Dollars BBS | Literature
















Ideas from your dreams (7)

1 Name: dragonjdj !40amVkct.6 : 2014-02-03 12:24 ID:3fc2kxcu [Del]

A lot of my story ideas come from my dreams. Example; two brothers in the west, the older one betrays the younger one, but only to protect him. They also have paranormal powers from their eyes.
Does anyone else get ideas from their dreams? I write mine down in a journal I take with me everywhere.

2 Name: whatsupdoc : 2014-02-05 18:29 ID:w7SBxbHr [Del]

Every once in awhile I'll get an interesting dream that becomes it's own little story. I don't right mine down, but the ones I remember usually are turned into ideas that I have for stories or poems or something.

In one dream my hand was covered in some kind of ice or frost. I asked my mother what she thought of it but she just walked away from me. Then my sister was possessed by the devil or something, and had fire abilities. She tried pinning me down to kill me, but I pushed her away with the ice. There's more to it that I'm not going into but that sparked the idea for a poem I'm writing.

3 Name: whatsupdoc : 2014-02-05 18:30 ID:w7SBxbHr [Del]


Sorry for double posting.

4 Name: Ari!!RV+3t7/a : 2014-02-05 19:32 ID:5KK2Q8Nd [Del]

Yep, I love writing stories and my dreams offer great inspiration :) Most of my stories are based off my dreams, but they always leave my mid so I write them down in a journal too so I won't forget them ^.^

5 Name: kirusan !SvzsunXAUI : 2014-02-06 05:21 ID:D3aWKshI [Del]

I would love to keep a journal of my dreams to use for stories but litterally the second I wake up I'll have forgotten absolutely all of them... it kinda sucks and the only ones I remember are the only reason I have fears now

6 Name: ltreat : 2014-02-06 16:10 ID:j2gdK/ek [Del]

I've heard of a dream journal!
They always seemed like a good idea~ And although some of my ideas do come from dreams, they're also the ones that disappear the most quickly, often fading away before I can write or type them down... D:

7 Name: bang-bang : 2014-02-15 09:34 ID:MYp6np16 [Del]
