1 Name: Elend : 2022-04-06 21:18 ID:UxUEjNUK [Del]
What are some anime that you think are criminally underrated
2 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!/fN+hj5w : 2022-04-15 18:46 ID:t77jB4Xf [Del]
Watch SpyXFamily and Shikimori
3 Name: xon : 2022-04-19 06:39 ID:/vWzTxVs [Del]
kekkai sensen
4 Name: WoodFrog : 2022-04-20 03:38 ID:Q2HiQZrW [Del]
Bokurano. I do agree that the manga is better but I still think the anime is good. This is one of the saddest and most tragic shows out there but there are also positive feeling in there. It's a shame not more people know about it.
5 Name: rowboat : 2022-04-20 13:11 ID:Bsf5aBOD [Del]
only underrated since newer generations don't tend to watch older anime, but kyou kara maou! so good!!
6 Name: Jaydon.A : 2022-04-20 15:02 ID:AXNWGa1T (Image: 1000x622 jpg, 94 kb) [Del]
>>2 >two of the most popular shows atm
My "underrated" shall be Kakushigoto! An adaptation of one of my favourite manga series, does it cut 80% of the content... maybe... but it tells a good comedy story with a nice plot!
7 Name: Nihazas : 2022-04-22 11:10 ID:28Y05IIx [Del]
The Devil Is a Part-Timer! I do believe this is one of the most underrated anime I've ever watched. A Demon Lord who works at McDonald's, what more could you want? (Season 2 was also announced earlier in the year I believe.)
8 Name: Anonymous : 2022-04-22 13:42 ID:3h7x5C7n [Del]
world trigger! interesting action show with a cool power system. the fights are all about tactics and strategy, the characters are fun and likable, and the world building is neat. the animation in season 1 is good but nothing to write home about, but they really step it up a notch in seasons 2 and 3. the latter chunk of season 1 is a short anime original arc that can be skipped (or watched if ye want), but the rest of the show is great!
9 Name: Iraira Shita : 2022-05-03 20:31 ID:4Hoo7MQv [Del]
Hamatora probably. It has a good plot with super powered characters. Overall its pretty good!
10 Name: NIKA !7kKrwuCYrU : 2022-05-19 22:26 ID:40ZGx6iv [Del]
i wonder if currently airing (Spring/Summer 2022 season) can be recommended? LOL
right now im really into The Executioner and Her Way of Life (Shokei Shoujo no Virgin Road), which isn't getting as much attention as i wish it would. probably because the main characters are all women, and there is a romance between the two female leads. the lgbtq+ representation has been brilliant so far, IMO; not fetishized or bait.
it's a refreshing take on the isekai genre: instead of following a transmigrated character, the female lead is an executioner priestess who is tasked with hunting Lost Ones (people who have other-worlded from Japan). the Lost Ones have been coming to this world for such a long time that the Japanese language is standard, and so are parts of the cuisine and culture. Lost Ones always come over with some kind of OP ability, which has caused this world to over-rely on Lost Ones for its development. however, the more Lost Ones use their abilities, the sooner they will go berserk. this has caused great catastrophes capable of wiping out entire continents, now known historically as The Four Human Errors. this is the reason why the church social class (the "Faust" class, which is also the highest) has decided to nip the problems in the bud by killing Lost Ones off once they're summoned.
but the Noblesse class (kings, aristocrats, knights, etc) are continuously summoning Lost Ones because they want to continue profiting off of their abilities. thus the situation is locked in a cycle.
the story follows Menou the executioner on her mission to kill off Akari, a Lost One who was summoned with the ability to control time. because killing her doesn't work (Akari insta-rewinds back to life), Menou has to pretend to be her friend + journey with her to various dangerous places that could potentially help her kill Akari off. so u can see how they become friends, right? the weird part is this: it seems that they've met somewhere before...?
the animation is nice, and so is the music. the romance isn't the focus of the plot, there's really interesting world-building, and the side characters are nothing to sneeze at either!! i have loved every update so far and been anxiously waiting week to week. currently updates every Friday on gogoanime (depending on ur timezone, of course).
sorry if this reply is too long!! i just really like the show so far and am hoping it wont betray us later LOL
11 Name: K : 2022-07-08 07:47 ID:5VEOK1M+ [Del]
Katanagatari, maybe
12 Name: Tanaka Taro : 2022-07-22 14:33 ID:Cr0YXGTi [Del]
I'd say Durarara!
13 Name: Jaydon.A : 2022-07-23 14:50 ID:8vVx5J2o [Del]
>>8 World Trigger has been fucking popping off ever since it came back... Such great content!
>>11 Really enjoyable series, not my favourite work from the Author but loved it.
>>7 It's actually very popular, sadly the new season is out and... yeah haha... not for me.
14 Name: Sa : 2024-09-23 09:23 ID:rcfDCKdC [Del]
15 Post deleted by user.
16 Name: Hide : 2024-09-29 15:58 ID:s1DpMLj7 [Del]
zetsuen no tempest is amazing.
17 Name: Emanon : 2024-10-05 21:35 ID:jBwrNbda [Del]
Canaan, Ergo Proxy, Planetes, IGPX Immortal Grand Prix, Le Chevalier D'Eon, Michiko and Hatchin, Moribito, which are all 2000s anime
18 Name: cimi : 2024-10-09 11:58 ID:sX1aU9qQ [Del]
Donten ni warau, tbh one of my favourites
19 Name: TurtleKouhai : 2024-10-17 14:33 ID:9dUsesfj [Del]
Xam'd: Lost Memories is personally one of my favorites
20 Name: brood : 2025-03-21 21:30 ID:4KgMoPWV [Del]
xxxHolic, Mushi-shi, Kenichi the Mightiest Disciple, Noir, Elfen Lied, Claymore. First two are in my all time top 5. Honorable mention Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet
21 Name: Anonymous : 2025-03-23 23:46 ID:YlrhccRO [Del]
ajin demi human
22 Name: Nuh uh : 2025-03-25 08:22 ID:WLo6kM60 (Image: 220x177 png, 49 kb) [Del]
Puniru is a kawii slime