replace certain letters. For a good example follow the link :)

1010 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-11-14 23:03 ID:q1KSsdGt [Del]

>>1007 The limit to a thread is 1337 posts. Check the first picture thread if you don't believe me. Once a thread hits 1337, it closes automatically.

The first picture thread is linked in the second one if you didn't see it.

1011 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-11-14 23:07 ID:q1KSsdGt [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>432 Creating a duplicate thread.(Draft)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

1012 Name: Umbra Serpens !T1rQ1UNnww : 2011-11-14 23:16 ID:PTLT0tWp [Del]

>>1009 I know leet speak, I just hate it because I'm a Grammar Nazi.

>>1010 I believe you, I've just never witnessed it before. So that's why I had no idea.

1013 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-11-14 23:28 ID:q1KSsdGt [Del]

>>1012 Yeah, it rarely happens because of lots of reasons. No one posts, people move to other threads, shit like that. So sad. Only two threads in the existence of BBS has only ever reached 1337, the picture thread and the RP thread in the Literature board. Pretty amazing.

1014 Name: DaniV : 2011-11-15 03:42 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


1015 Post deleted by user.

1016 Name: Pintapau !bAr4R5f0RY : 2011-11-15 03:52 ID:qPRSxd9p [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F or Command + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

1017 Name: sleepology : 2011-11-15 07:38 ID:I+kMb9bu [Del]


1018 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2011-11-15 13:20 ID:aETvQ0Lx [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F or Command + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

1019 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2011-11-15 14:22 ID:aETvQ0Lx [Del]

1020 Post deleted by user.

1021 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-11-15 17:43 ID:q1KSsdGt [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F or Command + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

1022 Name: DaniV : 2011-11-15 18:52 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


1023 Name: Pintapau !bAr4R5f0RY : 2011-11-15 19:24 ID:qPRSxd9p [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F or Command + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

1024 Name: AAAdrain : 2011-11-15 19:46 ID:N9Ke6moC [Del]

Pintapau i see ur name alot and im new. r u the person u works this site?

1025 Name: Robo40!0UZD1OR/j. : 2011-11-15 21:28 ID:rxDSrjDd [Del]


>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F or Command + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

1026 Name: DaniV : 2011-11-16 01:04 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


1027 Name: Catheleya : 2011-11-16 05:30 ID:/VCscmbz [Del]

I really, really don't want to be a pain to the admins here but I just want to ask. How does bump work? I know it is used to make the thread go up. But nothing happen.

1028 Name: kabuto464!0UZD1OR/j. : 2011-11-16 08:38 ID:XAiTt3rg [Del]

>>127 If you have no response but support the reason say bump to put it to the top. It's a way to show you support it without saying anything.

1029 Post deleted by user.

1030 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2011-11-16 09:10 ID:aETvQ0Lx [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F or Command + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

1031 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-11-16 09:10 ID:q1KSsdGt [Del]

>>1027 That's the point, we want the thread to go to the top of the board, so it can be visible and so the unwanted threads can go into the archives. Other than that, nothing else.

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F or Command + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

1032 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-11-16 09:24 ID:q1KSsdGt [Del]

.. I just noticed, Divine ninja'd me. Derp.

1033 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2011-11-16 10:00 ID:aETvQ0Lx [Del]

Bed intruder up in here.

1034 Name: Ghost : 2011-11-16 11:37 ID:tafDyus4 [Del]


1035 Name: Thanatos!CRiLqZyIfQ : 2011-11-16 12:37 ID:zD+WZ7fv [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F or Command + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

1036 Name: Rieg : 2011-11-16 17:14 ID:GgHyjmV8 [Del]


1037 Name: Tagurit : 2011-11-16 17:58 ID:/2GKt6QH [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F or Command + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

1038 Name: sleepology : 2011-11-16 19:40 ID:RSUIX+DZ [Del]


1039 Name: Kumo !NC09qbtR1Q : 2011-11-16 22:30 ID:2H+VLLJJ [Del]


1040 Name: DaniV : 2011-11-16 23:03 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


1041 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-11-17 00:45 ID:q1KSsdGt [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F or Command + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

1042 Post deleted by user.

1043 Name: Catheleya : 2011-11-17 05:07 ID:zI2EhCw/ [Del]

>>1028 >>1031 AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!! *nods* I get it now! Thanks for your understanding and patience! :D


1044 Name: Anonymous : 2011-11-17 09:07 ID:PoA3PHNM [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F or Command + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

1045 Name: sleepology : 2011-11-17 11:28 ID:5ejpFtwJ [Del]


1046 Name: Lyr!kpf9fyyAsw : 2011-11-17 12:20 ID:+z/vjWtp [Del]


1047 Name: Lyr!kpf9fyyAsw : 2011-11-17 12:22 ID:+z/vjWtp [Del]

~Bump again

1048 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2011-11-17 13:49 ID:aETvQ0Lx [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F or Command + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

1049 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-11-17 17:57 ID:q1KSsdGt [Del]

bump this shit.

1050 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-11-17 20:15 ID:q1KSsdGt [Del]


1051 Name: Robo40!0UZD1OR/j. : 2011-11-17 20:30 ID:rxDSrjDd [Del]


>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F or Command + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

1052 Name: Julchen : 2011-11-17 23:38 ID:246jRlrz [Del]

Bumpity Bump bitches.

1053 Name: Catheleya : 2011-11-18 03:33 ID:9cJb92bD [Del]


1054 Name: Mael !DoMiNUIT9I : 2011-11-18 05:44 ID:g43ZPn4q [Del]

Missions go in the Missions board. gasp

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F or Command + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

There actually isn't anything else... i just wanted to make you think there was.

1055 Name: sleepology : 2011-11-18 08:33 ID:Y1exxyCK [Del]


1056 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-11-18 09:22 ID:q1KSsdGt [Del]

bump. Has anyone else found that this thread keeps getting easily bumped down?

