Dollars BBS | Literature
















Free E-Book Publishing (3)

1 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-02-27 21:24 ID:4ZQJ2Gpk (Image: 900x675 jpg, 154 kb) [Del]

src/1393557881515.jpg: 900x675, 154 kb
As part of an ongoing project I've been setting up, I'm offering free e-publication to young authors through my online publishing accounts. It's mainly for my other site, but I figured I might as well post it here as well. Just fill out the forms below and leave them in here. Whether you're approved or not is up to me.

1) You will not make a profit from this. This project is solely to get your penname out there. You can publish for profit on your own account after you have a decent following.
2) Files that you link to should be in .rtf or .txt format (just resave it through notepad, basically). I will format it for and convert it to e-pub for you so that it doesn't get messed up.
3) The copies you send me should be free of spelling and grammar mistakes. Run it through a few different spell checkers first.
4) Fanfiction and works based on other writer's characters, settings, etc. are NOT welcome.
5) Minimum word count is 8k (short story). Works of 20k+ preferred.

Submission Forms Below

Author Sign Up
BBS Username:
Penname: (We won't know if it's your real name here or not, js)
About You: (100-500 words about who you are, where you're from, how you got into writing, your hobbies, etc.)
Email: (optional but preferred; I'll send you the .epub source if you include it)

^ Do this form first. You won't have to do it again if you have multiple books under the same penname.

Book Submission
NSFW?: (yes or no)
Demographic: (target age group, gender, etc.)
Summary: (100 to 150 words; don't give away the whole story)
Link: (link to a downloadable .txt or .rtf copy)

Users caught plagiarizing will have all of their work removed immediately. I will contact whoever owned the work that was plagiarized and leave the legal action up to them.

2 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-02-27 21:33 ID:4ZQJ2Gpk [Del]

Also, you're welcome to post here even if you don't have a book written or thought out yet. You can discuss it here or update us on your progress as you like.

Feel free to ask any questions you have here. If it's of a more private matter, email me ( Just post in here saying you sent me an email or else I probably won't see it.

3 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-03-31 13:42 ID:ghrPigdM [Del]

I'll just bump this up real quick.

Tbh, I don't really expect much out of this site, but I'm still gonna leave this open in case anyone does want to put the extra effort into finishing something for it.