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Girlfriend Problem.. (7)

1 Name: SadGuy : 2013-03-02 07:46 ID:tPsXTNqe [Del]

Sorry, but I don't want this in the Dating Thread..
Why does my girlfriend get so mad when I ask her " WHAT IF's " questions involving our future life.. I'm 16, she's 16.. We had Sex before, many many times.. Example: What if we're already
20 - 21 years old, and a guy courts you, what should I do to the guy? ( This is a long distance relationship ) She told me: NO! You won't do anything to him, why is it that you care if many guys court me.. She told me: She doesn't want to explain it to me anymore, she's getting tired of explaining and explaining.
I seriously want to marry her someday, my main question is:
" Why does she get angry or irritated when I ask what if questions? " I easily get jealous actually.. That's why I ask these kind of questions to her, this is through a text..
I haven't seen her for 3 weeks now because she's too busy..

2 Name: Svecia : 2013-03-02 11:24 ID:myDqaHwn [Del]

How far away are you two from each other? And how long have you been together?

But some girls do flip out over what-ifs. I know sometimes those types of questions can be frustrating but sometimes when girls think about their future it is a little bit scary. On the side of getting jealous easily, just remind her how much you care and when you are around her, make that time special. I'm sure this will all work out in the end.

3 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2013-03-02 13:00 ID:ZY9N057R [Del]

....and why exactly couldn't this go in dating problems thread? Because you didn't feel like it?

4 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2013-03-02 15:46 ID:S5UMe6nB [Del]

I agree, the dating problems thread was made for this exact kind of question. I'll post my response here, but I suggest you redirect further questions to that thread - there's no shame in it, nobody here knows who you are or anything.

>>1 That's kind of a dumb question. She's not getting irritated because you ask what-if questions, she's getting irritated because of what questions you're asking. What sort of answer did you expect from "what should I do to people who court you," exactly? I mean let's look at the options that aren't "don't do anything":

A) She could tell you to beat them up, but that would mean she wants you to beat up random/all men who think she's attractive

That' really the only option I can think of. So it was kind of a loaded question, and since that's the only other logical conclusion it sort of implies that you would want to beat them up for her. She likely doesn't want you to show off for her at their expense, since in the end that's a dick move. Doesn't matter if it was a hypothetical; she saw through the question's intent. Just try to be less transparent.

5 Name: Zai : 2013-03-02 15:47 ID:8O9ouwKA [Del]

You sir, are an imbecile

6 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2013-03-02 16:54 ID:S5UMe6nB [Del]

>>5 Hey dipshit, nice contribution, you gonna elaborate or is that all you have to say?

7 Name: LeighaMoscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2013-03-02 17:36 ID:/dPuxz79 [Del]

Let me explain to you something about girls. We want you (guys) to trust us. We really do, so when the guy we are dating comes up and asks, "What if another guy asked you out?" We get upset.

I know what you're probably thinking. "Why would she get upset? She understands that I get jealous easily!" Well, my dear friend, that is because you worrying about it shows that you don't trust her. On top of that, you are stressing over something that hasn't even happened.

As a girl, I would be extremely pissed off if I had a BF that was stressing about shit that hasn't happened. This is for several reasons. First, if you're stressed, then I get stressed, which will only cause you to stress more, and it's an endless cycle.

Second, it all seems really childish to worry about what may happen, and you stressing about that would mean your not paying as much attention to the present, consequently you're not paying attention to her. I can't speak for her as if this was the truth, but I can say that this is how I would feel. I wouldn't want my guy spending his time with me worrying about what may happened when I'm just trying to relax and enjoy is company.

tl;dr- You're worrying about something that may happen and she might feel like you're not paying enough attention to her. Stress is contagious, so your stress causes her stress. She might feel like you don't trust her.