1057 Name: kabuto464 !0UZD1OR/j. : 2011-11-18 10:20 ID:hyjt+Ci/ [Del]

>>1054 bump

1058 Name: Mael !DoMiNUIT9I : 2011-11-18 12:19 ID:g43ZPn4q [Del]

Bump because people are over-dramatic idiots.

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F or Command + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

There actually isn't anything else... i just wanted to make you think there was.

1059 Post deleted by user.

1060 Name: DaniV : 2011-11-18 14:00 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


1061 Name: Mael !DoMiNUIT9I : 2011-11-18 14:44 ID:g43ZPn4q [Del]

Another bump, so active today..

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F or Command + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

1062 Name: Tagurit : 2011-11-18 16:02 ID:/2GKt6QH [Del]


1063 Name: sleepology : 2011-11-18 17:28 ID:PEwc+ffp [Del]


1064 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-11-18 18:14 ID:q1KSsdGt [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F or Command + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

1065 Name: Mael !hefBVEyOUs : 2011-11-18 20:24 ID:UwpWd8iR [Del]


1066 Name: Robo40!0UZD1OR/j. : 2011-11-18 22:43 ID:rxDSrjDd [Del]

ok why cant people jus BUMP and copy pasta...lik sersly peeps(itsnotthathard)

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F or Command + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

i swear if i see another buch of bumps under this without the stinkin description im gonna DESTROY U ALL!!

1067 Name: Mael !hefBVEyOUs : 2011-11-18 23:36 ID:UwpWd8iR [Del]

>>1066 Because it only needs to be done every 3 bumps... Derp.

1068 Name: Tagurit : 2011-11-19 01:21 ID:/2GKt6QH [Del]

>>1067 Exactly...


1069 Post deleted by user.

1070 Name: Tagurit : 2011-11-19 01:34 ID:/2GKt6QH [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F or Command + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

1071 Name: sleepology : 2011-11-19 10:46 ID:Xk4hEyZb [Del]


1072 Name: Tsuki !TSUKIx5W46 : 2011-11-19 18:25 ID:pg1ebxFT [Del]

Bumpin like a whale!

1073 Name: Tagurit : 2011-11-19 18:39 ID:/2GKt6QH [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F or Command + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

1074 Name: Tul : 2011-11-19 20:01 ID:WLxsGG9Z [Del]

Le bump

1075 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-11-19 22:58 ID:q1KSsdGt [Del]

Goddamn bump.

1076 Name: Umbra Serpens !T1rQ1UNnww : 2011-11-20 00:35 ID:MWZjCP6N [Del]


1077 Name: DaniV : 2011-11-20 00:55 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


1078 Name: Kaori !!Wr6AB6KD : 2011-11-20 02:01 ID:yI9RdaHY [Del]

oh gawsh, this is going to be the longest bestest list evur, thanksies all of you, especially Ghost, Sleepology, Aya, Misu, Takara, Umbra, Insert, DaniV, Colorless Energy, Pinta, Divi, Robo40, AAAdrian, Catheleya, Kabuto464...sort of..., Poppah, Rieg, Tagurit, Kumo, Anon, Lyr, Julchen, Maelman, Tsukins, and Tul for all your hard work *u* Your beauty is admired from afar!!!!!!!

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F or Command + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

1079 Name: Catheleya : 2011-11-20 05:09 ID:8RQWO9PV [Del]


Newcomers, please read first the rules.
Commoners, please review the rules if you hesitate on something [for ex.: you don't know where to post]

1080 Name: Mael !DoMiNUIT9I : 2011-11-20 10:28 ID:HetZHOvc [Del]

There have been some random posts where Lumen Serpens and Forte_Sigma's names have been used by some idiot... So yeah, just look for the correct tripcodes.

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F or Command + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

1081 Name: Tsuki !TSUKIx5W46 : 2011-11-20 11:29 ID:2lXzNCYn [Del]

Like a blue star whale :v

1082 Name: Robo40!0UZD1OR/j. : 2011-11-20 14:43 ID:rxDSrjDd [Del]

>>1067 i knew that...i was jus testing u all...ok u passed!

>>1080 oh yea i saw that from the post the other day...that guys a troll,why does he feel the need to copy some1 elses name?!

1083 Name: DaniV : 2011-11-20 15:07 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


1084 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-11-20 17:39 ID:q1KSsdGt [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F or Command + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

1085 Name: Tagurit : 2011-11-20 19:28 ID:/2GKt6QH [Del]


1086 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-11-20 22:18 ID:q1KSsdGt [Del]


1087 Name: Tagurit : 2011-11-20 23:42 ID:/2GKt6QH [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F or Command + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

1088 Name: Tagurit : 2011-11-20 23:57 ID:/2GKt6QH [Del]


1089 Name: Tagurit !!QuPYk0+E : 2011-11-21 00:19 ID:/2GKt6QH [Del]


1090 Name: Tagurit !!QuPYk0+E : 2011-11-21 01:27 ID:/2GKt6QH [Del]


1091 Name: Tagurit !!QuPYk0+E : 2011-11-21 01:32 ID:/2GKt6QH [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F or Command + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

...'kay i give up now.

1092 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2011-11-21 09:33 ID:aETvQ0Lx [Del]

Monday morning bump! Let's see if the site turned into a big pile of derp or actually showed some self-improvement over the weekend.
>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F or Command + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

1093 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-11-21 11:41 ID:q1KSsdGt [Del]

>>1092 Ahahahaha that made me laugh.

1094 Name: Tagurit !!QuPYk0+E : 2011-11-21 13:12 ID:/2GKt6QH [Del]


1095 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-11-21 14:11 ID:q1KSsdGt [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F or Command + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

1096 Name: sleepology : 2011-11-21 15:33 ID:mRwumJG8 [Del]


1097 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-11-21 15:55 ID:q1KSsdGt [Del]


1098 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-11-21 16:11 ID:q1KSsdGt [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F or Command + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

1099 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-11-21 16:29 ID:q1KSsdGt [Del]

I've bumped this at least four times today. I fucking hate people.

