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Life, Love, & Death (4)

1 Name: Zach "Inoue" : 2012-03-09 22:17 ID:J+4jf0P4 [Del]

In the world, there is life, love, and death. Life is war, love is peace, and death is surenity.
Thoughs who think of love as a usless manner has no pasion in his life, and most likly wishes for death.
in life there is death, in death there is sorrow, in sorrow there is love, in love comes life.
This is deaths cycle, and it goes both ways. In my Life, i was in true love, My Love ended with sorrow, The sorrow made me wish for death, and in my death life would move on.
I make thease poems all the time, for no one to see. But i want to show this to people who keep and open mind. Please, tell me how I've done for somthing off the top of my head.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2015-01-02 23:46 ID:pBnK3y2g [Del]

Fitting title. I think this will be my new home.

Not that I have any other home, of course. Just me adding random text to spruce things up. If you found this, congrats. There's a lot hidden in this site that you don't know about, and most of it is thanks to me. It's meaningless, really, but I think it's cool.

Hopefully you do too. In any case, welcome to Quad City.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2015-01-03 12:02 ID:pBnK3y2g [Del]

I feel like people aren't actually less willing to discuss stuff with Anonymous users. At least, until now I've never been largely ignored in a discussion. Of course, until now my discussions have been pretty logical and well thought out with backing, so...kind of makes sense. I still really do believe I'm correct, but I guess they have deemed it irrelevant to the main point. I just wish I could get some explicit warning or something to let me know, "Hey, you're kind of rambling a bit. Might want to think a little harder, derrr". I know people don't actually do that though, they just stay silent and dislike me. How am I supposed to know? I guess they assume I already do.

4 Name: Inuhakka !inb4CaTsQw : 2015-01-07 23:27 ID:P2eQBidR [Del]

Eh, fuck it.