Dollars BBS | Literature
















My charity story (3)

1 Name: Secret : 2012-09-28 19:54 ID:plsWsXEV [Del]

I have always been fascinated by the magic literature can create. The beauty and magic
that a book holds is inspiring. When I read…for me it’s like entering another world. I get
to enter an exciting world of adventure and meet new people: the characters of the
story. I even got to escape the complicated mess that is my life…if only for a little bit.

I grew up around a family that hated me because I’m different from them. I don’t share
their closed minds and stuck up beliefs. I see the world in all of its colors, both beautiful
and ugly. Books were an escape from the life I used to loathe. They were, and still are
my treasured companions. They also led me to some of the amazing friends I have

The magic of these worlds inspired me. I became fascinated with the beauty and magic
a person’s words can make. The way a simple sentence can create a picture in my
head like a photo. I listened to the lyrics in a song & carefully paid attention to the way
someone had written a story, book, & even poetry. I wanted to know how they created
those words…how they can put those pictures in my head.

I soon decided that I wanted to write stories of my own. At first my writing was so cliché
and jumbled, I gave up on it for a while. However my friends encouraged me to keep
writing. I practiced and took a creative writing class to help me. I have gotten better…in
fact it was as I was writing this that I realized I’m not a terrible writer anymore. I am
going to college in the spring and will be majoring in art and writing. I hope to get a
career that involves either of these subjects.

So for those of you who have trouble with reading and writing I have some advice for
you. Don’t give up, no matter how much you suck at writing and reading practice can
always make it better. I hope that you will continue to practice in these subjects so that
you can someday see the magic in literature someday.

2 Name: Secret : 2012-09-28 19:57 ID:plsWsXEV [Del]

So this waz my story for the write a story for charity mission. Hope u guyz like it~ I just kinda posted it here for fun~ ^w^

3 Name: Luciferus Hellsing !ALCL315MiU : 2012-09-28 20:01 ID:jk3Qvus2 [Del]

Your experience sounds very much like my own, only the persecution for valuing literature above television did not come from my family, it came from just about every person I ever met at school.