Dollars BBS | Main




















Main Board
Important topics, overarching Dollars issues, and actual topics of discussion belong here.

How often do you check the site? (12)

1 Name: Firion !!/fN+hj5w : 2025-02-10 06:41 ID:uPwmv5MV [Del]

Title is self-explanatory.

Also, bonus question, what compels you to join Dollars?

10 Name: miki !APzzDizKXc : 2025-02-20 16:31 ID:ydDxFSfj [Del]


11 Name: Undefined : 2025-02-21 21:25 ID:5RnX4BFY [Del]

I just think it's pretty cool to have a kind of an underground community, i'd say it gives me a sense of companionship lol!

12 Name: Webu : 2025-02-21 22:35 ID:1X0EAnJc [Del]

I think it's mostly when I want to find comfort in the past. Maybe a dozen of times a year. Been feeling low lately so here I am again.

If you were to die today, would you regret your life? (23)

1 Name: 1337 : 2024-08-15 21:03 ID:zoCgJir1 [Del]

What would you change?

21 Name: kusa : 2025-02-06 09:56 ID:Soi5JPB3 [Del]

i'd rather just avoid thinking about regrets. better to think about what you DID accomplish in life instead of what you couldn't.

22 Name: Undefined : 2025-02-21 21:17 ID:5RnX4BFY [Del]

I have my regrets but I try to live a life I will remember.

23 Name: Webu : 2025-02-21 22:33 ID:1X0EAnJc [Del]

No. I'm already so tired.

Durarara (1)

1 Name: Watching Durara rn : 2025-02-21 21:16 ID:5RnX4BFY [Del]

At episode 5 of Durarara x2 Ten, I just wanted to say that this anime is peak.

Me an d My Enemy (5)

1 Name: Secret : 2025-02-19 05:07 ID:I/gDeWzW [Del]

i'm need a motivasion for my life please

3 Name: gonxha : 2025-02-19 21:12 ID:r3OaxuAE [Del]


4 Name: rpgmaker : 2025-02-20 03:02 ID:MUXR5ast [Del]

>>1 No one can motivate you. Just u can motivate yourself.

5 Name: SummerGrass : 2025-02-20 06:14 ID:97Q0yXn5 [Del]

Consider that you can eat you favorite food again or watch an upcoming movie/show that you heard about. Or even if you have a pet, you can motivate yourself by knowing you need to care for them.

*New* Android App (Road Runner's app) (584)

1 Name: firelily : 2016-03-03 16:26 ID:r67b+w+Z [Del]

okay so, me and a few others have been meaning to make a new android app thread because, lets face facts, the old one turned into trash where people just keep complaining about how the link OP sent out didn't work, and no one wanted to read the comments to find the link to a different (*cough* better) app....
please don't yell at me about the old thread, that one needs to die, and it seems to me that so far it has (meaning I have not seen it bumped in a while)
please let this thread stay in the top 10, so that people will not keep making threads asking about an app, or going to the old thread, ignoring the people who are trying to help, and complaining about the old dysfunctional app or the less-old (but still older than this one) app that does almost nothing

This is the download link to the app that roadrunner made, right here and it is freaking beautiful! It has everything that is remotely Dollars related in it. It has private chats, notifications, a main chat, a way to view the Tumblr Account , an RSS, the Drrr chat, and is linked to the BBS, and a few other things that you can find in the missions section...the only thing it doesn't have is a search button, and it is possible that one will be added. And it seems to me that there is only 1 ad when the app is first started. Once you close that ad, there won't be any random (and annoying) popups that can redirect you to different places
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582 Name: CosmicOcean : 2025-02-16 18:33 ID:XEr1zTLy [Del]

that's okay; i found the link

583 Name: RoadRunner !ziZMENJ7vE : 2025-02-17 02:10 ID:+hnAy+Cn [Del]

Here's the current link

Just in case it changes it's also linked here

584 Name: Firion !!/fN+hj5w : 2025-02-17 07:07 ID:V/8Hf8al [Del]

>>583 this probably needs a new thread if it keeps confusing people like this.

Description + FAQs ver 7 (1302)

1 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2016-07-18 00:45 ID:7xfy20OD [Del]

NOTE: TO VIEW INDEX, PLEASE CLICK ON THREAD PAGE IN THE BLUE-ISH TEXT READING, "Post too long. Click to view the thread page to see the entire post," AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS OP.

Here’s the index for the lazy people. Remember to try and scroll down to check if new questions and stuff have been added. Please also post your questions ABOUT THE SITE.Some may be added, some will not, but we will still answer those questions HERE.

Reiteration: Feel free to post any and all questions you have on this thread instead of making entire topics for it.

>>2 Board Description
>>3 FAQ part 1
>>4 FAQ part 2
>>5 FAQ part 3
>>6 Duplicate thread, Dollars Code FAQ, and White Knight FAQ
>>7 Dealing with Trolls and Spammers

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1300 Name: Anonymous : 2025-01-21 22:21 ID:yeTLqrw1 [Del]


1301 Name: Just a anime fan : 2025-02-13 10:05 ID:/c4oNhA1 [Del]

Anyone here ??

1302 Name: Firion !!/fN+hj5w : 2025-02-13 21:58 ID:V/8Hf8al [Del]


Respecting Fellow Members (504)

1 Name: Reltair !pAuAcC/vF2 : 2014-02-05 01:47 ID:93Ud0lWe [Del]

As always, please respect your fellow Dollars members, both new and old. Please refrain from using profanity, threats, and other forms of negativity. We can't avoid having disagreements, but we can remain civil to one another.


