Dollars BBS | Countries




















Canadian Dollars: Texan Seeking Your Help (8)

1 Name: Crossark : 2015-03-07 21:58 ID:QMmAuWcx [Del]

I will openly admit that Canada has some of the best music in the world. Most of my newest iTunes library is made of Canadians. The problem I'm having is that it's very difficult to find Francophone and other Canadian music on the American iTunes store, and that, in order to change your country, you need a valid form of currency in that country and a valid address - since, for some reason iTunes won't just convert your currency at checkout, or, you know, put all kinds of music in one location, like Amazon or bandcamp can.

Now, I can use iTunes gift cards in any country, so I don't need to really worry about currency. My issue is the address. I can't just send my billing info to some random Winnipeg company, as I'm pretty sure there's laws against that in practically every country, and I can't send it to some abandoned place in Toronto because there either won't be a proper receptacle or there won't be anyone there; they won't deliver it either way.

So, I'm looking for a Canadian dollar who is willing to receive bills from one Mr. Markoh Arishnikov (not my real name, in case you're worried for my privacy), then take said bills and shred them. I don't really care if you see what I buy, as long as you don't just keep them piled up somewhere. I know it's a lot to ask, and I certainly won't ask you to give me your address through here. However, it would really mean a lot to me, and I swear on my life, the lives of every person and animal I love, and to any higher power that may or may not exist that I will use your home for nothing else. If it would make it feel safer, we could exchange addresses, so that you would have mine, as well - you know, in case you want to set up an American account or something.

My email is If you are willing to help a Texan in need, contact me there and I'll get back to you soon. Post below once you do so I know who to look out for.

Thank you so much for your time and, potentially, your mailbox. I hope to collaborate with one of you soon!

Your friendly neighborhood Texan.

2 Name: Crossark : 2015-03-07 22:15 ID:QMmAuWcx [Del]

Obligatory self-bump.

3 Name: Crossark : 2015-03-07 22:30 ID:QMmAuWcx [Del]


4 Name: Crossark : 2015-03-08 11:45 ID:QMmAuWcx [Del]

Wow, this board is super busy. I guess it doesn't help that there doesn't appear to be that many Canadian Dollars on here.

5 Name: Crossark : 2015-03-08 12:33 ID:QMmAuWcx [Del]


6 Name: Crossark : 2015-03-08 15:54 ID:QMmAuWcx [Del]


7 Name: Crossark : 2015-03-10 12:01 ID:QMmAuWcx [Del]

Blooolooolooo read the original pooooost.

8 Name: Crossark : 2015-03-10 15:38 ID:QMmAuWcx [Del]

I'm just gonna sit here and pray.