Dollars BBS | Literature
















John Green? (14)

1 Name: Breathing Slowly : 2011-07-30 20:38 ID:4tkdd9LY [Del]

I was wondering if anyone had read John Green books, and wanted to have a discussion about it.
Reply back!

2 Name: Ayden : 2011-07-31 00:22 ID:m0tRnj9+ [Del]

oh yes!! someone who reads John Green!! :DDD
does this mean ur a nerdfighter as well? *crosses fingers in hope of finding a fellow nerdfigher*

3 Name: Breathing Slowly : 2011-08-01 17:19 ID:4tkdd9LY [Del]

Yep, I'm a nerdfighter!!

I really hope that Dollars can become like nerdfighteria, because they are just a thing that started on the internet, but began to actually make change in the world.

Which of them is your favorite books?

4 Name: Tongue Thaid : 2011-08-02 19:08 ID:Ss3VKXEZ [Del]

More John Green fans? Awesome.
I myself have only read Looking for Alaska and Paper Towns, but I thoroughly enjoyed them both. I found them extremely easy to relate to.

5 Name: Breathing Slowly : 2011-08-05 15:36 ID:4tkdd9LY [Del]

My favorite book was An Abundance of Katherines.

Weirdly enough, I read Paper Towns about a year before I found out about nerdfighteria, and I was actually shocked when I found the vlogbrothers.

Senseless shock that is.

Do you ever think that the Dollars and Nerdfighteria can join forces?

6 Name: breadbeard : 2011-08-08 00:37 ID:4z5oe+p5 [Del]

Yay, Nerdfighters!
I've read Looking for Alaska, Paper Towns, and Will Grayson. I was thoroughly impressed with all of them, especially Will Grayson. John's an amazing writer.

7 Name: Sentient : 2011-08-26 07:49 ID:1Ktl6Hak [Del]

I have yet to read An Abundance of Katherines, but I will one day. XD

I first read Paper Towns as a part of an English project my freshman year of high school. I then read Looking for Alaska and Will Grayson, Will Grayson. I enjoyed Looking for Alaska the most. Perhaps because of Alaska Young, the entire thing was brilliant.

In other news, I really need to get my sister to pre-order the Fault In Our Stars...

8 Name: M. : 2011-08-26 12:27 ID:npOy/bb0 [Del]

Oh! I only have read Looking for Alaska.
And John Green signed it for me when I met him this year in May.
It was amazing.

(I'm not a nerdfighter though, but two girls from my school are!)

9 Name: Incognito : 2011-08-29 00:18 ID:DmaupdSV [Del]

I have gotten ALL My friends to read Paper Towns. It is a MASTERPIECE. It's like my Bible on life.
Anyone else preorder his newest book, The Fault in Our Stars? John's signing them...

10 Name: meirelav : 2011-08-31 02:08 ID:CrqriSuT [Del]

absolutely!!!! i love john's books, and i can't wait for tfios to come out :D is anyone else here a nerdfighter?

11 Name: Incognito : 2011-08-31 13:57 ID:DmaupdSV [Del]


12 Name: Breathing Slowly : 2011-09-03 23:19 ID:4tkdd9LY [Del]

I'm so excited about The Fault in Our Stars. I haven't pre-ordered it yet... I need to get the money for that.

I can't believe he's signing them all! I'd get tendinitis, or something of the sort.

13 Name: dust : 2011-09-22 18:37 ID:O+qJ37+T [Del]

yay nerdfighters i heard Kathrine green read an excerpt of fault in are stars at leakycon. it was amazing (at least the first chapter) i think it might be his best book yet.


14 Name: dust : 2011-09-22 20:22 ID:O+qJ37+T [Del]
