Dollars BBS | Literature
















Frankenstein (3)

1 Name: Loliprincess : 2012-09-20 18:36 ID:n8wNF46C [Del]

The other day I was reading the original Frankenstein novel and I have to say that it is a very good book. The basic plot is that a scientist creates a being but when his creation is complete he ends up fearing it instead. To be honest, this is one of the saddest books I have ever read. I really mean. I felt so bad for the creation(who is NOT Frankenstein, Frankenstein is the scientist that created the creature). And now I would like to know if anyone here has read it and what are your thoughts on the book.

2 Name: Sayaka : 2013-01-10 18:04 ID://KhXOAm [Del]

OMG YES! This is the best book I've every read in school, and one of the best I've ever read period. It's suspenseful and exciting! I feel bad for not only the creation but also Frankenstein, because even though he was pretty screwed up, no human being deserves to go through what he went through.
This book basically teaches us that what you create, you must take care of.
It's a shame that people are turned off by old books just because the writing is older and more sophosticated. Just because a book is old, it doesn't mean it's boring. Some old books have such good stories. Like this one!

3 Name: Sayaka : 2013-01-10 18:09 ID://KhXOAm [Del]

OMG YES! This is the best book I've every read in school, and one of the best I've ever read period. It's suspenseful and exciting! I feel bad for not only the creation but also Frankenstein, because even though he was pretty screwed up, no human being deserves to go through what he went through.
This book basically teaches us that what you create, you must take care of.
It's a shame that people are turned off by old books just because the writing is older and more sophosticated. Just because a book is old, it doesn't mean it's boring. Some old books have such good stories. Like this one!