Dollars BBS | Food
















Sweet Stuff (19)

1 Name: Maria<3 : 2016-12-18 04:21 ID:fTdTEaMK [Del]

Hey guys, what is your last sweet favorite food and favorite sweet food?
Mine is oreo chocolate, of course.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2016-12-18 06:18 ID:+IUw8mj/ [Del]

My favorite sweet food is cheesecake.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2016-12-18 07:52 ID:QJLLE3O2 [Del]

I'm going to have to say Cotton Candy/Fairy Floss, the only being problem is that its pure sugar o(╥﹏╥)o

4 Name: FroppyShadowCat : 2016-12-18 16:19 ID:kMUvhokz [Del]

I love all sweet stuff, but I really love butterscotch and icecream >:3

5 Name: アルデント LxveMix : 2016-12-18 18:22 ID:tJTd7NH2 [Del]

Cinnamon Bun Oreros!!! <3

6 Name: オシリ : 2017-01-03 21:32 ID:8ygqLUUi [Del]

あああああ、私の 一番好きな あまい 食べ物は ちんちん です〜 (๑ゝڡ◕๑)

P.S 私は 日本人ですよ!!

7 Name: 🐇 : 2017-01-11 11:07 ID:On9fItYw [Del]

The coffee donut from 7'11

8 Name: remrawplays : 2017-01-15 19:00 ID:EWyQHtcm [Del]

pewdiepies underarm hairs

9 Name: Sushiyo !YNPTU9Nv3c : 2017-01-16 07:36 ID:YC1jVy/E [Del]

I don't really have much of a sweet tooth, plus I get sore throat easily from sugary foods, but the classic glazed donuts from krispy kreme is pretty much my exception. :D

10 Name: Boggy : 2017-01-21 11:27 ID:LAOzTTdv [Del]

Blackberry Icecream (soft-serve)

11 Name: Isaiah Orwell : 2017-01-22 20:31 ID:uGTPoiKT [Del]

Chocolate fatty tuna.

12 Name: Animoo : 2017-01-31 21:30 ID:PvS2lWHs [Del]

I love Macarons

13 Name: Jeisu : 2017-01-31 22:13 ID:v07aR2ML [Del]

favourite is mint choc chip ice cream

14 Name: Kyrkovisian : 2017-02-01 11:07 ID:lfa5QMt9 [Del]

You may have not heard of it. It's called Mysore Paak an Indian sweet. Really good

15 Name: Sleepy Dash : 2017-02-01 11:42 ID:a1YDBGUq [Del]

I love pizza :3 <3

16 Name: Kurokori : 2017-02-01 20:57 ID:3IO+z3Cg [Del]

Hmm, I'll have to choose between a chocolate parfait, mochi ice cream, and a sweet cream mille feuille... (I love desserts too much, despite me not liking things that are too sweet, haha)

17 Name: Satchel : 2017-02-06 23:04 ID:zbh+L2kA [Del]

Tiramisu- that awesome coffee cake ^-^ I guess it's a cake, or pastry? I don't think it's a pie... either way I love it ^^

18 Name: Nanako's Shadow : 2017-03-01 09:28 ID:x25+ps8D [Del]

My favorite sweet is probably chocolate Taiyaki or chocolate banana pocky.

19 Name: Bel : 2017-03-11 16:06 ID:aQRruSUC [Del]

my favorite sweet is cake w ice cream, especially if is chocolate cake and vanilla ice cream