1 Name: Celica : 2023-07-18 00:39 ID:botFP8Wz (Image: 528x635 png, 452 kb) [Del]
It's kinda REALLY messed up that the execs have come out and straight up said that they intend to wait out the strike until the writers (and now actors that have joined in striking) lose their homes, yeah?
It REALLY makes me want to cancel all of my streaming subscriptions, but the writers really need every last cent of residuals they can get for now until the strike is over.
2 Name: Hiraeth !uadmf9SHoI : 2023-07-23 16:48 ID:LJ54GINa [Del]
Yeah, the corporations are really not holding back their feelings on the strike. Universal Studios apparently cut the trees the strikers were using for shade against the sun and recently high temperatures.
I mean, tell us how you really feel.