Dollars BBS | Literature
















test=$ (14)

1 Name: roxas132 : 2012-10-06 12:31 ID:Tubs887s [Del]

Ok so I have to write a perswasive paper about paying kids in school for taking extreme test like semester exams. I would like u guys to give me your thoughts about like why or why not we should have this. OK I will appriciate it thanks

2 Name: Gatzu !DFqtqWsVYk : 2012-10-06 16:17 ID:6u7RpzU7 [Del]

Learn how to type first. Is this your homework? None of us want to do your homework for you. And the topic isn't really clear.

3 Name: roxas132 : 2012-10-06 16:46 ID:MzmMLFKj [Del]

Its not homework its just a paper for class and I mean should students get paid for taking end of course or other big exams. I just want you guys to give me some ideas for it

4 Name: Gatzu !DFqtqWsVYk : 2012-10-06 16:56 ID:6u7RpzU7 [Del]

Yeah, it's still basically homework. But I would say no. You have to take them no matter what. And there is no point in paying the kids.

5 Name: roxas132 : 2012-10-06 17:18 ID:Tubs887s [Del]

But what if it gets the study rate maby just a bit, then would your answer be the same

6 Post deleted by user.

7 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-10-06 18:58 ID:VkU0LSuK [Del]

Holy pringles. It's, "persuasive," first of all, and second of all, just write properly in general.

If you're going to ask us for help with an essay, at least attempt to write decently. Some of us might be more inclined to help.

Regarding my opinion, I think that's ridiculous. It's not an extreme test, and there's no reason to be paid for it. The money won't inspire anyone who knows they're going to fail anyway.

8 Name: roxas132 : 2012-10-06 19:43 ID:Tubs887s [Del]

Sorry my spelling as you can see, is terrible and by the way they won't get the money if they get a high grade. So why do you think its so stupid.

9 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-10-06 19:54 ID:VkU0LSuK [Del]


If they get a high grade, they won't get the money? Then wouldn't everyone purposely fail?

10 Name: roxas132 : 2012-10-06 20:00 ID:Tubs887s [Del]

I mean they will get the money only if they make a high grade sorry.

11 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-10-06 20:03 ID:VkU0LSuK [Del]

If you know that you're not going to get a high grade, then it won't inspire you to work harder at anyway. Some people can tell that they're going to do bad on a test before they take it, and if they already know that, they won't be inspired if the money is only for people who get high grades.

The only way this system would work would be if everyone got money. The higher the grade, the more money you get. However, even the lower grades would need to have a substantial prize so that everyone would be inspired to at least try.

12 Name: roxas132 : 2012-10-06 20:22 ID:WpHoRqZT [Del]

You have a good point there got anything else to say

13 Name: Sid : 2012-10-08 21:45 ID:2G1QIuzT [Del]

There have been many real world examples of this, and most of them had suprising results. I could be wrong, but from the experiment I watched in psych class most of the students didn't change in the long run. They got paid if they maintained a c in every class, or higher. The higher the grades the more they got rewarded with money, and lotteries for riding in a limo. It helped those that were on the virge of passing and failing, but for those who always failed only changed for the first month, at most. Also a test will make matters worse by costing even more money and they would most likely standardize it and mess up the whole curricullum in some subjects, like the ACT and SAT do to writing. The essay score doesn't effect any part of the writing score what so ever in those.

14 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2012-10-09 21:30 ID:paPd1OGR [Del]

(Not sure bump)