Dollars BBS | Food
















Food ideas after Wisdom Teeth Removal (7)

1 Name: Hollyleaf : 2015-01-08 19:26 ID:nfTBk6vZ [Del]

Hello fellow Dollars!!
I just got my wisdom teeth removed today and so my diet is rather
limited right now. I can only eat soft/cold foods. Does anyone have any creative ideas of what one can eat besides for the usual yogurt, pudding, soup, etc? Thank a lot you guys!!

2 Name: Delixo : 2015-01-09 10:14 ID:w09/TpCJ [Del]

going to need this soon.

3 Name: Frankenstein : 2015-01-09 10:43 ID:e4LA0nRT [Del]

It depens how much pain you have. I had no pain, when I got removed my wisdom teeth and I ate a hotdog, thought it took me allmost 2 hours to eat, coz I couldn't open my mouth properly. but if you make meal in small pieces and chew on the other side of the teeth, where you haven't removed yet. Then you mide able to eat other meal even it mide take bit time to finish meal.

I hope it helped. :)

4 Name: Moricchi : 2015-01-09 10:44 ID:M+zPWWLT [Del]

Potatoes? If you like them, mashed potatoes are pretty good. Especially if you prepare them like baked potatoes. My family likes to prepare them with bacon bits, shredded cheese, and sour cream, which are all pretty soft and not difficult to eat. Baked fish is also pretty soft. I haven't had my wisdom teethe removed, but I did have braces. I could only eat soup for a week. :/

5 Name: Hollyleaf : 2015-01-09 12:52 ID:nfTBk6vZ [Del]

Thank you guys very much for the advice!! Luckily, I have had no pain sense taking my medication so I am able to chew things and such but it does take awhile for the same reason! I do love potatoes, I have many ideas for them as well! :)

6 Name: Taika : 2015-01-29 19:07 ID:wa/4tzYy [Del]

Hey, for future reference for anyone getting their wisdom teeth out, when I got mine out- and all four were impacted, and needed to be broken up for extraction- my diet was mostly smooth milkshakes and mac n cheese.

Noodle-based food like mac n cheese is good because you don't have to chew it, and milkshakes are good because they're cold and can help numb the area and reduce swelling.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2017-04-05 19:27 ID:aHgkgmTc [Del]

When I got mine out they told me to avoid any milk or dairy products for the next few days to prevent infection. One thing I ate on the day of the surgery was white bread without crust dipped in apple sauce (no need to chew ^_^). That worked pretty well for me as my jaw muscles were still sore from biting down on the wound to stop the bleeding.