1100 Name: Robo40!0UZD1OR/j. : 2011-11-21 17:12 ID:rxDSrjDd [Del]

>>1092 Lol alittle late for monday morning but im here to help!

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F or Command + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

1101 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2011-11-21 18:34 ID:aETvQ0Lx [Del]


1102 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2011-11-21 18:36 ID:aETvQ0Lx [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F or Command + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

1103 Name: Thanatos!CRiLqZyIfQ : 2011-11-21 23:47 ID:iHq+qVAL [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F or Command + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

1104 Name: Tagurit !!QuPYk0+E : 2011-11-21 23:51 ID:/2GKt6QH [Del]

I'm tired of bumping this thread....
Why can't it just stay at the top, seriously v_v

1105 Name: Mael !DoMiNUIT9I : 2011-11-22 02:49 ID:g43ZPn4q [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F or Command + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

1106 Name: DaniV : 2011-11-22 04:27 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


1107 Name: Mael !DoMiNUIT9I : 2011-11-22 07:52 ID:g43ZPn4q [Del]

Bump, if you haven't already noticed, there are occasionally script errors when people try to post new threads, or comment on threads. Just know, that when these errors occur, your post still registers, you only need to reload the page for it to go back to normal. So please don't accidentally spam. :|

1108 Name: Mael !DoMiNUIT9I : 2011-11-22 09:36 ID:g43ZPn4q [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F or Command + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

1109 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2011-11-22 09:43 ID:aETvQ0Lx [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F or Command + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

1110 Name: Umbra Serpens !T1rQ1UNnww : 2011-11-22 10:04 ID:q7R7ehMV [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F or Command + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

1111 Name: xıɯəɹ !k1Lju3jy1Q : 2011-11-22 10:36 ID:CKfQTt1v [Del]


because I have nothing else to do. :'|

1112 Name: Raix : 2011-11-22 12:32 ID:iHiUCsfH [Del]


1113 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2011-11-22 13:20 ID:aETvQ0Lx [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F or Command + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

1114 Name: Raix : 2011-11-22 14:39 ID:iHiUCsfH [Del]


1115 Name: Kitarro !Qmp4Oy7hXY : 2011-11-22 15:05 ID:zGmLphgq [Del]


1116 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2011-11-22 15:26 ID:aETvQ0Lx [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F or Command + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

1117 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2011-11-22 15:59 ID:aETvQ0Lx [Del]

and bump

1118 Name: DaniV : 2011-11-22 18:24 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


1119 Name: Raix : 2011-11-22 18:43 ID:j3Q/Qagq [Del]


1120 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-11-22 18:46 ID:q1KSsdGt [Del]

Raix, try to copy and paste the index after every three posts so that people can click on the links and go straight to the Q/A instead of sifting through the entire thread.

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F or Command + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

1121 Name: Kitarro !Qmp4Oy7hXY : 2011-11-22 19:20 ID:zGmLphgq [Del]


1122 Post deleted by user.

1123 Name: DaniV : 2011-11-22 21:12 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


1124 Name: Yue Jin : 2011-11-22 21:27 ID:OpD5hx5P [Del]


1125 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-11-22 21:28 ID:q1KSsdGt [Del]

Guys, remember to copy and paste the index after three replies.

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F or Command + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

1126 Name: sleepology : 2011-11-22 23:20 ID:9MJTVVX4 [Del]

Bumping because my phone sucks at copy paste

1127 Name: DaniV : 2011-11-23 00:38 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


1128 Name: Andys_respect : 2011-11-23 01:01 ID:16wPCyVx [Del]


1129 Name: Catheleya!9H9CmZHAt6 : 2011-11-23 03:24 ID:B+zRVKIF [Del]


1130 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-11-23 03:28 ID:q1KSsdGt [Del]

Guys, remember to copy and paste the index after the index is not visible.

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F or Command + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

1131 Name: Anonymous : 2011-11-23 09:11 ID:PoA3PHNM [Del]


1132 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2011-11-23 09:16 ID:aETvQ0Lx [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F or Command + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

1133 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2011-11-23 09:49 ID:aETvQ0Lx [Del]


1134 Name: Kuro !MBYHQViFC2 : 2011-11-23 10:04 ID:6AQB+Pgl [Del]

bumping this because of reasons...

1135 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2011-11-23 10:48 ID:aETvQ0Lx [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F or Command + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

1136 Name: Kitarro : 2011-11-23 11:23 ID:VtxJ/LMr [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F or Command + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

1137 Name: Raix : 2011-11-23 11:39 ID:iHiUCsfH [Del]


1138 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2011-11-23 13:27 ID:aETvQ0Lx [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F or Command + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

1139 Name: Chitose !rHaXtw9IkE : 2011-11-23 14:10 ID:bYDIVwjW [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F or Command + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

1140 Name: Ferixu : 2011-11-23 14:58 ID:WdbbALvA [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F or Command + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

1141 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2011-11-23 15:05 ID:aETvQ0Lx [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F or Command + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

1142 Name: Kitarro !Qmp4Oy7hXY : 2011-11-23 15:57 ID:zGmLphgq [Del]


1143 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2011-11-23 16:17 ID:aETvQ0Lx [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F or Command + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

1144 Name: DaniV : 2011-11-23 16:38 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


1145 Name: Ferixu : 2011-11-23 17:45 ID:WdbbALvA [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F or Command + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

1146 Name: kanra : 2011-11-23 17:48 ID:U01sdAmn [Del]

hello we can do what ever we want if you don't forcefully stop us

1147 Name: Anonymous : 2011-11-23 18:00 ID:ZzUelflW [Del]


1148 Name: Ferixu : 2011-11-23 18:43 ID:WdbbALvA [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F or Command + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

1149 Name: troll : 2011-11-23 19:05 ID:U01sdAmn [Del]


1150 Name: Mael !DoMiNUIT9I : 2011-11-24 01:59 ID:g43ZPn4q [Del]

bump... Did a troll help bump? ^

1151 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2011-11-24 04:29 ID:fO8iHcy1 [Del]

Why yes, Mael. It was a self-defeating troll, so nobody bothered to respond.