502 Name: Twilight : 2025-01-26 12:33 ID:Fm8vCJtK [Del]

is it just me on the chatrooms dont work?

503 Name: kusa : 2025-02-06 09:59 ID:Soi5JPB3 [Del]

chatrooms aint working for me too
its saying : We couldn't connect to that server :(
Unknown error

504 Name: Sychario : 2025-02-06 18:33 ID:yPOnqp3X [Del]

Everything is working for me

Addressing the root cause of "Hello" threads on Main (13)

1 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!/fN+hj5w : 2024-09-20 18:23 ID:KJlzBNxp [Del]

Okay, so this might come as a shocker, but Main board is actually reserved for, quoting the board description, "Important topics, overarching Dollars issues, and actual topics of discussion". So threads that essentially boiled down to greeting exchanges with little to no discussions happening in them (like many that crops up within the last 2 weeks(?) (Umbra cleaned it up and bump them off the top page, thanks Umbra!)) should actually belong on Introduction sub board.

But, hear me out, people introduce themselves to be known by the regular members, and to a certain extent, their way of expressing "I want to be accepted-by and assimilate-with the existing community here."

What happens then, when there is none left to read the introduction board, that greets and welcomed the newcomer's posts? That it seems like no community existed anymore here. Well, one that would accept new members that is. Keyword : SEEMINGLY.

Regular members that I knew and interacted within the site stays in Random board, they never checked any other board. The so-called "existing community" to assimilate with, doesn't actually check Introduction board, where new members flocked.

It also doesn't escape my attention, that new people are confused, or dumb idk. When someone new who doesn't know anything made a "hello!" thread, new members quickly flocked to the thread with their replies. I'm willing to bet this happened only because those threads are so simplistic and straightforward in its nature, that they perceive it as "This is definitely a human person posting, and they're actually a newcomer just like me!" and replying to it, for them, provides a semblance of, a sense of belonging, to a community.
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11 Name: Hotdiggidi : 2025-02-01 08:48 ID:MmeIrpDl [Del]

>>8 is the chatroom still alive?/available?
I'm new here, and i really liked to know more about this site.

12 Name: MagicalTransformMaybe? : 2025-02-01 21:12 ID:e0RaVTIL [Del]

Yo. I’m here so I guess it’s not too dead pal.

13 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!/fN+hj5w : 2025-02-06 00:18 ID:ExLb0A/3 [Del]

>>11 Well, aside from lacking a frequent visitors, it works just fine afaik (Name, the owner of the site still frequent lurking Random board here, if you wanna call him out or something.)

I'm too occupied with IRL errands to visit often nowadays though, so you'll rarely see me there.

A place to be anything but alone… (15)

1 Name: Lil Starscreamer_74 : 2024-01-30 16:36 ID:QczpPWkV [Del]

Hey to anyone out there, I just wanted to chime in on a frequency where I was certain there would be some souls that can relate. This one is for all the nostalgia of a generational collective consciousness, for everything from the codename kids next door to the universe of Durarara!, the ambient music mixes in the late night to dark a.m. hours and all the other realms that unite us. I rewatched the show from start to finish recently and noticed the password to our site, by that dash of go lucky fortune I’m here to reach out across the void and let you know that through life’s sweet spots and rough patches, purpose and profundity always shine where you are willing to look and in some places that may find you by surprise. Though our spacetime coordinates may differ, this post marks a waypoint that says whatever you need to hear, here and now to eternity… We’ve got your back, keep marching ever onward and we’ll see what lies ahead🫡🌠

13 Name: Lil Starscreamer_74 : 2024-02-21 04:08 ID:8TeowmuG [Del]

Clocking back in with everyone, it warms my heart to see your replies and we are an unprecedented force of connection and the spirit of betterment for humanity! We’ll go down in cosmic history for the epic individual journeys of each Dollars member and our united embodiment within this simulation that is Earth life and the greater universal realm. Keep your optical visors equipped my friends, may your days be full of jolly and luck, silliness and love, joy and a little something all your own🫡🪬🚀

14 Name: Anonymous : 2025-01-21 22:24 ID:yeTLqrw1 [Del]


15 Name: test : 2025-01-25 17:58 ID:uMUKU3OY [Del]


What NOT to Post or Ask on Main #3 (813)

1 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2018-01-31 23:07 ID:TUJcMFP9 [Del]

*Old post was closed so this is a remake with minor adjustments.
An increasingly large amount of posts in Main that don't belong in Main are irritating many members as well as clogging up the feed and diluting the amount of things that actually do belong on main. This post was remade primarily to outline what is acceptable to post on Main and what is not, as well as a very brief explanation as to why, and where your post should have been placed originally.

It can not be emphasized enough that we have an Introduction board for a reason. If you want to introduce yourself, go there, then lurk quietly so you do not anger the other members.

2. ’We should do something and start being real Dollars!’ Instead of making threads to talk about why we should be doing Missions, why not, I don’t Missions. Don’t make these threads, they’re pointless. Simply do the Missions.

3. How do you ‘search for threads’? Simply click on the ‘View all threads’ at the top right of the screen and then press CTRL + F (Windows) or ⌘ + F (Apple) and search for the thread you are about to post before you post it.
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811 Name: : 2023-10-20 21:10 ID:jCtsShbS [Del]

812 Name: cxvz !CQ5CVt8dXc : 2023-11-20 07:25 ID:e+FmClRH [Del]


813 Name: Anonymous : 2025-01-21 22:26 ID:yeTLqrw1 [Del]

Create new thread