Dollars BBS | Literature
















Just a life text :) (2)

1 Name: Stelsf!ItzqXKEcbs : 2015-04-24 06:28 ID:yuLlfeqM [Del]

Love is the most difficult concept to conceive. If your love comes fast then it fades away fast, and if it comes slow then it won’t get washed away by the wave called life.. Throughout our lifes we meet new people, new love partners, some of them will go away fast, and others won’t leave our sides until we die. But what is the true meaning of love anyway? Love is that wonderful feeling you get when you feel attached to someone in a special way, it’s what you feel when you tell stories about your life to her and she listens to you patiently. And when you see her your heart beats like it’s going to blow up in a million pieces, because everything she does, every smile or glimpse she gives at you makes you feel the happiest person alive. Even though that’s not much, it’s these little things that make love between two people stronger each passing day. Love doesn’t come easy though. To have love in your life you must go through hell and back. Until you achieve your desired love, you will feel pain, you will be judged for making wrong choices, you will be laughed at, because despite all your tries you haven’t won her heart yet. You will tend to assume the worst all the time. One day she would make you feel so special, and the next you’ll wonder if she has feelings for you at all. You’ll be urging to tell so many things to her but you won’t find the courage to. She will be the checkpoint of your life. Once in love with her, It’s like your whole life revolves around her in every way possible, your mood, how your day goes, and everything else. Even though love is a hard feeling to get, the secret is to not give up no matter what. And even if you feel sad that you haven’t won her yet, don’t worry. Love comes slowly and after a lot of patience and understanding you will thrive and succeed. Because eventually, that’s what love really is. It’s about waiting, because despite all your problems, love will overcome everything eventually.But what does love overcomes exactly? Love doen't get aggressive to anyone yet love seems to impact our lifes even though each one of us individually live a different life, we live in different places and we hang out with different people. Everyone has their own individualities, their own character and their own dreams and ideals, hence we are very different from each other. Despite all of our differences we all share the same thing, we all share the same flaw and the same bless that is the vulnerability in time. Haven’t you ever realized that nobody is the same after a year, a month or even a day? In a single day a human being can accomplish so many things, even if its the most important accomplishment or the pitiless desire. A woman can give birth to her child, a man can win the lottery, a girl can kiss the man she loves and a child can grow one inch taller. But a day can bring you bad changes as well. Someone can get hurt, can lose something precious and even lose persons that are close to them. Just imagine that a single day can change the life of a person to better or to worse, and with that thought in mind think of your own individual life. Lets get past today, past yesterday and past this year. In a few days this year will cease to exist and a new year will reveal its self. But before this year comes you should ask yourself if and how much you have changed. In a year you can lose persons that you never thought that they would leave you, you can lose persons that u loved and you will love for quite a while now, you can meet new persons that might fill the void of the emptiness that’s in your heart, you can meet new friends and make choices that one year before you wouldn’t even think of. In a year your character and your outer appearance will change too, you will see your body transform into something that you either have created through hard effort of exercising or into something terrible that does not represent you. Old loved ones, old friends, old feelings, old character, old habits, with each years end all of these must come to an end, not because they are wrong to feel or love, but because a person who doesn’t change is a person who has failed in life. Yes you must cherish and you must enjoy all of your old memories to their zenith, but you must not live in your past self and nor shall you try to retrieve old feelings by any way possible. Live every moment and every feeling like you are never gonna experience it again, be nice to people, make people smile when they see you approaching them, be one of those persons that can make a difference to the world. Because in a year from now you won’t be the same person, and the kid you just taught a simple math exercise might be a doctor one day, and the girl you just kissed might end up your wife. Make wise choices and give your best self to the world. Because if you think for a moment, we are all the same people, we all live in this planet, we breath the same air and we can make wonderful things with our brains and bodies. Lets not waste the most precious thing we have in making wrong moves. Lets not waste any of our times and lets live every year with no regrets or remorse. And no matter how much you change in a year, be happy for it because if you want to truly escape the mundane you must constantly be evolving, whether it is you aim high, or aim low, every accomplishment you make is something new that will one day be the factor of making great things. Don’t get dissapointed in life, life will hit you with every way possible and you would wish that you could turn back time.. But don’t do that.. Love, must be your motivation in life, because no matter what your love is, being a woman or a purpose, if you have love for something then you can thrive and succeed, and eventually you can end a year and be happy with what you have done. And if you fail at something, then don’t get upset about it, you can’t erase time or mistakes, you can learn from your old self and you can accomplish something better and be someone more educated in life. But always keep in mind that each and every act you make might change a persons life, not immediately but in time. So be afraid and cherish that ability because a year can indeed change everyone. And yet even if we change day after day, we never realize what we've done in that day. It’s quite interesting isn’t it? That everyone of us live day after day without ever realizing the purpose of each day. We all know a certain amount of persons and we are all judgmental at some point in our lifes. But have we ever stood still to comprehend the effort everyone gives so that they can be happy ? The answer is no. We rarely even set an eye on people passing us by , and we rarely take any time to think, what day did that guy have, why is that boy crying, why is she laughing. Such simple questions and yet they are never spoken. Despite our ignorance towards strangers we even mistreat the people close to us. Sometimes we yell at people we love, we judge them, and even stop caring about them. And yet we never take our time to realize one thing.. Our time here with everyone is limited. when you yell at your mother for bringing you the wrong shirt, when you judge your friend, or when you stop caring about your lover, remember that this might be the last memory you might have from them, and that’s why you should live every minute like it’s your last one, cherish ever memory because that’s what will stay after you are gone, love every moment like you are never gonna live another one , and embrace every possibility because our actions make up who we are.

2 Name: Lovely !YLCyt3kDBA : 2015-04-25 01:17 ID:XLO7TPj8 [Del]

idk why you posted this here. Doesn't seem like literature at all, just your PERSONAL thoughts on love.