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If i visit French.. (9)

1 Name: Fye : 2014-12-24 07:56 ID:Ls4vCzsV [Del]

If i visit french which food i should eat?

2 Name: Fukitsu : 2014-12-24 08:57 ID:/hT01FXz [Del]

I'm not French. But Shouldn't Escargot be the most common answer?

3 Name: March Hare : 2014-12-24 18:50 ID:zQzKvGzP [Del]

and uh... maybe...

4 Name: Pepelu : 2014-12-25 12:01 ID:M/Hqlruh [Del]

French here =) It depends of where you go in France ; every part of the country has its own sepecialities, and they're all delicious ! You can look for a map of french food on google and decide where to go first, it may help you ^^

5 Name: Hakuo : 2014-12-25 17:06 ID:3/J4F/ow [Del]

Omg... A m dreaming ? :c we DON'T EAT escargot (bouark, that's just... ::gopuke::).

If you visit french, it's probably sur you will eat butter croissant for breakfast (you CAN'T don't eat that !), and "baguette" (the french bread, that's DELICIOUS)...and... i don"t know for the rest... i eat like you and me !

But... if you go in french in a big restaurant like the one in the "Mont saint michelle" you'r sure to eat a loooot of tipical french food (but beaucause i'm just a stupid french who can't speak english very well i don't know the names of the tipical french food in a restaurant...).


6 Name: Loerpiou : 2014-12-27 01:00 ID:32gU98XW [Del]

Actually my father is french and he and a lot of people of our familly likes "escargot"(I personnally never really tasted it).
I gess something you would have to taste is all the chease and all the "charcuteries", I personnally loooooove "saucisson" and "jambon de bayone" (thought the second one is really salty).
you could also try "cassoulet" and "malgré de canards", look it all up on google, those meals are awsome :)

7 Name: Fye : 2014-12-27 12:37 ID:Dd/yey/+ [Del]

Ow thanks guys :D

8 Name: g : 2015-01-08 14:40 ID:8BrHTjgo [Del]


9 Name: Hiroki : 2015-04-23 02:55 ID:vYO0rgI4 (Image: 1600x1200 jpg, 741 kb) [Del]

src/1429775744517.jpg: 1600x1200, 741 kb
Hakuo, baguette is a very every-day and inexpensive bread, that has almost no taste.
Could you buy bread visiting France, I recommend you to choose among what the backers call "les pains spéciaux".
Some are made with other flours or with small fruits (pain aux figues is damn great).

You can also taste pastries such as Macaron and éclair. It's maybe kinda expensive, but it's so sweet. Btw, the best place to buy that kind of thing is definitely a bakery, and not a mall.

Finally, for your lunch, the meals change a lot according to where you are, so just go to a restaurant or a bistro and watch what they cook.
I personally love Andouillette (whereas a lot of people don't), suckling pig, or sauerkraut (in winter), but a lot of dishes are great.
(Now I've turned 18, I'd like to test a "trou normand".)

Picture : There's not only the baguette in France.
"Pain français", Arnaud 25 on wikimedia