I.e. Zero fucks were given.

1152 Name: Mael !DoMiNUIT9I : 2011-11-24 05:00 ID:g43ZPn4q [Del]

>>1151 Oh how interesting...

1153 Name: Pintapau !bAr4R5f0RY : 2011-11-24 05:19 ID:qPRSxd9p [Del]

>>1152 You don't know how self defeating he was. I even got so overwhelmed with pity, I actually typed up a quick post detailing how to troll properly and gave him a free copypasta that can be used very well for trolling. And then I realized how retarded that would be, and hence I deleted my post. Seriously, he was that bad at it.

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F or Command + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

1154 Name: Mael !DoMiNUIT9I : 2011-11-24 05:50 ID:g43ZPn4q [Del]

>>1153 Man, i wish i was here for that... stupid work...

1155 Name: Kitarro !Qmp4Oy7hXY : 2011-11-24 08:01 ID:zGmLphgq [Del]


>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement

1156 Name: Mael !DoMiNUIT9I : 2011-11-24 10:02 ID:g43ZPn4q [Del]

Okay so, site was down yesterday, Here is why.

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F or Command + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

1157 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2011-11-24 10:25 ID:tRCrp6ZN [Del]

help =o= I was trying to use the Test area, but it kept rejecting me. I tried putting in the verification code. It worked once before, and then the image didn't change. Despite me putting in the same code, it keeps telling me it's incorrect. Assistance, anyone?

1158 Name: Mael !DoMiNUIT9I : 2011-11-24 10:28 ID:g43ZPn4q [Del]

>>1157 That happened to me before too, just restart your browser or 'Delete all cookies'.

1159 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2011-11-24 10:49 ID:tRCrp6ZN [Del]

>>1158 Alright, thank you :O I'll try that.

1160 Name: Beltove !HheIWklu.2 : 2011-11-24 11:38 ID:j69htFml [Del]

The number one rule with Internet browsers: when in doubt, clear your cookies and cache. That usually clears up most problems.

1161 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-11-24 11:46 ID:q1KSsdGt [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F or Command + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

1162 Name: Beltove !HheIWklu.2 : 2011-11-24 12:32 ID:j69htFml [Del]

Bumping this above the permasaged threads

1163 Name: DaniV : 2011-11-24 15:04 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


1164 Name: Tsuki !TSUKIx5W46 : 2011-11-24 16:05 ID:GX6nYSFV [Del]

bumping cat


゙(゚、 。 7
 l、゙ ~ヽ
 じしf_, )ノ

1165 Name: Sleepology : 2011-11-24 16:26 ID:rS/GgpG/ [Del]

>>1161 for all the key points

1166 Post deleted by user.

1167 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-11-24 17:30 ID:q1KSsdGt [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F or Command + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

1168 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-11-24 19:22 ID:q1KSsdGt [Del]


1169 Name: Yue Jin !qwS7UBbKIo : 2011-11-24 19:43 ID:OpD5hx5P [Del]

woa.....did u seriously just read the ENTIRE THREAD?! wow......

1170 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-11-24 19:57 ID:q1KSsdGt [Del]

>>1169 What? No, you click on the things I just posted and read those. No one's gonna read the entire thing, it's full of bumps and junk.

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F or Command + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

1171 Name: Kitarro !Qmp4Oy7hXY : 2011-11-24 20:39 ID:zGmLphgq [Del]


1172 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2011-11-24 21:28 ID:tRCrp6ZN [Del]


1173 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2011-11-24 21:36 ID:tRCrp6ZN [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F or Command + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

1174 Name: DaniV : 2011-11-24 22:01 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


1175 Name: Kitarro !Qmp4Oy7hXY : 2011-11-24 22:19 ID:zGmLphgq [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F or Command + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

1176 Name: Someone !1z8qrtCRGc : 2011-11-24 22:33 ID:ZO2aw1DI [Del]


1177 Name: Beltove !HheIWklu.2 : 2011-11-24 23:26 ID:uHE67gi9 [Del]


1178 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-11-25 02:03 ID:q1KSsdGt [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F or Command + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

1179 Name: Catheleya!9H9CmZHAt6 : 2011-11-25 04:49 ID:/9bp6YAe [Del]


1180 Name: Kitarro !Qmp4Oy7hXY : 2011-11-25 07:29 ID:zGmLphgq [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F or Command + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

1181 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2011-11-25 09:02 ID:Jsiu70Ak [Del]

Bump above the permasaged threads.

1182 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2011-11-25 09:04 ID:Jsiu70Ak [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F or Command + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

1183 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2011-11-25 10:56 ID:Jsiu70Ak [Del]


1184 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2011-11-25 10:58 ID:Jsiu70Ak [Del]

Here's another bump for everyone who is spamming the Main board with their complaints. As you can see in this FAQ, such threads go in the Random board. Please do not spam.

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F or Command + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss

1185 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-11-25 11:24 ID:q1KSsdGt [Del]

bump. Click those links goddamn it, you don't have to read the whole thread.

1186 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-11-25 12:24 ID:q1KSsdGt [Del]


1187 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2011-11-25 12:33 ID:Jsiu70Ak [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F or Command + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss

1188 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2011-11-25 12:51 ID:Jsiu70Ak [Del]

Bump above the stupidity....

1189 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2011-11-25 12:51 ID:Jsiu70Ak [Del]

IF YOU READ THIS, the stupidity wouldn't have happened.

