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The Earth (10)

1 Name: Glinte : 2015-05-11 15:56 ID:HCmUA481 [Del]

Okay! Maybe you are wondering what this is about. But before we start the discission! I want to say 3 facts about us all.
1: You are human
2: You are breathing air
3: You have a heart
And we all know that fact 2 & 3 will stop one day. To be honest, I think that the worst thing that have walked on the earth is humans. Think about It... We are killing the world and the peace with war, hate and Factories. And when people say that everytime they fell a tree they plant 2 new? Who knows... Maybe one day that won't be enough...

I want to hear what you guys think about the world we have today!

2 Name: firelily!9BCC0EZJ.o : 2015-05-11 16:14 ID:tN7pmhQk [Del]

ive always thought humans were the root of all evil
without humans the word "Evil" wouldnt even exist, i agree with everything you said, and couldnt have phrased it better myself.

3 Name: TheCrooked : 2015-05-11 16:23 ID:xTDuGLdE [Del]

The only way there can be good, is long as there is some evil. There should just be balance with things. Thats what i think 'bout it.

4 Post deleted by user.

5 Name: Kamen : 2015-05-11 23:24 ID:5ExR29PZ [Del]

I believe these is no good nor evil. Those are just words humans made to define something they don't understand. If you think humans are killing this world then maybe they are. But if you think about it nothing really can be destroyed. Maybe humans are designed to be destructive, maybe not. Who knows. I'm just going along with ride. ┐( °ー ° )┌

6 Name: Diefonk !!e2ZY8mZl : 2015-05-12 03:16 ID:ZY65dmFf [Del]

To be fair fact 1 will also stop being true as our bodies eventually, either through cremation or through slowly dissolving into the earth, become only molecules that later become other things and quite possibly new humans again. And we're not killing the world, just all life on it, the giant rock itself is going to be harder..

7 Name: Enigami : 2015-05-12 07:54 ID:37ZzIVyZ [Del]

>>5 I guess, but naming something doesn't mean you made it. Question: is morality a construct of rational beings (since animals lack the capacity for reason, and therefore lack the capacity for morality), or is morality a metaphysical system rational beings are subject to?
On topic, I don't think we are destroyng earth so much as we are destroying what lives on it. It isn't intentional, or at least it wasn't until the day we realized the impact our activities were having on the environs. Since then, we have been acting intentionally and ignorantly.

8 Name: Ignight : 2015-05-12 08:30 ID:OtOL40JU [Del]

Look at what's a human:
We've gotten to where we are now (technologically mostly) through war. We prey on even the largest of the animals, if dinosaurs weren't extinct, we'd be hunting them for food. We have 32 sharp bones growing from our faces (teeth) used for devouring tougher sustances (Of course, we're not the only species on earth that has teeth, but that just shows how earth is oriented towards cruelty and aggression).
If we were to imagine a "fantasy" setting, we place humans as those who unite and/or thrive on reputation. However if the "fancasy" setting was to come in one way or another closer to reality, we'd most likely be closer to "orcs" due to basing most things on war, having violent and aggressive cultures and pasts.
Ok I'm done. :D

9 Name: Anti-Hero : 2015-05-12 10:33 ID:XOOkJmxw [Del]

Nah... Killing the world...
To be honest, the only thing that human kind is about to kill in the future is our own kind, not the world. We're just too self-centered. We're all talking about how we're killing the Earth, that we cannot notice, that it's not the nature who needs us. It's not like when we won't be able to live on, then nothing will be. The nature is adaptable, and when we'll be long gone (eventually), it'll simply change to another form and live in this brand new world.

10 Name: littleBROKER : 2015-05-12 19:34 ID:QuoP7CbP [Del]

We are actually affecting only a very small percentage of this planet. The rest is part of a cycle that takes a couple thousand years to come to relevance. An example would be the polar ice caps. We really only have an effect on 1.027% of the glacial structures both far north and south. The rest is a natural process in which most of the worlds ice will melt, flooding a large portion of earth's landmass, only to freeze again. This will likely affect flora and fauna alike, resulting in mass extinctions and a little forced evolution. During this period, the tectonic plates will have probably shifted rapidly, causing quakes and formation of new landmass and natural structures and systems, such as mountains, ravines, canyons and caves. Eventually another melting period would take place, and earths climate conditions would return to state similar to how things are now. This process will take many a millennia, so there shouldn't be any fear of this happening any time soon. Let the descendants figure it out.