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My Imperfect World (1)

1 Name: Yuki : 2012-09-07 11:42 ID:m5QAwzL4 [Del]

Okay this is just basically a piece of my story I'm writing so I was just wandering if anyone could tell if it's good or not. Also, is My Imperfect World a good title for a book?

The air felt thick, almost heavy to her as she lasy on the wooden floor with so many creaks, cracks and nails sticking out, to count them would be almost like trying to count the hairs on your head. She lay right in the middle of the room gazing at the bleak unpainted walls. The only furniture was a single dresser painted snow white even though most of it had come off. The knobs on the handles were little plastic flowers covered in scratches. Maybe, when it was brand new the dresser might have been perfect in a little girl's room matching some lavender walls and a wooden floor that gave a warm feel to it, decorated with heart shaped rugs. However, now it would be more fitting in a second hand shop on sale. There was one small window opposite the door in the small, square room. The paint on that too, was slowly wearing away - just as if the room itself was aging. The girl would have been the first thing you would have noticed - her hair was so long it fell down to her hips yet it looked so straggly and frizzy so you could obviously tell it had been decades since she brushed it. Her hair covered her face in a beautiful dark red like a cloth drowned in blood. Even though her hair was dark, it looked so vibrant against her olive pale skin but her eyes stood out even more. They were like little flames burning endlessly, or maybe two dragons spitting flames. The red they shone was so bright, so fierce that they could make a grown man cower in fear.

I don't know of it was very good and I know I haven't mentioned her name but I will be doing that in the next paragraph so...yeah. Feel free to comment on anything by the way but i guess i don't need to tell you that.