1190 Name: Tsuki !TSUKIx5W46 : 2011-11-25 12:53 ID:LZ7eOsis [Del]

Bumping Cat


゙(゚、 。 7
 l、゙ ~ヽ
 じしf_, )ノ

1191 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2011-11-25 12:54 ID:Jsiu70Ak [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F or Command + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss

1192 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2011-11-25 13:11 ID:Jsiu70Ak [Del]

Please read the posts which are linked above first if you are new.

1193 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2011-11-25 13:31 ID:Jsiu70Ak [Del]


1194 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2011-11-25 13:46 ID:Jsiu70Ak [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F or Command + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss

1195 Name: DaniV : 2011-11-25 14:08 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


1196 Name: Beltove !HheIWklu.2 : 2011-11-25 14:14 ID:vwK73GgB [Del]


1197 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2011-11-25 14:27 ID:Jsiu70Ak [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F or Command + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss

1198 Name: Beltove !HheIWklu.2 : 2011-11-25 15:08 ID:vwK73GgB [Del]


1199 Name: Beltove !HheIWklu.2 : 2011-11-25 15:43 ID:vwK73GgB [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F or Command + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss

1200 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-11-25 15:51 ID:q1KSsdGt [Del]

137 more posts before the next thread! let's do this!

1201 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2011-11-25 15:53 ID:Jsiu70Ak [Del]

Insert~ Can we play the game that Forte was playing? ;o; Please~?


1202 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-11-25 15:56 ID:q1KSsdGt [Del]

Uhhh, okay.


1203 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2011-11-25 16:02 ID:Jsiu70Ak [Del]

Oodles of noodles!

[>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F or Command + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss]

1204 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-11-25 16:08 ID:q1KSsdGt [Del]


1205 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2011-11-25 16:22 ID:Jsiu70Ak [Del]


1206 Name: Failure : 2011-11-25 16:51 ID:m5VjHzRl [Del]

Not sure how this game works SO I'll just wing it
*tottally screwed somthing up, I can feel it...*

1207 Name: Anonymous : 2011-11-25 16:51 ID:kIfiSrY8 [Del]


1208 Name: Kuro Neko : 2011-11-25 16:52 ID:kIfiSrY8 [Del]


1209 Name: Umbra Serpens !T1rQ1UNnww : 2011-11-25 17:04 ID:TzE2UXLq [Del]



1210 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2011-11-25 17:08 ID:Jsiu70Ak [Del]


Ah... all this fail... IT BURNS.
You have to start your post with the last letter in the post before yours :O

And please repost THIS *points down to the stuff in brackets* every three posts so people don't have to scroll trhough the whole thread to find key points.

[>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F or Command + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss]

1211 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2011-11-25 17:09 ID:Jsiu70Ak [Del]

>>1210 through*
And I just realized how obnoxious that came out XD I wasn't yelling at you. I was trying to be funny and failed. Anyway, yeah, that's how the game works.

1212 Name: Beltove !HheIWklu.2 : 2011-11-25 17:12 ID:vwK73GgB [Del]


1213 Name: Darasuum : 2011-11-25 17:17 ID:4JNHfdE8 [Del]

happy this exists

1214 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2011-11-25 17:18 ID:Jsiu70Ak [Del]

[>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F or Command + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss]

1215 Name: Beltove !HheIWklu.2 : 2011-11-25 17:42 ID:vwK73GgB [Del]

[>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F or Command + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss]

1216 Name: BarabiSama!!M0BI0NRk : 2011-11-25 17:47 ID:Jsiu70Ak [Del]

Read this and the thread "What's up with the site?" before posting any useless, misplaced threads with already answered questions.

1217 Name: Beltove !HheIWklu.2 : 2011-11-25 17:48 ID:vwK73GgB [Del]

>>1216 Agreed. And believe me, you don't want to piss me off, someone in Random has already got me close to blowing it.

1218 Name: Ayanavi : 2011-11-25 17:50 ID:1e0qc2kc [Del]

[>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F or Command + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss]

But Beltove, it's only been a day or two since you started helping! You're not allowed to flip out for at least a week!

1219 Name: Juumonji's Cocoa!yZs/RnAftw : 2011-11-25 18:16 ID:zoFNu0KP [Del]


1220 Name: Beltove !HheIWklu.2 : 2011-11-25 18:23 ID:vwK73GgB [Del]

[>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F or Command + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss]

1221 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2011-11-25 18:30 ID:Jsiu70Ak [Del]


1222 Name: DaniV : 2011-11-25 18:44 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


1223 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2011-11-25 19:06 ID:Jsiu70Ak [Del]

To save us from having to bump two threads... (this will make sense in a second)


Reltair is currently working out issues with the website host. He had to shut down the chat for a short while while he either changed the host or worked out said issues. The chat will be back shortly (by this weekend, most likely), so just chill out for a little while.

The site is often going through maintenance along with its host issues, so don't flip a shit if you couldn't get on for a little while. It's not unusual.

Please read through this thread and check the FAQ on the Main board before you ask any more questions.

Alternate chat:

1224 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2011-11-25 19:08 ID:Jsiu70Ak [Del]

[>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged
>>1223 What happened to the Chats; Link to alternate chat

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss]

1225 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-11-25 20:55 ID:q1KSsdGt [Del]


1226 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-11-25 22:17 ID:q1KSsdGt [Del]


1227 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2011-11-25 22:36 ID:Jsiu70Ak [Del]

[>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged
>>1223 What happened to the Chats; Link to alternate chat

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss]

1228 Name: Beltove !HheIWklu.2 : 2011-11-25 23:37 ID:CqhuW06d [Del]


1229 Name: Beltove !HheIWklu.2 : 2011-11-25 23:49 ID:CqhuW06d [Del]

bumping permasaged off the Main page

1230 Name: Thanatos!CRiLqZyIfQ : 2011-11-25 23:57 ID:1kOceNa/ [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged
>>1223 What happened to the Chats; Link to alternate chat

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss]

1231 Name: Beltove !HheIWklu.2 : 2011-11-26 00:36 ID:CqhuW06d [Del]


1232 Name: JessePwns!Q7t.srvWZ6 : 2011-11-26 01:02 ID:O3j8DTLe [Del]


1233 Name: Umbra Serpens !T1rQ1UNnww : 2011-11-26 01:13 ID:TzE2UXLq [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged
>>1223 What happened to the Chats; Link to alternate chat

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss]

1234 Name: Mael !hefBVEyOUs : 2011-11-26 03:52 ID:lhJ1hLtO [Del]

Bump, To The Sky!

