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Story-Creating Advice (7)

1 Name: Alsssadar : 2011-03-31 22:26 ID:4eA+9dNM [Del]

Hello everyone, I'm taking part in Script Frenzy this April (Google it) and I've come up with a base idea of a DnD group, and I've got some characters. Now I need a plot.
Anyone holding any good steam-punk-esque fantasy ideas they want to shove froth, I'll take 'em. Maybe a bit of BlendTec blending of ideas, but, y'know, it'll happen.
A big ole thanks to you in advance.

2 Name: Silver!ozOtJW9BFA : 2011-04-01 10:39 ID:uADYK7fk [Del]

Why won't you try watching things that's closely related to the genre that you want? Say, Steamboy for instance?

3 Name: Trieszt : 2011-04-01 12:22 ID:spJh30Wd [Del]

You could try coming up with something in accordance to those characters, too. What do they do? If one's a thief and another is a customs official, you can come up with possibly a smuggling senario. Think of little scenes where your characters interact first, and then try and fit them together in an overarching plot. Not everything has to be about the hero's quest or have some big bad behind it that you need to decide right away. Brainstorm a character driven plot and see where that takes you.

But~ For steampunk specific, here's some pointers! Part of the problem of industrialization was that workers were worried about losing their jobs, as less people were needed to operate the factories than do it all by hand! You can have a discontented lower-class as they're increasingly replaced by clockworkers or steam automata. The victorian era in Britain was also the time of the huge british empire, you could deal with military uprisings or rebellions, trying to take down the colonialists, or do it the other way around: say conversely that China has developed very advanced steam tech, and when the brits come knocking with opium, they have a way to fight back, and empire has bitten off more than they can chew. If you want a more fantasy track, though, you could just design the world and add steampunk trappings later.

Some general steampunk links, if you need them:

4 Name: Alsssadar : 2011-04-02 13:06 ID:4eA+9dNM [Del]

Thanks guys, this really helps!

5 Name: Trieszt : 2011-04-02 14:07 ID:spJh30Wd [Del]

Glad to have been of service! o7

6 Name: Misuto : 2011-04-02 22:27 ID:5jGs8Ytj [Del]

I really like steampunk, and even though I'm not about to write a story setting like Alsssadar is, I found your read very interesting, Trieszt. I've seen a few stories under what might be considered the steampunk genre, but never actually cross-analyzed it with the historical events it potentially plays around with.

You know your stuff man :Ubb

7 Name: Trieszt : 2011-04-02 22:46 ID:spJh30Wd [Del]

I'm a history buff, so... that's really where my mind takes me, when I think of Steampunk. If someone let me, I could probably ramble for hours about the possible ramifications AND wouldn't that be cool if this was like this then instead or!! First time I've actually had an excuse to do it, though.