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Need a new snack using common household ingredients. (5)

1 Name: Kurosaki !ayDiu8FMIM : 2013-01-23 23:14 ID:ChrhzBrc [Del]

So, essentially what I'm looking for is a new kind of snack. All I've been eating is like... toast with nutella or something. Maybe a new kind of sandwich or a quick desert I can make by either baking or whatever. Maybe like a recipe to make some sort of simple cheese sauce using a few herbs and spices. There's cold cut ham, bread, cheese, nutella, carrots, potatoes, green onions and reg onions, mayonnaise, strawberry jam, turkey and chicken flakes, some kinda canned fish in some sorta tomatoe sauce, bunch if other random shnauz.

2 Name: Kiruki : 2013-01-24 13:47 ID:9ObEsJRJ [Del]

Take canned tuna, mayonnaise, pasta and sweetcorn.

Add them all together in a massive bowl to make tuna pasta bake.

Then just eat a small bowl of that when you are hungry.

3 Name: Mizuki : 2013-01-24 14:56 ID:2RCkIRdi [Del]

Make some ranch oyster crackers! They are delicious, easy to make, and great on the go!

I always end up making mine too salty... ;c
They're definitely worth it though. =w=

4 Name: Erika !IMCadVsMqg : 2013-02-03 00:05 ID:gXyicYir [Del]

You could make a kind of getto stire fry or eggs. I do it all the time.

Stir fry: Cut up veggies, fry, and in slices of lunch meet. You can also add in Rosemary, Thyme, Parsly, Oregano, or any other hearbs you like. If they are dried be sure to add those in asap, fresh can be added affter everything is cooked. Mix it in a little bit of mayo with salt and pepper just to hold it all together. You can put it on top of crackers, toast, toasted French bread, ect.

Eggs: Cook the veggies and meet like before, then poor eggs that you've mixed over the top of them and make scrambled eggs. Melt cheese over the top. And it's amazing~

5 Name: Erika !IMCadVsMqg : 2013-02-03 00:06 ID:gXyicYir [Del]

Also, there is a thread to ask these kinds of questions in.