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Literature Board
Use this board to talk about novels, poems, short stories, and other written works.

Durarara! Light novels (21)

1 Name: Charm : 2013-08-26 15:03 ID:+9/pi4Dx (Image: 500x715 png, 560 kb) [Del]

src/1377547428232.png: 500x715, 560 kb
I Noticed there isn't any thread yet that's about the durarara light novels.

Which I thought was quite weird since we're all Durarara fans here!

So I was wondering who here reads the Light novels or is interested in reading them?

Because seriously Durarara is much more then just the anime/manga the Novel goes deep into alot of characters and also introduces other interesting new characters!!

19 Name: JadeKyo : 2014-11-28 21:28 ID:N65Gaue8 [Del]

OMG thank you for creating this thread.

I love the novels more than the show (saying a lot considering I HATE books) well anyway as much as I hate books nothing no movie, book, tv show, or video game has ever out done the drrr LN and I cant take the new SH series its to intense im terrified that Izaya is gonna come back and screw up everyones lives again, but im not sure now whether I should be more afraid of Izaya coming back or Kuon replacing him but you know hes hates humans which means Shizuo, Celt, Anri and Yahiro are in big trouble sense there all the nonhumanish (I consider shizuo and yahiro and anri to a lesser extant human but people in the books don't) *paces* I cant wait for SH 2 to get translated

a few translations there also!!#Volume_13:_Durarara.21.21x13_.28Complete.29

you can find all translations available there (:

20 Name: mmm : 2025-03-23 02:14 ID:a6Oahrvh [Del]


21 Name: Nuh uh : 2025-03-25 08:21 ID:MixJvxHx [Del]

>>20 yo

I like SH. :>

Favorite Quotes? (12)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2025-02-27 22:06 ID:L5f2pPqv [Del]

Doesn't have to be from books.

Try to guess the context?

There is no wrong way to guess.

"All your might won't set things right. 'Tis a gentle hand (that) will rule the land."

10 Name: Nuh uh : 2025-03-10 14:42 ID:BqSfjdlv [Del]

>>8 hahaha Izaya...

"Don't get cooked, Stay off the hook"

11 Name: Binah : 2025-03-14 20:43 ID:OgA1dn0F [Del]

"Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster... for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you."

12 Name: lame kanra : 2025-03-16 09:59 ID:mN7syUSq [Del]

“we begin and we end, at night, in the woods”

any ottessa moshfegh fans? (1)

1 Name: lame kanra : 2025-03-16 09:59 ID:mN7syUSq [Del]

ive read death in her hands and my year of rest and relaxation
(my controversial take is death in her hands is the better of the two- ive yet to find someone else who likes that book)

eileen or lapvona is next on my list

but anyways if anyone wants to chat about her works or reccommend my next read youuuu know where to find me :3c

Favorite Books (1)

1 Name: Blondie : 2025-03-10 03:14 ID:35iVEkHY [Del]

Ay Yall what are some of your fav books, ima start:

How to train your dragon
Harry Potter
Fahrenheit 45

Haiku Chain Part 4!! (519)

1 Name: Snyper !svMS/p8SOo : 2017-10-19 04:08 ID:3wWdB8wx [Del]

So, if you don't know what a haiku chain is, basically it's a series of linked haiku. The last line of the first poem, becomes the first line of the next poem.


Poem 1:

My dog died one day,
Now my turtle is dying,
No more pets for me.

Poem 2:

No more pets for me,
I prefer my computer,
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517 Post deleted by user.

518 Name: rice : 2025-01-03 03:22 ID:b4TjASMD [Del]

dreams fade into rust
wrung dry and hung, forgotten

519 Name: Nuh uh : 2025-02-25 14:45 ID:LiGKveC8 [Del]

I don't know how to make these
haikus so um yeah

The Best Fanfictions You've Ever Read? (60)

1 Name: Yuki : 2013-07-27 15:37 ID:Ep4Uk1W6 [Del]

What are your favourite fanfictions? :D Preferably from a well-known fandom.
If you haven't read any before, go to!

My favourite one is...
Archive: Durarara!!
Title: Psychosomatic Monsters
Author: sachi-sama

58 Name: window !3LdO/x8MDw : 2024-03-19 01:37 ID:MtxEUMsj [Del]

I have so much favorites and brainrots I wanna share!

From ORV is a fanfic in ao3 called 1864 by Liu_Su_Mian_Hua (Dragonica_the_mini_dragon) and SnowballTheLittleFluffball!

And then on Shield Hero it's Downward Spiral by killing rabbits in!

For MHA and Katekyou Hitman Reborn crossover, it's Vigilante Boss and His Failed Retirement Plan by Fey_Storyteller in ao3 too!

For Genshin Impact, it's Entirely Out of Spite by Bgtea in ao3!

As well as the Harbingers Apprentice by Cosmoddino in ao3!
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59 Name: Anonymous : 2024-11-22 17:47 ID:3pnfF4vn [Del]

Aoba/Mikado fanfics that keep them in-character but not strictly. We weren't given enough time with them, anyway. Which means it's really difficult to write them out-of-character, thank goodness.

Also love me some Aoba/Anri/Mikado/Masaomi, but they're extremely rare to non-existent. :"(

60 Name: Anonymous : 2024-11-22 17:52 ID:3pnfF4vn [Del]


P.S., Aoba/Izaya being equals and treating each other as such; begrudgingly socializing together yet having a surprisingly better time than they'll ever admit.

No need for division in the fandom.

Word Chain Game III (992)

1 Name: Enigami !c6PjAO5Kw. : 2017-04-22 17:28 ID:vasDHhCC [Del]

Pretty simple game, you make a sentence with the first word of your sentence the last word of the person before you's sentence. Like this:
Person 1: Mama, I killed a man.
Person 2: Man up, boy!
Person 3: Boy or girl, it's still a baby.

And continuing from before, even though I posted the last post there:
Better luck next time.
(P.S.- Eat it, Pieface)

990 Name: Mostly Void, Partially Stars : 2024-10-04 23:11 ID:49f9pY22 [Del]

earth to jupiter, come in!

991 Post deleted by user.

992 Name: Anonymous : 2024-11-22 17:32 ID:3pnfF4vn [Del]

In the trash fire goes all bibles; the biggest abomination in all of time.

In search of ORV fans (3)

1 Name: Fior Steel : 2024-08-11 18:14 ID:cG2Zycnj [Del]

So with the anime adaptation of orv coming next year I know that the series is gonna become overrated and loose some of fans, so before that happens I was wandering if there's anyone interested in talking about the webnovel/manhwa with me cause my friends refuse to read it and I desperately want to talk about it

2 Name: Aki_$ : 2024-09-05 11:04 ID:j4zZyL+D [Del]

Here! Im a fan

3 Name: Bauo : 2024-11-06 05:26 ID:GoVIYNm3 [Del]

I am here

???? (2)

1 Name: Sa : 2024-09-21 11:23 ID:k+GDbR/L (Image: 240x345 jpg, 23 kb) [Del]

src/1726935795871.jpg: 240x345, 23 kb
*yawn* is there anyone who has read it? If so, what's your opinion on it.

Picture source: Legend of the condor heroes book cover

2 Name: random : 2024-10-10 10:03 ID:Q78k4OZg [Del]

No, but i've watched the drama from the second book. Dope af

Happy Towel Day! (1)

1 Name: Chipsa : 2024-05-25 20:32 ID:vG8NczJC [Del]

Celebrating with events from :) Have a good day, from one cult following fan to others!
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