Dollars BBS | Literature
















The Strange Library (3)

1 Name: Takao Shirigaki : 2015-04-02 07:28 ID:kFF7A7y0 [Del]

Has anyone read "The Strange Library" by Haruki Murakami?
Indeed most of the writer's stories are based off of the supernatural and include deep meanings, but I feel that this is particularly so in his latest installment.
"The Strange Library" is very thought-provoking, for it does not only include supernatural and illogical elements, but also includes many hidden themes, values and meanings.
If anyone has read this book, do share your thoughts. i would love to hear how others have interpreted this riddle-fillediece of literature.

2 Name: Kuusou!v4RRDXulH2 : 2015-04-02 10:55 ID:qAli280r [Del]

I have and i have to agree, this book kind of toyed with my brain a bit, i had bought it on impulse since i love the authors works like 1Q84 and kafka on the shore, i had mixed feelings on what sort of messaged it was trying to convey to me. It was a simple enough story line but the depth or kinda vivid view he wrote about was something that just astounded And captivated me. But that was just me idk about you aha. Its a short book i gladly read over and over.

3 Name: 花痴病 : 2015-04-04 10:24 ID:gD937ZiR [Del]

Depends on what you think actually. Personally I feel that his latest book is more than just illogical, it officially feels like a mad man's dream. Nothing adds up and trying to read more meaning into it is kind of a waste of time.
Even Murakami mentioned it in one of his books: "Thinking about crazy things seriously is a serious waste of time."
So I don't think his latest story does make sense at all. And I don't think anyone would have bought the book if his name wasn't printed on it.
But hey, that's just me.