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Help! Forgot the title of a book. (3)

1 Name: Zeynon : 2014-03-24 18:33 ID:8Y9hN+QW [Del]

I need help remembering a book. Its a novel actually..
I forgot the title and Authors name but all I can remember is the plot;
This novel is the point of view of a teenage girl (I think her name was anya, or something like it) She's in a Mafia family. Her family has this family chocolate thing and I guess her grandma is dying (I don't exactly remember who but it was because of Alzheimer's) anyway she meets this boy who's dad is rich, and the said boy flirts with her, and it turns out his family is like, a rival of her family.(I remember the boy's father wanted their family business) boy and girl, anya, win(the boys name its short for another name wgich i also dont remember) all in love dating each other with out the knowledge of his father. Father finds out and wanted to kill anya. Etc etc happened
Yeah all I remember, anyway the reason I wanted to remember this is so I can buy it online and read it again I know I read it before but its one that youllt remember and its a pretty good story... so if anyone knows this novel (title, author) then ilk greatly appreciate it if you can tell me it...

2 Name: Zeynon : 2014-03-24 19:35 ID:8Y9hN+QW [Del]

The actual plot is....To be more clearly. Anya is a teenage girl living in a family of Mafia;including her dad. Her and her sister have been living with their grandmother, dying of Alzheimer's, and have been hiding ever since their mother had been killed by their opposing rivals. Anya who hates living in the mafia tries to protect her little sister, who is still a child. Even though taking care of her little sister and grandmother she lives a somewhat normal life. That is until a new boy moves in and starting to go to the same school as her. Anya, who upon meeting this boy, has been given the impression that he likes her. As the story progresses Anya is conflicted upon her mafia family members and her love to be win. As win's father being a a businessman, who plans to hurt/possibly kill anya, and steal something precious of her family's, their love will turn into struggle. Along with her Cousin, who is part of the mafia but has been disregarded yet as one, blaming her and hurting her. -End Plot
okay that's all I remember. I'm really obsess with remebering this novel's title. Even though I have read it, I want to re-read it again. As I mentioned it's a good book. I know you guys out there probably don't know of this book, perhaps not even read it before. Well hey, I tried I looked it up on Google for Romance fiction stories but nothing similar came up. The cover which I remember was white which was a dust jacket,(the paper covering the hard cover of the book) and had red letters on it along with a picture of a chocolate bar. But damn. Its my lost...

3 Name: karma : 2014-03-24 21:24 ID:yRPScwGc [Del]

Hey I think I found it. The title is "All These Things I've Done"