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First poem in awhile. (1)

1 Name: Tatsuo !ED/x3/tA2I : 2013-12-09 02:08 ID:UW0axMME (Image: 500x583 jpg, 48 kb) [Del]

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This is highly inspired by Madoka which I've just seen.
I hope it's good enough.
Critics are welcome.

Have you ever felt like punching the ground?
Like everything you've lived for,
Everything you've fought for has collapsed around you and you just want to punch the world.
You slam your hands to the ground.
Tremors spiral up your arms as blood leaks from your knuckles.
You gave everything for them.
You wished for them, prayed for them, lived for them.
The people you love, the people you cherish.
Your friends, your family, that girl sitting beside you.
You have carried a cross set aflame by their ignorance and it's started to burn you alive.
For them.
And yet they ask why,
They ask why your hands are covered in gashes
Why your body is riddled with burns
And why your frame has begun to cripple.
They question your methods and your reasons
They chalk it up to adolescence or naïveté
Maybe both
You tell them "I do this for you
I carry this weight so you don't have to.
I burn my self so that you don't have to go through the pain alone.
My hands bleed when I cannot do anything to help you.
I just want to help you be happy."
They say you've never done this, that you never seem concerned in their affairs.
They tell you to get up and to stop acting so dramatic.
But it's too late.
The cross is too heavy
Your body too fragile
Your consciousness fades as the darkness envelopes you
It was futile.
No one saw your strife no one saw your injuries for what they really were.
Your pain: meaningless.
Your courage: fruitless.
Your love: unrequited.
Your grief worsens and your sobs become laughter.
Insanity fills your head with grotesque images.
This is what has become of you.
You're a monster.
A witch, cast out by the very people you wished to protect.
Love, life and your heavy heart has brought you down to this low.
How does it feel?
To be alone.
To be deceived.
To be invisible.
One day your shackles shall be destroyed.
When that day comes, don't forget what's down here.
We'll always welcome you to our world.