1235 Name: Kitarro !Qmp4Oy7hXY : 2011-11-26 07:12 ID:zGmLphgq [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged
>>1223 What happened to the Chats; Link to alternate chat

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss]

1236 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2011-11-26 09:22 ID:MTjwsyOr [Del]

[ >>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged
>>1223 What happened to the chats!? Link to alternate chat

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss ]


1237 Name: Futaba : 2011-11-26 09:33 ID:9dWKeVjM [Del]


1238 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2011-11-26 09:50 ID:MTjwsyOr [Del]


1239 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2011-11-26 09:55 ID:MTjwsyOr [Del]

[ >>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged
>>1223 What happened to the chats!? Link to alternate chat

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss ]

1240 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2011-11-26 10:20 ID:MTjwsyOr [Del]

FAQ + Top = The hope that someone will actually read it.

1241 Name: Kitarro !Qmp4Oy7hXY : 2011-11-26 12:28 ID:zGmLphgq [Del]


1242 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2011-11-26 13:21 ID:MTjwsyOr [Del]

Bump for Taka and Vincent.
[ >>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged
>>1223 What happened to the chats!? Link to alternate chat

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss ]

1243 Name: Darasuum : 2011-11-26 13:56 ID:aKzfbuP2 [Del]


1244 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-11-26 15:26 ID:q1KSsdGt [Del]

94 more posts to go. Fuck yeah.

1245 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2011-11-26 16:22 ID:MTjwsyOr [Del]

93 :O
[ >>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged
>>1223 What happened to the chats!? Link to alternate chat

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss ]

1246 Name: DaniV : 2011-11-26 17:42 ID:3lkkDti3 [Del]


1247 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2011-11-26 17:45 ID:MTjwsyOr [Del]

Bump :O

1248 Name: iNZⒶNE : 2011-11-26 17:52 ID:zaDIRAxX [Del]

゙(゚、 。 7
 l、゙ ~ヽ
 じしf_, )ノ

1249 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2011-11-26 17:55 ID:MTjwsyOr [Del]

89 :O
[ >>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged
>>1223 What happened to the chats!? Link to alternate chat

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss ]

1250 Name: Tsuki !TSUKIx5W46 : 2011-11-26 18:26 ID:1z5Bx602 [Del]

I love how the furits have taken over bbs.

゙(゚、 。 7
 l、゙ ~ヽ
 じしf_, )ノ

1251 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2011-11-26 18:40 ID:MTjwsyOr [Del]

87 :O
Tsuki! Can I call you Tsu-chan ?

[ >>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged
>>1223 What happened to the chats!? Link to alternate chat

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss ]

1252 Name: Mael !DoMiNUIT9I : 2011-11-26 18:53 ID:g43ZPn4q [Del]

lol Tsu-chan... XD

1253 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2011-11-26 19:03 ID:MTjwsyOr [Del]

85 :O
What about Tsu-chu? It sounds better anyway, right?

[ >>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged
>>1223 What happened to the chats!? Link to alternate chat

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss ]

1254 Name: Mael !DoMiNUIT9I : 2011-11-26 19:07 ID:g43ZPn4q [Del]

I like tsu-chin cuz that makes me laugh...

1255 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2011-11-26 19:18 ID:MTjwsyOr [Del]

>>1254 Hmm... this is a dillema... Okay, Tsu-chan it is.

1256 Name: Kitarro !Qmp4Oy7hXY : 2011-11-26 19:35 ID:zGmLphgq [Del]

[ >>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged
>>1223 What happened to the chats!? Link to alternate chat

1257 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2011-11-26 20:24 ID:MTjwsyOr [Del]


1258 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2011-11-26 20:27 ID:MTjwsyOr [Del]

AND NOW. bump to the top.

1259 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2011-11-26 21:49 ID:DhvULDdm [Del]

゙(゚、 。 7
 |、゙ ~ヽ
 じしf_, )ノ

1260 Name: Rokuro !aGh7wDGyVI : 2011-11-26 22:05 ID:xiPnOPYN [Del]


1261 Name: Kitarro !Qmp4Oy7hXY : 2011-11-26 22:19 ID:zGmLphgq [Del]

[ >>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged
>>1223 What happened to the chats!? Link to alternate chat

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss ]

1262 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2011-11-26 23:24 ID:DhvULDdm [Del]

゙(゚、 。 7
 |、゙ ~ヽ
 じしf_, )ノ

1263 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-11-27 00:06 ID:q1KSsdGt [Del]

[ >>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged
>>1223 What happened to the chats!? Link to alternate chat

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss ]

1264 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-11-27 00:12 ID:q1KSsdGt [Del]


1265 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-11-27 00:21 ID:q1KSsdGt [Del]

God what the fuck is with this influx of spam

1266 Name: Chitose !rHaXtw9IkE : 2011-11-27 00:23 ID:bYDIVwjW [Del]

[ >>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged
>>1223 What happened to the chats!? Link to alternate chat

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss ]

1267 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-11-27 00:35 ID:q1KSsdGt [Del]

My last bump. I'll be back to make that FAQ if it gets 1337. Then I'll ride off into the sunset like a boss.

1268 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2011-11-27 01:04 ID:fO8iHcy1 [Del]

Sweet jesus there is a lot of derp happening tonight on the boards.

