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The Dresden Files (11)

1 Name: L-Denali : 2011-09-04 18:05 ID:WY77UZby [Del]

This is by far one of my most favorite series ever released. The plotlines just flow together into one epic story so well.

2 Name: Nyx : 2011-09-05 12:31 ID:Amm/c51p [Del]

Much, much love for this series, although I am very behind on my reading. Harry Dresden is a wonderful main character, I find his commentary both hilarious and wonderfully transparent into his thought process and character *coughdenialcough*.

3 Name: L-Denali : 2011-09-05 13:29 ID:m5m5FzWh [Del]

So from your comments I take it you have yet to read Changes and Ghost Story?

P.S. How's teh House of Night coming along? :P

4 Name: l1b3r4t0r : 2011-09-05 14:47 ID:I5m8lLoz [Del]

i just started them and i love them.

5 Name: L-Denali : 2011-09-05 15:06 ID:m5m5FzWh [Del]

That's great! I have a really hard time finding people around me that have read the series.

6 Name: Nyx : 2011-09-05 16:04 ID:Amm/c51p [Del]

House of Night? Isn't that the one that says "vampyres"? I've never read it myself. I haven't read Changes or Ghost Story yet, but I hope to as soon as I tackle my massive reading list. =]

7 Name: L-Denali : 2011-09-05 16:51 ID:m5m5FzWh [Del]

yeah HoN uses the old spelling of "vampyre" (literally meaning fire-angel). I made the joke because of you name. It's the same as the Goddess in the story.

8 Name: Nyx : 2011-09-05 17:35 ID:Amm/c51p [Del]

That's interesting, I'll have to look it up! My name comes from the water spirits Neck/Nix/Nixe/Nyx/näck who played songs on the violin that enchanted passersby.

Ah, but I digress. Favorite characters? Besides Harry, I love Bob and Michael. Especially Bob.

9 Name: L-Denali : 2011-09-05 18:46 ID:m5m5FzWh [Del]

Yeah, I figured that's where you go it. My favorite characters other than Harry are Sanya and Molly.

10 Name: Sight : 2011-09-22 22:16 ID:zF1Ls/YV [Del]

It was this series that got me hooked on mystery novels. At this moment I am reading Fool Moon.

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