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Oneshots! (3)

1 Name: Kishou-Chan !0UZD1OR/j. : 2015-12-25 14:35 ID:Xucgqgwf [Del]

Ah, Oneshots! Who doesn't love them? So, I have decided to make a Oneshot's thread because I haven't seen any, and I'd figure some of you might appreciate one! So basically, All you have to do (If you want to) is comment a little scenario that you'd like to write about that may pertain to your OTP, Ship, or just any character in general. Now, I'm not saying that this is a requests, but in other words, I'm simply stating the following: Post some scenarios that other writers could write about it!

Now, I know we all get writer's block, or we just want to write little drabbles because were bored, So, Why not get some inspiration? Some examples could be:

Muse A is afraid of Thunderstorms so Muse B comforts them.(So cliche)

Muse A and Muse B play in the snow together.

Muse A and Muse B go on their first Date

Get the Idea? But it doesn't have to be all lovey dovey kind of things. It could be all sorts of genres and topics! So that's what this thread will be all about! Hopefully you guys will participate and give some writers some well needed inspiration that they just can't seem to find! :)

2 Name: Lapis : 2015-12-28 19:07 ID:BUHQZ8R9 [Del]

Good idea!! though I don't think too many us want their writing shared like this, Well, I probs won't, but I will enjoy reading them :D

3 Name: Okami Chan : 2015-12-30 22:47 ID:f5iTM5Fq [Del]

Haha, I happen to write a lot so I have a lot of scenarios saved up.

N1)The world is ending, (Ship Name) are locked in the attic silently waiting for the hoard of flesh eating monster to climb up the stairs and break through the door and eat them both without a second thought. But before their end, the duo/trio/idk have one last sweet moment before their end comes.

Meh, not the best one in the world but I couldn't think of anything original. SOOOREEEEEEHHHHH