I know none of them are going to read this post, because all of them are hopped up on weeaboo tard juice fueled by whatever fucking episode of Durarara just aired, but they need to seriously read the important posts on this thread (as detailed by >>1266)

I swear to god I'm going to explode on the next tard to post as if we're trying to roleplay a god damned TV show.

1269 Name: Mael !DoMiNUIT9I : 2011-11-27 01:04 ID:G50yvVXY [Del]

fucking read this you douchfags!

1270 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-11-27 01:19 ID:q1KSsdGt [Del]

got called back into the BBS army service. Fuck so much.

[ >>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged
>>1223 What happened to the chats!? Link to alternate chat

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss ]

1271 Name: Rokuro !aGh7wDGyVI : 2011-11-27 01:36 ID:xiPnOPYN [Del]

Damn. I think this thread needs a perma-bump or something. I'm on board with the rest of ya. All this crap is really starting to annoy me. AND I DON'T EVEN GET ANNOYED THAT EASILY!

1272 Name: Mael !DoMiNUIT9I : 2011-11-27 01:36 ID:G50yvVXY [Del]

┻━┻ ︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻

I hate nearly everyone.

1273 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2011-11-27 01:37 ID:fO8iHcy1 [Del]

If you are new to this site and plan to post, read every single one of the posts linked above on >>1270.

If you do not do so, there is no guarantee that other members will not be pissed off at you for being dumb.

There are no excuses.

1274 Name: Chitose !rHaXtw9IkE : 2011-11-27 01:48 ID:bYDIVwjW [Del]

[ >>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged
>>1223 What happened to the chats!? Link to alternate chat

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss ]

Here. I EVEN REPOSTED >>1270 .

1275 Name: RAY-LEW : 2011-11-27 02:19 ID:RtmHhtaL [Del]

hello all nice to be here.

1276 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-11-27 03:02 ID:q1KSsdGt [Del]


1277 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2011-11-27 03:18 ID:fO8iHcy1 [Del]

Now's as good a time as any to restate this, since people have already stopped reading it.

If you are new to this site and plan to post, read every single one of the posts linked above on >>1274.

If you do not do so, there is no guarantee that other members will not be pissed off at you for being dumb.

There are no excuses.

1278 Name: Firo !D9YDuldeCw : 2011-11-27 04:30 ID:7w2zTmax [Del]


1279 Name: Kitarro !Qmp4Oy7hXY : 2011-11-27 05:12 ID:zGmLphgq [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

1280 Name: Thanatos!CRiLqZyIfQ : 2011-11-27 08:27 ID:jJK2J4fV [Del]

Bump. This can't be all the way down. This thread is about to hit the post limit.
Should the last post be a link to the new one?

1281 Name: sleepology : 2011-11-27 09:23 ID:lautD6Ux [Del]

I think yes. But i doubt itll happen because we have to bump this constantly and im pretty sure someone claimed dibs to making it

1282 Name: Thanatos!CRiLqZyIfQ : 2011-11-27 09:29 ID:jJK2J4fV [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

1283 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2011-11-27 09:58 ID:MTjwsyOr [Del]

>>1280 Probably. Who is making the new one?

1284 Name: sleepology : 2011-11-27 12:04 ID:lautD6Ux [Del]


1285 Name: Ghost : 2011-11-27 12:19 ID:SZD6aWjk [Del]


1286 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-11-27 12:56 ID:q1KSsdGt [Del]

>>1283 I am of course. I called dibs on it like forever ago. Why do you think I keep saying the countdown to the last post number.

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

1287 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2011-11-27 12:57 ID:MTjwsyOr [Del]

Click on the links. Read them. If you do not, we can not be held responsible for the mental damage you have suffered after the long, ensueing scream-offs that will result from your first mistake.

[ >>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged
>>1223 What happened to the chats!? Link to alternate chat

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss ]

1288 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2011-11-27 12:58 ID:MTjwsyOr [Del]

>>1286 /wasninja'd

Stupid question, sorry lol

1289 Name: Beltove !HheIWklu.2 : 2011-11-27 13:25 ID:vwK73GgB [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss.

1290 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-11-27 13:27 ID:q1KSsdGt [Del]

>>1288 Nah, it's cool.

1291 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2011-11-27 13:31 ID:MTjwsyOr [Del]

[ >>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged
>>1223 What happened to the chats!? Link to alternate chat

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss ]

1292 Name: Beltove !HheIWklu.2 : 2011-11-27 13:34 ID:vwK73GgB [Del]

[ >>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged
>>1223 What happened to the chats!? Link to alternate chat

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss ]

1293 Name: Futaba : 2011-11-27 13:37 ID:z9IpPRv9 [Del]


1294 Name: archadmiral!ISvQ2vSsZc : 2011-11-27 13:45 ID:XciDr7Kx [Del]

bump, guys older members, bump this everytime right after you post on main along with the useful thread index

1295 Post deleted by user.

1296 Name: archadmiral!ISvQ2vSsZc : 2011-11-27 14:04 ID:XciDr7Kx [Del]

BUMP BUMP BUMPbump, guys older members, bump this everytime right after you post on main along with the useful thread index

1297 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-11-27 14:08 ID:q1KSsdGt [Del]

[ >>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged
>>1223 What happened to the chats!? Link to alternate chat

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss ]

1298 Name: Tsuki !TSUKIx5W46 : 2011-11-27 14:44 ID:+VT/1zu1 [Del]


[ >>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged
>>1223 What happened to the chats!? Link to alternate chat

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss ]

1299 Name: UltimateHeavenXD : 2011-11-27 15:07 ID:DHEiTYSu [Del]


1300 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-11-27 15:10 ID:q1KSsdGt [Del]

>>1299 No.

Anyways, 37 more posts!

