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Favorite cooking shows? (6)

1 Name: Pach !GyIDQLQMWI : 2016-07-03 12:14 ID:2hnycbsS (Image: 1920x1080 jpg, 220 kb) [Del]

src/1467566095928.jpg: 1920x1080, 220 kb
Know any good cooking shows?

My favorite is this youtube series called "cooking with dog"
(no, it's not what you think. The dog is one of the hosts, not an ingredient!)

It's this Japanese lady only known as "chef" along with her black poodle named "Francis" showing you how to make Asian cuisine. I really enjoy it.

Here's the channel:

2 Name: Moe : 2016-07-06 18:46 ID:i5UHbedy [Del]

I know lots on youtube!

Runnyrunny999 is a japanese man who tries out recipies video requested by viewers. Really nice guy, gives a review of the food while eating it when he's done cooking. His cooking style is like a dad who happens to know HOW to cook, but doesn't really know what he's making. Many EASY dishes.

Ochikeron is a japanese woman who cooks and bakes really yummy foods. Gives recipes and meal plan ideas (like lunch packs) and tastes it after, too. These days she even has her new baby eat the food lol. Lot's of themed dishes! EASY to HARD.

Emmymadeinjapan more of a food reviewer(awesome at that!), but she makes some food too. Lotssss of unusual and unique food on her channel. Tries out unconventional dishes often. EASY, but weird ingredients lol.

Cho's daily cook, korean w/ english subtitle, little talking, very nicely made videos but doesnt show herself eating or make reviews after while she does eat it (you hear her). Variety of meal type, and i'd say INTERMEDIATE to HARD difficulty. She also uses tool you may not have (dehydrator) but you should be able to use easy alternatives!

Sweet the mi, korean lady who bakes reeeally yummy desserts!! My favorite editing style, doesn't do reviews, but shows how the food cuts. Short videos, simple instructions, EASY to HARD.

TV shows:

Worst cooks in america! You learn so much from this show, not that I'm a bad cook, but it's reeeally simple with clear instructions.

Junior master chef, and chopped. In chopped, 4 contestants are given a large sum of money, and have to cook a full course (app, entre, dessert) and use their money to "buy" handicaps for their competitors. Junior master chef is master chef, but with minors, and there's another version where they go head to head with professional adult chefs!

Netflix has some nice documentaries, my favorite is Cook's Table. Interviews and stories of some of the world's best chefs.

3 Name: Weise : 2016-07-09 11:52 ID:Tbuwu036 [Del]

There's only one that I generally watch; it's called Laura In The Kitchen, hosted by a woman called Laura Vitale, a self-taught home cook. Pretty easy recipes, actually. :)

4 Name: Moe : 2016-07-11 17:07 ID:i5UHbedy [Del]

Jamie Oliver too! He's an amazing chef. (Food Tube) also, How to Cook That!!! Pop sugar

5 Name: Cobacie : 2016-07-21 00:23 ID:VUCYdmQi [Del]

My friends first reply to this was, "They used iMovie to make that thumbnail", of all things...that

6 Name: Xeven : 2016-08-15 07:21 ID:nmz2oNuf [Del]

try watching RunnyRunny999 channel too