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Healthy low calories yet DELICIOUS food (3)

1 Name: anon : 2015-03-11 12:33 ID:aw8VzS/7 (Image: 700x700 jpg, 182 kb) [Del]

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So kind of starving right now, haven't really eaten much.

So tell me some foods that are super yummy and have low calories. I mean there is no way I will ever lose weight if I have to eat horrible food for it to happen. :P

2 Name: Yukio !DboM3.beAE : 2015-03-11 23:16 ID:SNb1N/wj [Del]

Try a spinach salad with avocado, peanuts, and a fruity type of dressing. It usually fills me up and if I get hungry later I'll have corn or something.

I have other things on my Pinterest you might like. And remember you can still treat yourself and having a healthy body doesn't mean you can't eat sweets!

3 Name: Litairtak Speruff!NRf7wfm3Qk : 2015-03-12 07:03 ID:oqEZctdS [Del]

Don't ignore your hunger or appetite because that's what makes the most diets falter and ultimately fail. Sugar, salt, fat and carbohydrates aren't generally bad, they are indispensible for your body to function properly, you just need to know which kinds of carbohydrates and fats and which amount of everything you should eat. Try to switch to a healthy diet first before you start dieting for weight loss. It helps a lot if you keep away from junk food.

If you're hungry, listen to your body and eat something filling like brown rice, whole grain bread/noodles or other whole grain products. Add some briefly fried vegetables in olive oil a little fish or eggs to get a wholesome meal that's both filling and healthy. In contrast to easily burned single grain products (e.g. white bread, polished rice and most Western noodles) whole grain products contain multi-branched, long-chain carbohydrates that will slowly provide your body with the necessary energy and fibres to keep you from getting hungry again for a few hours. Meat, fish, milk (products), eggs from healthy animals and certain vegetable oils like olive oil will supply the right kinds of easily accessible proteins and fat, namely (poly)unsatured fats, that your body needs to function properly. For the vitamins and additional fibres, which benefit your disgestion, you've got your fresh vegetables and fruits. Try to season your meals with small amounts of salt and sugar if you don't sweat much, and season your meals with herbs and spices instead. Your cardiovascular system will be grateful to you.

To stay healthy and to lose weight, you should regularly do sports and make sure you drink enough (if you have to go to the toilet every 3h, and your urine's got a light, yellowish and more or less clear colour, you're drinking enough).

Here's also an interesting comment on the confusion regarding dietary advice:

Knowing What to Eat, Refusing to Swallow It