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Vegetarian food :D (12)

1 Name: OreoCookie : 2016-11-12 20:57 ID:OZxgBTMQ (Image: 960x960 jpg, 159 kb) [Del]

src/1479005840041.jpg: 960x960, 159 kb
Hey everyone! What´s up? I´ve been looking for vegetarian recipies and i would like to know if u guys have any vegetarian recepies. Leave them in the comments plz <3 Good Night

2 Name: Ignight : 2016-11-22 06:01 ID:+OieYCta [Del]

Bacon wrapped lamb sausage with mayo

3 Name: Willspikes : 2016-11-22 15:16 ID:8g4wXZVo [Del]

OMG XD don't be so disrespectful and i would suggest using this website for advice im not vegetarian/vegan and i think these meals are tasty so why not you try them :D

4 Name: OreoCookie : 2016-11-22 20:48 ID:Af/Z7YGE [Del]

Thx so much :D

5 Name: Willspikes : 2016-11-24 02:51 ID:s2UWGN6W [Del]

No problem. :D

6 Name: Akita : 2016-12-13 06:30 ID:0kc3z9do [Del]

One vegtarian reipe is a classic salad XD simple but great

7 Name: canard : 2017-01-06 10:33 ID:AVOQ4GWO [Del]

i heard that spitting on beef makes it vegetarian and gluten free, I'm gonna try it with my vegan bf tonight! wish me luck!

8 Name: Jill : 2017-01-06 12:14 ID:hjbwlxGL [Del]

I don't know the difference between a vegetarian and a vegan and I don't know their food restrictions. So I want to ask, are vegetarians allowed to eat eggs?

9 Name: Canard : 2017-01-06 19:53 ID:AVOQ4GWO [Del]

Honestly, Jill, it's really like a chicken or the egg moment with that. Only the chicken itself can truly understand whether the vegetarian is able to touch its fiendish secretions. Just speak to any farmers trust me!

10 Name: Relay_Table : 2017-01-09 21:50 ID:lIh3h4ak [Del]

The difference between vegans and vegetarians are Vegetarians only eat vegetables and no meat or fish. Basically Banning meat. Vegans don't have anything to do with animals whatsoever, so no eggs, no leather clothes/purses/ no cotton or wool, they basically boycott everything to do with animals.

11 Name: NakaharaRen : 2017-01-17 12:31 ID:ozMNwa1h [Del]

If you're looking for vegetarian recipes, allow me to make a suggestion.
A page on Facebook called "Confessions of Crafty Witches" posts recipes of all sorts, as well as a few crafts here and there. It's got some pretty good recipes and will usually provide substitutions for certain ingredients.

12 Name: Boggy : 2017-01-21 11:25 ID:LAOzTTdv [Del]

I myself am a vegetarian, and I think you might like this recipe for vegetarian ramen!