Dollars BBS | Main




















Main Board
Important topics, overarching Dollars issues, and actual topics of discussion belong here.

Philosophy (1)

1 Name: Undefined : 2025-03-06 15:08 ID:VRdl+Sem [Del]

I'm curious, what's your guys philosophy on life as a whole? I just want to know what compels my fellow dollars members to live each day.

If you were to ask me, i'd say mine is pretty simple actually, I want to live my life to the fullest and have as much fun as I can before I pass. Hang out with friends, do crazy and stupid stuff, have memorable moments, get married, have kids, and share the happiness all around. After I do all of that, i'd die a happy man.

Read This If You're New (ver. 5) (250)

1 Name: NZPIEFACE !NZPIEH7uI6 : 2021-04-05 08:50 ID:yl8CHyjd [Del]

This post will explain some important to-know information that everyone should be aware of upon entering the site. It also contains links to useful threads to read for new users.

Don't post your introduction here or on Main. If you want to say, "Hello!" or, "I'm new; this is cool!" then it goes in the Introductions board. If you want to see who is in your area, it goes in the Countries board. This is an Indexed List of all country threads on the board.

Use the View All Threads button on the right side of the webpage near the top [in any board]. It opens up an archive that holds all the previous threads. We do not allow duplicates, so make sure a thread hasn't been made before first.
  • Computer: Pressing Ctrl+F on your keyboard opens your browsers' "find" function

  • Android: open the usual menu (in whichever app; IE/MF/GC) and look for "find on page"

  • IoS; To perform a search for words on the current page, tap the address bar and type your search. Tap the Find option under On This Page at the bottom of the list to search the current page.
Post too long. Click to view the thread page to see the entire post.

248 Name: Firion !!/fN+hj5w : 2025-02-24 23:42 ID:oWCv8Nyb [Del]


249 Name: Nuh uh : 2025-02-25 08:16 ID:OIgqXutT [Del]

not a bump

250 Name: Anonymous : 2025-03-06 12:19 ID:5d1OPZKW [Del]


How often do you check the site? (13)

1 Name: Firion !!/fN+hj5w : 2025-02-10 06:41 ID:uPwmv5MV [Del]

Title is self-explanatory.

Also, bonus question, what compels you to join Dollars?

11 Name: Undefined : 2025-02-21 21:25 ID:5RnX4BFY [Del]

I just think it's pretty cool to have a kind of an underground community, i'd say it gives me a sense of companionship lol!

12 Name: Webu : 2025-02-21 22:35 ID:1X0EAnJc [Del]

I think it's mostly when I want to find comfort in the past. Maybe a dozen of times a year. Been feeling low lately so here I am again.

13 Name: Drrr user : 2025-03-06 05:06 ID:uyjNbImx [Del]

When I'm free. Here is a place for me where I can be a little free and so simple XD

If you were to die today, would you regret your life? (27)

1 Name: 1337 : 2024-08-15 21:03 ID:zoCgJir1 [Del]

What would you change?

25 Name: Lula : 2025-03-02 21:34 ID:sL3Qknv5 [Del]

Probably, I could have done stuff better

26 Name: Ahasveros : 2025-03-04 12:54 ID:n3xyJTUx [Del]

Probably, since there's more things I wanna do with my friends

27 Name: Drrr user : 2025-03-06 05:00 ID:uyjNbImx [Del]

Probably, but nothing in this world is permanent for me. I will have no regrets after leaving them. I may just have to live with the regrets of the past forever

Thank you, Admin! (Part #3) (386)

1 Name: Yugen!tLonFZl0Bk : 2015-12-03 01:00 ID:Qy4vKMfk [Del]

For all of you that don't know. Reltair is our beautiful Admin that keeps this site running, pays the bills, appoints the ninja mods, and bans the stupid idiots that troll this site. He also listens to our requests on Suggestions and pays attention if we email him about a stupid troll that needs to be banned! Thanks to him, our site stays up to date!

While there may be no hierarchy here, Raltair is still awesome in all that he does for us, so I figured we should make a new thread to continue thanking him and showing our love!

Thank You Reltair!
-Stolen from part 2, written by user LeighaMoscove!9tSeSkSEz2

384 Name: asdf : 2025-01-20 21:04 ID:RWLoBnkq [Del]

Thank you admin!!

385 Name: Anonymous : 2025-01-21 18:25 ID:fmn4q0Cw [Del]


386 Name: Drrr user : 2025-03-06 04:56 ID:uyjNbImx [Del]

Thank you Reltair!!

Respecting Fellow Members (507)

1 Name: Reltair !pAuAcC/vF2 : 2014-02-05 01:47 ID:93Ud0lWe [Del]

As always, please respect your fellow Dollars members, both new and old. Please refrain from using profanity, threats, and other forms of negativity. We can't avoid having disagreements, but we can remain civil to one another.


505 Name: Anonymous : 2025-02-27 22:40 ID:KFrAy7Cy [Del]



>>500 EXCUSE YOU?!



506 Name: Nuh uh : 2025-03-01 20:54 ID:ES85YEoU [Del]

>>501 step 3: Send video to pet or food and get ready for peta to crash out.

507 Name: Vyking : 2025-03-03 21:28 ID:u88Tqmc1 [Del]

Right ?

Does anyone ever figure out what were we supposed to do in this site? (15)

1 Name: Firion !!/fN+hj5w : 2025-02-27 19:26 ID:CBdp0RUG [Del]

And like, how do we do that thing we were supposed to do?