1301 Name: Sleepology : 2011-11-27 15:14 ID:GYNZVhQ4 [Del]

maybe you should start working on what you want in the new one. get a list n such

1302 Name: flip : 2011-11-27 15:15 ID:cD3GFSCh [Del]

im new, um, so just put info bout myself here?

1303 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-11-27 15:19 ID:q1KSsdGt [Del]

>>1301 Already done.

1304 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2011-11-27 15:19 ID:Mzfae9Rq [Del]

>>1302 No, no you should not. You should read this thread that you just posted on, use some common sense, and put that information in the "Introductions" board.

1305 Name: Sleepology : 2011-11-27 15:20 ID:GYNZVhQ4 [Del]

>>1302 no. no. no. noooooo. no.
put that in the intro board.

1306 Name: flip : 2011-11-27 15:20 ID:cD3GFSCh [Del]

huh? AHH im so confused. wat do u mean already done?

1307 Name: Sleepology : 2011-11-27 15:20 ID:GYNZVhQ4 [Del]

damnit sama you ninja'd me

1308 Name: Sleepology : 2011-11-27 15:21 ID:GYNZVhQ4 [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged
>>1223 What happened to the chats!? Link to alternate chat

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss

1309 Name: flip : 2011-11-27 15:23 ID:cD3GFSCh [Del]

oh i get it, srry...i really dnt hav common sence sometimes lol oops

1310 Name: flip : 2011-11-27 15:23 ID:cD3GFSCh [Del]

thanx sleepology!

1311 Name: Sleepology : 2011-11-27 15:24 ID:GYNZVhQ4 [Del]

because its bound to happen:
Read this before posting anything new people.
>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged
>>1223 What happened to the chats!? Link to alternate chat

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss

1312 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2011-11-27 15:54 ID:Mzfae9Rq [Del]

bump for mimi

1313 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2011-11-27 15:58 ID:pKo0U/md [Del]


1314 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-11-27 16:18 ID:q1KSsdGt [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged
>>1223 What happened to the chats!? Link to alternate chat

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss

1315 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-11-27 16:35 ID:q1KSsdGt [Del]


1316 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2011-11-27 16:56 ID:Mzfae9Rq [Del]

bump for Izaya

1317 Name: Yuki Ichimaru : 2011-11-27 17:04 ID:+XVEQhgR [Del]

Bump! =^.^=

1318 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2011-11-27 17:10 ID:Mzfae9Rq [Del]

>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged
>>1223 What happened to the chats!? Link to alternate chat

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss

1319 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2011-11-27 17:40 ID:Mzfae9Rq [Del]


1320 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2011-11-27 17:45 ID:Mzfae9Rq [Del]


1321 Name: Sleepology : 2011-11-27 18:00 ID:GYNZVhQ4 [Del]

Btw insert, you should probs update the faq section when you remake this thread
>>1 Board and Site Description.
>>2 F.A.Q.
>>24 Technology Board.
>>170 >>171 Updates to the F.A.Q.
>>191 Chatroom F.A.Q.
>>250 Deleting posts with images.
>>280 >>281 Meaning of bump.
>>299 Country board add on.
>>901 Creating a duplicate thread.(final)
>>566 Multiple board placement
>>1000 What it means when a thread has been permasaged
>>1223 What happened to the chats!? Link to alternate chat

Please read the above noted posts if you're a new member or unsure about something, especially if you don't know where a thread should go. We would prefer not to have to rage at you for ignoring basic guidelines, not reading the header at the top of each board, and/or not using the View All Threads button (and ctrl + F) to check for any threads that are already in existence regarding what you wish to discuss

1322 Name: Beltove !HheIWklu.2 : 2011-11-27 18:35 ID:vwK73GgB [Del]


1323 Post deleted by user.

1324 Name: Beltove !HheIWklu.2 : 2011-11-27 18:37 ID:vwK73GgB [Del]

Okay, I am having a problem. I can't post on the BBS on my lap top, but I can on my phone. I cleared my cookies and history, I have gone to the main page and input the password again. Help?

1325 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-11-27 18:38 ID:q1KSsdGt [Del]

>>1324 Herp derp, you just posted.

Anyways, I emailed him about this too and Reltair said "Sorry about that, should be fixed soon. I'm currently updating the site and was changing some config files around."

1326 Name: Beltove !HheIWklu.2 : 2011-11-27 18:39 ID:/cId4UHq [Del]

>>1325 I said I can post only on my phone, not on my lap top. I posted that on my phone. Though, this was on my lap top so I don't know why I was able to post this time.

1327 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-11-27 18:42 ID:q1KSsdGt [Del]

oh. Sorry, I skimmed. Anyways, that Reltair quote still stands.

1328 Name: Sleepology : 2011-11-27 18:42 ID:GYNZVhQ4 [Del]

Thank you for posting the answer insert, i was kinda freaking out..
But if it happened to everyone n theres a reason for it i guess theres nothing to worry about.

1329 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-11-27 18:44 ID:q1KSsdGt [Del]

To be honest, I was freaked out too, mostly because if it still happened while the thread got to 1337, I'd be pissed. I made the new FAQ and shit all spruced up.

1330 Post deleted by user.

1331 Post deleted by user.

1332 Post deleted by user.

1333 Name: Sleepology : 2011-11-27 18:49 ID:GYNZVhQ4 [Del]

Nevermind, its gone now. Guess hes doing a major thing

1334 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-11-27 18:49 ID:q1KSsdGt [Del]

>>1333 Yep. Anyways, three more posts.

1335 Name: Sleepology : 2011-11-27 18:51 ID:GYNZVhQ4 [Del]

Should we just fill em up with randomness n get it overwith?

1336 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-11-27 18:51 ID:q1KSsdGt [Del]

>>1335 Sure whatever.

1337 Name: Beltove !HheIWklu.2 : 2011-11-27 18:52 ID:/cId4UHq [Del]

Last post, bitches!
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