Dollars BBS | Literature

















1 Name: Some kid : 2012-11-16 05:04 ID:5EGQwPED [Del]

HELLO PEOPLE OF DOLLARS!!! I came up with this short story and it's pretty dark. Its got like a "spiritual" theme to it... Please rate it for me and tell me what you think about it! Hope you enjoy it! Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu! xD

Creative Writing Story

A little boy, crouching by a pond’s edge, watched as the fishes below him were swimming freely in their containment. The boy’s small hand reached in, trying to scoop up the little fishes but they swam away almost instantly, fearing the boy. Unfazed by the fish’s reactions, he crouched closer, reaching in slowly but carefully. The fishes swimming back to their original positions, almost like the actions of the boy didn’t happen, were unaware of the danger they were in. With a swift motion, the boy sliced the water with the side of his hands and pulled it up almost instantly. The fish, now gracefully flying in the air, was grasped between the hands of its captor.

The boy, now triumphant of his achievement, skipped along a dirt road, aligned with yellow autumn leaves. Now taking in all the beauty of the world around him, he stopped to admire it. The wonderful scene as leaves slowly descend from the trees onto the floor. Small brown flashes from tree to tree catch his eyes and he runs towards them excited, trying to catch up. Sadly he could not and they ran out into the dense forest. The boy, now disappointed, returned to the dirt road but just as he placed his foot to the floor, the leaves crumpled making an amazing sound. Joyfully discovering something new, he danced among the leaves listening to the sounds of the leave’s crunch. The freshly caught fish, now at the back of his mind, fell to the floor and the boy left tired of the new sounds and returned to the dirt road.

The road ended and turned to a white footpath. An amazing display of white was displayed all around him. A town, once familiar to him was completely different. Looking in awe, the boy rushed to and fro the houses and admired every piece of decoration. He was familiar with the styles of red in contrast with white but this time around, everything seemed more special. There was a warm feeling inside of him when he should be cold.

Then suddenly, it appeared to him. The town, as if pulled from his dreams, was empty. Despite the wonderful, vibrant displays that filled him with family warmth, the town was so empty that the sounds of flakes hitting the floor were heard. It was not as pleasant as the leaves crumpling but was more of an echo of loneliness. The trees once filled with bright gold red and full of life was now stripped of its leaves and left with a rigged branch. The dirt road he walked through, now replaced with a cement filled pathway. The houses, replacing the spot where a forest once was, the bright, black star filled skies, now covered by a thick layer of smoke. Even a patch where there was no smoke, no stars were to be seen.

The boy, trudging the snow towards a window to get a clearer look, was shaking in anger. He closed the distance between him and the window and saw himself. The boy’s eyes finally opened. There standing in front of him was no boy, but a man. Staring back at him from the window’s reflection was a man with bright, round, black eyes. His face, no longer a cute kid, was now a worried, surprised face of pain and suffering. The man looked down at his hands and saw them contaminated of wrinkles.

The man backed away slowly, taking this all in. He then turned and ran. It was as if he was living in his own nightmare. He wanted to escape this unfair world. He wanted to be young again. Tears streamed down his face as he ran. The wind chilling it on his cheeks and a bitter breeze came in and bashed shards against him. Knowing where to go without knowing how he knew. Doubting himself along the journey, he finally reached what is now called his home.

Unlike the others, the house was not decorated and was covered with a dull grey sheet of ice. Walking slowly towards reality, he lifted his arms towards the handle of the door; he opened it and walked in. The wind rushing in pushed him. He instinctively reached for the lights and flicked them on. Accepting his fate he walked down the long corridor and into his room before finally setting down on his bed and slept. Nothing happened.

When he awaked from his acceptance, he was introduced to the darkness. Feeling for a lamp, he flicked it on, a pleasant surprise emitted. A hand reaching out to him appeared. Welcoming him, he gladly he took it and everything disappeared. When light finally came he saw a little boy, crouching by the pond...

2 Name: Alexavier : 2012-11-16 18:25 ID:SoY+XCRj [Del]

The boy sounds young.

3 Name: Some kid : 2012-11-16 19:10 ID:5EGQwPED [Del]

:| well, what i had in mind was like the kid is like on a journey through life, and the seasons around him change like time...ish...but thanks for the comment. i was wondering if people were actually reading it D;

4 Name: LexiQuadra : 2012-11-22 03:15 ID:ehIT+xZ4 [Del]

I like the description, :)
and yes it does seem dark. Over all I like it very nice. :D

5 Name: kakia_seki : 2012-11-22 07:50 ID:qo0/4GEg [Del]

i enjoyed reading it. your a good writer.

6 Name: Erika !IMCadVsMqg : 2012-11-27 18:46 ID:ah8/yeu7 [Del]

I rather liked you story. It was worded rather nicely. I'm normally a very harsh critic, but I'm in a good mood today and your story was rather well written.

7 Name: Some Kid : 2012-12-05 06:43 ID:QQ2WdmhA [Del]

Thanks guys/girls for the feedback. Anything i should work on? :D