Dollars BBS | Literature
















Pass On The Story (4)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2015-05-09 20:18 ID:8+/V3BHL [Del]

So I was talking with some friends at the lunch table and I came up with this really fun idea. The idea I had was to buy some books and write something inside the cover that says somthing around the lines of "this is the book with two stories, you are welcome to read it and once you have finnished reading pass it on to a friend, neighbor, or complete stranger." We were going to make a website were people could post pictures of them with the book and we would see where these books travel. The website name we chose was PassOnTheStory. We were also going to put a donation box in barnes and noble and collect books, we would then give those books to people that may need them such as hospitals, daycares, and other places. My friends and I are still coming up with ideas and it's not set in stone yet. I would really appreciate it if you gave me some ideas that would make this more fun or interesting.

2 Name: jill : 2015-05-10 01:16 ID:ZQDYJLeU [Del]

Same concept as sketch travel. It's really great idea. But I don't understand the part were you said "this is a book with two stories." Foes it mean, that you also wrote another story inside it? Or does the actual book have 2 stories when it was published?

3 Name: Anonymous : 2015-05-10 13:39 ID:DAY4Q4Pk [Del]

We were kinda thinking like it was a book that told its own story and the journey it takes is the story, I don't know. It was kinda an on the spot idea

4 Name: Skrolan : 2015-05-15 16:55 ID:mGoL1TJt [Del]

I love that idea!
This way you can make someones day better by just giving a book to a stranger.
But I would be a little afraid to give a book to someone someone completely unknown, for example he/she wouldn't appreciate the book or doesn't continue the chain.. >.<