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K Project (18)

1 Name: Alimo : 2018-04-17 15:57 ID:ON9g8TGe (Image: 445x225 png, 78 kb) [Del]

src/1523998636483.png: 445x225, 78 kb
A young boy is wanted for a crime he has no recollection of committing and must go on the run, hunted by two kings and their forces.

2 Name: Alimo : 2018-04-17 15:59 ID:pgpcqOlu [Del]

you can also find this on Netflix, i really do recommend it!

3 Name: Yui : 2018-04-19 03:05 ID:Y5k6rpFY [Del]

yup, i also recommended as well. this series really make it more interesting. :D

4 Name: LLarry P. !yVmBtLEfzk : 2018-04-19 08:22 ID:P74wq1u8 [Del]

Has anyone seen season two yet? I'm having trouble wrapping my head around how the main character could be challenged after what happened in season one. Also, would any of you be able to direct me to an English Dubbed version of season two? If not, that's okay, I'm pretty sure I can find it; I just want to see if the second season is any good before I watch it.

5 Name: Rune_Vocs!dl6f4LGQew : 2018-04-30 11:12 ID:0uHfKC2p [Del]

Bro, it goes like this
SEASON 1 K-Project ---- > MOVIE K-The Missing Kings---->SEASON 2(final season) K-RETURN OF THE KINGS

this was surely and old anime but it was good anime, great I must say I love the mystery genre anime released in 2011 - 2014 it was really good nowadays the art style and storytelling had changed a lot.

6 Name: Riyugasaki : 2018-05-08 00:22 ID:rTxhh94a [Del]

NO BLOOD! NO BONE! NO ASH!! *with japanglish*

7 Name: Mikado : 2018-05-12 10:03 ID:otnP8Fg/ [Del]

This anime was good ,this was one of the first anime I started watching
The graphics were pretty good

8 Name: anonyous otaku : 2018-06-08 11:29 ID:682VfiC3 (Image: 1920x1200 jpg, 290 kb) [Del]

src/1528475371129.jpg: 1920x1200, 290 kb
can't lie, it was awesome. Already watched it 5 times in a month!

9 Name: anonymous otaku : 2018-06-26 00:21 ID:iCAlpI4W (Image: 470x705 jpg, 71 kb) [Del]

src/1529990493310.jpg: 470x705, 71 kb
who's ready for the movies that are coming out?!

10 Name: Ambermist : 2018-07-09 12:55 ID:jqIf7uZq [Del]

Cant wait for these movies i love K project so much its what i like to call a rare gem anime. so beautiful and well put together

11 Name: Arsyad Tsugucchi : 2018-08-04 10:05 ID:6w5gcmSs [Del]

Oh my.... Kuro Sama!!!!!!! he looks so cool. !!!

12 Name: Daccano : 2018-10-09 21:09 ID:5XzXekHv [Del]

Just watched missing kings, it was pretty good
I'm excited to watch season 2

13 Name: J.U.N : 2018-11-06 10:40 ID:ovp9aIfE [Del]

Misaki Yata...

14 Name: Zanik : 2023-09-06 18:48 ID:btGELENh [Del]

I love this, one of the first anime I watched.

15 Name: Sychario : 2024-07-14 23:19 ID:V0AhkERy [Del]

Overall good, but the pacing is pretty random.

16 Name: Beno : 2024-07-24 11:28 ID:pshKsl91 [Del]

Dang I remember that show it needs more episodes as I keep rewatching the old

17 Name: Sa : 2024-09-21 11:10 ID:k/XHfKG7 [Del]

The ED for the 2nd season is very underrated in my opinion

18 Name: Zanik : 2025-02-27 18:49 ID:ehthcp/2 [Del]

I remember this show, it was one of the first anime I watched, and I thought it was pretty good