here are some other armors + preferably would like the art to be from a computer so i can get a cleaner pic but like i said preferably you can still do it in pencil if you so wish >>2 yurei i love it btw <3
I might be able to do it, but there's one condition...
I won't be able to draw the eyes >.> not that I can't but I legitimately won't do it. I can however make up for it with either extending the hair or greying out the eye area to make him look mysterious. Stuff like that 0.0...If you want an example of what I can do check out my thread (Ctrl + f and then type in Kokkuri). There's also another one of mine on Kizza's art thread. Then let me know if you'd like me to draw this cool looking guy :D
>>24 omg you are amazing sorry iv been away for so long computer died i only recently got a new one and yes you have can upload it it is your art also what is your diviant art
26 Name: Tree !N13m0ewMrQ : 2017-02-21 22:55 ID:cTBEt74G [Del]
>>25 oh, Thank you. sorry for the late reply, I just saw this... My Deviantart is Nefsart. I'll upload it there later on then, I've just been posting a lot of sketches lately, for now.