Click "Entire thread" to see this convo in full.

13 Name: Anonymous : 2025-02-28 21:49 ID:uTD2pzMP [Del]


Oh, an novice politician, aren't you?

Friendly advice, you should probably soon remove yourself from your $1 high-chair.

My comments have been more than relevant, except to you - evidently.

It was the Founder's idea, remember? You dare oppose the Founder?

Also, since when is being rude to one another led to anything besides war?

Do you see how silly you're being right now?

Post too long. Click to view the thread page to see the entire post.

14 Name: Firion !!/fN+hj5w : 2025-03-01 00:41 ID:WsIfWmKp [Del]

>>13 I'm not sure if you're being serious or just troll baiting, so here, I'll bite.

I'm not roleplaying, I'm asking what are WE, the real people using THIS site, is going to do with OUR Dollars, what directions shall we take going forward.

The founder of Dollars BBS is not some enigmatic figure like in the series that only goes by the name "admin", he goes by the name "Reltair" and you can always try contacting him through the email address on the right sidebar of the site. He has made a few posts here and there throughout the years, as you can see by his "Respecting Fellow Members" thread that was made because there were a lot of petty arguments like these back in the day stemming from clashing ideas and various differing traits among our members.

Reltair has stated that he has no intention of mobilizing an army of drrr enthusiast into any movement or action in any way whatsoever and will remain a viewer in the background watching us do our own thing like goldfishes in an aquarium. (This info is publicly available on the Description FAQ thread btw)

Post too long. Click to view the thread page to see the entire post.

15 Name: Nuh uh : 2025-03-01 20:50 ID:ES85YEoU [Del]

>>13 and >>14
Look guys can we calm down? Some of us are seeing this as roleplay, and some of us are not. Don’t clash down how other people do things. >>13, please get out of this thread if you were joking around, and >>14, just ignore them. I’m not saying anyone should say sorry, I’m not saying anyone’s at fault. If I’m right, Anon is upset at Firion’s tone in his reply. And Firion is upset at Anon’s not realistic replies. Tell me if I’m wrong tho, I just think this isn’t something to get defensive over…

Description + FAQs ver 7 (1306)

1 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2016-07-18 00:45 ID:7xfy20OD [Del]

NOTE: TO VIEW INDEX, PLEASE CLICK ON THREAD PAGE IN THE BLUE-ISH TEXT READING, "Post too long. Click to view the thread page to see the entire post," AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS OP.

Here’s the index for the lazy people. Remember to try and scroll down to check if new questions and stuff have been added. Please also post your questions ABOUT THE SITE.Some may be added, some will not, but we will still answer those questions HERE.

Reiteration: Feel free to post any and all questions you have on this thread instead of making entire topics for it.

>>2 Board Description
>>3 FAQ part 1
>>4 FAQ part 2
>>5 FAQ part 3
>>6 Duplicate thread, Dollars Code FAQ, and White Knight FAQ
>>7 Dealing with Trolls and Spammers

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1304 Name: Anonymous : 2025-03-01 09:32 ID:8gX0elKM [Del]


ignore that person, there are some genuine people on here.

1305 Name: Anonymous : 2025-03-01 15:12 ID:Z6zHrNxw [Del]


okay honestly, you had me until the White Knight FAQ section.

are ya'll serious?

1306 Name: Firion !!/fN+hj5w : 2025-03-01 15:59 ID:WsIfWmKp [Del]

>>1305 wdym

A place to be anything but alone… (20)

1 Name: Lil Starscreamer_74 : 2024-01-30 16:36 ID:QczpPWkV [Del]

Hey to anyone out there, I just wanted to chime in on a frequency where I was certain there would be some souls that can relate. This one is for all the nostalgia of a generational collective consciousness, for everything from the codename kids next door to the universe of Durarara!, the ambient music mixes in the late night to dark a.m. hours and all the other realms that unite us. I rewatched the show from start to finish recently and noticed the password to our site, by that dash of go lucky fortune I’m here to reach out across the void and let you know that through life’s sweet spots and rough patches, purpose and profundity always shine where you are willing to look and in some places that may find you by surprise. Though our spacetime coordinates may differ, this post marks a waypoint that says whatever you need to hear, here and now to eternity… We’ve got your back, keep marching ever onward and we’ll see what lies ahead🫡🌠

18 Name: Undefined : 2025-02-27 19:51 ID:MQVOB4Ze [Del]


19 Name: Anonymous : 2025-02-27 22:18 ID:KFrAy7Cy [Del]



seriously, much appreciated, friend.

I'm honestly really touched by this.

Saving it.

It's a small world. We'll meet again.

20 Name: Anonymous : 2025-02-27 22:21 ID:KFrAy7Cy [Del]

dang, this is a year old.


Durarara (12)

1 Name: Watching Durara rn : 2025-02-21 21:16 ID:5RnX4BFY [Del]

At episode 5 of Durarara x2 Ten, I just wanted to say that this anime is peak.

10 Name: Nuh uh : 2025-02-25 14:47 ID:J1s1+YdH [Del]

Thank uuuuuu

11 Name: Nuh uh : 2025-02-25 14:48 ID:J1s1+YdH [Del]

I was scared of finishing season 1 cuz I couldn't find any way to watch x2 lol

12 Name: Undefined : 2025-02-27 19:52 ID:MQVOB4Ze [Del]

No problem
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