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Can someone help me? (11)

1 Name: Kieru Kasuko : 2015-12-14 20:42 ID:8Ky35/Gd [Del]

So, I've been wanting to start cooking and baking and stuff like that, but I have no idea how to start!!! (°Δ°)/

If someone could give me some good recipes for beginners or some tips on what tools I should have, that would be very helpful!

Thank you very much! *bow*

2 Name: Alice : 2015-12-15 03:42 ID:CYnmvOB5 [Del]

I know this is kinda late but you should try baking cupcakes since they're fairly easy. Want me to give you my recipe? (BTW what unit of measurement do you use?)

3 Name: lulush vi : 2015-12-15 15:37 ID:rsx7VnXN [Del]

watch food wars and look up those recipes

4 Name: Oribā : 2015-12-16 03:20 ID:P4Q2oP+h [Del]

For baking, i'd recommend cupcakes and/or cakes. Use the boxed pre-made flour to get yourself the feel for it. For cooking, start on breakfast and do eggs first. Start scrambled, then your "star eggs" or sunny side ups. Learn to flip it, and ect. Eggs can be a good start for learning as there are tons of ways like poached, boiled, ect. Butter, then egg, then cook. Need saute pan and a rubber spatula.

5 Name: Troy : 2015-12-19 00:41 ID:NidA7I/6 [Del]

if you're a super-noob like me, try making cookies first. Just look up Cookie Recipes in google or something

6 Name: AlxisAlex : 2015-12-23 08:58 ID:hJtU3JzD [Del]

Why not start from basics? I know some, even though I'm not good at it.

From pancakes to bread, then brownies, cookies then cupcakes. I recommend watching shows or reading some books about it.

If you're intereste in anime and manga try searching recipes from Yumeiro Patessiere, Kitchen Princess, Yakitate Japan and such.

7 Name: Bastion : 2016-01-02 21:31 ID:PZqzCffv [Del]


8 Name: Coziestjuffowup : 2016-01-03 02:31 ID:sGkXe5qE [Del]

Believe it or not but I used to be a chef. I'm not sure if you want to dedicate your entire life to it like how I spent at least 8 years of it ( most of it with work and school in between) but trust me on this... it's stressful if anything. For tools you should have should you dedicate yourself ( unless you're just doing this as a hobby) then i'd recommend a french knife, paring knife, fillet knife, if you can get a sharpening stone ( they usually have 3 stones to sharpen that in being coarse, fine, and I believe very fine?) a peeler. zester, carving knife ( for your carvings with any meats). And do check out wusthof for your kit. That is what I went with. I'd advise going with high carbon stainless steel blades. They don't dull out easily, and are fairly easy to sharpen. Do not forget to obtain a honer. Those are usually a cheap substitute for your stone sharpener, though nowhere near as effective.

9 Name: Coziestjuffowup : 2016-01-03 02:35 ID:sGkXe5qE [Del]

P.S. If you need any other tips. I can teach you about the fundamentals of mirepoix ( this is typically a ratio of onion, celery, carrots) the types of dices/ cuts, your roux, mother sauces ( which are the 5 main ones, being tomato, hollandaise, bechamel, veloute, and your brown sauce aka espagnole), just leave a comment if you have questions and I'll be sure to check in to answer, that is if I have the answers.

10 Name: Angel<>Works ! : 2016-01-03 23:04 ID:Xb+1wAxN [Del]

This might not turn out well sometimes, but I try to do what my aunt does. She follows different recipes she finds, but makes little modifications here and there. I get a little jealous sometimes, my aunt's experiments always turn out so delicious!

11 Name: 475 : 2016-02-24 16:34 ID:BYuiRUJM [Del]

Try to stay away from single purpose kitchen tools unless they're absolutely necessary because those will just pile up.